What do men like to receive as a gift. What gifts do men like? Men's view of gifts from women

Adalind Koss

Shaving gel, a razor, a pair of socks, perfume - these are classics among men's presents and joke heroes. Such presents are often given by February 23 and on other holidays. But with a birthday present, things are more complicated. So what to give a man? What gifts do they like?

What gifts do men like?

Before we consider whether men love, it is worth noting that when choosing it is important to take into account the interests and age of a man. If he loves sports, then by the way, inventory will be necessary. Collecting something? Wonderful! Specialty stores have what you need. Lover of hunting, fishing or cars? All this is also sold in retail outlets. The role is played by how you present the gift. Beautiful packaging is also important. Consider the options for men's gifts:

new technology. Men love everything new: gadgets, phones, PCs. The choice of these items is huge. The main thing is to know your preferences. Prices depend on selection. Such a present will appeal to many men;
toys. The strong sex is a little different from children. They love remote control toys: helicopters, yachts, locomotives. This is a truly memorable present, but young guys will like it more;

jewelry. The stronger sex also loves precious metals and stones. A man will not refuse a pin, cufflinks or signet rings. Such a present is not cheap, so it is suitable for loved one;
ties. They are often given as gifts, like perfume or shaving gel. But an expensive quality tie from famous brandgreat present for a colleague or boss;
expensive alcohol. This is a great choice for lovers of quality spirits.

The situation with the choice of a present for a successful adult man is more difficult. If a person has reached heights, he has a chic wardrobe, full of shaving accessories, a lot of perfumes, then a banal souvenir will not work here. The choice of a present for such people is truly confusing.

If a person has everything, then modern toys will become a gift option. To do this, you need to know about the preferences of the person. A billiard lover will be delighted with a new cue, on which a commemorative engraving is made. It is not at all necessary to present practical or material things. Show your imagination, please a person with an organization happy holiday, travel. Surprise is important here.

If you do not know how to please your loved one, then, as an option, cute notes. This is a great addition to your presentation. This will require a set of multi-colored stickers. They can be in the shape of lips or hearts. Write pleasant words and hang around the house.

What not to give men

So, let's figure out what is generally for the holidays:

deodorants, shaving accessories. It's stupid and banal, only socks are worse. Each representative of the stronger sex has a whole warehouse of such things at home, because female colleagues will certainly try on February 23;
trinkets. Men therefore belong to the stronger sex because they are not prone to sentimentality. They don't really understand why they need china dolls or teddy bears;
flowers. This is one of the "non-male" presents. Here it is easy to trace the difference between the sexes. Bouquets for the weaker sex - lovely gift they are happy to take it as often as possible. But for men, "brooms" are the same nonsense as porcelain elephants;

Appliances. Such a present reminds of a household routine. In addition, most men are sure that everyday life is the concern of women. If you give a man something from a similar technique, then he perceives it as your gift to himself;
plants and animals. It's best not to give it to anyone. Living gifts require care. In addition, it is a personal matter for everyone who and what to start at home. Do not bring discomfort;
accessories and clothes. Everything is complicated here. To present a man with a thing that he will like, it is important to know its taste and size. Here you need an ideal eye, but it is developed only for a long time. life together. Accessories are easier, but make sure the person actually wants the gift. And expensive pens are too official present. This is from the series "not for your man." Such a present without a soul, it should not be given to loved ones.

If you want to guess 100%, then find out by all means what a man wants, what he lacks. It is very important to make a pleasant gift to a loved one, but it will be more pleasant if it turns out to be desirable.

Among options gifts (depending on the financial situation) worth noting: video recorders, navigators, seat covers for cars or wheels. This also includes fishing kits, car glass scrapers, sports equipment options, interesting alarm clocks and flash drives. The main thing is to turn on the fantasy and find out the preferences of the person.

February 3, 2014, 04:13 PM

How to please a man and how to avoid his disappointment? This question is especially relevant on the eve of the New Year, when the choice of a gift becomes the number one problem.

Choosing a gift for a man a woman often makes mistakes, therefore, it happens that gifts are sent for eternal storage in distant boxes or on the mezzanine, or they are completely re-gifted.

We decided to make things easier women and conducted a survey among men on blogs and in social networks, which gifts are desirable and original, and which are bad. Here are the top five worst gifts for men - the ones you should never give (unless the man says so).

Honorary first place occupied by cosmetics and shaving tools. Men hate such a gift with all their hearts, unanimously supporting each other in the opinion that they are able to buy it themselves.

Second place confidently holds perfume. The third is given to various souvenirs and interior items that do not carry any practical use and gather dust on the shelf. You should not give clothes, especially ties - they are fourth in the list of unloved gifts, because they remind men of work, from which, on the contrary, they often want to take a break. Pajamas are equated with socks and shorts, which close the top five of what men would not like to receive. Thus, clothing completes the hit list of the least desirable gifts for men.

You should also not give a watch, alcohol, wallet, shower cosmetics, especially in gift sets, various household items and money.

Husbands, sons, fathers and friends will be grateful to you if you do not make such gifts. What should be donated?

A good gift is which tells a man not only about a woman's feelings for him, but also about how well she knows his character, tastes and hobbies. All men in unison say that the gift will please them if it can be used. Key words - functionality, usefulness, internal structure, details. Of course, the most desirable gift that every man dreams of is a car. But not everyone will accept it from a woman, and women themselves rarely think about such a gift.

Among other practical things the list of the best gifts included various gadgets and technical devices, for example, an e-book, a cell phone, a music player, a navigator, a flashlight. A man will be much more delighted with such a useful thing than a woman: gadgets for men are the same as diamonds for women ... well, or shoes.

Want to please a man- give him something that has buttons, moving parts, that makes sounds, that blinks lights and that runs on batteries and something a little more serious and technologically advanced than a radio-controlled car. Items for hunting, fishing or sports (depending on preferences) are slightly inferior to gadgets. In this case, you can donate fishing tackle, a walkie-talkie, binoculars, a weight machine or professional accessories, for example, for skiing or snowboarding.

Men appreciate creativity gifts, especially handmade ones. It can be a drawing, a poem or an album made using the scrapbooking technique. Wherein original way The presentation is as important as the gift itself. Such a creative gift and congratulations is in the first place among the best original gifts.

Give emotions - a great opportunity to make a man an unusual surprise that will be remembered for a long time. Finding a certificate for flying an airplane, learning to dive or extreme driving is not difficult today. Often such services are sold with an open date and time - that is, the man himself will be able to choose the time of visit that is convenient for him.

A wonderful variant of the unusual the gift can be an adventure, for example, climbing mountains, kayaking, hunting for crocodiles. Today there are companies offering a variety of certificates for such services.

The travel agency will take over the whole organization, it remains only to choose an option that will take into account all the interests and preferences of a man. In a special place is a gift for a beloved man. And there are no several options in this matter - absolutely all the men participating in the survey were unanimous in their opinion. Best gift from a beloved woman is a manifestation of her feelings - from a gentle kiss and hugs to a passionate erotic dance.

In general, there is an easy way to determine what gift a man will be delighted with is to be an attentive listener and observer of a man and, if necessary, write down. Then, by the desired date, you will have a ready list of the most desired gifts for a man on hand - you just have to choose.

Alexander Kretov, Executive Director of CJSC "BFA-Development":

The gift must be interesting. and memorable. If you are looking for where to attach that unnecessary souvenir (mug, pen holder, diary, office set) that you received last New Year, choose someone else, don't gift me. I don't like gifts. We all want to believe that we receive gifts from the heart, chosen just for us and with us in mind. We're not in America, where 63% of people are of the opinion that unwanted Christmas and New Year gifts are best given to someone else.

True friends will always give something that meets your characteristics, character traits, hobbies. They will reflect the essence of the holiday, the event with their present. And it's always nice. And gifts from business partners are most often formed, so to speak, in small wholesale, taking into account the position, but without attention to you as a person. They are pleasant as courtesies, but rarely have interesting content. So spend on new Year gifts fabulous sums are ridiculous and inappropriate.

I don't like gifts in style"just to give", without any elementary desire to think about a person, his preferences and individual characteristics. Even a New Year's corporate souvenir can find its use if, when ordering it, at least a little thought is given to how useful it can really be to business partners. Respectively, good gift not necessarily expensive. Much more valuable attention. And opinion than more expensive gift... - in general I consider erroneous. On the contrary, such a present can put a person in an awkward situation, oblige him to return courtesy.

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When the holidays go one by one: New Year, Christmas, February 23, birthdays, dating days, wedding anniversaries, etc., looking for gifts. And if finding a gift for a woman is not difficult, then finding ... It seems that what he needs, this man, especially when you ask him and hear the answer - nothing? This does not mean at all that he does not need anything. It's just that he is so tired of answering this question, taking into account the fact that he himself does not know what he needs, but he still wants to get something pleasant and / or useful.

Having collected all the fabrications of a similar topic on the forum, adding a couple of books and experience here, we make a list of what. Plus, an interesting rule - it is advisable to give a good and necessary thing for a birthday, for the New Year, February 23 and other minor holidays - of course, you can do the same, but it’s easier to buy a souvenir (otherwise there will be nothing left for the next birthday). In the list below, gifts are sorted (roughly) in descending order of cash spent on them. You can change things around. A separate list - bells and whistles for those who are fond of something.

General gifts for men

Apartment. No comments. Only for the very best…

Car. Probably, but for fairly wealthy ladies. Just make sure you really need it. Some are just afraid and don't want to drive. And some already have 1-2-3 cars and yours is like a dog's fifth leg.

Motorbike . Gadgets to it, if you already have. Motorcycle helmet, matching T-shirt, bandana, etc.

Computer or laptop. Only here you need to know what to give. If you don't understand, it's better not to. Or ask if you need something specific.

Camera (simple or digital). Video camera (analogue or digital). Accessories for them (flashlights, tripods, bags, cassettes, etc.)

Household appliances as a gift for a man

TV, home theater, music center, VCR, DVD, tape recorder, speakers. Karaoke, microphone.

Hair clipper.

Bachelor - dishwasher, good iron, microwave with grill . To him - binoculars or spyglass (if there is a high-rise building opposite). Light music for the music center. Nice bright table lamp.

Radio or small tape recorder if the work is related to business trips in the wilderness. The radio receiver can be in the form of headphones. Same way - electronic games such as "Tetris", "Electronics", lotto or monopoly.

An electric toothbrush.

Cell phone and accessories . There is nothing to write on cell phones, it’s easier to go to the store and get advice from the sellers. Gadgets - key rings, luminous pendants, laces, headphones, a phone stand at home, in the car. You can use a simple phone, a home phone, preferably a wireless handset.

Watch. Depending on the availability of money - gold, gilded, very expensive, not very expensive, very cheap. For the military - necessarily commander's, they do not recognize others. You can give an alarm clock - especially to a person with whom you have been dating not so long ago and he is always late for dates. Or you wake up to work together - a double benefit. Stylish or funny.

Pneumatic rifle. Shooting kit (target+figures+pistol or rifle). Darts and cool darts to it.

Business accessories as a gift for a man

Notepad, business diary, diary, electronic notebook, organizer, calculator (especially if a man is an accountant, this will be a very good gift for him) and other things for work.
Stand for stationery - such a thing on the table, where pens, pencils, scissors, paper clips, notepads and other nonsense live. From very stylish, expensive and large to a simple stand for a notebook and a pen. There are also very beautiful wooden and not only business card holders.
Good pen. Leather cover for the passport. Leather cover for auto-documents. Wallet or purse (also preferably leather). Good penknife. Housekeeper (leather or so), key ring (for the car - with its symbols).

Clothes fit for a man

Sweaters, jumpers, t-shirts . You can knit a sweater or jumper yourself or buy it, funny or serious, depending on the relationship with the man.
A simple, very expensive branded T-shirt, with a photo (of a man, of you, your child, your family, your favorite actress or singer (possible in the nude), etc.), with the inscription (The best husband-lover, etc., with a cool inscription).

Outerwear - coat, jacket, windbreaker, sheepskin coat, hats and more. Jeans, trousers (sew by yourself), suit, jacket.

Robe. Pajamas. Underpants (only for a very close person, you can and should be funny, in sex shops they sell VERY interesting ones in general. Mikey. Slippers - summer flip flops, winter warm, funny and not very, but also necessarily practical.

Scarf (buy or knit, you can knit together with a hat in the same style). Gloves (leather, sheepskin). Socks (knitted by myself and only for a loved one, father, brother or grandfather - others will not understand).

Ties. Only for those who wear. Serious, funny, in blots or with naked women. Tie-pin .

Trouser belt. Here it is unequivocal - only leather, for some reason they do not recognize others. Suspender (only for those who wear it, otherwise it’s a waste of time and money. Or if his wife is pregnant, it will be very convenient for her to use them).

Jewelry. The chain is gold or silver (if you like more, ask in advance). A cross, if baptized or about to be baptized. Ring or signet, if you like. Half of a heart on a chain (there are such - two halves on chains, keep the other half). You can gold, silver, but there are also simple ones.

Bags. A purse, a folder, a diplomat, a good bag (large roomy or small folding), a suitcase. Leather, leatherette, rag. Backpack ( young guy instead of a bag, for an adult - for fishing, hunting).

Shoes usually causes problems, well it is, for the sake of completeness.

Holiday gifts for men

Beach mat, folding beach chair, sun lounger, large beautiful towel, swimming trunks, sun cream, cap.

Warm blanket, warm big camel blanket.

Rocking chair, hammock.


A set of glasses, wine set.

Perfumes as a gift for a man

Eau de Toilette. Depending on the character of your man, his hobbies for sports and general wishes, and most importantly, your sensitivity to smells. Sniff something basically you!

Deodorant. Shaving kits. Creams, gels, jellies for shaving and aftershave. To them, or separately - an electric razor or machines of a good brand + shaving brush, depending on what you shave with.
Sets for face and body skin care. Creams, balms, gels, milk and more. There are men who are very fond of it. Especially those who have bad skin (anti-inflammatory balms, anti-acne tonics). But keep in mind, if you give this to a person who is not very familiar, there may be a lot of insults.
Shower sets. Also not for all men, many simply do not understand what it is and who needs it. Here - aromatic salts, shampoos for men, shower gels, washcloths (there are in the form of naked ladies).

Further, a chaotic list of various little things as a gift for men

Flask. There are simple ones, there are leather cases, there are sets - a flask + glasses.
A mug with a photo (of him, yours, of a child, of a family), with his name, his zodiac sign, with a funny poem, with undressing girls, etc.
Books. Depending on his hobbies - construction, cars, computers and so on. Work books. Kamasutra in pictures. Stereobooks 3CD (third dimension). Fairy tales for adults (“Thousand and one nights”). The latest book from my favorite author. A collection of aphorisms from your favorite philosopher, a collection of sketches from your favorite artist.
Video cassettes, DVDs and just discs, audio cassettes. Favorite movies, songs, karaoke, new gizmos, erotica, porn, educational cassettes - sports, wrestling, bodybuilding, computers, studies, English and other languages. Toys for the computer. Cartoons for adults.
Souvenirs. Protect, author's toys. cool gifts- a glass from which you cannot drink, a mug with holes, a mug without a bottom. Bubble lamp. Singing fountain. Flowers or air balloons to work (without a signature, let him guess from whom.) For a bachelor - bed linen with a naked girl on a sheet (it is possible with you if this is your bachelor). Soft and not very funny toys. Pistol lighter. A chest with a pop-up and neighing brownie or other evil spirits.

In general, souvenirs should be given like this - you go into a large store and just look - what you like is what you buy. Preferably cool, moving or sounding.

Lottery tickets (it’s better to give it only to relatives - husband, dad, grandfather, brother - and suddenly he wins, so you will worry all your life that you didn’t leave yourself). Photo. Yours, his, child, family. Options: a photo in a frame, a calendar with a photo, a mug with a photo, a T-shirt with a photo, a photo puzzle, a collage in the form of a calendar or a stand. His portrait, drawn by you or commissioned from a photograph to a good artist. A picture with his physiognomy or from your wedding. Nudity is good only in one case - if he himself does not mind, otherwise he will become jealous of the photographer and the one who printed the pictures. Photo album - empty or with your general photos. A set of playing cards with pictures of relatives, friends and acquaintances. You can send your or his pictures to the local newspaper, magazine with a congratulation or with some interesting article.
A set of tools (drill, screwdriver, chainsaw, screwdriver set). Toolbox. A box for small things (cogs-bolts).
Alcohol in beautiful packaging. Or just good expensive and tasty alcohol.
Tickets for: concert, performance, show, hockey, football and more. Dinner at a restaurant, cafe. Overnight at the hotel, hotel (with you). A ticket to somewhere abroad or to the nearest rest home, sanatorium (for one or both of you). A trip to the sauna.
Dog or cat. Alive. And only if he dreams about them. It is advisable to give along with a sleeping basket, a box of Chapi or Whiskas, a kit for a cat litter box. And already toilet trained. Last but not least, a horse. If you already have a saddle with his initials or a bit. Just keep in mind - if you live together, most likely walking-grazing-feeding-buying food-stocking hay-bathing and so on will be on you.

Special gifts for men

And now let's go through individual hobbies and “extra” gifts.

Car. You can buy things to it indefinitely. A good radio, tape recorder, jvc radio or CD player, stinky thing (mounted on the wall or on the roof - in the form of a sticker, toy, just in a jar), cell phone mounts (now there are flashing when there is a signal, very beautiful), curtains on the rear window, a toy or amulet (there are such beautiful brownies with a steering wheel in their hands, as well as Japanese hieroglyphs-charms for a car), a leather cover for auto documents, a sticker like “The bumper is strong, nerves to hell” (sold in bookstores stores). Something with the symbols of this car. Key ring. The steering wheel cover is thin for the summer and warm fur for the winter. Paint for the car itself unnatural color. And even better - give the car to the salon for painting, or to draw airbrush drawings on it (make sure that the man will not mind).

Computer. Also endless gifts. A good modem, video card, CD-ROM, stylish system unit box, monitor from 17 to infinity, keyboard, printer, video camera, microphone, uninterruptible power supply, speakers, flash drive. The mouse is simple, wireless, luminous, etc., a joystick (if it plays). Mouse pad - simple, soft, fluffy, square, round, abstract, with a hand rest, you can again with your photo. Headphones. If he plays - toys on CD; watching movies, listening to music - give them. Stands, bags, boxes for discs.

Sport. A bicycle (simple, mountain), a simulator for something (walking, running, an exercise bike, etc.), weights, dumbbells or a barbell (just keep in mind that you will most likely have to carry and remove all this), a foot massager; clothes for classes (one for a hockey player, another for a football player, a third for a judoka). And then - by sport, think for yourself - a stick for a hockey player, a ball for a football player, a basket for balls (home or in the country) for a basketball player, etc. Expander, ski poles (possible with skis), diving accessories (fins, mask, goggles, etc.). Skates, roller skates, knee pads and elbow pads for them, a skateboard. Swedish wall. Tennis rackets - large and small. For a small one, you can still have a tennis table. Home golf set (slide + club + ball) to the office or home. Badminton.

Job. Look at the profession - for an accountant - a calculator, for a teacher - a pointer, a good book on work, for a military man - command hours, etc. For the head - a leather chair in the office or a set of flags - Russian, regional, city. In general, any man can be given their OWN chair home, they are very scrupulous about THEIR chairs and stools. Vibrating massager for this chair. You can give a safe, and not only to the leader, but to any man, they always like to hide something.

Fishing. Fishing rods, spinning rods, sets of hooks and spinners, nozzles in the form of worms and other things. Good thermos. Net. Picnic set in a basket. Fishing chair, waders, netting suit (which is waterproof).

Musicians. Cases for their instruments (guitar, balalaika, button accordion), a cape for the piano, a good plectrum, a leather strap for the guitar. Send a piano tuner if it's out of tune. Cassettes or CDs with your favorite opera, waltz and more. Piano chair (rising-falling). If there are no instruments, but there is a dream - give a guitar, violin, saxophone and so on ...

You can't please men: what do men like to receive as a gift?

Men love to receive a gift: gift options

Any man has individual preferences, hobbies or hobbies. Therefore, you need to focus primarily on his interests.

It is also important to keep in mind that gifts for a loved one, just a friend or colleague should be different:

  • The motorist will appreciate the gift for his car. Therefore, you can safely choose a GPS navigator, a heated cape for a chair, a pillow under your head or some kind of accessory.
  • A man who loves to make something or prefers to fix everything at home with his own hands, you can give a set of tools, a transformer bag or a convenient box for them.
  • A person with a hobby is the easiest to choose a gift. The programmer can be pleased with a new flash drive; hunter - a warm sleeping bag, a folding chair or a thermos; a fisherman - with new tackle or a waterproof suit; a music lover - a ticket to a concert or a disc of your favorite artist.
  • For a man who prefers sophistication and elegance, as a gift, you can choose a stylish tie clip, beautiful cufflinks, fashion watch, purse or cigarette case.
  • You can give a loved one beautiful underwear, a bathrobe, pajamas.

If there is not much time to choose a gift, then you can give a man a shaving or shower kit. But this can only be done by a close woman who knows the preferences and tastes of her loved one. You cannot give such gifts to office employees or friends, as this is considered a sign of bad taste.

Is it possible to give money to a man?

The expression “the best gift is money” has a grain of truth. However, men sometimes perceive such a gift as a ransom. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of modern opportunities and instead of money, give a cash certificate so that a man can choose a gift for himself for a certain amount.

These can be certificates:

  • to the car interior;
  • to the sports club;
  • for a parachute jump;
  • on an excursion with wine tasting;
  • to the water park;
  • to visit the bath, sauna, spa.

Such a gift, of course, will become unusual and will please any man.

You can puzzle for a long time over what to please our men. We decided without further ado to ask them themselves. So, what kind of gifts do men dream of?

1. Oddly enough - socks!

Aleksey, 34 years old, programmer: “Socks, of course, no matter how surprising it may be. Socks periodically end - they have such a property. And, having received a new set as a gift (preferably for a year in advance), you may not think for some time whether there is a chance to leave the next morning in a fresh and whole pair.

2. Board game or certificate to a sports store

Alexander, 32 years old, senior researcher: “The first option for a pleasant surprise for me personally is a board game that I don’t have yet. The second option is a certificate for a store like "All for sports", where there is equipment for winter hiking, parts for bicycles.

3. The thing that I have long dreamed of

Sergey, 31, videographer: “I need the same jacket that we once saw in London. He has tails at the back, like a swift or a siskin. I'll just fly if you give me one. And she knows it. There are also simpler option: a train ticket to the city where the next rally of basers will take place in the spring. Moreover, the dates of the trip must coincide with the beginning of the rally. I will go anyway, as my wife knows. And such a ticket would come in handy.

4. Perfume

Valery, 63, retired: “It all depends on the budget. If you have 2000 rubles, then perfume. For example, I always want to get toilet water. I use an electric razor, and after it I need to sprinkle my face with something. And bottles are spent - only on the way. Smell - any, except for some powerful ones. If the budget is larger, then I consider it not shameful to donate medical equipment for the home: a new blood pressure monitor, a glucometer or a magnetic therapy device. I can accept them from my relatives - I will not be offended. Well, if there is very little money, then I would like a beautiful cup for tea.

5. Brutal stuff

Ivan, 58 years old, chief designer of the project: “It's nice to get some brutal things that you use for repairs and hobbies: a drill driver, a jigsaw, a laser level, a planer, a grinder, a cutter. Another option is a gadget. Both stories are by appointment only. You can unobtrusively find out what a person wants and what he doesn’t have yet.”

6. Pleasant emotions

Vladimir, 49 years old, military man: “I love my wife very much, and I even have nothing more to wish for when my beloved is next to me. She usually gives eau de toilette. It is clear that she chooses exactly the flavor that she likes. And I'm just happy to wear a perfume that she likes. Expect bonuses from superiors. From friends - a phone call or a visit. It happens that someone accidentally ends up in my city and comes to visit.

7. Gifts made by children

Anatoly, 40, railway worker: “The best gifts I have ever received were gifts made by my daughters. A cake, for example, was once baked. Yes, and in general, everything that they did themselves, with their own hands, is wonderful.

8. Men's master class

Alexey, 36, photographer, traveler: “Something amazing, but not completely useless, for example, made by yourself, or a ticket to some men's master class.”

9. Football fan accessories or something sentimental

Vitaly, 36, driller of screws: “Accessories for a Moscow Spartak fan. My wife knows which ones I have and which ones I don’t have yet, and they can be presented. In a word, please the right gift by passion. Or sentimental things. For example, I was very touched when my wife gave me an album assembled from my own army photos. Another time, she tied it with a ribbon and handed over a harmonica, knowing that I had been dreaming of her since the orphanage.”

10. Not a simple gift, but a personal one!

Stanislav, 35 years old, engineer: “The main rule is to emphasize the individuality of a person and avoid common gifts. General: socks, razors, a bottle of wine, some clothes, etc. All this with a certain degree of probability will suit any of the men met on the street. And, on the contrary, things that somehow relate to hobbies, hobbies, will suit just a certain man, and the other will be useless at all.

For example, strings, moreover, for acoustics and exactly 10, not 9 thick. A thermos or a flask, because he likes to drink mulled wine or cognac on the street. Mp3 player with music he was looking for and couldn't find. Something that he collects. A small teapot, because he travels on business trips. Yoga mat. Or just some thing that he wanted to buy, but there was no time, but he mentioned it a couple of months ago, and you remembered.

11. A thing that you are too lazy to buy yourself

Nikita, 35, IT specialist: “A good gift, probably some useful trinket that you don’t have time to buy yourself or break.”

12. Something for a hobby

Igor, 34, car mechanic: “I think something related to a profession or hobby will do. I take pictures, and I, for example, would need batteries for a camera. Or some good sealed camera bag. Some other guy, for example, likes to fry steaks, and he will need frying accessories (meat thermometer, knife). Someone runs in the morning, and maybe a fitness bracelet or some super-absorbent, antibacterial towel would suit him. To guess with a gift, you need to know the person. I don't see any other way. That is, it is impossible to give a good gift to an unfamiliar person or someone who is indifferent to you, whose interests, aspirations, preferences you do not know. That's why, dear women, listen, communicate, be interested in the men you want to make happy.

13. Shirt

Eldar, 24, business analyst: “The most win-win and always useful gift- it's a shirt. Unless, of course, the wife can choose the right size without trying on.

14. Attention

Eduard, 22 years old, sales assistant: “The best gift is attention. Don't forget to congratulate me."

Did you give your soul mate such gifts?We look forward to your comments!
