Fulfills all desires. The famous magic Simoron calculator Calculator Simoron performance

Simoron is a system of practical magic, an esoteric school that claims that every person has an unlimited ability to any change in their destiny and the world around them. Simoron's main idea is to change the usual pictures of reality through any, sometimes even absurd actions, abandoning the limitations of one's own mind, going beyond standard patterns and stereotypes.

One of Simoron's biggest mysteries is the magical calculator that calculates your personal magic code to grant any wish. Not many people can explain how it works, but the fact that it really grants wishes is a fact, as has already been confirmed. great amount of people.

Simoron calculator online

If you are not yet familiar with Simoron's wish fulfillment calculator, please first carefully read the recommendations and instructions below the form.

The Simoron calculator “encodes” any desire and sets a person to 100% fulfillment of a dream, but in order for the desire code to work, you must follow a few simple rules.

Rule 1 Clearly state what exactly you want to get, that is, what you are counting the code for. You can formulate what you want to get rid of or FROM what you want to protect yourself. For example, if the main problem is the disorder of your personal life, you can make up the following phrase: “To attract true mutual love and happiness into my life” or “From loneliness and problems in my personal life.” If, for example, the main part of the worries are material problems, then it can be formulated as follows: “To attract and attract money, wealth and security into my life” or “From material difficulties, poverty and poverty in life”. In no case can not use combinations such as "I want to ..." or "Make it so that ...".

Rule 2 It is necessary to add your first name, last name and date of birth to the formulated phrase (the date of birth is written in numbers, without dots, commas and "spaces"). Then the phrase from the above example for Antonina Sergeeva, born on February 20, 1981, might look like this: To bring true mutual love and happiness into my life. Antonina Sergeeva 20021981.

Rule 3 The desire for which you want to receive the execution code must not contain negations "no" or "not".

Rule 4 If you indicate the date of the fulfillment of a desire, then be sure to write it in numbers, without "gaps", periods and commas. For example, for Antonina Sergeeva, already mentioned above, who was born on February 20, 1981, who dreams of relaxing in Acapulco, suppose, in December 2015, the phrase can be composed as follows: For a holiday trip to Acapulco 022015. Antonina Sergeeva 20021981.

Rule 5 After the desire is fully formulated, do not forget to thank the Higher Powers for fulfilling your request.

Rule 6 Having received the wish fulfillment code, you must write it down on a piece of paper and always carry it with you until the wish is fulfilled.

The following recommendation is not a mandatory rule, but it is very effective in dealing with issues related to money and wealth. To attract money and wealth, you need to find a lucky bill containing "3" in its number. Then, having made a wish for wealth, get a magic code and write it with a green felt-tip pen or pen on a lucky bill, which you always carry in your wallet after that.

The Simoron calculator will help you get a magic code not only for the fulfillment of desires, but also for getting rid of excess weight, household problems, bad mood, bad habits and dependencies. The special Simoron code is calculated quite simply: each letter of desire and the name of the person for whom the code is calculated is assigned a serial number: A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, etc. If the letters of the English alphabet are used in the desire, then the same is done with them: A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, etc. Then the resulting numbers are added up, and the result will be the magic code for the fulfillment of desire.

You can calculate the magic code for the fulfillment of desires manually, but this is a rather long and meticulous process that requires care and perseverance. In order not to engage in independent calculations, use the Simoron online calculator presented above. Enter in the field a correctly formulated desire, the name and surname of the person for whom the magic code is being calculated, and the date of his birth. Type your thanks in the box below and click the "Get code" button.

Simoron wish calculator - counting your dreams in numbers

I have no idea who first came up with the wish calculator. In any case, a deep bow to this dear wizard, and may Simoron prolong his days, and may 27 thousand Takov accompany him in every good deed!

How to use the wish calculator?

The principle of operation for all calculators is the same: we formulate our desire, use a regular calculator to GET the cherished numbers, write down the received code and carry it with us (we write it down on a piece of paper, on our hand or even on our butt) until we get what we want.

With the help of the Simoron Calculator, you are like a CODE, you are 100% fulfilling yourself. But when it will be fulfilled, no one knows. Everything has its time!

1. Get your calculator ready. Focus on your desire. Formulate it correctly (who does not know how, there is a special instruction for dreamers “how to make wishes correctly”). Write down the phrase on a piece of paper.

If you can't concentrate, use the technique of stopping the pendulum.
Instructions for the Simoron technique "Stopping the pendulum"

Sit in a comfortable position, breathe calmly and rhythmically into your stomach. Quickly glancing around the room, notice what object the eye falls on, and name this object: “The flower is not me, the chair is not me, the picture is not me, the cat is not me, the curtain is not me”, at a certain moment you will stop and you will not be able to continue at the same pace.

Now repeat the technique, but when naming objects, say "I". “The flower is me, the chair is me, the sofa is me, the cat is me…” The moment you lose the rhythm, your mind will be calmed and can be effectively directed to the exact formulation of desire.

In the affirmative and present tense, say your wish out loud. Now you need the Simoron code to execute it.

2. Make a wish. They say that it is more correct if your phrase begins with the words “To” (what you are coding for) or “From” (what you are coding for or get rid of problems).

For example: “To increase sources of income”

“For diseases of the genitourinary system”

Then enter your name and date of birth: Maria 13121982

3. We encode. Take a regular calculator. You can do the same as described in the ritual for work: each letter has its own ordinal value in the alphabet (33 letters in total). Convert each letter to a number in this way. (A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, etc.). Name and date of birth do not need to be translated. Then add all the received numbers and get your finite number.

And you can make things easier for yourself. Let's take the easy way:

Let your finger itself choose SEVEN buttons that he wants to press and it does not matter whether the result is the product, the sum or the difference of some numbers.

Write down the result on a piece of paper and carry it with you constantly until the desire comes true.

I also heard that you can make wishes on the wish calculator for someone else, but then a piece of paper with the Simoron code must be handed to that person and he must constantly carry it with him.

That's all wisdom! Be grateful for the fulfillment of your desires and share happiness with others!

With this calculator you can calculate the magic code for each of your desires.

How to work with the magic Simoron calculator.

Formulate what you want to receive, that is, what you are coding for. With the help of a calculator, you can also get rid of problems, i.e. encode FROM something.

Enter in the specially designated field FOR or FROM what you are encoding, below write your name (or the name of the person you want to encode) and the date of your birth (or, again, the person being encoded) without spaces in the DDMMYYYY format.
In the third line, do not forget to thank the Universe for fulfilling your request (desire).

It should look something like this:

To increase salary
Anna 121970
Thank you!

For back pain
Ivan 14021978
Thank you

Click the "Get code" button - and your magic code will appear on the screen.
Write this code on your hand (or on a piece of paper that you will always have to carry with you). If you ordered a code for another person, then this code must be written on his hand, and not on yours.

How it works? How exactly this works is unknown. But what works is a fact. Try it and see for yourself! Good luck and fulfill your wishes!

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