Rock paper scissors full version play. Rock, paper, scissors (Children's rhyme, game)

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[How to play]
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Rock, paper, scissors and telepathy

Trains were mentioned twice in my last column about finger games. And no wonder - after all, it is on the road that we need entertainment with minimal props. But finger theater, which was described last time - this is for the smallest, for two-year-olds. But a four-year-old, that is, almost an adult, is interested in more serious boy games. Not only to watch and show, but to win!

When my eldest was four, we began to while away the time while traveling on the subway by playing “rock, paper, scissors”. Well, since three figures eventually get boring, we began to look for more difficult options.

However, let's start with the classics. It is believed that the game "rock, scissors, paper" (KNB) was invented in Ancient China, as early as the Ming Dynasty. However, the figures there must have been different, and we do not know anything about it. Our version looks like this. At the expense of "one-two-three" (or "tsu-e-fa", or "chin-gis-khan"), the players wave their hands, and at the last stroke they simultaneously throw out one of the figures on their fingers - or a "stone" (all fingers clenched into a fist), or "scissors" (index and middle forward, the rest into a fist) or "paper" (all fingers extended forward, palm flat).

In this case, each figure beats one of the others - the stone blunts the scissors, the scissors cut the paper, the paper wraps the stone. If the same figures fell out - a draw, the next round. You can play just for the account, or for example for clicks.

But as already mentioned, three figures eventually get boring. Therefore, after playing with my son for a while, I began to remember additional ones - especially since in my childhood they really appeared in some games.

Firstly, sometimes a well was added - almost like a stone, only with a "hole": index and thumb make an "o".

There was also a variant with a well and fire. Fire is made like paper, only the fingers are up and spread out.

Finally, there was a very crazy sentence "stone, scissors, paper, pencil, fire, water and a bottle of lemonade."

Now, years later, I understand what was the main problem with these homemade extensions of the classic KNB, and why these versions did not become mainstream. They were invented by people who proceeded precisely from the idea of ​​​​a variety of figures - but they did not think about mathematics. After all, the classical version is good in symmetry: each figure wins the same number of competitors (one figure) and loses the same number of competitors (one).

Now look what happens if we add "well". This new piece beats two others at once (stone and scissors). In addition, paper acquires double power (covers the well and wraps the stone). At the same time, stone and scissors lose: each of them beats only one piece. Therefore, it is quite easy to increase your chances of winning - you need to show the paper and the well more often.

Obviously, the symmetry of relations in this case is spoiled by the evenness of the figures. Each gets an odd number of relationships, which means that the relationships cannot be equally divided into "wins" and "losses".

Let's try to take five figures by adding fire. By the way, quite often the KNB used not just the count "one-two-three", but some saying with the name of the game. In our case, it turned out like this: "stone, scissors, paper, and a well, and fire". The saying is not bad, the figures are also understandable. But what is the balance of power now?

- The stone blunts the scissors and extinguishes the fire, but sinks in the well and wraps itself in paper (2 wins, 2 losses)
- Paper wraps stone and covers well, but burns in fire and cut with scissors (2 wins, 2 losses)
- Fire melts scissors and burns paper, but is extinguished with a well or a stone (2 wins, 2 losses)
- The well drowns the scissors and stone and extinguishes the fire, but is covered with paper (3 wins, 1 loss)
- Scissors only cut paper, lose to others (1 win, 3 losses)

Here you can see a clear distortion with scissors and with a well. But it can be easily fixed. Who said scissors have to sink in a well? Our scissors will be more abrupt: they stick into the well on the fly and cut its rope! In general, the scissors must beat the well - and in this scenario, the five-piece game becomes symmetrical again.

Rock, paper, scissors is a popular children's hand game known in many countries of the world. Sometimes used as a technique to randomly select a person for some purpose (along with tossing a coin, drawing straws, etc.)

Rules of the game

The players count together aloud "Rock... Scissors... Paper... One... Two... Three" while shaking their fists. At the expense of "Three" they simultaneously show with the help of their hand one of the three signs: stone, scissors or paper. The signs are shown in the picture.

The winner is determined by the following rules:

* Stone beats scissors ("stone dulls or breaks scissors")
* Scissors beat paper ("scissors cut paper")

If the players showed the same sign, then a draw is counted and the game is replayed.

In the classic version, the game is played together, but it is possible to play more participants. At the same time, a draw is counted in a situation where at least one player has shown "stone", at least one player has shown "paper" and at least one player has shown "scissors" at the same time.

The game was invented in China. According to the book Wuzazu (Chinese 五雜組/五雜俎, pinyin Wǔzázǔ) written by Xie Zhàozhì (謝肇淛) during the late Ming Dynasty, late Han Dynasty warlords played a game called shoushilin (shǒushìlìng, 手勢令), which is recognized as equivalent to the modern Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shoushilin can be translated as "hand commands".

There is no mention of using the game in Western Europe prior to direct contact with Asia. Western writers at the end of the 19th century simply refer to it as an Asian game.

Regional varieties

In some regions, this game is called "Bu-Tse-Fa": accordingly, when playing, instead of "one ... two ... three ..." they say "bu ... tse ... fa ...". In some regions, they also say "tsu... e... fa...", "tsu... zi... ko", "chu... wa... chi..." or other three syllables instead of "one... two... three...".

In some countries [source not specified 201 days] [what?] the game is called "Ant - man - elephant": an elephant crushes a person, a person crushes an ant, an ant bites an elephant.

There is a version of the game that includes a well. It is shown as a stone, only the fingers are not tightly clenched, thus forming a "well".

The count goes like this:

Rock Paper Scissors,
And a well, too
One two Three!

Rock Paper Scissors,
And a well, in the yard
One two Three!

The rules are simple - paper beats the well (covers), and the well beats stone and scissors (they sink).

In some regions of Russia, there is a complicated version of this game, which usually does not serve as a method for choosing a person, but is a game in itself. For example, a version where a victory with Rock is worth 1 point, a victory with Paper is 2 points, and a victory with Scissors is 3 points. Then points are counted for several games, or until someone scores 10 points

There is an extended version of the game, where in addition to "stone", "scissors" and "paper" in this game there is an "axe", "lemonade", "screwdriver", "pencil", "fire" and "water". [Source not specified 201 days]

The rules for this version of the game are more complicated:

* ax defeats paper ("cuts paper")
* Paper beats rock ("paper wraps rock")
* Rock beats scissors ("rock breaks scissors")
* Scissors beat lemonade ("scissors pierce a bottle of lemonade")
* Lemonade beats the screwdriver ("the screwdriver rusts in the lemonade")
* Screwdriver defeats fire ("screwdriver does not burn in fire")
* Fire conquers chocolate ("fire melts chocolate")

Water is the most winning and at the same time the most risky move:

* Water defeats chocolate, paper, screwdriver and fire
* Scissors, rock, lemonade and pencil defeat water

The counting (introduction) for this version of the game sounds like this:

Rock Paper Scissors,
And a bottle of lemonade
And a box of chocolates
And a screwdriver - too!
Pencil, fire, water...

Rock Paper Scissors,
Pencil, fire, water,
And a bottle of lemonade
And an iron hand!

Or like this:

"Stone, ass, antelope! Tsu-E-Fa!

In this case, the iron hand replaces the screwdriver, and the chocolate is completely eliminated (fire defeats paper)

This version of the game is more convenient to play when the number of players is five or more (otherwise you have to replay many times).

In fact, the extended versions of the game are much larger. Starting from five elements and even ending with 101!

five elements

7 elements

9 elements

15 elements

25 elements

hefty 101-element layout

References in art

The heroes of the American comedy series "The Big Bang Theory" play a complicated version of this game - "Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock". The rules of the game are described as follows:
“Scissors cut paper. Paper wraps stone. The rock crushes the lizard and the lizard poisons Spock while Spock breaks the scissors, which in turn cuts off the lizard's head, which eats the paper containing the evidence against Spock. Spock vaporizes the stone, and the stone, of course, dulls the scissors. »

According to the theory of probability in the classical version, the probability of winning is 0,(3) (as well as losing and replaying). In the Spock and Lizard buff, the situation changes: the probability of winning is 0.4 (+6%), the probability of losing is 0.4 (+6%), and the replay is 0.2 (-12%). That is, if you use an improved version of the dispute resolution tool, then on average the number of unsuccessful rounds will be less.

In the first chapter of Ian Fleming's novel You Only Live Twice, this game is played by James Bond and the Tiger.

Interesting information

The game is often cited as an example to illustrate the absence of the mathematical property of transitivity (In mathematics binary relation R on a set X is said to be transitive if for any three elements sets a,b,c the fulfillment of the relations aRb and bRc entails the fulfillment of the relation aRc.

Formally, a relation R is transitive if \forall a, b, c \in X,\ a R b \land b R c \Rightarrow a R c.).

Despite the fact that the outcome of the game seems to be random, with certain skills, the outcome of the game can be predicted. After several games, you can recognize certain non-random "patterns" (Stereotype (from other Greek στερεός - solid, spatial and τύπος - "imprint")) in the opponent's behavior. This is also due to the fact that during the second round a person subconsciously shows what could defeat him in the past. So if for the first time the opponent threw out a "stone", then the second time it is advisable to show "scissors": he will most likely choose "paper".

The game hosts world championships with a significant prize fund, which are covered by leading publications. There is an international federation and official rules for the competition.

Scientists have figured out the algorithm for winning in "rock-paper-scissors"

article text

British scientists conducted a study and found that in the popular children's game "Rock, scissors, paper" the most winning option is "scissors", according to The Daily Mail.

The rules of the game popular all over the world are quite simple: "stone" blunts "scissors", "scissors" cuts "paper", and "paper" wraps "stone". The fact is that most often the enemy subconsciously expects the “stone” gesture, therefore he shows “paper”. Using this logic, you can increase your chances of winning and deceive your opponent's expectations by showing "scissors", writes a British newspaper.

Knowledge of this psychological law helped Christie's house win a big deal from Sotheby's house in 2005. A Japanese client couldn't decide which auction she wanted to sell her collection of Impressionist paintings at, so she invited the house representatives to play a game. The management of Christie's house followed the advice of the 11-year-old daughter of the director, who said that everyone expected to see the "stone". This helped win the competition.

Another pattern associated with this game is that during the second round, a person subconsciously shows what could defeat him in the past. So if for the first time the opponent threw out a "stone", then the second time it is advisable to show "scissors": he will most likely choose "paper".

In the United States, there is a national Rock, Paper, Scissors League that periodically holds a nationwide championship. According to the representatives of the league, this is a real sport.

An article about a robot playing rock, paper, scissors...

game association official website

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We continue the section "Needlework" and the subsection "Games" with the article Rock paper scissors: from simple to complex. Where we will consider several variants of this ancient game - from three to 25 pieces. We will also deal with the basics of the winning strategy in this difficult intellectual game.

Rock-paper-scissors: from simple to complex, the game developed, most likely, historically. After all, it is difficult to imagine how at the beginning of the development of the game there were more than 25 combinations, and then they were simplified to three. Although ... Anything can happen 🙂

Be that as it may, the simplest version of the game is rock-paper-scissors.

That is, the game consists of three pieces - stone, scissors and paper.

The essence of the game is as follows: players simultaneously show one of three signs with their hands: stone, scissors or paper. The winner is determined according to the following rules:

  1. Stone defeats scissors ("stone dulls or breaks scissors")
  2. Scissors beat paper ("scissors cut paper")
  3. Paper beats rock ("paper wraps rock")

If the players showed the same sign, then a draw is counted between them and the game is replayed. If there are more than two players, then only those pieces that were drawn play again (for example, 2 stones and one scissors - next time only 2 former stones play).

That's all the tricks, we figured out the simplest option, and move on to the next one.

Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.

The figures that participate in the game: stone, scissors, paper, lizard (lizard), Spock (fairy tale character):

The rules for a more complex version of the game are very simple:

Scissors cut paper. Paper wraps stone. The rock crushes the lizard and the lizard poisons Spock while Spock breaks the scissors, which in turn cuts off the lizard's head, which eats the paper containing the evidence against Spock. Spock vaporizes the stone, and the stone, of course, dulls the scissors.

Deciphering the five-figure game in the form of a table:

If you dig well on the Internet, you can find such an even more complex version of the game of rock-paper-scissors:

As you can see here 15 combinations. This:

  1. Stone
  2. Gun
  3. Lightning
  4. Devil
  5. The Dragon
  6. Air
  7. Paper
  8. Sponge
  9. Tree
  10. Human
  11. Scissors
  12. Fire

By the way, note that the gesture of the lizard from the past, the five-figure version of the game, actually refers to a snake.

There is also a 25-piece variant of rock-paper-scissors. Features several additional figures such as

  • alien
  • cup
  • monkey
  • man
  • woman
  • etc.

Moreover, the figure "man" from the 15-figure variant becomes a woman. And the alien is the sign corresponding to Spock from the five-figure version of the game. The figures "axe" and "paper" differ in the position of the main plane of the palm. Well, plus a few other nuances.

Who wins whom in the 25-figure variant can be seen in this picture (click to enlarge):

Often on forums, etc. you may encounter the question: And why does one or another figure win over another?" It's very simple. To answer this question, you can use the following plate on English language in relation to all 25 figures (click to enlarge):

Or its translation into Russian (our translators did their best):

Gun Dynamite Nuclear bomb Lightning Devil
Aiming at the stone Explodes the stone Incinerates the stone splits the stone Throws a stone
Shoots at the sun Covers the sun with smoke Has the power of the sun The storm is blocking the sun Curses the sun
Shoots flames Starts a fire Starts a powerful fire Starts a fire Breathes fire
Destroys scissors Explodes scissors Incinerates scissors melts scissors Invulnerable to scissors
Splits an ax into plates Blows up an ax Incinerates an ax melts an ax Invulnerable to ax
Shooting a snake Blows up the snake Incinerates the snake Hitting the snake Eating snakes
Shooting at the monkey Blows up the monkey Incinerates the monkey Hitting the monkey Yarit the monkey
Shooting at a woman Blows up a woman Incinerates a woman hitting a woman Seduces a woman
Shoots at a man Blows up a man Incinerates a man hits the man Throws lightning
Aim at the tree Blows up the tree Incinerates the tree Discharges a nuclear bomb Inspires the nuclear bomb
Shooting at a cockroach Blows up a cockroach Dynamite wins Ignites dynamite Inspired by dynamite
Shooting at the wolf Gun wins Gun wins melts the gun Inspires gun
The Dragon Alien Water Cup, Chalice Air
Resting on a rock Evaporates stone Eroding stone Can become a stone Eroding stone
Spots the sun Destroys the sun reflects the sun Focuses the sun Cools the heat of the sun
Breathes fire Lights a fire Extinguishes the fire Breathes out fire Blows out the fire
Invulnerable to scissors Improves scissors Rusting scissors Hides scissors Drains the cup
Invulnerable to ax Improves an ax Rusting scissors Holds water Evaporates water
Spawns snakes Mutates snakes Poisons an alien Decorates the cunning of the alien Strangles an alien
Charring the monkey Evaporates the dragon drowns the dragon Makes the dragon sleepy Freezes the dragon
Commanded by the devil Doesn't believe in the devil Sanctifies the devil bless the devil Strangles the devil
Breathes lightning Shoots lightning Conducts lightning Focuses lightning Creates lightning
Living up to the nuclear bomb Discharges a nuclear bomb Shorts out a nuclear bomb Frames the heart of a nuclear bomb Consumes a nuclear bomb
Brushing teeth with dynamite Discharges dynamite Mochit dynamite splashes dynamite Blows out dynamite
Invulnerable to pistol Enhances the pistol The gun is rusting Splatters the gun Makes the gun dull
Moon Paper Sponge Wolf Cockroach
Shines on the stone Covers the stone Moisturizes the paper chewing paper Nest in paper
Outshines the sun Covers the moon Looks like the moon Howling at the moon Awake with the moon
Has no air Breathes in the air Fills the air with emptiness Breathe in the air Breathe in the air
Has the shape of a goblet Covers the cup cleans the cup Drinking from a goblet Hiding under the goblet
Has no water Floats on the water Adsorbs water drinking water drinking water
home for strangers Proves the absence of aliens Intrigues aliens Chasing an alien Hiding with an alien
Shines on the dragon Reproaches the dragon Cleans the dragon ahead of the dragon Eating dragon eggs
terrifies the devil Reproaches the devil Cleans the devil Biting the devil's tail Makes men the devil
Much higher than lightning Describes lightning Conducts lightning Outruns the lightning Hiding from lightning
Also too far from a nuclear bomb Describes a nuclear bomb Cleans a nuclear bomb Wolf 2 launched a nuclear bomb Survive a nuclear weapon
Suffocates with dynamite Serves as a shell for dynamite Moisturizes dynamite Overtakes dynamite Sleeping in the fur of a wolf
Lightning pistol fight Outlaws the gun Cleans the gun chewing sponge Nests in a sponge
Tree Man Woman Monkey Snake
Creates paper Writes on paper Writes on paper Tearing paper to shreds Nest in paper
Blocks out the moon Travels to the moon Compared to the moon Screams at the moon Awake with the moon
Produces air Breathe in the air Breathe in the air Breathe in the air Breathe in the air
Wood creates a goblet Eating from a bowl Eating from a bowl Rumbles bowl Sleeping in a bowl
drinking water drinking water drinking water drinking water drinking water
Traps an alien ship Unmasks aliens Unmasks aliens Infuriates others bites the monkey
Dragon hideout Slays the dragon humbles the dragon Throwing poop at a woman Biting a woman
Imprisonment for the devil Casts out the devil Seduces a man Throwing poop at a man Bites a man
Attracts lightning Grows a tree Grows a tree Lives on a tree Lives on a tree
cockroach shelter crushes cockroach crushes cockroach eat cockroaches eat cockroaches
Shelter for the wolf Domesticates the wolf Domesticates the wolf Enrages the wolf Bites the wolf
outlive the sponge Washes with a sponge Washes with a sponge Tears sponge to shreds swallows a sponge
Axe Scissors Fire Sun Stone
Plasts paper cutting paper Burns paper shines through paper Creates shade from the sun
reflects the moon reflect the moon Burning like a fire in the moonlight Creates fire clogs the fire
Flying through the air Sweep through the air melts scissors melts scissors Tupit scissors
Chopping the bowl Sharper than an ax Hardens (forges) an ax melts an ax Breaks an ax
Chopping a snake Gets stuck in a snake Burns the snake warms the snake crushes the snake
Cleaves the monkey Sticks into the monkey Burns the monkey Warms the monkey crushes the monkey
Cuts a woman Cuts woman's hair Burns a woman Warms a woman Crushes a woman
Cuts the man Cutting a man's hair Burns a man Warms a man Crushes a man
Chopping a tree Hungry for wood Burns the tree feeds the tree Interferes with tree roots
crushes cockroach Sticks into a cockroach Burns the cockroach Warms a cockroach Flattening a cockroach
Chopping the wolf Cutting wolf fur wolf burn Warms the wolf Crushes the wolf
Crumbles a sponge Cut the sponge melts the sponge Dries the sponge Presses a sponge

As you can see, everything is very logical and simple 🙂

The main thing is to remember the general rule - the figure that can be the cause in relation to others is stronger.

Well, the figure that becomes the consequence is weaker. A little bit of training - and excellent, exciting and intellectual game will entertain you for a long time.

By the way, you may ask: "What is so intellectual about this game?" Good question. At first glance, winning in this game is random. But in fact, there are a number of patterns that allow you to win the game more often than probability theory suggests. The main points of the winning strategy are summarized in the figure:

That is, the basic principle of winning in rock-paper-scissors is careful observation of the opponent.

And than more figures the more carefully the observation should be. Therefore, people who are good at playing rock-paper-scissors are distinguished by well-developed powers of observation, speed of thinking and decision-making - very useful qualities, the development of which is welcome at any age.

And if you remember that fine motor skills fingers- this is one of the main components of the development of thinking in children and adults, then we get an unambiguous conclusion:

The game "rock-paper-scissors" in both simple and complex versions is an excellent simulator for observation, intelligence and ingenuity.

Fast forward to the famous Wild West in the days of cowboys, stagecoaches, bandits and Colts. Yes, the times were interesting then, one might even say amazing and full of adventures, but there were many dangers. And what then mores were - simply horror! How many disputes were resolved in skirmishes and duels, and even in violent fights. But, if you are not afraid to face various difficulties and dangers, then go ahead!

How to play?

Your character is a typical cowboy from the Wild West, accustomed to local realities and laws. Therefore, he will never refuse to accept a duel challenge from other cowboys. The duel is based on the principle of the draw game "Rock, paper, scissors". On the playing field there are three small icons with images of cowboy faces. Here they represent just a rock and scissors with paper. Choose an icon and your cowboy will move towards the enemy. Further actions depend on how much your choice is more successful than the choice of your opponent. In the case of your advantage, your opponent died, and the first point appeared on the account. Now you click again on one of the three icons. The winner is the one with three points. Win all duels and earn points.

Here you can play for free online game"Rock Paper Scissors"
