Who recovered how much during pregnancy. Pregnancy and weight: how much should be added, and what is already superfluous

Update: October 2018

Pregnancy for each expectant mother proceeds in her own way: someone has a wonderful 9 months easily, someone suffers from unbearable toxicosis, back pain, headache, swelling, constipation, etc. An indicator such as weight gain in during the gestation period.

Newborn babies differ little in terms of weight from each other, their mothers, while they carry the fetus, gain a different amount of kg, fit into the norm or gaining too much. Some women do not gain weight at all or even lose it. In this article we will understand all these subtleties.

Weight gain rate

It is an erroneous opinion that weight is gained only for the needs of the fetus. A set of kilograms with a certain margin is necessary for the development of pregnancy in general and the subsequent life of the newborn.

Weight distribution Weight % of total weight gain
The weight of the child at the time of birth is 2500-4000 g, and it increases significantly during the last weeks of pregnancy 25-30 %
  • The placenta is an organ that provides a link between the fetus and the mother, delivering oxygen and nutrition. developing baby and taking the products of exchange
400-600 g 5 %
  • Amniotic fluid is a biologically active liquid medium that surrounds the fetus.
1-1.5 l by 37 weeks, 800 ml by the time of delivery 10 %
  • The uterus is the female organ in which the development and bearing of the fetus takes place.
1000 by the time of delivery 10 %
  • Volume of freely circulating blood
1.5 kg 25 %
  • Tissue or interstitial fluid
1.5-2 kg
  • Breast (development of glandular tissue)
0.5 kg
  • Fat deposits, which are an energy depot for subsequent breastfeeding after childbirth
3-4 kg 25-30 %
Total 10-15 kg 100%

How to track weight gain?

Of course, weight must be controlled. From the first day of a confirmed pregnancy, a woman should buy a good scale and keep a notebook or sheet of paper in which she will note the weekly weight gain.

  • You need to weigh yourself on the same day every week;
  • In the morning time;
  • In one dress or without it;
  • Before meals;
  • Emptying the bowels and bladder.

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

Weight gain occurs unevenly, not only by weeks, but also with individual characteristics: someone is getting fat from the moment of conception, and someone notices weight gain only from the 20th week.

  • With standard flow about 40% of weight gain occurs in the first half, and the remaining 60% in the second half of pregnancy.
  • Average body weight gain during the first three months it is 0.2 kg weekly, but it is during this period that many people experience toxicosis, someone even goes into minus.
  • For the first three months future mom gaining about 2-3 kg.
  • The second trimester is characterized by the improvement of the general condition of the woman and an increase in appetite - it is during this period that the most intensive mass gain will fall. A woman gains about 300-400 g per week.
  • At the last dates weight gain, as a rule, stops, sometimes the weight decreases slightly against the background of hormonal changes associated with preparation for delivery and due to the removal of excess water.

On what indicators does weight gain depend?

There is no single norm of weight gain under which all pregnant women could be summed up. The optimal set in weight directly depends on the initial weight before interesting position: the smaller it is, the more it is allowed to set it during gestation. So, as a rule, this is what happens - obese women gain a little and become “visually pregnant” only for later dates It is much more difficult for thin women to hide pregnancy.

  • To determine whether normal, low or overweight initially, allows the calculation of the body mass index (BMI), for the calculation of which you need figures for height and weight - before pregnancy!
  • BMI is equal to weight (body weight) in kilograms divided by a woman's height in meters squared.
  • Example: 50 kg at 160 cm, 50 / (1.6 * 1.6) = 19.5 BMI

The optimal set of kg during gestation - decoding BMI

Weekly gain table based on baseline BMI

The weight rate by week of pregnancy depends on the weight before pregnancy, on the basis of which it is necessary to calculate the BMI:

A week BMI less than 18.5 kg BMI 18.5-25 BMI over 30
4 0 - 0.9 kg 0 - 0.7 kg 0 - 0.5 kg
6 0 - 1.4 kg 0 – 1 kg 0 - 0.6 kg
8 0 - 1.6 kg 0 - 1.2 kg 0 - 0.7 kg
10 0 - 1.8 kg 0 - 1.3 kg 0 - 0.8 kg
12 0 - 2 kg 0 - 1.5 kg 0 – 1 kg
14 0.5 - 2.7 kg 0.5 - 2 kg 0.5 - 1.2 kg
16 up to 3.6 kg up to 3 kg up to 1.4 kg
18 up to 4.6 kg up to 4 kg up to 2.3 kg
20 up to 6 kg up to 5.9 kg up to 2.9 kg
22 up to 7.2 kg up to 7 kg up to 3.4 kg
24 up to 8.6 kg up to 8.5 kg up to 3.9 kg
26 up to 10 kg up to 10 kg up to 5 kg
28 up to 13 kg up to 11 kg up to 5.4 kg
30 up to 14 kg up to 12 kg up to 5.9 kg
32 up to 15 kg up to 13 kg up to 6.4 kg
34 up to 16 kg up to 14 kg up to 7.3 kg
36 up to 17 kg up to 15 kg up to 7.9 kg
38 up to 18 kg up to 16 kg up to 8.6 kg
40 up to 18 kg up to 16 kg up to 9.1 kg

I would like to pay special attention to the nutrition of women who are initially overweight. Pregnancy will certainly not be the easiest period, as the weight will have to be kept under control, but it means that it's time to starve! Refusal to eat is fraught with disturbances in the development of the fetus and the release of toxins into the bloodstream due to the breakdown of fats. The recommended diet will be determined by the gynecologist!

What threatens underweight or overweight during the gestation period?

The optimal is a smooth weight gain without visible jumps, which ultimately fits into the recommended indicators. Both lack and excess weight threaten the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Insufficient weight gain and malnutrition can lead to malnutrition of the newborn and different options intrauterine growth retardation. Children born weighing less than 2.5 kg are at risk of developing various physical and mental pathologies. Inadequate intake of nutrients in the body of a woman carrying a child leads to hormonal disruptions and increases the risk of miscarriage and childbirth earlier than expected. Even the emerging trend towards weight loss or the absence of at least some increase should be the reason for an urgent visit to the doctor.

Excess weight should be no less alarming than underweight:

  • more than 2 kg per week at any time;
  • more than 4 kg for the first 3 months;
  • more than 1.5 kg monthly for the second trimester;
  • more than 800 g weekly in the third trimester.

An excessive increase can lead to an increase in blood pressure, the development of diabetes, varicose veins, osteochondrosis, premature aging of the placenta, complications in childbirth.

The biggest danger of being overweight is hidden or obvious swelling. In this case, plus on the scales is not associated with overeating, but is a consequence of the fact that the body, or rather the excretory system, cannot cope with the load and fluid begins to accumulate in tissues and organs. Edema threatens the development of late toxicosis, with an increase (see).

Explicit edema can be noticed on your own: if after removing the socks on the legs there is a trace, the jewelry is hardly removed from the finger, the face looks puffy, and urination is rare - you have swelling, you should urgently go to the doctor. Hidden edema can only be detected by a doctor, so you should not neglect the planned visits that a gynecologist prescribes, even with excellent health.

How not to gain weight

Do not overeat

The advice of caring mothers and grandmothers that now you can eat for two is absolutely wrong. The body must receive the proper amount of nutrients, but without overload, both in portions of food and in time. You need to eat little, but more often than usual. On average, it is considered normal to increase calories by 200-300 calories more than the usual diet, but these figures cannot be guided by everyone without exception, especially obese women.

The fight against constipation

One of the adverse factors affecting weight is a tendency to constipation, since rare bowel movements not only increase weight on the scales, but also negatively affect the general condition of the body, slagging it (see outside of pregnancy). Especially often pregnant women suffer from constipation in the later stages. For obvious reasons, you can not use it regularly. The best thing:

  • At night, there is a portion of salad from fresh white cabbage - in the morning there will be a bowel movement
  • Every day, eat 2-3 dried apricots or prunes, in summer you can fresh apricot or plum
  • As prescribed by a doctor, you can take such a safe and effective prebiotic (osmotic laxative) as Lactulose - Normaze, Portalak syrup, Lactulose Poly, Goodluck, Lactulose Shtada, Livoluk-PB, Romfalak. It is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy.

Eliminate useless, harmful and quickly digestible carbohydrates

Eliminate sweets, rich pastries, sweets and confectionery. Nothing contributes to the addition of unnecessary body fat like all kinds of puff, shortbread cookies, with and without filling, muffins, rolls, cakes, cakes, ice cream, etc. Give them up completely if you are inclined to be overweight and have already gained extra pounds.

In addition, all these products are saturated with food additives and such (palm, coconut, rapeseed), which load the digestive tract, contribute to the development of obesity, and, according to the results of some studies by scientists, even oncology.

Arrange easy fasting days

They help not only to normalize the emerging tendency to gain excess weight, but in general will give some respite to the body. It is enough to arrange unloading once every 2 weeks. Fasting day, again, does not mean starvation! On this day, most of the usual diet should be replaced with vegetables or low-fat cottage cheese, kefir and somewhat limit the liquid.

Be physically active within reason

Daily walks in the fresh air will not only prevent excess fat from forming, but are also beneficial for the baby, since the mother’s blood is saturated with oxygen. Do not completely abandon feasible homework and familiar activities.

How to gain the missing weight

If the weight stubbornly stands still, there are some recommendations that allow you to gain it:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day, but without overloading;
  • With excruciating toxicosis, you still need to eat, in a small piece, waiting for bouts of nausea. You can eat in the fresh air, at night in bed - i.e. in an environment in which the manifestations of toxicosis are minimal.
  • Carry a healthy snack with you: nuts, biscuit cookies, banana, cheese, dried fruits, yogurts;
  • Eat peanut butter, rich in energy and protein (if you are not allergic to it);
  • Fill dishes with sour cream, olive oil, butter, cream (but not mayonnaise);
  • Drink enough fluids, do not neglect dairy and sour-milk products.

How to safely stop weight gain

Naturally, no strict or mono-diets for pregnant women will work.

To lose weight or keep it at certain numbers will help a complete rejection of flour products made from wheat flour and confectionery, fast food, as well as salty, spicy and smoked foods that cause thirst, forcing you to drink excess liquid.

  • The menu should contain complex carbohydrates (300-350 g daily): whole grain cereals, vegetables and seasonal fruits.
  • You can not limit fish and meat (100-120 g per day), but the menu should include dietary and lean varieties of these products: rabbit meat, turkey, beef, pike perch, cod, navaga.
  • Butter is allowed in the amount of 10 g per day, it is better to replace refined sunflower oil with unrefined one.
  • Method of cooking - steaming, boiling, stewing.
  • Nutrition should be moderate, for 1 meal - no more than 1-2 dishes.
  • You can not refuse lunch and breakfast, but dinner can be replaced with a dairy product.
  • The optimal calorie ratio for meals: breakfast 30%, 2nd breakfast 10%, lunch 40%, afternoon snack and dinner - 10% each.
  • It is permissible to drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes before a meal.
  • Salt is reduced to 5 g per day.
  • Habitual desserts should be replaced with low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese.
  • The last meal should fall at 19.00.
  • After dinner, a quiet walk is recommended.

From liquids, clean drinking water should be preferred. The recommended 1.5 liters should be divided into 3 parts, two of which should be drunk before 16.00, and the rest - before 20.00. Such a system will avoid swelling and give the kidneys unloading at night.

Flour products: dietary salt-free, bran, rye bread up to 100-150 g per day.

  • Soups: vegetables with a restriction of pasta, cereals and potatoes up to 200 g daily.
  • Meat and meat products: steam quenelles, meatballs, puddings, zrazy, beftroganov from pre-boiled meat, aspic - up to 150 g per day.
  • Fish: steam soufflé, mashed potatoes, stewed fillet up to 150 g per day.
  • Milk and dairy products: whole milk 1 glass a day, low-fat cottage cheese 150 g, low-fat yogurt, yogurt up to 200 g per day.
  • Eggs: 1-2 weekly in the form of steam omelettes and soft-boiled.
  • Cereals and side dishes: the most useful are oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, cereals in soups. If the amount of cereals increases, bread should be limited on this day.
  • Vegetables: zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, greens. Preferably fresh or steam soufflé, mashed potatoes.
  • Snacks: vegetable salads, low-fat ham, aspic fish, meat.
  • Sauces: from low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, low-fat sour cream, milk sauces.
  • Spices: Bay leaf, greens, cloves. In limited quantities.
  • Fruits and berries: sweet and sour fresh.
  • Beverages: weak tea with 1/3 of milk, unsweetened juices mixed with water, natural fruit drinks without sugar.

One of the main thoughts that haunt girls long before pregnancy is the fear of gaining big weight. This is partly correct, since many women after childbirth begin to have problems with being overweight. But you should not be afraid of this in advance, and even more so, it is impossible to postpone pregnancy on this occasion. If you lead an appropriate lifestyle, then the weight during pregnancy will not be excessive. Proper nutrition is the key to minimal weight gain for all nine months of pregnancy.

Normal weight during pregnancy

The fact that a woman will gain weight during pregnancy is a fact. The main point for the doctor is not the aesthetic side, but the timely detection of a pathological increase. Therefore, during each visit to the gynecologist, a woman stands on the scales and reports the result to the gynecologist.

It is important to know the exact numbers of weight gain, so you should not overeat before going to the doctor and wear too many clothes. You can measure the weight of the house, which will allow you to identify an excess increase in time.

Nutrition and weight

In order to control weight during pregnancy, you need to monitor nutrition and do not forget about physical activity. Of course, if there is a threat of interruption, then it is necessary bed rest and no fitness or swimming pool is out of the question. But if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you need to move as much as possible. daily walks, morning work-out, physical education for pregnant women should be mandatory. Then the weight during pregnancy, the norm will be maintained for all nine months.

An important point is the nature of the diet, and the amount of food eaten. It should be remembered that the child will always take the elements he needs from the mother's blood. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve a balance so that there is enough nutrients, but there is no excess. Potatoes or pasta should not be excluded from the diet, but these foods can be limited. But vegetables and meat should be in the diet regularly and in sufficient quantities.

If a woman was overweight before pregnancy, then you should not start losing weight after she became pregnant. Also, you can not lose weight at the stage of pregnancy planning. Weight loss is a difficult process that affects many organs. This can negatively affect the development of the child. Thin girls should not overeat with the thought that it is for the benefit of the baby. Rapid weight gain is no less harmful than rapid weight loss. There should be a "golden mean" in everything.

These points are the answer to the question: how not to overweight during pregnancy? In most cases, subject to elementary rules weight gain can be controlled. Sometimes a genetic predisposition or a tendency to diseases take over, and then it becomes more difficult to monitor weight. But in any case, you should avoid overeating and too high-calorie foods. Then, even with bed rest, the weight of a pregnant woman will be within the normal range.

Most pregnant women look forward to the moment when they have. But along with this, expectant mothers are somewhat alarmed by the change in their own dimensions, because other parts of the body are rounded along with the stomach. And this does not please every woman.

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. Any normal pregnancy should be accompanied by an increase. But she "has no right" to go beyond the established limits, which in each individual case may be different.

What does weight gain depend on?

So, if the pregnancy proceeds safely, then as it develops, the weight of the woman will inevitably increase. The amount of fluid in the body increases, the uterus, fetus and placenta grow, the breast prepares for feeding, and small fat reserves are deposited to provide the baby with everything necessary. Naturally, all these increases become noticeable even without weights. However, expectant mothers do not all get better in the same way.

The number of kilograms gained during pregnancy depends on many factors. First of all, from the initial weight. The more he did not reach the norm, the faster he would rise up. The process will go faster if you have a tendency to be overweight, but previously kept the weight off with moderate nutrition and physical activity. Tall women will also gain more than short ones.

If expected, then it is obvious that the placenta will be larger and heavier, and with it the total weight. The tendency to puffiness also affects this indicator: the more fluid is retained in the body, the further the arrow of the scale deviates.

It is noteworthy that the reduction in weight by early dates due to the strong, later it can cause its rapid increase: the body, as it were, catches up, trying to recover.

In addition, almost all expectant mothers have increased appetite at certain times, which is associated with an increase in estrogen levels. And if a woman is unable to control it, then overeating also leads to a set of extra, and in this case, unwanted kilograms.

Fluid retention in the tissues (due to which edema occurs) is also displayed with extra numbers on the scales. More illegal kilograms are formed at. Naturally, when the expectant mother will weigh more than if she was pregnant with one child.

We should not forget about age: over the years, the tendency to be overweight and set extra pounds ov increases.

Increase rates

Being underweight or overweight during pregnancy can lead to various complications. So, too large increases may be accompanied by what is considered a violation. Excess weight becomes an obstacle during childbirth, complicating the birth of the baby. This is also a big load on the heart and musculoskeletal system of a woman, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis and the occurrence of various pains. And too small increases can be a sign of impaired fetal development.

It is not without reason that doctors monitor the weight of a pregnant woman throughout the entire period, and especially in the second half of pregnancy. To assess this indicator, conditional “corridors” have been created, into which the expectant mother should normally fit. Of course, these norms are averaged and can be adjusted depending on individual characteristics. But in general, they can be expressed in the following table:

Norms of weight gain during pregnancy

week of pregnancy


BMI in the table is a body mass index, which is calculated as follows:

BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2.

For example, with a weight of 60 kg and a height of 160 cm, BMI \u003d 60 / 1.62² \u003d 23.44.

Different BMI indicators in the first, second and third columns are characteristic of thin, medium and large women, respectively.

As you can see, you should hardly gain weight: the increase is on average 1-2 kg. In the second trimester, every week the weight can be added by 250-300 g. Starting from the 30th week - 300-400 g per week or 50 g per day. There is also such a formula for calculating the allowed increase in the 3rd trimester: for every 10 cm of growth, you can add a maximum of 22 g per week.

However, the rate of weight gain is as individual as the gains themselves. Some women begin to round up from the first weeks, others increase dramatically in volume in the last months.

Most obstetricians agree that on average, you can gain 12-13 kg during pregnancy. If twins are expected, then the increase will be 16-21 kg.

Undoubtedly, it should be alerted if a woman has not gained a single gram in two weeks or the increase in a week was more than 500 g. You should also consult a doctor if the weight is growing unevenly.

Where do kilograms come from?

We found that "legitimate" weight gain over the entire pregnancy can average 13 kg. What do these "pregnant" kilograms consist of:

  • child - 3000-3500g;
  • uterus - 900-1000 g;
  • afterbirth - 400-500 g;
  • amniotic fluid - 900-1000 g;
  • increase in blood volume - 1200-1500 g;
  • additional liquid - 1500-2700;
  • breast enlargement - 500 g;
  • body fat - 3000-4000 g.

Total - 11400-14700

As you can see, food for two is not provided here. So this idea can be discarded immediately. However, for the development and bearing of a healthy child, reserves are needed that the mother's body draws from nutrition. The diet of pregnant women should indeed be a little more caloric than the rest, but not much - just plus 200 calories per day in the first half and plus 300 calories per day in the second half of pregnancy.

If the doctor came to the conclusion that the weight of the pregnant woman exceeds the permissible norm, you should first try to give up flour, sweet and animal fats. You should not drastically limit your diet, because weight fluctuations provoke fluctuations. Portions should be reduced gradually, but cereals and plant foods should not be abandoned. You need to eat often, but little by little. And monitor your fluid intake: 6-8 glasses a day without fail.

Every day it is advisable to weigh yourself for control, it is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach and always in the same clothes to obtain the most reliable data.

Do not rush to get upset if your performance does not match the above standards, because everything is individual. Focus on your well-being and the advice of a doctor. Remember that after giving birth, you will gradually return to your previous forms if you put in a little effort. This process will go faster if you breastfeed your baby. But in the case of gaining excess weight during pregnancy, it will be more difficult to part with extra pounds.

Keep in mind that malnutrition during childbearing is much more dangerous than overeating. However, try to keep yourself within limits.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Most women carefully monitor their weight. But there are times when doctors take on this responsibility: we are talking about the happy time of bearing a child. Then weight gain occurs for natural reasons, but it still does not hurt to know how much they gain during pregnancy. What can too much weight gain indicate and should it be a concern?

How much is the rate of weight gain during pregnancy?

Watching their weight increase rapidly, pregnant women begin to worry about whether everything is going as it should. What increase is considered the norm and how much can you get better during pregnancy?

For the entire period of bearing a baby, it is supposed to gain 9-14 kg. If twins grow in the tummy, then the weight can increase by 16-21 kg.

Weight for 9 months of "interesting position" increases unevenly. How to get better during pregnancy is also an individual indicator. Some from the first days of conception begin to recover, and then their body weight does not increase so actively.

But usually in the first trimester, weight does not grow so rapidly: a woman gains only 2 kg. The situation changes in the second trimester. The monthly increase can be about 1 kg (or 300 g per week). At a period of 7 months, when the fetus greatly increases in size, the woman's weight begins to increase to 400 g per week, that is, every day (normally) the scales will show 50 g more.

But these indicators are not an absolute guideline. How much the expectant mother will eventually gain depends on her own weight and height, tendency to be overweight, age, size of the fetus and method of nutrition. To calculate the approximate rate of increase for yourself personally, you can use the following formula: divide your weight by height raised to the second power. The normal body mass index is 19.8-25.9. The lower this value, the greater the number of “allowed” extra kilos.

If the indicator is less than 19.8, then you can recover by 15 kg. Women with a body index of 18.9-26 can gain (without negative consequences for themselves and the baby) no more than 13.5 kg. If their index is equal to (or greater than) 26, then the allowed increase is 9 kg.

An alarming signal is both the complete absence of weight gain, and its sharp jump. In these cases, be sure to visit a doctor so that he can determine what caused such a failure.

If the weight began to fall, this may be due to the fact that the child grows at the expense of his mother. This phenomenon may be normal if it occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. Especially contributes to weight loss toxicosis. Before giving birth, a woman can also lose weight.

What is the danger of a very large weight gain? A sharp plus (if a pregnant woman gained 1-3 kg in a week) may indicate hidden or obvious edema. Fluid builds up in the body and leads to weight gain when eating normally. If protein is found in the urine, pressure has risen and edema has formed, then this may be a sign of preeclampsia in the 2nd half of pregnancy. A complication of this pathology sometimes becomes eclampsia during childbirth or diabetes mellitus.

If the expectant mother recovered too much (not necessarily due to pathologies, but from overeating), then she is guaranteed to have shortness of breath. Excess weight can also result in such problems for the expectant mother:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • pain in the legs and lower back due to increased stress on the spinal column and lower limbs;
  • varicose veins;
  • difficulties during childbirth;
  • in exceptional cases - detachment of the placenta and premature birth.

Rapid weight gain is also fraught with aesthetic problems. It can lead to stretch marks on the body. Remember that how much women recover during pregnancy, it will be so much more difficult for them to bring their figure back to normal after childbirth.

If she is gaining 20-30 kg, this may be an indicator for caesarean section, as the fruit will be very large. Overweight is dangerous not only for the mother herself. Babies born to overweight women are often diagnosed with congenital defects or heart disease.

Pregnancy without problems: how to eat so that the weight grows correctly?

What should be the diet during pregnancy? In order not to get better, it is better to forget the advice of grandmothers “eat for two!”. Of course, diets for this period are also canceled. The child should receive all the vitamins and components due to him.

How to build your diet so as not to gain extra pounds? The principle of nutrition should be like this:

  • be sure to have breakfast. If you skip your morning meal, you will soon feel overwhelming hunger and eat more than you should;
  • it is useful to make a menu every day. This will reduce the risk that, due to constant snacking, you will gain more than normal per day;
  • if you go for a walk, take an apple with you. If an appetite suddenly breaks out, the fruit will save you from having to buy a pie, a bun or a chocolate bar;
  • better to eat at home. In cafes and other catering establishments, dishes are usually very high-calorie, as they are made hearty and tasty to attract customers;
  • remove spicy, smoked foods from the menu. Limit your intake of sweets. Do not get carried away with flour products;
  • the correct diet of a pregnant woman looks like this: proteins - 100-120 g per day. Of these, 70-90 g should be animal protein, so you should eat milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, eggs, yogurt, fish and meat. The optimal amount of fat is 80-100 g (at least 20 g of them are vegetable). The volume of carbohydrates - from 350 to 400 g (by the end of pregnancy - no more than 300 g);
  • consume 1-1.5 liters of fluid daily (if there are no kidney pathologies);
  • eat 4 times a day in small portions;
  • do not load the stomach before bed. Late dinner may include dairy products, vegetables or fruits.
