Soft toy project. Creative project on technology on the topic "Making a soft toy "Bear" Project on the topic of a soft toy with your own hands

Municipal educational institution

« high school No. 3"

creative project

by technology

"Soft toy"

Completed by: a student of the 8th "b" class

MOU "Secondary school No. 3"

Voroshnina Victoria

Supervisor: Tishaninova LN, technology teacher


Justification of the problem

At school, at the lessons of technology, my skills in arts and crafts improved. At the technology lessons, we were engaged in needlework: cross-stitched, knitted and crocheted, made various compositions from fabric. It was necessary to choose topics for a creative project, and I decided to make a soft toy, since I went to a soft toy circle, and I really liked it, I decided not to abandon my favorite thing. After reviewing several books on needlework, many of them attracted me to toys - dolls, flowers, fairy-tale characters. However, I decided to make a penguin. I wanted to learn the history of the development of the toy and show my skills.

The purpose of my work: make a soft toy with your own hands.


I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and uplifting.

    Explore the development of toy days.

    The finished toy must match the size of the pattern.

    Self-fulfillment when doing work with your own hands.

Toy Development History

The art of making toys is one of the most ancient forms of folk art. artistic creativity. Everyone loves toys: children and adults. For children, it is a fun game; adults are happy to look at the beautiful, funny toys which bring them true joy, transfer them to the world of childhood, cause a kind smile.

The toy has always accompanied man. Various kinds of toys were found in the burials of Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire. In distant times. When there were no special workshops producing toys, they were created by craftsmen - handicraftsmen who worked alone or by family members. These were the first folk toy artists who passed on their skills from generation to generation. The originality of the manufacture of toys is determined by the conditions of life and work, the customs of the people, the national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So, in areas rich in forests, toys, as a rule, were made of wood, in places rich in clay deposits - from clay. Wooden and clay toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times. The oldest toys found on the territory of our country date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. These are miniature hunting tools - bows, arrows, hatchets, household items, rattles.

Various toys found in the burials of ancient Egypt, Greece, China. These are dolls made of wood and fabric, leather balls, animal figurines carved from soft stone, mammoth tusks. From time immemorial came to us the tradition of a sewing toy - a doll sewn from shreds of fabric, fur.

Sometimes the toy was given magical meaning. For example, various whistles, rattles, according to the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, drove away evil spirits with their whistle and noise. For the same reasons, the image of the face of the doll was forbidden, therefore, for home-made rag dolls different peoples instead of the image of the face, you can see a pattern in the form of a cross, rhombus, square.

The earliest toys of Ancient Rus', found on the territory of ancient Russian cities - Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Kolomna, Radonezh - date back to approximately the 10th-15th centuries. Scientists established handicraft production of toys in Kyiv and Novgorod as early as the 10th-13th centuries. On the high skill of Moscow toy potters of the XIV-XVII centuries. Findings in Zaryadye, on the territory of the former Goncharnaya Sloboda, testify. Plots of toys of this time: horses, bears, birds - whistles, as well as funny figures of horsemen, buffoons-horns.

The traditions of true art continue to live and develop today.

Development various options

Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and magazines on making soft toys. The world of toys is huge and diverse. I liked many models of toys.

Model #1 Model #2

Model #3 Model #4

Identification of the main requirements for the product

My toy should be:

    Nicely and well made;

    Not big size;

    Made from soft fabric

    natural color;

    Safe for the child;

    Made from environmentally friendly materials;

    With low cost.

Idea analysis and selection the best option

Model No. 1. Difficult to make, but quite beautiful.

Model number 2. Easily lifts the mood, but quite easy to perform.

Model number 3. Pretty easy to do.

Model number 4. Beautiful and not exactly difficult to perform.

I settled on model number 4.

Materials and tools

    Needles with heads

    Needle for handmade

    Threads: white, red, black - 3 spools

  • Fabric brown, white (30x30cm), red, sintepon (25x20cm)

Product technology

    We select the material and prepare it for work (washing, steaming the fabric).

    We make a pattern from cardboard, since solid patterns fit more tightly to the material, they are easier to circle, they are more durable.

    We spread the resulting pattern on the wrong side of the material, press it tightly and outline it with chalk.

    We sew a toy.

    We attach the beak, eyes.

Economic justification

I spent __ rubles on work. I sewed a toy in 3 hours.

The toy is not environmentally hazardous.

Sketches of toy details


I really like my toy. She complements my small collection of soft toys and the interior of the house with her beauty.

Rabadanova Hidayat

Examination work of a 9th grade student (correctional). Includes an explanatory note and a presentation.



Municipal State Educational Institution

"Secondary School No. 10"

Levokumsky district of the Stavropol Territory

Creative project by


"Soft toy"

Made by 9th grade student

Rabadanova Hidayat

Head: Didenko Elena Geinrikhovna

technology teacher

S.Vladimirovka, 2012

I. Organizational and preparatory stage.

Basic thought pattern.

1. Justification of the problem that has arisen………………………………………………4

2. Formulation of tasks……………………………………………………………..4

3. Historical reference(research)……………………………………….5

4. Development of various options……………………………….……………..6

5. Identification of the main requirements for the product……………………………… 7

6. Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option…………………………………… 7

II. Technological stage.

7.Materials and tools………………………………………………………..8

8.Design part…………………………………………………………….9

9.Organization of the workplace, safety at work…………………………………10

10.Technology of product execution……………………………………………..11

11. Economic justification………………………………………………….12

12.Environmental justification……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

III. Evaluation stage.


14. Used literature………………………………………..………...15

Basic thinking scheme.


Traditions, fashion.

Cost price.


Soft toy

Shape and size

Manufacturing technology



Equipment and materials.

Justification of the problem

During my studies at school, at the lessons of technology, my skills and abilities in arts and crafts improved. At the technology lessons, we were engaged in needlework: we embroidered with woolen threads, beads, made souvenirs and gifts, and sewed soft toys.

It was necessary to choose the topic of the examination paper, and I decided to make a soft toy, since we met this type of needlework recently, and it interested me the most.

Having reviewed several handicraft encyclopedias, in many of them I was attracted by toys - dolls, flowers, fairy-tale characters. However, I decided to make a toy - an animal in honor of my friend - a Sailor puppy and give it to my niece for her birthday. I wanted to learn the history of the development of the toy and show my skills in a new job for me.

The purpose of my work: to make a soft toy with my own hands.

Task Formulation

I want my toy to be interesting, pleasing to the eye and

Lifted my spirits.


1. Explore the development of the toy days.

2. The finished toy must match the size


3. Self-realization when doing work with your own hands.

Toy Development History

The art of making toys is one of the oldest types of folk art. Everyone loves the toy: children and adults. For children, it is fun, a game: adults are happy to look at beautiful, funny toys that bring them true joy, transfer them to the world of childhood, cause a kind smile.

The toy has always accompanied man. Various kinds of toys were found in the burials of Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire. In ancient times, when there were no special workshops producing toys, they were created by craftsmen - handicraftsmen who worked alone or as family members. These were the first folk artists - toys, who passed on their skills from generation to generation. The originality of the manufacture of toys is determined by the conditions of life and work, the customs of the people, the national character, climatic conditions and the material used. So in areas rich in forests, toys,

as a rule, they were made of wood, in places rich in clay deposits - from clay.

Wooden and clay toys have been known in Rus' since ancient times. The oldest toys found on the territory of our country date back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. These are miniature hunting tools - bows, arrows, hatchets, household items, rattles.

Various toys were found in the burials of Ancient Egypt, Greece, China. These are dolls made of wood and fabric, leather balls, animal figures carved from soft stone, mammoth tusks. From time immemorial, the traditions of sewing toys have come to us - dolls sewn from scraps of fabric, fur.

Sometimes toys were given a magical meaning. For example, various whistles, rattles, according to the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, drove away evil spirits with their whistle and noise. For the same reasons, the image of the face of the doll was forbidden, therefore, in home-made rag dolls of different nations, instead of the image of the face, you can see a pattern in the form of a cross, rhombus, square.

The earliest toys of Ancient Rus', found on the territory of ancient Russian cities - Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Kolomna, Radonezh - date back to approximately the 10th-15th centuries. Scientists established handicraft production of toys in Kyiv and Novgorod as early as the 10th-13th centuries. about the high skill of Moscow toy potters of the XIV-XVII centuries. Evidence of finds in Zaryadye, on the territory of the former Goncharnaya Sloboda. Plots of toys of this time: horses, bears, birds - whistles, as well as funny figures of horsemen, buffoons - hooters.

The traditions of true art continue to live and develop today.

Development of various options

Before sewing my toy, I looked through many books and

magazines for the manufacture of soft toys. The world of toys is huge and

diverse. I liked many models of toys:

Donkey Ladybug

Picture 1

Bear cub Figure 2


Figure 3 Figure 4

But I decided to go for the black and white version. It is he who will allow me to fantasize and is able to develop the imagination. And I also want to make a birthday present for my niece, because she really likes my friend Matros.

Identification of the main requirements for the product

My toy should be:

Nicely and well made;

Small size;

From soft fabric;

natural color;

safe for kidsё nk;

Made from environmentally friendly materials;

With low cost.

Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option

A cute charming donkey (Fig. 1) will bring joy to anyone,

who will take them in hand.

Charming ladybug(Fig. 2) will easily improve your mood.

A small, modest, but very cute bear cub (Fig. 3) will give warmth and comfort.

Cute cozy puppy Sailor with soft hanging paws

(Fig. 4), which will improve the mood of everyone who getsѐ t in his


Having considered all the options for toys that I liked, I decided that

I will sew a puppy, because a puppy is my favorite friend.

Materials and tools

To complete the work, the following materials are required,

tools and fixtures:

  1. Hand needles
  2. Scissors
  3. Measuring tape and ruler
  4. Iron
  5. Templates
  6. Fur, fabric
  7. Threads
  8. Tailor's pins
  9. Chalk, pencil
  10. Pattern paper-cardboard
  11. Sintepon
  12. Colored ribbons, beads

Fabrics, fur. It is desirable to select fabrics of various colors, textures, types. Plain and printed chintz, velveteen, flannelette, jersey, flannel and other materials are suitable for sewing souvenirs and various costumes for toys, as well as for decoration. Drape, cloth, felt and other dense fabrics are suitable for making decorative wall toys and objects.ѐ many combined.

To perform theѐ Many stuffed toys recommend the use of short-haired synthetic fur, which is easy to process and retains the shape of the toy well, as well as plush.

Long pile synthetic and natural fur more suitable for finishing toys and combining with short pile fur, with any kind of fabric and non-woven materials.

Threads. For sewing toys, bobbin threads No. 30, 40 are needed different colors. When making decorative seams on the front side of toys, floss, iris, darning, woolen yarn are used.

Colored ribbons, beads.These materials are needed to design the product.

Cardboard. Necessary for the manufacture of patterns-patterns.

Sintepon. Sewn forms of toys are stuffed with synthetic winterizer.

Scissors, needles, napѐ rstki. For cutting fur, small scissors with sharp closed ends are most convenient, and for cutting fabrics, large ones with straight blades. need needles different sizes. Napѐ Rstok should correspond to the thickness of the middle finger.

Chalk, glue, pencils.Chalk is used to draw patterns on fabric, fur. PVA glue is used to glue parts.

Before starting work, it is necessary to put on overalls - an apron

or work robe to protect clothing from contamination

fur pile, glue, paints. The apron must be neat


Design part

Workplace organization

For manual operations, a work table is required, on which only workpieces, tools and fixtures should be located. During manual work, you need to monitor the correct fit. Incorrect position of the body (torso) causes fatigue, reduces efficiency, and also leads to stoop, curvature of the spine, and impairs vision.

The workplace for performing machine work is a table on which a sewing machine is installed and laid out necessary tools, fixtures.

While working on the sewing machine, the workplace should be well lit. When using the sewing machine, it is very important to sit with your body tilted slightly and head forward

TB at work

Safety regulations for manual work:

Be attentive;

Put on a coat rstock on the middle finger right hand not to

Prick him;

Stick needles and pins only in the needle bar,

Do not sew with a bent needle;

Do not stick needles into clothing;

Put the scissors to your right with closed blades;

Pass scissors only with closed blades and rings


Safety rules for sewing work:

Do not lean close to the moving parts of the sewing machine;

Do not keep your fingers near the driving needle;

Do not place any foreign objects on the platform.

Safety regulations when performing wet-thermal


Do not leave the iron on;

Set the thermostat dial in accordance with the selected


Put the iron on a special stand;

Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron; Turn the iron on and off with dry hands, while taking

The body of the plug, not for the cord;

WTO products or parts to perform from the wrong side on

The direction of the shared thread.

Product technology

To make a do-it-yourself puppy soft toy, there is a drawing, a drawing, a sketch, pattern patterns and a manufacturing sequence. You can make a toy using hand seams or use sewing machine. I chose the first option.

The sequence of making a soft toy:

1. Prepare patterns for the torso, front of the head, chin, upper and lower paws, ear, nose and tail. The details are combined from fur of different colors, so it is more convenient to cut and connect their individual parts at the same time.

2. According to the pattern of the torso and abdomen, cut out two parts of the torso and abdomen from

main fur.

3. Cut out the forehead and chin from light fabric. Sew the chin between the two parts of the body from the end of the nose to the neck. Sew the parts in the head area, then the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the back of the head.You can use the seam "line".

4. Sew the details of the ears sewn in pairs here. Important point- sewing ears into the head. The seam "forward needle" is used. Sew the ears into the seams connecting the front and frontal parts of the head. Put the ears on the front side of the front of the head, placing them with the fabric side down with unsewn cuts.

5. Unscrew the head blank through the left hole - in this case, the ears will already be sewn into place. Fill the head blank with stuffing material.

6. Sew the details of the tummy to the details of the torso, then, before the back line is sewn up, sew the parts of the abdomen together from the inside.

7. Through the hole on the back, place cotton wool in the middle and sew up the hole.

8. We make a nose from a sewn "pouch", eyes - from beads and attach them to the front of the head.

9. Sew on the tongue and dots on the muzzle. Fold the tail at the base in half

and sew.

10. Sew on a spout. To do this, use the prepared pattern, stuff it tightly with a synthetic winterizer, gather along the edge of the circle with a seam on a strong thread. With the same thread that they worked on, make a constriction in the middle of the cocoon, wrapping it with several turns - the “pouch” turned into a spout. Fasten the thread, but do not cut it. Then sew the finished nose onto the muzzle with the same thread.

11. Decorate the toy with a bow around the neck.

Economic justification



Price, rub.)



Cost, rub.)


Fabric brown


245 rub.

0.4 m

98 rub.

98 rubles

Fabric beige


175 rub.


35 rub.

35 rub.



30 rub.

0.2 m

6 rub.

Available in



10 rub.

Pair of eyes

10 rub.

10 rub.


5 rub.

1 PC.

5 rub.

Available in



154 rub.

143 rub.

It can be seen from the table that the cost of the toy,

handmade is less than the cost of a toy bought on the market or in a store from similar materials.

Environmental rationale

The problem of ecology is now of great importance. For reference healthy lifestyle life, it is very important that the objects that surround a person, which a person uses in Everyday life were environmentally friendly and safe.

The manufacture of the toy did not cause any damage to the environment. All the materials that I used to create the toy are environmentally friendly. The rest of the fabric and finishes are stored in a certainѐ this place and can be used to make other things.


As a result of working on the project, I can proudly say that I coped with the task set before me. The toy turned out exactly the way I wanted it.ѐ see. My niece will be delighted. Thanks to the project, I learned how the toy appeared, and now I have an idea about it.ѐ creation and evolution. After theѐ I can say with confidence that a toy made by myself is pleasing to the eye, uplifting and

economically advantageous.

Used Books.

1M. Ventana. Technology textbook. M. "Count" 2005.

2.N. V. Vinogradov. Soft toy with your own hands. S-P. "Nedra" 1995.

3. Material Andreevskaya O. N. Volzhsky, 2008.

Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary

General education school with in-depth study of individual Subjects No. 24.

The objectives of the project: - Improve your skills in making soft toys. - To form a system of intellectual and general labor knowledge, skills and abilities embodied in the final product. - Contribute to the development creativity, initiative and autonomy. - Show your individuality, unleash your creative potential.

Children always love toys, especially when the toys are bright and dressed up. I decided to make a Cat in a Coat toy for my little niece. Autumn?... Yes. Forgotten sandboxes and " water procedures", It cooled down. But the favorite toy is dressed according to the season and boldly goes for a walk with the hostess - rustling together with fallen leaves. Selection and justification of the project topic.

Toy history. The toy in all historical epochs has been associated with the game - the leading activity in which the typical appearance of the child is formed: the mind, physical and moral qualities. Like today, the first toy of the child in ancient times was a rattle. In ancient Egypt, we first meet toys with a simple movement mechanism. These are miniature wooden Toys using a simple wire mechanism, set in motion by the child's hand. In ancient times, such a type of toy known to us as a doll arose. They were cut out of thin boards and painted with a geometric pattern symbolizing clothing. The heads of the dolls were decorated with wigs made of wooden and thread beads. But these dolls served not children, but adults and were associated with various forms of religion of that era. But there were also play dolls. They were made of clay, wood and were often mobile. The arms and legs were attached to the body with threads and sticks. Of all kinds of toys, soft toy the latest. Soft toys - prototypes of various animals that caring mothers sewed for their children from scraps of fabric, stuffed with cotton wool, decorated using various needlework skills, knitting and embroidery, appeared in the 19th century.

Analysis of similar products 2011 is the year of the rabbit and the cat, so I decided to sew for my little niece cat toy. After studying information about a soft toy, I became interested in making toys - tildes. I found a toy model in this technique and a pattern in the Handwork magazine.

When Norwegian Tone Finanger made her first tilda doll, she never thought that this cute Scandinavian toy would bring needlewomen from all over the world together in search of new stories, materials and ideas for the whole world called TILDA. Collective "tildo insanity" began in 1999 after the publication of two books by the author - "Tilda Christmas" and "Tilda Easter". Each figurine has its own - and rather wayward - character and prefers to be called by its name. Dolls - tildes Tildas are one of the most charming dolls you can imagine. They are cute, funny and disproportionate. These dolls are often made from textiles, scraps of fabric using buttons and ribbons and are given not only to children, but even more often to adults as an unusual souvenir and interior element. Tilda dolls are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity, which, however, only contributes to the transfer of the brightest feelings, emotions of associations.

Materials used. Fabrics. For the manufacture of the body of Tild toys (regardless of their type and shape), it is recommended to use mainly natural fabrics: linen, cotton, coarse calico or wool. Flannel and fleece work well, but knitwear is not recommended - they turn out to be too rough. Any material is suitable for making clothes for Tildo toys: silk, tulle, organza, coarse calico, fleece, jeans, knitwear, chintz, etc., but it is better to take fabric with a small pattern (the smaller, the better). The drawing can be any - a strip, a cage, flowers, abstraction or stains on the fabric. You can stuff toys mainly with synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Can be stuffed with leftovers from other sewing - pieces of fabric, as well as very small pieces nylon tights. Product manufacturing technology.

Threads. Bobbin threads of various colors 10 - 40 will be required for sewing toys. Bobbin threads of various colors 50 - 100 for sewing doll clothes. Woolen threads are suitable for decorating toys. From them you can make hair for a doll, tails for animals, they can embroider individual details of the muzzle: eyes, nose, mouth. Muline, colored silk, colored bobbin threads 50 - 80, lurex, iris, garus are used for finishing work, embroidery of clothing details and designing the faces of animals. Helpful advice: Threads should be selected according to the thickness depending on the thickness of the fabric and the number of the needle. Properly selected needle and thread will make the seams more accurate.

Accessories. Accessories are a lot of beautiful little things, without which it is impossible for us to complete the manufacture of a toy, make it expressive, give it an individual character. What are these little things? Multicolored beads, white pearls different sizes with a hole in the middle, glass beads, rhinestones, tassels, braid and lace, buttons, pieces of leather, oilcloth and fur can be used to decorate muzzles, eyes, decorate clothes, appliqués, panels, rugs and pillows.

Tools Hand sewing needles come in different thicknesses and lengths. The needles are numbered from 1 to 12, and the higher the number, the thicker the needle, and the thickness of the needles of two adjacent numbers is the same, but the length is different. Odd numbered needles are longer than even numbered needles. Standard needles are available in lengths from 35 to 80mm and thicknesses from 0.6 to 1.8mm. The right needle is selected depending on the thickness of the fabric with which to work. The thicker the fabric, the higher the needle number and vice versa. Pins are used to chip off individual parts for trying on and fitting. Hand sewing needles and pins.

Scissors. There are several types of needlework scissors: small scissors (8-10 cm) with straight blades are useful for small jobs: cutting threads, small pieces of fabric, notches and undercuts in seam allowances, cutting off excess fabric in applications. Curved-tipped nail scissors cut unevenly, but they are good for cutting small, rounded pieces. Scissors of medium length (16-18cm) are considered universal: it is convenient to cut small details with them. Scissors for cutting fabric (23-25 ​​cm) with a lower blade narrower than the upper one. This feature of the scissors allows you to cut accurately, because the lower blade slides on the table, almost without lifting the fabric. Helpful Hint: You need to have one scissors for fabric and others for paper, cardboard and interlinings. Fabric scissors should never be used to cut other materials as they become dull very quickly. You will not enjoy work when the fabric is not cut, but chewed.

Thimble. Always use this simple tool when doing hand seams. The thimble protects the middle finger from a needle prick. You need to pick up a thimble exactly in size so that it is moderately free, but also does not jump off your finger. Too tight a thimble squeezes the finger, causing numbness, thereby causing inconvenience in work. Tailor's chalk and pencils. Chalk will be needed to draw a pattern on the fabric, to trace the outline of the pattern. Instead of chalk, you can use a remnant of pre-dried well. There are also special pencils and markers for drawing lines on fabrics, traces of which disappear after a while. To draw a sketch, a template, to apply hand seam lines or stitches on fabric, you will need a simple graphite pencil, as well as white or yellow pencils for dark fabrics. Pencils must be sharp. A well-sharpened pencil will allow you to draw the pattern most accurately. The quality of all further work depends on the accuracy of the lines drawn.

Measuring tools. Squares and rulers are used to build and model patterns, and a narrow oilcloth tape - a centimeter is used to take measurements. Do not forget, we will need clothes for dolls, which we will sew with our own hands, having previously taken measurements. Graph paper, carbon paper, tracing paper. Graph paper or checkered paper is used for drawing and sketching, for designing and modeling patterns and patterns. With the help of tracing paper and carbon paper, patterns are transferred to fabric and cardboard, as well as drawings for applications.

Iron. You can't do without an iron if you want to see your product beautiful and neat. Before cutting out the details, be sure to smooth the fabric so that there are no wrinkles or folds on it. This is very important, because when you sew a toy, it will no longer be possible to do this, and the look of the toy may turn out to be wrinkled and sloppy. Sewing machine. If you have a sewing machine, then you can use it to connect the parts of large toys, as well as for sewing doll clothes, rugs, panels, appliqués.

How to enlarge or reduce the pattern? Drawings and drawings can be zoomed in and out using squares. 1. Take a blank sheet and draw on it squares of the same size with a side size larger than the squares in the original drawing, if you want to enlarge the drawing, and with a side size smaller than the squares in the original drawing, if you want to reduce the drawing. 2. When enlarged, transfer the lines of the original drawing to the cells bigger size and, conversely, when decreasing, transfer the lines of the original drawing to smaller cells.

Open the details of the product. Before cutting, iron the fabric with an iron so that there are no wrinkles and folds on it. Lay the fabric on the table in a single layer wrong side up. Lay out the patterns on the fabric. Pay attention to the arrows of the direction of the share thread. Lay out paired parts, such as right and left, front and hind legs symmetrically so that they are not cut on one side or laid out on a fabric folded in two layers “face with face” Mark the contours of the parts and marks with a soft pencil or chalk, taking into account allowances on the seams. Make sure that the chalk or pencil is sharpened sharply, otherwise you will not be able to transfer the contours of the pattern onto the fabric with maximum accuracy. It is better to use a thin remnant for this purpose, unless, of course, the fabric is dark in color. It is even better to use special pencils for drawing on fabric.

Connection of product parts. The parts are connected exactly along the lines on the sewing machine from the wrong side, and then they are turned right out. Before turning the toy inside out, the seams need to be trimmed and notched, then the edges of the turned-out part will look nice and even, and then it will be easier to turn it out. Small details (eyes, ears) are sewn with hand blind stitches. The threads must be matched in color to the color of the fabric.

Manufacturing sequence. 1. Connecting parts of the head, arms, legs. 2. Preparation of eyes, cheeks, nose, ears. 3. Connecting them to the main part of the head. 4. Connecting the parts of the body with the head. 5. Connecting the parts of the body, paws, followed by eversion. 6. Stuffing parts of the body, paws. 7. Connection of the body with the upper and lower legs. 8. Measurement of the toy by girth and length. 9. Cutting clothes: skirts and coats. 10. Making a skirt. 11. Making a coat.

Seam nameSeam sketchTechnical conditions of execution Application Straight stitchStitch length 5-7mm Temporary joining parts Blind stitch Stitch length 2-3mm Joining eye and ear details Overlap seam Seam width 5-7mm Joining the main parts of the product Seams used in the manufacture of the product.

Name of the seamSketch of the seamTechnical conditions for execution Application Adjustment stitchWidth of the seam 1 cm, width of the finishing stitch 1 mm Joining the ruffle with the skirt. Hem seam with closed cut Seam width 1 cm Processing of the upper and lower cut of the skirt. Obtachny seam in split Seam width 7 mm. Finishing stitch width 1mm Connecting the top layer of the coat fabric with the lining.

Making a skirt

Labor protection and safety rules. The safety of work is related to the observance of safety rules when working with a hand needle, on a sewing machine, ironing work: - When working with a fabric, the following harmful factors may affect the workers: injury to hands when handling scissors and when working on a sewing machine; finger pricks with needles and pins when working without thimbles; electric shock when working on an electric sewing machine; - When using an electric sewing machine, a dielectric mat is used. - In the room for working with tissue there should be a medical kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings for first aid. - Know the location of fire extinguishers.

Check the serviceability of the tool and put it in its place, remove everything unnecessary from the workplace. - Make sure that the protective grounding of the body of the electric sewing machine is present and in good condition, that there is a dielectric mat on the floor and on the pedals of the machine. - Keep needles and pins in a certain place (cushion, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace. - Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, in no case take them into your mouth. - Sew with needles only with a thimble. - Attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of the pins away from you. - Store scissors in a certain place, put them with closed sharp ends away from you, pass them to each other with handles forward. - Do not lean close to the moving parts of the sewing machine. - Keep your fingers away from the sewing machine foot. - Before sewing the product on the sewing machine, make sure that there are no needles or pins on the seam line. - Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

If a malfunction occurs in the operation of the sewing machine, stop working, release the start pedal of the electric sewing machine. Continue work only after the problem has been eliminated. - In case of breakage of a sewing needle or pin, do not throw them on the floor, but put them in the trash. - In the event of a fire, immediately turn off the power supply, report the fire to the administration of the institution and the nearest fire department, and start extinguishing the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment. - After finishing work, disconnect the electric sewing machine from the mains. - Check the availability of working tools and put the workplace in order. - Carry out wet cleaning of the room and ventilation. - Remove protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Ecological problems. A toy for a child is a thing as necessary as food and clothing. Moreover, if for naturalness baby food today all parents are struggling, the naturalness and environmental safety of toys remained not even in second place, but somewhere in the tail. But this is fundamentally wrong. The environmental safety of the toy includes toxic safety, the absence of sharp edges and corners, and reliability. All these requirements are met by toys made by hand from textile materials. Therefore, it is better to try so that at least the first toys of the baby are made of natural materials: cotton, linen, wool, wood, etc. In addition to the environmental safety of such a toy, it will help to develop the child's tactile sensations correctly, get an idea of ​​the natural world around, nature, and can give the baby a sense of security and love. Traditional rag dolls, which in the old days were made by mothers, grandmothers and the children themselves from rags, yarn, straw or other materials at hand - a very kind and useful toy.

Economic justification Direct costs: Fabric for a raincoat: 90 r Fabric: scraps Threads: 10 r Total: 100 r There are no indirect costs, because the product was made in school workshops at technology lessons. A similar toy in the store: 350 rubles or more Economic benefit-250 rubles

Analysis of the result of the project The soft toy "Cat in a coat", made by me from the remnants of fabrics, turned out to be bright and original. Alenka, my niece, was very happy with such a gift. She gave him the name Fedor and now does not part with the toy all her free time. Primary students of our school chose this toy as one of their favorite toys and drew it on their drawings. Create your own toys and remember that each handmade toy is unique and inimitable, so you can change, supplement and transform them as you like! Advertising



Justification of the problem and need

Thinking scheme

Identification of key parameters and limitations

History and modernity


Theoretical information


Product bank


Sketch study of the basic version

Product Requirements

Design specification

Choice of tools, fixtures, equipment

Material selection

Safety regulations during work


Product technology


Quality control

Environmental rationale

Economic justification


I really like doing needlework, I decided to make a soft toy. The product should be beautiful, practical, interesting, unique, should please children, should be bright.

Being fond of needlework, you can create various products. Each hand-made product must be made according to a premeditated plan, for a specific purpose and in a specific color scheme. I need to think in advance what colors I will use.

I need to decide:

1. Which character to choose.

2. How to make this toy.

3. Available materials.

4. Available toy execution operations.

To do this, I need to collect information about the toy.

What should my product be? First of all, beautiful, inexpensive, and it should not take up much space, made from environmentally friendly materials, as children will play with them.

To choose the most interesting idea, I have selected the main criteria that, in my opinion, the product I have made should comply with. After analyzing all the ideas, I will be able to choose the most suitable product for the design work.

Making a toy is not such a difficult thing. Anyone can make them if they want. I decided to make a soft pillow - for knitting

History and modernity

We all had toys in our childhood. And of course, soft toys were especially favorite. Someone had a teddy bear, someone had a bunny, a monkey. Have you thought about the history of soft toys?

The first mention of toys can be found in the books of the ancient world. Toys were also depicted on vessels and frescoes. But the best evidence is the toys themselves, found by archaeologists.

Ancient Egyptian toys date back to the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. These were miniature figures of cats, dogs, cows, tigers, made of wood. Ancient masters portrayed animals with great skill. In ancient Egypt, for the first time, toys with a wire mechanism of movement are found, thanks to which, for example, a crocodile could open its mouth.

Many children's toys were found by archaeologists in Italy during the excavations of Pompeii, which was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79. Among them there were many rattles-rattles. Some were in the form of a small disk on the handle, to which bells were attached, while others were hollow figures of a duck, horse and pig, inside which balls rolled.

In ancient Greece and ancient Rome, rattles and rattles were given to newborns. It was believed that rattles scare away evil spirits. Mothers and nannies put their children to bed, banging rattles on the edge of the cradle.

Many toys depicting a mammoth, a rhinoceros, a bear were found on the territory of Siberia. They were made of mammoth tusk and soft stone for 35-12 thousand years BC. The same toys were found on the territory of modern Ukraine and other regions. The skill of the Stone Age sculptors, who created the figures of a man, a bird, and animals as close as possible to the original, is striking. Found on the territory of Novgorod a large number of wooden toys.
