Marriage proposal phrases. How to propose to a girl: the best ways

In the article you will find options for words and phrases in order to make a marriage proposal to your beloved woman.

What to say when you propose to a girl to marry: 25 best options, best words, speech

A marriage proposal is the most pleasant and best thing a girl can hear in her direction. But at the moment of excitement and awareness of all responsibility, a man can “lose his words”, get confused in his thoughts and convey to his beloved not at all what he wanted. Therefore, it is important to carefully prepare in advance for the proposal, having thought through all the words, compliments and the smallest subtleties of the event.

To help men and young guys, there can be “blank words” and “phrase templates”, original “ready-made marriage proposals” that women of any age, status, at any stage should definitely like. Serious relationships. The main thing is to find exactly the option that is right for you.

TIP: Carefully re-read all the templates, choosing a few "best". Then be sure to rehearse them, saying aloud to yourself or to your friend (to get his opinion). Of the proposed options, you should focus on only one that most of all breaks you into sensuality.

What to say to propose marriage to a girl:

  1. Expensive! I look at us and see strong, trusting, good relationship between a man and a woman. I see love and understanding. I hope that something more, beautiful, eternal can grow out of these relationships. I'm talking about family. Throw away all unnecessary thoughts, doubts and tell me honestly, do you agree to marry me? I promise to protect you, protect you, give only good and always serve as a support for you in life.
  2. Darling! Finally I figured out what I want. I want to tell you"thank you" for all your affection, love and tenderness that you give me every day. For all this I promise to reward you with my attention, respect, devotion. Tell me, my love, can you believe in my words and will you decide to connect your life with me? Will you marry me?
  3. Darling! Today I want to celebrate your beauty. You are beautiful as always but today I see the most magical features in you. You are a real goddess from a fairy tale. I dare to ask you today, how do you feel about linking our lives and moving on together, hand in hand? You don't want to marry me?
  4. (Girl's name)! Our relationship with you has already been tested by time, many activities and people. I believe that you and I are an ideal couple, and therefore we can exist as a family. Can you imagine if this is possible in your opinion? I love you very much and I suggest we get married!
  5. My girl! How many pleasant and tender feelings you evoke in me! I look at you and notice how all the kindest and best features that can only be found in a woman are embodied in you. How I want to admire you for many more years in a row, for myself to distinguish you from the crowd of other people. You are special to me and I want to offer you "my hand and heart." Do you agree?
  6. Expensive! How I treasure our relationship! Thank you for everything you do for me and what you are ready for for me. I really want to please you and know that you are only mine. That's why I want to propose marriage to you. Do not rush to answer, weigh all the pros and cons before answering. I love you incredibly and if you agree with me, I promise to meet all your expectations!
  7. Darling! You beautiful woman, a wonderful hostess and the kindest man in the world! You know, I think you are perfect and I want to make you the most important proposal in my life - to marry me. I don’t know yet whether you agree or not, but I can promise you in advance to be a devoted, loving and truthful husband who, with happiness, carries his beloved in his arms and “turns mountains for her.”
  8. Honey! You are a ray of light in a dark kingdom. You are hope where there is not a drop of faith left. I love you for the fact that in any situation you find a positive side and correct solution. I dare to suggest that you marry our lives, because I am terribly afraid of losing you. I want to see you every day in my house, wake up with you in the same bed and share all the sorrows with joys. Do you agree?
  9. My beloved woman! I have a small present for you. Here, look at that little burgundy box. Surely, you have already guessed what is inside there. Tell me, my love, are you happy to receive this particular gift from me? All my love and appreciation for you is hidden in this little ring. It is a symbol of my great love and an offer to marry me.
  10. Darling! You are very beautiful, even if you yourself do not think so, believe me, I I see your beautiful features and my heart rejoices. It's good that we met once and this tender, warm feeling arose between us. Darling, I want to ask you just one question that will decide the fate of our relationship with you. Are you willing to marry me?
  11. My precious! Like the purest diamond for me is yours presence in life. Thank you for shining a rainbow of light into my every day. What can I give you in return? Love, respect, friendship? No! I want to please you with something more! Therefore, my dear, I intend to ask you if you agree to marry me?
  12. My treasure! Having met you once, I no longer wanted to be with you part. This desire has not left me to this day, because all the best female and human features have converged in you, as if in a kaleidoscope. Darling, I want to justify all your hopes and give you wonderful life so think about it and answer me the most main question: Will you marry me?
  13. (Girl's name)! Now it's a little difficult for me to speak, but still, I want to tell you important things. You and I have been together for many years and we should change something in the status of our relationship. You make me crazy as a girl, but I want more! I want to see you every day in my house, to share with you a table, a bed, a roof, my joys, my sadness, my loneliness. I try to imagine life without you and I just can't. Beloved, be so kind and after a little thought, say: will you agree to marry me?
  14. My girl! Let's look back at the years we spent together and notice how colorful and happy they were. You know, I think that you and I are the perfect match and a great couple. How long do you think we can maintain this warm relationship with you? I'm sure forever! I have so much love for you that it inspires me to be faithful, faithful, happy. I am afraid of losing this "thread" and therefore I can offer you only one thing - to get married. You agree?
  15. Sun! For me you bright colors, warm light, sweet treats, nice music, good memories. You are the best thing that could happen to me in this life. How happy I become when I look at you, when I listen to you, when I think about you. It's hard to imagine a life without you by my side. I want to thank you so much and give you this little souvenir as a token of gratitude. Open the box and tell me, looking at this little ring, do you agree to put it on your finger and tell me "yes"?
  16. My tender! You are the most feminine, affectionate and sweetest creature on earth! How you want to know that we still have many fabulous days ahead, filled with love and passion. Together we have a lot of fun, easy and interesting. Tell me, my sun, do you want to connect with me for more than one day? I am ready to step on the next stage of the relationship and find a wife in your face. Are you willing to marry me?
  17. My darling! You are very beautiful, you charge me with positive and give joy every day, day by day. Thank you for the support, female attention and the storm of feelings that I live with you. I have one small suggestion and I hope you will approve it. Just tell me yes or no... Do you agree to marry me?
  18. My sweet one! I just can't imagine another person next to yourself. That is why I am increasingly thinking about how to somehow transform our relations, making them better, warmer. I want a family and children. These are my most cherished desires. Will you help me find this happiness, because I see only you as my wife?
  19. Dear (girl's name)! You are special. You are wonderful. You beautiful. Until now, I have not met anyone like you. Among the many people, I single out exactly you, because the qualities that you possess bribe me like a man, fascinate, fall in love. I feel happy next to you! That's why I want to ask: how do you feel about me? Do you love me the way I love you and do you agree to marry me?
  20. Kitten! I look into your kind eyes and am touched. thank you for the kindness you bestow on me. In return, I try to give you attention, compliments, gifts. But all this is not enough. So accept the gift of my life and fidelity. I propose that you marry me so that you can meet many fabulous people together. family days next to our children, do you agree?
  21. My sweet creation! You are more precious than money, gold and precious stones! You are the most precious thing in the world to me! I am extremely glad that we met and struck up such a sincere relationship. Let's imagine our life in the future: a cozy house, small children and a lot of joyful events. Do you like this kind of story? I'll tell you a secret that this is my dream! Will you agree to marry me?
  22. Darling! God only knows how much I love you. Pass my not the sweetest candy in the world, not the brightest star in the sky, not the most expensive diamond in the universe will not be able to feel! Are you willing to accept my love and share it with me? I want to offer you my hand and heart. Will you accept?
  23. My beauty! Thank you for drawing attention to me and agreed to go on a date with me. Since that special day, I have become the happiest person in the world. Now I want to make you happy and I make you a special offer - an offer to tie each other in marriage. I promise to give you positive every day, do you agree?
  24. Bunny! Smile again. I love your smile so much. She me inspires and makes me happy. Thank you for confidently considering me your boyfriend, your loved one. For me, you are more than a person. You are my reason for living. Today I want to confess to you what I think about our relationship. I want a family! And you?
  25. (Girl's name)! Let's get married?! I understand that you are confused by my words, but I love you so much that I can no longer hide it or keep my feelings secret. God, how much you mean to me! Therefore, do not delay the answer and boldly tell me: "yes" or "no"?

How to write to a girl - marry me: words

In some cases, huge speeches can be replaced with just a few words, the most significant and effective. What exactly should be written (be it an inscription on the pavement or words in a letter), it is important to choose those words that will reach the very heart.

Label options:

  • Marry me!
  • Be my wife!
  • I love you! Will you marry me?
  • Say me Yes!
  • Will you marry me?
  • Will you be my wife?
  • Shall we have a wedding?
  • Be my bride!
  • Will you agree to marry me?
  • I love you! Please marry me!
  • Merry Me!
  • Say me YES!
  • Let's be family?

Letter options:

  • Understand my excitement and accept my feelings. I love you madly. Marry me, I beg you!
  • I'm at a loss for words and can't find the courage. I want to make you a marriage proposal. Will you accept?
  • I suggest you get married! That's so easy and fast! Agree!
  • Finally found the courage to say: MARRY ME!
  • I have an offer for you. Promise you will? Marry me!
  • I'm just waiting for a positive response from you. Say: will you marry me or not?
  • I'm sorry I can't put it into words. I'm afraid to be rejected. But if you agree, I will turn the world for you. Do you agree to be my wife?
  • Darling! I am writing to you with a simple but important question. It's very exciting and scary. Will you agree to marry me?
  • Just don't say NO! I won't survive! I want to propose marriage to you. Are you willing to be my bride?
  • Be mine forever! I want to marry you!
  • Give me your answer: will you marry me or not?
  • I love you more than life! All my thoughts are about you. I will ask you only one thing: will you become my wife?

Video: “Crazy options, how to propose to a girl?”


In the life of every man, sooner or later, the moment comes when he decides to start a family. And this desire is even stronger if he met "the one", the one and only. If a man's intentions are serious, and he wants the future marriage to be strong, and love to last a long time, he must definitely think carefully about how to propose to a girl. After all, the more romantic everything is organized, the more clearly this will testify to the love of the groom, which is very important for every chosen one. To call your beloved in marriage is the foundation of marriage, and it is better to lay it thoroughly.

How to prepare

Before you propose to a girl, you need to determine how and when it is best to do it, as well as carry out some preparatory work:

  • First of all, you need to buy a ring, which should not only be the size of the girl, but also suit her taste. The following tips will help in this important matter:
    1. If you do not know the diameter of her finger, it is not so difficult to find out the size: take a moment when she is in the shower and measure the ring that she always wears, while making sure that the finger on which she wears it matches her “marriage” » nameless.
    2. The second option is to invite the girl to go shopping, one of which will be jewelry. As if by chance (better even without your presence, so that she does not guess about the upcoming event), give her the opportunity to look around there, try on jewelry, including rings. After all the fittings, when the chosen one will study the assortment of another store, go to the jewelry salon consultant and find out what size rings she tried on.
    3. There you can also find out what kind of rings she especially liked. It is worth buying jewelry in the same style, but more expensive, because. this demonstrates the power of love for the chosen one, and if possible, it is better not to be stingy and please your beloved. As a result, her entourage will definitely be interested in the engagement ring, and at these moments the girl should not be ashamed. After all, the ring is the face of the chosen one, demonstrating his taste, well-being, qualities of character, disposition towards the bride.

  • Finding the right moment to propose is very important. It happens that a couple quarreled, the guy realized that he did not want to live without a girl, he decided to propose, and she is still in a state of resentment. Even if the chosen one loves the groom, the likelihood that she will refuse him a burst of negative emotions increases several times. Therefore, if you want to get consent, confess your love when the relationship is in a favorable phase, there will be no understatement, unresolved issues, unfulfilled claims, both will be ready for marriage.
  • The way in which the proposal is made is also very important. For every girl, hearing the cherished words from her beloved is like a fairy tale that comes true. And therefore the moment of the proposal should be magical. Each girl has her own character, dreams, her own sense of wonder and understanding of marriage. The spirit of all this must be invested in an event that will become the background for recognition.
    1. If the relationship in a couple is strong, based on understanding, spiritual feeling of each other, a man should not have any difficulties with choosing a place and a way.
    2. If, the soul of the chosen one is still shrouded in mystery, it is worth being observant and finding out what she dreams of, which delights her beloved, which touches her or surprises her. Find out what she dreamed about as a child, the details of her life, changes in her worldview, what her impossible, true dream is - and make it come true.
    3. If this proves difficult, any beautiful, romantic, quirky setting will do, which is a win-win.

Original ways of confessions

There are many ways to beautifully, romantically propose. If there are difficulties with choosing an idea, the guy can always use ready-made ideas, choosing the one that will please the chosen one the most. Explore some classic and original ways to propose a marriage that do not require too much money, but are able to please any girl.

  • At a concert of her favorite band on speakerphone. This method can take you by surprise, cause a storm of positive emotions. The guy can arrange it different ways for maximum effect:
    1. asking the organizers of the concert to let the groom to the microphone on the stage or in the sound engineer's booth, from where he will utter the cherished words over the speakerphone;
    2. by means of a running line or special effects, asking to put them in between songs;
    3. arrange with the performers to introduce the groom, create a romantic mood, say a few words about love, or sing some simple romantic or incendiary song with the groom. Often, artists do not refuse such requests, seeing the touchingness, the importance of the moment.

  • During a joint parachute jump. If a girl loves extreme sports, feel the risk, skydiving is a great way to propose marriage to a girl. It will be very original if the groom, under the supervision of an instructor, attaches the engagement ring next to the safety ring (it is better not to interfere in the system itself). And before jumping, he will ask his beloved if she will marry him. It is touching if the jump is joint, in conjunction. If the result is failure, it is better not to jump, because. excitement in such a situation is unacceptable.
  • With balloons and flowers. Air balloons, a bouquet - perfectly complement the feeling of happiness and celebration when she sees the treasured ring. Balloons filled with helium, a basket of flowers, a box with a ring, a note with cherished words and a hint of the location of the groom, left in the place where the bride should come - this great way give the event not only a romantic character, but also a playful, flirtatious form.

  • Offer in a boat or boat. Walking on water on a boat, boat, yacht is a very romantic event, and even more so if the lovers in the middle of the expanses of water are only alone. This is a great opportunity to call your beloved in marriage.
  • Compose a poem and place it on a banner. Poetry, which has long been a classic as a method of declaring love, can be combined with the advantages of today - banners. To do this, you need to buy an advertising space, place a marriage proposal in verse there, and create conditions so that the girl can see it, being with her lover.

  • New Year's idea: hang a ring on the Christmas tree. If it was decided to propose in the winter, a good way to decorate the Christmas tree and propose immediately is to hang a wedding ring on it. An alternative could be toys in the form of rings or bagels decorated in such a way that they will definitely prompt the bride to think about marriage. The guy himself must dress up such a fir-tree, and after pronouncing the words, present a real ring.
  • Print a sentence in her favorite magazine. A marriage proposal that will be printed in the bride's favorite magazine will be very impressive, causing a surge of joy and pride. This is unexpected, pleasant, original, the girl will remember for a long time and show off this act of her lover.
  • Lay out a proposal from candles. Romantically ask for a girl's hand easily and at home. In advance, before her arrival, the guy must lay out a heart or a secret question from the candles. Rose petals, glasses of champagne or wine, dinner or buffet will well complement the romantic atmosphere. This method of proposing will also work outdoors, in a cozy environment, in calm weather, at night or at sunset.

  • In the form of the inscription "Will you marry me?" under her window. Never cease to touch the girls and the inscription "Will you marry me?", Written with paint, chalk, lined with objects or balloons under the window. This method of making an offer is only suitable for those ladies who live on the second and higher floors of high-rise buildings. Song, flowers and beyond entertainment make the moment perfect.
  • Write a sentence on the ceiling glowing stars. An unusual, unexpected, magical way to ask for hands is to lay out the very question on the ceiling with luminous stars that burn in the dark with neon light. They are easy to buy in stores for construction or decor. A girl will certainly appreciate such beauty.
  • Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to the girl. Proposal in the spirit latest trends technological progress - to record everything on video and then upload it to YouTube. Firstly, it is very original, and will be a real surprise. Secondly, the solemn moment will remain forever fixed. It will be good if the guy guesses the time of watching the video and appears on the girl's doorstep immediately after that to hear the answer to his proposal.

What gift to give a girl on this day

Give something other than wedding ring for an engagement, there is no need. However, if a guy wants to make the proposal day a real holiday, fill it with magic that his bride will remember for a long time, become special in her life, he can give her additional gifts. Such presentations should not be basic and have some meaning. So, it is better not to give on this day:

  • Jewelry of a different type, such as earrings, bracelet, because. they will distract part of the attention from the main gift - the ring. For such presentations, it is better to choose any other day. In some cases, an appropriate addition to the wedding ring will be a chain on which it can be hung in cases where the bride is forced to remove the jewelry (when bathing, washing, washing dishes).
  • Household appliances - this can be perceived as a hint of domestic marital obligations.
  • Joint things (for example, a ticket to a resort, tickets to a concert where both lovers will go) - they are not a personal present, and can create a negative semantic connotation (“You owe me that you can share my life with me”). If you want to please your girlfriend with a trip, do not give it as a gift, but share the good news that the trip is planned.

After the beloved has agreed, it will be more appropriate to give:

  • A ticket to a spa or some other cosmetic procedures of a general nature, to which the beloved can go herself.
  • Perfumes that are remembered for their sensual scent.
  • Flowers.
  • A car, a fur coat or other expensive items (but not jewelry).

Video examples of beautiful marriage proposals

A marriage proposal is always beautiful, whether it is the removal of the ring by the waiter during dinner in a restaurant or the utterance of a cherished question on the shores of the azure sea. After all, the most important thing is a romantic mood, sincerity of feelings, but the place only enhances this, like a beautiful setting adorns a beautiful diamond. Below are video examples that demonstrate well how a well-organized offer looks like in a restaurant, cinema, on the seashore. Such romantic moments will not leave the girl indifferent, and this is the key to a successful outcome of the day for the groom.

A wedding is the most logical continuation of a strong relationship between people. And before every man, sooner or later, the question arises - how beautiful and romantic it is to propose a hand and heart to your beloved. Someone adheres to the classics, but someone likes originality and surprise. But since girls value organization, out-of-the-box thinking and uniqueness in men, it will not be superfluous to arm yourself with a list of the most interesting ways offers.

Beautiful marriage proposals to a girl

In fact, there are quite a lot of classic proposal options, you just need to choose the appropriate and most acceptable one.

original marriage proposal for a girl

Now a little about original versions, there are even more of them than the classic ones. On such a day, you can bring to life the most unthinkable and bold ideas.

So, how can you surprise the chosen one.


The day when the guys decide to ask this important question is remembered for a long time. Some remember the minutes of a long and painful, but excited preparation, while others remember the moment when they first saw the ring and heard the cherished question. But it is not so much important where and how the offer is made, but how much love, tenderness and care is invested in it. Do not be afraid to come up with something new, it doesn’t matter if someone has used this method before or not, on the contrary, it’s nice to be a pioneer. Even if something doesn't go according to plan, you have your whole life to fill it with other moments of happiness. Live here and now, pleasant and bright moments!

You have met the one and only girl with whom you want to connect fate, go through life together and grow old surrounded by children and grandchildren. And to hear: “Yes! I agree! ”, It remains to make an offer. How to make it memorable and become a family history, and your chosen one bragged about it to her friends?


Find out the size of the ring

To propose to a woman, first of all, you need to buy a ring.

There are two options: you make a surprise or go to the store with your chosen one, and she chooses the ring herself.

In the latter case, the surprise effect will be lost. We will not consider such a situation.

Does the girl really love you

In order not to get into a stupid position, you need to be 100% sure that the girl loves you. You can read about how to do this in.

How to choose the best words to talk about

Before proceeding with the implementation of your plans, it would be nice to think about what you will say.

In fact, you can say whatever you want. The only rule is avoid pompous, grandiloquent phrases. It will look stupid and unnatural. The more concisely you formulate your thoughts, the better. Ideally, just say a few words: “I love you. Will you marry me?".

House offer options

romantic dinner

It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere around: light candles, decorate the room with balloons or flowers. For a change, you can sit on a bedspread on the floor.

Don't forget to buy a bottle of champagne.

No need to throw rings into glasses, put them in cakes, fruits. A ring placed in food you can choke.

Wrap the ring case in cellophane and place the case in the center of the cake, on the bottom, so that it is not visible. Ask the girl to cut the cake. When she cuts the cake and pulls out the box, you can get on more than one knee and make her an offer she can't refuse.

Such a proposal will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. Without the cost of the ring.

If you have the skills to work in Photoshop, create collages from photos, create websites, you can create a website or post collages from photos in a certain order on a photo hosting site.

Photos can be arranged in the form of a tree: first, each of you is small, then photos of teenagers, adults, then you met, your joint photos. End it all with the question: “Are we going to continue this tree with our family photos? Will you be my wife?"

Professional website creation will cost from 5 000 rub. Good hosting will cost about 100-150 rubles. per month, but for such purposes it is quite possible to use free.

Quest at home

Come up with tasks, solving which, the girl will move around the apartment, approaching the finish line. There the last riddle will be waiting for her, the answer to which will be a box with a ring and a cherished question. Here it is only your imagination and the Internet to help you.

Photo puzzle

Order a puzzle from a photo where you kneel in front of your girlfriend with a box in your hand.

You can merge 2 photos, your new one where you are standing in front of her and the existing photo of the girl. You will put the puzzle together, and in the final you will hear a request: “Become my wife!”

Ordering a puzzle from a photo costs from 300 rubles to 6500 thousand depending on the size. The main thing is to choose a magnetic one. You can then place it in the refrigerator.

You can find a suitable agency using Yandex on request: "Puzzle from a photo in (your city)"

Suggestions in a restaurant

Gather relatives and friends, make an offer in front of everyone.

After the musician puts on her favorite music, invite the girl to dance. Arrange with the waiter to bring a tray with a ring and a question about marriage laid out on a tray of fruit pieces or written chocolate. Get on your knees and propose.

Combine business with pleasure, if you already have a vacation planned and you are going on a trip, make an offer on the trip.
Or arrange a romantic trip specifically for the proposal.

5 most romantic places in the world to propose

Paris- one of the best places. Propose a girl to marry in a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.

You can fix the result at the Père Lachaise cemetery at 12 o'clock at night, giving the sphinx a kiss on the grave of Oscar Wilde. According to giving after this, the lovers will no longer part.

Verona. Juliet's house. You can attach a note with your proposal to the stand next to the sculpture of Juliet. You can propose on Juliet's balcony.

Stroke the parts of the Juliet sculpture so that happy love does not end.

Relaxing in a bungalow and writing on the sand, coupled with an atmosphere saturated with romance, is the key to a positive response.

Charles Bridge in Prague. Carry your girlfriend through it, according to legend, this is the road to happiness. And at the end, make an offer.

By the way, the length of the bridge is 520 m. Therefore, before carrying the girl, it does not hurt to practice a little.

Butterfly Valley in Turkey. Untouched nature, many butterflies, the beauty of waterfalls and silence. The only way to get there is by sea. What could be more romantic than a proposal on a boat? Tie a box with a ring with a thin fishing line, and make the girl “catch” it

public offerings

Here you can not do without agencies to organize such events. Agency employees will agree on everything and settle issues with the administration of the place chosen for the event. You can find a suitable agency in any search engine for the query: “Agency for organizing holidays in (your city)”, “Make an offer to a girl with the help of an agency in (your city)”.

Here are some options:

  • In the theater, go on stage after the performance;
  • In the cinema, after the film, launch a video dedicated to your relationship (From 18,500 rubles);
  • On the field after the match, an inscription with a question appears on the scoreboard.

Flashmob will cost from 13,500 rubles without shooting. With video and bells and whistles (balls, fire show, increased number of people, etc.) about 100,000 rubles.

How will it look like? For example, you invite her for a walk. Strangers will approach her and give her a rose. The surprise of the girl will not be the limit.

Do not forget to make a surprised face, otherwise, the girl will immediately guess everything.

The last person will give you a bouquet of flowers and a box with a ring, which you will give to your chosen one.

You can organize a flash mob for free, with the help of friends:

  • Friends will raise their parts of the posters at once, constituting a marriage proposal;
  • The guys begin to dance, diverting attention from the stand with a poster, on which a proposal will appear at the end of the dance;
  • The guys dance, balls appear and a banner with a proposal;

The most creative ways

Balloon and the offer on it will cost from 5000 rubles. depending on the airline.

Organize a pseudo-interview(pseudo business meeting). This can be done either through an agency, or arrange with friends who are unfamiliar to the girl so that they play the role of personnel officers (customers).

The option is suitable if the girl is looking for a job or if her work involves meeting with customers. This guarantees the full effect of surprise both from your appearance there and from further actions. The meeting must be scheduled in a cafe in a shopping center.

Then sing a song for her, or play an instrument if you can play compact instruments (violin, guitar, flute) and are not afraid to draw attention to yourself.
Present the ring after the performance. If there is a beautiful fountain nearby, with light music, get the ring out of there by tying it to a fishing line. And give it to the girl.

Proposal in the form of a diary. Make a diary. Enter there significant events and dates of the relationship. Describe your emotions, impressions and thoughts at that moment. You can add photos. Celebrate the day of the offer. Further, the diary will become a family one.

Kinder Surprise. If a girl loves sweets, then you can hide the ring inside the Kinder Surprise. To do this, carefully separate chocolate egg into two parts, put the ring, “solder” the chocolate with a warm knife and carefully wrap the wrapper.

If the risk is in your blood then you can do something like this:

Prince on a white horse. All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Why not make this dream come true literally. The biggest problem is finding a horse. This can be done at the nearest equestrian club.

Knock on the window. You can rent a car with a lifting basket from electricians. Your beloved will be very surprised when you wake her up by knocking on the window and give her a huge bouquet of flowers.

Organize an unexpected and unplanned picnic in nature or in the park and propose marriage during it. Take the girl on a walk to a place where a picnic blanket will be spread out, there will be a basket of food, a table will be set on this blanket.

If you decide to get out into nature, do not forget the insect repellant.

How not to propose

If you do not want to receive a negative answer, spoil such an important moment in the life of two, then you should not make an offer:

  • via sms or phone. It looks frivolous and looks like a joke or a mockery;
  • in extreme ways if you have a homely or conservative girlfriend;
  • in public ways, if your girlfriend is shy and does not like to draw attention to herself;
  • on the run and by the way;
  • in a state of intoxication.

Whatever method you choose, it will be a truly memorable event in your and her life. For her, the very fact that she is the only one, the one with whom you decided to connect your life, will be pleasant. So keep it up!!!

A marriage proposal is an exciting event in the life of every man. To feel confident, it is important to prepare well and turn on your imagination.

The candy-bouquet period cannot last forever, sooner or later every guy realizes that he has met his only one with whom he wants to start a family. Making an offer can be difficult due to many factors. Anxiety, fear of rejection, shyness and other difficulties can be overcome if enough time is given to preparation.

Any major decision is rarely made alone. The decision to start a family is perhaps the most important in life, so you can’t do it without the help of loved ones. At the same time, the organization of the proposal should be carried out in secret from the chosen one herself, therefore, to involve a large number of acquaintances is not reasonable. Consider some tips that have helped many guys.

Preparatory moments

The preparation process itself is exciting, because the man feels responsible for the event. Preparation goes through several stages:

  1. Drawing up an action plan. As already mentioned, the style of the proposal should suit the interests of the chosen one. For example, if a girl is shy by nature, then you should not draw the attention of outsiders to the proposal. The plan of the event should have a modest, quiet character;
  2. If you decide to propose on the street, anywhere, you should always have a back-up plan or, if possible, provide equipment in case bad weather. Such a banal phenomenon as rain can make it impossible to carry out an invented scenario, so a fallback is always needed;
  3. No matter how old-fashioned it may sound, it is necessary to notify the girl's parents. Of course, in some cases, when there are family difficulties, this will not work. But if a girl is from a prosperous family, a well-mannered young man will definitely warn her parents about his intention. It is only important to think about what time it is better to do this so that they do not break the surprise;
  4. Thinking through all the little things is the key to success and shine in the eyes of your beloved. When preparing, take into account all the details: what day, what time is best to do it, in what environment, is it worth inviting someone from your loved ones, is a photographer needed or is it better to shoot everything on camera, etc.

How to propose to a girl to marry: proven methods

Every young man counts on making an offer once in his entire life, so taking risks and “trying” will definitely not work. You can use one of the proven methods that have already helped many. Let's consider some of them.

Despite the banality of going to a restaurant with a girl, the next visit to your favorite place can be made original. Negotiating with the staff is usually simple, for them this is a very common thing. There are many possibilities in the restaurant:

  1. You can ask the girl to bring a ring instead of the dish she ordered. When she removes the lid, she will immediately see a surprise, all that remains for you to do is to say the words prepared in advance. It is not recommended to hide the ring in the dish itself, it can be dangerous;
  2. If the restaurant has live music, then you will use this service great idea. You can ask the performer to sing a song that is meaningful to your couple, and at the end invite you to take the stage. If nature has endowed you with a voice, then it is a sin not to use it. You can perform the song yourself, dedicating it to your beloved, and at the end turn to her with a prepared speech;
  3. Another suggestion in a restaurant could be to invite a musician, such as a violinist, to sit at a nearby table, and at a predetermined moment, come to your table and play a romantic tune. You can add romance to the waiter who came up in time with a chic bouquet of flowers. Your task during this is to kneel in front of the girl with a speech and a ring.

At an entertainment venue

Every big city has shopping and entertainment centers that are large enough to host an event. You can use the same option as in the park, arranging to meet the girl on the top floor so that she picks flowers all the way. You can also arrange with sellers of hardware stores to include a pre-recorded video with an offer on all screens of the storefront.

It is best to take advantage of the idea of ​​proposing in the park during the warmer months. There may be several options:

  1. You can use one of the attractions, for example, the Ferris wheel. Some agree in advance with the administrator to prepare one booth - flowers, rose petals, champagne. You can arrange with friends so that they arrive in time to meet you below, gathering near the wheel while you are in the air;
  2. You can involve the public by giving them a rose flower beforehand. When the girl rushes to meet you, everyone she meets will give her a flower and by the end of the road she will come to the meeting place with a huge bouquet. Your task is to wait for her with a ring and warm words.

Where can I originally propose to a girl to marry

Some guys decide to go with the more complicated options. They use the original establishments. Here are some of them:

  1. Ice rink. It is unlikely that a girl, putting on skates, will think about something other than how she would not fall. Usually, the skating rink has islands for recreation, on which you can organize a surprise;
  2. Dolphinarium. You can ask the administration to use dolphins, who are trained to bring things on command, to bring a box with a ring. The girl will think that only a photo with a cute dolphin awaits her, but in fact he will bring her an unexpected present;
  3. Roof. In every city there are companies that organize a date on the roof. Doing this yourself is not worth it for safety reasons, and using the services of professionals can be a good idea. This option is suitable for those who want everything to go "quietly", because you will be only the two of you;
  4. Place of acquaintance. Each couple has their own place, and if it allows you to use it, it will be good. For example, if you met in a cafe, at the airport or other public place, the girl probably remembered it and will be glad to visit there again, having experienced even more emotions.

How to make a beautiful marriage proposal to a girl at home

There can be several reasons for making an offer at home: due to lack of funds, due to the reluctance of publicity, etc. This does not mean that such an event will necessarily be boring, the main thing is to include fantasy.

  • most girls have a sweet tooth, which can be successfully used. For example, you can order gorgeous cake with an inscription and come to her for tea;
  • if it is possible to enlist the support of friends or relatives, you can invite all of them. Arriving home from work and opening the door to the room, a surprise will await the girl, all her relatives will be in it, and in the center - her beloved on her knee with a ring in her hand;
  • if the girl lives in a private house, you can come to her on a horse. Every girl has been reading fairy tales about a prince on a white horse since childhood, so why not let her believe in the reality of a fairy tale;
  • On the eve of the New Year, you can put a gift under the Christmas tree, in which there will be a box with a ring. You can take a lot of boxes, from large to small, and put them into each other so that the chosen one has an interest.

Creative ways to propose

If there is an opportunity and means, you can use the most unusual and in original ways. Here are some of them:

  1. Fly by helicopter to your chosen one at work or home. If there is an opportunity to do this, be sure to do it, not a single girl can resist such an offer;
  2. Rent a balloon. Evening, twilight, sunset, the two of you soar in the sky… Can there be a more romantic setting for a marriage proposal;
  3. Fly to another country. In itself, a vacation for two sets up a romantic mood. And on the beach of the warm ocean there will be many ideas to offer: you can “discover” a bottle with a message on the shore, go on a boat trip, etc .;
  4. A creative option would be a romantic photo shoot in an unusually beautiful place. During it, you can kneel down and say the desired words for the chosen one. Rest assured, she will be impressed and will not be able to believe for a long time that this is no longer for a photo;
  5. Theaters and cinemas are happy to provide their services to lovers. original idea there will be an invitation to a girl to a film or performance, during which an actor from the stage will contact her or she will see a video with her photos.

What Not to Do

Mistakes young man can lead to unpleasant consequences and ruin everything planned. The most common mistakes are:

  • proposal in bed;
  • conversation "for by the way";
  • in a noisy place (for example, at a football stadium);
  • by telephone or generally in writing;
  • with a full mouth.

A bad idea is often the ring in the food. This is both unsafe and unaesthetic. Besides, any unprepared proposal will be a mistake.

It is not necessary to prepare a chic event, it is only important to let the girl know that you were preparing, worried and doing this not spontaneously, but with all responsibility and seriousness.

You should also not expect a quick answer from your chosen one. There is nothing surprising in the girl's request for time to think. Remember yourself, you also took time to think everything over.


  • preparation is important for a marriage proposal;
  • preparation includes an analysis of their motives and thinking through the scenario of the event;
  • it is important to prepare everything to the smallest detail, if necessary, even a backup plan;
  • choose the option should be based on the preferences of the girl and their capabilities;
  • if you want, you can always find the original, creative way which will be remembered by both of you for a long time.

There are a few more ideas on how to propose to a girl in this video.
