What to do if the mucous plug has come off. Why it is necessary to monitor the appearance of the departed cork

Every woman during pregnancy looks forward to the onset of childbirth with impatience and trepidation. Someone hurries this moment, and someone wants to delay it for a while longer, but it is impossible to predict the development of labor activity with 100% accuracy - in any case, it will begin suddenly. Many expectant mothers have heard that the cork comes off before childbirth, but only a few of them have a correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this happens.

So, how many days before giving birth does the cork leave? How does she look? Does everyone have this plug before childbirth? And when to contact the maternity hospital, if everything happened? All these questions give rise to panic in a woman’s head, and unnecessary anxieties and worries on the eve of the baby’s birth expectant mother to nothing. Therefore, in order not to worry, you need to stock up on the necessary knowledge in a timely manner in order to know how to behave and what to do if childbirth has begun.

With the onset of pregnancy, a specific transparent clot forms in the cervical canal - this is the mucous plug. Its formation is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Visually, the cork resembles a dense lump of light mucus. The dense structure of the cork performs a protective function, reliably protecting the fetus from the possible negative influence of the external environment. The cork reliably closes the cervical canal, so that the unborn child is protected from infections, pathogenic bacteria and other pathogenic factors.

It turns out that when the cork leaves before childbirth, the path opens for penetration into the uterine cavity of infectious pathogens, etc. That is why doctors strongly recommend that after the cork leaves before childbirth, avoid bathing in the bathroom, in the pool, in open water, intimate hygiene and generally be more careful.

How and when does she leave?

Closer to the end of pregnancy, the hormonal system of a woman begins to actively produce estrogens, under the influence of which certain changes begin in the body, including the softening of the thick structure of the mucous plug with its subsequent discharge.

Also, the waste of the cork before childbirth can occur not due to a natural change in the hormonal background before childbirth, but for a mechanical reason.

During a vaginal examination of a woman, the reproductive organ reacts with an increase muscle tone on the doctor's manipulations, as a result of which involuntary ejection of the plug from the cervical canal may occur.

It can come out as a whole viscous lump, the size of which will correspond to 1.5 cm in diameter. Also, the gradual exit of the cork in parts is not ruled out - for several days in the form of light, thick discharge with streaks of blood (this is also normal).

How does the cork go before childbirth? Each woman should be guided by personal feelings, since it happens individually for everyone.

For a long time, the discharge of the cork can cause discomfort in the lower abdomen, tension and slight tremors in the cervical region.

More often this phenomenon resembles aching pains characteristic of menstruation. If this pain begins to turn into contractions - childbirth has come.

How many days/hours before delivery does the cork go out?

For what approximately time the cork departs before childbirth is a rather specific question. Some women do not even notice the moment of its departure and will never know what their mucus plug looked like, since it left the cervix at the same time as the flow amniotic fluid.

For others, the cork leaves a little earlier. Despite this, experts believe that the mucous plug should leave no earlier than 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

The very process of cork discharge is one of the most important, no less relevant than contractions and outpouring of water. But, as we have already found out, the cork can move away a couple of hours before the onset of labor, and a few weeks.

Therefore, it is better to clarify the situation and inform the doctor that the cork has come out - most likely, the specialist will conduct a vaginal examination and advise you to go to the prenatal ward.

Does the cork always come off?

Some women claim that they did not see any cork before childbirth, so not everyone has it. This statement is erroneous - the cork before childbirth necessarily departs from every expectant mother.

If the mucous plug did not exist, it would not be an impossible task to carry the child to the due date, since the fetal membranes would constantly be in contact with the pathogenic microflora.

Most likely, many women do not notice her exit, since this process can really go unnoticed - while taking a bath, shower, when visiting the toilet, or along with the fetal waters. Sometimes cork is born with the baby.

There is no pathology in this. Therefore, it is not worth constantly thinking about the question of whether the mucous plug always leaves before childbirth. Everything will happen at the right moment, when the time comes.

What to do if the cork has come off?

If the cork has gone and started, the interval between which reaches 10 minutes or less, you need to urgently go to the hospital. If the contractions are irregular and not intense, you should not rush. You can go about your business, relax, take a shower, and also notify loved ones about the imminent onset of labor.

From the moment the mucosal plug comes out, the birth canal is subject to a high probability of infection, so strict hygiene must be observed.

Replace the bath with a shower, change bed and underwear more often, give up sexual activity to prevent infection from entering the uterus.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

If the expected date of delivery is getting closer, and the mucous plug has not yet appeared, this is not a reason to seek medical help.

How the mucous plug leaves before childbirth and how long it takes, not all women know, for some everything goes unnoticed. Even if she didn’t come out, most likely, everything will happen either on the eve of the expected labor activity, or already with the onset of childbirth - this is included in the norm criteria.

The situation is more complicated when the cork supposedly or actually came out, but the woman confused it with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

The fetal waters normally have a colorless and transparent consistency, but in structure they are more liquid than the mucous plug. If in doubt, to exclude possible complications, you need to report the incident to the doctor.

You should also be wary if the cork came out earlier than 2 weeks before the expected birth. Most likely, we are talking about the premature onset of labor, possibly associated with early labor, so you need to urgently contact the doctor or go to the hospital on your own.

Another reason to consult a specialist is the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the genital tract with bright scarlet blood - normally, the cork before childbirth leaves everyone without concomitant bleeding.

In addition, throughout the pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about any discharge, in particular, about the discharge of the mucous plug. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to fully track the course of pregnancy and most accurately determine the estimated time of delivery.

Does the cork need to come off immediately before childbirth? This can happen hours or even days before the baby is born. In this case, the woman lies down in the antenatal ward and carefully observes intimate hygiene.

Having the necessary knowledge about how long a cork can go before childbirth and how it looks, a woman will not leave this phenomenon unnoticed and will know how to proceed. The main thing to remember is that childbirth is a physiological process that both the expectant mother and her baby will definitely cope with.

Useful video about when it's time to go to the hospital

It's no secret - a woman who is in " interesting position”, looking forward to the time of meeting with the baby. The closer the due date, the more excitement and questions: how long to wait?

How to understand when the birth will begin, if the water has broken, does this mean that it is time to urgently go to the hospital, or can you still monitor your condition? And if the cork has come off - when will the birth begin? How long do you have to wait after departure - is it a long time or is it time to pack a bag for the hospital? In general, what is it - a mucous plug, how does the plug go before childbirth?

All this worries women, for whom the expected appearance of a child is a completely new event in life - the first birth. After how many days (hours, minutes) will contractions begin after the appearance of a small mucous lump, notifying the pregnant woman that the due date is already close? What does a cork look like before childbirth?

Should it come out in parts or as a whole? To not be unnecessary worries, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the information regarding this issue in more detail in advance.

  1. What is a mucus plug
  2. Color, volume, consistency. Norm Options
  3. Mucus plug in first and subsequent pregnancies
  4. How does the mucous plug come out?
  5. See a doctor...
  6. Non-standard situations
  7. finish line

What is a "mucus plug"?

The plug got its name for the “ability” to block the cervical canal of a pregnant woman in order to prevent the penetration of infection (microorganisms) into the uterus. The mucus plug is a mechanical and immune barrier between external environment and uterine cavity

It begins to form in the first month of intrauterine existence of the fetus. A woman at this time may not suspect that her body is ripening new life, and this life is already under caring "protection". It is a gradually thickening mucus, consisting mainly of proteins and carbohydrates. Hormones are “responsible” for the density of this lump - under their influence, the cork becomes more and more thick and viscous.

Does it always form? Normally, it should be mandatory, otherwise gestational sac there will be no chance of survival.

What color is the mucus plug? Norm Options

The normal color of the mucous plug is a relative concept. You may find that the mucous plug before childbirth:

  • light, almost transparent;
  • whitish or yellowish;
  • transparent with bloody streaks;
  • brown.

Whatever the color turns out to be, there is no need to be scared, even if it looks strange in your opinion. red veins, brown shade in this case, variants of the norm. A blood plug is not a sign of illness.

The appearance of blood inclusions - clots, veins - are observed when the cervix contracts intensively, as a result of which small vessels are damaged. Can they burst? Of course - in this case, it is they who color the cork in yellowish, brownish, pink or red tones.

Such a "bloody" cork rarely alarms doctors, although it frightens future women in labor. But if fresh scarlet blood has gone after you feel the cork discharge before childbirth, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. This may be due to the onset of detachment of the placenta, which requires immediate medical attention.

The volume of separated contents varies in the amount of 1.5 - 2 tablespoons. How does the cork come out before childbirth, how long does this process take? Often it comes out all at once. Sometimes it "divides" and leaves the body gradually, piece by piece.

Then you can not notice it, especially if you are in the shower at that time. In the photo you can see different variants. Having previously studied the photo, you will know what to expect, and it will be easier for you to navigate what is happening.

Mucus plug has no odor. It is worth noting that it looks different for everyone, and sometimes childbirth occurs without a cork discharge - that is, it comes out, of course, but already directly at the beginning of the process of labor, and does not precede it for several days.

If the cork has come off, when will the birth of the first pregnancy begin?

In primiparas, the process of discharge occurs somewhat later, literally a few days (hours) before birth.

Under the constant influence of hormones, the cork that clogs the cervix softens slightly by the end of the child's gestation period. The walls of the cervix soften, it shortens, smoothes and, contracting, “pushes out” a gel-like lump that served as protection for the fetus for a long 9 months. Since the walls of newborns are less elastic, this whole process can take a long time and stretch almost to childbirth.

If the cork has come off, when will labor begin during the second pregnancy?

The situation looks somewhat different in the case of an “experienced” woman in labor. In multiparous and those for whom this is the third pregnancy (as well as the fourth, and so on), the body is already in a state of “combat readiness”: the neck is softer, it is wider and more elastic. During the second pregnancy, the cork can come out long before the discharge of water and contractions. In terms of volume, it is larger than that of primiparas.

To the question: “The cork leaves during pregnancy - when is the birth?” No doctor can answer for sure. You need to wait for the appearance of other signs, while you can safely walk, do ordinary things.

How does the mucous plug come out?

Can the cork come out unnoticed? Are there signs, harbingers that will tell a woman that a cork is about to come out?

Most often, pregnant women do not have any special sensations or the stomach pulls a little, but this condition cannot last for a very long time. Inexperienced people may think that contractions have begun, but in most cases, contractions are still far away. Only if water flows after the cork, you should be alert and quickly get ready for the maternity hospital - childbirth occurs. Sometimes the waters break, and contractions immediately come after them. This happens more often in the second or third birth.

See a doctor

It is imperative to visit the doctor, and as soon as possible if the cork has departed before 37 weeks. The norm is 40 or 39 weeks, earlier dates may indicate a threat premature birth. When the cork comes out on time, you don’t have to worry about the fate of the unborn child: he is quite well protected by amniotic fluid, he is not threatened with infections. The passage of a mucous plug with blood in large quantities and the subsequent outpouring of red water is a reason to consult a doctor at any time.

Non-standard situations

Sometimes pregnant women are interested: the cork came off 5 days ago, and childbirth has not yet begun - is this normal? This situation does not require a trip to the hospital until regular contractions begin. Is it not necessary to speed up the process if, on the contrary, the child is about to be born, the contractions have become noticeable, and the cork has not come out either at 40 weeks or later? Doctors reassure: this situation is also within the normal range.

finish line

Now that we have figured out the question, is it necessary for every pregnant woman to encounter this phenomenon, like the exit of a mucous plug, and what it should be like:

  • volume;
  • color;
  • consistency,

it will be a little easier to wait for the pregnancy to reach the finish line.

Be attentive to your body, pay attention even to minor changes in your well-being, take care of yourself - and you will feel when the body itself gives a signal about the approaching onset of labor. The more knowledge you have about this, the calmer you will endure childbirth.

People say: "Forewarned is forearmed." The exit of the cork indicates that the wait is not long: the meeting with the child is approaching, it's time to prepare for it.

The last month of pregnancy is the result of all the difficult and difficult moments while carrying a baby. It is at this time that a pregnant girl realizes that she will soon become a mother, while preparation is not only at the level of emotional awareness, but also in the physical plane.

The first harbingers of the decisive day appear. One of the first is the exit of the cork before childbirth. Many mothers, seeing that the cork has come off, are worried about when the birth will begin and whether they will have time to get to the hospital. However, the separation of thick mucus from the cervical canal is not a reason to run to the hospital. How does the cork go before the first or second birth, what color should the selection be, and what should alert?

Protecting the child in utero is the main task of the body, which in every way tries to protect the baby from aggressive influences. When a woman's egg is not fertilized, the uterus is protected from negative microorganisms by special mucus. When the pregnancy comes chemical composition secretions are changing, the body of the uterus needs additional protection. What is such a cork, does it always leave just before the birth of the baby?

This is a thick, actually jelly-like clot of a translucent or bloody color with small streaks of blood or without them. Such mucus is needed to protect the child, in particular from many infections from outside the environment of the flora. The formation of the mucosal barrier begins in the first month of gestation; in the last months, the detachment of the cork is one of the harbingers of the onset of labor. However, even such a barrier cannot withstand many venereal and viral diseases.

The mucous plug before childbirth is allocated only in 20% of all pregnant women. The remaining 80% of the discharge of the cervical mucosal plug can be observed 10-15 days before delivery. However, most believe that the cork during pregnancy is separated only before the actual contractions, which means that this is a reason to go to the hospital.

To understand when it’s time to go to the maternity hospital, you need to know what the cork looks like before childbirth, and what deviations are a sign dangerous state for mother and fetus. So, the traffic jam before childbirth multiparous and primiparas are actually no different. Consistency, quantity and appearance are virtually the same.

There are several harbingers of an early birth, and among them is a cork that has come out, discharge in large volumes from the vagina. This is not a signal to go to maternity ward, but just a reason to prepare for the hospital: check the "alarm bag", documents. After all, it is just before childbirth that the cervix begins to actively work, contract. During such "training" and mucus departs. This condition does not lead to rupture of the amniotic sac, there is no reason to worry.


To feel calm, you need to know what color the cork should be if everything is fine, and is a blood clot a dangerous moment? What should be paid attention to and does this situation now pose a danger to the child himself?

Since the mucus clot that covers the cervix is ​​a protective barter for infections, it is logical to assume that its absence is a risk to the child. However, this risk applies only to those cases where the mother has not stopped sexual intercourse, or has changed her sexual partner.

This condition is dangerous for the child, because it is during this period that the woman's flora is extremely sensitive to any changes, and therefore changing the sexual partner is a risky factor for the life and health of the baby.

The normal color for cork is:

  • whitish shade with transparent veins;
  • beige-cream shade with streaks of blood;
  • pink mucus with clear or white streaks;
  • clear mucus without other colors.

It is worth noting that streaks of blood, possibly small clots, are not a reason to panic. The fact is that all 9 months the cervix "rested", did not contract, and now, when it is time to give birth, it, pushing out the mucus, contracts the muscles. In the process of such a contraction, well-aimed capillaries can break, which is a natural process that should not cause concern. A red (scarlet) and greenish tint should cause concern.


What does a “normal” cork look like in pregnant women, and how much, in fact, should it be in quantity? The approximate volume of mucus in pregnant women is 2-3 tablespoons, if we roughly assume. If a woman has identified an exfoliated clot after a walk, which often happens during physical activity on later dates, then it looks like a lump that fits in the palm of your hand.


What does the mucus of the uterine cavity look like? What data is abnormal? Consistency - thick or medium thick mucus, resembling a glue mass, which literally sticks to the tissue. None pain when it is separated, the woman does not experience, in addition, this whole process can go completely unnoticed in the case when the cork has come off during urination.

How does it turn out in primiparous

How does the cork go right before the first birth, and in pregnant women who give birth for the first time? The process of formation, composition and release of such mucus is actually the same in both second- and primiparous. The release of the cork before the first birth does not always mean that the birth resolution is worth waiting for in the coming days.

In most cases, such moments relate to a number of hereditary factors: in some girls in the family, the plugs go away in two weeks, while in others they gradually (partially) exfoliate immediately before the birth itself or already in the process. How long the cork should go away is determined by the condition of the pregnant woman, her genetic predisposition and the activity of the uterus.

Often, the following factors influence the peeling process that has begun:

  • fatigue of a woman, arrogant physical activity (especially when it comes to collecting documents, work);
  • active sex life;
  • stress (as a result of uterine contraction - mucus exfoliates);
  • the beginning of labor activity: contractions are not training.

You can wait for such a process starting from 37 weeks. However, this does not mean at all that childbirth can begin in a week. Many primiparous women note that mucus secretion was at 38 weeks, and childbirth began only at 41, this is normal and is not considered a deviation from the norm. In any case, the moment of mucus discharge is not painful, is not accompanied by spasms, does not cause concern and changes in the behavior of a pregnant woman.

If the mucous discharge leaves at 41 weeks, this can be considered the beginning of labor. At the same time, mild nausea, thirst, sleep disturbance, increased urination, change of stool, discomfort in the perineum should be considered characteristic symptoms - itching, redness, irritation is possible. It is possible to note the symptoms of the onset of childbirth at 40-41 weeks, despite the fact that the cork has come off, resembling a premenstrual state, pulling pains below, and a backache.

How does it turn out multiparous

The discharge of the cork before childbirth in women who have previously given birth does not differ in duration, the nature of the process, the amount of mucus and its color. What a cork looks like in second-borns during childbirth can be found above, this is the same color, consistency and quantity.

The second pregnancy can only have an impact on the timing of the start of the birth resolution of the woman giving birth. As a rule, the waiting period for labor activity is significantly reduced, the signs may be more fleeting because the body already “knows” how to “behave”, the very discharge of the cork in multiparous not accompanied by pain.

When the cork that has come off at week 40 has a more viscous, transparent consistency with small streaks of blood, this indicates a good pregnancy, that the baby has not been subjected to any “attacks” from the pathogenic flora. Detachment at the forty-first (41) week of pregnancy in 95% of cases indicates the onset of labor. In addition, the woman herself already felt contractions.

How long does it take to go into labor after the cork comes out?

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: if the cork has come off, when will the birth begin, and is it worth talking to the doctor about it? The cork has gone, when to expect childbirth? In many ways, it is worth paying attention not to the process of exfoliation, but to the period of bearing a child (a week) and the appearance of the mucus. Since most primiparas are simply emotionally very worried, their main fear is to give birth quickly without reaching the desired point.

If a cork has come off a pregnant woman, this does not mean that a baby will appear in a few hours. If we are talking about the fact that such mucus has departed at 41 weeks, then this is an indicator that the body is already ready for labor, if the period is 37-38 weeks, you must additionally wait for contractions or leakage of amniotic fluid.

How long before the birth does the cork go? This process is different for everyone. The norm is the period 2 weeks before the established obstetric period of childbirth, but not a deviation, and the situation is considered when the birth has already begun, but there is still no traffic jam. There can be two scenarios for the development of events: the first - the pregnant woman did not notice when the cork came out, the second - the cork will come out with strong contractions. Both that, and another option is not a pathology.

To understand how much time you have left, you need to take a closer look at the discharge: a clear transparent or yellowish tint indicates that the uterus is not yet contracting much, which means that you should not wait for the next week to give birth. If the term is 39 weeks, there is pain in the lower back, the stomach aches, then you can go to the maternity ward. In any case, you need to inform your gynecologist about such a process.

What to do after the plug

The panic of those giving birth for the first time is quite justified: they do not know what is normal, how to behave, doubts creep in about whether the body can withstand such tests. Therefore, when the first signs begin and appear, panic is typical for most women.

In fact, if the cork has come off ahead of time(37-38 weeks), then this is not a reason to panic and run to the hospital. This is just an excuse to correct your usual lifestyle, you need to start taking additional care of maintaining pregnancy, or rather, to prevent negative consequences:

  • you should not take a hot bath, swim in a common pool, open pond;
  • should refrain from sexual activity;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use unapproved drugs (suppositories, tablets) without the knowledge of a doctor;
  • avoid strenuous exercise.

Whether to collect things for the hospital, whether to prepare for the hospital? Such questions have been relevant since the eighth month. Every pregnant woman should have a bag with everything necessary: ​​medicines, things for a child and a woman in labor, money, an exchange card, individual medicines (for asthmatics, diabetics, epileptics).

When to See a Doctor

Is it worth it to call an ambulance when the cork is peeled off, and when do you need to rush to the maternity ward on your own? If the condition of the pregnant woman is not accompanied by pressure surges, she does not feel sick, and the color of the mucus discharge is not greenish and not scarlet, burgundy, brown, then there is nothing to worry about.

The main symptoms that should alert the expectant mother:

  • dizziness;
  • loss of orientation;
  • violation of the vestibular apparatus;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • red, greenish, brown discharge;
  • acute pain in the lower back, in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature.

In this case, you must not hesitate even a minute. Only the obstetrician decides on the appropriateness of measures that will save the life of the baby and mother.

How to determine that childbirth begins on other grounds, you can read in our article.

The discharge of the mucous plug from the genital tract of a woman is one of those processes that precede the completion of pregnancy and the onset of childbirth. Many expectant mothers, especially primiparas, in the last weeks of pregnancy, in anticipation of their “H” hour, want to know what the cork looks like and how the cork leaves in pregnant women, so as not to miss the time when childbirth begins and when it is worth going to the hospital.

Why is this tube needed?

Nature has done everything possible to protect the developing fetus from external influences. Through the cervical canal, undesirable microorganisms during pregnancy can enter the uterine cavity. To prevent this, the cervix begins to thicken even in the first trimester due to collagen fibers and an increase in connective tissue.

In addition, thick dense mucus begins to be intensively produced in the cervix, which clogs the outlet of the uterus, like a cork in a bottle (hence the name "mucus plug"). The cervical secretion contains a large number of leukocytes, which provide antimicrobial protection, and collagen, which gives mucus its density.

Before childbirth, the hormonal background changes - there is an increase in the content of estrogens, which in turn stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins in the cervix. It is thanks to these substances that the cork softens and comes out.

What does a cork look like in pregnant women?

The plug that closes the lumen of the cervical canal looks like a gel-like lump of mucus from colorless to yellow. More often, the cork is oblong, which is associated with the anatomical structure of the cervix, but when the mucus is separated in several stages, the shape of the lump can be any.

The amount of mucus plug released can vary from one teaspoon to several tablespoons. The mucus may contain streaks of coagulated blood. The cork does not normally cause bleeding, therefore, if drops of blood are found along with the cork, you should immediately see a doctor.

How and when does the cork come off?

The process of discharge of mucus from the cervix is ​​usually painless, only some pregnant women note slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. The cork before childbirth is separated more often in the morning - at once or in a few days.

In 80% of cases, from the release of the cork to the onset of labor, an average of 3 days to 2 weeks passes. But there are rarer cases where generic activity begins a few hours after the separation of mucus, or when childbirth occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Are there cases when the cork does not come off?

The cork does not always leave at the same time in the form of a large clot of mucus. A gradual slow separation of the cervical contents may occur, then the pregnant woman most likely simply will not notice the passage of the cork. On the eve of childbirth, the level of estrogens increases, which increase the secretion of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, therefore, normally, the amount of transparent vaginal discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy increases.

Together with these secretions, cervical mucus may come out for several days or even weeks, and then the woman will find out from the doctor upon examination that the cork has already come off. In addition, a pregnant woman may not notice the exit of the cork if this happens in the toilet or simultaneously with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Therefore, the absence of a clear separation of the cork should not bother the pregnant woman.

What are the features of the cork discharge during repeated births?

There is no particular difference in the discharge of the cork during the first and subsequent births. Each pregnancy is different. If before the first birth the mucus plug went away in 3 days, then this does not mean at all that it will be so in subsequent pregnancies.

In multiparas, childbirth usually occurs faster than the first time. This is due to the shorter time it takes for the cervix to dilate during labor. But since the timing of the discharge of cervical mucus does not affect the speed and degree of opening of the cervix itself, it is not worth looking for patterns or calculating the time of onset of labor on this basis.

What to do if the cork has come off?

First, there is no need to panic. This natural process indicates that childbirth is approaching, but does not at all indicate a specific date for their onset. More important diagnostic harbingers of labor are the discharge of amniotic fluid, and the appearance of regular contractions with a short period of time.

Secondly, the best option would be to report the incident to the doctor who is observing you so that he can assess the timeliness of this process and your approximate readiness for childbirth. If the pregnancy is premature in terms of time, then it is usually necessary to go to the hospital for preservation. In addition, you need to describe to the doctor the color and consistency of the departed mucus so that the gynecologist can make sure that nothing threatens your condition. If spotting or heavy spotting appeared along with the cork before childbirth, this is a reason for immediate hospitalization to clarify the cause.

Know that the loose cork is one of the first reminders that the body has begun to actively prepare for childbirth, which means that very soon (on average within 3-10 days) the most wonderful event in life will happen - your meeting with the baby!

Undoubtedly, with the accuracy of the day it is impossible to determine when the birth will begin. It is for this reason that every expectant mother should be aware of the signs of the imminent birth of a baby.

  • The belly dropped. This sign indicates that the fetus has begun to actively prepare for birth. The baby is now heading towards the birth canal.
  • The baby became less active. The mass of the child by the last days of pregnancy becomes greater. Therefore, there is little room for him to perform “manoeuvres” and he almost does not move.

When the cork leaves before childbirth, this will be the surest and first symptom that the uterus is already preparing for childbirth. This opens the cervical canal, closed up to this point. It is this situation that allows you to understand that it is worth preparing for childbirth.

If you observe one of the signs, then get ready to go to the maternity hospital, because the contractions will begin at any time.

Why is a mucus plug needed at all?

From the very first days of conception, women produce hormones that contribute to the appearance of cork. In this regard, the uterus produces a characteristic mucus. She gradually gathers in a lump that clogs the uterus.

Thanks to her, nature showed concern for the unborn baby, because in this way the child is protected from infection. This protection works all nine months.

The cork exit process speaks of early delivery. Women who have read literature for pregnant women already know what the meaning of cork formation during pregnancy is and they monitor their condition very carefully.

What does the mucous plug look like before childbirth in primiparas?

To do this, you need to know how it generally looks, and also departs. First of all, you need to understand that this process is strictly individual. It happens that the mucus leaves in one lump with a small amount of blood.

Or it can come out in parts. Then you need to look at the amount and color of the discharge.

Almost always, the mucus plug before childbirth is colorless, but sometimes there is some blood in it. Due to the fact that pregnancy is different for everyone, the color of the cork before childbirth can be white, yellow or brown, which is quite normal.

Veins appear because the cervix is ​​actively preparing to give birth, respectively, it gradually opens, the vessels begin to burst and a little blood flows into the vagina.

Pay special attention to the fact that the cork before childbirth should not smell bad, and there should be very little blood. If you have mucus Green colour then immediately go to the hospital. This may indicate a possible fetal hypoxia, which is why you should not hesitate. What does a cork look like before childbirth?

By itself, the cork is similar to a piece of mucus and its amount is usually no more than two tablespoons. No doctor can say for sure how quickly the cork leaves, since this happens differently for every woman.

How does the cork go before childbirth?

It often happens that mothers do not know what a cork looks like before childbirth and that it has already passed. The thing is that this can happen during urination. This creates the feeling that something has fallen out. It is difficult to say how many days the cork will pass.

In addition, the discharge of the cork before childbirth can also happen while taking a bath, when you can not only feel nothing, but also not see it. If this happens during the day, when a woman is wearing underwear, then on the surface she will notice a small but dense clot of mucus.

It is also worth considering that the process can occur gradually, therefore, the mucus is separated little by little, so that it may not even appear on the linen. At the same time, it can be noted that the discharge has become a little more, which may alert.

It often happens that the cork does not leave at all. In this case, before giving birth, the doctor removes it on his own. Either the mucus leaves along with the waters, so this process may not even be noticed. But after all, the waters already clearly indicate the approach of childbirth, so it's okay.

If a woman still managed to note the moment when the mucous plug came off, then you should not panic, as this does not indicate immediate childbirth. In this case, they can begin even after 2 weeks, especially if the deadline has not yet come.

When the departed lump has a slightly yellowish or white color, perhaps even with blood, but at the same time there is no water in place and there are no contractions, then you should not worry, but rather enjoy last days pregnancy. But at the same time, it’s better to visit a doctor, so that he can see if everything is fine and how much time you still have.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the course of childbirth, the doctor will give certain recommendations or immediately send you to the hospital. It is important to remember here that cork is just a harbinger of childbirth. Therefore, at this time, do not go anywhere far, and also refuse to move around the city in stuffy buses.

Now is the time best time in order to collect a bag for the maternity hospital, if you do not deal in advance. In a situation where at first your water and cork broke at the same time, and contractions began, then immediately go to the hospital.

What are the harbingers of childbirth?

It is worth saying that the discharge of the mucous plug with abundant blood secretions signals the need for an urgent visit to the doctor, as this is very alarm symptom. Even though blood can normally be shed, it shouldn't be too much.

Accordingly, when it appears, go to the hospital, as you risk your health and the baby.

Sensations and signs when the cork is released

If the cork is about to leave, then discomfort in the lower abdomen will indicate this to you. There will be a feeling of tension and heaviness, which is very noticeable in late pregnancy. That is why carefully monitor your well-being.

When is it time to go to the hospital?

Following the discharge of mucus, follow a few tips:

  • Do not swim in the pool or take a bath.
  • Don't fuss and don't panic.
  • Assemble or redesign your maternity hospital bag to have everything you need in it.
  • Even if you are in pain, do not take painkillers.
  • Give up sexual activity.

When the cork is out

Even if everything is going well for you, and nothing bothered you for all 9 months, still tell your doctor about all changes in your condition. This will help not only to prevent possible difficulties, but also to determine the exact time of delivery. But this is all approximately, because it is difficult to say in advance how much the cork leaves before childbirth.

Departure of the cork before childbirth in multiparous

In this situation, nothing specific happens, while the course of pregnancy is practically no different. But here, after the mucus comes out, it remains just a couple of days before the birth.

Besides, it's quite normal if she doesn't leave at all. This sometimes indicates its absence.

Most women who are about to give birth for the first time may think that the water is breaking, which causes them to panic. Remember that the consistency of the discharge will be different. Water is liquid, and cork is slimy. Also, the waters have no color.

Easy delivery and pregnancy

It is possible that amniotic fluid may be leaking. This does not happen all the time, but mostly with loads on the stomach. For example, during a cough. To prevent the occurrence of complications, you need to consult a doctor.

Moreover, you need to do this when:

  • There is a lot of liquid mucus streaked with blood. Here we must understand that normally the process occurs without the release of blood.
  • The mucous plug came off too early, when there were more than two weeks before the expected birth.

Video: What is a mucous plug and how to understand that it has moved away?
