Is it possible to remove yellowness from a white mink. How to clean a mink hat from yellowness and dirt at home? Means and methods

Products made of white fur can be considered elite. But, unfortunately, snow-white fur does not serve for a long time - its soiledness and natural changes in the structure of the pile are to blame - the fur turns yellow inevitably after a couple of seasons. You can pause and mask such changes. Let's see how to remove yellowness from white mink, arctic fox, rabbit and any other fur.

Home cleaning options

Any method must be tested on the inside of the product to avoid possible damage to the fur coat or collar. If the test is passed and the fur has not deteriorated, then the entire fur product should be treated in the same way.

Natural fur should not be wetted much, and the washed thing should be dried only in a natural way without the use of a hair dryer, heating appliances and other heating elements.

Cleaning natural furs: 4 methods

Any white product, whether it be a hat, collar or short fur coat, needs to be pre-cleaned from dirt. Already after this procedure, the yellowed wool can be refreshed, it will become snow-white and will look much neater.

To clean fur:

  • spread a damp sheet or a piece of cotton fabric of sufficient size on a flat, hard surface;
  • put the product on the sheet with the fur down, smooth and wrap the free edges of the damp fabric so that the fur is completely covered;
  • using a carpet beater or palms, work the entire surface with light tapping movements;
  • if necessary, rinse the sheet from dust, wring out and repeat the procedure. Dry white fur naturally.

Instructions on how to get rid of dirt and whiten yellowed fur with your own hands using improvised means are presented in the table:

Photo Description
Method 1: Potato Starch

Starch, salt, flour, crushed chalk are excellent means of cleaning yellowed furs.

It is enough to lay out the thing on a flat horizontal surface, distribute the powder in an even layer and brush the hairs with a brush.

Long fur is cleaned according to hair growth, short - against wool.

After dry cleaning is completed, the product must be cleaned of product residues with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Method 2: starch and gasoline

If the white mink has turned yellow, there are unsightly stains from foundation or greasy areas - there is a way out!

A mixture of starch and refined gasoline will perfectly cope not only with yellowness, but also bring out greasy spots:

  • mix starch and refined gasoline in such a way that a thick and very steep slurry is obtained;
  • using a rag or brush, the mixture is applied to the problem area, left to dry;
  • when the mixture dries, you should remove it with a brush and thoroughly ventilate the fur.
Method 3: hydrogen peroxide + ammonia + water
  • In a glass of warm water, dilute a few drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide (about a teaspoon). A couple of drops of ammonia will also be enough.
  • Using a spray gun or sponge, apply to the surface of the fur and leave to dry.
Method 4: bran

If the blue mink turns yellow, then the following method is guaranteed to correct the situation:

  • heat the bran in a dry frying pan;
  • sprinkle over the surface of the product and distribute with hand movements along the entire length of the hairs;
  • leave for a while and shake thoroughly to remove excess.

You can not intensively rub and wring the fur - in this way it can fall off, fade and lose its appearance.

Cleaning imitation fur: 3 methods

Cleaning faux fur depending on the product, it can be produced using the methods described above, but the main advantage of artificial fur is that it can be washed by hand.

Since the hairs are of a synthetic nature, they are able to survive a delicate hand wash, dry it well enough and comb the fur after washing. But if there is a cotton fabric base, it is better to refuse such washing.

The following methods will help:

Image Description
Method 1: Glycerin

In equal proportions, glycerin dismounts with water and is stirred. The surface is treated with a sponge or cloth, and then dried.

Method 2: Lemon Juice

Lemon acid or lemon juice is mixed in equal parts with water and applied with a spray bottle to the problem area.

The product is left to dry in a well-ventilated place, after which the procedure is repeated if necessary.

Method 3: blue

Blue warm water so that it is barely blue. Treat the fur with the finished solution and leave to dry.

Be careful about the color of the solution, otherwise you can overdo it and ruin the thing!


Snow-white fur products can be cleaned at home, but you need to be careful not to spoil the thing. You can also use the services of professional dry cleaning, but in this case, no one will guarantee that the yellowness will leave your favorite fur coat, and the price of dry cleaning services is pretty high.

The video in this article has visual instructions on how to remove yellowness from white fur. And if you know another effective way, I will be glad if you share it in the comments.

Cleaning fur from yellowness at home

Any white fur coat on the shoulders of a girl looks very beautiful and feminine. Everyone knows that these fluffy products require special care, and if you do not follow it, the white fur coat will fade or turn yellow, completely losing its expensive look and attractiveness. Of course, this situation is very unpleasant, but there is a way out of it. In this article we will tell you how to clean the fur from yellowness at home.

  • This should only be done when the item is heavily soiled.
  • It must be remembered that mink fur can withstand a maximum of five chemical cleanings.
  • This procedure is not for everyone.

Therefore, if the fur is not so dirty, but just acquired a shade of yellowness, it is better to deal with it yourself at home.

  • The moth ate the product. This can happen due to improper storage of the fur thing or poor-quality processing. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can fix here, because you will have to completely replace the product.
  • Overuse essential oils and spirits. The abuse of such products can lead to discoloration of the spots on the fur. Also, girls need to remember that perfumes should be applied to the skin, and not to clothes. In this case, the stains are also impossible to remove.
  • Fur fades in the sun, losing its original color. White fur is the most capricious in relation to the sun, it must be protected from exposure to rays.

Important! Girls, do not take fur products from the window, so that later you do not wonder how to clean a white fur coat from yellowness. Through the sun's rays, even if they fall on an object through glass, ultraviolet exposure still occurs. As a result, the thing quickly acquires a worn and unattractive look.

Wheat bran

To effectively whiten a lady's white fur coat, we only need wheat bran. So, here is the procedure:

  1. Pour the bran into a saucepan or any other dense container.
  2. We put the container on fire.
  3. We constantly stir our bran, heating them well and making sure that they do not burn.
  4. We put the fur product with the pile up, so that it is more convenient to carry out the procedure.
  5. We sprinkle our mink with hot bran, carefully clean it with some kind of brush.

Important! After cleaning, carefully shake out the material and vacuum it thoroughly with a special nozzle.

We use gasoline, sawdust or starch

These methods include one common ingredient - gasoline. That is why we combine them in one way:

  • Every pet store sells sawdust. In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home, you just need to slightly moisten the purchased sawdust with refined gasoline, then clean the fur coat with this mass.
  • If yellow spot formed with oil, it is necessary to mix potato starch with gasoline until a thick porridge is obtained, and then apply this mixture to the stain. After drying, you need to sweep the dried “porridge” from the pile and comb it with a comb with fine teeth.

We clean the product with a regular shampoo

If a girl noticed very small spots on her fur coat, but she no longer wants to walk in it, then you can clean your favorite piece of clothing using regular shampoo for hair. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. We make soapy water. To do this, you need to mix your favorite shampoo with soap or powder. Substances must in no case contain coloring matter.
  2. We put the material to be processed on a flat and free surface.
  3. Wet a soft sponge in the prepared solution and gently clean the pile. The water with which the sponge must be pre-moistened must correspond to the temperature in the room.
  4. After cleaning, you need to comb the pile with a special brush.

We use peroxide and ammonia

What to do if a white mink coat turned yellow at the most inopportune moment, and there is very little time? Quick cleaning can be done with ordinary hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. We make a solution from the means at hand: 1 cup of warm water, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of ammonia.
  2. We moisten a large piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and put it on a comb with a wide comb.
  3. We clean the mink, combing it in the direction of the villi.

After that, you can dry the fur coat with a hair dryer, or hang it to dry in the fresh air. It all depends on the speed of the approach of the event, which will require an expensive piece of clothing.


Almost every housewife has a bottle with this name, and she rarely resorts to using the contents of it. So, her time has come. This method of bleaching mink fur is proven and effective.

In order to whiten the pile with blue, you must:

  1. Make a solution of blue with water: mix these two liquids until a light blue solution is obtained.
  2. Wet the sponge in this solution and carefully treat the yellowed surface.

Important! After the procedure, you need to hang a fur coat in the sun.

Whitening with Vinegar

This method is the most simple.

In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home using ordinary table vinegar, you need to moisten a cloth with it and wipe the fur with it in the direction of the villi. The result will be visible immediately.

Important! There is also a way that you can clean the lining with a special tool and a sponge without removing the lining, but it is better not to do this. There is a risk of excessive moistening of the fur and its damage.

In this article, you learned many ways to clean a white fur coat from yellowness and the reasons for the appearance of such a defect. From all of the above, we can conclude that it is not so difficult to clean a white mink coat on your own using improvised means, but this requires great accuracy of its mistress.

How to whiten fur from yellowness at home

On women's forums, you can often see complaints from owners of fur winter hats or fur coats. white color that the fur turns yellow over time. As a rule, the fur coat begins to turn yellow after several seasons of wear. In this regard, a natural question arises:

  • Why natural fur does it turn yellow over time?
  • how to remove yellowness from fur?
  • how to bleach fur at home?
  • how to clean yellowed fur?

That is why we decided to help them solve this problem. After all, not everyone knows that there are several proven methods for cleaning snow-white natural fur coats or other fur products at home.

Important: you should not try to get rid of the yellowness of light or white furs of expensive exclusive fur coats, such as mink, on your own. It is better to give such a fur coat to the dry cleaner. Fur professionals certainly know how to do it professionally and without unforeseen consequences.

If your fur coat is not new and it is from a rabbit, muton or arctic fox, you can start bleaching, but be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions below!

The photo below shows what a light fur product looks like a few seasons after purchase. Surely you have noticed that the fur gives off yellowness, but this is fixable. Below are recipes and products for cleaning furs.

Yellowed natural fox fur

How to bleach yellowed fur

So, how to make yellowed fur white? You can clean it at home using some folk methods:

  1. Lay the fur product on a flat surface and straighten it so that there are as few wrinkles as possible.
  2. Sprinkle the fur with some kind of absorbent that will absorb all the dust and dirt from the fur. As an absorbent, you can use ordinary potato starch or semolina. In order for the absorbent to be well distributed along the entire length of the fur, gently rub the fur in your hands between your palms.
  3. After 30 minutes, shake the fur coat and comb the fur with a brush.

Note: starch, flour or semolina, heated in a dry hot frying pan, do a good job of bleaching rabbit and arctic fox fur. Distribute products over the pile while still hot.

Whitening products

  • Treat the fur with a solution (table vinegar + lemon juice), which you need to wipe the fur with a semi-rigid brush, then dry the product in the open air. You can also prepare the following solution to remove the yellowness of a white fur coat: mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water and ammonia in equal proportions . Take a sponge, dip it into the solution, wring it out, and wipe the fur with it in the direction of its growth. As soon as you finish bleaching the fur, hang the product to dry. It is best to leave it to dry in the fresh air, but not in the open sun.
  • Another folk remedy- it's bran. They can be used to clean small dirt. To do this, heat them in a pan and sprinkle them with the contaminated fate of the product, lightly rubbing them into the pile.
  • You can bleach yellowed fur with chalk. To do this, grind it and spread it over the surface of the fur, lightly rubbing it between the pile, then shake the fur coat.

Important: after cleaning the fur coat with any of the above folk methods, it must be carefully knocked out and combed with a fur brush, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

Grease stains on a fur coat can be cleaned with gasoline and starch by mixing them together. Apply the resulting mass to the oily area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fur and wait about half an hour. Shake out the remnants of starch, and ventilate the fur coat itself so that gasoline vapors evaporate.

As you can see, in order to bleach the fur of a fur coat or an expensive fox collar at home, many different methods can be used. However, please note that it will not work to get rid of yellowness for a long time, but you can remove it for a while.

Lining cleaning

to wash the lining of a fur coat, it must be carefully ripped off, and then washed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the fabric, then it can be irrevocably spoiled. It can shrink and shrink in size.

Need to know: never try to clean the lining of a fur coat with a sponge soaked in any solution. So you can moisten the core, and this is fraught with its deformation.

So, if after reading this article you decide that taking a white fur coat to the dry cleaner is a more prudent option, you are on the right track, but if you do not want to make unnecessary gestures and are confident in your abilities - go for it!

Dear readers of our resource dedicated to fur products, please unsubscribe in the comments how you cleaned the fur, what results you got for whitening a white fur coat, and if possible, show a photo BEFORE AND AFTER you got rid of the yellowness of the fur! Thank you!

How to remove yellowness from fur

Yes, no doubt, a light fur coat looks elegant, beautiful and even, one might say, solemnly. However, such products are characterized by a significant drawback - they are not practical. Some three winters will pass, and the blue beauty mink, snow fox, gray chinchilla, white beaver will not only become dirty, but turn yellow. Alas, this process is not reversible. A similar fate will eventually befall any natural fur.

Let's try to deal with the question: if the fur coat turned yellow, what should I do?

Working on Prevention – Choosing the “Right” Color

When buying fluffy products of a gray-blue palette, the main thing is to initially choose a stable shade and “clean” fur.

Let's start with the fact that the fur coat can have a slight yellowness from the very beginning. Against the background of dark things and thanks to artificial lighting in stores, this defect is often invisible. When buying, experts recommend evaluating the “cleanliness” of fur in two ways:

  • compare several models with each other, and choose the one that has the most “cold” shade;
  • carefully examine the product in daylight.

The longest hold, and, if necessary, it is easier to adjust the tone of an ivory fur coat. The situation is much more complicated with snow-white and blue-dyed fur products.

How to remove yellowness from fur at home

Runet offers many effective ways(according to the authors). Below is a list of the most popular options.

  1. Cleaning with hot bran, starch, semolina, chalk, sawdust. The product must be abundantly sprinkled with any of the indicated absorbents, after which it must be carefully shaken out and combed out.
  2. Wiping with aviation gasoline, a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Wrapping the product with gauze, which is pre-soaked in blue.
  1. No matter how hard you try, it is almost impossible to eliminate the remains of loose matter from long and thick wool. At the same time, frankly, I don’t want to put on a thing and leave behind traces in the form of powder. What will happen to the fur in "wet" weather, it's scary to even imagine.
  2. By treating the hairs with gasoline / peroxide, they can easily be burned.
  3. There is no guarantee that after wrapping with blue gauze, the fur coat will not become spotted.

Thinking, we turned to dry cleaning.

Alas, even professionals cannot cope with this problem. The furriers explained that even the most careful care and proper storage (in the refrigerator) only slows down the yellowing process. The essence of the problem is “burnout”, the loss of the necessary pigment by the pile.

There is only one way out - fur tinting. However, this is a costly and troublesome business. The product must be torn off the lining, then it is painted, after which it is “stretched” special devices. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that the fur will not warp, the shade will turn out even, and the size of the fur coat will remain the same.

As for the yellowed white fox fur coat, after dry cleaning it “freshened up”, but the defect remained.

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How to clean a white mink coat from yellowness?

Mink coats for women symbolize luxury, elegance and beauty. This is not just clothes, but a way of self-affirmation. A chic fur coat made of natural fur is an attribute that reflects the success of a person and the impeccability of his appearance. It is sad when a snow-white expensive thing becomes unattractive yellow tint. Fortunately, in addition to traditional store-bought stain removers, there are improvised means with which many people manage to bring fur products to their original appearance and remove all contamination from the surface. In this article we will talk about how to clean the white mink coat from yellowness, resourceful women offer.

Home cleaning of light mink fur

Fur Handling Precautions

We do not guarantee the complete elimination of yellowness from fur products, but we only give popular methods that are easy to implement at home. In any case, first test any tool on the most inconspicuous place on your fur coat. Only fully convinced of the safety of the chosen method of cleaning the fur, you can use it on the entire surface.

Washing and drying fur

Never wash the product with ordinary detergents. Do not dry natural fur coats near artificial heat sources such as a heater, hair dryer, battery. To dry the fur, room temperature is needed. Do not work on a fur coat with an iron, including smoothing creases from the inside out. To straighten a fur coat without an iron, it must be placed on a coat hanger.

Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning fur coats

Treatment of fur with ammonia with peroxide

For the procedure, prepare:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia.

Yellowness can be removed from mink fur with a pharmaceutical preparation called hydrogen peroxide. A glass of water is taken, three large spoons of liquid must be dissolved in it and a small spoon of ammonia should be added. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle, moisten the fur from it. Then you do not need to do anything, just dry the product, it is advisable to hang the fur coat in such a way that the sun's rays fall on it. Alternatively, you can take it to an environment with room temperature, it should dry out in a few hours. Such a solution is also suitable for the prevention of yellowing of snow-white mink coats. To protect a long-term stored product from damage to its appearance, a weakly concentrated solution is used, that is, more water can be taken, and fewer preparations.

Cleaning a white fur coat with peroxide shampoo

Means for fur:

  • pet shampoo;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

If you don’t know how to clean a white mink coat from yellowness, then try a primitive way - wash the surface with soapy water. To properly prepare the remedy, you need to take a bowl of warm water, pour shampoo intended for pets into it, and also put a few large spoons of the aforementioned hydrogen peroxide. Taking a foam rubber sponge, you need to soak it with the prepared solution, then start processing the fur coat. You should move strictly in the direction of her pile. At the end, the fur is washed with a piece of damp cloth, then dried. naturally.

Cleaning a white mink coat from yellowness: should be done safe means that do not damage the structure of natural fur

Popular means for removing yellowness from fur coats

Natural adsorbent for fur

What is necessary:

  • semolina;
  • potato starch.

It is known that natural absorbent fine-crystalline substances are able to give light fur a second life, remove dirt and remove dust deposits. The white surface will most likely not be affected if brushed with semolina or regular potato starch. Arrange the fur coat in such a way that the processing is convenient for you. For example, you can spread the product on a clean floor or put it on a table. If necessary, remove dirt from fur hat, then it can be put on a three-liter jar, around which a terry towel is pre-wound. The cleaning process is extremely simple: no a large number of the selected absorbent should be poured onto the problem areas of the fur coat, and then carefully work through the entire surface with a brush with soft bristles. You can work with your hands without brushes. Soon you will notice a darkening of the powder, it will take on a grayish tint. Complete the process of cleaning the fur coat by shaking or remove the dirty powder with a vacuum cleaner.

Blue for cleaning a white mink coat

The operation will require:

There is an old, slightly extreme method of bleaching fur products. You use it at your own risk. In a basin of water, it is necessary to dissolve a little so-called blue for linen. You should have a pale blue solution prepared. Pour the prepared liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Apply a blue product to the yellowed fur coat, spraying it evenly. Do not wash blue. It remains only to dry the product. Never leave it near heat sources. Finish the process by gently combing the fur. For this purpose, use a brush purchased at a pet store.

Cleaning a fur coat with alcohol and salt


  • fine salt;
  • alcohol and water.

Having prepared a solution of water, salt and alcohol, it should be used to treat fur. It is convenient to do this with a sponge.

Lemon juice and vinegar for cleaning fur coats


  • lemon juice;
  • vinegar.

To remove spots on a light fur coat, you need to take a bite mixed with lemon juice. After working the contaminated areas with a cotton swab, you can supplement the impact with a brush. At the end, dry the fur coat naturally.

Take good care of your light-coloured mink coat and it will last a long time and always look amazing.

Why does the fur coat turn yellow?

Most likely after a few seasons you have noticed that your fur coat has changed color. Why might this happen?

Firstly, it must be said that any natural fur turns yellow. White furs and furs with a blue tint are the most common victims of yellowness. A white fur coat is as delicate as any other white piece of clothing. Naturally white fur requires the most careful wearing - any dirt will be visible immediately. There are white ivory furs and furs with different shades. And if ivory, with careful handling, care and storage, practically does not change its color, then the shade in other fur coats can intensify. Thus, the fur coat can not only turn yellow, but also turn blue and green. As for the mink of the blue group: sapphire, iris and violet), it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of color when buying. With equal care, the fur, which initially had yellowness, will turn yellow faster. In the fur business, this is called the special term "purity" - the absence of a yellow tint in the fur. Naturally, the most valuable are the natural blue shades of mink. Today, furs are often tinted, including bleached or given a colder shade. Therefore, when buying, it is better to compare the shades of different fur coats for yellowness. Keep in mind that next to brown tones, all furs will look blue and clean. IN brown colors initially there is a warm tint, so when you change it is not so noticeable. And here is the fur bright colors later, they not only turn yellow, but also lose their former brightness and saturation.

What to do to slow down the yellowing of a fur coat? It has long been no secret that fur coats “turn yellow” and “redden” the fastest in bright light. Therefore, it is necessary to store a fur coat only in a dark breathable cover. If a fur coat is stored in a closet without a cover, then one side of it can burn out (after all, the closet is opened!), And the other side remains cleaner. In addition, we advise you to pay attention to the fact that all leather accessories, both dark and colored, threaten your fur coat. Like the dark leather car seats. Poorly colored clothing can also damage your fur coat. Compared to light-colored textiles, fur has a protective layer - guard hairs, which prevent pollution, but within reasonable limits. All dark and colored leather accessories,

how to bleach fur at home

The content of the article In the wardrobe of many women, a white mink coat can be found. The fur is quite capricious and needs careful care and storage. If you find traces of yellowness on a white mink coat, then you should take emergency measures.

Why does fur lose its whiteness

To begin with, it is worth understanding why “soft” gold loses its appearance. There are two main reasons:

  1. Storage does not comply with the rules. This is one of the most common reasons why fur loses its attractive appearance. Basically, problems are discovered when winter comes, and the housewives take out fur outfits from the closet. And here it turns out that their condition is deplorable. To avoid this, store the fur coat in special refrigerators or at a low temperature in a closet. Additionally, pack clothing in a protective bag treated with anti-moth.
  2. Wear conditions. Yellowed fur can be found if the fur coat often fell under precipitation. Also, the state of the product is affected by the city and its soot, fumes, smog and dust. Many women of fashion pour a large amount of perfume on a fur coat, which also negatively affects the condition of outerwear.

If it so happened that you could not save the fur coat, and a yellow coating appeared on it, then you should familiarize yourself with effective methods fight nasty stains.

Dry cleaning

There is some controversy about this method. It will help only if the yellowness is fresh. Dry cleaning will return the fur to its original whiteness. A product that is thoroughly damaged may not be accepted by the cleaning staff, as there is a high risk that it will turn even more yellow from chemicals.

But not every woman dares to give her fur coat to the dry cleaners. You need to be sure that only high-quality products are used there and qualified workers work there.

Flour and starch

These substances will help if the fur is really real. To bleach the fur are used:

  • potato starch;
  • Wheat flour.

Ignite the flour with starch in a pan to 70-80 degrees. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn. Apply to fur directly while hot. Rub gently with a dry sponge. After the clothes must be carefully knocked out.

Flour can be replaced with semolina. This cleaning technology is suitable for knitted products from white mink.

Bran against pollution

Any white mink coat sooner or later will have yellow spots. You can try bleaching the product with wheat bran. You need to prepare them as follows:

  • take metal utensils;
  • put a small amount of bran;
  • put on fire;
  • bran must be thoroughly heated, while constantly stirring.

Let the mixture cool slightly and pour the warm bran onto the fur coat, fur side up. Use a dry brush or sponge to rub the mixture. It is necessary to clean the product along the pile. Shake the clothes thoroughly afterwards.

Bran can be replaced with wooden cat litter, and water with gasoline. We soak sawdust in it and clean the fur coat with the resulting mixture.


A white fur coat, if it has turned yellow, is difficult to clean. You can try to mask unpleasant traces. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • ordinary white chalk;
  • shampoo for cats or dogs;
  • blue.

From all these ingredients, various solutions can be prepared to mask the fur from yellowness. It all depends on what you have on hand. Let's get started with the recipes:

  1. Take from your first aid kit 1 tsp. peroxide and add to a glass of water. Pour a few drops of ammonia there. First of all, check the reaction of the fur to the solution. Add it to the inside. Look, if the fur has not lost color, then apply the mixture with a sponge to the entire pile. Dry outerwear in the sun.
  2. The fastest and most effective tool is chalk. Grind it into fine flour and spread evenly throughout the fur. Rub it in with a brush. Shake the product thoroughly afterwards. Chalk does a good job of removing dirt and bleaching the mink.
  3. You can make a complete imitation of perfectly white. To do this, dissolve a little blue in warm water. You should get a light blue liquid. Using a sponge, apply the solution to the entire surface of the fur coat and dry it.
  4. Fresh pollution well and quickly deletes shampoo for animals. With its help, the entire surface of the fur coat is processed. After drying, carefully comb the pile.

drastic measures

If none of the above methods succeeded in bleaching a white fur coat, then there is only one way out. Contact the atelier that deals with fur and ask to repaint the product. Please note that this service should be carried out only by specialists using high-quality dyes.

Do not try to dye your fur coat yourself at home. The result may upset you.

When buying a white mink coat, remember that it will still turn yellow during wear and it will not be easy to whiten the fur. We advise you to start by weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of such outerwear.

Any white fur coat on the shoulders of a girl looks very beautiful and feminine. Everyone knows that these fluffy products require special care, and if you do not follow it, the white fur coat will fade or turn yellow, completely losing its expensive look and attractiveness. Of course, this situation is very unpleasant, but there is a way out of it. In this article we will tell you how to clean the fur from yellowness at home.

Dry cleaning - is it possible?

Of course the most the best option- take the fur product to the dry cleaner. But:

  • This should only be done when the item is heavily soiled.
  • It must be remembered that mink fur can withstand a maximum of five chemical cleanings.
  • This procedure is not for everyone.

Therefore, if the fur is not so dirty, but just acquired a shade of yellowness, it is better to deal with it yourself at home.

Causes of yellowness

Before proceeding directly to cleaning such material, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its color change and understand what we are dealing with. So, here are the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on a mink coat:

  • The moth ate the product. This can happen due to improper storage of the fur thing or poor-quality processing. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can fix here, because you will have to completely replace the product.
  • Excessive use of essential oils and perfumes. The abuse of such products can lead to discoloration of the spots on the fur. Also, girls need to remember that perfumes should be applied to the skin, and not to clothes. In this case, the stains are also impossible to remove.
  • Fur fades in the sun, losing its original color. White fur is the most capricious in relation to the sun, it must be protected from exposure to rays.

Important! Girls, do not take fur products from the window, so that later you do not wonder how to clean a white fur coat from yellowness. Through the sun's rays, even if they fall on an object through glass, ultraviolet exposure still occurs. As a result, the thing quickly acquires a worn and unattractive look.

Mink bleaching methods

Cleaning fur from yellowness at home, in fact, is not a very difficult task. We have selected the most effective and simple ways bleaching mink fur at home.

Wheat bran

To effectively whiten a lady's white fur coat, we only need wheat bran. So, here is the procedure:

  1. Pour the bran into a saucepan or any other dense container.
  2. We put the container on fire.
  3. We constantly stir our bran, heating them well and making sure that they do not burn.
  4. We put the fur product with the pile up, so that it is more convenient to carry out the procedure.
  5. We sprinkle our mink with hot bran, carefully clean it with some kind of brush.

Important! After cleaning, carefully shake out the material and vacuum it thoroughly with a special nozzle.

We use gasoline, sawdust or starch

These methods include one common ingredient - gasoline. That is why we combine them in one way:

  • Every pet store sells sawdust. In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home, you just need to slightly moisten the purchased sawdust with refined gasoline, then clean the fur coat with this mass.
  • If the yellow spot is formed with oil, it is necessary to mix potato starch with gasoline until a thick porridge is obtained, then apply this mixture to the stain. After drying, you need to sweep the dried “porridge” from the pile and comb it with a comb with fine teeth.

We clean the product with a regular shampoo

If a girl noticed very small spots on her fur coat, but she no longer wants to walk in it, then you can clean your favorite piece of clothing with a regular hair shampoo. To do this, follow these steps:

We use peroxide and ammonia

What to do if a white mink coat turned yellow at the most inopportune moment, and there is very little time? Quick cleaning can be done with ordinary hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. We make a solution from the means at hand: 1 cup of warm water, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of ammonia.
  2. We moisten a large piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and put it on a comb with a wide comb.
  3. We clean the mink, combing it in the direction of the villi.

After that, you can dry the fur coat with a hair dryer, or hang it to dry in the fresh air. It all depends on the speed of the approach of the event, which will require an expensive piece of clothing.


Almost every housewife has a bottle with this name, and she rarely resorts to using the contents of it. So, her time has come. This method of bleaching mink fur is proven and effective.

In order to whiten the pile with blue, you must:

  1. Make a solution of blue with water: mix these two liquids until a light blue solution is obtained.
  2. Wet the sponge in this solution and carefully treat the yellowed surface.

Important! After the procedure, you need to hang a fur coat in the sun.

Whitening with Vinegar

This method is the most simple.

In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home using ordinary table vinegar, you need to moisten a cloth with it and wipe the fur with it in the direction of the villi. The result will be visible immediately.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

Of course, the ideal option would be to strip and then wash the lining according to the instructions. Otherwise, it can sit down or deform and simply not fit the fur coat.

12/20/2016 1 3 572 views

A product made of light fur looks incredibly beautiful, but has one drawback: it turns yellow. Therefore, it is important to know how to clean white fur from yellowness at home.

This problem applies to both natural fur and artificial fur. Over time, under the influence of the environment, the villi lose their former whiteness. You can return the original color, below you will learn how to do it correctly.

Why does fur turn yellow?

Before proceeding with the procedure for the return of color, you need to understand why this happens in order to try to prevent it.

Natural or artificial fur turns yellow for the same reasons, namely:

  • a fur product does not tolerate contact with water, so it is not recommended to wear it in rainy or cloudy weather. The presence of moisture on the pile leads to its yellowing;
  • improper storage in the closet. Fur should be stored only in special cases, so it will be possible to protect it from dust;
  • contact with human skin, namely with sweat, leads to the appearance of yellow spots.

Home dry cleaning

Dry cleaning services are quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, but some products that are in every home will easily carry out a similar cleaning.

For cleaning, you will need sawdust (without resin content) and refined gasoline.

  1. Sawdust is poured into a basin, a small amount of gasoline is added to them and everything is mixed.
  2. A fur product is placed in this basin and, as it were, washed in this mixture.
  3. After the end of the procedure, the product is shaken off and combed with a special brush.

This mixture is suitable for cleaning any fur, be it silver fox, chinchilla or mink.

Sometimes alcohol is added to sawdust instead of gasoline, it gives a similar effect.

You can clean natural fur with a bite, and some recommend using undissolved essence. A cotton pad or a clean rag is wetted in liquid and the fur product is wiped. Movements must be made in the direction of the pile. Vinegar perfectly removes dust particles and other contaminants without harming natural fur. It is not recommended to clean artificial pile with such a solution.

When all the dirt is removed from the surface of the fur, she needs to add shine, for this, glycerin is used, which is applied in a thin layer to the product.


Everyone knows that natural fur cannot be washed, but artificial fur can. Undoubtedly, this must be done very carefully, without squeezing or twisting the product.

Faux fur can be washed even in washing machine using cleaning products, the main thing is to set the delicate mode.

But natural fur can also be washed a little.

  1. To do this, prepare a soap solution, preferably using shampoo.
  2. A sponge is moistened in the liquid and the pile is wiped with it.

After such processing, the product must be dried away from sources of heating. Fur can be cleaned in this way, for example, on a collar, cuffs or boots.

Dirt absorbent

A product made of light fur is most often cleaned in a dry way. For this, bulk substances are used - sorbents, which literally absorb particles of dirt. For cleaning use: semolina, soda, starch, talc.

  1. The fur product is spread on a flat and clean surface.
  2. An absorbent substance is poured onto the fur and rubbed into the pile with your hands.
  3. As soon as the sorbent has changed color and become darker, the product is shaken off so that no particles of it remain inside.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the sorbent remains white.

It is necessary to shake out the product carefully, the remaining particles of the bulk substance can provoke the appearance of insects. To do this, use a comb with a soft bristle as efficiently as possible.

If the fur has a yellow tint, then it needs to be lightened, for this hydrogen peroxide is used.

How to bleach natural fur?

The fur is cleaned, but the yellowness remains? Despite the fact that this is a natural process for white pile, you can still slow it down a little. To do this, first of all - the product must be properly stored, regularly cleaned and worn according to the weather.

To remove yellowness, prepare the following solution:

  1. A small amount of water is mixed with half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. The liquid is poured into a spray bottle and the product is sprayed with it.
  3. After applying the bleaching solution, the product is hung out to dry.
  4. Then carefully comb it out and put it in the closet.

In this way, it is possible, and artificial.

Hydrogen peroxide is also mixed with talc or starch until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting mixture is applied to the fur and evenly distributed throughout the product. As soon as the mixture dries, it is cleaned with a special fur brush.

Processing with hydrogen peroxide allows you to lighten the product by several tones, removing an unpleasant yellow tint. At the same time, it is suitable for cleaning both fur and light sheepskin coats.

Bleaching faux fur

Most faux fur is washable, but check the tag first to avoid damaging the fur.

You can bleach artificial pile with hydrogen peroxide, talc or flour.

White mink fur is a symbol of luxury, elegance and status. And I perfectly understand the owners of snow-white fur coats who want to keep them snow-white as long as possible. So today I will tell you how you can take care of light-colored mink products and how to clean them.

Why mink turns yellow

Before telling how to clean white mink, I would like to explain why it begins to lose its original color and turn yellow. There can be two reasons:

  1. Features of socks. While you are walking down the street in an expensive product, a large amount of dust and dirt settles on it. In addition, the spraying of all kinds of cosmetic preparations near it has a detrimental effect on the material.
  2. Improper storage. It is necessary to store a white mink coat, coat, hat or other product only in a special case and in a cool place. From temperature changes, the fur quickly loses its snow-white appearance.

Before storage, it is necessary to apply a special “anti-moth” impregnation on white fur.

Mink cleaning: 7 recipes

Caring for white mink products is quite complicated in itself. Of course, you can always take the item to the dry cleaners. But, firstly, the price for such a procedure is very high. And secondly, from exposure to chemicals, the inside of the fur coat can harden and begin to wrinkle.

So I offer you a few personally proven ways to clean mink at home.

Dry methods: 2 options

Dry cleaning is considered the most gentle for fur, but it is effective only for light pollution - street dust, for example:

Image Instruction

Option 1. White talc
  • Sprinkle the product with white talc.
  • Lightly rub it into the fur.
  • Wait a couple of hours, then shake off the talc, and remove its residues with a brush to care for fur products.

Option 2. Semolina
  • Lay the product on a flat surface.
  • Pour semolina over light fur. Pay special attention to the places that get dirty the most - the sleeves and collar.
  • With gentle movements that mimic washing with your own hands, treat the areas for 35-40 seconds.
  • Remove the remnants of semolina with a special brush.

Wet cleaning: 5 ways

Wet cleaning has a more aggressive effect on mink fur, but it allows you to cope with difficult dirt.

Image Instruction

Method 1. Starch and gasoline
  • Mix both components until a slurry is formed.
  • Apply the mixture to the hairs.
  • Wait for the homemade product to dry completely and comb out its remnants in the direction of villi growth.

Method 2. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The use of a hydrogen peroxide solution allows you to effectively whiten mink products:

  • Dilute a teaspoon of the product in a glass of water.
  • Add a few drops of ammonia to the solution.
  • Apply the liquid to the fur with a clean cloth or cotton pad.
  • Wait for the product to dry naturally.

    In no case do not dry mink clothes near the radiator or with a hair dryer - this will only ruin the fur.

Method 3. Salt and ammonia
  • In two glasses of water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of ammonia.
  • Soak a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth in the resulting composition, and wipe the surface of the mink product.
  • Hang the item to dry outdoors.

Method 4. Shampoo for animals

Enough unusual way how to clean a white mink:
