How to connect related parts. How to connect knitted items, crochet details? Several ways

Each knitter at the last stage of her work is sure to face the task of sewing together parts of a knitted thing. This very important stage of needlework, because it will depend appearance finished product. There are several methods for joining parts. It is about them that we will talk further.

What is the best way to do it, what are the techniques

There is a set or crochet. But the technique of stitching finished knitted products is much less. However, among them are the following:

  • stitching with a needle;
  • crochet;
  • knitting.

Descriptions of different techniques

What seam to sew knitted details is an individual matter. However, in some cases there are certain recommendations for choosing a stitching technique. For example, it is convenient to sew hats with a needle with a weaving stitch, and sleeves with a mattress stitch. In general, a needle or hook is used for stitching, in rare cases, knitting needles.

How best to sew knitted parts together with a needle

Loop-to-loop seam on open loops

The schemes often offer just such a method of stitching knitted parts. To do this, you need to connect the parts of your product in such a way that the left loops are butt-to-butt. Next, insert the needle into the first loop of the lower part, and then into the corresponding upper one and bring it out into the next loop. Now insert the needle into the previous loop of the bottom part and bring it out into the next loop.

Loop-to-loop seam on closed loops

If you want to join closed edges, for example, during, this seam will be a suitable option for this:

Mattress seam

This technology is often used to connect sleeve seams or side seams. The back and front of the knitted item must be placed with the outer side up parallel to each other. With a needle, grab the broach between the first loop and the edge, pull the thread. On the adjacent side, grab the broach lying opposite between the first and edge loops, then pull the thread. Repeat these steps alternately: once on one side and then on the other.

  • Somewhere after 2-2.5 cm, pull the working thread so that both products are connected to each other without a visible transition.

weaving stitch

Weaving stitch often sew knitted parts of children's clothing, hats, mittens. Insert the needle under the hem loops. And in this way you need to pass the needle into the middle of each loop that goes on. The stitches are somewhat reminiscent of a snake crawling forward. When making a seam, observe the golden mean: do not make it too tight or too loose.

How to crochet knitted parts together

Quite neatly it turns out to sew crocheted knitted things. From experienced needlewomen The seam comes out like a machine. To achieve this quality, take the following steps:

  • Fold two knitted products together - to each other with the outside.
  • Insert the hook into the first hole between the loops.
  • Make a loop of thread, grabbing two parts of the product to be sewn.
  • Then again you need to insert the hook, but already into the next opening and then pull out the loop.
  • From the two resulting loops, make one.
  • Insert the hook into the next row of loops of the two pieces of products and then pull up a new loop.
  • Connect the two resulting loops again with one. Continue doing this until you completely connect both parts of the sewn product.

Video on how to beautifully sew two knitted parts with a needle

For most needlewomen, this is not too difficult a task. However, the difficulty lies in how to properly sew your product. That's what you'll learn in this video tutorial.

Video on how to properly and neatly crochet knitted details

- Knitting for women - is a useful type of needlework and in a good way relaxation, abstraction from external fuss. But in order for the result to be perfect, you need to have the skills to work not only with knitting needles, but also with a crochet. After all, it is with the help of the last tool that you often have to connect parts of a knitted product. See the video tutorial provided for how to do this.

We sew knitted details with an invisible seam

Sometimes you need to sew knitwear in such a way that it is invisible. See below for how to do this.

How to sew knitted details with knitting needles

From this lesson you will learn how to properly sew the details of a knitted product with knitting needles. Despite the fact that this technique is less popular compared to stitching with a needle or crochet, it is still not difficult to perform, and the result looks very nice and neat, which the heroine of this video will show you.

Dear needlewomen! Share your knitting secrets. Ask questions.

How to connect knitted items, crochet details? Several ways

Crochet is very convenient to connect the details, both crocheted and knitted.

Another thing I like about this joining method is that if necessary, such a seam can be easily unraveled.

  • Connecting parts with half-columns without a crochet
Fold the two pieces right sides together. Insert the hook into the corresponding loops of both parts, hook working thread and pull through both loops. Continue to connect the parts, observing the minimum tension.
  • Connecting parts with single crochets
Fold the two parts of the product with the right sides to each other. (Or wrong side so that the seam is visible). Connect in the same way as in the previous case, only instead of half crochets, make single crochets.
  • Connecting parts with single crochets and air loops.
Such a connection can be very useful, because it is used when the parts are small or the product must be very elastic.
Single crochet and air loops knitted sequentially.
  • Another connection method:
You can very carefully connect the details of the product if you knit only the upper loops.

Place the pieces of the product with the edges to each other, right sides up. Insert your hook into the matching upper loops of both pieces and join them with single crochet stitches.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Ways of connecting knitted fabric

For beginners to master knitting, a very useful lesson

1. It's important to know

If the parts are well connected and properly processed, it is easier to assemble the product by hand. Knit with special care all edges, i.e. typesetting, side and edges with closed loops. Use a rounded needle to sew the pieces, the thickness of the needle should match the thickness of the yarn. If the details are knitted from smooth or slightly fluffy yarn, then they are sewn with the same thread. For sewing details from fancy yarn with knots, loops or fringes, it is better to use a smooth yarn that matches the main color.
Before cutting the thread from the ball, use the ends of the thread of the initial and last row, as well as the ends resulting from the change of balls. In the photo, for clarity, the seams are made with a thread of a contrasting color.

2. Horizontal seam "loop to loop"
The seam is performed on the front side of the product.
For connection two edges with closed loops(for example, shoulder edges) lay the pieces right side up against each other. Grab first half of the edge loop of the lower part, then half of the edge loop of the upper part, inserting the needle from the bottom up (see photo 1). Sew from right to left the loops of the row immediately behind the next to the closed loops. Take half of two loops alternately on the upper and lower parts. The sewn thread forms a new row of loops (see photo 2). Pull the thread evenly.
Joining inlaid edges(for example, the lower edges of the sleeve " bat”) is performed in the same way. First, grab the whole edge loop (see photo 3), then take the whole loop of the main pattern alternately on the top, then on the bottom part (see photo 4). The resulting seam is barely visible. In the described seams, a slight thickening is formed on the wrong side of the part. To avoid it (especially when knitting with thick yarn), sew open loops of parts. The loops of both knitted parts are on the needles. Insert the needle from bottom to top into the edge loops of the lower and upper parts, then into the bottom edge loop and at the same time bring it out of the adjacent loop (see photo 5).
Repeat this technique on the top part, that is, insert the needle into the edge loop and out of the adjacent loop (see photo 6).
Grab half of two loops alternately on the top and bottom parts (see photo 7).

First lay both pieces right side up against each other.

Then simply sew one row with a loop stitch from right to left.

When connecting the typesetting edges, they start with edge loops.

The loop-in-loop knit stitch looks beautiful if the working thread is not pulled tight.

Remove open loops gradually from the knitting needle.

When stitching with a needle, half of two adjacent loops are captured.

This seam is really invisible, as there is no thickening on the wrong side.

3. Vertical seam (mattress)
The seam is also performed on the front side of the work, for example, for side edge connections(side seams and sleeve seams).
Lay the pieces right side up and sew from right to left. Insert the needle into the fabric next to the edge loop, first on the top part, then bring it out from the bottom up on the bottom part, then grab the first broach between the 1st p. and the edge loop on the top part (see photo 8). On the bottom part, grab the 1st and 2nd broaches, on the top part, the 2nd and 3rd broaches in the middle of the 1st p. and edge loop (see photo 9). Sew like this, grabbing the next 2 broaches alternately on the top and bottom parts (see photo 10).
Do not pull the thread tight. A "tubular" seam is formed between the knitted parts. Detail patterns, whether colored stripes or relief patterns, must match exactly. For some patterns and when knitting with thick yarn, it is recommended to grab the broaches between the edge loop and the 1st loop of the main pattern. To connect parts, made on the wrong side, grab alternately 1 p. of the lower and 1 p. of the upper part, inserting the needle into the 1st p. next to the edge loop (see photo 11). Since the cross threads of the seam remain visible, use the same yarn from which the parts are knitted for sewing. Do not pull the thread too tight.

Lay the two pieces right side up and sew from right to left.

For the first loop, grab only one pull, then pick up two pulls.

Due to the offset of these broaches, the loops are located close to each other.

The areas connected by the wrong side can be connected with a mattress seam.

4. Seam "line"
This seam is often used for sewing inlays. Baste the bottom edge of the inlay to the front of the neckline and hide any irregularities. Sew with a seam “line” of the loop of the 1st p., Following the typesetting edge (see photo 12).
For connection beveled, resp. rounded edges fold the pieces right side in and pin them together. Make the 1st stitch over the edge and bring the needle out to the left after the 1st stitch. For each next stitch, insert the needle into the previous exit point and bring it out to the left by a stitch length equal to 1 stitch, resp. 2 p. (see photo 13).

The trim is sewn on the front side with a "line" seam.

At the final stage of knitting, we most often think how beautiful and strong connect knitted parts. The easiest way is to fasten with a special needle with a large eye, but you can also tie a seam with a regular crochet.

So how do you neatly crochet the details?

Connecting parts with half-columns without a crochet

Fold the two parts of the product to each other with the front sides. We insert the hook into the loop of both parts, grab the working thread and stretch it through both loops, while observing the minimum tension.

Connecting parts with single crochets

We fold the two parts of the product to each other with facial loops, or purl ones, so that the seam is visible. We knit in the same way as in the first method, only instead of half-columns we use

Connecting parts with single crochets and air loops

We knit single crochets and air loops alternately. Such a seam is used when the details are small, and also if the product needs to be more elastic.

Flat connection of parts with half-columns without a crochet

We fold the parts of the product with the edges to each other with the wrong side up. We knit through the corresponding loops.

Other ways to connect with half-columns without a crochet

Many needlewomen are interested in the question: “How to connect two knitted parts invisibly?” Yes, at the same time so that there is no skew or tightness and that the product looks simply amazing.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. And due to the fact that there are a lot of stitching techniques, you can choose a more convenient one. In this article we will describe several ways to connect knitted parts.

A few subtleties in stitching parts

Before you start stitching the parts, you first need to prepare everything you need. First of all, this is a thread with which we will sew numerous and various details. And from the tools - a thick needle with a large eye, knitting needles or a hook (depending on which stitching method you have chosen). As for the thread, then most often they use the same one that knitted the details themselves, or similar in color. The main thing is that the thread is strong.

You should start by leveling the edges of the parts. Then try on the product and mark the stitching points. For convenience, you can initially make a basting with a thread of a different color. When stitching, do not take too long a thread - it can quickly break, and tighten it tightly.

In order for the seam to be even and straight, you need to pass the thread into loops located at the same distance. If you are sewing cuffs or a collar with a lapel, then in this case the edges must be done on the other side of the knitted parts.

"Mattress" seam

If you are most concerned about the question of how to connect knitted parts inconspicuously, then this vertical invisible seam is what you need.

To perform it, you should choose a thin thread. Maybe even sewing. It is necessary to perform on the front side of the parts. To do this, you need to connect the edges by gripping on both sides.

Another variety is a loop-to-loop seam. It is used when you need to connect the details of the stocking type of knitting. To do this, sew the open loops of the two parts of the product. The thread used is the same that was used when knitting.

We thread the needle with the thread into the first loop from the inside of the upper part of the product, draw it into the first loop of the lower part and lead through the second loop of the wrong side of the lower part. Next, we thread the thread from the front side of the upper part into the first loop and lead through the second upper part from the inside. Next, we thread the needle into the second loop of the lower part from the front side and lead to the third lower part from the inside. We continue to sew by analogy. Try to keep the seam loops identical in size to the loops of the product.

Seam "Chain"

This seam is applicable to connect the shoulders. When knitting, it is necessary to leave free loops on the knitting needles on the front and back of the product. Next, fold the parts inside out to each other. We take another knitting needle and begin to knit the first loop of the front back, and then the second loops from both knitting needles.

We begin to close the loops when right spoke two loops remain. We do this by throwing the first loop on the second. We continue by analogy to the end. Thus, on the front side of the product we will see a pattern in the form of a chain. This type of stitching is suitable for those who want to learn how to join knitted parts beautifully.

If you do not want this chain to be visible, do the same, only fold the details initially facing each other.

Seam with closing loops

This is another way for those who are looking for how to join knitted parts with knitting needles. We will perform this seam from the wrong side of the product. To do this, take an additional knitting needle and thread it into the first front loop on the upper knitting needle and into the first purl loop on the lower knitting needle. Then remove both loops. Next, pull the second loop through the first. Then we repeat everything from the beginning.

We turn the knitted product over and remove two loops. Pull the second through the first. Again, remove two loops and pull the second through the first. At the end we fasten the last loop.

Seam "back needle"

This seam is also done from the inside out. We take both parts, fold them facing each other and fasten the thread on the extreme loops. Then we thread the needle with the thread, retreating half a centimeter from the last stitch.

We insert the needle at the place where the previous stitch ends, and bring it out again half a centimeter from the stitch. Pull out the thread. We continue in the same way.

Crochet stitch

Let's describe a few examples of how to crochet knitted parts.

  1. How to crochet knitted details? We do it on the edge. We put the two parts of the product together facing each other and draw the hook through them, grabbing and pulling the loop. Again we thread the hook and pull through both parts and the previously captured loop. We knit, repeating the last step to the end.
  2. Single crochet. We do it on the front side of the product. We insert the hook through the walls of the closed row of both parts and, grabbing the thread, pull out the loop. We pull the loop through the next two loops of the closed row and, grabbing the thread, we pull a new loop through the previous two loops on the hook. Then we continue in the same way, from the moment the first loop is pulled out.
  3. To connect the open loops on the knitting needles, we fold both parts facing each other and thread the hook through the first loops on the knitting needles and, as in the front ones, remove them. Then yarn over the hook and pull up a loop through two loops on the hook. Now remove 2 loops from the knitting needles. Three loops remain on the hook. Yarn over the hook and pull up a loop through the three loops on the hook. Now there is 1 loop left on the hook, and we repeat all the steps from the moment the hook removed two loops from the knitting needles.

Stitching seam

How to connect knitted details with knitting needles? To make the seam invisible, you need to perform it from the inside out. But if you want a decorative lacing seam at the junction of the parts, you can do it from the front side.

We put the two parts of the product together facing each other, placing the edges on the same line. Then we introduce a needle with a thread from behind through the constrictions between the loops on the edges. We sew it to the end.

Connecting a vertical and horizontal part

Most often, this seam is used for sewing sleeves. In the event that there are more rows than loops, when sewing on a sleeve, periodically grab two broaches between the loops of the edge of one part and one loop from the other.

In stocking knitting, to connect the vertical and horizontal parts, it is necessary to pass the needle with the thread under the loop of the vertical part in a closed row and bring it under the broach between the first and second loops on the horizontal part. And then, following the same pattern, we sew to the end.

That's all, nothing complicated about how to beautifully connect knitted parts. You just need to start, and knitting will drag you into the world of magic!
