Where is moonstone mined? Moon rock

awakening love

When a man in love says to his chosen one - “I will get you a star from the sky”, of course, he is speaking figuratively. But with a great desire, he can present his beloved with a symbolic "piece of the moon."

Moonstone is a mineral of rare beauty and extremely rare in nature. Despite the cold and distant beauty, this valuable mineral has a fantastic beauty. At different peoples is considered a stone of lovers. Traditionally, rituals were performed with the help of moonstone to attract love. Lonely people wore brooches with moonstones on their chests in the region of the heart, in order not only to attract a loved one, but also to awaken this high feeling in themselves. It was believed that the stone saves its owner from loneliness.

In many countries, the moonstone is considered sacred, since an unusual mystical effect has been noted many times - this mineral reacts very strongly to the phases of the moon. On the new moon, the stone seems to be filled with moonlight, its surface becomes colder, the color becomes noticeably brighter. As the lunar disk in the sky decreases, the radiance of the stone decreases markedly. Thus, one can visually observe the invisible connection of the moonstone with the Earth's satellite. The nature of such an amazing phenomenon could not be explained.

A delicate white-gray-bluish color with shimmering tints, indeed, resembles moonlight. The color of the stone is unlike any other. Translucent crystals are extremely rare in nature, have a silky sheen. But this is not just a shine, it is a very peculiar specific optical effect, which is formed by transparent prismatic or lamellar crystals with a bluish-white shimmer.

Adularization - this is what the light flickering of moonstones is called. An amazing phenomenon that is formed due to the internal structure of the stone in the form of lamellas. When light rays hit a moonstone, they refract and scatter. This is how a one-of-a-kind light phenomenon is born, thanks to which the moonstone is so unique and so desirable.

In x-rays, the moonstone faintly luminesces, which looks truly fabulous. Rare, magical beautiful mineral. The cost of moonstone jewelry can vary greatly. The price largely depends on the intensity of the color, on the size and degree of transparency.

Despite its fantastic beauty, moonstone is not worn all the time. Jewelry with a stone is recommended to be worn during the periods from the new moon to the full moon - best of all on the neck or chest, or in a ring on the ring finger. But on a waning moon, a stone can work as energetic vampire, taking away the power of its owner.

It is not surprising that such a beautiful stone is often faked - most imitations are made from matte iridescent glasses and modern types of plastic. Thanks to the latest technologies, it was possible to create such beautiful analogues that even natural stones are inferior to them in terms of external attractiveness.

It is very simple to distinguish a fake from a natural stone - look at it through the sun's rays. Natural moonstone has a non-uniform color. If you look at the mineral at a right angle, then you will not see a bluish glow - it will appear only at an angle. If the stone shimmers brightly in any position, then it is a fake.

Moonstones traditionally have a milky white, light gray, bluish, lilac hue. The surface of the mineral seems to be illuminated by an internal golden shimmer. Quite rare, but there are specimens with star-shaped patterns, as well as with an amazing “cat's eye” effect. Light yellow moonstones are very rare.

moon rocks blue tint have a stunningly beautiful 3-dimensional color depth that can be admired while rotating. These are very rare specimens that are highly valued by collectors, which, of course, is reflected in their value. Indian moonstones are multicolored and are valued somewhat less than classic blue moonstones.

origin of name
The “moon” stone is called because of the light blue or silvery-white overflows formed by thin plates that make up this stone. amazing mineral. By the way, earlier in Russia, the moonstone was called tausin stone (from the Persian "tausi" - peacock). The stone was so named because its overflows are similar to the shades of peacock plumage. It was believed that with this stone "no trouble is impregnable."

The Indians call the moonstone "jandarakand", which literally translates as "moonlight".

The encyclopedic name for moonstones is adularia.

Place of Birth
The main deposits of moonstone are in India, Sri Lanka and Burma.
Recently, geologists have discovered large deposits of moonstone in Mongolia. Also, in small quantities, this mineral is mined in Australia, the USA, Brazil, Tanzania and the island of Madagascar.

Moonstone, as a jewelry mineral, began to be used a very long time ago.
Most often, magnificent cabochons were created from it. Cameos were cut out of it, beads, beads, etc. were made. But since the stone is very rare in nature, it is most often used in the creation of jewelry.

In the Art Nouveau era, 100 years ago, the famous French jeweler Rene Lalique chose the lunar mineral. Today luxury collection jewelry this master can be seen in world museums and private collections.

The hardness indicators of the stone are low - this is another reason why the mineral is rarely used in other areas than jewelry. Therefore, moonstones are processed extremely carefully and are turned, most often in the form of rounded cabochons, so as not to crack when complex cuts are made. But this stone never loses its magical shimmering brilliance. It is enough to occasionally wipe it with special polishing, and it will shine with its original colors.

  1. There are legends about the moonstone. For example, if on its surface suddenly arises White spot, then this means that the moon at this moment transmits magical power to him.
  2. In India and Ceylon since ancient times, it is believed that the moonstone is sacred and brings good luck. It was presented as a gift to loved ones, because they believed that the moonstone was able to arouse tender passion and gave lovers the opportunity to see their fate and a joint future.
  3. Chaldean priests in southern Mesopotamia made extensive use of magical properties moonstone: they went out into the field on a full moon (the strength of the moonstone increases), put it under the tongue and cast spells. Such stones immersed them in mystical revelations and developed the gift of clairvoyance.
  4. In Medieval Europe, interest in moonstone was high. It was considered the stone of lovers. Young girls preferred to wear it in the form of amulets, because they believed that the magic stone brings happiness in love affairs.

Medicinal properties
Moonstone has a powerful effect on the body, and acts like a real healer. It has long been used to prevent epilepsy attacks, to treat kidneys and liver. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the Heart Chakra, on the functioning of the genitourinary system, the digestive organs, the pituitary gland, improves heart function, cleanses the blood and lymph, and facilitates childbirth. In medieval Europe, it was believed that on a moonlit night, the moonstone “weeps” and at that moment releases healing moisture, which helps cure fever. To increase the effectiveness of the healing mineral, it is necessary that when worn, it touches your bare skin.

In different cultures, it is believed that the moonstone protects a person from the harmful effects of the moon. Jewelry with this stone or even a small piece of it greatly alleviates epileptic seizures, relieves uncontrollable outbursts of aggression, fears and insomnia.

It has long been noticed that moonstone helps in losing weight. According to ancient rituals, in order to lose weight, you need to contemplate your naked body at full height in the rays of moonlight for three nights in a row after the full moon, standing in front of a mirror. But just standing and looking is not enough - you need to engage in serious introspection, mentally imagine your body parts in the desired form. It is necessary to hold a moonstone in an open hand and clearly visualize your built body.

The mineral energetically corresponds to the water element, therefore it helps to remove stones from the body, treats tumors, seals, relieves swelling and inflammatory processes, “washes out” toxins, alleviates the suffering of cancer patients at all stages of the disease.

According to ancient legends, the moonstone is the best natural "psychotherapist", whose energy drives out melancholy, depression, fear, eliminates feverish conditions, stress and a variety of emotional experiences. It was believed that the moonstone helps to calm hysteria in unbalanced women and cool the irrepressible desires of nymphomaniacs.

magical properties
Ancient magicians highly valued the magical properties of moonstones, but at the same time treated them very carefully. With the wrong attitude, the stones could destroy the wizards themselves - their energy is so strong.

Moonstone among many peoples of the world was considered sacred and cost more than gold. An experienced magician with the help of this stone could predict the future. Moonstone connects a person with nature and helps to achieve harmony with the environment.

Moonstone is ideal for people born under the signs of the elements of Water - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. Can also be worn for Gemini and Libra. It should not be worn by representatives of the elements of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, to whom he can bring mental anguish and self-doubt.

This stone smooths out conflict situations, helps to quickly relieve stress, adds tolerance and mercy to a person. For this purpose, in the Middle Ages, they wore a ring with a moonstone on right hand.

Meditation with a moonstone promotes the disclosure of the subconscious, the awakening of fantasy and creativity, the activation of hidden abilities and talents. All rituals are most often performed on the full moon, when the moonstone is filled with the most powerful force, spreading waves of peace and love around it. On the night of the full moon, the stone is left on the windowsill under the Moon so that it receives its energy and restores the strength of its owner. In the first days of the growth of the moon, the mineral enhances the intuition of its owner. Gifted people can discover the gift of clairvoyance. Owners of a violent temperament are recommended to wear a moonstone on their left hand, which will add patience, sociability, calmness to them, save them from conflicts and a waste of energy.

Moonstone or adularia in appearance looks like a white or transparent crystal with light blue tints. It is used as an inexpensive craft material. The gem got its name because of its characteristic external features.

In nature there are different kinds minerals. The moonstone Labrador became known in the 18th century. It was found on the peninsula of the same name in Canada. After some time, boulders with adularia were discovered in Russia during the construction of a road from St. Petersburg to Peterhof. Labrador quickly spread among the nobility, they began to wear jewelry with him.

At first, the compatriots called the moonstone tausin (the meaning of the word translated from Persian is peacock) due to the fact that the tides looked like bird feathers. In Ukraine, a little later, the richest deposits of the mineral were discovered. Due to the excess there, it depreciated and began to be used as a facing material.

Minerals from Finland and Madagascar, which are called the Madagascar moonstone, can boast of extraordinary beauty. Among the varieties, the solar mineral is also popular - aventurine feldspar with sparkling yellowish tints from the USA, Norway and Russia.


What is the stone of the moon became known thanks to the formations in the veins of alpine origin and pegmatites. In its unprocessed form, the material looks like a rhombic crystal up to 10 cm in size. On the territory of our country, varieties of feldspars - orthoclase with lunar overflows are mined in the following places:

  1. Kola Peninsula.
  2. Irkutsk and region.
  3. Khabarovsk region.
  4. Southern and Subpolar Urals.

The Sri Lanka peninsula is rich in the most valuable types of mineral with blue opalescence. There are accumulations of crystal in the oldest volcanic rocks.

Physicochemical characteristics

The external description of the moonstone is similar to chalcedony. Due to its brittleness, it is easily destroyed under the influence of mechanical force. The mineral consists of thin plates and transparent crystals.

Chemical formulaКАlSi3О8
Molecular mass278 g/mol
Mohs hardness index6
ColorColorless, golden, gray with a blue tint
Degree of transparencytranslucent, transparent
flickersilk, glass
The nature of the fractureconchoidal
Impact resistance of the materialLow
Density2.6 g/cm3

A distinctive property of the mineral is the presence of shillerization. This specific optical effect means play of colors. Under the influence of X-rays, the gem begins to show luminescent properties.

Unique in its beauty, moonstone is an original and unusually beautiful translucent natural mineral.

Characteristic differences

It is for its soft blue tint on a silvery-gray main background with shimmering tints that create the impression of a glare of the moonlit path that it received such an unusual name. Some call the adularia stone, after the geographic location of the first discovered deposit with these unusual crystals in the Swiss Adula mountains.

You can often hear another name: pearl spar, aglaurite, fisheye. Its attractiveness lies not only in its unusual appearance, but also in magical power And healing properties, which change, depending on which lunar day a person puts on a product with him (it is believed that he is especially strong on a full moon on a growing moon).

In fact, this is a variety of feldspar, and there is absolutely nothing in the lunar lunar mineral, except for the name. Its unusual internal structure, made up of many very thin plates firmly pressed together, led to the presence of characteristic color overflows. Sometimes it can be confused with other minerals, but, for example, opal differs in structural characteristics.

The description of the esoteric properties of the stone almost always emphasizes its relationship with the lunar phases and, depending on which moon, various properties are attributed to it.

Adularia is most commonly found in quartz veins. rocks which are called pegmatites.

Chemical composition

By chemical composition moonstone is a potassium aluminosilicate, which is a kind of orthoclase. Its range of colors is very extensive. The rainbow mineral sometimes resembles opal and can be white, pink, peach in color with a unique variety of hues. Their number is difficult to enumerate in stone.

Sometimes you can find very unusual samples with internal inclusions of natural elements in the form of stars or stripes, which, when properly processed, create the effect of a "cat's eye".

The crystal is characterized by a translucent structure with a high degree of brittleness, so it can be easily damaged by mechanical action. Its hardness is significantly inferior to such minerals as quartz, opal.

It is very sensitive to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions. Because of them negative impact the natural mineral adularia may lose its luster over time, which can only be restored by re-grinding the surface. No other methods will help in this case.

black moonstone

A special place among the minerals of this type is occupied by a black Finnish Labrador, for an unusually spectacular blue or green tint, as well as a Madagascar stone.

Feldspars with an opaque surface, which include black moonstone, which is original in appearance, are in great demand among connoisseurs of jewelry. For all its unusual color, it has very beautiful characteristic overflows of blue.

The Labrador was first discovered by German missionaries in the 18th century on a Canadian island, the name of which was later given to the found specimen. Its rare color contributed to the growth of extraordinary popularity among the nobility. Therefore, many jewelers of past centuries made magnificent products, which, it was believed, had great magic power corresponding to the days of the lunar cycle.

A little later, deposits were discovered in Russia. For the unusual color, the moonstone of this deposit was called tausine because of the unique overflow of shades, similar to color scheme with iridescent peacock tail.

When huge deposits of Ukrainian deposits were discovered, such a unique moonstone as a black labrador depreciated to the level of a facing material that was used to decorate the walls of the subway.

Other varieties of moonstone

Sunstone is called feldspar, which has a sparkling gold color, reminiscent of play of bright sunny days.

The green tinted specimens are amazonite, a variety of natural microcline.

Deposits where rainbow moonstone is mined have been discovered in various places on our planet:

  • in America;
  • on the Scandinavian Peninsula;
  • in Ukraine;
  • in India;
  • in the east of Russia.

The most specific color has the appearance of a moonstone, which is mined in Russia and is called belomorite, in honor of the White Sea. Appearance this white, almost transparent mineral with a delicate, bluish tint, can sometimes be mistaken for a milky white opal.

However, many experts disagreed about it whether this specimen can be classified as lunar, and if not, to which one, and what characteristic feature is missing for this. It seems that all the characteristic iridescent features are present, according to which it can be attributed to this group of adularia.

It is generally accepted that real adularia stone, like sanidine, is extremely rare in nature. It is mined mainly in Sri Lanka and India. It is in the local deposits that the most unique varieties of stone are found.

Evidence from ancient manuscripts

Adularia is a stone that can have a different structure, but such a characteristic silvery glow of delicate light shades gives it a special effect. In ancient times, it was believed that these unique natural minerals with an unusual overflow were given to people by the Goddess Moon. Therefore, they must be worn on a certain lunar day, best of all - on the full moon and the first days of the new moon.

The description of ancient manuscripts contains information about this amazing gift of nature, which was presented only as hardened rays of moonlight. This is not surprising considering To What does this stone look like? When looking at the play of highlights, moving from a delicate tone of peach to a cold gray shade, it seems that we are holding a tiny piece of the Moon in our hand.

It is believed that on a certain lunar day, these stones can convey secret omens to people that can affect the course of events in human life. According to ancient beliefs, the stone contained the power of this mysterious satellite of the Earth, which increased its influence with the growing moon.

Mineral cost

The most valuable are blue specimens, which have an iridescent tricolor depth, especially pronounced when rotated in good light. One such product can cost from several hundred dollars to a thousand.

Such high cost is explained not so much by the beauty of the color in the stone, but by the extreme rarity of these specimens in nature. The lowest cost is for multi-color samples mined in Indian deposits.

The popularity of adularia has not decreased for many centuries, and people sincerely believe that there is a certain power in this stone. , increasing with the onset of the full moon. The cost, as well as its value, may vary, depending on the intensity of color shades, size and degree of transparency.

Color overflows in the stone, as well as its internal structure, are the determining factor in the cost. The price of small specimens can start from $ 1 per carat and above. The cost of larger ones depends on the purity of the color, on average it can be about $ 70 per carat.

The brilliance and play of this gem is compared with the radiance of the full moon. The ancient peoples considered the moonstone a gift from higher powers and treated the mineral with respect. Today it is admired and used to solve practical earthly problems.

History and origins

The semi-precious lunar mineral throughout the history of civilization has been an object of admiration, admiration, study, and use.

In the annals of different peoples, crystals are called petrified rays, the frozen light of the moon. The Indians considered the mineral a symbol of passion and luck, a talisman that helps to control fate.

The mysterious overflows of the moonstone gave rise to legends about its origin:

  • in Greece, a gem that allows you to look into the future was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans;
  • the stone of moonlight was created by Satan for Eve to provoke greed;
  • an ordinary pebble, polished by a luminary on a full moon, became a gem;
  • the stone was obtained by the Chaldean magicians;
  • the crystal was given as a gift from the moon to the Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu.

The ring with a gem was owned by Alexander the Great, oriental healers used the magical properties of natural moonstone to preserve the youth of well-born clients. In Russia, the stone was known as "tausiny", that is, "peacock" in Farsi.

The magical nature of the moonstone was not questioned, only the exact sciences proved its earthly origin. The mineral is formed in pegmatites, alpine-type veins, and magmatic faults. Thanks to the silvery gray, blue hues and shimmering tints, it looks like the moon. It got its name from Mount Adula in the Swiss Alps, where it was first found by Europeans.

Other names of the mineral: adularia (in Europe), belomorite and selenite (Russia), fish eye (China), aglaurite, pearl spar.

Today the mineral is quite rare.

Physicochemical characteristics

Adularia is a translucent mineral, potassium feldspar. A spectacular glow, called adularization, creates a thin-plate structure of the crystal. semi-precious or ornamental stone. Looks like chalcedony or synthetic spinel.

ColorColorless, yellow, light gray with a pale blue tint
TransparencySee through
kinkuneven, stepped
Density2.56-2.62 g/cm³

Mining place

Raw materials of the highest quality with blue opalescence are mined in Sri Lanka, Burma, India. Unusual specimens are found in Labrador. Other deposits: Australia and New Zealand, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania. In Russia, stone is mined on the Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in the Irkutsk region, the Khabarovsk Territory, the Baikal region, on the coast of the White Sea, the Urals, and Chukotka.

Varieties and colors

Under the term "lunar natural stone» understand different types quartz: amazonite (the so-called lunar green stone), belomorite, gypsum, selenite, labradorite, feldspar.


But moonstones are minerals endowed with the property of opalescence. There are four varieties:

  • Belomorit. Opaque snow-white or milky-white translucent crystal with a bluish tint. It is named after the place of occurrence - the coast of the White Sea.

  • Adular. Yellowish transparent or translucent mineral, a kind of orthoclase. Micro-inclusions of albite, reflecting light, create radiance with overflows. Rare and expensive. The most valuable - with a bluish glow.

  • Sanidin. The value depends on the saturation of the color. A rare expensive look - blue specimens with a play of color in 3D mode. Multicolor samples from India are cheap and available to everyone.

  • Labrador. Black crystal with an unusual play of shades. First found on the Canadian peninsula of the same name, then in other regions. There is a Labrador in Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory. It is used as a facing material (at metro stations, for exterior decoration of buildings).

There are several types of Labrador:

  • black moonstone - a dark specimen with blue and blue sparks;
  • sun stone - originally from the USA, with golden iridescence;
  • spectrolite is a Finnish mineral with multi-colored tints.

Labrador shimmers in different colors when the angle of incidence of light changes. Flashes and overflows are similar to the northern lights, the phenomenon is called labradorization.


The moon gem, unlike other minerals, does not have one shade. Rather, we are talking about the main color, which is complemented by multi-colored flashes, overflows, radiance:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • colorless;
  • lilac;
  • black;
  • light gray with a soft blue tint.

All types of natural moonstone with the effect of a cat's eye or " starry sky" on a surface.

Medicinal properties

Like the Moon, the influence of the moonstone on a person focused on the psyche:

  • it is a sedative that neutralizes the causes of psychoses and fears;
  • a stone at the head or under the pillow will drive away disturbing thoughts, return a restful sleep;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, especially the pituitary gland;
  • relieves epileptic seizures;
  • calms hyperactive children;
  • restrains sudden outbursts of anger;
  • relieves chronic depression, mental fatigue, depressed mood.

To stop the psycho-emotional "swing", an unprocessed moonstone or jewelry is suitable closer to the body. This is especially true for people living "on the moon", in accordance with the phases of the star.

The stone of the water element solves problems with body fluids. Beneficial effect on the following systems and organs:

  • urinary system;
  • kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
  • heart, vessels; improves blood circulation.

It is possible to treat with a gem at a distance: it is enough to put an energetically purified adularia on a photograph of a person. They say that on a full moon, healing dew appears on a pebble.

Selenite is considered the best gem for a woman. Jewelry makes the hostess confident, charming and energetic. The husband gives a ring and / or earrings to his missus, who is prone to tantrums. Lithotherapists advise women with difficult pregnancies or those who are afraid of the upcoming birth to acquire items with moonstone.

magical properties

According to people, the magical properties of a stone that shimmers like the moon were bestowed by the luminary itself.

Legends about the stone

Adularia is endowed with mystical properties, there are legends about it. Indian legends say that jandarakand is frozen moonlight (literally translated from Sanskrit - moonlight).

Jewelry set with adularia

In Ceylon, it is still considered sacred today. The one to whom the mineral allowed to find itself became a clairvoyant. Temple attendants claim that a stone lying in the darkness of the monastery emits "lunar dew" - a magically powerful substance.

Spheres of influence

The moon crystal is present in occult rituals and secular life.


Moon worshipers in India use the gem in accordance with the lunar phases. Adherents of Hinduism influence them on the chakras.

Sorcerers and alchemists appreciate the magical properties of the changeable moonstone, respect it, but are afraid. Some put the crystal under the tongue at night to make the divination come true. Others fear that the stone's magic will take away their superpowers.

Selenite is a favorite of mystics. Meditations are carried out by holding the crystal in the mouth. The process is more effective when the Moon is in the owner's zodiac sign. A gem under the pillow will inspire a prophetic dream.


For the Western world, adularia has the meaning of a love "magnet". If you wear it near the heart or on the left side (for example, a brooch), the second half will soon be found. Or get attention. The owner of selenite is not aware of the pangs of unrequited love.

Selenite bracelet

With the help of a stone, you can check compatibility with the object of passion. The crystal is placed on a photograph of a person. The tarnishing of the gem means that it is not worth fighting for love. If the radiance is preserved, the feeling will be strong and long.


Amulets with lunar inserts are an attribute of extraordinary creative natures. The crystal will help to reveal personal potential or realize plans. Selenite awakens a craving for beauty, makes a person an aesthete. Talents that the owner did not even suspect can wake up. To fix them, they wear a ring or put a pebble on a personal photo or in their pocket.


The energy of the mineral will help win over business partners in negotiations. Astrologers advise wearing a pendant with a zodiac sign, a ring or a bracelet on your right hand. And business to begin on the growing Moon.

Selenite is an "assistant" to card players and cheaters.

Talismans and amulets

Any decorations with a moon crystal are talismans and amulets that help the owner in their own way:

  • a ring, ring or bracelet on the left hand will correct the mood, help to avoid conflicts when communicating with ill-wishers;
  • an accessory on the right hand will develop talents and intuition;
  • decoration will make the owner more tolerant, more merciful.

The impact of adularia increases with the growth of the crescent moon, reaching a maximum by the full moon.

Who suits the zodiac sign

Astrologers agree that the adularia according to the sign of the zodiac will suit the representatives of the water element. This is a good luck talisman that awakens talents. Aries and Capricorn will slow down development, attract problems. According to the horoscope, it suits those born on the full moon, especially on Monday (the day of the moon).

The magical possibilities of the lunar gem are felt by all the inhabitants of the zodiac circle.

Zodiac signCompatibility ("+++" - fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated)
a lion+

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - categorically contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

For the mineral of the water element, the combination in jewelry or attire with stones of Fire and Air is excluded. In the first version, they will destroy each other, in the second, they will create vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures.

Adularia is combined with white pearls, coral, amethyst, onyx, obsidian, amber. Zero compatibility with ruby, agate, malachite, jasper.

Where is used

Semi-precious adularia is a sought-after jewelry and decorative material.


Bracelets, rings, earrings, necklaces are made with the moon crystal. The frame is silver, options in gold or platinum are often ordered individually. The iridescent mineral is treated with a cabochon, which emphasizes the tenderness and smoothness of the overflows.


A hundred years ago, the beauty of the moonstone was appreciated by the master of French jewelry fashion Rene Lalique. Today, the number one decorative and ornamental material is the labrador. A relatively soft stone is loved by stone cutters who create small plastic.

Amulet with labrador stone

Large deposits have made it a favorite in the decoration of pompous interiors and exteriors of private or public buildings. Countertops, furniture elements, and other luxury decor are made from it.


The price of a moonstone is determined by the size, variety, degree of transparency, color saturation.

The order of prices is as follows (per carat):

  • multi-color Indian gem: up to 1 carat - $ 2-31, 3-5 carats - $ 80-350;
  • labrador - $12–15 ($60–75 per gram);
  • "rainbow" (transparent with a rare play of glare) - from $ 100;
  • blue Sri Lankan - from $500.

The cost of jewelry with an adularia made of ordinary metal is 550–700, in silver - from 1200 rubles.

How to distinguish a fake

The deposits are depleted, so imitations are often offered instead of selenite.

The description and characteristics of a natural mineral help to establish the origin, distinguish from a fake:

  1. A silky surface with small defects (notches, chips, crevices), microvoids or bubbles inside, inherent in many natural minerals.
  2. Glare and iridescence of color when turning the stone under the rays of the sun.
  3. If you look at the natural mineral directly, the blue reflection is not visible (only at an angle of 15–20°). Glass or other fake blue glare does not give.
  4. Transparency or translucency, purple or blue overflows.
  5. Water helps to identify a real gem: in it, the stone becomes brighter.
  6. Under x-rays, a real stone luminesces.

Unlike a fake, a natural mineral is devoid of rich color, luster, heats up slowly in the hands.

How to wear and care

Natural stone is vulnerable, its processing requires skill and care. The same is true for everyday use.

Jewelry with labrador stone


Over time, jewelry inserts fade. The darkened crystal is rubbed with velvet. Glitter will be restored by the jeweler in the workshop, re-grinding and polishing the stone.

Products are best stored separately so that other stones or frames do not scratch them.

The gem is recharged by laying it out on the lunar "path" for the night.


If a pebble is perceived as magical, the following features are taken into account when worn:

  1. For jewelry with a moonstone, the best setting is silver, the proximity to other minerals is taboo.
  2. It is better to give up the moonstone to sociopaths, malicious silent people, people with uncontrolled aggressiveness - these qualities will be aggravated. But for shy, melancholy or depressed people, a blue crystal is useful.

Selenite is such a stone that shares energy with the owner during the growing moon until the full moon. But on the waning moon he becomes an energy vampire. It is desirable to take into account lovers of jewelry.

  1. This is a mineral of self-sufficient people who know what they want and how to achieve it.
  2. For the stone's ability to heal the wearer to activate, it must be in contact with the body, not clothing.
  3. Jewelry with adularia is appropriate for important events; a gift with this stone is considered elite.

Pendant with selenite

To fulfill a cherished desire, you need to wait for a moonlit night, take a pebble in left hand, stand on the moon path or under the light of the moon (you can in the room). And clearly say what you want for the stone to “hear”.

Favorable time to buy

The lunar gem will be not only an ornament, but also a magical assistant and a doctor, if you buy it, bring it into the house and start using it on a certain lunar day:

The stone likes communication, and in two weeks you can make contact with him. That is, to consult, talk about your affairs or problems, thank you for your help, admire, admire its beauty.

Moonstone belongs to the group of feldspars.

The translucent gray-blue color is compared with the surface of the Moon, it has nothing to do with the Moon itself, and even more so it is not mined there.

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Other names are adularia or selenites.

After processing, shimmering gray-blue overflows appear, giving an incomparable individuality.

There is evidence that the retribution for a love spell is inherited in the form of a family curse.

The whole family of the customer suffers up to the seventh generation.

Enchantment is a terrible thing.

In fact, this is damage that cripples the victim, his health and his whole life in general.

You will not envy the one who went to this black villainy - the consequences of a love spell for the customer will be terrible.

- The consequences of a love spell

Where is moonstone mined, where to find and get, price

The main deposit is in India, but a small amount is mined in the USA, Burma, Russia. You can buy it where stone products are sold. Including jewelry stores. good decoration will not be cheap, prices can vary from several hundred rubles to thousands.

Moonstone fake and original, how to distinguish from a fake, a talisman

Unfortunately, it is easy to run into a fake. Products made of plastic and glass are issued for a natural stone. At first glance, they may seem the same and it is very difficult to distinguish them. The real one consists of inner layers, at an angle of 15 degrees it will beat off Blue colour.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that best suits you and find out what hidden magical abilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden abilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devilish influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and the support of higher powers, one can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help to cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. We are talking about the ability to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of goodness and strength that could serve for good, I will move into another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all indications - witchcraft. It is feasible for you to study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for good and done so that others do not suffer in their innocence from your superpowers, bestowed from above.

For development internal forces requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

Most of all you have telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be darkened by going to the dark side if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream, which you will never be able to forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise darkness will swallow you up and this will be the beginning of the end.

Moonstone stone characteristics, its actions

Perfect for quick-tempered natures, the stone has a calming effect.

Moonstone adularia, labrador magical and healing properties, yellow

stone with yellow tint is quite rare. Adularia is a kind of transparent moonstone with an optical effect of light interference, due to which light reflections appear under the surface of the stone.
