Scary and mystical stories from life. Scary stories Scary stories for the night mom is looking for me

I was sitting in my room when the sound of the entrance bell was heard behind the closed door. No one, apparently, was going to go and see who came there. So I had to do it. I went to the front door and looked through the peephole. My mother was at the door. This surprised me a little, because I did not hear her leave the house. However, I could not hear, being busy with my own affairs. I opened the door. Now my mother and I live alone. Parents divorced. The father went to his mistress. Mom silently walked past me, took off her coat and shoes. She made her way to her bedroom, closing the door as she went. I stood still for a while, wondering what might have happened to her.
- Son, who came there?
I heard my mother's voice. Only…
- I didn't hear who it was?
Only the voice was not coming from the bedroom. Mom was in the kitchen.
I stared at one point, inside everything was frozen. I felt bad, my eyes began to darken. I heard my mother's steps. She was about to leave the kitchen. The doorknob in the bedroom began to move down, and there was the faint click of a dog. I, not seeing anything in front of me, rushed towards the front door. Having descended one floor down the stairs, he twisted his leg, fell to the floor and passed out.
Someone dragged me along. I opened my eyes and saw my neighbor, who was already pressing the doorbell of my apartment.
- Now I'll bring you home, and you'll sleep well. You will feel better.
The door to the apartment opened. The neighbor took me inside, talked to my mother and went home. My mother somehow led me into the kitchen, asking what happened and why I ran out of the house. I couldn't explain anything. Sat at the kitchen table.
- Mom, was anyone in the bedroom? I asked her and looked at the slightly ajar bedroom door. You could see it well from the kitchen. - No, nobody, what kind of strange questions? You better explain to me where you were in such a hurry, did something happen?
I looked at my mom. Her face radiated sincere curiosity, but there was something wrong in her eyes.
-Why are you silent?
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. I didn't have to turn my head to know it was the bedroom door. I heard steps. For some reason, Mom started to smile. I turned my head. No one came out of the bedroom, the door was just ajar. I quickly got up from the table and ran to my room, locked myself up. It was useless to try to leave the apartment again, I saw that the keys to the front door were not in place. Now I will never leave here.
Every night, I wake up and feel that someone is standing at my door. It listens, tries to find me. The handle slowly lowers and rises up. Every day, attempts to penetrate here are becoming stronger. Yesterday it started trying to talk to me. The voice was not like my mother's voice. I was silent. It knew that I could hear it. It knew I was scared. It told me about it. I don't know who I let into the house then. I don't know what happened to my mother after that. Soon it will get to me. I have a little left.

After that terrible story, my mother completely lost touch with reality. She and her father were very close, so his death greatly affected her psyche. But, perhaps, everything should be told in order.

Of course, everything is to blame, in the first place, I am. Didn't follow, didn't watch. Parents have always been with a little foolishness, in good sense this word. That is, they constantly studied books on esotericism, "opened the chakras", "looked with the third eye." What exactly was the specific cause of those tragic events, I, apparently, will never fully know. The father did not have time to tell, and then the mother was simply not able to.

About a month before the beginning of that terrible story, my mother called me and began to enthusiastically tell me how she and dad began to engage in a new technique for expanding consciousness. With the help of some oriental practices, one could touch the parallel world, communicate with spirits, etc., etc. To be honest, I listened to her with half an ear. Parents were periodically interested in shamanic cults, Indian Vedas, so the new push did not surprise me. Unfortunately, I did not specify what kind of methods there are. And in vain ...

At that time, I had to leave for work in Serbia, so I rarely spoke with my parents. Mostly SMS, less often Skype. And not to say that there was something particularly strange in the behavior of father and mother. And then my uncle called, which in itself was unusual, our relationship was neutral - neither warm nor cold. Communicated exclusively on holidays. In general, my uncle called and said that his father had died. I don't remember my condition. Probably something close to shock. My father was only fifty-two. A day later, I flew to my native Yekaterinburg, not knowing that this terrible story was just beginning.

Mom met me at the airport. In the little over a month we hadn't seen each other, she'd aged twenty years. And it is not just words. She really did have deep wrinkles on her face, her head was half gray. She did not mention her father in any way, and in general she tried to remain silent, as if she was uncomfortable with something.

The death of my father was strange. At fifty-two, he had the worn-out heart of a hundred-year-old, as if something was burning him from the inside. But formally violent death was not registered. Say, with whom it does not happen. The results of his examination three years ago, where he had a healthy heart without pathologies, were of no interest to anyone.

All this trouble began with the funeral, most of it was already prepared by the uncle, because my mother withdrew herself. She could sit in one place for several hours, looking at one point, not talking to anyone. But at the same time, she didn’t cry, she didn’t look for sympathy, although everyone knew that mom loved dad very much. Of course, everyone attributed it to the death of their father, because to the loss loved one it is difficult to prepare even when he is sick, not to mention the sudden loss.

After the funeral, a couple of weeks passed, I kept hoping that everything would work out somehow, but it only got worse. Mom lost touch with reality, started talking, sometimes it seemed that she was not here at all, she was on some other planet. When her mind returned to her, my mother smiled softly and told me the same thing in different interpretations: “We were just not ready. Neither I nor he. Few can be ready." I tried to find out what she meant, but it didn't lead to anything.

One day I found my mother talking to herself. At first I even thought that guests had come to her, one of the voices was low, male. Mom asked to spare her, to which she answered herself that there was no turning back, and she would have to pay for all the knowledge. Hearing my steps, she turned around and ... it was definitely not the woman who gave birth to me. Bright green, flaming eyes, a face disfigured by folds and wrinkles, an open mouth, as if in a screaming state.

In an instant, all this disappeared, and my mother was again standing in front of me. But I knew it wasn't her, someone or something else. And when a voice rang out ... that same, male, doubts disappeared.

“Your parents are to blame. Just don't get into it.

And it was like snapping fingers. Nothing happened, no visible changes, but mom came back. She stood and looked at me in confusion. And then she cried. Mama was in her mind what's in Lately was a rare occurrence, but in all my attempts to find out what was the matter, she only shook her head negatively and repeated other people's words: “Just don’t get into it.”

So in her arms, nervous and crying, mom fell asleep. I quietly left her in the room, and when I went in a couple of hours later to check, she was no longer breathing. Heart failure. The same death as his father.

This is the end of this terrible story. I lost my mom and dad in just a month and a half, although nothing foreshadowed trouble. I decided one thing, no matter what it cost me, I will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, find out what exactly happened. In my father's secretary, I managed to find a folder with some sheets in an incomprehensible language, apparently, this is the same technique for expanding consciousness. It's just a matter of translating all this rubbish. But for me now it's a matter of honor ...

It is told from the main character's point of view. I am 14. Since childhood, I have grown without a father, supposedly my parents divorced when I was only 3 years old. I don’t remember him in person, but my mother said that he had clear eyes. Blue eyes and amazing smile. But I didn’t care, I grew up somehow. All the same, there were many relatives and there was enough support. But recently something terrible happened to me. So terrible that I don't even remember if it was in a dream or in reality.

So, my mother works as a nurse in a hospital, and my father pays good alimony. Once, on one of my mother's night shifts, as usual, I was left alone. I wasn't scared at all, I was used to it. Mom got up, kissed me on the forehead and left. I closed the door behind her. And we lived on the 8th floor (of course, we had an elevator). After that, I started watching TV. The film was very interesting. I looked somewhere until 2 am. Later I heard strange sounds. These sounds were like knocking on a door. I turned the volume down because I thought I was disturbing the neighbors' sleep, so they knock. But even when I turned the volume down, the sounds didn't stop. Turns out there was a knock on my door. I was a little surprised, because usually my mother came after 10 o'clock in the morning. But now it's 2:12!

I did not go to the door, but decided in advance to call my mother and ask: what's the matter? But my mother did not answer ... I called again and again. But no one answered. After that, there were no more knocks, but knocks at the door. I knew right away that this was true. Like, released earlier. I timidly asked: "Who is there?", but there was no answer. There was no one in the eye either. And I decided to open the door. When I opened the door, I was stunned...

In front of me was a 4-year-old girl! She had disheveled hair and her head was bowed down. The chintz dress was stained, and there were tattered slippers on her feet. It is immediately clear that parents do not look after their daughter. I asked: "What's the matter, baby?" - in response, I heard something in a whisper. I managed to hear only: "Don't look her in the face..." With these words, the girl turned away and went down the stairs with absolutely calm steps. I even got scared, maybe it's for a reason? But with trembling hands she closed the door, turned the key and with a "brick" expression on her face went to drink tea. She brewed green tea and took out cookies. For some reason, I drank for a long time, usually even 5 minutes was enough for me to cope even with boiling water. But I did not attach any importance to this, probably just decided to kill time.

When she emptied half a glass, there were sharp knocks at the door. Naturally, it became curious and at the same time not good. "Who-o-o-o?" I asked with a slightly rough voice. A dark silhouette was visible in the eye, and judging by the outlines of a beautiful figure, it was immediately clear that this was a woman. For a moment it even seemed to me as if my mother was standing outside the door. Mother! Well, who else? I was about to turn the key, when someone's thin voice followed: "Well, why did you get up! Open it, I won't be standing here for ages!" I reacted strangely. Maybe it's really mom? From the desire to go and lie down on the bed, I started to confuse everything.

Without thinking, I opened the door, and this same silhouette entered the house (it was dark in the corridor). She went in and put her bag on the doorstep. I thought mom was here. "Maaaam, why are you so early?" I asked. "Don't ask too many questions, have you seen the time?! Come on, run to sleep!" - I'm going to sleep. I went into the room and tried to sleep. And then I look, the phone rang. Strange, who could it be? Look: Mom. I was shocked ... I look, maybe my mother decided to play a trick, so she dialed me from the kitchen! I pick up the phone: “Hello, daughter, I’ll be late today, cook breakfast yourself,” and then a cold sweat ran through my body ... I felt terrible, but who is in the kitchen? It was very scary, and I fell asleep from fear.

I wake up from tender mother's hand... "Daughter, I told you, I'll be late."

When I was 9 years old, my mother died. It was suicide. After a fight with her stepfather, she left home. They began to search for my mother immediately, since she already had repeated suicide attempts. The search yielded no results. There were no cell phones at that time. Mom was put on the wanted list. After two weeks of unsuccessful searches, my grandmother dreamed that two ambals, very similar to nurses from a mental hospital, were dragging an insensitive mother somewhere. Grandmother ran up to them: “What are you doing with my daughter?!” “Your beauty has finished playing. We’re taking her,” the ambals answered gloomily.
Grandmother screamed and woke up.
Three days later, my mother's body was found. Later it was found out that she died on the day when her grandmother had a dream.
But the strangeness was just beginning. We have a drinking family in our family. Not drunks, but big drinkers. Mom loved them and they loved her too. Aunt did not like this family and did not invite them to the funeral, and did not inform them about the death of their mother. They live very close to us, a couple of houses away.
And here we are sitting with my stepfather and grandmother in the evening at home after the funeral. Knock on the door. We open. Aunt Galya (our relative from this drinking family) is standing there. The first thing she said was: “What about Lena?”
We told her about her mother's death. Aunt Galya was right there on the threshold and sat down and said: “I am sitting in the hall, reading. The door to the corridor is closed. There is no one at home but me. And then I hear a knock on the door from the corridor. They knocked three times. I know - this is how Lena usually knocks. I thought that the front door had not been closed, but Lena came to visit and is now checking to see if anyone is at home. Well, she shouted: “Come in, Len!” Silence. Nobody enters. Then another triple knock. I went out into the corridor, but there was no one there, and the front door was closed. I decided that Lena was in trouble, got dressed and immediately came here. And here it is."
Of course we were surprised. Discussed it and for a while forgot. What only does not happen on the day of the funeral, and there were a lot of troubles then.
A week later, my mother began to dream of all relatives and friends. Sleep is always the same. Her friend Olga told him this: “I dream that I am in my apartment. The doorbell rings. I look through the eye. Lena is worth it. I ask: "Who?" She: “It's me. Let go." Then I remember that she died, and I tell her: “I won’t let you go. You are dead." And then Lena begins to beat on the door and scream: “I'm alive! Alive! Why do not you believe Me?! Let it go! I am alive!"
And such dreams were seen every day by one of my mother's relatives or friends for a month. In every dream, my mother screamed that she was alive. We even began to doubt her death. We checked and found out that we really buried her and that at the time of the funeral she was really dead. And the dreams continued, and gradually my mother became more and more aggressive in them.
The church refused to bury her, as she committed suicide. Went to grandma. Grandma advised me to come to my mother's grave and talk to her. Explain that you can't take back what you've done.
They did everything as Grandma said. Helped.
But six months after the funeral, I dream that my mother returned home and says: “It was all a mistake. I didn't die, I moved to another place. I've come to pick you up. You're bored." And I look at her hand. Posthumous wounds on the arm. I got scared. Mom takes out the money and hands it to me: “Here, go get a cake to celebrate my return. We'll be on our way in the morning." I take the money, so as not to see her, and go to the store. A man comes up to me on the street and says: “You can’t sleep at home tonight. Mom wants to drag you to death with her. Let's go to". I took this man by the hand. Then my mother appears and grabs my other hand and says: “I told you that you can’t talk to strangers!” - pulls you in. The man won't let go of my hand. I close my eyes in fear. Then I only hear the dialogue between my mother and the man and feel how I am being pulled in different directions.
Mom: "She's mine. I made her for myself."
Man: “Why did you leave her then?”
Mom will scream after these words! And he pulls me as if he wants to tear my hand off. I only had one desire then, that she would disappear somewhere. It was terrifying to the point of animal horror and it hurt. And the man holds me, pulls me to him and swears like a shoemaker. I don’t know how long it all lasted, but my mother nevertheless let me go. I open my eyes, she's gone. I am in tears from the fear experienced. The man comforts me. Like, it's over, don't cry, she won't come again. Then he took me in his arms and carried me. That's when I woke up in the hospital.
It turned out that I had been in intensive care for four days. The doctors later said that my blood pressure dropped sharply, and my pulse was almost at zero. They didn’t even hope that I would get out.
After that, my mother never dreamed of me again.

Mother is the giver of life. But there is a category of such mothers who, having given life, take away the right of the child to live it for themselves, they give their children life only so that they serve as a source of income and convenience for them. And they do it so skillfully and veiled that they often remain in the eyes of the public and even in the eyes of their own child victims, wonderful mothers. After all, mother is sacred!

This was Larisa. She was born into a drinking family and was very proud, and to be honest, it was the only thing she could be proud of, that she, one of the dead family, made her way into the people. Larisa often liked to boast about her unhappy childhood, how she endured it all, and what a fine fellow she was that she survived. And how strong she is! After all, the others must have bent, but not her!

So, she fell in love with telling this, as if waving the heroic flag of the “great martyr of an unhappy childhood”, that she never left this image. And be sure to tell every new acquaintance about his difficult life. Old acquaintances were no longer interested in hearing about her bitter childhood, and they no longer endowed her with pity and admiration, so Larisa was always looking for a new audience. Using every new occasion for this. Any event, from the weddings of second cousins ​​to the funeral of the uncle of a neighbor whom she barely knew, etc. And after all, they poured it there, and it was especially pleasant to get emotional and shed a tear under vodka. And you can't accuse me of drunkenness, - good reason. Larisa looked for these reasons in everything and everywhere. But trips to such events were still expensive, and Larisa's husband did not earn much, like herself. But the woman is a “great martyr”, she did not spare money for her own pleasure, saving, without thinking about her children, because they were so lucky with such a mother, not like her. The children, and there were three of them, grew up in rags, and did not see anything good. Mother covered all this up with the fact that life is expensive. While the children were small, they believed and did not understand. And they tried in every possible way to help their unfortunate mother, they didn’t ask for anything, they went to work early and gave all the money to their mother. After all, my mother had so many debts and so many planned events.

When the eldest daughter began to think that her mother went to unnecessary events too often, conflicts began. Fortunately, her middle brother Yegor grew up behind her. The woman simply used the love of her son. And deftly set her brother on her sister. Complaining and telling him what his elder sister could help the family. But instead he spends on rags, as if he is not getting enough money out of his mother for his rags. And how Egor could not believe his mother. As a result, scandals and fights broke out between brother and sister. In the heat of the moment, Yegor beat and kicked his sister out of the house.

One eater in the family has become less. But the debts did not decrease from this. Mother, tormented by anxiety for her daughter and a sense of guilt mixed with greed, because the girl worked as a waitress, and she had money. Therefore, Larisa could not let go of her eldest daughter in any way, she called, cried, said that she was bored, that she blamed Yegorka, and that he himself did not help her, but only ate. At the same time complaining about diseased heart and that there is no money for medicines, and without them she will definitely die, as the doctor himself said. Deftly maneuvering between her eldest daughter and son, pushing them further and further away, she managed to squeeze both of them well. But once the daughter disappeared, the girl literally saved on everything, including a taxi after work. She was saving money for expensive medicine for her mother. And once after work I did not reach the rented apartment. She was killed by unknown scumbags.

Larisa convinced Yegorka that it was not his fault, at the same time she convinced herself. Having come up with a version for everyone, in which she herself believed that her daughter, by the simplicity of her soul, believed that night walks after work were safe, and she liked breathing the night air so much, but her mother spoke, warned and called home for a long time. It’s just that the daughter wanted to live independently and freely, and she paid for it. At the age of 20, Yegorka had a girlfriend, not bad, but he spent money on her. Larisa, of course, wanted grandchildren, and happiness for her son. But the daughter-in-law will take her son's money. And she already lacks for a wild life, without which she cannot live. And seemingly reluctantly, not particularly persistent, Larisa destroyed her son's relationship.

Next, the youngest daughter Masha grew up. The girl was sickly with a bouquet of chronic diseases, but her mother did not consider it necessary to treat during sinusitis, bronchitis, allergies. Hiding behind good intentions, "hardened immunity." Masha had her first love, but the girl was teased so that she walked in rags, and in the evening washes the floors in a private toilet. Nobody wanted to meet her. Larisa knew about the suffering of her daughter and felt sorry for her. But she was greedy to spend money on her outfits, and she didn’t want to lose money from washing toilets. After all, she was in debt. Habitual life hit my pocket, but I had to put something in an envelope, and I wanted a haircut and a new dress, and spend money on a taxi ... And Larisa, who was always running from creditors, after drinking, liked to leave money, they say, she does not need! And not a rogue! And she could, for three thousand, so that everyone gasped, buy a piece of cake for the bride and groom, whom she barely knew. Larisa comforted the girl that someday they would live well. And that love is not the main thing. The main thing is to help your family, which is in debt, and you need to love your mother because she had such an unhappy childhood compared to them. At the age of 16, Masha hanged herself ...

Larisa has only Yegorka left. He worked like a damn and did not understand where the debts were growing from? After all, there are no dependents. All work. Larisa covered herself with high food prices and constantly invented diseases for herself that needed expensive medicine. And not to give the mother for vital medicine is the height of cynicism. After all, mother is sacred! Then people began to approach Yegorka and say that his mother often comes to events where her presence is not always appropriate. In addition, she behaves loudly, taking all the attention to herself. Egorka began to reproach his mother for her parties. Then the cornered woman called her husband for help. Convincing that it is Yegorka who drives her into debt, and that she does not give enough money for food, but eats three throats. And even seems to play slot machines. Starting to tell her husband, she began to sow this fiction everywhere. People took pity and gave better in debt. Then the son found out everything, packed his things and left for the North. The husband left Larisa for a neighbor, he didn’t have to work hard on three shifts and hear whining that there wasn’t enough money anyway, loans were choking, etc. And the woman abandoned by everyone began to drink herself alone. There was no one to take money from, monthly trips to weddings and anniversaries became unaffordable. And so she finally decided to save money and drank alone at home.

And then they began to come... Her two daughters. Mashenka appeared in bed, hugging her mother tightly around the neck, as she liked to do when she was alive. But now it was an icy embrace, and the gentle breath gave off a damp grave and decay. Mashenka, tightly clasping her mother's neck, whispered: - “Mommy, mommy, why did you always deceive me? You took money from me so you could go out on your own. You didn't buy me clothes and everyone laughed at me, not because you had no money, but because you wanted to dance at other people's weddings. Mommy, Mommy ”... The eldest daughter always stood at the table. She was buried in a closed coffin. But in front of her mother, she appeared in all her glory, the girl was greatly mocked before her death. And she, too, whispered it in a hard and cold voice: “Look at me, mother, don’t take your eyes off, look at me, it’s all your fault, all you” ...

Larisa began to go crazy from her drunken visions, but she could no longer stop drinking. In the morning, withdrawal began, and she deceived herself that today she would talk to the ghosts of her daughters. And she will definitely beg their forgiveness. They will surely forgive her. After all, she is their mother, and mother is sacred! And at lunch she again went to buy cheap vodka.

One day Yegor arrived from the North. And at home he found the body of his mother. The examination showed that the woman unsuccessfully fell out of bed and could not get up on her own. She called for help, but the house stood on the outskirts of her no one heard. Death was long and painful. It was unbearably hot outside...
