Stones with the letter g, minerals with the letter g Stones with the letter g, minerals with the letter g Ornamental stone with the letter g

- synthetic rutile.
HAWAYIT- chrysolite mined in Hawaii.
JET- from the Greek "black amber", a bituminous variety of coal; black, with a strong matte sheen, conchoidal fracture, hardness 3-3.5. Due to the ease of processing and polishing, it is widely used in the East as an ornamental stone (for making beads, rosaries and other small jewelry).
GAGATE MOUNTAIN is an obsolete name for black obsidian.
GAGATE MONTANA- Wrong name for obsidian.
GAGATE OF PARIS- black glass imitating jet.
GAGATE STONE- black tourmaline, an obsolete term.
GAYESIN is an obsolete name for ulexite.
HAKMANIT- a type of sodalite.
GALAXIT- manganese spinel.
GALACITE- in ancient times, the so-called soft limestone or milky-white chalk, revered as a healing stone.
GALENA- galena.
GALENA- mineral, lead ore.
GALLALIT is a trade name for a plastic imitation of amber.
GALMAN- hemimorphite.
HAMPDENITIS- antigorite.
GANIT- zinc-magnesium spinel.
GANOSPINEL- spinel, similar in composition to ganit.
GARAL is the old Arabic name for black coral.
GARAMANTITE- sandares.
gargoon- pale yellow zircon from Sri Lanka.
HARMOPHAN is an obsolete name for corundum.
GARNET is the English name for a pomegranate.
GARNETOIT- hydro grenade.
HARRINGTONITE is an obsolete name for thomsonite.
GAULITH is an obsolete name for hawlite.
HAFNEFIORDITE is a variety of Labrador Retriever.
GEDANITE- a fragile variety of Baltic amber that does not contain succinic acid.
GEDENBERGITE- a type of pyroxene.
GEYSERITE- opal deposited in the form of porous masses from geysers.
HECATOLITE - Moonstone from Virginia (USA).
HEXAGONITE- transparent, purple variety of tremolite.
HELIODOR- a kind of transparent beryl of golden color.
HELIOLITE- aventurine feldspar or sunstone.
HELIOTROPE- a variety of green chalcedony close to jasper with numerous blood-red or orange-red shiny spots of hematite and jasper.
GELOSIA - magic stone antiquities. Apparently, the so-called colorless corundum or diamond.
HEMATIN- steel alloy, hematite imitation.
GEMATINON- opaque dark red to red-black aventurine glass.
HEMATION- glass imitation stone.
HEMATITE- a mineral of silver-gray, black and brownish-red color, iron oxide.
HEMATOCONITIS is a blood-red variety of calcite.
GEMELOS- emerald tees mined in Colombia.
GEMERALT- synthetic beryl cat's eye.
GEMETT- synthetic, colorless sapphire.
GEMINER is a trade name for synthetic yttrium-aluminum garnet.
GEMMA MOON is the old Latin name for onyx.
GENEVIT- the obsolete name of Vesuvian.
HERAMANNITE is an obsolete name for rhodonite.
GERACHIDEM- a magic stone of antiquity and the Middle Ages, apparently one of the arsenic minerals that can protect against insects.
HERBEKIT- jasper.
GERMANNITE is an obsolete name for rhodonite.
GERRERIT- bluish-green smithsonite.
GERSBYIT is an obsolete name for lapis lazuli.
HERCYNIT- ferruginous spinel.
HESSONITE- a kind of grossular (pomegranate).
HETEROCLINE is an obsolete name for rhodonite.
HETEROMERITE- a variety of vesuvian brown and brown-black.
GOTHIT- mineral, oxygen iron hydroxide FeO(OH).
HEPHESTITE- the magic stone of antiquity. They are possibly fossilized ammonites containing pyrite.
GEFNEFORDITE- the local name for labradorite (a breed consisting of a Labrador), mined in Iceland.
GESHIR- jet.
HYALINE- opalescent milky quartz.
HYALITE- a transparent variety of opal.
HYALOMELAN- magmatic glass of brown-red and black color.
HYACINTH- light, transparent variety of zircon of red, reddish-brown, yellow-red and orange-red color; gem.
HYACIN POMEGRANATE- grossular Brown, wrong name.
HYACIN-TOPAZ- orange-red zircon, as well as oriental hyacinth.
is a misnomer for yellowish-red and rose-red corundum, and also a misnomer for hessonite.
HYACIN GREENLANDIAN- Hyacinth-colored eudialyte.
HYACIN SPANISH is a trade name for quartz.
HYACIN COMPOSTELLA- brown-red quartz with a significant admixture of iron. Wrong geographic name.
FALSE HYACIN- Hessonite from Sri Lanka, incorrect name.
HYACIN CEYLON- hessonite garnet from Sri Lanka, an obsolete name.
HYACININ- a kind of Vesuvian, an outdated name.
HYACINOSONES- natural sapphire-blue beryl (emerald).
GIBBSIT- gibsonite.
GIBSONVILLE EMERALD- greenish quartz.
GIBSONITE- pink thomsonite.
GIBSHIT- a colorless mixture of grossular and hydrogrossular.
GIGUKU is the trade name for jade mined in Japan.
HIDDENIT- an emerald green variety of spodumene.
HYDRO GRANATES- a group of minerals isomorphic with garnets of a slightly different structure.
HYDRO-GRANDITE- garnet, transitional in the series between grossular and andradite.
HYDROGROSSULAR- dense opaque green grossular.
HYDROTHERMAL RUBY- synthetic ruby.
HYDROPHAN- ordinary slightly colored, usually opaque, opal.
HYENA- a magic stone of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Apparently, these are chalcedony (agate), opal, cat's eye and tiger's eye.
HYPERSTEEN- a kind of rhombic pyroxene.
GYPSUM- a group of minerals, simple hydrated sulfates.
GYPSUM SILKY- selenite.
SMI is the old Tibetan name for turquoise.
GISHER- jet.
HYACINTH- the ancient Russian name for hyacinth.
EYE BULL is a variety of Labrador Retriever.
EYE OF OX- Labrador with striped iridescence.
EYE OF THE WOLF- moonstone or tiger's eye.
EYE ZEBRA is a trade name for quartz.
CAT'S EYE- ulexite; in a broad sense - any mineral with the optical effect of a cat's eye in the form of a light strip resembling a cat's pupil and moving along the surface of the mineral in the opposite direction to the slope.
CAT'S EYE CHINESE- glass imitation of chrysoberyl cat's eye.
EYE OF THE WORLD- hydrofan.
EYE OF FISH- apophyllite different colors with a pearly sheen or opal with iridescence.
EYE OF THE LYNX- labrador with green shimmer.
OWL EYE- the English name for agate with a pattern of double concentres, in which the distribution of colors resembles an owl's eye. The same as eye agate.
EYE FALCON- translucent quartz with a silky green, bluish-blue tint and an optical effect, in which a strip appears, resembling the pupil of a hawk's eye. Occurs when light rays scatter on inclusions of blue crocidolite fibers.
EYE IRON is an old popular name for hematite.
EYEPAL- hyalitis.
GLESSUM- the ancient Germanic-Latin name for amber.
GLINKIT- iron olivine.
GLOTTALIT- chabazite.
GOVDENIT- chiastolite.
HOWLIT- a mineral of the island borosilicate group.
GOLDMANITE- vanadium garnet.
GOLDFLESS- artificial green aventurine glass.
HEAD WATERMELON- watermelon tourmaline.
MOOR'S HEAD tourmaline, the ends of which are painted black.
TURK HEAD- colorless or light green tourmaline crystals, the ends of which are colored red.
TOURMALINE HEADS- two-color or multi-color tourmalines.
BLUE PRINCESS- blue sodalite with an admixture of limestone.
BLUE SPAR- lapis lazuli.
DOVE STONE- peristeritis.
BLUE JOHN– a variety of fluorite, see Derbyshire Blue John
holstein- German name for silicified wood.
gorgonian- horny natural corals of golden color.
GORGONY- the ancient name of the Mediterranean coral.
MOUNTAIN MAHOGANY- banded obsidian.
RHINESTONE is a colorless transparent variety of quartz.
RHINESTONE SMOKY- smoky quartz.
GOSHENIT- a variety of colorless beryl, resembling a diamond.
GRALMANDIT- a variety of garnet, similar in composition to almandine.
GRAMMATIAS- dark green jasper, ancient name according to Pliny.
GRAMMATITE- tremolite.
GRAMMIT- wollastonite.
POMEGRANATE- the general name of a group of minerals, island silicates, which includes almandine, andradite, grossular, pyrope, spessartine and uvarovite.
GARNET WHITE- leucite.
GARNET COLORLESS- leucogranate.
Pomegranate Vesuvian- leucite.
ORIENTAL GARNET- almandine or other red garnet.
GARNET PEARL- andradite.

  • Minerals and stones on the letter AMinerals starting with the letter A Minerals starting with the letter A. Stones starting with the letter A. Catalog of stones starting with A. Directory of stones starting with A. Description of stones starting with A. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter A
  • Minerals and stones with the letter JMinerals starting with the letter G Minerals starting with the letter G. Stones starting with the letter G. Catalog of stones on G. Directory of stones on G. Description of stones on G. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter J
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ZMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Z. Stones starting with the letter Z. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Z
  • Minerals and stones with the letter MMinerals starting with the letter M Minerals starting with the letter M. Stones starting with the letter M. Catalog of stones starting with M. Directory of stones starting with M. Description of stones starting with M. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter M.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter HMinerals starting with the letter N Minerals starting with the letter N. Stones starting with the letter N. Catalog of stones starting with N. Directory of stones starting with N. Description of stones starting with N. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter N.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter OMinerals starting with the letter O Minerals starting with the letter O. Stones starting with the letter O. Catalog of stones starting with O. Directory of stones starting with O. Description of stones starting with O. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter O.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter PMinerals starting with the letter P Minerals starting with the letter P. Stones starting with the letter P. Catalog of stones starting with P. Directory of stones starting with P. Description of stones starting with P. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter P.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter TMinerals starting with the letter T Minerals starting with the letter T. Stones starting with the letter T. Catalog of stones starting with T. Directory of stones starting with T. Description of stones starting with T. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter T.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Y Minerals starting with the letter U. Stones starting with the letter U. Catalog of stones starting with U. Reference book of stones starting with U. Description of stones starting with U. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter U.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter FMinerals starting with the letter F Minerals starting with the letter F. Stones starting with the letter F. Catalog of stones in F. Directory of stones in F. Description of stones in F. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter F.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter XMinerals starting with the letter X Minerals starting with the letter X. Stones starting with the letter X. Catalog of stones starting with X. Directory of stones starting with X. Description of stones starting with X. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter X.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter CMinerals starting with the letter C Minerals starting with the letter C. Stones starting with the letter C. Catalog of stones starting with C. Reference book of stones starting with C. Description of stones starting with C. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter C.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter HMinerals starting with the letter H Minerals starting with the letter H. Stones starting with the letter H. Catalog of stones starting with H. Directory of stones starting with H. Description of stones starting with H. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter H.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ShMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones starting with Sh. Reference book of stones starting with Sh. Description of stones starting with Sh. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter WMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones on Sh. Reference book of stones on Sh. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter EMinerals starting with the letter E Minerals starting with the letter E. Stones starting with the letter E. Catalog of stones starting with E. Directory of stones starting with E. Description of stones starting with E. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter E.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Yu Minerals starting with the letter Yu. Stones starting with the letter Yu. Catalog of stones in Yu. Reference book of stones in Yu. Description of stones in Yu. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Yu.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter IMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Y. Stones starting with the letter Y. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Y.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter AMinerals starting with the letter A Minerals starting with the letter A. Stones starting with the letter A. Catalog of stones starting with A. Directory of stones starting with A. Description of stones starting with A. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter A
  • Minerals and stones with the letter JMinerals starting with the letter G Minerals starting with the letter G. Stones starting with the letter G. Catalog of stones on G. Directory of stones on G. Description of stones on G. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter J
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ZMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Z. Stones starting with the letter Z. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Z
  • Minerals and stones with the letter MMinerals starting with the letter M Minerals starting with the letter M. Stones starting with the letter M. Catalog of stones starting with M. Directory of stones starting with M. Description of stones starting with M. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter M.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter HMinerals starting with the letter N Minerals starting with the letter N. Stones starting with the letter N. Catalog of stones starting with N. Directory of stones starting with N. Description of stones starting with N. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter N.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter OMinerals starting with the letter O Minerals starting with the letter O. Stones starting with the letter O. Catalog of stones starting with O. Directory of stones starting with O. Description of stones starting with O. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter O.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter PMinerals starting with the letter P Minerals starting with the letter P. Stones starting with the letter P. Catalog of stones starting with P. Directory of stones starting with P. Description of stones starting with P. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter P.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter TMinerals starting with the letter T Minerals starting with the letter T. Stones starting with the letter T. Catalog of stones starting with T. Directory of stones starting with T. Description of stones starting with T. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter T.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Y Minerals starting with the letter U. Stones starting with the letter U. Catalog of stones starting with U. Reference book of stones starting with U. Description of stones starting with U. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter U.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter FMinerals starting with the letter F Minerals starting with the letter F. Stones starting with the letter F. Catalog of stones in F. Directory of stones in F. Description of stones in F. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter F.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter XMinerals starting with the letter X Minerals starting with the letter X. Stones starting with the letter X. Catalog of stones starting with X. Directory of stones starting with X. Description of stones starting with X. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter X.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter CMinerals starting with the letter C Minerals starting with the letter C. Stones starting with the letter C. Catalog of stones starting with C. Reference book of stones starting with C. Description of stones starting with C. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter C.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter HMinerals starting with the letter H Minerals starting with the letter H. Stones starting with the letter H. Catalog of stones starting with H. Directory of stones starting with H. Description of stones starting with H. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter H.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter ShMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones starting with Sh. Reference book of stones starting with Sh. Description of stones starting with Sh. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter WMinerals starting with the letter Sh Minerals starting with the letter Sh. Stones starting with the letter Sh. Catalog of stones on Sh. Reference book of stones on Sh. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter S.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter EMinerals starting with the letter E Minerals starting with the letter E. Stones starting with the letter E. Catalog of stones starting with E. Directory of stones starting with E. Description of stones starting with E. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter E.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter Yu Minerals starting with the letter Yu. Stones starting with the letter Yu. Catalog of stones in Yu. Reference book of stones in Yu. Description of stones in Yu. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Yu.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter IMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Y. Stones starting with the letter Y. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Y.
