How to sew a spider out of fur. DIY decorative wreath for Halloween

A decent-sized, custom-made spider will fit perfectly into the atmosphere of any Halloween party. The spider will look good as part of the general concept of the evening if it is placed on the front door or just at the threshold of the room to meet all the guests. Making a spider is very simple, improvised materials are useful for this, and all the work on making it will take no more than half an hour.


Before you do big spider with your own hands, prepare:

  • plastic canister (capacity 3 or 5 l);
  • black tape;
  • black insulating tubes;
  • table tennis ball;
  • felt;
  • glue;
  • knife and scissors.

Step 1. At a plastic canister, you need to cut off the neck. The remaining thread and cork will not be needed, you can throw them away.

Step 2. Wrap the entire plastic canister together with the handle with black tape. Make the turns tight so that the plastic is not visible anywhere.

Step 3. Cut the insulating tube into four pieces of equal length.

Step 4. Tape the tubes to the makeshift body of the spider with electrical tape. The center of the tubes should be directly in the center of the canister.

Step 5. At an equal distance from the center of the legs on both sides, make cuts with scissors for each instance. How it should look is shown in the photo.

Step 6. Bend the tubes along the incisions made, bend them and fix them in this position with electrical tape.

A fascinating master class will help you turn a fluffy pipe cleaning stick into a decorative element.

hand made spider chenille wire suitable for interior decoration and children's games. A cute spider can decorate curtains or a picture frame, a lampshade or a vase. It is believed that spiders bring happiness and prosperity to the house. Soft toy kids will like it, because the insect can bend its legs, it is difficult to break and spoil it. The craft is designed for adults and children.

A simple set of materials and tools

To make a spider fluffy wire prepare a simple set:

  • black chenille wire (4 pcs.);
  • red chenille (1 pc.);
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.

Flexible fluffy sticks are pleasant to work with and ideal for making a spider. If you have never heard of chenille, we recommend about this type of needlework and the features of creating crafts.

Step by step manufacturing technique

Take a piece of black chenille and a felt-tip pen to help create the body of the spider. Clamp one end of the wire.

Hold it with your fingers, and with the other hand, begin to tightly wind the fluffy material around the tool.

Press the wrapped chenille on both sides and carefully remove it from the felt-tip pen.

For the spider's paws, take two pieces of black.

Bend in half.

Cut in half at the fold.

Once again, bend all four segments in half at the same time.

The place of the fold will become a mark where it is necessary to make two turns for fastening.

Spread all the legs of the spider in different directions.

Cut 2 cm from the red wire.

Take the spring by the two side coils. Press them together.

Thread a piece of red chenille through the hole in the two rings. Connect the two ends together and twist twice. Cut off the excess with scissors.

Scroll the red part inward.

Place the spiral with the red spot in the middle. Attach two rings to it on the sides.

Press the last ring.

Attach the wire to the center of the product between the paws. Leave about 1 cm at the top. Scroll the bottom part to the background and let it come out between the two pairs of right paws.

Bring the end opposite horizontally, moving to the background. From the underside of the craft, return the wire to the starting point.

Cut off a piece of material.

Attach the end of the new chenille wire under the first leg on the left side of the spider. Move to the right. Scroll twice and move to the lower part of the body, where you should scroll the material between the last two paws.

On the back side, scroll the two ends twice and remove the excess part of the length.

Pass the remaining piece through the hole.

Place this part at the bottom of your torso. Scroll the top on the right side between the first paw and the horn.

Bring down and place the wire between the red spot. Bend up and move it to the second horn. Fix it there. Do the same with the other end.

Bend the spider's legs up.

Bend the lower ends of the paws again by 1 cm, and remove the excess length with scissors.

A funny spider made of chenille wire is ready - you will make such a handsome man with your own hands, following our master class!

Be sure to check out ours to prevent boredom from settling in the house! We are waiting for you on the site "Women's Hobbies" tomorrow.

Are you weak? Hairy spider. Master Class.

I want to show the result of my work. The idea with the spider interested me, it became interesting for me to try my hand.

We will need:
wire, old mink hat, glue moment, clerical knife, wire cutters, I have pliers, padding polyester, cardboard, 2 beads.

We cut the wire, 4 pieces of 16 cm, 4 pieces of 12 cm, and 4 pieces of 4 cm (2 for the jaw and 2 for connecting the back to the head). These are our paws and jaws.

We cut strips of 1 cm wide from the skin with a clerical knife, and make sure that the cut goes in the direction of growth of the pile, we cut only the skin along the ruler so as not to damage the fur.

We smear the strips with glue and glue the wire into it.

We just fold the fur in half and glue it, as we do with all the wire blanks. Paws are ready.

We make 2 templates on cardboard (I got these sizes) and transfer them to the fur. Do not forget that the pile lies on the back from the neck to the back, and on the head - from the neck to the mouth. I cut 2 pieces of the back and 1 piece of the head from fur and 1 piece of the head from leather.

We fold the blanks with the fur inward and sew them over the edge, leaving the neck not sewn up, making sure that the fur is all tucked in one direction.

We twist through the neck. Here I got a blank of the head, from the side of the abdomen - the skin.

Head on top.

We stuff it with synthetic winterizer not very tightly and sew it up with a hidden seam.

We fold the details of the back with the fur inward, make sure that the pile is directed in one direction.

We sew in the same way as the head, leaving a hole in the neck, turn it inside out, stuff it with padding polyester, sew up the hole.

We connect the head and back. I inserted 2 pieces of wire into the seam, first into the back, glued it with hot glue, and then into the head and also glued it, and then stitched it together for reliability.

This is from the abdomen. The wire was inserted so that a bend could be made between the head and the back.

We lay out the paws - long at the edges, short in the center.

We try on the body and legs, do not forget that the legs are attached to the head, the back remains free. I first sewed the paws to the leather side of the head, created a bend, and then pushed the fur apart and glued it with hot glue.

Sew on bead eyes. In fact, spiders have 8 eyes, but small ones, mine has 2 large ones, because small ones will not be visible in the mink pile.

And as a result, such a handsome man turned out, half of the old mink hat. If you measure it diagonally, it is about 30 cm in size.

And here he perched on the windshield of the car.

Well, once again in my palm, it’s even a pity to give it away! I'll probably do the same for myself. True, there is an idea to try out the khanorik from the fur.

I hope you enjoy my MC. Try to make yourself the same beauty! By the way, I made it in just 3 hours.

Are you weak? Hairy spider. Master Class.

I want to show the result of my work. The idea with the spider interested me, it became interesting for me to try my hand.

We will need:
wire, old mink hat, glue moment, clerical knife, wire cutters, I have pliers, padding polyester, cardboard, 2 beads.

We cut the wire, 4 pieces of 16 cm, 4 pieces of 12 cm, and 4 pieces of 4 cm (2 for the jaw and 2 for connecting the back to the head). These are our paws and jaws.

We cut strips of 1 cm wide from the skin with a clerical knife, and make sure that the cut goes in the direction of growth of the pile, we cut only the skin along the ruler so as not to damage the fur.

We smear the strips with glue and glue the wire into it.

We just fold the fur in half and glue it, as we do with all the wire blanks. Paws are ready.

We make 2 templates on cardboard (I got these sizes) and transfer them to the fur. Do not forget that the pile lies on the back from the neck to the back, and on the head - from the neck to the mouth. I cut 2 pieces of the back and 1 piece of the head from fur and 1 piece of the head from leather.

We fold the blanks with the fur inward and sew them over the edge, leaving the neck not sewn up, making sure that the fur is all tucked in one direction.

We twist through the neck. Here I got a blank of the head, from the side of the abdomen - the skin.

Head on top.

We stuff it with synthetic winterizer not very tightly and sew it up with a hidden seam.

We fold the details of the back with the fur inward, make sure that the pile is directed in one direction.

We sew in the same way as the head, leaving a hole in the neck, turn it inside out, stuff it with padding polyester, sew up the hole.

We connect the head and back. I inserted 2 pieces of wire into the seam, first into the back, glued it with hot glue, and then into the head and also glued it, and then stitched it together for reliability.

This is from the abdomen. The wire was inserted so that a bend could be made between the head and the back.

We lay out the paws - long at the edges, short in the center.

We try on the body and legs, do not forget that the legs are attached to the head, the back remains free. I first sewed the paws to the leather side of the head, created a bend, and then pushed the fur apart and glued it with hot glue.

Sew on bead eyes. In fact, spiders have 8 eyes, but small ones, mine has 2 large ones, because small ones will not be visible in the mink pile.

And the result was such a handsome man, he left half of the old mink hat. If you measure it diagonally, it is about 30 cm in size.

And here he perched on the windshield of the car.

Well, once again in my palm, it’s even a pity to give it away! I'll probably do the same for myself. True, there is an idea to try out the khanorik from the fur.

I hope you enjoy my MC. Try to make yourself the same beauty! By the way, I made it in just 3 hours.

Spiders and cobwebs are classic Halloween decor. If you need to decorate your space for the scariest day of the year, I'll show you how to weave a web and make a spider with your own hands in just half an hour.

It seems to me that this is one of the most budgetary and fastest projects that have appeared on this blog. The web can be mounted on a wall, on a small or large frame, or used as a base with wooden sticks. This simple yet stylish décor is the perfect addition to a creepy outdoor, home, office or Halloween space.

Do-it-yourself web - materials and tools

Elapsed time: 20 minutes. We will need:

  • black threads for knitting
  • scissors
  • strong double sided tape.

How to weave a web with your own hands

I worked with ordinary lint-free knitting threads. If you take mohair, the web will turn out to be more fluffy.

1. Let's start with the basics. Cut 3 threads of the same size. The longer they are, the larger the web will turn out.

2. We fix the base to the surface. Depending on the wall finish, the threads can be fixed with tailor's pins or double-sided tape. The main thing is not to spoil the coating.

3. We unwind a small ball with a working thread. We tie the tip to the middle, where the main threads intersect.

4. We retreat a couple of centimeters from the middle and wrap the main thread of the working one. We transfer working thread to the adjacent main one and wrap it again. Continue like this until the web is ready. If the thread ends, you can attach an additional one to it.

The web is ready. It remains to make a resident for her.

DIY spider - materials and tools

Elapsed time: 10 minutes. We will need:

  • aluminum wire - about 50 cm
  • wire cutters
  • pliers
  • Knitting
  • PVA or hot glue.

How to make a spider with your own hands

1. We straighten the aluminum wire with pliers and cut it into 3 parts with wire cutters.

2. We tie all three pieces of wire with threads in the middle.

3. We wind the pieces of wire between each other in the middle crosswise.

4. We begin to wrap the spider's foot. First from top to bottom, and then from bottom to top. To prevent the thread from slipping, you can fix it at the tip with glue. Repeat step with each paw.

5. Now we form the abdomen. To save threads, you can first wrap the middle with masking tape, and on top with knitting threads.

A simple and quick Halloween decor is ready. Have fun and don't be afraid :).

