Original crafts from ice cream sticks with your own hands. How to make a children's chenille bracelet How to make ice cream stick bracelets

If a daughter grows up in the family, then parents should be prepared for the fact that she needs not only toys, but also outfits, as well as jewelry. Of course, the most common children's jewelry can be used as jewelry, and even better if these jewelry are made by hand. And to create them you will not need any special materials, it will be enough chenille wire and beads. It is this bracelet that is proposed to be made in our master class.

To create such wide bracelet we have prepared:

  • chenille wire (4 pcs.) of two colors - lilac and pink;
  • decorative beads-crystals of suitable shades;
  • scissors.

Our bracelet will be made in lilac-pink colors. Therefore, we have prepared fluffy sticks and beads in a suitable shade. For the base of the bracelet, we chose 4 chenille wires - 2 pieces of each color. First, let's decide on their location in the bracelet, in our case, the lilac sticks will be located at the edges, and the pink ones will go in the middle. At the beginning of work, we twist all the fluffy sticks together.

After that, we will begin to string beads on the chenille wire, but we will do this in a certain order. First, with the help of beads, we connect in pairs adjacent fluffy sticks - pink and lilac.

The next bead needs to be connected to each other by pink fluffy sticks located in the middle. At the same time, we try to keep the same distance, which is necessary for the formation of the original cells of our bracelet.

Then we continue to work on creating a bracelet in the same order - with the help of one bead we connect the central pink sticks.

And in this way we weave a bracelet of the desired length. We finish the work by twisting all four fluffy sticks together.

We got such a blank for the bracelet.

Now it remains to connect both ends of the jewelry into a ring.

Here we have such a bracelet made of chenille wire and crystal beads.

Ice cream stick bracelets

Unexpected crafts. And quite. summer decoration and fun at the same time. The kids should really like it. And we will make them from ice cream sticks. It's a pleasure: you can eat ice cream and make a bracelet.

These are such glorious bracelets. Here they are in war paint.

So, making this decoration is simple. Soak ice cream sticks in warm water. And we put it in a container to dry, pressing the sticks tightly against the wall. That is, the size of the bracelet depends on the width of the container: for children - we are looking for something smaller, adult hand requires a different volume. The stick will dry, we will immediately paint it with paints or paste over it with beautiful velvet paper, cloth, etc.

The same sticks, the same technique, a different decor - now with yarn.

But such pictures are very useful for the development of the child. Type homemade puzzles

We choose different pictures, it is better to have several at once. We cut them according to the width of the sticks. Paste. We dry. Educational game - home puzzle - ready. Now mix the sticks with pictures and let the child collect.

found on thecreativecrate.blogspot.com; blog.bitsofeverything.com

All. An activity that is both useful and fun for yourself and for the children. And with puzzles, you can arrange a real competition. And who will do all this for our children, if not us?

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