How to recognize a lie and what to do when you are deceived. Aphorisms, quotes, statements of great people on the topic of deception. It is best to live without deceiving yourself.

We recognize lies by human behavior
It's strange that all people lie at least occasionally. After all, doing this is very difficult. When we tell a lie, our creation has to control the subconscious, and the body, having entered into such a contradiction, simply does not know how to behave. Imagine that you are walking down the street. Walk at a normal pace and look around. What is the likelihood that you will have difficulty walking, that you will forget how to do it and begin to lose your way? Yes, no - such an action is spontaneous and regulated by the subconscious. But if you think about how you walk, watch yourself (“So, I raise my left leg first, then my right. I lift it about 10 cm from the ground...”), then you will probably get lost. You will begin to slow down, look down unnaturally, and a strange expression that is not typical for you will appear on your face. About the same thing happens when we time. A person controls every word, thinks before uttering it, and... gives himself away. Tension appears inside the body and is even stronger in the throat and around the mouth. Wanting to cope with this, we unconsciously touch our necks, rub the corners of our lips, and generally touch our faces more often than usual. Speech becomes monotonous - in order to contain our excitement, we are forced to slow it down. We often look away, or may not even look in the direction of the interlocutor at all, pretending that we are keen on looking at some object that interests us, we perform stereotypical actions (for example, turning a pen, leafing through a notepad) and try to speak very clearly - in order to be above suspicion. In addition, sweating increases (as in a situation of any excitement and fear) and the pupils dilate. Lie detectors are based precisely on the perception of all these changes in the body - they show what issue caused the tension and how strongly it is expressed.

Recognizing lies using intuition
But women don’t need any detectors. We ourselves have the ability to recognize truth and lies. A woman can understand the situation not just by her words, by the position of her back, by her breathing, by the way the key is turned in the lock. “You looked twice at the window when answering my question, then scratched your nose while talking about your affairs, then somehow dismissively hung up the phone... So you’re lying to me!” No, of course, no one expresses their suspicions in this form. Most of us say, “I feel like something is wrong (something happened).” And this “I feel” is the most powerful argument. Women truly have the ability to recognize a huge number of emotions, detect them and unconsciously compare them. Especially if we are talking about the same person. These talents are innate: this is how nature made sure that a woman, as a physically weak creature, creates conditions of safety for herself and her children. It is not enough for us to choose a worthy person who will take care of his offspring; it is also important to keep him. This means that we must foresee in advance all the potential possibilities of his departure and react sensitively to them. If a wife says, “I feel like my husband has a hobby on the side,” that’s true. Even if the husband is already at home every day at six o’clock in the evening and regularly gives her bouquets. True, such intuition often brings frustration - just because you know it does not mean that it can be changed.

Professional liars
What then about scammers and marriage swindlers? After all, they find their victims among women too. Firstly, such people know who to choose and know how to work with the emotions of the victim. They give her what she needs at the moment. A businesswoman tired of routine life, devoting all her strength to responsible work, is an excellent target for a romantic swindler. He will surround her with such attention and care that she will feel like Assol, who has waited for the ship with scarlet sails. And by the way, even after learning that she was deceived, she will still retain pleasant memories of several fabulous weeks or months spent with her failed groom. Secondly, many people specifically learn to lie so that it looks convincing. They hone their every gesture, every word and in the end, achieve mastery. We cry over the fate of the heroine of the film, but the actors, by and large, also lie. Thirdly, there are individuals who become so accustomed to a lie that for them it becomes true. For example, demonstrative and exalted persons, when inventing a story, become so carried away by it that they themselves forget that nothing of the kind actually happened. Naturally, it is impossible to recognize their deception.

How to resist lies?
What to do if you are faced with a lie? There is no single correct recipe on how to avoid this and how to behave in such a situation. Just like there is no one reason why people lie. There are lies - exaggeration to present the situation in a better light. There are lies to avoid unpleasant conversations and explanations. There are lies through which we can increase our self-esteem. And sometimes a person lies to get basic help and understanding.

If you encounter lies all the time, and it ruins your relationship, then first think about why this is happening? What does a loved one gain from telling you a lie? Perhaps the whole point is excessive severity on your part, intolerance of shortcomings, and he is simply trying to avoid any punishment or open conflicts?

Do not make claims right away; if possible, avoid the words “you’re lying” and the like. Just ask your interlocutor what you wanted to know and watch the reaction. You can ask “Did something happen?”, as if letting you know that you are worried and excited about what is happening. Without knowing what the deception is, you should still subtly let your opponent know that you feel it. If he values ​​you, then perhaps he will think about it. “Somehow I feel uneasy. Our relationship is not the same as before” - this phrase is quite suitable for both personal and business relationships.

If breaking up is not part of your plans, and a frank conversation could harm you, try to isolate yourself from the situation. Just tell yourself: “Yes, my husband is lying to me. I don’t know how long this will last, but for now it is.”

People who lie for a specific purpose are sure that you do not suspect anything. You can spoil this feeling for them with the help of the “I know everything, but I have my own plan” look. This will save you from feeling dependent and gives you strength. And the situation itself, thanks to such tactics, can turn in your favor.

Wherever you find deception, and in whatever form you find it, people often hide behind it and use it, being unable to act differently, since they do not see the possibility of being in a winning situation without deceiving others. It would, of course, be wrong to condemn or speak negatively about deception; after all, lying has always been a part of people’s lives, and the more skillfully a person lies, the higher he can rise in life, not always and not everywhere, but often this is precisely So. However, there is an opportunity to rise in life, and without resorting to deception, maybe lying a little, since not everyone is ready to accept the truth among their moral and mental characteristics, but not through outright deception. True, in any of its forms, it is also not always appropriate; on the one hand, as we know, it is often subjective in nature, and on the other, it is simply inappropriate. However, I personally have always disliked all ways of deceiving people, for the simple reason that this is the lot of the weak and stupid.

And now, for me, any lie evokes contempt, because it is used very crookedly and toothlessly, sometimes trying to deceive in such a primitive way that it is frankly annoying. But people can look at lies through the prism of their stereotypes, you know how many people like to claim that if you don’t lie, you won’t live. And it’s true, they who claim this will not live unless they are deceived. Only now, if we are honest about this statement, at least for ourselves, then we should admit that if a fool does not deceive, he will not live, because not only does he not know how, but he is not going to find out about it. The fool is afraid of the truth, because he does not know what to do with it. That is why the road to power in our country is paved through lies, because lies are needed by weak and stupid people, who themselves want to live in a world of illusions; such people are controlled, and smarter and more cunning people mainly build their power on them. I have long come to the conclusion that in this world honesty in its pure form is impossible, while most people are weak, they themselves cannot make their lives good without any lies, and they also demand it in relation to themselves, because they are unable to accept the truth , where they are exactly who they are from an objective point of view.

There are no fundamental laws by which we could assert the correctness or incorrectness of lies and truth, there is only the world that a person has drawn for himself. And as you and I see, in this world, often deception, intentional and sometimes terribly primitive, gives some people an advantage over other people. By resorting to lies, people gain an advantage over those who are unable to recognize it, thereby making their way over other people's heads. Initially, while studying the principles of managing people in power, I saw the cynicism of power in its deception of the people, and this prompted me to point out this deception to people. But then, I became more mature and more understanding when I came to the conclusion that people themselves crave to be deceived, they cannot live without it, they do not need the real world, in which people act who are not at all favorable to a weak person laws. And this gave rise to a general ideology that lying is an excellent means of survival, both in terms of using it for one’s own purposes and in relation to its use against oneself. They say that honesty will leave a person without trousers, but what kind of honesty are we talking about, what kind of truth, in which a person loses?

For me, the truth is that if a person deceives, and thereby gains something for himself, then he simply does not have the intelligence not to deceive and still benefit, this is the truth. In the world of big business, where there are practically no suckers as such, where people are realists and will not allow themselves to be deceived just like that, they are able to negotiate in such a way that both sides remain winners. Let's just say that people with intelligence share the good in direct proportion to their very mind, but lies are used in inverse proportion to a person's mental abilities. It is obvious that a person with greater strength and power, according to the laws of this world, should have a slightly more privileged position than one who is weaker. Understanding this, smart people come to an agreement or not, for example, business sometimes does not reach an agreement with the authorities, after which individuals flee abroad. Consequently, it is not so much deception that should take place in an agreement between two actually smart people, but rather a competent assessment of each other’s capabilities and, as a result, the most sober approach to a compromise.

Either/or, this does not apply to lying, either I will lie, or I will have nothing. Why not consider a situation in which you won't lie, but won't lose anything? Moreover, such a formulation of the question solves some problems that arise during life, for the long term. We see deception everywhere, today and always it has been, and this deception is the result of a large number of weak people who do not know how to give, who only know how to take, take away, ask, demand. And yet, despite this, honesty is also not uncommon, isn’t it, let’s say I don’t use all sorts of psychological tricks to manipulate my readers, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading something unusual in my articles and what is unusual for you, but what you want to read. If all people were weak, or their moral principles did not consider lies from a negative point of view, I am afraid, friends, our life would turn into a nightmare. On the news they like to tell us about negative manifestations of human behavior, on the one hand, this is in demand by the people themselves, since they show interest in negativity, which means they need it, and on the other hand, it is necessary to keep people in excitement so that they do not relax.

So they tell us about the lawlessness of doctors, about medical errors, they talk about the crimes of the police, about the lawlessness of officials, and so on and so forth. One gets the impression that we live in a complete hell, in which we cannot trust anyone and in which it is very dangerous to be honest ourselves. You really shouldn’t trust anyone, not because there are no people you can trust without negative consequences for yourself, but because we cannot see the whole inside of a person, even if we know psychology well and have a lot of life experience. There is no need to be honest either, this is very stupid, you just need to be a realist, a person who understands who is in front of him and how to behave with him. Whether a person will deceive you or not is unknown, but this is not the main thing, the main thing is just to know that we do not live in hell, that not all people lie, they fib - yes, it happens, but they do not lie, like little children. Of course, amid all this abundance of lies that surrounds us, we tend to be more wary than to a relaxed state, when we have faith in good people, so to speak, we don’t need kind people, we need smart people.

There is no need for kindness, no need for honesty, just be strong, then there will be no need to hide your true desires and intentions behind stupid and primitive lies designed for outright idiots. I personally know doctors who honestly did and are doing their job, saving people from death, I know police officers who honestly do their job and really protect the peace of citizens, and I know the president who, having come to power, raised the country from its knees, and overall improved people's lives. Compared to the previous president, weak and stupid, this president is strong and smart, but he does not tell the truth to the people, because the people are not ready for it, and do not know what to do with this truth. But this president does not act like a weak person who deceives solely for his own good, as many tend to do, he is, let’s say, more humanistic, not because of higher morality, but because of a higher level of personal development. However, the very system he controls is false and aimed at exploiting the majority by the few.

When I see deception that is obvious to me, it disgusts me, not because it is deception as such, I understand that people want to use the trust of other people for their own purposes, for our life this intention is natural and to some extent even justified , given the recklessness of the majority. But I believe that the weakness of people who exclusively use this method to achieve something and come to something, without thinking about the consequences, does not deserve respect. I am not going to condemn anyone, this is exclusively my position in life, and I understand that everyone lives to the best of their abilities, one lies, another lies, the third may not be absolutely sincere, but, in any case, does not lie blatantly, and who -he always and everywhere tells the truth, albeit his own, but the truth. The last one is also wrong. There is nowhere in this life without deception, but it should not be total, this is obvious, otherwise our life will become simply unbearable. I clearly see in total deception the weakness and baseness of the person who uses it, since you need to deceive only when there is nothing else left, and not when you want to. After all, the deceiver clearly shows everyone that he does not know how to interact with people otherwise and most likely does not want to, which already indicates that he has a rather limited view of life.

Sometimes, seeing how people try to deceive and use me, believing that I don’t see it, it certainly irritates me, sometimes even insults me, but it doesn’t surprise me. What can I say, in front of me in such cases, there are simply weak people who are unable to solve their problems and make their dreams come true, not through deception, but through mutually beneficial cooperation. They want a one-sided benefit where you get and get, but give absolutely nothing in return. With this approach to life, a person will be able to surround himself only with not very smart people who can be constantly deceived and those who will also constantly deceive him. Deception is a good weapon, but a very bad tool for friendship and cooperation. Therefore, it is not necessary and can be applied to everyone.

A person should not be condemned for wanting to deceive others. No one has to be what we want them to be for ourselves. But I don’t consider it necessary to indulge such weakness and sometimes even stupidity, which is why I will never sincerely help those who set themselves the goal of achieving something from me solely through deception. By deceiving, a person essentially commits violence against the one whom he is deceiving, and who will like it when a violent action is committed against him, and even such a rotten one that you don’t suffer from it so much as it stinks. And if you see when they lie to you, then this is exactly how it turns out, you simply become disgusted or irritated. After all, not only does a person not find the strength to resolve his issues honestly with you, but he is also too stupid to lie properly, and in general to understand who can lie to and who cannot. So he stinks of disgusting rotten meat, reflecting the baseness of his character, which is the time to deceive him himself, playing along with him a little. This apparently has formed in me recently an extremely negative attitude towards lies, namely the understanding that lies are intended for people who are narrow-minded in life, living in a world of illusions, and you are considered just such a narrow-minded person when they blatantly lie to you.

But all this is visible, all these childish manipulations, all these cheap tricks that people use, and therefore you want to deal with serious, adult people who are responsible for their words. The great thinkers of the human race pointed to the unconsciousness of people, in which they do all those acts that are bad for themselves, without completely understanding what they are doing. I completely and completely agree with this, I would only add to this the weakness of people as a reason that encourages them to commit actions that are not the most reasonable for themselves. Some of my childhood friends moved into the world of crime, in which, of course, there is also deception, but unlike the legal world, so to speak, there deception is judged much more strictly. Many people do not live to see their old age, only because they do not want to interact with other people on equal terms, in such a way as not to be rats, in order to honestly fulfill their obligations. A person can live happily and in abundance, and at the same time not deceive other people, I declare this with full responsibility. I won’t say that I myself am completely frank, there is no need for this, because there are no prerequisites for this, who needs what kind of truth, people themselves don’t know this and I see it. But using dirty and primitive methods of manipulation is completely unacceptable for me.

Firstly, you can’t really get much from it, unless you start from short-term goals, which you and I have seen and are seeing. The same “MMM” lined its pockets quite well thanks to people’s trust, but we know how it all ended, because high-ranking people had their eyes on this feeding trough, they saw where the dog was buried, so they closed the shop. And therefore, if you consider your goals in the long term, then there is no point in lying, because over time the lie will reveal itself. Secondly, who can we deceive, unless, to put it mildly, very smart people, who themselves are largely to blame for being deceived. It is impossible to deceive an intelligent person; he can only allow you to do this in a number of certain circumstances, or at his own peril and risk, having first assessed this risk for himself, consciously trusting you. Then an intelligent person can be deceived, just like a conscious person who sees everything, notices everything, understands everything perfectly, but does not resist the stupidity of the one who is trying to deceive him. It is obvious that the losers will be the one who deceives, because he is already turning people against himself, smart people, to be more precise, they will not let him off the hook.

And therefore, I don’t want to limit my audience to exclusively narrow-minded and gullible people in this regard, I want to deal with smart people, and the smarter they are than me, the better, for me this is God’s grace. Communicating with people who are much smarter than me is the best thing in the life of a person who wants to grow. Such people will not pay attention to an outright liar, he will seem to them a fool and a weak person, and since I have set myself the goal of teaching people to be strong, is it really possible in this case to hide behind a lie and be weak yourself? Many adults can see teenagers’ lies without any problems; experience alone makes it possible to see their deception, while teenagers themselves naively believe that their lies are impeccable. Adults can also be very obvious in their lies; if you are a sufficiently intelligent person, if you are familiar with psychology, then any lie, no matter how sophisticated, will be visible to you. You will even be able to understand the motives of this lie, you will be able to see the goals that the liar pursues, you will even be able to look at the world through his eyes, understanding all his weaknesses. Deception not only gives out modified information, it also helps to understand what a person wants to hide and why he wants to hide it.

Extreme attentiveness and observation, total presence in every moment, which we actually call awareness, allow us to see all types of deception, all its baseness. You don’t have to be educated and well-read, you don’t even have to know psychology, except perhaps only very superficially, in order to be as attentive and therefore aware as possible, to see all the deception around you, and the weakness that it hides. This is how I taught my wife to see deception, because before I simply told her that this is not true or that, but you can’t teach something, you need to put a fishing rod in a person’s hands so that he himself can try to catch a fish. And so I taught her to be extremely attentive and observant, to notice all the subtleties and flaws in the observed material or person, to wonder about the motives and purposes present in the material being studied or in the speech of another person. Afterwards I asked her what conclusions she came to by studying the words of people, written or seen in her life. Her assessment of deception, as information that hides true intentions, as information that deliberately does not reflect reality, was impeccable, although she was only superficially familiar with psychology.

This indicates that in order to deceive a person, it is necessary to make him susceptible to deception, he must be inattentive, hold unnatural beliefs about trust in people, in general be weak in order to be willing to be deceived, in general he must be inadequate and I think he's not a real person. A real person will not look at the world through the screen of illusions generated by his weakness, there is no point in plunging into this world of illusions in order to survive, he is quite capable of surviving in the real world. Do you think politicians deceive people, no, they don't, they just find deception in people's heads, telling people what they want to hear, what resonates in their minds, and everyone seems to be happy with it. I’ll tell you this, you want to grow above yourself, you want to learn something, you want to become stronger and achieve something, then look for a person with whom you will feel uncomfortable, who will tell you not what you want to hear, but , which will irritate you, frighten you, and destroy your beliefs. Well, why the hell do you need chatter that puts you to sleep, that finds acceptance and peace within you, you want to grow, and for this you need something new, heavier, sobering, disgusting and even stupid, which is not so easy to perceive, since it is new, straightens your point of view towards reality.

No one will be able to deceive you if you don’t want it, if you yourself are interested in reality, and not in the illusions that we are all fed with today, convincing us of false justice, false freedom, false love and other false beliefs. . There is no good in all these illusions, there is a crookedly laid out social worldview conviction, adhering to which people do nothing but paint unrealistic pictures for each other, thereby limiting their own possibilities. For example, boys and girls confess their love to each other, even having no idea what it is - love, driven by the growing sexual instinct, they hide their desires with their understanding of love. This is not love for you, my friends, you just want sex. But love must be felt by other organs and, if possible, understood. Such a feeling does not arise at first sight, only passion, attraction arises at first sight. Businessmen deceive the people, and sometimes so cynically that the state, as a more or less responsible organization represented by the most reasonable people, it must be admitted, has to regulate the relationship between ordinary people and business. And in general, where are we full of deception, if you look closely at our lives? Obviously, this is any relationship between people in which you and I, as “reasonable” and “responsible” beings, try to deceive each other for our own benefit. But is this how we should build relationships among ourselves? Is it beneficial for us to lie to each other?

In every niche in this life, there will always be someone, there will be people playing the role of thieves, murderers, the role of the dregs of society, the role of politicians and the role of workers, the role of masters and the role of slaves. And each role needs its own reassurance, it needs its own screen of lies, through which they contemplate this world in a way convenient for themselves. I have presented to you my ideology of attitude towards deception, which is not limited to weak and base manifestations of human nature. This ideology originates from those goals that cannot be achieved if you do not follow certain beliefs, in which lying is the lot of weak and stupid people. If we want to be strong, no matter who you are and where you are, I want to be strong, and if you too, if you are with me, then deception cannot be for you and me the cover it serves for the weak and stupid. Those who need lies, let them take it in abundance, there are plenty of people who want to give it to them, but being in a circle of strong and smart people, we cannot use those techniques in relation to each other, noticing which we can immediately put an end to a person, as a fool and a weakling , unwilling to cooperate. We need lies for enemies who define themselves as such, do not come to my house with a sword, and I will not consider you an enemy, do not try to deceive me, and I will not see in you a pathetic and insignificant creature, which I will then deceive myself. In this regard, I remember the words, if I’m not mistaken, of Sun Tzu: war is the path of deception, and deception is the path of war. The one who deceives us challenges us and we simply have no choice but to go on the warpath.

Isn’t this position reasonable, from the point of view of the capabilities of each of us, because having fucked a person once, you can then expect a similar answer from him in your address. Cunning and deception, as you know, are good precisely in war, where there is an enemy who must be deceived if you want to defeat him. But I think many of us want to live not like in war, but like people live in peacetime, where they cooperate and interact with each other, without holding a blade behind their back. People fight when they cannot agree, when they cannot resolve their issues and disagreements peacefully, they lack intelligence, so they have to fight. And in a war there will definitely be a loser and a winner, and the loser in this case will be a fool, since he did not see that he would lose and did not resolve his issues with the opposite side peacefully. A person can use deception as his weapon, then he must understand all the consequences of its use, because he thereby violates the peace, which means either he or him, and if a person’s assessment of his capabilities was not objective of the situation, he will become a victim of his own deception . In fact, in this case, a person will die from his own sword, because by using deception in relation to someone who did not deceive you, you thereby encourage him to have a negative attitude towards you.

If you rely on deception and do not look for opportunities to have an equal relationship with a person who does not need it, then deception will be more harmful than useful to the one who resorted to it - this must be understood. Yes, if there are suckers who, due to their laziness and weakness, do not want to live in the real world, then, as one of my friends said, why not cut their hair? But you have to be a very smart person to understand who you can feed a spoonful of lies to, and who to do this is fraught with consequences, not everyone has the ability to understand people, but many people like to deceive. As I already said, deception not only allows you to make a person’s life luxurious, which is why many unscrupulous people use it to achieve their goals, but it also does not allow you to meet old age if it is used incorrectly. However, the truth also often shortens life. Therefore, you need to be able to use both. I do not consider myself, of course, to tell each of you what to do, whether to deceive other people or not; I am not so selfish and unreasonable as to do this. Many tend to consider all criticism of base human manifestations as a means of keeping the lower classes in obedience. Although if you look closely at the impact of deception on these lower strata, it is obvious that it is the deception used by people against each other that interferes with the high organization of people from the lower strata.

Be reasonable in your choice, have an understanding of what your capabilities are based on when you make it, because an exclusively selfish approach to forming your choice will have a negative impact on the person who adheres to it, unless of course he is a genius of deception. And if you really want to deceive, not to lie, but to deceive, then learn how to do it properly first, politicians are your example in this case. After all, if you want to use lies as a weapon that can make you stronger, because it will allow you to mislead those whom you have identified as your enemies and whom you want to bypass, then learn to control this weapon. If your life is a war, with a clear definition of who your enemy is, then of course deception will help you. But in times of peace, there cannot be a lie, because it creates enemies, and if there is a lie, if people deceive each other, then this is not peace, this is war.

Once he has lied, he will lie again. When the betrayal becomes obvious, and the liar gets stuck in lies. A cosmic vacuum will be found around, where there is no love or hatred, pity or compassion. Sensuality disappears, leaving room for emptiness and suicide.

My deception is plausible silence.

What is interesting is a lie in which there is deception in every comma, in every single letter, even in the stamp paper on which the lie is written.

If you don’t trust me, it’s impossible to prove the truth. Anyone who believes me unconditionally cannot be deceived.

The lie that gave birth to a relationship will soon destroy it irrevocably.

Until I betrayed him, it was my exclusive right. I'm not offended. The unfortunate woman who was before the deception was upset. I lost my naivety, he became more careful. But he can't fool me anymore.

Having loved and believed, you can experience hatred, disappointment, white lies. It's better to experience this than to be known as an insensitive blockhead.

Torn to pieces by through-and-through deception, your purest soul. Neither the caress of hands nor a handful of warmth can heal the torments of the heart and wounds.

I am always happy to be deceived - flattering and being served is sickening.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

You can't cheat death.

I promised myself not to love him... but I lied...

Every idiot can fool a fool!

Dear where are you? I go to bed at home. Where are you, dear? And I’m standing at the bar behind you... :-)

Don't listen to a woman whose heart is broken. She often lies...

You need to be extremely careful when cheating your beloved woman! If she guesses, she will have to inflate the rubber...

It's better to be an honest enemy than a false friend...

I have seen many different betrayals. And, I admit, I was always surprised how low a person can fall.

It was not the fact that you deceived me, but the fact that I could no longer trust you that shocked me.

People don’t change... if you understand that the time has come to part, leave, once and for all, put an end to it. Endless attempts to change something in a relationship, to restore happiness, lead nowhere...

Under the mask of a respectable woman was a monster.

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he no longer discerns any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore begins to disrespect both himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and in order, not having love, to occupy himself and entertain himself, he indulges in passions and coarse sweets, and reaches the point of complete bestiality in his vices, and all from continuous lies to both people and himself. F.M. Dostoevsky

Why do they only make greeting cards? Why don't they make offensive ones? I would buy a dozen with the words Thank you, my dears, for leaving me when you were so needed...

The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving.

The Empress is capable of anything, even forgiving deception. But not the woman inside of her. A woman cannot forgive.

The danger of deceiving people is that in the end you begin to deceive yourself.

You can't lose what doesn't exist!

I love listening to you lie... and you don’t even realize that I know the truth...

We tend to believe strangers - after all, they have never deceived us.

He promised, he said it, today. And I waited, believed, lied to myself... until 00.00...

Sometimes this feeling comes out of nowhere. A state of incomprehensible melancholy. And.. Like a premonition of something bad behind my back. I never liked this feeling.. It usually brings trouble. Here it is now. Something is wrong.. not right. The question is...? After all, everything is fine.

Each person has his own pitfalls, we mostly see only a flat, but sometimes wavy surface! Everything is learned by swimming together!

Deception is not considered deception if those deceived did not want to know the truth.

It becomes so funny when you see that they are trying to deceive you... And it’s even funnier when people think they can do it...

If you tell a lie long enough, loudly enough, and often enough, people will start to believe it.

If a person deceived you once, it means he is a scoundrel. If twice, it means you are a fool.

Don't slam the door loudly! Even if you are not going to go down the threshold.

My dad was right when he said that all men need only one thing... However, he still thinks that beer...

Gullibility is the trump card of naivety; it is easily beaten by the six of deception of any suit.

Love is the feeling that you can get something vital for you from another person. Something that no one else can give you. Often this feeling is deceptive...

Love wears glasses through which copper appears as gold, poverty as wealth, and drops of fire as pearls.

Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the noodles will be removed from the ears.

If you don’t trust people, then you yourself have deceived too much and you know how easily you can lie...

We are never deceived, we are deceived ourselves

I read the correspondence with my ex and was amazed that out of everything that he wrote and said to me, only one phrase turned out to be true: You are beautiful, smart, interesting, and most importantly, real!!! Look, all sorts of G... sticks to you. Including me!

The swamp sometimes gives the impression of depth.

In his hands I was just a doll... I thought that he was creating a world for me, but it turned out to be just a dollhouse...

How difficult it is to be deceived in a person, but no matter how difficult it is for you - you rush to forget him and erase him forever - from your memory, from your thoughts, from your soul... Forget, otherwise he will deceive you again, and you will get used to seeing lies next to him, then deception will become your habit will happen, and you will begin to deceive others...

Tell me what love is, tell me again, and I will believe. I will be deceived by you again, but I will still open the doors.

I’m sick of the silence of the apartment... because, unlike you, she can’t lie...

There are people who, like in modern stores, have everything on display, but when you go inside, it’s empty.

What could be worse than a bird flu epidemic? Only an epidemic of bird diarrhea...

What is written on my forehead - Make a fool of me, please?

To lie is to acknowledge the superiority of the person you are lying to.

As children we were offended that no one played with us, now we are offended that everyone plays with us!

The easiest way to deceive is the one who is most devoted to you.

With our mistrust we justify the deception of others.

When someone opens up to you, shows their soul, deception becomes the biggest sin. You can only lie to those who don’t trust you anyway.

Never rush to expose the enemy’s deception and pretense: they are always your best weapon against him.

I woke myself up with promises that I would go to bed early today... It turns out I'm so easy to deceive.

When you manage to deceive yourself, you experience mixed feelings: joy from the successful deception and pity for the poor klutz.

I want to forget and no longer dream about what I was so cruelly deceived about... After all, a tender, beautiful dream turned into such a nightmare in reality...

A person never changes. Despite the fact that he makes himself a thousand vows. When you are laid on both shoulder blades, you are full of remorse, but as soon as you breathe more freely, all vows are forgotten.

Do not trust anyone. Fool everyone!

Only at the first deception does the conscience feel remorse; at the second deception it looks condescendingly, and then approvingly.

From the smallest deception... the greatest fear is born...

The person is good and beautiful. Until it was broken. They didn't deceive me. They didn't trample.

I'm so tired of believing everyone, I'm tired of it! I can’t do this anymore, it hurts! And every time on the road of life, I am tired of accepting deception from you.

He was torn apart by two circumstances: He was deeply deceived and at the same time admired the beauty of deception.

I would be happy to deceive myself - it’s easier to deceive!

Some people lie so artlessly that they are incredibly surprised if someone suddenly believes them. I pretend that I believe them. I wonder if this is a scam?

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I will never prove the truth to anyone who doesn’t believe me...

It takes a lot of effort to restore faith to a person who was once deceived.

If you’re lying, then lie so hard that I’ll give you a standing ovation.

Not all fairy tales begin with the words lived and lived. Sometimes, in the words of my dear, I’ll be a little late at work...

It's easy to deceive, it's much more difficult to gain trust.

Deception. How do you feel when the man you love lies to you? Be patient and play. And then the cup of patience overflows, and all your emotions burst out. Is not it? It's like that. We play. We play always and everywhere. And only a few manage to remain natural, themselves, say what they feel, and feel what they say. Lying usually leads to death. Death of love. Death of relationships. And, often, the death of the soul, which leads to indifference and apathy. And we turn into a gray mouse, without feelings and emotions.

Life is an attic, and there’s just so much there: pieces of friendship, fragments of happiness, and only in the very corner a piece of truth, wrapped in deception...

Deception and self-deception. Do you think these are different concepts? Nonsense. Self-deception is the same deception, only that you commit yourself of your own free will, skipping and hooting wildly.

We deceive no one as cleverly as ourselves.

We spend our whole lives creating a mask, looking for thousands of ways to hide ourselves and our feelings in order to go out into society... and we spend our whole lives to find a person who will see us for real.

To love or to pretend that you love - what difference does it make if you manage to deceive yourself?

Life is a deception, and deception must be punished.

Don't trust the smile. A smile is only a movement of the facial muscles. You can stab someone else in the heart without stopping smiling.

Deceiving a liar is double pleasure.

Women love with their ears - that's why men lie. Men love with their eyes, that's why women wear makeup.

Never underestimate people!

It’s funny, after all, some men force them to deceive.

Women are stronger than men in lying, because not only those around them believe their lies, but they themselves believe them.

I have never deceived anyone. But I allowed people to be deceived. They didn't try very hard to find out who I really was. But they easily invented me. And I'm ready to argue with them. They love me as I have never been. And when they discover this, they will accuse me of deception.

I have no way to communicate. Since I am in a state of intensive care due to repeated female deception. If you want to offer help, write in a personal message.

The only person we can never deceive is ourselves.

The pyramid business has a special magic. How many people have been deceived, and the desire to make money without straining is always stronger.

The most vile quality in a person is the ability to deceive someone who trusts you.

Best status:
To avoid any mental wounds, buy goods from us, without deception.

The best heart in which love, faith and truth live. In which there is no place for deception and envy.

I didn’t make contact - I was afraid of deception. So he remained a suspicious loner.

We are often ready to believe the most vile lies in order to save relationships. Not realizing that this is the beginning of the end. We are afraid that the truth will destroy everything much faster.

Sometimes we allow so much deception and lies in our lives that we forget how sweet and life-giving the truth really is.

We are in no hurry to expose the deception. It is sweet for us to fall into the shackles of lies.

I love listening to you lie... and you don’t even realize that I know the truth...

The person is good and beautiful. Until it was broken. They didn't deceive me. They didn't trample.

Deception is not considered deception if those deceived did not want to know the truth.

To lie is to acknowledge the superiority of the person you are lying to.

It's easy to deceive, it's much more difficult to gain trust

The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.

I read the correspondence with my ex and was amazed that out of everything that he wrote and said to me, only one phrase turned out to be true: You are beautiful, smart, interesting, and most importantly, real!!! Look, all sorts of G... sticks to you. Including me!

If a person deceived you once, it means he is a scoundrel. If twice, it means you are a fool.

Under the mask of a respectable woman was a monster.

There are people who, like in modern stores, have everything on display, but when you go inside, it’s empty.

It’s funny, after all, some men force them to deceive.

The greatest liar is an unconscious liar.

I want to forget and no longer dream about what I was so cruelly deceived about... After all, a tender, beautiful dream turned into such a nightmare in reality...

Don't slam the door loudly! Even if you are not going to go down the threshold.

I’m sick of the silence of the apartment... because, unlike you, she can’t lie...

Each person has his own pitfalls, we mostly see only a flat, but sometimes wavy surface! Everything is learned by swimming together!

The easiest way to deceive is the one who is most devoted to you.

The swamp sometimes gives the impression of depth.

All people are born sincere and die liars.

What could be worse than a bird flu epidemic? Only an epidemic of bird diarrhea...

What is written on my forehead - Make a fool of me, please?

He who deceived once will deceive again... only after the next betrayal there is neither love nor hatred left... the soul is empty, and so bad that you don’t even want to live...

Gullibility is the trump card of naivety; it is easily beaten by the six of deception of any suit.

Mutual understanding requires mutual lies.

We so often deceive ourselves that we could do this for a living...

I have seen many different betrayals. And, I admit, I was always surprised how low a person can fall.

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies reaches such a point that he no longer discerns any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore begins to disrespect both himself and others. Not respecting anyone, he ceases to love, and in order, not having love, to occupy himself and entertain himself, he indulges in passions and coarse sweets, and reaches the point of complete bestiality in his vices, and all from continuous lies to both people and himself. F.M. Dostoevsky

A person can only be deceived to the extent that he deceives himself.

... not sweet, not gentle, ... she breathes lightly... In her thoughts there is smoke from cigarettes instead of clarity... She never sleeps at night... Strange, strict, probably beautiful... Eternal... Not enough breaths... Gasping... She writes that she is happy... Pretends...

How is your free soul overcome by deception? Your wounds do not heal from tenderness and warmth...

I promised myself not to love him... but I lied...

Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me! I'm happy to be deceived myself!

If you don’t trust people, then you yourself have deceived too much and you know how easily you can lie...

And she smiled...In response to pain and humiliation..

With our mistrust we justify the deception of others.

Lies are the real currency of the world...

Tell me what love is, tell me again, and I will believe. I will be deceived by you again, but I will still open the doors.

Relationships born in a lie... as a result, they will die from it.

When you manage to deceive yourself, you experience mixed feelings: joy from the successful deception and pity for the poor klutz.

Sometimes this feeling comes out of nowhere. A state of incomprehensible melancholy. And.. Like a premonition of something bad behind my back. I never liked this feeling.. It usually brings trouble. Here it is now. Something is wrong.. not right. The question is...? After all, everything is fine.

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I will never prove the truth to anyone who doesn’t believe me.

The danger of deceiving people is that in the end you begin to deceive yourself.

I would be happy to deceive myself - it’s easier to deceive!

Don't trust the smile. A smile is only a movement of the facial muscles. You can stab someone else in the heart without stopping smiling.

To love or to pretend that you love - what difference does it make if you manage to deceive yourself?

As children we were offended that no one played with us, now we are offended that everyone plays with us!

Every idiot can fool a fool!

If the scales lie, then the seller’s goods do not decrease.

A person never changes. Despite the fact that he makes himself a thousand vows. When you are laid on both shoulder blades, you are full of remorse, but as soon as you breathe more freely, all vows are forgotten.

I have never deceived anyone. But I allowed people to be deceived. They didn't try very hard to find out who I really was. But they easily invented me. And I'm ready to argue with them. They love me as I have never been. And when they discover this, they will accuse me of deception.

You can't lose what doesn't exist!

Never underestimate people!

My dad was right when he said that all men need only one thing... However, he still thinks that beer...

Love is the feeling that you can get something vital for you from another person. Something that no one else can give you. Often this feeling is deceptive...

It was not the fact that you deceived me, but the fact that I could no longer trust you that shocked me.

We tend to believe strangers - after all, they have never deceived us.

In his hands I was just a doll... I thought that he was creating a world for me, but it turned out to be just a dollhouse...

Don't listen to a woman whose heart is broken. She often lies...


I'm not lying, I'm just withholding the truth.

Deception. How do you feel when the man you love lies to you? Be patient and play. And then the cup of patience overflows, and all your emotions burst out. Is not it? It's like that. We play. We play always and everywhere. And only a few manage to remain natural, themselves, say what they feel, and feel what they say. Lying usually leads to death. Death of love. Death of relationships. And, often, the death of the soul, which leads to indifference and apathy. And we turn into a gray mouse, without feelings and emotions.

From the smallest deception... the greatest fear is born...

Not all fairy tales begin with the words lived and lived. Sometimes, in the words of my dear, I’ll be a little late at work...

If you are trying to lie, looking into my eyes, do not flatter yourself, I am already deceiving you, pretending that I believe you!

Do not trust anyone. Fool everyone!

Deception and self-deception. Do you think these are different concepts? Nonsense. Self-deception is the same deception, only that you commit yourself of your own free will, skipping and hooting wildly.

We are never deceived, we are deceived ourselves

Again, comforted by that deception, I believed in your ridiculous story... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time..

It takes a lot of effort to restore faith to a person who was once deceived.

They believe not those who do not lie, but those who lie confidently.

Deceiving a liar is double pleasure.

Why do they only make greeting cards? Why don't they make offensive ones? I would buy a dozen with the words Thank you, my dears, for leaving me when you were so needed...

Never rush to expose the enemy’s deception and pretense: they are always your best weapon against him.

Life is a deception, and deception must be punished.

Dear where are you? I go to bed at home. Where are you, dear? And I’m standing at the bar behind you... :-)

Some people do not have the gift of seeing the truth. But what sincerity their lies breathe!

Women love with their ears - that's why men lie. Men love with their eyes, that's why women wear makeup.

We spend our whole lives creating a mask, looking for thousands of ways to hide ourselves and our feelings in order to go out into society... and we spend our whole lives to find a person who will see us for real.

The first deception in life is a NIPPLE!

A liar must have a good memory.

It becomes so funny when you see that they are trying to deceive you... And it’s even funnier when people think they can do it...

...How difficult it is to be deceived in a person, but no matter how difficult it is for you - you rush to forget him and erase him forever - from your memory, from your thoughts, from your soul... Forget, otherwise he will deceive you again, and you will get used to seeing lies next to him, then your deception will It will become a habit, and you will begin to deceive others...

People don’t change... if you understand that the time has come to part, leave, once and for all, put an end to it. Endless attempts to change something in a relationship, to restore happiness, lead nowhere...

If you’re lying, then lie so hard that I’ll give you a standing ovation.

You need to be extremely careful when cheating your beloved woman! If she guesses, she will have to inflate the rubber...

Self-deception is when you step on the scale and suck in your stomach.

Only at the first deception does the conscience feel remorse; at the second deception it looks condescendingly, and then approvingly.

I woke myself up with promises that I would go to bed early today... It turns out I'm so easy to deceive.

You can't cheat death.

Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon the noodles will be removed from the ears.

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I will never prove the truth to anyone who doesn’t believe me...

Life is an attic, and there’s just so much there: pieces of friendship, fragments of happiness, and only in the very corner a piece of truth, wrapped in deception...

The art of pleasing is the art of deceiving.

It's better to be an honest enemy than a false friend...

If you tell a lie long enough, loudly enough, and often enough, people will start to believe it.

Lying is the same as alcoholism. Liars lie even when they die.

Love wears glasses through which copper appears as gold, poverty as wealth, and drops of fire as pearls.

We deceive no one as cleverly as ourselves.

This article contains the best aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements about men.

Men! How much has been said about you, good and bad, kind and evil. Yes, and evil. Well, that’s nothing... However, it’s enough that the beautiful half of humanity dreams of their very own man.

The world, without a doubt, is ruled not only by love, but also by the most primitive stereotypes. Where do stereotypes come from? People think they know and talk, talk, talk.
This is how folk wisdom appears, which is also called aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings.

About men: aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings

Every man, in the end, chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

The calling card of a real Man is a happy Woman next to him.

From time immemorial, men have let women pass first to appreciate their butts, and kiss their hands in order to calmly look at their breasts.

The man next to you should be such that you want to listen and obey him.

On the personal front, it’s like at a banquet... I don’t take what they offer, I’m embarrassed to ask what I want... I have to pretend that I’m not hungry...

Men are afraid of girls that they need to grow up to... It’s easier to use those that you can stoop to.

You can’t understand a man with your mind, you just need to believe in a man! He must prove by deeds that he can be trusted with life!

Men are like taxis. When they are free, they turn on a green light. One fine day, a man decides that it’s time to start a family, children and all that, and lights the fire. And he immediately proposes to the first woman he meets. This is not fate. It's an accident.

Most women give up not because their passion is strong, but because their weakness is great. This is why enterprising men are usually so successful, even though they are by no means the most attractive.

A woman should be like ice cream - white, sweet and melt in her hands, and a man should be like coffee: strong, hot and not allowing you to fall asleep.

To calm down, a woman needs to take herself into strong male hands.

A woman loves a man because he loves her.
A man loves women in general...

Since mostly men knew how to write, all the misfortunes in the world were attributed to women.

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls.

Men are convinced of the weakness of women, and they themselves are their slaves.

The deepest misconception of a woman:
- “He will change!”
The deepest misconception of men:
- “She’s not going anywhere!”

Sometimes you look at men for whom you previously had sympathy, and you involuntarily begin to doubt your adequacy...

While men, being boys, play war games and cars, women, being girls, immediately prepare to manipulate people and play with dolls.

A man will never look stupid if he makes the first move.
It’s a pity, but many people don’t know that taking the first step is a man’s responsibility.

To be happy with a man, you need to understand him well and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her very much and not even try to understand her.

One day a man asked God: “Why are all the girls sweet, affectionate, gentle, and the women are all bitches and bitches?”
And he received the answer: “I create girls, and you make women from them!”

You can only give birth to the ideal man yourself.

Only a man is to blame for how a woman behaves; he either allows her to do so or sets an example with his behavior.

At least they talk about women's logic!
Nothing is known about men’s!

A real man has the right to hurt his beloved only twice: by depriving her of her virginity, and when she gives birth to their child.

The most precious thing a loving man can give to his beloved woman is his Time. Collected carefully, bit by bit, throughout the day. No other gifts, cars, furs or diamonds will ever replace the one who loves him - his time devoted only to her alone.
If your man, despite his hard and stressful day, still always finds his time for you, it means that he wants it that way. That means he loves.

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent!

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already considered everything else.

A real man is recognized by a woman.

Men are illogical: they say that all women are the same, but they constantly change one for another.

Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.

A man who claims that a woman’s place is in the kitchen simply doesn’t know what to do with her in the bedroom!

Friendship between a man and a woman does not honor the man and deprives the woman of honor.

A real man opens the door with his foot... because his hands are full of flowers and sweets!

Men often miss out on what is worthy, choosing what is available.

Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

It’s wonderful when your man combines such qualities as: husband, lover, provider, best friend and your personal Guardian Angel!

The kiss was invented by a man to silence a woman at least for a minute...

A man should be like an expensive car - so that everyone wants it, but few can afford it.

The best smell in the world is the smell of the man you love.

Long live the man! If he wants, he can achieve anything in the world.
Long live the woman! If she wants, she can achieve any man.

I will be a man while real women still walk the earth, those women who do not smell of cigarettes and beer, who have natural charm and kindness, in whom the instinct of motherhood has not yet died.

For girls, childhood ends with pregnancy.
Men never grow up.

They say that men only want sex. Don't believe it! They also ask to eat!

A veil is a man’s white flag!

Cats and men are alike... If they suddenly become affectionate, it means they either need something from you, or have already done something dirty somewhere...

The last word should always belong to the man, and it should be like this: “Of course, beloved!!!”

The best man is not a set of qualities and material baggage. This is the person next to whom you feel desired, the most beautiful, loved and simply happy...

It shouldn't be fun or boring with a Man... WITH A MAN you should be WARM, RELIABLE, and CALM!

A man is the same as a child... only you can’t leave him with a nanny...

All men are hunters, no matter what kind of game is in front of them - an animal or a woman.

It is a woman who helps a man understand himself, she makes him better.

To keep a man in your hands, you must first of all keep yourself in your hands.

Only the military registration and enlistment office can accept a man as he is!

A single man definitely knows more about women than a married man. Otherwise he would also already be married.

In the weakness of men is the strength of women.

“Men marry out of fatigue, women marry out of curiosity. Marriage brings disappointment to both.”

“A man can be happy with any woman except the one with whom he is in love.”

A real man will always achieve what a woman wants.

There are men I could spend forever with. But not life.

A man does not think about himself only in those moments when he is sure that someone else is thinking only about him.

A man's home is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside, this is most often a children's room.

I remain for a long time under the impression that I made on a woman.

Men usually don't listen to what you say to them - they listen to what they themselves are going to say.

There is no doubt: the more powerful a man is, the sexier he is.

Women without male society fade, and men without female society become stupid.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Most men love flattery because they have a modest opinion of themselves; most women love it for the opposite reason.

A charming woman and a magnificent man are often separated by a mere trifle: the fact that they are married to each other.

A man deals with a woman like a chemist with his laboratory: he observes processes in her that are incomprehensible to him, which he himself produces.

At eighteen a man adores, at twenty he loves, at thirty he desires to possess, at forty he ponders.
Author: Vasily Klyuchevsky
