How bicycles are made for bouquets. Do-it-yourself bicycle - a piggy bank of master classes using various materials

Craftswomen always want to decorate their home in some way. embroideries, knitted products, various decorative details. We invite you to familiarize yourself with ways to make a bicycle with your own hands, which can serve as a highlight of your home.

From twine

We will need:

  • leg-split;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • tubes for cocktails;
  • a container for a future planter (from under yogurt, for example);
  • glue "Titan" or "Moment";
  • coffee beans;
  • scissors.

We cut out the bases for the wheels from cardboard using a compass or other round objects. It is necessary to make 6 such blanks, two for each wheel.

Having glued the blanks in pairs, we wrap them with twine.

From the tubes we make spokes for the wheels. To do this, measure from the fold two centimeters in both directions. There are four such parts for each wheel. We also wrap them with twine and glue them together with Moment or Titan glue.

Now we place the spokes in the wheels, fasten with glue.

We decorate the rear wheels with coffee beans, as shown in the photo below.

We take the next tube and cut off 2 centimeters from the fold in one direction, 3 cm in the other. We make one more such detail. We connect them to each other with long sides. This will be our wheel. We also wrap it with twine.

We cut off a part without a fold from the tube 11 centimeters long. We wrap in twine. This blank will connect the rear wheels of the bike.

Now we close the ends of her and at the helm with coffee beans, which we plant on glue.

We take a new tube, fold it in a fold and stretch it. We cut it from the side of the short part, put a drop of glue and insert it into the segment that remains from previous work.

We need two such blanks. We also wrap them with twine.

We insert these long blanks into the front wheel, as shown below, and decorate the wheel with coffee beans on both sides.

Between the ends that will be at the top, we lay a piece of the tube 2 centimeters long, and close this place with twine.

We connect the rear wheels with a jumper.

Now we take the container that we chose for the future planter and glue it with twine. Decorate the top edge with coffee beans.

We glue the steering wheel to the top bar and place the cache-pot between the rear wheels.

You can leave the planter for all sorts of little things, but with flowers, the bike will still look more harmonious.

Instead of a planter, you can make a bicycle with a cradle and place flowers there.

From wire

We will need:

  • wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm;
  • teip tape white;
  • buttons of the same shade - 4 pieces;
  • glue, you can "Moment-Crystal" or a thermal gun.

From the wire we turn three identical circles, put them together and wrap them with teip tape. It turns out the wheel. We need to make three wheels, one of which is large and the other two are the same size.

By the same principle, we make three curls in each wheel.

We do the frame and steering wheel in the same way.

Our bike will be with a basket, so we collect it too.

We fasten the basket between the rear wheels. And here is our bike. If we place a composition with candy flowers in it, then it will be lovely gift. How to make such flowers, you can see in the video below.

From a three-core cable

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • three-core cable, always soft - 1.5 meters;
  • wooden skewers;
  • small blocks of wood;
  • cotton wool;
  • brown and white paint;
  • coffee beans;
  • threads;
  • newspapers or office paper;
  • cardboard;
  • drill;
  • silicone hot glue;
  • screws;
  • small pots made of plastic or ceramic;
  • satin ribbons and decor as desired.

We cut three segments from a three-core cable: one more - on the front wheel, two smaller - on the rear. Pull out the blue wire from the middle. And with the help of a piece from it and glue, we connect each piece of cable into a ring.

We make a hole in a wooden block and wheel with a drill. We connect with a skewer.

Such holes must be made according to the number of spokes. The end result is this design.

We connect two wheels. We bend around the wooden block in the middle with another piece of cable, fix it with a screw.

We decorate the planter and attach it to the front wheel frame with a screw.

We make a steering wheel from the blue middle wire.

All parts must be painted white, and cable joints closed with satin ribbon.

Glue a piece of cable on both rear wheels.

We tie a bow from a ribbon 0.5 cm wide on the steering wheel.

For the basket, cut out a circle from cardboard and place it between the two wheels.

We cut out two more of the same circles and attach them to one of the tubes from the newspaper, these will be our racks. How to do them, see the video below.

We cover with the second circle and raise the racks up. Let's start weaving our basket. When it is ready, we fix it on the prepared platform. You can use glue or screw on a screw.

Now let's start making our topiary. On a blue wire folded in half, we attach a ball of crumpled newspaper. We glue the newspaper with cotton wool, then we drag it with a thread and paint it with brown paint.

Cover the ball with coffee beans. We install polystyrene foam in the basket or fill it with gypsum and install our coffee tree. Previously, the trunk can be closed with tape or thread.

So that the inside of the basket is not visible, we fill it with artificial plants for decoration.

We also decorate the pot on the steering wheel as we wish.

Like these ones beautiful compositions can be a decoration for your home or part of a gift. You can decorate such bicycles as you like, for example, in the style of Provence, steampunk, decorate with beads, rhinestones, ribbons, etc.

Video on the topic of the article

Nadezhda Ignatova (Voloshchuk)

Hello my dear friends, a long time ago I had to see on the Internet twine bike A lot of time has passed since then, but the desire remains. Today we have a holiday "Day of Russia" on which I congratulate you all, which means that all our employees have kindergarten weekend, and I decided to do twine bike so that the day off is not wasted.

Now I will tell you how I did it. For its manufacture, we need:leg-split, titanium glue or hot glue, cocktail tubes, cardboard, something for decoration (coffee beans, beads, rhinestones, sequins) I used sequins (I store sequins and beads from gouache jars very conveniently and nothing is lost).

So, let's begin.

From hardboard cut out three blanks for the wheels (you can circle a reel of scotch tape, a mug, a glass) I have a rear wheel size of 8 cm, a front wheel of 10 cm:

we wrap all the workpieces twine:

from 4 cocktail tubes we make such blanks (about 2 cm before and after the fold):

trying on:

we wrap twine:

glue crosswise:

glue the crosses into the blanks for the wheel With:

decorate wheels (front on both sides, rear on one side):

we take the tube, bend it and stretch it a little and insert a segment into it (in order for the tube to be inserted into the tube, it must be cut a little and inserted with a drop of glue):

the blank is ready, we need such blanks 2 :

wrapping two blanks twine:

we make a steering wheel, cut off 2 blanks (2 cm before the fold and 3 after):

connect them:

we wrap twine:

another blank - a straight tube with a length of 11 cm:

wrapping the workpiece twine:

we start assembly. We insert a straight tube into the rear wheels, fix it with glue. We insert the workpiece into the front wheel and insert a piece of the tube between the upper tubes (1.5-2cm) And paste:

we wrap the scrap twine:

we insert another blank into the front wheel (from the side, here So:

put the front wheel with two glued blanks on the rear wheel beam and glue:

glue the steering wheel:

put on twine wrapped bicycle and a flowerpot decorated with beads (for flowerpots, you can use boxes of processed cheese, ice cream, sour cream, etc.):

decorate bicycle flowers:

flowers for bicycle my daughter made 7 years old - these are daffodils.

Daughter likes it. I already have 2 crafts from twine:

Thanks to everyone who watched to the end.

With the help of the original flower pots, decorations are made. Such a product will emphasize your individuality, will become an idea for decorating the interior of the house, an interesting gift.

Bicycle with flowers

To make a bicycle with flowers, you will need a nylon thread. Take cocktail tubes, a package of glue, cardboard, and a tool - scissors. Prepare beads, a small pot. To decorate the product, buy different color scheme ribbons. You can also use sequins.

In general, the manufacturing process will take a little time if you follow the instructions.

  1. First of all, you should cut out three identical wheels, then wrap them with nylon thread.
  2. It should be cut off 2 cm from the top of the tube, in the same way, take four blanks to prepare one wheel. Then it is also necessary to wrap the threads. Four parts must be connected with glue. Then connect the wheel to this part.
  3. Prepare two straws for a cocktail. One part should be stretched, the upper part should be cut off in another tube. Then insert it into the stretched part. The blanks that were made as a result of this process should be wrapped with thread.
  4. Steering wheel manufacturing. You need to cut the top of the tube, which is about 2 cm before the bend, and 3 cm after the bend. Then connect the parts, wrap with thread.
  5. After that, it's time to assemble a miniature vehicle. To fasten the rear wheels, take a tube, the length of which is 11 cm.
  6. Then wrap it with thread. The parts should be fastened together with glue.

Empty jars or small plant pots are used as bicycle planters. They should also be decorated. To do this, they are pasted over with a nylon thread, fixed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the rear wheels. The pot must be filled with flowers. Depending on the width of the ribbon, flowers should be selected. The tapes should be kept horizontal during this process. Wrapping occurs diagonally, as a result of which 1.5 cm remains.

Important! A decorative bicycle for flowers will become a really small masterpiece if you approach the process carefully. To make flowers, you need to take ribbons of different shades. It is necessary to wrap the end of the ribbon around the middle until you get a flower of the size you need. Then cut off the excess pieces.

Decorate a flower bike with sequins. A homemade bow can be glued to the front.

Planter bike

For this floral composition, you will need a wire with a diameter of 3 cm. Prepare a white teip tape, as well as a thin skewer. For the manufacturing process of the product, you will need scissors, round-nose pliers.

Wheels are made from wire. It will take 3 large circle for the front wheel and 6 parts for the two rear wheels. With the help of a teip tape, the parts are connected, as a result of which 3 elements are obtained.

The frame for the decorative vehicle is double. Prepare 2 long pieces of wire, in this case 50 cm is enough. After bending, wrap them with tape.

Then comes the assembly process. The large front wheel is located in the bend of the steering wheel, in the middle of which the frame is attached. Knitting needles can be made in the form of interesting curls. Three pieces are enough for one wheel.

All elements are attached to each other with tape tape.

A decorative bicycle is decorated with a basket of flowers. To make a basket, you need two circles made in a similar way. Their diameter is equal to the diameter of the front wheel. Inside the basket are attached special twigs made in the form of curls of wire. Eight pieces are enough to decorate the basket.

Then take a ready-made bouquet, or prepared on your own to decorate the basket.

Note! Often such miniature bicycles are varnished. Such a measure will allow the product to serve for a long time without losing its quality properties. Tape tape after such a coating will not get dirty.

You can also change the color of the decorative bike itself. Use golden acrylic. With it, you can achieve a bronze effect.

Flowers can be made independently using bead weaving. For this use French technique. In order for such flowers to hold, they can be attached to the foam.

Decoration in the garden - photo ideas


Such a small decorative item will really decorate any interior, or original gift. Making will not take much time or effort, you just need to follow a small instruction, prepare materials.

The planter bike looks amazing. If you previously singled out such products in stores, for example, you noticed what a unique style, uniqueness they create. Made independently, jewelry is in no way inferior to a purchased product.

Good day, dear!

In general, he was blinded by Sjusen from what she had at hand. Surely the bike will be very easy for you too :)

To make it, we only need twine (which probably lay around in the back room), cocktail tubes, coffee beans for decor, hot glue, and scraps of ceiling tiles or cardboard.

From the scraps of the ceiling tiles, we cut out 3 blanks for the wheels (a reel of large adhesive tape is very suitable as a template). For each wheel, you can glue 2 blanks so that the wheels are more stable - then you get 6 blanks.

We wrap each wheel with twine.

We wrap the blanks from the tubes with twine.

Glue with hot glue so that you get a cross.

We put in a circle. The wheel is ready (we make 3 such wheels). One wheel is obtained with a diameter of 11 cm:

We take another tube, bend it and slightly stretch it in the fold.

One piece left from the blanks for the wheels is inserted into this bent tube. To do this, the bent tube should be cut a little and inserted straight into it with a drop of glue.

Wrap with twine. Such blanks will need 2 pieces.

For the steering wheel, cut off 2 blanks (2 cm before the bend and 3 after).

We connect them together.

Wrap with twine.

We make another blank - a straight tube about 11 cm long (for the stability of the bike, you can insert skewers of a suitable size and diameter inside).

We wrap the pots with twine and decorate with coffee beans. Instead of pots, you can use various jars of processed cheese, sour cream, jelly, ice cream).

We decorate 2 rear wheels from their outer side with coffee beans.

At the straight blank and the "steering wheel" we decorate the side parts with grains so that everything is neat.

We start assembly. We insert a straight tube into the rear wheels, fasten with hot glue.

Insert 2 blanks into the front wheel, still without decor, and fix with glue.

We decorate the wheel on both sides.

A piece of tube (1.5-2 cm) is inserted between the upper tubes and glued.

Decorative bicycle made of twine and tubules. Master class with step by step photo

Master class on needlework "Cache-pot - bicycle"

Kotlyarova Olga Yurievna, teacher additional education, MAOU DOD "House of children's creativity" MO "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Master class for senior students, teachers and parents.
Purpose of the master class: interior decoration, souvenir for relatives and friends.
Friends, I suggest you make a decorative planter for all your loved ones for calendar and family holidays.

I will ride the bike for a long time.
In the deaf meadows I will stop him.
Narva flowers and give a bouquet,
The girl that I love.
Narva flowers and give a bouquet,
The girl that I love.

Target: to teach how to make a planter - a bicycle from waste materials.

Tasks: to expand knowledge in the field of arts and crafts, the development of creative potential, the formation of ecological and aesthetic culture when working with waste material.

Detailed description of the master class "Cache-pot - bicycle".
Necessary materials:
- thread "twine"
- thick cardboard
- pencil
- cocktail tubes
- glue "Titan"
- coffee beans
- scissors


1. We take thick cardboard, apply an object that is very similar to a wheel (for example, a reel of adhesive tape), circle it, cut it out. For one wheel, you will need 2 pieces of cardboard, they must be glued together. You need to make 3 such bases for the wheel.

2. We wrap all blanks with jute twine.

3. We take a cocktail tube, measure 2 centimeters before the bend and after, cut it off - these will be the spokes of the bicycle, this is necessary for the stability of the structure. For one wheel you will need 4 blanks. Since there are 3 wheels, 12 pieces need to be made. Then wrap all the blanks with twine.

4. 4 blanks wrapped with twine are glued together with Titanium glue, like this.

5. We insert this design into a cardboard circle wrapped with twine. The wheel is ready. For a bicycle, you need 3 of these wheels.

6. We take whole coffee beans and glue on one side 2 back of the bicycle wheel.

7. We take a cocktail tube, measure 2 centimeters before the fold and 3 centimeters after the fold, cut it off. We will need 2 such blanks for the steering wheel. Now they need to be connected to each other.

8. The steering wheel that turned out is wrapped with twine.

9. Take 1 cocktail tube, measure 11 centimeters, such a blank will fasten the rear wheels together.

10. At the steering wheel, which we have turned out and the parts for fastening the rear wheels, we decorate the edges with small coffee beans.

11. We take one tube, bend and stretch where the fold is. The tube on the short side must be cut, smeared with a drop of glue and inserted into it the segment remaining from the blanks for the wheels.

12. We wrap the resulting structure with jute twine. Such blanks will need 2 pieces.

13. Let's start assembling the bike. We insert a straight tube into the rear wheels using Titanium glue.

14. In the front wheel, insert the blanks from item No. 11.12. Glue for strength. We decorate the front wheel on both sides.

15. Insert a piece of tube 2 centimeters long between the upper tubes and glue it.

16. What happened is wrapped with twine.

17. Let's take a container that will directly act as a planter (for example, from yogurt, butter). Wrap with twine and decorate with coffee beans.

18. Glue the steering wheel and pots. We insert artificial flowers into the pots. The planter in the form of a bicycle is ready.

You can put any flowers you like in a flower pot, both artificial and live.
