The magical power of stones. Magic stones and their properties

Since ancient times, stones have attracted the attention of people. Stones have been used for centuries to create amulets and various talismans. A great many legends, legends and myths are connected with the world of stones. The healing properties of stones in the old days played a big role in healing people.

When choosing a stone, a person should be based on his intuitive perception of this stone. If given the stone suits your zodiac sign, but you feel that the energy of the stone is not in harmony with your energy, so this is not your stone. Feel what emotions this or that stone evokes in you, and this feeling will help you in right choice stone. The magical properties of stones are very diverse, and if you choose the right stone for you, it will bring you good luck, wealth and prosperity, and will also be a powerful amulet or talisman for you.

The magical properties of precious, semi-precious stones and minerals


Aventurine is considered a talisman that brings happiness, and it is also worn to maintain a joyful mood.

Aventurine is associated with the magic of the moon. To achieve success in the business you have begun, it is worth wearing a ring with yellow-red-brown aventurine on the 21st lunar day. Wearing aventurine jewelry for a long time is not recommended, because. he is able to change his energy.


It is believed that agalmatolite improves intuitive perception. Jewelry with agalmatolite promotes empathy for other people.


It is customary to give agate to farmers, gardeners and all those who are connected with agriculture. A symbol of health, longevity and prosperity. Agate jewelry makes its owner pleasant in communication, and also protects from intrigues and intrigues of enemies. Agate protects its wearer from energy attacks and " energy vampirism", while taking negative energy to myself. A ring with agate will give a man beauty in the eyes of a woman.


Adamite helps a person to concentrate on the goal and find the right direction in creative activity. Small pieces of adamite are used as an amulet, which contribute to a successful business, will help in finding new job, internal growth. Adamite helps to achieve financial well-being and success in business.


Increases your power of knowledge. Azurite carries healing energy and is able to have a positive impact. Azurite stimulates the opening of the "third eye".


This mineral is recommended for use in meditation, it expands the channels of your self-knowledge. Aquaurite increases the ability to transmit thought energy. The stone contributes to success in business and protects its owner from negative programs from the outside. Also aquaurite is called "aura purifier".


Aquamarine is traditionally the talisman of sailors and naval commanders. It is also a stone of friendship, courage and justice. It is believed that aquamarine can change its color depending on the owner's mood and the weather. Aquamarine protects its owner from dangers and deceit, gives prudence and strengthens the spiritual side of a person. Aquamarine helps relieve stress, fears, anger, irritation, cools strong emotions, promotes longevity and mutual love.



It is believed that if you put a wish on the alabaster, it will help to realize this desire, because. able to store sacred information and translate it into reality.


Symbol of love and jealousy. Jewelry with alexandrite contributes to the spiritual renewal of its owner. Alexandrite is a stone of luck, longevity and prosperity. Mediums use this stone to enhance the ability to see the future.


The diamond is able to protect the owner from negative influences, protects from sorcerers and magicians, while reflecting negative energy. Symbolizes perfection, invincibility, strength, power, purity and innocence. A diamond will make a warrior invincible in battle. Diamond is able to drive away fears. But diamonds work only for those who have acquired a diamond in an honest way, it is contraindicated for a criminal to wear a diamond, otherwise he will play an unkind service to his owner. The diamond has the greatest power if the stone was given to you or inherited.


This is a stone of fire. Almandine is able to drive away the seal, bring joy, arouse passion, and moderate anger. Almandine has a strong energy. It has a beneficial effect on human emotions. It is considered a stone of masquerades and balls.


A stone of courage and devotion. Creates an owner good mood relieves anxiety and insecurity. Amazonite jewelry will help strengthen family relationships and build a strong family. Amazonite will attract material wealth to its owner. Inspire the elderly to the impulses of youth. Magicians place pieces of amazonite under the "magic altar" to give it special properties. Amazonite enhances the ability to see.


Amethyst is a stone of purity, purity and devotion. A symbol of happiness, health, sincerity, sincerity and peacefulness. If an amethyst crystal is placed between the eyebrows, it will calm your mind and help you achieve inner peace. Amethyst helps open the "third eye" and enhance your insight. Amethyst stone has the ability to extinguish heartache and anxiety, calms and clears thoughts, fills the owner's aura with positive energy and good intentions. An amethyst ring will bring good luck to athletes. If you put an amethyst jewelry under your pillow at night, then you will see a good dream.


It is considered a talisman that is able to connect conflicting beginnings in love.


Ammolite in the form of a seven-colored stone, which is an amulet, promotes economic prosperity, family happiness, and if brought to work, will bring good luck in business.


Angelite is able to establish a connection with the highest heavenly powers. It is a stone of inner peace and peace of mind. Angelite is able to extinguish outbursts of anger.


Anhydrite improves memory and will help you enter a new period of life. Helps with meditation: in the supine position, put a piece of polished anhydrite in the area of ​​​​the navel chakra and take a quartz crystal in each hand.


Prayer beads and amulets are cut out of andalusite, which protect the owner from various cataclysms and contribute to constancy in love.


Blue apatite is able to cool violent emotions and cause the wearer to feel peaceful, and even drowsy. Green apatite promotes good mood and optimism.


Apophyllite promotes important decisions and increases awareness. The stone helps to take the first step in life. Apophyllite promotes clarity of consciousness, opens the veil of the subconscious and is a reliable guide during astral travel.


Aragonite is a symbol of home comfort and family well-being. Helps to find peace of mind and balance the psyche. Helps with meditation.


The magical properties of argillite stone are very extensive.

Sacred totem animals are depicted on argillite.


Balin is a talisman. It protects from evil forces and brings good luck.


Barite is used in religious ceremonies, at.k. the stone helps to communicate with the souls of ancestors. Barite sharpens intuition, strengthens relationships, softens spiritual joy and brings joy to a person.


Belomorit helps to establish a connection with the past. Pendants with belomorite is a talisman that protects a person from dark forces. If you put a belomorite under your pillow, it can cause prophetic dreams. Belomorite helps to contemplate. The stone can absorb negative energy, but cannot process it, and on the basis of this, it should be constantly cleaned under running water. Helps during depression.


Benitoite promotes emotional health, positively affects the intelligence of its owner. Benitoite promotes empathy and emotional sensitivity.


The magical properties of beryl are very strong. A magical stone that brings life-giving energy into the body and removes negative. Beryl protects against fatigue and helps to maintain good spirits. Beryl will help win the lawsuit. The stone will sharpen the mind, because. associated with thought and reason.


Symbol of good luck and victory. If you decorate your hand with a turquoise ring, then your hand will never become scarce. Turquoise is a powerful amulet. Turquoise is able to protect the owner from poisons and poisoning. Turquoise promotes peace in the family.


Bowenite is a talisman of fidelity. It is customary to give to newlyweds and spouses with experience. Bowenite is useful in meditation.


Has a beneficial effect on relationships. It is recommended to wear to people who communicate very often with strangers. Brasilianite will help improve the relationship between parents and children.

Herckmeier diamonds

It is believed that Herckmeier diamonds increase the awareness of its wearer. It will help to remember a person, his past dreams. Promotes a sense of harmony, helps a person behave more naturally in a new environment. The Herckmeier diamond will relieve internal stress, help you relax, and help remove "energy" plugs in your body. Increase the power of clairvoyance and telepathy. They are strongest when located between the throat and heart chakras.


If you touch wavelite in your fingers, it is able to calm the excitement. Wavelite is able to protect its owner from external negative influences.


Vanadinite will help to achieve the intended goal. Bring optimism to life. Improve communication skills.


Gives a sense of peace. Helps to find balance between body and spirit. Products with variscite will bring wealth and prosperity to their owner. During meditation, they will help you remember your previous incarnations.


Vesuvian will increase creative abilities, expand Creative skills. Vesuvian will help in the fight against negative energy influences. Helps in overcoming neurosis.


Verdelite attracts money and success. Remove stress. The greenish color has a calming effect on nervous system.


Green verdite will help activate genetic memory. Strengthen the strength of mind and stamina of a person. Verdit will help you find the right solution.


Greenish vivanite will calm violent emotions and bring peace and tranquility to the human soul. Will strengthen the will and fortitude. Vivanite is able to enhance a person's awareness, develop insight and foresight. It is also a symbol of rebirth.


It will help you find your own personality. It will attract to its owner the necessary events, meetings and circumstances that will be useful in the future.


Wulfenite will instill in the owner a sense of confidence, give an emotional lift. Wulfenite will develop creative abilities, and will allow you to more subtly feel the beauty of nature. Wulfenite maintains invisible bonds between people.


Gagat protects the owner from dark forces, dispels fears and is an absorber negative energy. All evil thoughts directed towards the owner of the stone get stuck in the depths of the stone. A jet placed under the pillow will protect the wearer from nightmares. If a piece of jet is attached to a newborn, then it will protect from the evil eye. Gagat is burned in order to expel evil spirits from the house. Gagat protects the traveler on the way. Gagat will soften the pain of separation. Jewel jewelry is worn during the period of mourning, as a symbol of grief and sadness.


Warm shades will help you find peace of mind and become wiser. The stone will give the owner joy, peace and help create an atmosphere of relaxation and entertainment. If a woman wears a heliodor jewelry, he will increase the number of her admirers.


Heliotrope is considered the best Christian amulet. The stone is used to create various amulets. A symbol of courage and wisdom. The heliotrope forms a strong protective energy field for the owner, which protects the owner from negative influences.


A symbol of courage and wisdom. It is considered a talisman of warlocks. Helps maintain optimism, will and courage.


Helps fight illusions and develops creativity.


A symbol of mercy and sympathy, understanding and forgiveness. Dark goethite will help to concentrate thoughts and help you achieve your goal.


Able to protect its owner from violent emotions and protect from uncontrolled passion.


Green giddenti gives the wearer a clear outlook on life. The stone binds thoughts and spirit. Giddenti will help in resolving everyday problems, and develop a deeper self-esteem in a person.


White howlite symbolizes innocence as well as the strength of human dignity. Howlite jewelry will help calm anger, disturbing thoughts and violent emotions. Howlite brings restful sleep and helps to remember past dreams. Sharpens the sense of beauty.


The crystal ball is the main attribute of magicians and soothsayers. Rock crystal concentrates attention, sharpens thoughts, improves speech. Helps in opening the "third eye".


Pomegranate is a stone of love, love passion, it excites sexuality. It drives away sadness and brings good luck. Develops a feeling dignity. Garnet ring gives power over other people. Black grenades help communicate with the world of the dead. Pomegranate also helps to look into the future.


Danburite increases the sense of responsibility and compassion. Will attract new acquaintances to its owner. Danburite is able to cleanse karma.


Green demantoid promotes a sense of calm and peace.


It is traditionally considered to be amulets that protect the wearer from negative influences. Green diopside will enhance intuition and a sense of compassion. It is recommended to be worn by surgeons.


Green dioptase will help fight negative emotions. He is able to shoot Negative consequences psychological trauma. Raises vitality.


Dolomite will increase the generosity of its owner and increase the capacity for original thinking. Dolomite will eliminate sadness and help to cope with the bitterness of loneliness.


Dravite protects its owner from the influence of extraneous negative karma. Sets energy balance between different chakras. If you take a yellowish-green dravite in left hand, then soon there will be a feeling of concentration of internal energy.

smoky quartz

Smoky quartz will help raise thoughts from the darkness of the subconscious. Smoky quartz jewelry neutralizes anger and relieves irritability. Smoky quartz is able to protect its owner from the evil eye and damage.


Used as an amulet. It will help develop such qualities as accuracy, methodicalness, accuracy, help to increase organizational skills and a sense of responsibility.


Bright green jade protects the owner from troubles and misfortunes. Jade is able to make a person happy. Jade brings emotional release. If you hold a piece of jadeite in your hand, you can make a profitable trade deal.


Contemplation of pearls calms the psyche, brings peace of mind and peace. Pearls are considered the elixir of youth, fertility and have magical properties strength. Pearls are an indicator of poisons. It is a symbol of marriage, prosperity and well-being. Also related to durability.


A symbol of temptation and possible sin. It is worn if they want to deliberately deceive a person. The serpentine will help to avoid dangers on the path of life, as well as protect the owner from negative influences from other people.


A stone of wisdom, composure and hope. The owner of the emerald is protected from evil spells and misfortunes. Protects on long journeys. Emerald attracts wealth, pacifies voluptuousness and brings peace. The emerald will help to keep virginity. Emerald also strengthens memory, drives away bad dreams and dispels melancholy.


Iolite enhances insight. Iolite will help the owner get rid of debt, as it increases the sense of responsibility and proper spending. Money. Iolite removes disharmony in interpersonal relationships.


Pyramids are used for meditation. Calcite is used to relieve nervous stress and overcome stress. Promotes economic well-being.


Symbolizes a pure state of mind and thoughts. Strengthens well-being, health, brings peace and peace to the house. A symbol of purity of thought. Clears the mind during meditation, helps to cope with the anxious state of the psyche.


Quartz will endow its owner with the gift of foresight. Helps to ward off sadness. Rose quartz will help, heal spiritual wounds.


Kyanite will help you remember your dreams. Increase owner awareness. Kyanite is suitable for meditation and calms the nervous system.


Cinnabar serves as an amulet and is used for ritual purposes.


Covellite helps its owner return to their past. Promotes an optimistic outlook on life. Kovelit will save you from unnecessary fuss.


Conicalcite increases the wearer's communication skills, making it easy to make contact with strangers. It has a positive effect on the development of the imagination.


Symbol of happiness and immortality. They have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, contributes to the development of intuition and logic. Coral is a symbol of modesty. It is a prophetic stone.


Kornerupin will help its owner overcome difficulties and discover new abilities. It will make its owner stronger, not subject to worldly circumstances. Kornerupin for those people who want to become the master of their own destiny.


A symbol of passion and sensual love. Helps to concentrate sexual energy. Blue and blue corundums are able to calm passion.

cat eye

The cat's eye is a traditional amulet. Able to protect its owner from evil forces, the evil eye. The cat's eye is able to save love, protect from betrayal. The cat's eye is able to develop the ability of foresight in a person. The cat's eye is able to gently and unobtrusively draw attention to its owner. Improves understanding and attitude of people.


Charm stone. If you keep it in the house, it will strengthen family well-being. It is also a protective amulet. Flint is able to energize its owner. It is a stone of stamina and strength that will help overcome life's adversities.


Violet color cridite has a strong influence on information and energy fields. It helps the owner to engage in self-knowledge.


A red-yellow crocoite crystal is able to free the owner from worries and unreasonable fears. It will help in quick assessment and analysis of the situation, will not allow emotions to take over the mind. Female mineral. He will help the hostess to find a companion in life.


Able to give inner strength.


Cuprite is able to remove anxiety about those things from them that they cannot change. Promotes memories of past incarnations. It has a beneficial effect on the relationship of children with their parents.


They are good guardians. Enhances the owner's ability to visions and revelations. It is recommended to wear jewelry with a labrador only for mature people. On the new moon, the Labrador acquires magical powers. Symbol of purity and chastity. Labrador guards the house from uninvited guests and develops endurance in the owner.


Lazulite helps in making deals and negotiating. A symbol of harmony and tranquility.

Lapis lazuli

Symbol of power. Lapis lazuli is used to cleanse the aura from negative influences. Helps fight anxious thoughts. Lapis lazuli will help get rid of unnecessary memories. Lapis lazuli symbolizes good luck, prosperity and success. Helps to realize plans, projects and strengthens friendship.


Lepidolite is a stone of inner peace. A lepidolite amulet to protect its owner from external negative influences. Violet and lilac lepidolite will help to survive mental trauma.

Moon rock

Force moonstone increases at full moon. Moonstone perceives and attracts love, will bring a feeling of love into your life. Awakens dreaminess and tenderness in the owner. Able to eliminate anger and relieve internal tension.


Wish fulfillment symbol. Malachite superimposed on the “third eye” chakra will help clear the mind of resentment and anxiety.


Promotes the opening of any of the human chakras, especially the "third eye". Moldavite will help to establish a connection with the Higher powers.


Sharpens the mind, prevents fatigue and maintains good spirits. Helps in the fight against enemies, helps in lawsuits, and helps in the restoration of marital love. It will help to eliminate the consequences of emotional trauma.


One of the stones that has strong magical properties. Morion is associated with otherworldly forces. Associate with the memory of people who have left us. Morion helps to call the souls of dead people during a seance. Stone of magicians and soothsayers. If Morion is used for selfish purposes, he will take revenge on his owner, make him insane. Morion develops fantasy and daydreaming. Negative energy can be removed from the stone under running water.


A muscovite amulet will protect its owner from external negative influences and help establish connections with the astral spheres.


Neptunite increases the speed of thinking and reactions in stressful situations. Recommended for people who are public service. Neptunite will help in making an impartial decision without emotions. A talisman in the house will bring stability in all manifestations in life.


Symbolizes kindness, moderation and justice, science, courage, purity. A symbol of purity and perfection. Recommended for those who want to change their lives. A stone of change that will help you get out of everyday dead ends. Family well-being and longevity are connected.


Obsidan absorbs bad intentions, will help its owner to realize their weaknesses. Obsidan protects its owner from wrong actions.

petrified wood

The symbol of the universe. An amulet that carries ancient symbolism.


A symbol of comfort and forgiveness of other people and themselves. Okenite will help get rid of bad habits, it is a stone of purification.


Contributes to the accumulation of vital energy, helps its owner get rid of indecision and suspiciousness. An onyx ring will protect the wearer from sudden death. It is a stone of self-confident people. The onyx stone has the properties of a talisman, as a symbol of luck and good luck.


A symbol of impermanence. They symbolize changing fate. Sharpen intuition and promote inspiration. A stone of faith, love and compassion. Disperse gloomy thoughts and fears. Looking at opal, you can remember your previous incarnations.


Promote peace of mind. Develop the gift of poetry and romanticism. Develop creativity. For lovers, a symbol of consent and fidelity. A good talisman for people with an unbalanced character.


Peridot strengthens spiritual forces and develops intuition. It pacifies anger, brings success in friendship and marriage. Peridot is able to destroy witchcraft spells. Good talisman from the evil eye .


Associated with the sea element.


Petersite helps the owner to cope with emotional outbursts and direct energy in a peaceful direction. Develops the ability to teach and oratory. Helps to bring out the best spiritual qualities in people.


Associated with fond memories. The psychological protector of his master from negative influences. Mineral of fanatics and robbers.


Pyrope helps to keep the owner of his energy potential. Honesty Stone. Brings good luck in love, friendship. Talisman of lovers. Worn as a sign of friendship, memory and love. Pyrope cannot be worn all the time. It is not recommended to wear nervous and passionate.


Prehnite is a stone of peace and tranquility. Can be used during meditation. Helps to remember the past. It will help a woman feel like a leader and bring her desires to life.


Rhodolite gives the owner vitality and passion. Recommended for people who are constantly active.


Rhodonite awakens hidden talents and abilities, helps to develop various skills and dexterity. Awakens the love of life. Used in meditation. Rhodonite is the messenger of the Higher powers.


Rhodochrosite can cause love, calm violent emotions and fill the soul of the owner with the energy of life.

rose quartz

Helps to deal with stress, extinguishes outbursts of anger. Able to increase the owner's creativity and raise self-confidence. Rose quartz in the form of a talisman is useful in love, it will protect family happiness and help you get married successfully. Eases mental pain. It will improve the owner's connection with other people. Often used as a pendulum.


Fills the heart with love, courage and faith. Helps to fight fears, anxieties, has a beneficial effect on the human mind. Talisman of artists. Rubellite generates creative forces.


A symbol of deep feelings, passion. They give mental strength and courage, strengthen the heart. Helps to concentrate sexual energy.

Rutile quartz

Able to drive away longing, sadness, loneliness. Endows its owner with the gift of foresight and allows you to predict the future. An amulet that helps in matters of the heart.


Helps to expand the boundaries of consciousness. Able to harmonize the interaction of soul and body. Sagilite will help mitigate mental and physical death. Helps absorb negative emotions and anger. Sagilite helps to show their hidden talents and abilities. Instills self-confidence.


A symbol of wisdom, power, victory and justice. Sapphire makes its owner calm, tames passion. It will help the owner find a goal in life, overcome fear, laziness, inactivity, awaken a craving for life.


A symbol of luck, good luck, vitality and happiness in marriage. Sardonyx protects the owner from infidelity, deceit and fear of the future. Sardonyx will help increase the power of clairvoyance.


Used during meditation sessions. Able to attract love and money to its owner. Symbol of health and strength.


Carnelian protects from dangers. Amulet from envy and evil eye. They protect the owner from human hostility, intrigues of enemies and evil spells. The carnelian stone has the property of a talisman - it cheers up, softens anger, helps prevent a quarrel and saves from wasting energy. Carnelian contributes to wealth, and gives the owner strength, including creative ones.


Scapolite helps its owner find the right solutions in difficult life circumstances. Gives strength and determination. Attracts success to its owner. Neutralizes harmful radiation.

Apache Tears

An amulet that is given with wishes of good luck. Brings good, stimulates leadership, adds

Courage in life. The one who has Apache tears will never again cry from resentment and grief.


Helps in learning new knowledge, claiming leadership and being more insightful. Brings confidence, helps get rid of the fear of meeting new people.


Sodalite is suitable for meditation. Helps in the fight against fears and helps to achieve inner harmony. The stone clears the mind.


A strong Christian amulet that can protect a person from the effects of black magic.


White and yellowish stilbites are able to develop intuition and help their owner in self-realization. Help in the development of love relationships. Promote creative thinking and creativity.


Talisman of love and luxury.


Tektite helps to connect with the past. Helps to enter the astral plane. Tektite contributes to the accumulation and preservation of knowledge. Save the owner from making mistakes. They will help the owner overcome karmic mistakes.

Eye of the Tiger

Symbol of protection in battles. Powerful amulet. Protect their wearer from danger.


Talisman for people who are engaged in intensive mental work. It will help you concentrate and prepare for a serious debate.


A person who wears topaz is always optimistic. He gives beauty to women, wisdom to men. Will drive away anger and hatred from the owner. Topaz will help to concentrate and attract material wealth to its owner. Topaz protects against the evil eye, witchcraft and other negative influences. It will help to disperse depression and fears, dispel doubts.


A talisman that attracts wealth and brings peace to its owner. A stone of peace in the soul and a sense of peace.


It has a beneficial effect on the body and mind, eliminates fears and anxieties. It will help to concentrate attention and give clarity to the mind. Blue tourmaline is able to sleep peacefully. Talisman of artists. Capable of developing creativity.


Arouse insane passion in a person. Helps develop intuition and foresight. Talisman of honest, loyal and brave people. Protected from thieves and deceivers, the evil eye and damage.


Ulexite is able to attract the attention of other people to its owner and create an aura of increased interest in him.


Unakite is a balancer that helps to achieve harmony between body and spirit, emotions and mind. Unakite will help a person to live in the present, not the past. It will help to remove psychological barriers that hinder inner growth. Able to cheer up and dispel sadness.


Phenakite will help to establish contact with the "Subtle World", contributes to the opening of the "third eye". It is used in meditation and when conducting seances.


Fluorite will help its owner organize thoughts and achieve a state of peace of mind. Increases analytical skills. Magicians use fluorite balls for divination. Used in meditation.


Associated with good thoughts and wishes.


Amulet for sailors. A stone of love that attracts men to a woman. A stone of joy that can drive away longing. Chalcedony eliminates fear and instills self-confidence in the owner.


Chrysoberyl brings insight, peace of mind and healing to the wearer. Protects its owner from worldly misfortunes. He will help women to succeed in business, and a man in a society of women.


Helps to establish contact during meditation with cosmic forces. Dispels tension, fear and removes illusions. Symbol of intuition and wisdom. It will help women become more tender, welcoming and compassionate.


Chrysolite awakens love passion in men. Helps with impotence. Able to warn its owner against unreasonable acts.


Protected from dangers, from the evil eye and damage, from evil envious people and slanderers. Stone of inventors and innovators. Attracts friends. Attracts money and develops eloquence. The amulet protects its owner from negative energy. Chrysoprase drives away nightmares.


Celestite has a healing effect on the human soul. Allows you to overcome karmic problems. Helps people who often perform in public. A talisman that attracts money and good luck.


Develops a sense of self-confidence and a sense of appreciation.


Amulet of merchants, artists and travelers. Improve mental abilities and excite the desire to engage in science. Instills in the owner self-confidence, optimism and good spirits.


A stone of wisdom and tranquility, able to save a person from depression. Strengthens memory and develops eloquence. Promotes mutual understanding and helps to establish psychological contacts between people. Recommended for people who do fine work. It will help to benefit from the contracts received. Talisman for crooks and swindlers.


Zoisite is able to bring happiness to its owner, and make him more optimistic. Green zoisite will help the lazy person to cope with their craving for idleness.


A stone of charm, spiritual purity and prudence. Charoite gives its owner calmness and endurance. Helps strengthen marriage. It awakens clarity of thinking, enhances prudence, prudence, and also helps to develop a philosophical outlook on life.


A powerful stimulant of sexual energy, love and passion. Excites irresistible passion. Not recommended for people with excessive impulsiveness.


Increases the individual abilities of its owner.


Green epidote is a good amulet against harmful informational influences. Enhances any positive qualities of its owner.


Amber will help clarify thoughts and help implement plans. Gives joy and peace. Amber is a source of creative forces, faith and optimism. Amber brings good luck, preserves health, gives physical strength.


Jasper will help build relationships, protect the owner from evil fate and help develop eloquence. Strengthen the sense of duty and honor. Jasper of a cold color gives the power of prediction and reveals the hidden from the eyes, and a dark shade will protect from the evil eye. Greenish jasper will help to concentrate attention and open the invisible to the eye.

Minerals talismans keep in themselves an ancient power, the roots of which go deep into the bowels of the earth. Do not think that the magic of minerals is weaker than that of mineral - the magic power does not depend on the cost.

In the article:


Few people know about this stone, but it is from it that a solid number of feng shui talismans and Chinese-style souvenirs are made. It has a smooth surface and feels like soap to the touch. The color of this stone can be light yellow, greenish, sometimes gray or brown.

In the distant past, animal figurines made of agalmatolite replaced real animals in sacrifices. Amulets made of this stone were popular several hundred years ago in Siberia. There are no restrictions on wearing these amulets, the stone is suitable for almost everyone.

Agalmatolite enhances intuition and the ability to predict the future and learn the secrets of the one who wears it. If you are guessing, you can make yourself a talisman that will help you with this. In general, this stone helps in the development paranormal abilities, so if you are interested, then the amulet from it is perfect for you. He will also develop a sense of sympathy for his neighbor. If you think your character is too tough, it won't hurt you.


Azurite is a beautiful stone of deep of blue color. Ideal for those born under the sign Libra.

Priests from ancient Egypt with the help of azurite could communicate with the gods. Modern devotees of the magical arts use amulets made from this stone to help expand their consciousness, discover and enhance their abilities and rethink their Path.

Such a talisman can be useful to those who, on duty, must be impartial and fair. If you are a judge, policeman or journalist, this stone suits you well. But those who will deceive other people may be in danger - minerals can punish their owners.

Azurite relieves stress and aggression, so it is also good for those who have a nervous job. Also, a talisman from this mineral can be placed in a car if you often get stuck in traffic jams and experience discomfort from this.


This mineral is distinguished by a cross, noticeable in cross section after grinding, created by nature itself. It is not surprising that andalusite gained particular popularity among the monks, who made rosaries and other products from it. Now this is an excellent option for a talisman for a believer.

This stone was popular among the ancient priests and magicians. It was believed that he helps to communicate with the gods and the inhabitants of the world of the dead. Andalusite was used in rituals t ampliers and was considered sacred stone in this order. Nostradamus also loved jewelry with him, and the mineral was popular among warriors and wanderers as a protective amulet.

Andalusite is suitable for everyone, without exception, who is far from empty frivolity, self-interest and unreasonable malice. It will help you become wiser and gain an understanding of the sacred secrets of the universe. This the best option talisman for a soldier, military, priest or medic. Popular among students of white magic.


Sea and river pearls have exactly the same magical properties. It is associated with the element of Water and moon, therefore, can be used in rituals associated with these forces.

As a talisman, pearls will give you longevity and eternal youth. You can maintain beauty and good health for a long time without resorting to constant treatment and assistance. plastic surgery. In addition, pearls will help you establish contact with any person, avoid quarrels and not have problems in the family.

You can not wear pearls to those who are not self-confident, weak in spirit and have lost their thirst for life. It is also not recommended for travelers, athletes, actors and teachers. Excellent and Aquarius.


Even the appearance of this mineral is associated with snakes. In the old days, it was believed that only a magician or shaman could cope with the influence of this stone. This is a very insidious stone that prepares many trials for its owner. But if you pass them, having managed not to get bogged down in the world of entertainment and depravity, you will gain power over a very powerful amulet.

The coil has a positive effect on physical indicators person. It is especially popular as a talisman for athletes who strive to improve their results and win competitions. It also improves the human intellect. With such a crystal, it will be easier for you to study, you will quickly learn the material, do not let yourself be fooled. With pleasure to learn new things and develop intuition, he can also help.

The stone helps not only athletes, but also businessmen and people who are stubbornly building a career. But be careful with this stone, try not to forget what is really important to you. Although if you need to be distracted from business and take a break from worries, you can completely surrender to the influence of the serpentine.


Corals come in white, pink, bright red and brown. Black corals are most highly valued, but the magical properties of the products made from them are similar to corals of other colors.

Amulets from them can make you a long-liver. They develop spontaneity, a tendency to adventure and whims. Therefore, wearing them for too long is undesirable. This is a good talisman for travelers. It will not only help you easily make new acquaintances and find a language with others, but also protect you from troubles, thefts and threats to health and life.

It is believed that coral amulets can only be worn on a growing moon. On the full moon, they are washed and stored in a closed box. It is said that white corals endow with female character traits, and red ones with masculine ones. If you want to become more feminine or, on the contrary, you lack masculine traits, use corals to acquire them.


Jewelry from this durable mineral has recently become fashionable, and now anyone can buy them. They are relatively inexpensive, and marble is suitable for almost everyone as a talisman. It's very easy to befriend him.

From marble, the ancient Greeks built temples dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite. Therefore, it is believed that the stone protects romantic relationships from jealousy, betrayal and betrayal, and also helps women get pregnant.

The ancient Romans believed that marble protected from evil spirits, so the houses of rich people were built from it. Indeed, the mineral has protective properties and is well suited to those who often risk their lives, such as firefighters, military or police officers.

In India, to this day, marble is considered a stone that helps to establish contact with good forces. Therefore, if you are a student of white magic, a marble amulet can be useful to you.


Black, sometimes with a brown or red tint, volcanic glass, called obsidian, has been known to man since the time of the powerful Aztec civilization. Since that time, this mineral has been used in rituals and to create amulets.

From obsidian, both in antiquity and now, effective tools for predictions and clairvoyance are obtained - magic mirrors and balls. It develops intuition and interest in everything that is hidden in secret, while protecting its owner from evil spirits and other troubles.

Obsidian perfectly extinguishes negative emotions and prevents you from doing unworthy deeds. It makes good charms for magicians, scientists and those who are engaged in any research.


This is a beautiful patterned mineral, which is often used to make a variety of souvenirs and jewelry. It is relatively inexpensive, and it is very easy to purchase something from onyx.

It is believed that the walls Jerusalem temple were lined with onyx, like the famous Muslim temple Kaaba. The ancient Romans used it as a talisman against evil forces. This stone is still popular today. It protects from early death, evil spirits, evil eye and damage. The onyx amulet helps only those who are kind, honest with others and do not have bad thoughts.

Onyx is the stone of leaders. It helps to go to your goal through any obstacles, attracts success, stability and good luck. It is also good for developing self-confidence.


A variety of onyx that brings good luck in a career, happiness in family life, the energy of life and luck - this is sardonyx. It is believed that amulets from it help to get rid of the oppression of problems and troubles, depression, despondency and unwillingness to live. If you are visited by suicidal thoughts, you can acquire such a talisman.

Red varieties of sardonyx are good as helpers in countering the forces of evil. If you intend to get rid of a curse or corruption, a good solution is to get a charm from this mineral.

Sardonyx protects against any negative impact, even made with the help of black magic. It will protect you from the negative influence in dealing with people and unreasonable fears, and protect you during the trip.

Sardonyx slows down the aging of the body and mind, allows you to live more than fate destined. With such a talisman, you can achieve harmony with the outside world. Charms for the house from sardonyx save marriage from quarrels and betrayals, and also bring prosperity.


The ancient Egyptians dedicated this stone to Isis. Priestesses wore jewelry made from it and used pieces of carnelian to address the goddess.

In the Middle Ages, carnelian talismans were called upon to keep important secrets, to prevent blabbing, to protect from evil people, otherworldly forces and natural disasters.

Now talismans are made from carnelian to reveal and develop talents, attract profits and vitality. They protect from evil forces, enemies and envy. Not bad for creative people, artisans and businessmen.


A rather rare blue mineral with white patches looks like a day or evening sky. When exposed to the sun and air, sodalite darkens noticeably. To this day, astrologers have not come to a unified decision about the signs of the zodiac, to which this stone is most located.

Modern magicians use the mineral to develop abilities, in meditations and clairvoyant sessions. Sodalite amulets help magicians avoid mistakes and protect them from evil.

He makes women more attractive, and helps men make decisions, get rid of indecision and acquire many other male character traits.

Eye of the Tiger

The golden mineral is considered one of the sun stones. It has very strong protective properties and is able to protect you from all troubles - mortal danger, damage and the evil eye, evil spirits and injury.

The tiger's eye brings up sanity in its owner and eliminates recklessness and the desire for risk. If you are tormented by unreasonable jealousy, then an amulet made of this stone will help you get rid of it.

He will temper your will and allow all the talents that you possess to be revealed to the fullest. Good for those who are forced to risk their lives, as well as for representatives of creative professions.


The color scheme of fluorite is sustained in violet and green tones. The color of the stone is usually uneven and may be mottled or streaked. Some specimens are almost black in color. To this day, it is not known which signs of the Zodiac can use this stone, it is poorly studied by astrologers.

Fluorite is of particular importance in India, but other nations also consider it a stone of magic, meditation, self-development and predictions. Wear it to develop your intuition and magical gift.

A fluorite amulet will help you find harmony with nature, cope with emotions and protect you from any negative influence directed at you. In addition, the stone can make you lucky in love affairs.


The mineral looks like malachite and turquoise at the same time. As a rule, it combines blue and green colors and has black patches.

Chrysocolla amulets will drive away evil spirits from you and help you communicate with good otherworldly forces, better understand them. With it, you will find your place in life, you will not be able to succumb to illusions and will be less prone to fears.

This mineral has a rather strong and noticeable effect on women. With its help, it is easy to develop in yourself feminine qualities and motherhood. Chrysocolla will make you more feminine and attractive.


The bright orange zincite stone looks stylish in jewelry and never harms people. It is used in rituals that are aimed at returning youth, beauty and health.

From zincite, they protect both people and their homes from evil forces and all troubles, and also help get rid of bad habits. It is believed that with the help of such an amulet you can even get rid of drug addiction. Zincite can help you not get drunk and soberly assess the situation while drinking alcohol.

The stone is suitable for people who work physically. It creates a good mood throughout the working day, helps to be less tired and maintains health. Zincite can also be useful for athletes, as it increases endurance and other physical indicators.


This shiny black mineral in Rus' was called a slate stone. Shungite is used both in white and black magic.

Very strong protective amulets are obtained from it, which will save from black witchcraft and any evil, as well as the negative influence of the energy of large cities. As a rule, such amulets are in the form of pyramids, balls or cubes.

Shungite can also attract money luck and make its owner more attractive to the opposite sex. It is believed that this stone is best suited for active and energetic people.


Externally, eudialyte resembles rhodonite, but it has a richer cherry hue.

Its magical properties make eudialyte amulets indispensable for a warrior. They can make a model soldier even out of a real coward and protect him from injury, death and captivity.

Eudialyte amulets are suitable for those who have lost a loved one. They soften the pain of loss, banish depression and inspire a desire to enjoy life. Eudialyte increases self-esteem and gives a desire to fight problems and solve them.


Jasper can be of almost any color, but, regardless of it, it has the following properties. Amulets and talismans made of stone protect the house from the curious, envious and enemies.

It is believed that evil cannot penetrate into the house, which is guarded by a jasper amulet.

In order to get the effect of a talisman from this mineral, it is not necessary to wear jewelry with jasper, it is enough to insert a portrait into a frame from it. This will fill you with positive energy, protect you from any evil and keep you from making the wrong decision.

In general, or jewelry do not have any greater or lesser power than simple ones, ornamental minerals. Therefore, carefully select a stone talisman for yourself, not based on appearance, but from the energy you need. And don't forget about purification of the talisman stone.

In contact with

This section contains detailed information about all the stones that exist in the world. You can find out where and how stones are mined, what properties they have, both natural and healing with magic.

Few minerals can warn their owner of impending disaster. Sultanite is considered one of these magical patrons. In the case of impending negativity, the stone will simply begin to crack, breaking into pieces. The peculiarity of the mineral is that it is unnecessary to carry out any rituals over it - it is already a powerful protector.

star sapphire is a rare gemstone with a unique optical effect. The reason for the uniqueness of the mineral lies in the content of titanium dioxide crystals. Molecules bizarrely combine and form rays resembling rays. In some cases, the image is more like a pictogram, which makes the stone even more mysterious. Interestingly, the "star" may appear after jewelry processing, and at first glance, the stone will look like an ordinary sapphire.

The sun stone or heliolite, named after the heavenly body, at first had a more prosaic name. Geologists have enrolled it in the category of feldspars and called it oligoclase. But jewelers have noticed that there are rock samples that are worthy of becoming precious jewelry.

White quartz is a common mineral, which in chemistry is called silicon dioxide. The crystalline composition of the mineral gives it good thermal conductivity and strength. Shades of such quartz can be both completely white and milky. Sometimes rock crystal is referred to as white quartz, but this mineral has a transparent color.

Hyacinth is a rare precious stones. It is distinguished by a diamond luster and a red-orange color of varying intensity. According to one of the legends, the mineral got its name in honor of the young man. The young man enjoyed the favor of the god Apollo. In one of the fights, he died, and drops of his blood turned into crystals of extraordinary beauty. The stone has other names: topaz, ligurium, jakinite, jargon.

Cacholong is considered a powerful talisman for pregnant women. It helps to endure and give birth healthy child. It's not all magical and medicinal properties Cahalong stone. This mineral holds many secrets and is of great importance for some signs of the zodiac.

We know from history that silicon was almost the very first mineral that appeared on our planet. It was thanks to this stone that the development of modern civilization began, starting from the time of the Stone Age. Primitive tools were made on the basis of flint.

Bronzite is a variety of the mineral enstatite. A significant difference lies in the increased content of iron. Other impurities of the stone include magnesium. The mineral has brown and yellowish colors, sometimes with a green tint. The attractiveness of the gem lies in the heterogeneity of color with many transitions of shades and in the characteristic bronze reflection.

Since ancient times, the magic of stones has attracted man. Over the centuries, many legends and tales have been composed that tell about the mystical properties of gems.

The energy of minerals can radically change fate. Special talismans made of stones can help to cope with problems, get rid of bad addictions, change the worldview and character.

Some stones are used in magical rites, appeal with their help to otherworldly forces.

But do not forget that the same stone has a different effect on each person. It depends on many factors, which you can learn about in this article.

The role of natural stones in human life

People have always tried to get through to the secrets of the world of stones - their properties were studied, tested, described. Research results were passed down from one generation to the next. And over time, they came to the conclusion that each mineral is unique.

Sometimes the energy of stones is so strong that it can change the fate of a person. If you use magic correctly, you can protect yourself from troubles, change your attitude towards yourself and the world, and correct mistakes.

Jewelry and talismans made of pebbles affect a person's health, and his luck, and financial situation. With their help, you can even contact the other worlds and remove the family curse.

Some minerals work only after special rituals, while others can simply be carried with you at all times to feel their power.

Stones in magic occupy a special place - you should treat them with respect in order to get real protection.

Mystical properties of mineral stones

Almost everyone knows about the mystical properties of gems, but not everyone knows that each of them is unique. You should not use the magic of minerals until you definitely study all the details and details.

Among the especially strong talismans, one should single out those that are inherited - from the older generation to the younger. Also, a positive result is given by pebbles donated by a loved one.

It is worth remembering that you can cause irreparable harm to your karma if you try to use the stolen gem.

There is one secret that increases the mystical properties of absolutely all minerals. When you wear jewelry with a stone, imagine how a protective veil envelops you. It comes straight from the middle of the stone and spreads throughout your body - this is the magic of the stones.

The magical properties of precious and semi-precious stones

The magical properties of minerals surprise with their diversity. If you choose the right stone amulet for yourself, you can change karma.

Gems attract good luck, restore health, help to cope with difficulties.

Here are the most famous pebbles with magical properties:

  • Diamond- a symbol of firmness and will.
  • Turquoise Helps keep love in a relationship.
  • Pomegranate- Helps with depression.
  • Malachite- will lift your vital spirit.
  • Sardonyx- will not allow you to deceive.
  • Zircon- essential for education.
  • Rhinestone - drives away nightmares.
  • Amber- protection from the evil eye and damage.

Stones with healing properties

Some gems have unique healing properties. Particularly valuable are:

  • Agate

Here attention should be paid to the color of the mineral. Yellow stones have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and lung function, blue stones eliminate the problem with the thyroid gland, and red stones normalize heart function.

  • Aquamarine

It is a helper for nervous disorders. Also, if you suffer from seasickness, take an aquamarine with you on the road. Believe that you will not remember your problem!

  • Pomegranate

Useful during pregnancy. It alleviates the condition of a woman and helps to tune in to childbirth.

  • Dolomite

If you suffer from pain in the joints and bones, wear jewelry with dolomite. Dolomite will remove the pain syndrome and will not allow the disease to progress.

  • Emerald

Suitable for people who have eye problems.

  • Topaz

Assistant for any poisoning. When you go to a party and you know you're in for a big feast, put on a topaz ring. The talisman will not let you overload your stomach.

  • Jasper

It has a cleansing effect - restores the work of all organs and systems in the body.

Stones with protective properties

Sometimes we do not even imagine how useful this or that pebble is. And some of them can protect from all troubles:

This mineral does not have its own energy. The accumulated energy from the outside world makes it protective. Therefore, here you need to be very careful when charging the amulet - do not allow it to come into contact with the negative. Keep it away from prying eyes - and then the amethyst will become your personal guard from all evil.

  • Pomegranate

The bloody color of the pomegranate was often found on military armor and weapons - this suggests that our distant ancestors knew about its protective properties and used them. A pebble drives away unpleasant people from its owner, protects from conflicts. And even if a difficult situation arises, a grenade will help you get out of it.

Protects from financial problems and from collisions at work.

  • fire opal

Be sure to give your close person jewelry with fire opal - it will drive away both illness and failure. In history, there are cases when, after terrible fires, jewelry boxes were found - the opal was not touched by fire!

Love Stones - Magic for Relationships

There are minerals that magically influence romantic and love relationships. These include:

  • Cornelian

Often it is used for love purposes. Magic properties are so strong that they can completely change the worldview of your partner - correct all negative character traits.

  • cat eye

Protects from betrayal and ill-wishers. Often young people already at the very beginning of their journey together face difficulties - gossip, envious people, temptations. In order not to have such problems, make two paired amulets with a cat's eye - and never part with them. You can be sure that the magic stone will reliably protect you and save your marriage.

  • Ruby

If a couple of lovers live together for a long time, their feelings gradually cool. Passion is no more - there is a habit. But the ruby ​​will help to return all those unforgettable emotions and experiences that you experienced at the first meetings. You will feel sexy and desirable again.

Indicates to the woman - which of the partners has serious intentions, and who is just trying to have fun and kill time.

  • hairy quartz

This is a divine gem. There is a legend about how Venus left a strand of hair in the river. When it became cold, the water froze - and the hair was covered with ice. And so an unusual quartz-hairy appeared. Jewelry with it preserves youth and maintains mental health. As they say, all ages are submissive to love - thanks to quartz, you will feel it for yourself.

Stones according to the signs of the zodiac

The special magic of stones also depends on the zodiac sign:

  • Aries will become more confident and purposeful if he uses the help of a diamond. In addition, the diamond controls emotions, which is important for this sign. Ruby and sapphire will also support nervous balance.
  • Emerald was created for Taurus. He gives wisdom, supports in difficult moments, does not allow you to give up. Helps with financial matters.
  • If you Twin, your mineral is topaz. Representatives of this sign have one feature: they waste their internal energy too much. Topaz saves from such situations and replenishes vitality.
  • Cancers you should pay attention to pearls. Thanks to a beautiful stone, you can open up, express yourself.
  • Solar gem amber is associated with representatives Lviv. It will allow you to ascend to the pinnacle of fame, achieve success at work, overcome all fears.
  • If you Virgo, your talismans are jasper and jade. They are especially strong in combination with white metal. Stones endow a person with wisdom, justice, tolerance.
  • The magic of aquamarine and opal is suitable for Libra. They have a positive effect on emotional background help you become more balanced.
  • Scorpion will become a real lucky person if he makes friends with aquamarine. Garnet and black opal will also bring good luck. Minerals primarily affect the nervous system, harmonize it. They help you become more confident and stronger.
  • Experts advise Sagittarius wear turquoise jewelry. Due to the unstable nature, representatives of the sign often leave the work they have begun unfinished - turquoise will save them from such situations.
  • For Capricorn talismans with a ruby ​​will do. In addition to attracting good luck, the ruby ​​will also drive away all negativity from you.
  • Amethyst is made for Aquarius. He will not allow you to fall into despondency, dispel longing and Bad mood. You will have an irresistible desire to create, express yourself, embody creative ideas in life.
  • Fish associated with water, like aquamarine - it is he who is the lucky mineral for the sign. It develops intuition and protects from the negative influence of the outside world.

Stones according to the eastern horoscope

The selection of a personal amulet stone also depends on the year of birth. And who are you according to the eastern (Chinese) horoscope?

  • If you Tiger- stop at ruby ​​jewelry.
  • Rat suitable amber.
  • For Bykov agate jewelry will be the best.
  • cats(or Rabbits) experts recommend using rock crystal magic.
  • Chrysolite is a mineral for Dragons .
  • snake jasper will protect best.
  • If you were born in the year Horses, your stone is a garnet.
  • Those born in the year will not do without sapphire goats .
  • For Monkey fit aquamarine jewelry.
  • Rooster topaz is worth a look.
  • The magic of moonstone and carnelian is simply created for dogs .
  • But those born in the year Boar must have coral decoration.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

