Harmful shampoo ingredients. The composition of a good hair shampoo - the main aspects of the right choice

Modern shampoo with a complex set of ingredients is a relatively recent invention. A few centuries ago, people washed their hair with ordinary ash, and rinsed it with herbal decoctions. From today's abundance cosmetics eyes run up: moisturizing, firming, preserving color, with vitamins and minerals, with amino acids and silk molecules (silver, pearls). Even a master stylist or trichologist will not immediately select the best option. We will analyze the components in the composition of hair shampoo and consider the functional purpose of each substance.

Main cast. These components are required and are included in the recipe of any shampoo, ranging from inexpensive domestic brands to "promoted" international brands:

  • water;
  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • preservatives;
  • ingredients for additional properties (moisturizing, nutrition, etc.);
  • dyes, fragrances, thickeners, etc.

The first two points are directly responsible for “washing” the head - without them there will be neither foam nor cleansing. The share of surfactants and water accounts for 50-80% of the composition. Naturally, it is this basis that determines the quality of the entire product. When choosing a brand, we most often look at advertising inscriptions “contains silver ions” or “with molecules of silk and cashmere”, while silver with silk has a minimal effect on hair.

Types of detergent bases (surfactants)

sulfate. The active ingredient is lauryl sulfate (SLS or SLES). Advantages: forms a thick foam, perfectly cleanses the hair of fat, it turns out an affordable shampoo. Cons: Irritates the scalp. With frequent use, the hair begins to "crumble", dandruff appears, the head itches and quickly gets greasy.

How to Know: The ingredients list will say Ammonium Lauryl (laureth) Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl (laureth) Sulfate

There are milder variations - TEA and DEA, but they also harm the hair, although to a lesser extent.

Soapy or amphoteric. Benefits: does not disturb the pH of the scalp, has regenerating properties. Disadvantages: weak foam, expensive, rarely found in pure form, more often acts as the second component with a sulfate base.

How to find out: The list of ingredients includes Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Decyl polyglucose, Glyceret Cocoate, Sodium Sulfosuccinate.

Thickeners, Preservatives, Colors and Flavors

Without thickeners, the shampoo will be too runny and uncomfortable to use. This category includes Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, Linoleamide DEA, etc.

Thanks to preservatives, the product is stored for several years and does not deteriorate. This group includes: Parabens, Phenoxyethanol, Methylisothiazolinol, sodium benzoate, DMDM-hydantoin. It is believed that preservatives in shampoo are dangerous, but many of them are completely natural elements, in addition, microorganisms will develop without preservatives, the harm from which will be much more significant.

Dyes and fragrances are optional, but desirable, since it is much more pleasant to lather your head with a thick composition of pearl-milk color and smelling of roses than with water with a sharp chemical smell.

Additional components. This category includes ingredients that are “put out” on the label and take on the role of the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of the brand, or, more simply, a marketing ploy to increase sales. At the same time, not all of them really benefit the hair and often play the role of a “wedding general” - that is, they have absolutely no effect.

Useless substances in shampoos

  • Silicone. Advertising claims that silicone "smoothes" the hair, makes them shine. In fact, if there is an effect, it is very short-lived, but, accumulating, silicone makes the hair heavier, over time the head looks untidy and dirty even immediately after washing.
  • Vitamins. It must be taken orally in the form of tablets, there will be no positive result from a five-minute contact with the hair and scalp.
  • fruit acids. The same as with vitamins: they are beneficial only when taken directly.
  • Antioxidants. The hair does not have wrinkles, which this active substance is aimed at combating.
  • plant extracts. They make sense only if their mass fraction exceeds at least 25-30% (this occurs, but rarely).
  • SPF and Thermo are components that protect hair from ultraviolet radiation. They act exactly while they are on the hair - that is, 15 minutes in the shower. Draw your own conclusions.

Useful material

  • Anti-dandruff components (ketoconazole, piroctonolamine, tar, zinc pyrithione, etc.). Most often they are part of medicated shampoos sold in pharmacies.
  • Moisturizing additives (Hyaluronic acid, lanolin, glycerin, ceramides and others).
  • Collagen and keratin - restore damaged hair and add volume.

Harmful substances

When you see the following components in the composition, think carefully before purchasing a shampoo.

  • Mineral oil (mineral oil). Let the harmless name not confuse you, in fact it is a harmful substance that does not absorb into the skin, but hardens with a thin film and prevents the hair from “breathing”.
  • Formaldehydes. There is no consensus on them, but many scientists argue that this substance is unhealthy, it is better to play it safe.

What else can be included in hair shampoos

Read the label carefully. They may meet:

  • Ethanol - ethyl alcohol, is needed for better dissolution of additives (in other words, to make the liquid thicker and more homogeneous).
  • Sodium Chloride - common table salt, thanks to which the shampoo lathers better.

It turns out that a useful and high-quality shampoo with a minimum content harmful substances looks unsightly: it is a liquid composition with bad smell, poorly foaming and washing hair from the second or third time. You can buy it at a pharmacy or professional cosmetics store.

In the modern world, we are offered a wide variety of products and methods for hair care. And although not many girls prefer to wear long braid, shampoo is one of the main hygiene products used daily. French researchers have calculated that a person spends about 57 liters of shampoo in his life. Hair products are advertised on TV by famous actors and stars, thereby promoting the brand. Shampoo usually has beautiful packaging and pleasant smell. However, this is also a kind of tempting publicity stunt. We look at the packaging, remembering those same commercials with beautiful shiny and thick hair, and completely forget to pay attention to the composition of the shampoo, which consists of many dangerous chemical components.

There are three main reasons why you can stop buying shampoo and use homemade natural shampoos.

  1. Factory shampoos contain ingredients that are harmful to health (scientifically proven fact!).
  2. Before the shampoo hits the store counter, its allergenic effect is tested on experimental animals. In 2013, only the European Union banned the sale of any cosmetic products that were tested on animals.
  3. Unlike medicines, shampoos do not require a safety certificate. Carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic effects of the shampoo are only of interest to the buyer, not the manufacturer.

Before giving recipes for homemade shampoos, let's look at what dangerous store shampoo contains.

The composition of shampoos

  1. Water is the main ingredient in every shampoo.
  2. Surfactants in the composition of the shampoo (surfactant) - the most important active ingredient, which is responsible for cleaning hair from dirt, dust, sebum.
  3. Additional surfactants providing foam, softness, moisturizing.
  4. Foam thickener or stabilizer, defoamer.
  5. preservatives.
  6. Flavorings.

What harmful substances can be contained in shampoos?

  1. Lauryl and laureth sulfates are the basis of shampoos and very coarse surfactants. They are responsible for intensive foaming during washing and for cleaning the skin and hair, they are part of almost all shampoos.

They are labeled as follows:

According to the Journal of the American College of Toxicology (1983, vol. 2, no. 7), researchers noted that the longer these ingredients were in contact with the skin, the more likely it was to become irritated and cause an allergic reaction. Lauryl and laureth sulfates cause changes in the “epidermis”, clog pores, deposit on the surface of the hair follicles and damage them, can cause eye irritation, hair loss, and lead to dandruff.

Other researchers have concluded that these components remove not only impurities, but also beneficial natural components from the skin, thereby violating its protective function. Under the influence of laureth sulfates, the skin ages faster(Int J Toxicol. 2010 Jul;29, doi: 10.1177/1091581810373151).

Although scientists have not yet proven that these substances can have a carcinogenic (from the English cancer-cancer) or toxic effect, there is still such a danger. It is believed that at a concentration of 1-5% they are harmless. As part of shampoos, sodium laureth sulfate is present at a concentration of 10-17% (as a rule, they are listed in second place after water, which means that their concentration is maximum).

At the same time, there are milder surfactants, they are added in small concentrations, they are less harmful, but their cost is quite high compared to lauryl and laureth sulfates. On the packaging, they can be indicated as follows:

  • Sodium cocoyl isethinate (softest surfactant)
  • Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate (mild emulsifier)
  • Sodium coco sulfate
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine (betaine)
  • Decyl polyglucose (polyglycoside)
  • Cocamidopropyl sulfobetaine (sulfobetaine)
  • Sodium sulfosuccinate (sulfosuccinate)
  • Magnesium lauryl sulfate
  • Glythereth Cocoate
  1. Parabens are also dangerous components in the composition of shampoos.
  1. Mineral oils (mineral oil)- products of oil refining. It is believed that they can be dangerous only when taken orally. However, WHO refers mineral oils to the 1st group of carcinogens. That is, they are potentially hazardous substances that can lead to the occurrence of malignant tumors. And only highly refined oils are not hazardous. Mass market shampoos contain unrefined hazardous mineral oils.
  1. Formaldehyde- cosmetic preservative. Possesses toxicity, has a negative effect on the reproductive organs, respiratory organs and central nervous system. Due to the ban on the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics, manufacturers began to designate it as Quaternium-15 (releases free gaseous formaldehyde), Dowicil 75 Dowicil 100, Dowicil 200 - all of which cause contact dermatitis in humans.
  2. Phthalates - used in the manufacture of consumer products such as perfumes, cosmetics and shampoos, medical devices, soft toys . A study published in the journal Pediatrics provides strong evidence that phthalates in children's cosmetics affect the reproductive function of boys. The effect of phthalates on children is especially dangerous. Babies are exposed to phthalates in shampoos, lotions and powders.

    Phthalates can cause asthma, infertility, decreased testosterone levels in boys. Due to health concerns associated with exposure to phthalates, some have been banned in the European Union and the United States.

  3. "PEG" (Polyethylene glycol), polyethylene glycol (ethylene glycol)- stabilizer, thickener, defoamer. This substance, due to its ability to influence the processes in the body, can cause serious metabolic disorders. It has been proven that female animals eating PEG gave birth to babies with genetic changes. (Anderson et al., 1985).

Is it possible to say “no” to your shampoo?

All of the above suggests that industrial shampoos contain substances that are carcinogenic and toxic to humans. Even when buying an expensive shampoo, you are not immune from the fact that there will be no harmful substances in its composition. Therefore, it is much safer to use shampoos prepared at home on your own.

But, before we tell you what ingredients you can cook homemade healthy shampoos for hair, you need to know that the period of hair getting used to such shampoos is 2-4 weeks. This means that you will not get smooth shiny hair. For some time, silicones, parabens, sulfates will be washed off the hair. Perhaps the hair will fluff, become greasy and not obey. You need to prepare yourself for this. It is best to start testing homemade shampoos on vacation, on New Year holidays or in winter when we wear a hat.

Trim split ends initially and if you have, use shampoo once to deep cleaning hair (peeling shampoo). It will open the scales of the hair and wash out all the remnants of harmful substances. Before using shampoos, untangling and combing the hair is also a prerequisite. It is this procedure that will reduce the time of the washing procedure and you will not experience inconvenience when washing shampoos.

Homemade hair shampoos

The recipes described below contain simple ingredients that any housewife has at hand, their cost is quite low. However, it is worth remembering that the shelf life of such shampoos in the refrigerator is no more than 5 days, and some are not stored at all, but are used immediately after preparation.


Kefir shampoo is suitable for dry and damaged hair with a hair dryer. To prepare kefir shampoo, you can take any fermented milk product.

Recipe number 1. Apply kefir to your hair and put on a shower cap, wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, wash off with water and half the juice of a lemon. This shampoo will help restore hair and create a protective film on them.

Recipe number 2. Add yeast (50 g) to kefir (0.2 l) and heat in a water bath. The shampoo should look like jelly. Apply this mixture on your hair and wash off after 5-10 minutes.


In Rus', girls washed their hair with bread shampoo. For such a shampoo, you can use stale rye bread.

Recipe. Prepare a decoction of any herbs (nettle, chamomile, plantain, oak bark, oregano, mint). Then take rye bread (you can use stale bread) and soak it in a warm decoction of herbs for a short time. Rub the gruel from the bread intensively into the scalp and distribute through the hair. Top with polyethylene or put on a shower cap, soak for one hour. Wash off with warm water.


Clay is a very good base for shampoo.
It is able to form a small foam and absorb fat from the scalp and hair. It is known that in Rus' stubborn stains on clothes and dishes were removed with clay, that is, they were used as a universal cleaner.

Clay will not give a noticeable shine on the hair, but it will remove static electricity and clean the hair well. Clay is a very effective and budget shampoo for oily hair.

Blue cosmetic clay is considered the best for cleansing hair.

How to use clay to wash your hair?
It is best to wash your hair with clay in the bathroom. Pre-wet your hair well, pick up a handful of clay with water, and apply to the scalp, distributing it through the hair. It is best to wash off the clay by immersing the head completely in the bathroom, so the fat is better adsorbed, and the clay is washed off. It is very convenient to wash off the clay in a basin of water.

For very dry hair, you can pre-dilute the clay in warm milk and add a few drops of any cosmetic oil (rosemary, tea tree, jojoba, peach, apricot, olive). It is very important to add shine to the hair and close the scales by rinsing the hair after washing with cool water.

The only drawback of clay shampoo is slight staining. blond hair. Therefore, people from blonde hair better use white clay for making shampoo.

Saponaria officinalis shampoo

Soapweed officinalis (Saponaria officinalis) from lat. sapo- soap. The decoction of this plant is capable of foaming. For washing hair, rhizomes and roots of soapwort are used, which are harvested in late autumn.

How to prepare a shampoo based on soapwort:

  1. Take 2 cups of filtered water (buy bottled water is better) and bring it to a boil.
  2. Add soapwort rhizomes to water and simmer for 25 minutes.
  3. Then pour a tablespoon of medicinal chamomile or mint into the resulting broth. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain the resulting broth and pour into a clean jar. Shelf life of the shampoo is 10 days in a dark place.


Rye, corn, oatmeal (oat flakes), pea flour is a natural sorbent and fat cleaner from the scalp. It is not recommended to take wheat, as it has a lot of gluten and is difficult to wash off. For one serving of shampoo you will need 3 tbsp. spoons of flour. Getting oatmeal and pea flour is very simple - just grind the corresponding products in a coffee grinder or blender.

So that the shampoo is well distributed through the hair, it must be soaked overnight.
flour shampoo recipe

  1. To prepare shampoo, take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, pour warm water or a decoction of any herbs (nettle, chamomile, mint, oak bark) to get a creamy consistency. Let it brew for a day or night.
  2. Then take gauze or a nylon stocking as a filter, pour the resulting mass into it and squeeze out the liquid. This way we will get rid of large particles of flour that will remain in the filter. The output should be something like a thick milk. This milk is a natural homemade flour-based shampoo.
  3. Before washing, you can add essential oils for smell or half a teaspoon of mustard (for hair loss). Apply the resulting flour shampoo to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then cool with the addition of lemon juice.

egg and honey

The recipe for egg-honey shampoo is one of the old recipes. natural shampoos. Modern research only confirms its benefits. Chicken egg is a natural emulsifier, as it contains lecithin, fats and amino acids. And this means that when washing your hair with an egg, useful substances (vitamins A, B, D, E) penetrate the skin very well. This shampoo treats weakened hair, restores its structure. You will notice results after 2 weeks of use.

Egg-honey shampoo recipe.

  1. Separate the yolk from the protein.
  2. Add one teaspoon of honey to the yolk. mix.
  3. Add a few drops to the resulting mass olive oil to make hair soft.
  4. Distribute the shampoo evenly over the hair and scalp. Keep it on for about 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse the shampoo with warm water and rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile.

exotic shampoos

There are plants for making homemade shampoos that are classified as exotic. However, their cost today, even compared to the cheapest shampoo, is quite low. And due to the place and characteristics of growth, these plants contain a lot of valuable substances.

In Southeast Asian countries, banana shampoo is an integral part of the hair care routine. Banana shampoo cleanses and nourishes hair very well. The shampoo is very mild and smells good, so you can wash your children's hair with it, you just need to remember that before using it is necessary to wash the bananas thoroughly to wash off the pesticides from their peel.

banana shampoo recipe

  • 1 banana;
  • juice of half a lemon (not suitable for baby shampoo)
  • 100 g water
  • egg yolk

Lying dark bananas are suitable for shampoo, as their pulp kneads very well. Wash and peel banana. Using a blender or grater, beat the banana, add the yolk, lemon juice and water. You can do without lemon and water, these components make it easier to rinse the banana pulp from the hair. The resulting mass is applied to the hair, rubbed into the roots and kept under a washing cap for 15-30 minutes (for weakened hair), for normal hair, you can rinse immediately.


Amla or Indian gooseberry is sold (the price of a package of 100 g is about 80 rubles) in the form of a powder, it smells like henna. Have you ever paid attention to what Thick hair at indian women? It is thanks to the use of shampoo, mask and amla oil that women in India have such beautiful and strong hair. Interestingly, the origin of the word "shampoo" is inextricably linked with India, as it comes from the Indian "shampo", that is, "to massage or rub." And this word was introduced into use by the British, whose colony was India in the twentieth century. Therefore, the fact that it is the Indian gooseberry that is a good natural cleansing and strengthening shampoo is not accidental. Amla restores damaged hair, stimulates the growth of new hair, eliminates the causes of dandruff.
Amla is not suitable for oily hair as it does not contain natural saponins and will not lather like soapwort. But dry hair shampoo from amla will clean and moisturize very well.

How to use amla shampoo

Pour 1 tablespoon of amla powder with half a glass of warm water, stir and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then distribute this solution evenly through the hair and rinse. Do the procedure 2 times. It is convenient to apply the shampoo with a brush for dyeing hair. Shampoo can be used once a week as a firming mask.


It is quite difficult for a modern person to refuse all the benefits of civilization. However, it is time to realize that industrial cosmetics and hygiene products can cause serious illness. First step to healthy lifestyle life, which each of us can do is to start using shampoos without synthetic ingredients in the composition, that is, organic (already sold in Russia). These shampoos contain natural ingredients grown without the use of chemicals. During the use of organic shampoos, the hair will get used to more gentle components, the remnants of chemistry will be washed off them. The next step may be to completely abandon store-bought shampoos and switch to safe homemade ones, the recipes of which are described in this article.

A traffic light for the safety of ingredients in shampoos for your hair. Let's figure out what manufacturers like to use in the composition of shampoos and which of these components should be unconditionally given a red light because of their harm.

The topic of our last publication was, today we will deal with external effects on the hair and determine which shampoos with which ingredients are not allowed to be in our bathroom.

Almost all women, when choosing a hair wash, are based on their experience or the advice of a friend, rely on a brand or price category. Although the main factor for choosing should be its composition.

All substances that make up the shampoo are written in English or Russian, depending on the country of production. We divide these substances into 3 groups according to the harmfulness of the content.

Red group or avoid it

Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben

One of the most harmful ingredients in shampoo is parabens. They are used primarily as preservatives and to thicken detergents. These substances are very toxic and are easily absorbed into the scalp. Once in the body, parabens mimic estrogen. The correct shampoo does not contain these substances and has a No paraben label on the label.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

According to dermatologists, a shampoo should contain no or very low levels of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). These are foaming agents. Manufacturers "love" to add them to all detergents because of their low cost. They are harmful primarily because they cause itching and dermatitis of the scalp, and also make thinner hair. In addition to cosmetics, these substances are used in industry for washing engines and cleaning metal products from corrosion.

The concentration of these two components should not exceed 1%. But, unfortunately, the concentration on the labels of hair products is not written.

Ammonium laureth sulfate

Another bad ingredient. It is a surfactant that has a high degree of penetration into the skin. It is a carcinogen and causes allergic reactions.

Sodium Xylenesulfonate

This is another surfactant that causes allergies and damage to the epidermis, and this threatens, first of all, with the destruction of the hair follicle.

DMDM hydantoin or formalin

A very toxic substance. It is irritating to the eyes, skin and even the respiratory tract. In addition, it has the ability to dissolve beneficial substances in the composition of the shampoo.

Yellow group or cautious but possible

Tetrasodium EDTA, Triethanolamine, and all types of DEA and TEA

They are used as emulsifiers and for foaming. Cause damage to the structure of the hair and scalp. But these substances cause less damage to hair than SLS or SLES.


There are also controversial ingredients, such as: Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Polydimethylsiloxane,Cyclomethicone, Cetyl dimethicone or more simply silicone. Concerning this substance opinions were divided. On the one hand, silicone "clogs" the hair and prevents the penetration of useful components, and also makes the hair thinner and more brittle. And on the other hand, it is he who gives shine after washing, and also makes the hair more manageable when styling.

Green group or you can't do without them


This substance moisturizes the hair and gives it shine. But shampoo with glycerin is best not used in dry climates, as it absorbs moisture from external environment. And in the absence of moisture in the air, it begins to absorb it from the hair and makes them dry.
Note to the reader! Find out more on our website.


synthetic preservative. It has antioxidant properties and washes well.
Citric acid or lemon acid is an excellent antiseptic. It is also a substance that normalizes the pH balance. But it is useful for people with dry or normal hair type.

When choosing a shampoo, you should carefully study the label. In addition to the useful icons of pH balance and No paraben, you should pay attention to the composition. And the less it contains, the stronger and healthier they not only look, but are.

Hello my dear readers!

For a very long period, I tried various cosmetic hair care products: medical, professional, natural.

I followed a special diet and tried to figure out vitamins for hair.

And in the end, I came to the conclusion that I spent great amount time, money, and even useful products, just in vain.

I especially flew with shampoos, buying something that simply could not solve my hair problems.

It's only now, I finally figured out that 90% of all shampoos are just well-hyped marketing moves.

Most of them cannot stop, enhance their growth and improve their general condition.

Which of them will be absolutely useless for your hair, what can replace shampoo and what should be included good shampoo for hair.

From this article you will learn:

The composition of the shampoo - components and their properties

So, for starters, let's figure out what shampoo consists of.

The main components of any shampoo:

  • Base or detergent (Water and surfactant)
  • Special agents that give the shampoo its properties
  • Preservatives to ensure long shelf life
  • pH Balanced Ingredients
  • Dyes, flavors, stabilizers, thickeners, etc.

Most often, when choosing a shampoo, we pay attention to fad number two!

We carefully examine the label and see ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamins, herbal extracts, fruit acids, pearl dust, collagen, etc.

It seems to us that with such a composition, the shampoo simply cannot be useless and will definitely make our hair soft, healthy, strong and shiny!

Alas, this is just another myth (the same as) or another smart marketing ploy.

The main active ingredients of any shampoo

Despite the fact that the shampoo label may say "Moisturizing Shampoo with Proteins, Vitamins, Rosemary, Coconut Oil and Chamomile Extract" the main components of this and any other shampoo will be:

  • The basis of the shampoo is a surfactant - a surfactant (detergent or surfactant), which forms foam and washes away dirt from the hair.

They occupy approximately 50% of the main composition of the shampoo, the remaining 50% are shared by dyes, thickeners, flavors, silicones, preservatives, and some other useful substances that you read about on the shampoo label.

  • Sulfate Shampoo Bases Are the Most Harmful Shampoo Ingredients

As a surfactant, sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (or ammonium) (SLS and SLES) are most often used in shampoos, which are able to perfectly cleanse hair of grease and dirt and form a strong thick foam.

But, these components have a very aggressive irritating effect on the scalp and a cumulative effect.

By using such shampoos constantly, you will turn your scalp into a very sensitive, dry and irritated scalp, which will constantly itch, peel and secrete sebum in such quantities that you will have to wash your hair every day.

And thanks to all this, your hair will fall in clumps and have a terrible look. appearance.

  • Good basics

A better and softer replacement for these surfactants are the following basics:

  • TEA Layril Sulfate (Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate),
  • TEA (Triethanolamine),
  • Cocamide DEA,
  • DEA-Cetylphosphate,
  • DEA Oleth-3 phosphate,
  • myristamide dea,
  • Stearamide MEA,
  • Cocamide MEA,
  • Lauramide D.E.A.,
  • Linoleamide MEA,
  • Oleamide Dea,
  • TEA Lauryl Sulfate,
  • Sodium Myreth Sulfate and sodium myristyl ether sulfate,
  • Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate,
  • Magnesium Laureth Sulfate,
  • Coco Glucoside, Sodium Myreth Sulfate and sodium myristyl ether sulfate.

Shampoos with such bases can cause completely different reactions, what works for one, causes dandruff and itching in another, or dries out the hair of a third.

But, at their core, they are also capable of irritating the skin, so I personally will not buy myself a shampoo with such basics.

In addition, I have already tested most of them on my own head, so if you have dry and sensitive scalp, these basics will not save you.

  • Best Basics

This usually includes nonionic surfactants and/or amphoteric surfactants. As a rule, they are much more expensive than harmful cheap bases.

They are less foamy than SLS, but perfectly restore the scalp, do not disturb its pH and do not cause irritation.

For myself, I have determined the following good basics in shampoos and I can recommend them with confidence for use.

  • Cocoamidopropyl Betaine
  • Decyl Glucoside or decyl polyglucose
  • Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate
  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate
  • Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate

As a rule, such shampoos are difficult to find in ordinary stores. household chemicals or massmarket. You need to look for them in organic or professional cosmetics stores.

You will be very lucky if you find a shampoo completely consisting of one of these bases or a combination of them.

Most often they are added as a second component to more aggressive bases to dilute them.

Brands of good shampoos with mild and healthy bases

TO brief description each of these bases, I have added a link to the appropriate shampoo that contains it.

  • Cocoamidopropyl Betaine- very soft and low-allergenic surfactant. It is produced from the fatty acids of coconut oil. It is contained in many shampoos of the company Jason Natural

  • Decyl Glucoside or decyl polyglucose- a mild surfactant, consisting of glucose obtained from corn starch, coconut fatty acids. On this basis, the company manufactures its famous shampoos. Avalon Organics And Biotene H-24s

  • Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate- natural surfactant obtained by the reaction of coconut and palm oils with sugar and starch. A popular base for baby shampoos, found in products baby spa

  • Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate- A natural, mild, safe surfactant derived from sarcosine, a natural amino acid found in fruits and vegetables. Absolutely does not irritate the skin, perfectly cares for the hair and restores its structure. This base is present in the organic shampoos of the company Alba Botanica

Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinatee-Surfactant with mild dermatological action, often used in children's shampoos and shampoos for sensitive scalps. Shampoos on this basis are represented by the brand Nature's Gate

  • This also includes organic soap bases made from soap root, soapwort or soap nuts.

Using shampoos on such bases, you can completely restore your scalp, which means that with constant use and correct application, you will provide your hair with a healthy and beautiful appearance.

Of the above, I used the second, third and fifth. And only the third shampoo did not live up to my expectations.

But, here I want to emphasize one important factor, P When choosing a shampoo, be sure to consider your hair type.

Because the shampoo of the same brand, but with a slightly different composition, can affect your hair in completely different ways.

Special agents or other components in the shampoo

These are, as I said, those substances that allegedly fill our shampoo with useful properties.

I want to tell you about those components that can be part of hair shampoos, but at the same time be absolutely useless for them.

useless shampoo ingredients

  • Silicones

Designed to smooth the scales of our hair and make them smooth and shiny. that is, when silicone is applied to damaged hair, the scales are smoothed out, the silicone reflects light and the hair begins to shine.

As you understand, no hair restoration occurs, and the accumulated silicones make the hair heavier and spoil it.

  • Vitamins and provitamin in shampoos

Those who are versed in chemical composition hair knows that it does not contain any vitamins. Therefore, no vitamins from the outside, applied externally to the hair, will in any way affect their condition, through the heads, they will not penetrate there either.

The presence of vitamins in shampoo is useless. you should not pour it on your head, but take it inside and it is best to do this by using healthy natural plant products.

  • fruit acids

Very often in the composition of shampoos can be found. It is believed that they moisturize the hair, which is an absolute myth. It is best for hair to consume fruits inside.

  • Antioxidants

Unlike our skin, hair does not have wrinkles and is not always an indicator of age.

Applying shampoos with a super antioxidant complex to the hair will not affect the condition of our hair in any way.

This is just a useless additive to add value to the shampoo and increase its value.

  • Various herbal extracts

Very often we see shampoos that contain extracts of various herbs (aloe extract, birch leaves, nettle, chamomile, etc.)

Their effectiveness will always depend on the amount of these components. If they form the basis of a shampoo (and such shampoos really exist), then it is likely that these components will be able to improve the condition of your hair, but if there are very few of these components (which is most often found in cheap shampoos), then the effect of using this shampoo will be zero.

Pay attention to where the plant extracts are on the shampoo label, if closer to the end, then this shampoo does not make sense to take.

Pay special attention to the fact which extracts will be listed there.

For example, if you see extracts of rose, white magnolia, lotus, and other exotic plants in the composition of the shampoo, then you can be sure that these ingredients are added there in the smallest quantities and only for the inscription on the label. In addition, no one knows what quality these extracts were.

  • UV protection

Many shampoos promise UV protection for your hair. . However, most contemporary research show that the use of such shampoos provides only minimal protection of the hair from UV rays.

And even if the shampoo may contain such useful components that can somehow affect our scalp or the hair itself (for example, honey, royal jelly, menthol, clay, protein hydrolysates, ceramides, plant extracts, lecithins, vegetable or essential oils), most of them "work" for exactly 2-3 minutes until you wash the shampoo off your head.

Therefore, if you want these components to show their therapeutic effect, do not rinse off the shampoo immediately, but let it work for at least 10 minutes. Especially if the shampoo with the effect of conditioner on natural oils.


When you read labels and look at shampoo ingredients, remember that out of all those listed, and there may be more than 30, only 2 or 3 will actually work on your hair.

The rest of the ingredients will determine the shampoo's appearance, shelf life, color and aroma, and simply enrich its composition on the label, forcing you to buy it, spend your money on something that will not affect your hair in any way when used.

Therefore, when buying a shampoo, you should not pay attention to all its rich composition, to the loud name and description, to advertising.


For more than a month, following the advice of Rickett Gofshtein (a world specialist in the field of trichology), I have completely abandoned shampoos, replacing them with castile soap(which is based on olive, coconut, Castor oil and shea butter). And I really like it ☺

It is non-irritating, gently cleanses the hair and lathers well. At the same time, the scalp is restored and its greasiness is regulated, which is the most important factor for hair health.

And this soap can serve as an excellent base for homemade shampoos.

Photo @ esp2k

Very often, when applying a new hair shampoo, it is not possible to get the expected result from it. And this, despite the fact that modern advertising directly assures that there is a miracle cure for everyone.

When buying a shampoo, it is important not only to get acquainted with its composition, but also to understand the significance of the influence of each of the components on the hair.

Every good shampoo must effectively cleanse the hair and scalp from all sorts of contaminants (dust, sebum). But often it contains aggressive components that dry the hair. But their concentration may differ. If you often use cheap shampoos, where their level just rolls over, toxins accumulate on the hair, and they are damaged over time.

Such components include:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Ammonium laureth sulfate and lauryl sulfate.

They are found even in professional expensive means and lead to the fact that they start and, and the scalp is irritated.

IMPORTANT! If, when buying a shampoo, there is no list of detergents on the label, but only a short surfactant, this violates the international rules for indicating the components of cosmetics. This shampoo is not recommended.

In order to reduce the aggressiveness of the shampoo, its base is usually replenished with soft substances:

  • Okamidopropyl sulfobetaine;
  • Glyceret cocoate;
  • Sodium sulfosuccinate;
  • cocomidopropyl betan;
  • Sodium cocoamphodiacetate.

In addition to all this, the shampoo contains additives that make it comfortable and pleasant to use the product. These supplements include:

  • Dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • Flavors;
  • viscosity regulators.

Now you can see that manufacturers add conditioners to shampoos in order not only to cleanse the head at a time, but also to improve the appearance of the hair. But the problem is that in this way the conditioner weakens and cannot fulfill its purpose, namely, the hair becomes shiny, voluminous and elastic, the alkaline effect of the shampoo is neutralized. Also, with their help, you can ennoble hair from a bad environment, temperature changes, the effects of chemicals.

And when the conditioner and shampoo are combined, their components can neutralize each other's action. It also turns out that the conditioner components in the 2 in 1 shampoo are in a lower concentration and they have less time to work.

Still, the best additives are silicone. They lead to the formation of a protective film on the hair. Thus, the hair becomes shiny and silky. Washed hair does not tangle and is easier to comb.

For dry hair, glycerin, plant extracts and other substances are added to the shampoo. They are humectants because they can attract the necessary moisture to the hair.

The addition of vitamins A and PP is practiced. They can eliminate brittleness and. Although many believe that vitamins, fruit acids and trace elements in the shampoo cannot have a positive effect on hair. They do not need to be rubbed into the head, but are best taken orally in in kind(vegetables fruits).

The most popular remedies are dandruff shampoos. They include antimicrobial substances and components that exfoliate scales and sebum:

  • Climbazole - prevents the formation and growth of fungi that cause dandruff. It does not cause allergies, it has a calming effect on the skin without side effects.
  • Ketoconazole - fights a fungal infection of the scalp.
  • Sulfur is a natural antioxidant that reduces the greasiness of the scalp and nourishes the hair with protein. It eliminates fragility and cross-section of hair, treats dandruff, and activates them.
  • Tar - cures dandruff well, hair does not fall out and grows faster, becomes lush and shiny.
  • Salicylic acid - and hair loss, promotes their growth.

Rules for choosing a good shampoo

  • Shampoo is recommended to be purchased based on the type of hair;
  • The composition of a good shampoo includes several dozen components. When hair gets sick, they need a remedy with caring substances. For sensitive, allergen-prone skin, products with a small composition are suitable;
  • For daily washing of colored hair and sensitive skin, it is better to choose a mild shampoo;
  • You can’t blindly trust the inscription “natural” on the bottle, because natural remedies cannot perfectly wash their hair on their own, and detergents are always present in shampoos;
  • When buying, it is important to take into account the brand of the manufacturer and the cost of the product in order to avoid low-quality shampoo or even a fake;
  • A good shampoo shows the expected results - the hair is clean and easy to care for, the skin is not irritated, the shelf life of the product is quite long;
  • When the hair seems very light and fluffy, it means that it is too fat-free and the shampoo needs to be changed;
  • Experiment with detergents hair can not be too long, it is better to choose the two most suitable options and alternate them.

From right choice shampoo depends on the general condition of the hair and scalp, ease of combing and caring for them. Well-washed and well-groomed hair does not break or fall out, on the contrary, their growth and appearance are noticeably improved.

Video on how to choose the right shampoo

Video about choosing a quality shampoo
