The development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children. Games for the development of fine motor skills

Games for development fine motor skills hands

Games for the development of fine motor skills contribute to the work of the speech and thought centers of the brain, the development creativity and building perseverance.

Games with jars and boxes

Pick up the lid Prepare several empty jars and containers (from drinking yoghurts, medicines, creams, perfumes, etc.) of different shapes and sizes with lids. Invite the child to open all the jars, and then close again, choosing the right lids. You can give the banks immediately open, then it will be a more difficult task.

Jars and sticksIn empty jars with lids from drinking yogurt, put pencils, counting sticks, ribbons. The kid will open the jars, extract the contents from them, and then try to fill the jars again.

Treasure chestin a chest or Plastic container with a lid, put small trinkets: a keychain, a pebble, a counting stick, a kinder surprise toy, a short ribbon, an elastic band for hair, etc. The kid will be happy to open and close the chest, take it out and look at its contents.

egg containerTake a plastic container from chicken, quail or chocolate (Kinder Surprise) eggs. Invite the baby to distribute capsules from kinder surprises into the cells. To make it more interesting for the baby - you can pour into capsules various cereals.

Rings spunPut on a thin pyramid rod (or on an unsharpened pencil) 2-3 rings. Take the child's hand in yours and, touching the rings with his hand, unwind them. Soon the baby will understand the principle of the game and will act independently.

Rings - wheelsRings can be rolled on the floor like wheels or rolled off an inclined homemade slide-board.

Get in orderRemove all rings from the pyramid. Together with the child, arrange them in descending order: from the largest ring to the smallest.

We collect the pyramidHelp your child take apart and assemble the pyramid. To make the pyramid neat, at the initial stages, tell the child which ring is big, which is smaller, and which is very small.

String onRings from the pyramid can be strung not only on the rod, but also on a cord or rope.

Put on a rodOn the rod from the pyramid, you can string not only rings, but also objects with holes (large balls, curlers, hair bands, etc.)

The cups hidFold one cup into another and place them upside down in front of the child. You can hide a surprise under the lowest cup. Say: "What are we hiding here?" and lift the top largest glass - there will be a smaller glass under it. Ask the child to pick it up too - there is an even smaller glass. Thus, the baby will soon discover a surprise.

Pyramid of cupsYou will need a set of 5-7 cups of different sizes. Cups need to be placed one on top of the other to get a pyramid.

Friend in friend Help your child put one glass into another, following the strict sequence: from large to small.

Who lives in a glassTo play, you will need a set of five cups of different sizes. Pick up small toys that could fit in the cups. Invite the child to distribute the toys in the houses - who lives where?

Who is hiding here?Lay the cups on the table in a row, after hiding a small toy under each cup. The kid will need to lift each cup and, looking under it, find some kind of toy.

Flip the cupsPlace the cups upside down in front of the child and ask him to turn them over to their normal position.

The frame inserts consist of two parts: a frame with a backing and an insert with a pin that is comfortable to hold on to. The child needs to insert the liners into the appropriate holes. Frames - liners can be on different topics: vegetables, fruits, toys, animals, geometric shapes etc.

Jigsaw puzzles are a puzzle picture that must be assembled from separate pieces. Puzzles are wooden, cardboard, foam and plastic. You need to start with simple puzzles consisting of two to four parts, each of which depicts a recognizable part (leg, head, paw, half of a boat, plane, ball, etc.).

abacus games

Sorter is an educational logic game in which you need to sort objects according to a certain attribute - color, shape or size.

Sorters can be made in the form of boards, boxes, drawers, cars, houses, clocks and other game panels. Sorters have recesses or slots of various shapes and sizes into which certain figures are inserted or lowered.

Mosaic games

For young children, a mosaic in the form of three-dimensionalhexagonal honeycombs or in the form "cloves-mushrooms" with round hats.

Track Show your baby an animal toy (for example, a bunny) from a kinder surprise. Offer to lay out a path for the bunny from the mosaic. The track can be monophonic or multi-colored.

Snow or rain Invite your child to depict rain or snow (depending on the time of year on this moment). The kid needs to lay out in random order based on the blue mosaic elements.

Stars in the skyPrepare an animal toy, such as a wolf. And tell the kid that the wolf roams in the forest and it's dark. It is necessary to light the stars in the sky: arrange the yellow details of the mosaic in random order. "In the morning, when the sun rises, the stars can be removed.

Flowers in the meadowInvite your child to plant colorful flowers in a clearing of red, blue, yellow and green mosaic details. And then you can collect flowers with your child.

Mushrooms in the forest Prepare the toys of the bear and the girl Mashenka. They will go to the forest for mushrooms. Invite your child to distribute as many mushrooms as possible throughout the forest. And then let the bear and Masha gather mushrooms.

Feed the hen and chickYou will need chicken and chicken toys (can be cut out of cardboard). Invite the baby to pour yellow grains for them (insert into the base).

Peas for cockerelYou need to feed a toy cockerel with peas. To do this, the green details of the mosaic are inserted into the base board.

Hen and chicksIn the middle of the field-board we lay out the white mosaic detail (hen). The hen calls her chickens: "Chick-chick, my chickens ...". The child should lay out the yellow details of the mosaic near the white "chicken". You can voice the voice of chickens and chickens.

Duck and ducklings Put a small duck toy on the board-field and invite the child to line up small yellow "ducklings" behind the mother - in single file, one after another: "quack-quack-quack."

Games with a constructor

Constructor is a universal educational game. Suitable for kidswooden and plastic constructors,with small details , which are convenient to hold in your hands and impose or connect with each other.

Games with magnets

Games with magnets for children of the second year of life basically boil down to attaching figurines on magnets to different surfaces: refrigerator, magnetic board, metal objects (mug, battery, saucepan, etc.) or each other.

Clothespin games

A one-year-old child has not yet coped with attaching clothespins, but he will be good at removing them from various objects: from a plastic bucket, from a wooden stick, from a book, from cardboard silhouettes (hedgehog, sun, Christmas tree, etc.), from a rope, with fabric, etc.

Games with buttons, checkers and beads

Money box Take a can of coffee or chips, cut a hole in the lid and invite the baby to throw flat buttons or checkers into it.

Checkers - pebbles The kid needs to throw checkers into a coffee jar with a cut hole in the lid, and put the pebbles in a box.

Vitamins in a bottleTake a vial from under the medicine with a fairly wide neck. Invite your child to put vitamins in it. Vitamins can be multi-colored buttons.

Buttons - pencilsTake four jars of different colors (you can use finger paints or coffee pasted over with colored paper), cut round holes in the lids. Show your child that red buttons - pencils should be thrown into a red jar. Blue - in blue, etc.

cells Take candy boxes or a container for making ice. Let the baby lay out the buttons or beads in the cells.

beads in housesTake a sheet of cardboard, randomly apply plasticine of different colors to it in "heaps". These will be houses for beads. Give the child beads and offer to put them in houses. Three beads can live in one house, two in another, and so on.

Apples on an apple treeCut out an apple tree from colored cardboard. Arrange apples (buttons or red checkers) on it. Invite your child to harvest apples in a bowl.

Which hand Hide a bead in one hand, show the baby two hands clenched into a fist and ask: "Where is the bead." If the kid guesses correctly, let him also try to hide the bead in his fist.

Track Stick double-sided tape on the ruler and invite the baby to lay out the track - stick buttons on it. Double-sided tape can be stuck on any items and offer the child to put buttons on them.

Games with laces and ribbons

Knots for memoryTie several shoelaces together and tie knots in each of them. Ask your child to find them all.

beads Take wooden balls with holes and a long cord. Tie a rattle to the end of the string (to prevent the balls from slipping). Invite the child to string the balls on a string.

Track Place two animal toys close to each other and invite the baby to lay a path from the lace between them.

Circle You can lay out a circle from the lace on the table. The circle can be beads, the letter O, a ringlet, a hoop, etc.

Naughty laceTake the string and pass it between the fingers of the child: put it on the big one, pass it from below under the ring finger, from above above the big one, etc.

Our naughty lace
I could tie all my fingers.
Then the child tries to untangle the fingers on his own.

Lacing Offer your baby benefits in which you need to sew on various details with the help of a lace.

Games with sticks and matches

Matches in a boxHave your child put the matches in the box. It is advisable to remove the sulfur head from matches in advance.

Bubble and matchesTake a tall bottle with a small round hole and show your child how to fill it with matches.

magic wandsLay out the counting sticks on the table. Take one stick with your baby and pretend that you are brushing your teeth with them. Then put the sticks on the table and take one more stick. With this stick, “comb your hair” and also put it on the table. Take the next two with your child and draw them, as it were, etc.

Walkway and stick fenceUse counting sticks to help your child lay out a fence or path.

Large and small sticksPrepare five sticks different lengths(you can use colored pencils). Invite your child to lay them out on the table, starting with the smallest stick.

Games with paper and napkins

paper snowballsShow your child how to crumple a sheet of paper (or napkin) to make a snowball.

paper snowflakesInvite your child to tear a sheet of white paper (or a napkin) into small pieces - these will be snowflakes.

secrets Wrap the toy in wrapping paper or foil and invite your child to unwrap the gift.

Bookmarks Take a thick, sturdy book and put a lot of paper bookmarks in it. The kid will be happy to take them out. Then you can invite the baby to lay bookmarks in the book himself.

Magic candiesTake candy wrappers and wrap small toys in them. The kid will need to unfold the candy wrappers and get surprises out of them.

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The advantage of the games below, for the development of fine motor skills in children, is that they do not require any special toys, manuals, etc. The games use improvised materials that are in any home: clothespins, buttons, beads, cereals, etc.

Games with household items

Take a bright tray.

Scatter any small cereal on a tray in a thin even layer. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves), letters, etc.

A container or bowl filled with some kind of uniform filler (water, sand, various cereals, any small items)

The child puts his hands there and, as it were, mixes the contents. Then he is offered a container with a different filler texture. After several tests, the child, with his eyes closed, lowers his hand into the proposed vessel and tries to guess its contents, without feeling its individual elements with his fingers.

Pick up buttons different color and size.

First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the baby to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hairbrush.

Let him roll it between his palms, saying:

"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree
Very sharp needles.
But even stronger than spruce,
The juniper will prick you."

Get a sink rack (usually it consists of many cells).

The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. You can “walk” alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, saying:

"We wandered in the zoo,
Each cell was approached
And they looked at everyone:
Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling.

Its surface, as you remember, looks like a honeycomb. The kid with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly over honeycombs
And they enter each one with a check: what is there?
Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,
To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan.

The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, saying:

"Knead, knead the dough,
There is room in the oven.
Will-will be from the oven
Buns and rolls."

Pour dry peas into a mug .

For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

Pour the peas on a saucer.

The child takes a pea with his thumb and forefinger and holds it with his other fingers (as when picking berries), then he takes the next pea, then another and another - this way he picks up a whole handful. You can do this with one or two hands.

Two plugs from plastic bottles put on the table with the thread up.

This is skiing. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on "skis", taking a step for each stressed syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,
We love the fun of the cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

The child collects matchesor counting sticks

with the same fingertips different hands: two indexes, two middles, etc.

We build a "log house" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

Clothespin (check with your fingers that it is not too tight)

alternately "bite" the nail phalanges (from the index to the little finger and back) on the stressed syllables of the verse:

"A silly kitten bites hard,
He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)
But I'm playing with you baby
And if you bite, I'll tell you: "Shoo!".

We take the rope (thick as the little finger of a child) and tie 12 knots on it.

The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins.

For each stressed syllable, he hooks a clothespin to the rope:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly
I'm on my mother's rope."

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag)

so that it all fits in the cam.

Child rolls a walnut between the palms and says:

"I roll my nut,
To become rounder than everyone."

The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Recognition of figures, numbers or letters, "written" on the right and left hand.

Identification of an object, letters, numbers by touch alternately with the right and left hand. A more complicated option - the child feels the proposed object with one hand, and sketches it with the other hand (with open eyes).

Plasticine molding of geometric shapes, letters, numbers.

For children school age modeling not only printed, but also capital letters. Then the recognition of the stuck together letters with closed eyes.

Starting position - sitting on your knees and on your heels.

The arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are turned forward.

The thumb is opposed to the rest.

At the same time, with both hands, two slaps are made with each finger on the thumb, starting from the second to the fifth and back.

rubber band

For this exercise, you can use an elastic band for hair with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters.

All fingers are inserted into the elastic.

The task is to move the elastic band 360%, first in one direction and then in the other direction, with the movements of all fingers.

It is performed first with one, then with the other handle.

Pencil rolling

between the fingers from the thumb to the little finger and back alternately with each hand.

Multicolored snowflakes (from 4 years old)

The game is aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands, the formation of accuracy.

Materials: felt-tip pens, white paper, scissors.

The host shows how to make snowflakes from sheets of paper by cutting through them.

After the children make many different snowflakes, he says that the snowflakes turned out to be different, but the same color.

Then friends-felt-tip pens came and gave the snowflakes multi-colored dresses.

The host asks the children to color the snowflakes.

Because snowflakes are openwork, it is necessary that the paper be stronger. Painting movements affect the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Repeat the move
An adult, sitting opposite the child, makes some "figure" with the fingers of his hand (some fingers are bent, some are straightened - any combination).

The child must bring the fingers of his hand to exactly the same position - repeat the "figure".

The task here is complicated by the fact that he still needs to mirror it (after all, an adult is sitting opposite).

If this task causes difficulties for the child, then you can first practice by doing the exercise while sitting next to, and not in front of the child. So it will be easier for him to copy the position of the fingers.

drawing games
If a child has poorly developed fine motor skills and it is difficult for him to learn to write, then you can play games with drawing.

Let's say, race around squares or circles, or move along a maze drawn in advance.

The most interesting thing is when the child draws a maze for the parent, and the parent draws for the child.

And everyone tries to draw more intricately.

Now on sale there are many different stencils of various geometric shapes, animals, but, in principle, they are easy to make by yourself.

We bring to your attention children's games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands in children of early and preschool age using items and materials that are within walking distance. This will not only save the family budget, but also spend more time with the child.

Games for kids 0+

Massage of the hand and fingers. For greater effect, massage with nursery rhymes, for example, "Magpie Crow";

Let the child feel objects with different textures, different sizes and temperatures: pieces of ice, a walnut, a prickly rubber ball, a warm metal bowl, fur hat etc). To stimulate tactile sensations, do.

Homemade photo frames with materials of various textures are an excellent tool for massaging children's hands.

Tie different pieces of fabric, ribbons, pompoms, etc. to the hoop. The game causes a grasping reflex and encourages the baby to be active in the prone position. These movements strengthen the muscles of the hands and fingers and contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Suggest stringing large pasta onto straws/skewers.


Teach your child to make balls and sausages from plasticine, and then flatten them with your finger, show that you can draw on plasticine with a toothpick or special tools.

Play finger games or finger theater, for example, based on the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood (print template).

Place small toys or any small objects in a basin of water, offer to catch them with your hands, a spoon or a strainer.

Games for kids 4+

Using a thread and a needle, make beads from mountain ash, small pasta, foil balls or real beads. Pasta can be pre-colored.

To develop fine motor skills, practice winding yarn into a ball or winding thread on a spool.

Do-it-yourself lacing (patterns): cut out the contours of any object (cars, clouds, apples) from cardboard, make holes along the contour with a hole punch, tie a bright thick thread to the ear stick and show what needs to be done. Surprisingly, such homemade lacing is of interest to children many times more than store-bought counterparts.

Think over the menu in such a way as to involve the child in cooking as much as possible: let him whisk with a whisk, peel boiled eggs, cut a banana, etc.

Practice tying bows, different types of knots, weaving pigtails and lacing shoes.

Helps develop fine motor skills:

Games with all kinds of tweezers. For example, you need to arrange the beads on a soap holder with tweezers.
Pipette games. We offer a game with Lego blocks. The challenge for the children is to fill each hole with as much water as possible without spilling a drop.

Applying small stickers.

Working with scissors. Play hairdresser.

Modeling. See ideas for classes.

Games with rubber bands (for weaving bracelets). How to make a developing game "Math tablet", see.

Puzzles. You yourself can make simple and photographs.

Mosaic. Especially, kids will love doing

Screwing on lids. For example, you need to pick up lids for jars.

Lego and other designers with small details.

All kinds of transfusion of liquids and pouring of bulk materials from one container to another.

Creative activity using a figured hole punch (in, in).

Trainers for the development of fine motor skills

Educational game "We develop basic skills" (c, c).

The board "Developing basic skills" is both a puzzle and a frame with fasteners. It will help your baby learn how to fasten buttons, belts, zippers, lace up shoes. In addition, during the game, the motor skills of the pens and logical thinking develop.

Book-simulator "I dress myself" (in, in, in).

The book-simulator "I dress myself" will help the child develop fine motor skills, speech skills and independence. Your baby will learn: tie shoelaces, fasten zippers, buttons, Velcro and buckles.

Book-simulator "I dress myself" (in, in, in).

Set of 6 trainers (for )

With the help of simulators, the child will learn how to lace up, unfasten and fasten buttons, rivets, zippers, buckles, and practice tying bows.

Fine Motor Books

We offer a selection of useful and exciting books for children that will help develop the skills necessary to master the letter. (Click on image for details).

Workbooks for the development of fine motor skills

Publishing house "I can":

Publishing house "Prof-Press":

Publishing house "Clever Media Group":

Albums on the development of fine motor skills
Recipes for kids

More ideas for games for the development of fine motor skills can be seen in!

Do not forget that in addition to exercises for the development of the muscles of the hand, it is important to regularly train the muscles of the forearms and shoulders, because the same letter is a monotonous process in which the whole hand is involved, and not just the fingers, and a trained child will find it easier to write for a long time at school. Therefore, do not forget about active walks, ball games, banal exercises, and exercises in the pool.

Sort the finds by color. In those colors that could not be found on the street, they put toys.

Photo sent by Kirill (2 years old) and mother Ekaterina

Photo sent by Lina

The game "Who eats what." We feed the animals

We play with rubber bands. Composition Christmas tree

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

We play with jelly mass, we pick out toys from the jelly sea.

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

playing with sensory box Zimushka-winter. Building a bear den and a chanterelle den

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Beat the foam with a whisk, collect the foam in a bucket with a sponge

Photo sent by Vera (2 years old) and mother Ksenia

Playing with frame insert

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

Learning sounds

Photo sent by Mikhail (1 year 1 month) and mother Natalia

We thread chenille wire in a sieve, a kind of embroidery is obtained

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We stick stickers, at the same time we repeat the letters

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We make a forest for a bunny. Learning to stick leaves into plasticine without breaking them

Photo sent by Kiryushka (1 year 3 months) and mother Ekaterina

We remove the balls from the Christmas tree, sort by color

Photo sent by David (1 year 5 months) and mother Angela

The game "Find a couple of buttons"

The game "Who has a tail"

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

playing with salt dough, feed toys

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Arranging matches in colored boxes

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Unwrap candy and sort by color

Photo sent by David (1 year 6 months) and mother Angela

Change of seasons. We cut paper with scissors, color the crown of apple trees and a Christmas tree, glue snowflakes, roll apples from plasticine and glue, sculpt snowmen from plasticine.

Guess whose track. Playing with kinetic sand

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Designer games. Inventing different animals

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

We repeat the count. Playing the game "Bag of Apples"

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

Arrange items in cells. You can lay out cones, chestnuts, acorns, nuts, pebbles, balls. Ice molds, plastic bottle caps, a palette, egg trays are suitable as cells.

Learning to push objects. You can push anything: cocktail tubes, counting sticks, clipped cotton buds, caps from felt-tip pens

Photo sent by Sasha (1 year old) and mother Tatyana

Photo sent by Sasha (1 year old) and mother Tatyana

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Playing with frame insert

Playing outdoors using natural material. We make letters and numbers from sticks

We take out small toys with a spoon from a bowl of water and put them in another bowl

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Salt dough games. We leave prints with different objects

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Clothespin games. We make needles for a Christmas tree and a hedgehog

Photo sent by Denis Ivantsov (1 year 3 months) and mother Lyudmila Shadrina

Dice games "Fold the Pattern"

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1-2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

funny lacing

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 6 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

We feed the bear semolina through a hole in the stomach with a spoon

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Playing with clothespins

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We write letters and numbers on the semolina. From below, we highlight the dishes with a garland

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We string beads on chenille wire and get beads for a doll

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We catch the mosaic from the water with a strainer

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We shift the ice cream (colored ice) with a spoon

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We go through a simple maze - we connect the penguins with a line

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Spoon the ice cream balls made from the dough

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We connect the same balls with lines

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We arrange a tea party

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We put small rubber bands on the rod

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

We construct from geometric shapes

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 5 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 3 months) and mother Alena

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 2 months) and mother Alena

Game with Gyenesh blocks according to the schemes

Memory grid using animal figurines

Photo sent by Kolya (2 years 1 month) and mother Alena

Learning to fish. magnetic fishing

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Draw letters and numbers with arrows

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Sticking and peeling reusable stickers

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Making pictures from ice cream sticks

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

We make compositions from geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Feeding piggy bank buttons

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Learn colors and shapes by matching toy egg halves

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

We open the lids on the jars and try to pick up and close the lids

Photo sent by Dashenka (1 year 8 months) and mother Irina Cheshuina

Game "Planting a garden"

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Test games. Pressing the molds into the dough

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We hammer colored carnations and thus decorate a paper Christmas tree

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

We cut a banana. First experience with a knife under supervision

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Mosaic games: laying out a color sequence

Photo sent by Masha (3 years old) and mother Ekaterina Dzyuba

Homemade balls from soft tissue with thin rubber bands(7 colors of the rainbow + white): we study colors, the concepts of "up-down", "left-right"

Photo sent by Bogdan (11 months old) and mother Irina

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (2 years old) and mother Marina Furzikova

The game "Feed the cockerel"

Game Find Mom. We select chicken testicles by color

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 9 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: We put pasta, matches and everything that can be put into the holes of a colander

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: peel the onion from the husk

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Game: put nuts in a bottle

Photo sent by Romik (1 year 4 months) and mother Anastasia Temnykh

nativity scene

Photo sent by Daniil Moskvin (1 year 8 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Ice game "Free the animals from the ice captivity." We pour salt on ice, pour water from a mug, grab the figures with tongs and put them on a plate.

Photo sent by Alisochka (3.5 years old) and mother Irina

The big one eats a lot, the little one eats little.

Close-open, select by color and shape.

Game options for an older age: 1. Orientation on a plane - "Make a toy 2 steps forward, 3 to the left, where was the toy?"

2. Game for the development of attention and memory. “Hide the flower in the second row from the top under the third lid”, “Remember who hid under the green triangle, under the red circle ...”

Photo sent by David (1 year 4 months) and mother Angela

Sensory box "Autumn"

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 2 months) and mother Azniva

Sensory box "Africa"

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 1 month) and mother Azniva

(board with locks, latches, switches, wheels, etc.)

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years old) and mother Azniva

We use cups, funnels, bottles.

Photo sent by Ruslana (1 year 10 months) and mother Azniva

Game: Feed the pussy beans

Photo sent by Ruslana (1 year 7 months) and mother Azniva

Playing with Montessori frame inserts

Photo sent by Ruslana (2 years 1 month) and mother Azniva

Game "Save the penguins". The penguins were swept away by a snowstorm, we need to help them. Learning to work with a pear. Soda container. Added to water lemon acid and gouache for color.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 11 months) and mother Marina

Mosaic from sponge napkins. Repetition of shapes and colors. Design. We play in the bathroom.

Photo sent by Egor (1 year 10 months) and mother Marina

First color sorter. We push the details of the mosaic into the holes made in the porridge box.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 6 months) and mother Marina

The game "Edible - inedible." Using cards from the loto, we will feed the hippo, but only so that his tummy does not get sick.

Game "Big wash". The kid needs to sort out the socks in pairs. After that, using clothespins, hang to dry on a cord (the cord can be tied between the legs of the children's table and high chairs)

Photo sent by Yegorka (1 year 9 months) and mother Marina

Game: Homemade geometric frame insert. Inserts are Gyenes blocks and cardboard parts.

Photo sent by Yegorka (1.5 years old) and mother Marina

Game: Boring geometric lotto. First, mom needs to wrap the figures from the loto in foil. The kid will be interested in what is inside, and the game will be much more fun than the usual loto.

Photo sent by Egor (2 years old) and mother Marina

Game with stamps: put prints, open, close.

Game: Homemade piggy bank. We feed the pig with buttons.

Photo sent by Romik (1 year 3 months) and mother Anastasia Temnykh

Game: Tactile cards

Photo sent by Danil (1 year 2 months) and mother Marina Furzikova

Game: Homemade geometric lotto with magnets

Game: Homemade pig sorter.

Photo sent by Danil (1 year 1 month) and mother Marina Furzikova

Game: Feed winnie the pooh and Piglet. We sort the nuts by size: all are large for Winnie, and Piglet those that are smaller.

Photo sent by Kiryushka (1 year 2 months) and mother Ekaterina

Game: Harvest.

Photo sent by Alisa (3 years 5 months) and mother Irina

The development of fine motor skills of the hands affects the intelligence of the baby, his memory, attention and thinking. Therefore, every mother strives to start exercising with the baby as early as possible. Many parents think that only specialists in development centers can conduct such classes. Of course, you can take the baby to classes in groups, but it’s easy to study at home, having developed a system and lesson plan that will be of interest to the child at an early and preschool age and are aimed at developing physical activity.

What is fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are coordinated actions of the hands and fingers that are performed in conjunction with the nervous, bone, visual and muscular systems. In other words, this is the ability to manipulate small objects, in which only the small muscles of the body are involved.

Do not confuse the concepts of fine and gross motor skills, sensory. They are interconnected, develop in the child's body in parallel, but differ from each other:

  • gross motor skills are the movements of the large muscles of the body, the basis physical development child: walking, jumping, turning the body, running and other active actions;
  • sensorics- this is the perception of the surrounding world through sensations (tactile, visual, gustatory, auditory), thanks to which the child develops skills and preferences, he has an idea about various objects, phenomena and actions.

The mind of a child is at his fingertips.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky, teacher

This is not just a phrase, but a scientifically proven fact. It is located at the fingertips great amount nerve endings, through which impulses are fed to the brain, where information is processed, is supplemented by data from various receptors: visual, auditory, olfactory. And only then the child perceives the whole picture, object or action. Teachers, together with famous scientists, have proved that by developing fine motor skills, the baby learns to speak, write, and think logically faster. Therefore, it is recommended to deal with it from an early age.

Fine motor skills for the development of speech and other skills

  1. The ability to control hands is the basis for mastering the skills that a child needs in everyday life.
  2. Fine motor skills are needed for the development of the most important mental processes: memory, perception of the world around us, thinking, logic, attention and speech.
  3. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.

Fine motor skills begin to develop from birth: first, the baby examines his hands, then learns to squeeze and unclench his fingers, control them in order to grab a toy or a nearby object. As he grows older, he understands how to hold a brush or pencil correctly, learns to draw, and closer to 6-7 years old he tries to write. Of course, the child will be able to study some points on his own, because all children are inquisitive and show interest in unfamiliar objects. However, scientists and educators insist that parents engage with them through special toys and tasks, perform exercises that help improve fine motor skills of the hands.

The development of intellectual and thought processes begins with the development of the movement of the arms, fingers and hands - this is a fact proven by scientists. Therefore, in order for the child's brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. In addition, the rest of life will require coordinated movements necessary for drawing, writing and performing many other activities.

The lack of development of fine motor skills can lead to such consequences for the baby:

  • lack of interest in drawing, modeling and other activities;
  • difficulties with adaptation to the educational process at school: the child perceives worse new material, does not read well, so the pace of learning seems to him too fast and difficult;
  • insufficient development of creative abilities, thinking and attention;
  • inability to draw a straight line evenly, to remember and write numbers or letters correctly;
  • if you ask him to draw a picture, in most cases he cannot correctly place objects on the sheet space, he lacks imagination, there is no variety of colors and a clear plot;
  • such children begin to speak later, many have speech defects that are difficult to correct even during classes with specialists.

What affects fine motor skills - video

Ways to develop fine motor skills relevant for children of different ages

In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is imperative to deal with him from birth, I improve fine motor skills of the hands. Today, there are many authoring techniques that develop toys and activities that are carried out in a playful way and help to learn new information through tactile sensations. Depending on the age and preferences of the baby, you can offer him:

  • massage of the hands and fingers;
  • games with cereals, beads, buttons, pebbles;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • graphic exercises, hatching;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • collection of constructors and mosaics;
  • drawing and coloring;
  • cutting with scissors;
  • paper work, origami folding, appliqué;
  • rope games, lacing.

The importance of developing fine motor skills from an early age

The development of fine motor skills in children up to a year

Mom and dad can help their baby develop from birth. For children of the first year of life, such activities are suitable:

  • massage of arms and legs;
  • Finger paint.

Hand massage and massagers

Children up to a year are very useful massage of hands, fingers and legs. Parents can do it at any time of the day with no time limits. The main rule: the baby should like the exercises. If the baby feels discomfort, begins to act up and remove the arms or legs, it is better to postpone classes for a while.

  1. Gently sip the baby's fingers: the exercise should be slow and gentle, no sudden movements. Then each finger needs to be stroked. These actions can be carried out with children from two months and older.
  2. Do circular motions fingers one way, then the other. The exercise is done with each finger separately.
  3. From 5 months, you can easily massage each finger of the child, then the palm and smoothly move to the hand. In addition to the development of fine motor skills, there is a general strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs of the baby.
  4. At 8 months, it's time to connect more active exercises: tap your finger on the baby's palm, lightly press, bend and unbend your fingers. These actions can be done simultaneously with the pronunciation of the rhymes "Forty-white-sided", "There was a horned goat." The same is repeated with the legs of the crumbs.

It is very useful to use special simulators or massagers. They come in the form of a soft ball with an uneven surface, a roller or a ring that is worn on the finger. And you can use improvised materials: roll a walnut in your hands, sew bags from natural fabrics and pour them into different cereals. Give them periodically to the child in the hands - this is an excellent massage and stimulation of nerve endings.

You can perform exercises with a massager in different ways by rolling it:

  • on the table;
  • between palms;
  • from fingertips to elbow;
  • on the back of the hand.

The main thing to remember is that you need to deal with both upper limbs in turn. Some parents mistakenly believe that if they only pay attention to the right, their child will not be left-handed. This is an incorrect statement. For the harmonious development of the crumbs, two hands should be developed equally.

Exercise machines and massagers for the development of fine motor skills of hands - photo gallery

A walnut can be used to massage the hands. A ball-shaped hand massager. This finger trainer can be used when the child has learned to sit. Massagers can be different kind and forms

Finger paint

Children love to draw. You should not think that it is impossible to accustom them to creativity before 1–1.5 years, when they can take a brush or pencil from their hands. Today, finger paints made from natural ingredients and safe even if swallowed are very popular. Hand drawing is an ideal option for developing fine motor skills in children. infancy. The child not only feels all movements with his fingers, but also perceives the colors of paints, learns to recognize them. In this case, sensory thinking also develops.

We draw with finger paints - video

Topical methods for the development of motor skills in children from 1 to 2 years

At one year old, the child sits confidently, and perhaps already walks. Now he is more interested in educational toys, books and other objects around him. At this age, sensory perception is important for him, so you can connect the following activities:

  • finger games, hand and hand massage;
  • finger paints, gouache painting with a brush (children begin to paint with watercolors from the age of three);
  • modeling: it is still difficult for small children to sculpt from plasticine, therefore the best option- dough;
  • sorters and pyramids, soft puzzles - all this remarkably develops fine motor skills;
  • bodyboards, games with lids - here the interest of the child and the scope of the imagination of the parents are important.

Toys and activities for young children - photo gallery

Modeling dough is softer than plasticine, so it is more suitable for children aged 1-2 years. With the help of a pyramid, you can work out coordination of movements. The sorter develops fine motor skills perfectly. With plastic covers, you can come up with a wide variety of games.

Educational games for children 1–2 years old - video

Tasks for kids 2-3 years old

At 2–3 years old, a child learns and masters skills very quickly. Children can already explain what they want to do, what they are interested in at the moment. At this age, the development of fine motor skills contributes primarily to the development of speech. The kid pronounces more and more new words every day, learns to perceive and copy sounds, begins to speak in whole sentences, so it is extremely important to deal with him during this period. Classes do not radically differ from those that the baby was fond of in 1-2 years. But they can be complicated and new ones added:

  • stringing: invite the child to collect beautiful beads for mom, or distribute figures of the same color on a string;
  • lacing games are very popular with children of this age;
  • building a tower: the baby learns to coordinate movements, distributes the cubes evenly so that they do not fall;
  • modeling plasticine crafts: this modeling material is more complex than dough, and the child needs to make more effort to work with it;
  • classes with cereals: invite the baby to choose one cereal from the container and leave another in it;
  • games with water: a child from a container with a spoon or net catches various objects.

Games with cereals, water, plasticine, cubes and other activities for children 2–3 years old - photo gallery

Building with cubes develops coordination of movements The kid is interested in correctly lacing up a model of a boot or fastening buttons on a doll’s coat Stringing develops logic and patience Modeling from plasticine is a more difficult task than modeling from dough Water games captivate children of different ages

Games for the development of fine motor skills for children 2-3 years old - video

Development of fine motor skills with children of kindergarten age (4-5 years)

At 4-5 years old, the child prefers to perform many tasks only on his own. He is interested in how the development board works, why the wheels are spinning and much more. Curiosity and craving for new knowledge only contribute to the harmonious development of the individual. The kid already has a good command of the brush and pencil, so the main tasks are aimed at preparing the hand for writing. Many parents think it's early for this age. Do not be confused, at 4 years old no one forces the baby to write whole words or letters if he does not show interest. To the exercises and activities described above, it is worth connecting new ones:

  • sand play, or sand therapy, as psychologists often call these exercises: let the child run his fingers along the sand, drawing pictures or objects;
  • working with scissors: first, the child learns to cut out even stripes, then geometric shapes;
  • application: the kid will learn how to create compositions on a paper plane, work with glue and a napkin;
  • drawing, coloring small details, shading - these skills prepare the baby's hand for writing.

Drawing, applique, hatching and other activities for a child 4–5 years old - photo gallery

At the age of 4-5 years, get special children's scissors with round edges. Applications will teach the child to be neat. Sand games are soothing to the child and are very useful for developing motor skills.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills in children 4-5 years old

Fine motor skills for preschoolers 6-7 years old

At 6–7 years old, the child goes to school, so he must be mentally and intellectually prepared for a new stage in his life. Lessons provide discipline, quick capture and understanding of new material, the ability to memorize and repeat tasks well. At this age, all exercises are aimed at developing speech and writing, reading skills. That is why parents should pay special attention to improving fine motor skills. Insufficient development in this area leads in most cases to learning problems: the child cannot write or does it very slowly, his creative skills, imagination and thinking are poorly developed.

The following activities will help prepare your child for school:

  • physical exercises: finger gymnastics, hand massagers, finger games, finger theater;
  • mosaic: small parts that need to be assembled correctly according to the instructions - great way development of small fingers;
  • constructor: at this age, the large cubes familiar to the baby are replaced with smaller parts, with the help of which not only fine motor skills develop, but also imagination;
  • copybook: you can circle not only letters or numbers, but also different figures which may be of interest to the child.

Motor skills classes for preschoolers - photo gallery

Collecting a mosaic according to the model will help improve the fine motor skills of the preschooler's hands Constructors from small parts are very captivating for preschoolers Finger theater helps strengthen the muscles of the hand and fingers

On the importance of developing fine motor skills in preschool children - video

How to develop fine motor skills in left-handed children and toddlers and visual impairment

Studies conducted by scientists have shown that many left-handed children have problems with the development of speech, writing and reading, so it is very important to do exercises with them to develop fine motor skills. Parents of a child who actively uses his left hand, and not his right, during classes, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

  1. The light source during the exercise should be on the right side.
  2. Left-handed children do not visually perceive the space that is to their left, so all objects must be placed to the right.
  3. Classes should be held with breaks. For a left-handed child, this is important, he needs more rest, so try to plan your exercises so that you have a break every 20 minutes.
  4. While writing, the child often pushes the left shoulder forward - this is the norm for children who hold the pen in their left hand, you should not specifically change his position.
  5. The main thing is not to focus on the fact that the baby is somehow different from other children. He should feel the support of parents and teachers.

Today, preschoolers are often diagnosed with visual problems. There can be many reasons why a child does not see well, but such children should develop on a par with their peers. Very often they cannot perform actions with their hands, they do not understand what to do. That is why they need to develop fine motor skills from an early age. However, it is better to start exercises from the age of two: the baby will already understand what you want from him, and will not be afraid.

  1. Mandatory massage and finger gymnastics: tapping, stroking, playing with massagers - all this should be in the training program.
  2. All classes are aimed at learning information through tactile sensations, so the child is offered objects from different materials, different forms, which he touches, remembers and tries to describe his feelings.
  3. Visually impaired children learn to read in relief-dot cipher, so parents prepare the baby for the perception and understanding of this form: you can use foil on which lines, waves, dots and other shapes are drawn. He circles the raised drawings with his fingers, trying to understand and remember them.
  4. At an older age, a child can draw figures or drawings himself, and then read them by touch, as it were.

Do not think that if the child has poor vision or there is a delay speech development, then classes with him do not make sense. In most cases, regular fine motor development exercises help the baby catch up with their peers and adapt to new information for him.

Diagnosis of the level of development of fine motor skills in children at different ages

Every day the child grows and develops. At a certain age, he should be able to perform various tasks. In order to assess the success of the baby, diagnostics are carried out. First of all, they look at how fine motor skills are developed in him. There are special tasks, as they are completed, the teacher or psychologist determines the level of hand motor skills. For each age, the complexity of such exercises is different. As a rule, children are diagnosed from the age of three.

  1. Exercises for 3-4 years.
    1. Collect the coins in the box. The kid is offered a small box and around it twenty coins are laid out in a chaotic manner. On a signal, he must collect all of them in a box as quickly as possible. The task must be completed first with one hand, then with the other. Normally, a child adds up all the pennies with an active hand in 15 seconds, with the other in 20 seconds.
    2. We draw in the air. The child must draw circles in the air of approximately the same size with his fingers for ten seconds, while the hands move one clockwise, the other counterclockwise. If the baby rotates his fingers in one direction, or the circles are very different in size, the task is considered failed.
    3. Draw a circle, horizontal and vertical lines on paper.
    4. Lacing and buttoning exercises: the child must lace up the mock boot, unbutton and fasten the buttons.
  2. Exercises for 4-5 years.
    1. Ringlet. We need to connect the index and thumb in the form of a circle, and raise the rest up. The child is asked to hold the fingers in this position for 10 seconds.
    2. They check how the child can draw straight, curved lines, waves.
    3. Cutting with scissors: the child should be able to cut simple geometric shapes along the contour.
    4. Fold the sheet in half: the baby should fold a sheet of A4 paper as evenly as possible.
  3. Exercises for 5-7 years.
    1. Draw straight, broken, wavy lines. Draw a person.
    2. On each hand, alternately extend the index finger and little finger at the same time, hold them in this position for five seconds.
    3. Cut out a circle from the square.
    4. Ask the child how to salt the soup, so that the baby slowly rubs the pieces of salt between his fingers.

If, as a result of the diagnosis, a lag in the development of motor activity of the hands is found, you should not leave this information unattended: you need to select tasks and work hard with the child for the development of fingers.

Card file of exercises and games for the development of fine motor skills of hands

The development of fine motor skills is best done in a playful way. So the child will be interested in the process, and the time spent in class will increase significantly. Many parents ask a completely logical question: how to choose the necessary and most effective ones from so many existing exercises and tasks. The answer is simple: it all depends on the interests of the child. Some children prefer building blocks, others drawing, so parents can make a list of activities and exercises depending on the child's preferences.

Finger gymnastics, self-massage and pencil exercises

For children from a very young age and preschoolers, finger gymnastics and self-massage are important. There are about one thousand biological points on the palms that regulate the work of human organs. Gymnastics for fingers is carried out simultaneously with rhymes that are so interesting to children.

Finger gymnastics on the table:

  • free patting with brushes on the table alternately and simultaneously;
  • free tapping with fingers on the table with both hands and alternately;
  • alternately raising and lowering the fingers (the hands lie on the table) of the right and left hands, then both at the same time;
  • imitation of playing the piano.

Exercises for finger gymnastics, self-massage and exercises with a pencil and ball - photo gallery

Exercises for finger gymnastics№1 Finger gymnastics exercises №2 Finger gymnastics exercises

Self-massage of fingers and hands - video

finger games

Between classes, preschoolers play finger games. They are accompanied by verses and proverbs that the child easily remembers and can play with his fingers on his own at any time. Such breaks provide an opportunity to relax and stretch your arms, and then proceed to perform new tasks.

Finger games help:

  • develop speech skills and improve them during the game;
  • learn to listen to the teacher or parents and repeat after them;
  • stimulate the development of creative abilities, because the child represents his hands in the form of animals, plants or certain natural phenomena;
  • to train dexterity and flexibility of hands;
  • concentrate attention;
  • train memory (the child remembers rhymes and finger actions during their pronunciation);
  • establish contact between children and adults.

There are many videos on the Internet with examples of finger games. But, in addition, you can buy books with a description of actions, cards with rhymes and explanations in stores for children.

Rhymes and finger games - photo gallery

Finger game "Swan" Finger game "Snail" Set of cards "Playing, learn!" The book "Finger games"

Playing with fingers - video

Development of motor skills with the help of sensory pouches, business board, sorters, lacing, Lego bricks, finger theater and others

Lessons with developing toys are very useful for fine motor skills. For children from one to three years old, bodyboards are interesting, which are soft and hard, in the form of a board. With their help, the child develops thinking, logic, mindfulness, intelligence, remembers colors, learns letters and numbers, objects and different animals.

Young children perceive information not only visually, but also through tactile sensations. Parents can offer them sensory pouches filled with various materials . It can be cereals, small or large items, toys, balls, designer parts.

Today, many children prefer games with a designer, lacing or sorters. They are interesting not only for kids, because here you can use your imagination and have fun. IN early age offer the child a sorter: let him try to pick up shapes that fit the holes. Then interest him in the designer, the details of which, as they grow older, will become less and less, and the tasks will become more difficult.

Many toys can be made by hand, for example, a business board, soft book, sensory pouches, lacing, sorter, and filling with details, depending on the preferences and interests of the baby. But it’s better to buy a ready-made designer in a store, you won’t be able to make it at home.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills - photo gallery

A soft business board in the form of a book is designed for the smallest children A large development board is interesting for children of all ages Transparent bags for the development of fine motor skills Developing bags for the development of fine motor skills are easy to make with your own hands Unusual sensory bags in the form of birds Learn to string objects on a rope Develop fine motor skills with lacing

Examples of finger theater - video

Special games with cereals, clothespins, rubber bands, mats, winder, finger tracks

In addition to classic business boards, laces, pyramids, sorters and other toys, there are many other options for playing with children.
