Packing your suitcase for Pattaya. What to take with you to Thailand? Packing your suitcase

Many tourists planning to relax in the Camp of Smiles for the first time think about what to take to Thailand for a holiday to spend time comfortably and hassle-free and not overload your luggage with things that are not useful. Of course, everyone has heard about the humid tropical climate prevailing in the country with a lot of sunny days and fairly high temperatures. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that during a holiday in the Kingdom you cannot do without hats and light clothing, mainly in light shades. This article talks about the most important things that you should definitely take to Thailand. You can also check out my personal list

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

Money and documents

For money in Thailand you can get everything and even more, so no matter how much you take, it will always be not enough (at least for me). Detailed information about which currency is best to take to Thailand and which is not worth it can be found in the article. You can also use bank cards in Thailand, but fraud in this area is highly developed in the country, so there is a risk of losing all your savings and ruining your vacation. There are also nuances associated with charging commissions when using cards. You can read more about this in the article. I advise you to study the information posted there, which will allow you to save a lot of money and protect yourself from scammers.

If we talk about documents, then this is, of course, a passport, medical insurance and a printout of your hotel reservation if you are going to use taxi services in Pattaya. Due to the fact that Russian citizens can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa, it would be a good idea to make a printout of the return air ticket (sometimes you are asked to show it at the airport upon arrival). I recommend making photocopies of your passport and insurance to carry them with you, leaving the originals in the hotel safe. I also advise you to scan these documents and upload them to the Internet. You can simply send them from one email account to another or use a virtual disk. I recommend the free service Yandex Disk - working with it is easy and convenient.

What clothes to take to Thailand

A visit to Thailand in many cases involves a fairly active holiday, with visits to interesting places, trips on large and small boats, and a long stay in the sun. Therefore, the clothes you should take to Thailand should be light, comfortable and practical. In general, Thailand is a very attractive country for shopping, so you will probably want to buy yourself a lot of quality items at reasonable prices there. It follows from this that you should not pack a lot of clothes.

First, you should take a couple of sets of light clothing to Thailand: a pair of shorts, T-shirts or T-shirts, three sets of underwear, a pair of swimming trunks and swimsuits (although you can get by with just one). In “beach” clothes you can visit almost any place: cafes, shops, shopping centers, amusement parks, zoos, discos, etc. You don’t need to buy a lot of such clothes, because all this can be bought locally for 100-200 Baht ($3-$6), especially since local T-shirts can then be worn at home for a long time, remembering the days and nights spent in Thailand.

Additionally, males should take light trousers and a shirt, and females should take at least one skirt (preferably no higher than the knees) and a blouse, in which they can safely visit Buddhist temples. By the way, you can read about this in the article. Also, more formal clothing (trousers with a shirt for men and an evening dress for women) may be necessary if you are going to eat in the evenings in reputable restaurants (for example, in five-star hotels) and you think that someone will care how you are dressed :).

When choosing clothes, you need to remember that you will have to wash a lot of them, because you will sweat anyway, and light-colored clothes smudge very easily. Therefore, some kind of compromise is necessary. Natural fabrics, cotton and linen, are healthier for the body, but such fabrics dry more slowly in Thailand than synthetic ones due to the humid air. However, cheap laundries in Thailand and their widespread availability at popular resorts allow you to always wear dry and clean clothes made from natural fabrics and not worry about it.

For people who do not tolerate cool air very well, I advise you to take a light jacket or windbreaker. Such clothes will definitely come in handy during long journeys on buses and trains in Thailand, because the air conditioners work very actively in them. Warmer clothing will also be useful when visiting the northern regions of the country, because at night during the “cold” season the temperature in mountainous areas can drop to zero (see).

Every guide to Thailand says that you should not be exposed to the hot local sun because of the strong sun, as it is easy to get sunstroke. Therefore, you can take a regular baseball cap from home. Carrying hats and large panama hats in a suitcase or backpack is not convenient, and on your head is not always possible (for example, when you fly to Thailand in the middle of winter), so it is better to buy it all on the spot for ridiculous money. For example, in Pattaya or at any other resort in the country in numerous shops for tourists, or even just on the beach.

I usually buy myself light caps with a visor during my vacation (as well as the clothes themselves, with the exception of the minimum set), and during my last visit to Thailand I did without a hat at all. When choosing a hat in Thailand, always remember about the possibility of easily losing it while riding a motorcycle taxi, riding a boat, jet ski, and even during a regular trip on an open songthaew.

It's not uncommon for a hat or baseball cap to blow off while riding a speedboat, for example when you decide. Therefore, it is better to choose hats that have a special chin strap, otherwise you will have to hold them with your hands during strong winds on transport or even remove them during such trips, leaving your head unprotected from the sun.

What shoes to take to Thailand

The choice of shoes for a trip to Thailand should be taken almost more seriously than the choice of clothes. The most versatile shoes when relaxing at the seaside resorts of the Kingdom of Thailand are ordinary flip-flops, flip-flops or sandals. You can wear them around the hotel, to the store, to the beach, etc. Light sneakers, moccasins or sandals are perfect for evening walks. If you plan to purchase excursions to waterfalls or island tours, you can purchase coral slippers. By the way, you don’t have to take them to Thailand from home, because they are sold everywhere. The only thing is if you have large feet, which may be more difficult to find at the resort.

It is also better to take care of comfortable shoes in advance if you are planning walks through the jungle, trekking to waterfalls and walks in the mountains. The terrain in these places can be rocky and slippery, so to avoid injury, it is better to choose shoes that securely hold the ankle and that will not tear when overcoming the next obstacle along the way. Of course, such shoes should be comfortable, but this applies to all shoes during vacation, because calluses do not add a pleasant feeling at all and do not make your stay at the resort more comfortable.

Other things you can take to Thailand for your holiday

This list for each tourist may change depending on your wishes, so I will briefly name the things and remind you what they may be useful for. Take them or not - decide for yourself.

★ Ballpoint pen. It may come in handy when filling out immigration cards on the plane. You can always ask your seatmate on the plane. You can also use a pen or pencil to make notes in a notebook while relaxing, do bookkeeping, etc., if you do not use a smartphone or tablet for all this.

★ Wristwatch. They will come in handy when you need to catch some kind of transport, not be late for an excursion, etc. On the other hand, you can always ask other farangs or local residents for the time, and many cannot do without a smartphone on vacation, so taking a watch or not is again up to you. In the end, you can buy a cheap watch directly in Thailand for just 100 baht - at least it will be enough for your vacation, and you won’t mind losing it.

★ Sunscreen. It is better to take one with a protection level of at least 30+, and if you have very fair skin, then even 50+. In general, you can buy good quality creams in Thailand itself, in many Seven Eleven stores. This will help you unload your luggage, but for some reason such a cream is quite expensive there; in 2014, the cheapest one I came across was 270 Baht.

★ Sunglasses. You can take proven ones with you, or you can buy them in Thailand. There are a lot of optical salons, since the Thais themselves are obsessed with such glasses. The cost, depending on the quality, starts from $5-$6 and ends with several hundred dollars, which in local currency is several thousand Baht. There are a lot of low-quality fakes, be careful. In principle, this is a necessary thing: on the last trip I did without glasses, but sometimes it was hard to see because of the bright sun. And it was awkward to take pictures; you had to squint your eyes.

★ Mosquito repellents. I think it’s better not to take it to Thailand, but to buy it locally: you won’t have to search for long, and you will be sure that the product will really protect you from local bloodsuckers, who may be immune to the liquids and aerosols sold here. And in general: it makes sense to think about this only if you plan to make forays into the jungle.

★ Umbrella and raincoat- I do not advise. They won’t help in heavy rain, and others are rare in Thailand. And you don’t need all this in 30-degree heat. It’s better to take something to protect your camera or smartphone: special cases, a ziplock bag, or regular cling film. All this will be especially useful if you come to the country during and during the period of Songkran - the Thai New Year, when everyone is doused with water on the streets and it is almost impossible to stay dry.

★ Cosmetics and personal hygiene items. With this I think everything is clear - it’s better take to Thailand proven products, and in quantities that will last for the duration of your vacation (i.e., it is better to avoid large bottles). All this can be bought on the spot, but if you are afraid of any allergic reactions, it is better not to risk it. Soap, shampoo and shower gel are usually provided free of charge in more or less decent hotels. Personally, I made a discovery for myself: I have always disliked carrying bottles of shaving foam and deodorant with me. So Seven Eleven sells small jars of foam and the same deodorants, even of the brands I need :).

★ Small locks for a backpack, suitcase or bag. They do not 100% guarantee your luggage against theft, including in hotel rooms, but they will greatly reduce the risk that unscrupulous servants will want to rummage through your things. I hope you are aware that it is better not to use a hotel safe? You can also take a small screwdriver with you, which will be useful if you want to protect yourself from theft at the hotel. Read more about this in the article “Where to hide money in a hotel.”

★ Equipment and chargers for it(smartphone, phone, tablet, camera, video camera, etc.). I think there is no need to explain anything here. For equipment that runs on batteries or standard AAA batteries, you can take a spare set of batteries, which can help out in a pinch.

★ Small bag for belt or shoulder for smartphone, wallet, camera dish, sanitary napkins, photocopies of documents, etc. I think girls don’t need to be reminded, but men should think about it. This bag perfectly replaces a backpack while walking around the resort. According to statistics, a handbag on a belt is safer, but less comfortable than on a belt over the shoulder. Both can be bought inexpensively in Thailand.

★ Knife. You can take it with you to Thailand, or you can buy it on the spot. Useful for cutting Thailand fruits, for cutting food (if you want to eat more familiar food bought in a store in your room). I usually take a butterfly knife with me, but I’m flying to Thailand without one, since I take a backpack in hand luggage, and they’re not allowed on the plane with a knife.

I haven’t figured out what else is necessary yet take things to Thailand, maybe I’ll add to the article later. If you have any comments or additions, write in the comments.

Many people, especially those who are traveling for the first time, wonder: what to take with them to Thailand? So, knowing that it is very hot in Thailand and the sun is dangerous, we conclude that without long sleeves (preferably light-colored ones) tones), Panama hat/cap/bandana, sunglasses and sunscreen (maximum level of protection) we need! Not everyone can handle what they need to take to Thailand on their own, since the country is exotic and distant with its own culture and traditions.

What to take with you to Thailand

In this article we will try to answer the popular question - what to take to Thailand.
Here we will try to talk about what things to take to Thailand for ordinary tourists who are going to Thailand for a short period of time, as well as for those who are going to Thailand for a long time.

What clothes to take with you to Thailand?

Usually a trip to Thailand is planned for at least 2 weeks, but you shouldn’t take a lot of clothes with you, just enough:

  • 2 shorts
  • 2 T-shirts (long sleeve)
  • 2 regular T-shirts
  • 1 T-shirt
  • 1 skirt or 1 dress (for women)
  • 2 or 3 swimsuits or trunks (for men)
  • cap or panama
  • beach bag (can be bought in Thailand)

We do not recommend taking a lot of clothes with you, since many things can be bought in Thailand for little money; you can also buy good suitcases there at a discount, which will accommodate your new purchases. You should travel to Thailand lightly, but return with a huge suitcase.

This set of clothes is also suitable for people who plan to stay in Thailand for a long time.

What shoes to take with you to Thailand?


  • Flip flops (or buy in Thailand, cost from 25 baht)
  • sandals/sandals,
  • When planning mountain hikes - sneakers

What cosmetics should you take with you to Thailand?


  • Sunscreen (can be bought in Thailand, but costs more)
  • Face cream
  • sunglasses
  • comb
  • the funds you personally need
  • wet wipes! Necessarily! (since the climate is very humid, you will be constantly wet, this is why you need wet wipes to freshen up)

What medications should I take with me on vacation to Thailand?


  • Panthenol (against sunburn, spray is better),
  • activated carbon, pentalgin (for headaches)
  • nosh-pa,
  • loperamide or enterofuril (antidiarrheal agent)
  • + medications you take on regular trips. There is no need for any special preparations for Thailand.
  • antibiotics
  • plaster, antiseptics can be bought at (hydrogen peroxide 20 baht, plaster 40 baht). The name of hydrogen peroxide in English is “hydrogen peroxide”.

If you are traveling to Thailand as a “savage”, then take 2 beach towels with you to Thailand, not every hotel provides them or you can buy them in.

And it’s best to put all your things in a tourist backpack - practical, convenient, simple. Well, if you are not going to move around Thailand much, then it will be more convenient with a suitcase.

And, of course, don’t forget your foreign passport (Russian is not needed) and honey. insurance, have a nice trip

What to take with you to Thailand for a long period of time

The list of things that you need to take with you to Thailand for a long period of time is the same, the only thing is that the amount of clothing and medicine may differ, because... For the first time of possible illnesses, you want to have your usual medicines.

Dishes, bed linen, towels, rain clothes, sneakers, flip-flops, regular clothes, interior items - all this can be bought at the Tesco Lotus or Big C supermarket.

Don’t worry, even if you forgot something at home, we assure you that you can buy it in Thailand.

We hope that we have correctly covered the issue of what you need to take with you to Thailand.

Let's start with medications.

First aid kit in Thailand: what to take

In general, we brought with us to Thailand a bunch of all kinds of medicines for all occasions, but I want to talk about those that 100% should be in your travel first aid kit and which are very likely to be useful to you on vacation, even if you only came for 10 days.

For adults:

  1. Polysorb(powder for dissolution in water). The most popular remedy on vacation, especially for stomachs unaccustomed to Thai food. Excellent for poisoning, diarrhea and food allergies. It is also suitable for children, the main thing is to follow the dosage. Take a jar of at least 25 g, it is used up quickly.
  2. Pain pills: MIG 400 or Bral. There are many other similar drugs; everyone can choose the most suitable remedy for themselves. But you definitely need to take painkillers. Unexpected pain can strike at any moment, and worst of all, if it happens on an airplane (you will have to endure it for a long time). And during the flight, exacerbations occur most often. You might get a toothache, an ear ache, or, God forbid, a kidney stone. So these tablets should always be on hand.
  3. Rinzasip. It couldn't be easier to catch a cold in Thailand. From hot to cold - from cold to hot. In general, there is nothing special to explain here. Cold powder is a must have!
  4. Smecta (powder). It is also a very good remedy for diarrhea, heartburn, and bloating. You can’t go on vacation without it, especially if you have “all inclusive” :).

What to take for your child:

  1. Febrifuge(for example, Nurofen children's syrup). In Thailand, such a product can be bought at any pharmacy or 7Eleven store (called Sara), and from Russia it makes sense to bring it only to be on the safe side on the plane, as I already said, during a long flight you need to be prepared for anything.
  2. Baneocin(antibacterial powder). A very good remedy for various cuts, abrasions, scratches, etc. Just sprinkle it on the wound and cover it with a band-aid. Since our child is very active, I always have this powder in my bag wherever we go.
  3. Zyrtec drops (anti-allergic drug). Also a very necessary remedy for a child. In a foreign country, allergies can manifest themselves to anything, especially to food and exotic fruits. So we definitely take it!
  4. Tantum Verde(Spray for the throat). Suitable for both children and adults. A very good remedy that relieves sore throat in the event of all kinds of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  5. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops (for example, Nazol). They should also be in the first aid kit in case of all kinds of colds. You can also drop them 30 minutes before the flight to prevent your child’s ears from getting stuffy.
  6. Thermometer, plasters.

This is our mandatory list of medications that you need to take with you on a trip. We can also advise you to buy sunscreen in Russia before your trip. In Thailand they are much more expensive, for example, baby cream costs 500 baht.

What things to take?

I will not now give advice on what clothes to take to Thailand, because if I were going on a short vacation of a week to two, I would limit myself to a pair of swimsuits, shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, shoes, I would also take a few dresses, a couple of handbags, glasses, a hat is a must :)

I’d rather tell you about what you will really need at sea, and what you can now buy at a very big discount and much cheaper than in Thailand. We are currently preparing for a trip to Samui and are waiting for November 11th to purchase all this.

Here is my list of necessary things at sea:

  1. . The most necessary thing, especially on the islands! In Pattaya this costs 1900 baht. You can already buy it on Aliexpress for three times cheaper, and tomorrow it will cost only 857 rubles!

  1. . An indispensable thing for going to the water park! Tomorrow we buy for 560 rubles.

When planning their trip to Thailand, many people think about list of things to take with you for a comfortable and safe holiday in this country. Of course, all people are different, everyone has their own interests and preferences for recreation. And the list of things for a family with children will always be different from that of a single traveler or a young couple. In addition, lovers of active recreation will also take slightly different things with them to Thailand than those who enjoy a relaxing beach holiday. And during your second and subsequent trips to Thailand (or other Southeast Asian countries), your personal set of things will differ significantly from the original one. In this article I will talk in detail about my own list, which I formed after several long trips to Thailand, i.e. the most necessary things that will definitely be useful on vacation, and will not lie as extra weight in a backpack or suitcase.

In general, there was already an article on the site, and in general, it covers quite well the topic of what the average person might need on vacation. But more than two years have passed since the publication of that article, so my personal views on the process of preparing for the trip have changed somewhat, and the list of things has undergone changes towards reduction. Both because some things that I had previously taken with me to Thailand turned out to be unclaimed, and because it is better and more correct to purchase them on the spot. So here's just my personal selection of items, with an explanation of why they're important to me on vacation and reasons why they might be useful for you. Also at the end of the article I will provide a short list of things that I stopped taking with me to Thailand and why. For clarity, before the trip, all things were placed on the table and photographed, and later numbered from 1 to 26.

Important clarification: Even on a long vacation in Thailand, I fly with 1 backpack in my hand luggage, so my list of things that I prefer to take with me to Thailand is limited by the rules for carrying things in the cabin of the plane (both the weight of hand luggage and the ban on carrying some things that could would be useful).

List of things I like to take with me to Thailand

What things to take with you to Thailand - personal experience (photo). Detailed description of items below.

1. Beach towel. An ordinary beach towel, which I traditionally use only when traveling. Purchased back in 2012 in Alushta. The towel absorbs water well and does not take very long to dry, which is important when on vacation. But I’m already planning to replace it with something even lighter and quick-drying if I find something made from more modern materials. Interesting fact: in December 2017, on Samae Beach (Koh Larn, Pattaya), next to me on a sunbed there was a woman from Greece with a similar towel. The only difference is the Corfu inscription under the dolphins (I have no inscriptions).

2. Charger and cable for smartphone. Well, and, in fact, the smartphone itself, which was used to take photos with things for the trip. During my last trip to Singapore and Thailand I used a Samsung Galaxy S7. I chose this model because of its small size, fast charging and still an excellent camera, because... Taking something larger and heavier (like a DSLR camera) is not my type of vacation.

3. Headphones for a smartphone. Not complete, but not too expensive headphones, average sound quality. I ordered it in China, I use it only when traveling (in transport or on the beach). For my purposes, they suit me; light, flat wires are easy to unravel, and it’s not too bad to lose them.

Xiaomi Power Bank is a necessary thing to take with you to Thailand!

4. Power bank Xiaomi 10,000 mAh. One of the most important things when traveling, which I used almost every day. Recently I have been shooting a lot of videos in Full HD, and for a smartphone this mode is very energy-consuming (the battery charge decreases very quickly). A full charge of the Xiaomi Power Bank 10,000 mAh is enough to charge the Samsung Galaxy S7 2.5 times almost from scratch. The device also supports fast charging. I also used it to charge a selfie monopod. I ordered from AliExpress, so I wasn’t worried that they would send a fake (although I checked just in case). Older models were smaller but thicker. I ordered a new one, flatter and easier to use. Carriage of such products (external batteries) is allowed only in hand luggage.

5. Mini tripod with flexible legs. Used it only a few times, for shooting time-lapse videos of sunsets and sunrises. Despite this, I don’t regret it took it with me to Thailand , because The tripod is compact and weighs almost nothing. I bought it in this store for 1.5 USD, there are other colors. The thread on the tripod is made of plastic, which is rather a drawback, but so far everything is holding tight. And for this price it’s difficult to find something better.

6. Selfie monopod for smartphone. A very successful model that quickly became a hit. I have a wireless model (there are models with Wi-Fi and wire). I ordered from . I used the monopod almost every day, because I traveled a lot alone. It is much more convenient to take photos and videos than with your hands. In addition, there is no risk of dropping your smartphone while shooting while riding a bike, boat, pickup truck, etc., because The fixation of the smartphone (especially in the bumper) is very reliable. When folded, only 22 cm, it easily fits into a small bag on the chest (more about it below on the page). Automatically turns off when there is no activity (I kept forgetting to turn off Wi-Fi). Therefore, I charged it three times in a month (more like “just in case” than because it was completely discharged). There is a thread at the bottom for a tripod (I used it in conjunction with my mini tripod). Since the product contains a lithium-ion battery, it is only allowed in carry-on baggage. Although it is better to purchase an inexpensive and functional one so that the videos look professional and the horizon does not collapse in every photo.

Selfie monopod - I recommend taking it with you to Thailand

7. Smartphone neck mount. It’s a very good solution when you need to make a video while riding a motorbike, bicycle, kayak, or just free your hands. It is easy to set the desired angle, securely fixing any modern smartphone (the mount is identical to that used in a selfie monopod). Several times at the beginning of use the video was not recorded, because... the screen touched the skin and the camera turned off. Later I set a different angle for the smartphone and the problem disappeared, although I periodically checked to see if recording was taking place. Again, I ordered this mount from .

8. Xiaomi fitness bracelet. I've been using it for over 7 months and so far I'm happy with it. Completely replaced the wristwatch plus the functions of a fitness bracelet (steps, heart rate, smart alarm clock, notifications from a smartphone, etc.). A full battery charge on my Xiaomi Mi Band 2 lasts about 25 days. My trip to Singapore and Thailand is longer, so I had to take a special USB charging cable with me (to the right of the bracelet in the photo). I ordered a bracelet from at the lowest price.

9. Pen and pencil for notes. Used to calculate travel expenses. In principle, these things can be bought inexpensively in any country in the world, but since I have my own and they take up minimal space in a backpack or bag, I take them from home.

10. Travel backpack. All the things you see in the photo were placed in this backpack. In the article “I already wrote that I use the Deuter Trans Alpine 30 model from a famous German brand. The impressions from using the backpack are positive, everything is made firmly and reliably. Lots of compartments for things, good fixation on the back. Despite the ventilation system, my back still sweated a little when walking for a long time. But this is most likely not a problem with the backpack, but the Thai heat is to blame, and at +32 no amount of ventilation will save you. Now the backpack has become more expensive due to the exchange rate of the dollar and euro, but good Chinese analogues have appeared that cost 3 times less.

11. Sealed Ocean Pack bag. I’ve been using it for several years now for going to the beach, kayaking, boating and boating, in conditions of rain, waves, dust and sand. The bag is made from a special PVC tarpaulin and has excellent tightness, and even in heavy rain or when during a sea excursion in Thailand splashes from the waves cover all passengers, I am calm about my things (smartphone, camera, selfie stick, money, documents, food and clothes). I bought it in Ao Nang (Krabi province), I chose the average size of 10 liters. They are also sold with a large number of colors (in Thailand there were only yellow and blue). In my opinion, 10 liters is the optimal size for one person. There are also 5 and 20 liter options, but the first is too small, and the second is not convenient to use in situations where you have few things. In addition, a large bag weighs more and takes up a lot of useful space in your backpack when moving. If you buy, I advise you to choose bright colors so that the bag is visible from afar. Those. even if you swim to the buoys, you can control your bag on the beach. This is especially true for single travelers. Now they are on sale, which are even cheaper, and when folded they fit in the palm of your hand, and weigh only 75 grams. I will order and test it, according to reviews it seems like a worthwhile thing.

A proven item when holidaying in Thailand is the waterproof Ocean pack

12. Waterproof smartphone case. One of the two things that was not useful to me on the trip. I planned to use it for additional protection of the smartphone during a kayak trip around the islands near Koh Chang and underwater photography there (rather to avoid drowning in the depths). But for a number of reasons this voyage did not take place (although I vacationed on Koh Chang). I did not use the cover during normal rains, because... The smartphone has IP 68 protection against water and dust. I also bought it in China for 1.1 USD a few years ago, now they are sold everywhere in Thailand, so if necessary, you can buy it locally.

13. Magnetic case for Galaxy S7. The second thing I didn't use on the trip. An interesting version of a smartphone case made of leather. At the same time, the cover with pockets for bank cards and money is quickly attached with magnets to the leather bumper of the smartphone (i.e., the smartphone in the bumper case can be easily removed from the cover and placed on a monopod). Didn't use it because... I lost my bank card on the day of my arrival in Thailand, and for protection I used a stronger bumper case, the disadvantages of which include its large dimensions (a leather version without a cover would practically not add dimensions to the smartphone).

14. Sunglasses. Nice glasses that I only used a few times in Thailand before they broke. Probably the backpack was too full and the semi-rigid case could not withstand the load. Previously, he did not disappoint on trips. The glasses were inexpensive, and I don’t usually use them at all, so no problem, I’ll buy new ones.

5. Dark chocolate. Just to refresh yourself somewhere on the road in the absence of suitable food for a long time. I ate 1/3 in Singapore and, as always, forgot about the rest of this chocolate bar. I found it in my backpack three weeks later in Thailand, it came in very handy.

16. Mini first aid kit. Adhesive plasters and proven tablets that are not prohibited for import into Thailand. For each traveler, this will be a different set that you will take with you to Thailand, so I can only recommend reading the article with recommendations. I took the minimum, practically nothing, fortunately, was not useful.

17. Nescafe coffee 3 in 1. I took it for the first time to use in the morning. Considering the low price in my country and the low weight, next time I’ll take more. In Thailand, 7/11 sells slightly larger packages at a price of 14-16 THB, i.e. almost 0.5 USD per serving, which is almost 5 times more expensive. If you live not in private apartments, but in good hotels, you don’t have to bother, because... There will either be breakfast included in the room price, or a kettle with such bags right in the room.

18. “Stolichnye” candies with vodka. Just an original souvenir from Belarus. There are definitely no such things in Thailand and the locals were very surprised. I treated friends and hotel workers to acquaintances. It is better to do this in the first days after arriving in the country, i.e. then the candies melt from the heat and take on a substandard appearance. This, by the way, applies to all chocolate products.

19. Two bags of summer clothes. I took three T-shirts, denim and fabric shorts, 5 panties and 3 pairs of socks with me to Thailand. In general, all this can be bought on the spot, and the socks were once again put on only at the airport before the flight from Thailand to Abu Dhabi, i.e. I didn’t use it at all in Thailand and Singapore. But you definitely need a few T-shirts or T-shirts, because... the first one will become wet very soon, even to the store or market there will be nothing to wear.

20. Wallet with money. Here, I think, there is no need to explain. Some cash, bank card. There is never too much money in Thailand, quite the opposite, so take more, just don’t keep it all together. I lost my card at the ATM on the night of arrival, so I had to block it. I also always had a business card knife in my wallet (I like to use it to peel Thai fruits like mangoes), but it was taken away from me during security at the Singapore airport. The backpack was overweight and I put a lot of things, including my wallet, in my pockets, which is why they found it. I carried it in a backpack without any problems.

External hard drive - I recommend taking it with you if you shoot a lot of videos

21. External HDD drive Toshiba. Another useful thing for those who want to shoot a lot of videos while traveling. For example, when you are a video blogger, but travel without a laptop. An external drive costs a little more than a good (with high writing speed) 128 Gb memory card, but its capacity is 7 times greater. Considering the large “weight” of Full HD and 4K video, even the external drive fills up very quickly. If you shoot on a smartphone, you must first make sure that it supports the OTG function and you can easily move the video from the phone’s memory or memory card to an external drive. Sometimes this may require installing additional software. This is not necessary for Samsung Galaxy S7. The external hard drive must be 2.5 inches (a standard one for a PC may require additional power; a smartphone will not have enough energy). Packed in a protective bag with air pockets, in which it is better to store it for safety purposes.

22. Chest bag for travel. I bought this bag specifically for carrying important things and documents while traveling. Despite its small size, the bag is very functional. There are two open pockets inside, where it is convenient to carry documents, a smartphone and other useful items that are best not left unattended or that you will use often. For example, in addition to money and documents, I carry a selfie monopod, a power bank and headphones in this bag, as well as sometimes sun cream and a sanitizer (hand sanitizer). Also, someone may find it useful to know that you can even fit a 0.5-liter bottle in this bag, although it’s better if it’s flat and not very high, although standard vodka can also fit. Finally, the open but very deep outer pocket makes it convenient to carry a card and Thai coins. I bought a bag in China from, the price is about 10 USD. I have a blue one, I come in black and brown. After a month of very extreme use in Thailand (and 5 months before this at home and on other trips), the bag retained its original appearance and only several threads broke near the end of one zipper. True, before that I went a little overboard with the volume, when the backpack was overweight in Singapore and I tried to stuff as many things as possible into this bag. A small five-minute repair returned the bag to its original appearance and functionality.

23. Swimming trunks in a branded bag. When you go on holiday to Thailand, you'll almost certainly bring your favorite swimming trunks. You can buy it locally, but I had new ones (I also bought them in China), so I took them. The swimming trunks have an interesting design, cool in appearance, pleasant to the touch and durable fabric, dry quickly. Perhaps next time I’ll order another one, just in a different color, so that it’s replaceable and I can swim several times a day without any problems.

These are the swimming trunks I took with me to Thailand - I recommend it

24. Printouts. In a separate file I placed a printout of airline tickets and hotel reservations (just in case), as well as copies of the main pages of the passport. There is also insurance, a rough travel plan and a form for recording expenses. Well, everything like that.

25. Passport. Everything here also requires no explanation. In the Republic of Belarus there is a single passport (both internal and foreign) until 2019, which is why I took it. The passport contains a valid Thai visa (Russian citizens do not need it for a period of up to 30 days). The passport was later placed in a transparent bag with a zipper for better preservation (the previous one was damaged just during the trip).

26. Cosmetic bag. As required by the current rules for transporting liquids in the aircraft cabin, they are all placed together in a transparent bag (you can read more on the page). Plus other cosmetics and items. Shaving foam, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, wet wipes, deodorant (spray, not gas), chlorhexadine, hair products, sunscreen, etc. To make the backpack lighter, I take some items in minimal quantities and then buy them in Thailand. This primarily applies to toothpaste and sunscreen and deodorants. I then buy such things inexpensively in 7Eleven stores and even take some home.

I also took a separate sandwich on the road to have a snack before the plane, because... It takes me about 5 hours to get to the airport, plus several hours immediately before departure and the provision of food on board the plane. Last time I took a little risk and went on a trip without winter clothes at all. Since it was mid-November and the temperature was around zero, I put on light jeans, sneakers, a T-shirt and a biker jacket. In principle, everything went without any problems: it was not cold in the transport, but I had to walk a couple of hundred meters along the street, but I saved a lot of space in my backpack. Previously took it with me to Thailand bring a jacket, winter boots, etc., and then you have to store it somewhere or carry it with you, which is very inconvenient when moving a lot.

You will have to discard the usual tourist stereotypes about your luggage and take only what you need. You don’t need to take huge suitcases with you to Thailand, trying to take things for all occasions. This is impractical and un-Thai, it constrains and deprives freedom of movement.

Force yourself to come to Thailand light and you will feel the main feature of Thai travel - freedom.

Take a small backpack with a minimum of things. You can easily buy everything else locally in Thailand (if you are not very picky about fashion :)).

List of things you will need take with you to Thailand depends greatly on how much time you intend to spend in Thailand, where you will live, whether you will only travel around Thailand or also work.

What to take with you to Thailand for a seaside holiday for a week or a month (less than 30 days)

In the photo: the most convenient way to travel to Thailand is to take a backpack

A seaside holiday involves boat trips (don't miss the most beautiful one!) and constant exposure to the sun. This affects the list of what to take to Thailand by sea.


  1. A backpack that you don't mind. If you have a lot of things, at the end of your vacation you can simply buy a new suitcase.
  2. Lightweight belt bag for documents.

Money and documents are the most important!

  1. You should definitely take some cash with you to Thailand.(euro) + (preferably from different banks). I also recommend reading. Do not take rubles to Thailand - the exchange rate will be very unfavorable.
  2. Medical insurance. Most medical issues in Thailand are much easier to resolve if you have. Medicine in Thailand is very expensive for tourists. If there is no insurance, then, for example, first aid for an ordinary fracture in Thailand costs from $1,000. A day in a good hospital with care costs about $1,000. Those who “get money” are mostly young people who save on insurance and firmly believe that “ definitely nothing will happen to me” and “such bills don’t exist”, and then they collect money on social networks. If you don’t pay the bills, you won’t be allowed to leave the country; you still have to pay, even if you sell the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to take out insurance - there are many more insurance cases in Thailand than in any other countries.
  3. Copies of passports. We leave our passports in the hotel safe and carry copies with us.
  4. A printout of a return ticket from Thailand to the next country (Russians can stay in Thailand for no more than 30 days, so at the border they may be asked to present a return ticket).
  5. Printout of your first hotel or guesthouse reservation. It will be useful if it comes with Thai writing and a telephone number - for taxi drivers.

What clothes to take to Thailand

Do not take a fur coat, down jacket, boots or warm clothes to Thailand - you will greatly regret it. Leave all this to your family at the airport, and upon your return ask them to meet you at the airport and bring warm clothes.

Here's what to take to Thailand:

  1. A couple of sets of light clothing: underwear, shorts, T-shirts (until you are tanned, you should not wear T-shirts). Buy the following T-shirts locally or, if you're in Bangkok, buy everything at Big Sea or the market. It is better to take shorts with several pockets.
  2. A cap or baseball cap (a hat or Panama hat will come off when traveling on boats or).
  3. Tested swimming trunks or swimsuits. In Thailand it is not always possible to find suitable sizes.
  4. Light cotton underwear. Synthetics will chafe a lot in humid climates.
  5. At the beginning of the journey, a light jacket may come in handy - the air conditioning on trains gets very cold.

Beginners going to Thailand for the first time are very afraid of rain. In order not to worry before your trip, read about. However, there is no need to take raincoats, jackets and umbrellas to Thailand. A light polyethylene raincoat can be bought very cheaply at any Seven-Ileven store, and an umbrella can always be bought at a good hotel, but it is unlikely to help against a tropical downpour.

Shoes for a trip to Thailand

Taking leather boots or stiletto sandals to Thailand is a big mistake! It is very hot here and it is difficult to find a hundred meters of flat sidewalk, so everyone wears either comfortable sports shoes or flip-flops. Only “call girls” wear high-heeled shoes in Thailand. You shouldn’t compete with them by adding low-cut, tight dresses to your heels - it looks vulgar and inappropriate. In addition, Russian-speaking girls hobbling in heels along uneven Thai roadsides look very stupid and pathetic. Usually on the 2nd day they give up and buy flip flops.

  1. If you have a large shoe size, it is better to bring your own shoes to Thailand. It's not always easy to buy plus size shoes in Thailand.
  2. Sneakers + a pair of flip-flops. You can also buy flip-flops on the spot - on the beaches of Thailand you can walk around in rubber fake Crocs for months :) Sneakers will come in handy for trekking.
  3. If you are serious about snorkeling, exploring waterfalls, etc., it’s useful take to Thailand coral slippers.

In the photo: what you need to take with you to Thailand for your first trip

Communications in Thailand

Lifehack We went - We know.
To make communication in Thailand cheaper, order in advance Thai SIM card and receive it at the airport upon arrival. It will be twice cheaper!

For those who fly to Phuket, see discounts on 4G SIM cards. Upon arrival at Phuket Airport, go to the 1st floor (Terminal 2), you will see the DTAC kiosk. Show the employee your voucher with a QR code (printed or on your smartphone) and receive a SIM card. The kiosk is open 24 hours.

Excursions in Russian

Everyone knows that hotel guides offer tourists the most expensive and boring excursions. What to do? Book excursions in advance online. Here are the most interesting ones excursions in Russian:

Other necessary things

  1. Don't forget to take a fountain pen with you - it will be useful on the plane to fill out the immigration card.
  2. Sunglasses (preferably with a cord). It’s not easy to buy good glasses in Thailand; there are a lot of fakes.
  3. Waterproof case (case) for photographic equipment. Useful in case of rain or traveling by sea in a boat.
  4. Chargers for all devices.
  5. A small lock will not hurt to secure the backpack.

Buy sunscreen (protection level 30-50) immediately upon arrival at any 7-11.

First aid kit. What medications should you take to Thailand?

I hope you have stocked up on reliable insurance in advance. If something happens, insurance will cover all medications. Usually, medications are given out immediately in the hospital; you do not have to go to the pharmacy to get them. But you still need to take some medicines with you to Thailand. Mostly tourists in Thailand suffer from eating disorders, colds (yes, yes! - cold drinks and Thai air conditioners) and various injuries. In addition to those medications that you personally constantly need, take these, just in case:

  1. An antihistamine to reduce an allergic reaction to seafood, pool chlorine or unusual shampoos - sometimes with excessive consumption of seafood, allergies begin even in those who have never had one. If you haven’t taken it in advance, ask at a Thai pharmacy for “Zyrtec” (In Thailand, “Zyrtec” is sold in yellow packaging).
  2. From colds, for example, “Fervex” - from air conditioners and cold fruit shakes, everyone catches a cold for the first time :)
  3. Medicines for indigestion, at least activated charcoal.
  4. Plaster - may be useful on your first hikes.
  5. If you are traveling with children, be prepared.

Thai pharmacies have almost everything you need, but in unfamiliar packages and under different names, so It’s better to take your usual medications with you to Thailand. If you forgot to take it, then do not hesitate to contact Thai pharmacies. One way or another, you can communicate with the staff even with poor English :)

Remember the main thing, your first aid kit is for minor disorders. In case of serious illnesses and especially injuries, your travel insurance should be activated!

What to take to Thailand for a holiday in the north

In the photo: a tourist arrived in Chiang Mai almost light - she took a minimum of things

The list of things is the same as in the first option, but you need to take additional clothes. Firstly, it can be cold in the north of Thailand. Secondly, there are many Buddhist temples there, which you can only visit in clothes that cover your shoulders and knees. Therefore, to travel to Chiang Rai, you will either need to take with you (or buy immediately upon arrival) trousers or light, loose pants as in the photo. For trekking
