Comic congratulations on your birthday with gifts. How to give a gift in an original way: the art of giving impressions How to creatively present a birthday present

In addition, to give a gift, you also need to present it enchantingly, because the atmosphere in which you give a present is the basis of the emotions, impressions and good memory received by the birthday man.

Ideas for an original submission

The main thing is to soberly assess which presentation in which cases will be appropriate so as not to violate the etiquette of relationships. A bright presentation is needed in order to please a person on his birthday, and not to shock him when you give something.

Surprise on the phone

In addition to the gift, you can make a little surprise for the birthday boy: design some kind of quest, and hide the gift at the end. In order to find it, the birthday boy will need to follow the instructions and guess the original riddles. At the same time, notifications should come to the hero of the occasion by phone from a number unknown to him. Who was on the other side of the "tube", he learns only at the end. Of course, giving items in this way is appropriate only if you are closely acquainted with the hero of the occasion.

gift quest

This method of congratulating a birthday is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in the method of presenting the material. You give the birthday person the first item, which has a small note with a riddle or rebus attached to it. It must contain the location next gift. In this way, you can stretch a chain of small presents that will lead the birthday boy to the main large gift.

Sudden present

The most pleasant surprise is the one that appears where it is not expected. This is how you can come up with original idea for submission. For example, you can buy an ordinary household item (hat, socks or gloves) and hide a more significant present in them. This method is best used for small gift options, such as perfume or a lighter.

The birthday boy will be delighted, because at first he will be delighted with a pleasant little thing, and then he will also find a larger addition to it! So you can give things in small and medium sizes. The main thing is that it is not immediately clear what lies inside.

original character

The point is that a birthday present should be given by some character from a favorite children's cartoon or a popular book. A gift can bring Mickey Mouse or lower Spiderman from the roof. This character can be dressed up by one of your mutual friends, a specially hired person, or you can become one yourself. The choice of character depends only on your imagination:

Compositions from balls

It is wonderful to arrange and present a gift with the help of balloons. Can be ordered beautiful composition or just inflate yourself and magnificently arrange a bouquet of balloons. Such a small birthday addition will significantly raise the degree of happiness and, in fact, inflate any, even modest, gift to incredible size and significance.

Even more holiday option will inflate the balloons with helium so that they stay in the air beautifully. Such balls can be tied to a gift box and placed under the door of a birthday person. A sharp knock on the door will make an unusual surprise.

original boxes

Even simple gift boxes, if you make them correctly and beautifully, brightly and with soul. For example, you can make a gift presentation in boxes folded according to the principle of nesting dolls. That is, take some huge box and put a smaller box into it, then even smaller, and so on until the smallest one, in which there will be a gift. This method is suitable for small gifts, because then maximum intrigue is created.

For fans of the development of intelligence

This method is simple, but at the same time very interesting. A birthday crossword puzzle is compiled for the birthday man, which he must solve. There may be thematic issues that he is interested in, or funny riddles. The main thing is that everyone should have fun. In the center of the crossword puzzle, a word must be encrypted, which is the goal of the whole game, because this word indicates the location of the hidden gift.

holiday explosion

When the gift is small and not fragile, you can present it in a special surprise ball. The peculiarity of this ball is that it has a fairly large size, a transparent texture, and inside it there are many small balls, sparkles, serpentine and a gift. You bring the ball to the celebration room and blow it up at the most unexpected moment. What is inside the ball should scatter beautifully in different directions, and the birthday man should be delighted with the beauty, enchantment and a festive gift.


The point is to arrange a small concert at the birthday before presenting the gift. For this, special artists are hired who will present a performance or a mini-performance: it can be a song, a dance, a funny scene.

The entourage of presenting a birthday present is set off huge amount soap bubbles that run indoors. In this atmosphere, a present is given. Such a presentation will appeal to young romantic girls.

A bit about etiquette

Presenting a birthday gift is a process that has its own characteristics, depending on rationality and etiquette. Giving is a whole art that shows the greatest integrity in certain laws. Not everyone knows how to give correctly, although the rules for polite delivery are very simple:

  • According to the rules of etiquette, the gift must be wrapped. It can be anything: a beautiful package, a box or wrapping paper, the main thing is that the birthday person has the opportunity not to reveal the contents of the package to everyone.
  • You need to give a gift with a soul, but even according to the laws of etiquette, the process of delivery is accompanied by warm wishes. Therefore, it is better to prepare wishes suitable for the presentation in advance.
  • If you decide to make a birthday surprise and send a gift with a specially hired courier, then you must definitely put a postcard with a signature inside the box. This rule of etiquette prevents the possibility of embarrassment and disorientation in the situation.

Whoever chooses gifts with a soul knows how difficult it is! I want to make a person not just pleasant, but to please, “get to the very point”, “move to tears” ...
The goals are different, but the gift must match the tastes and preferences of the donee. Like and, in one way or another, express our attitude towards the hero of the occasion. Not easy…

But it's even harder to present correctly. So that a loved one feels the significance of the event. To be surprised, to laugh, to remember. We will have to use all kinds of resources: fiction and fantasy, creativity and originality of thought, numerous friends, neighbors, colleagues.

Let us abandon the idea of ​​mere handing. We will look for how to present a gift in an original, cool, interesting way. So, to excite.

Design is as important as content

The gift needs appropriate packaging. Relevant
  • about the delivery
  • gender of the donee,
  • our attitude towards him
  • tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion.
And our idea of ​​giving. It is impossible for the gift to remain faceless (as we brought from the store). It's nice to receive things that are intended for us.

  • Mom's favorite sweets are decorated in the form of her favorite flowers. A toy for a little pirate is hidden in a real treasure chest.
  • Jewelry for your beloved - in an exclusive box or a blossoming rosebud.
  • Whiskey for a strict boss - in an old imitation book.
Usual wrapping paper can be decorated with fresh and artificial flowers, postcards and balloons, original stickers, cloth and figurines. If the gift is interesting in itself or you present all the guests, then gift tags with names, individual wishes, astrologers' predictions, etc. will be appropriate.

How cool is it to give a gift?

Jokes are allowed on a person who has a sense of humor. After all, our task is to cause a storm of positive emotions. Play when presenting a gift only to well-known people.

Ideas for the draw:

  • Stolen item. It will not be stolen, it will be bought with honestly earned money. BUT we will convince the hero of the occasion of the opposite. Presenting to a loved one mobile phone, tablet, navigator or something similar. They said appropriate words, listened to gratitude. They just sat down at the table ... The doorbell rang. "Hello! Let me introduce myself. Police Captain Pupkin. We have received information that the stolen mobile phone is located at this address. The operator tracked him by IMEI code. Here is the search warrant… Show me your mobile phones…”
And everything like that. For the role of a policeman, you take a person well known to you, but unfamiliar to the hero of the occasion. It's good if there are witnesses with the policeman. The success of a prank depends on credibility.
  • Flying away gift. It should be an easy thing that helium balloons will lift. Hide it in a fairly large box where these very balls will fit. You inform the hero of the occasion that here is what he has long dreamed of. Let it be a trip to the UAE. You give the opportunity to rejoice, jump for happiness and offer to open ... Drum roll - the gift flies into the sky. You very plausibly lament your indiscretions. We wanted to do the best...
For the draw to succeed, the gift must be desirable. The recipient must find out about his gift even before opening the box. He should already feel the taste of the gift, the pleasure of possession. The packaging, respectively, is opened on the street.
  • An annoying distributor. Your friend in the form of a distributor comes to the hero of the occasion. With an absolutely serious look, he offers absolutely useless things. It imposes, it bothers. Offers to buy something and receive a gift "from company X". When the patience of the hero of the occasion is running out, he will present the gift you have prepared.

How else can you present a gift in an interesting way?

A gift that is romantically given becomes romantic.

Most concerned about how to give gifts, people in love. There is nothing more precious than the glowing eyes of a loved one and his sincere smile. For the process of giving to be remembered, it is not necessary to spend money. Much more useful fantasy, improvisation and desire make happy.

We give gifts in an original way

  • Invite your loved one to a restaurant or cafe. At the height of the evening, a little girl dressed as an angel comes to your table. pronounces congratulatory speech and presents a box. The girl opens - tropical butterflies fly out. At the bottom is a decoration. You can present a box with butterflies yourself.
  • A courier in a business suit and with an impenetrable face comes to the dear hero of the day. He asks to sign for receiving the gifts due: for a portion of happiness, a huge basket of love, iron health, good luck, etc. The most recent document confirms the delivery of a particular thing.
  • Go for a walk with a girl memorable places: where they met, kissed for the first time, made a marriage proposal, etc. All sorts of unexpected pleasures happen during the walk. Here is a complete stranger gave a rose. Here a street artist came up and presented a portrait. And there the musician performed your composition. The end of the path is a favorite place for both, where music plays quietly, appropriate scenery has been prepared (inscriptions on houses, shops, romantic confessions on the pavement). This is where the gift is presented.
  • You pack a small thing in several boxes (at least ten). Paste each of the boxes with photographs that tell the story of your love. Getting to the gift, you will plunge into dear memories together.

Take a closer look at close person wish with all your heart to make him happy on a significant day. This approach will help to abandon stereotypes, connect imagination, and approach the presentation of a gift in an original way. Genuine delight, sincere laughter and joy will be the best reward for the donor.

Another holiday is approaching, and you still have not figured out what to give your man? This situation is familiar to many. Instead of rejoicing at the upcoming fun event, you have to think about choosing a useful and interesting gift, after all, it would seem that everything that a spouse or lover can dream of has already been donated.

There is an exit! You can surprise and please not only with the gift itself, but also with the way it is presented. The most ordinary thing, if presented in an original way, will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Several ways to present a gift in an original way:

  1. Your spouse or loved one will be pleasantly surprised if you give him beautiful socks, and even better - gloves, inside of which there will be a main gift. Put in the "package" tickets for a football match, a gift certificate (to which store - think of it yourself), a beautiful tie clip or other lightweight item.
  2. You can give not one gift, but several. While your man is away, stretch a thread through all the rooms, tying its end to the doorknob, and hang surprises on it, placing the most important one at the end of the path.
  3. Make your spouse work hard: hide the gift, and let him look for it! Lay out small gifts along the way, and next to them - notes with hints, adding them warm words so that each note leads to the next. For example: “Sunny, I have a little gift for you. Look in the first drawer! The man opens the drawer, finds a surprise inside and the following note: “Oh, teddy bear, I'm sorry, he's not here! Maybe look at the picture? And behind the picture is another surprise: “You know, I decided to hide it so that no one would find it but you! Because I love you so much! Look into…” And so on. Believe me, such a search will please any man.
  4. Another unusual way presenting a gift - in a package in the form of a “matryoshka”: a present is placed in a small beautiful box, all this is placed in another box - a larger one, packed in a festive wrapper and placed in the next one, the last box can be huge. The more packages, the better. It is especially interesting to unwrap such a gift in the presence of guests: watching the unpacking process causes a storm of emotions! The final scene: the birthday boy with a happy smile holds a small, small gift in his hands (for example, the keys to a scooter), and a mountain of boxes and wrapping paper rises nearby.
  5. A gift that floats right into your hands is ideal for romantics. You will need several balloons so that they can support the weight of the gift. Tie it to a bunch of inflated balloons and hide it in the closet. As soon as your man opens the door, balloons with a gift will float out to meet him.
  6. Another version of the game of hide and seek is a simple crossword puzzle in which the answer to the question “Where is the gift hidden?” Is encrypted. It's not necessary to test your husband's intellectual ability: come up with simple questions, such as your affectionate nicknames, memorable events, habits, names of favorite animals, flowers, etc.
  7. “My best present is you!” Present yourself as a gift in a beautiful “wrapper”, and you will see how delighted your spouse will be. Take the box from under washing machine or refrigerator and decorate the outside with postcards, wrapping paper, or otherwise. Put on sexy lingerie, tie a gift bow, and hide in a box before your husband comes home. If you want to make it even more interesting - come up with and print a comic instruction manual for the “gift”.
  8. If your spouse or young man is an adventurer by nature, give him the opportunity to be in the role of a detective. Hide the gift in the storage room, and send the cell number and code by SMS, or give him a check card with a barcode. Then, by phone, ask him riddles and give him tasks so that in the end he ends up in the right place at the right cell. If you are in different cities, you can deliver a gift with a messenger.
  9. Do you want your loved one to be in a festive mood from the very morning? While he sleeps, take some balloons filled with helium, tie a gift to them, and let them float under the ceiling in the bedroom. When a man opens his eyes, the first thing he sees will be a "balloon" with a surprise. Joy and pleasant surprise are guaranteed!
  10. Personal presentation of a gift can also be original. Dress up in the costume of a lady-in-waiting or a Japanese geisha (you'll have to get it somewhere for such an occasion), put a wrapped gift on a tray, bring it into the room and hand it over with bows and curtsies. The outfit can also be erotic, then instead of one gift your man will receive two at once.

Fantasize and paint your relationship with bright and unforgettable colors!

What is the idea of ​​congratulations: idea to create an inscription under erasable paint. You know, an erasable layer covers the results of winnings in instant lotteries, the code for replenishing an account on a mobile phone, and so on. So, now I will tell how to create such a coating at home and how to use it.

Let's start with the second point, so as not to run far from the photo taken at the beginning of the article.

Question on the postcard:"Are you lucky in love? (Let's check - erase the coating on one of the hearts and read the inscription)"

This idea is essentially unusual option phantoms. As inscriptions, you can use bonus gifts for a loved one (for example, breakfast in bed or sex, that is, coffee in bed, kisses, and so on)

You can go the other way: break the gift into parts or buy the main gift, and to it a few additional inexpensive ones. Gifts to pack and number. And write numbers on the hearts.

Hide the gifts and give them in the order you get when you erase the layer. It's confusing, but I hope you understand.

We did this (perhaps I already mentioned this), and one of the additional gifts was a magic wand (the kind of luminous one that is sold in children's toy stores)
It was said about the wand: "In fact, this is the most important gift, because it was with its help that we generated (created) all the others"
It turned out funny)))

Another option: write "How do I feel about you?" or "What do I think of you?"
And in the hearts of the answer options (all good, of course! I love, dearly love, adore, and so on)

And another option: again about the order of your actions. Let's say you plan to 1) sit in a cafe 2) go for a walk (although it's cold, of course) or go ice skating 3) give a gift 4) go to an entertainment center to play something, and so on

A loved one erases the cover, and you implement the specified item, then another heart is erased and you present a gift (for example)

Of course, it’s better to somehow warn that, let’s say, for these few hours, the time will be magically distributed so that the beloved is ready for this (he has his own plans and ideas, right?)

So, with the topic of how to give and how to beat such a congratulation, we are done, Let's move on to the practical part.

Download a template for printing a postcard (without an inscription - add an inscription manually)

A site for making washable paint recommended mixing acrylic with dishwashing detergent (2:1). And I wanted to experiment and see if this recipe works.

I had building white acrylic and gouache. I added pink gouache to the acrylic to give a shade. Printed out hearts, wrote inside "I love you!" and painted like this:

clean paint

Painted with Fairy and

With clean paint, which I applied to paper, previously smeared hygienic lipstick.

photo 7darov

After drying, I took a coin and tried to erase the top layer of paint. Outline on the picture. Acrylic applied to hygienic lipstick won!

photo 7darov

The paint rubs off very well. I don’t know why it didn’t work out with gouache, maybe, of course, the paper was smeared better under acrylic ... I don’t even know. But there is a difference.

So here's a recipe for making washable paint at home - apply a coat of lip balm to paper, gently remove clumps, and cover with acrylic (remember, I used regular building acrylic)

photo 7darov

Basically, this article contains postcards, but there are a few exceptions))

For example, romantic gift idea number 61. Valentine pillow with a pocket for a postcard.

More articles with ideas for pillows.

And now let's go through the ideas of postcards and postcards-installations (which can be laid out from objects and notes on the table or on the floor)
We have collected ideas for such postcards mainly in two sections: postcards and romantic postcards

Romantic gift idea number 62. We cut a piece of paper into strips and write on each what love means to you. Or what is he - your beloved? Or your beloved (girlfriend, wife). And with the help of double-sided tape lay out a heart on paper.
The execution of the idea in terms of beauty (pictured) did not turn out very well, but I think the main thing is that the idea is clear, but you can always make it more beautiful!


Romantic gift idea number 63. Postcard installation from pomegranate. We buy two pomegranates, take a large sheet of paper and lay out the seeds in the form of a heart on it.
On the left we put a whole pomegranate. We sign:


By the way, as a whole, you can specially take an unripe pomegranate))

Romantic gift idea number 64. If your girlfriend (or wife) loves to cook, make a cookie cutter heart garland. You can diversify the garland with paper hearts (nevertheless, we sell mostly molds that are not painted red, so you need to add a color accent)

Found on

Romantic gift idea number 65. Present a beautiful large format notebook, write a declaration of love on one of the pages and put a flower.
Tie tightly with ribbon. Pack up. When a layer of paper is removed, it will become clear that this is a notebook, and the fact that there is a flower inside will be a little surprise.


Romantic gift idea number 66. Gift idea similar to
Only here we will do it a little differently. draw a heart on the feet. Take a photo. print and sign something like this: "With you, I feel support in this world. Love gives me strength. Thank you for being you and you are with me"

Found on flickr

Romantic gift idea number 67. The idea is to connect two circles symbolizing you and make an inscription at the intersection

You can implement this idea both in Photoshop and using colored paper.

source lost


Romantic gift idea number 68. Postcard "Your breakfast is waiting for you in bed". It is clear that you yourself must wait in bed for your soul mate at the time of delivery of the card))


Romantic gift idea number 69. Postcard for IT-shnikov))


Romantic gift idea number 70. The postcard is simple, but that's not the point. The idea is to replace the traditional "I love you" with "You make me happy"


Romantic gift idea number 71. Postcard "You are the most important person to me"

Romantic gift idea number 72. Postcard in quilling technique. easy and very effective

How to make this and other postcards using the QWILLING technique (and it's very simple!) Read in this article

How do you like the idea to come up with a crossword puzzle for a loved one?
With tasks like "What is the name of the person I think about when I go to bed and wake up in the morning"
The highlighted cells may contain a message. The easiest way to compose this message is to write it out and just make sure that the next word horizontally contains the next letter of your message.

The idea of ​​

Romantic gift idea number 73. Something similar has already been written about, but I will repeat it again: I VERY like the idea of ​​taking a picture with a sheet of paper, on which you can then write in Photoshop. For example this one:

Source Martha Stewart

Romantic gift idea number 74. Cool postcard with an envelope and a heart, made in the technique of origami

materials(three sheets of paper):

  • with a picture - 300x300 mm (for an envelope)
  • red 150x150 mm
  • beige 138x138 mm for a note with congratulations

Romantic gift idea number 75. Heart in two parts. Given with the words: You and I are one!"

Photo Country Masters

For anyone who wants to give a loved one such a gift or decorate a card with such a heart by signing " you and I are one"

Another interesting origami heart

Romantic gift idea number 76. The idea of ​​filling the heart with words. First, an idea that I already wrote about:

Photos and ideas B a r c a

And there is one more: "you" and "I" are called. Empty fields left for names

View in larger size

source etsy

Another postcard idea from Barca -

Romantic gift idea number 77. Postcard in the shape of a four-leaf clover. (or four hearts)

According to legend, each of the plates of the four-blade sheet represents something specific: the first is hope, the second is faith, the third is love, and the fourth is good luck.

You can sign a postcard like this, or you can say this:

"People often spend time looking for magical symbols. It can take years to find a quatrefoil...

And to save your time and effort, we made this quatrefoil for you, putting all the energy of our love into it!

You are a wonderful person and we wish you to realize everything that you dream about as soon as possible!"

Romantic gift idea number 78. And it's not just a postcard! This postcard-game!

Gifting a birthday girl can be not only solemn, it can be used to arrange a game or entertainment moment. For example, any holiday is very enlivened - various congratulations from guests with a scattering of comic or useful, but presented with a humorous supply, gifts and trifles. Despite the fact that the reception is quite common, it invariably pleases both the hero of the occasion and her gathered guests, especially since you can come up with “gifts” for her specific habits, passions or profession.

Sometimes such congratulations with gifts are rather frivolous, but since they are given by very close people, this does not bother anyone, but, on the contrary, amuses and gives pleasure. If congratulations with gifts are arranged by colleagues, then its tone is usually more restrained, and the gifts themselves are more practical and stylish.

Here are collected comic congratulations - anniversary gifts for women various authors (thanks to them for the ideas!), which, if suitable, you can use in full or take them as a basis and come up with your own funny gifts and eyeliners to them, focusing on the age and tastes of a particular birthday girl.

1. Comic congratulations on the anniversary for a woman

"And we have a present for you!"

This is a fun table chant for the anniversary with the presentation of various gifts. After the words of the host, the guests should shout in unison:
"And we, and we have a present for you!"

We are here today for a reason
Gathered together, friends!
Everywhere jokes, congratulations,
Birthday wishes.
birthday girl just
Let's congratulate now!
Come on, guests, join
And scream with all your might
Like someone's got you for something
Bitten very hard.

Tanya got up early today

So that she would not be in a hurry.

Start before it's too late

Get yourself in order.

Tanya comes to a white bath,

To wash your head

And shampoo - well, not a drop.

What to do, how to be here?

Guests in chorus (takes shampoo out of the box.

So tired of dressing up
I began to make my way to the kitchen,
To drink coffee
Strength to restore.
But yesterday a neighbor came
And today there is no coffee.

Guests in chorustakes a bag of coffee out of the box.

We know Tanya has a sweet tooth,
She loves sweets.
She didn't eat candy day
And already upset.

Guests in chorus: "And we, and we have a present for you" - (gives candy).

So Tanya began to cook,
Got the best meat.
What to pepper the dish with
So as not to upset the guests?

Guests in chorus: "And we, and we have a present for you" - (Handing a bag of pepper)

Finally dinner is ready:

One hundred salads, cake and pilaf.
Here are all the dishes on the table,
Only salt mistress, where?

Guests in chorus: "And we, and we have a gift for you" - (handed .... a bag of salt)

Here comes the last guest
And a whole load of dishes.
What to do here, how to wash,
Where can I get a sponge?

Guests in chorus: "And we, and we have a present for you" - (give .... a sponge)

Don't take it as an insult
This joke is congratulations.
Smile, sing songs
Know that your friends are always with you!


2. Comic congratulations with gifts for a woman from friends.

1. Happy birthday, congratulations,

We wish you all the best.

We give technology to you

And fashionable clothes.

To quickly clean the apartment

Get a wonderful car

Very easy to handle

Our "Roventa" vacuum cleaner.

He will wipe anyone's nose,

Will take away all your chaos.

Gently in your hands you will take

You wave in different directions

Instantly dirt from all over the apartment

Scatter - no dust.

He won't take up much space.

It will fit into any slot.

saves kilowatts,

Doesn't rattle and is lightweight.

Everything in the house will shine

Nowhere for dust to fly (give a broom)

2. Here is the device "Just in case",

In life, he is the best assistant,

With him, grief is not a problem.

He will always help you.

And the name is sonorous

Enema - scientifically.

It is not difficult to apply

We will provide instructions (gives an enema).

Use it every day

And your migraine will go away

He will remove all the slags from you

The body will look slender.

In general, we tell you

He is irreplaceable in life.

With extensive angina

You can gargle your throat

When renovating an apartment

You can spray paint.

Being with him at the dacha

You spray the bushes.

And then how crazy

Flowers will bloom everywhere.

I think you've made sure

What a miracle we give you

And now boldly through life

You will go with her.

3. As for the outfit

You quickly put it on

You will be a gorgeous woman in it

And Madonna is just a shadow.

Winter panties on wadding

Fit perfectly

Because in November

The cold is fierce in the yard.

Put it on quickly

Lure men to sex.

It's not that hard to warm up together

And you can't freeze

Wearing hot pants

You will live through any cold (gives diapers).

4. And boots from Versace

The last peep is not otherwise.

All their winter you carry

And you won't get cold feet (give slippers or socks or shoe covers)

Emphasize your figure

I broke my long leg.

Klavka Slate would herself

I would go crazy with envy.

In a headset with panties

It will be hot like in the Sahara

You carry gifts

And bless fate.

There will be a reason to drink

We will gather again

Happiness of women without end.

We wish you Happy Birthday.


3. Cool congratulations from girlfriends with gifts "Country treats".

1. If the stomach wants to eat, do him honor:
You spread pate on bread, there is nothing tastier (give a jar of pate).

2. If you like delicious soup, boil some cereals,
Throw a sardine in here, maybe even half (gives a jar of sardines).

3. If you need lunch, there is no problem here:
Your millet will be delicious, if there is stew. (give stew).

4. Pour tea into cups, serve loaf!
Let the children laugh loudly, if there is condensed milk. (give condensed milk)

5. If you call solid cream to the dacha of society,
Do not rely on potatoes, open olives soon (give olives)

6. If you haven't bought bread, don't be sad, it's nonsense!
Open a jar of beans, you will always be full! (gives beans)

7. So that the picnic does not become a burden, so that they eat heartily,
open a jar of corn and lettuce feed! (gives corn)

8. Offering guests a snack, the same sandwich:
Put a cucumber on the bread, and a couple of sprats from the jar (give a cucumber and sprats)

9. Unsuccessful fishing will be made pleasant,
Fish meatballs in tomato sauce (gives meatballs)

10. If he grew up in the garden, then we will not give you back,
This jar of peas, we'll eat it in the winter! (give peas)

11. In addition to the treat, zucchini caviar!
There are a lot of vitamins, you should always eat it! (give zucchini caviar)

12. The sun is hot this summer. Even if there are many berries
Decorates our picnic, fruits are a gift to you from the south
We give at this moment (give fruit)

13. If you are too lazy to cook, but your stomach howled,
Porridge with meat will come in handy to moderate his ardor! (give porridge with meat)

14. A useless little thing, if you take it alone,
But it will come in handy for soup, you need to have it in the house (give tomato paste)


4. Congratulations with gifts "Women's stuff"

1. Frankly show - the beauty of your face and your body - and you will see in it what you did not want to see in it (give a mirror)

2. Your iron girlfriends, long-legged, long-armed - they keep their hair perfectly, and you look so crowned! ( give hairpins)

3. They will cut everything, cut it and put it in order. - on the big number "five", the manicure will shine! ( give manicure scissors)

4. You can’t find better girlfriends - and don’t go to a fortune teller - at least twist it, don’t twist it, everyone needs it very much ... (give curlers)

5. Gently removes make-up, makes a light massage - and at any moment our good friend - soft ... (give a sponge)

6. Always take them with you so that they are at hand, their labors are invisible. And if there is no water nearby - they are so important, these ..... (give wet wipes)

7. He is many hundreds of years old, but he looks fresh, we keep the most irreplaceable item at hand. Like the winds of a pure stream - thin ... (gives handkerchief)

8. Like a whole battalion of soldiers, they are in a box - they will remove extra touches, and cosmetics are sins (gives cotton buds)

9. There is just nothing in it: shadows, a pencil, tweezers, hairpins, mascara, a comb, varnishes, and there is also all sorts of rubbish. A very necessary thing - for the hostess ... (give cosmetics)

10. It happens plastic and gold, iron, silver and bone - he holds the hair with a strong hand, behind him they are like behind a Chinese wall. He helped every woman at least once - such an irreplaceable ... (bezel)

(Such congratulations can be completed by presenting the crown and awarding the title of "Beauty Queen" or another nomination - see)

5. Congratulations to the birthday girl from colleagues with gifts.

Perhaps you "lathered" to run away,
But your lot is to continue the work! (gives soap)

Who gets a can of beer
Live happily all year! ( give beer)

Eat bananas and coconuts
And expect rewards from fate! ( give banana)

While the boss is "removing shavings" from us,
Quietly make a cup of tea! ( give mug)

Get this tube as a gift,
To make every tooth shine in the sun! (gives toothpaste)

Since you got chocolate,
Then you will not be bitter - it will be sweet! (gives chocolate)

When you drink cranberry jelly,
Forget the mundane carousel!
Let the world, as they say, wait!
And you will be healthy all year round (gives kissel)

Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is just amazing! ( give hand cream)

To the one who receives this candle,

You have to travel the world! (gives a candle)

To write down where the pay went,
You will really need this pen! (give a pen)

We'll have to live, the work of grief,
And forget about the days of the calendar! (give a calendar)

And great love is waiting for you
And kisses all year round! (give a set of sponges)

Do you understand what the purpose of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright! (Give markers)

And you are "in juice", in the prime of life!
Among your friends you have no equal! (gives a bag of juice)

You are well versed in work
And you will be with us all year in high esteem (give a horseshoe)

Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane (give shampoo)

You will be cheerful and energetic
And so the whole year will be great! (gives coffee)


6. Photoshoot of the hero of the day in hats.

It is very funny which is more suitable for home holiday or a holiday in the country, so that the culprit is not upset because she can ruin her hair (after all, she needs to try on each hat, show it to the guests and, if desired, take a picture in each as a keepsake)

Eyeliner: The French say that a real woman can make three things out of nothing: a salad, a scandal and a hat. Our (name of the hero of the day) can do much more, she can also arrange out of all this real holiday yourself and guests. That she will now demonstrate with brilliance to all of us.

Perhaps not all those present know that we are in constant cooperation with the great couturier of our time Zakidon Shlyapnikov and offer the hero of the day a personal all-season collection of his hats. Hats, mirror, photographer, everything ready? Then let's start!

First model: cap for sports "Champion"(Children's hat with a toe or baseball cap.)
Sport relieves us of stress
And will add health to everyone.
To stay young
Sports need to be done.
Summer, autumn, winter
Take up walking.
To overtake the bus
You have to wear a hat.

Second model: swimming cap "Dive" (Rubber bathing cap or shower cap)
To be always healthy
Not to cough, not to sniff,
You can run for a long time in the park
Or hang on the horizontal bar.
If water is given for life,
It’s more like a river, a shower.
Just put on a hat
After all, to her face, besides.

The third model: hat of the hostess "Chistulya" (From a sponge or washcloth)
If in household chores suddenly
It turns out that two legs and two arms are not enough,
And everything she needs to finish.

The fourth model: a hat for the work "All-seeing" (An option for the teacher is to sew glasses on four sides of the hat.)
Must have a hat
To see everything, to look after everyone,
So that work is in full swing soon,
So that not a second for laziness, yawning.
( teacher option.So that the student could not write off,
From someone else's notebook, "lick" everything,
He could not pull out the spur ...
This hat will fit.

Fifth model: a miracle hat "In the garden, in the garden" (Old straw hat)
The sun in the country mercilessly burns
Is there someone on all fours?
In the hottest, sultry time
Save your crown from harmful rays!
Avoid overheating
Put on your awesome hat!

Model 6: Legend hat for the weekend (Any original hat)
If, (name of the hero of the day), you suddenly
A friend will invite you for the weekend
Don't think, don't guess
Accept the offer!
Be gentle, be cheerful
Just don't forget your hat!
Weekend hat -
Not a hat, but a legend!

Seventh model: eco-hat for conservationists (Spotted khaki hat)
We know you love animals
Squirrels, hares, capercaillie,
Save your own river
And don't kill the fish in it.
To make the trees green
For birds to sing songs
Join the Greenpeace Society
To us, "green", such -
Not like us blue!

Model 8: Cruise Visa Hat (Old man's hat)
This hat is not worn on the head, but in the hands.
If you don't want to freak out
see pyramids,
Collect capital
And you go to the station.
You can easily get a visa
And go on cruises!

And finally, the ninth model: the invisibility cap (Hat big size, creeping over the eyes, or a knitted hat).

The grandiose model is made in a single copy, has no analogues in the world and has the supernatural property of invisibility. Let's try ... wonderful! Trying in vain - you still won't see anything!
This collection of hats is designed for all occasions and will help you feel real woman in all situations

7. Comic congratulations for a woman with gifts from close friends.

Hello, dear woman, you are good as a girl.
Though not 25 years old, vigorous mother,
We send you, my dear, a parcel for your birthday.
A little bit here, a little bit here, don't blame me.

If there is no CANDLE in the house, here it is, if the light goes out.
MATCHES and a PIECE OF SOAP so that you wash your face,
And here is a PACK OF CIGARETTES, suddenly you smoke, maybe not.
We have life, you’ll understand, you’ll smoke and drink here.
Here is a PIVASIK for order after the bath, al with the use.
We all blow it ourselves and recommend it to you.

SALA here is a piece 3, so eat or cook,
Stretch until summer, now it's a jewel.
Yes, look, do not get fat, it is better to feed the guests.
Let your foolish friends eat
Kohl do not feel sorry for them figure.

A BOTTLE OF HOLY WATER, drop by drop into the mouth before meals.
So as not to give to anyone, say: "Itself, they say, is not enough."
And the back suddenly hurts, rub it and hold it.
If you get sick, lie down, period, there is a grandson and a son-in-law and a daughter.
Let them wash and wash themselves, let them not disturb their mother.

As soon as you receive the package, take the bottle as soon as possible,

And write the answer as soon as possible, what you like, what you don't.
If there is no money in the house, tie a BROOM to your leg,
You need to wave a broom, collect money in a pile.

That's all goodbye girl, you are for us, well, like a sister,
Pour vodka into glasses and invite guests to drink.
