Black hair with brown eyebrows. How to choose the right eyebrow color for hair color

There are no trifles in creating an attractive appearance. Very important point: what should be the eyebrows? Look for the answer to this question in our article.

What color and what shape should be the eyebrows

What color should the eyebrows be

rule classic makeup: the color of the eyebrows for blondes should be a tone darker than the shade of her hair, and for dark-haired girls - a tone lighter.

What are the main mistakes when coloring eyebrows:

  • the choice of a dark saturated color of the eyebrows by the owners of any shade of hair turns the face into a kind of ritual mask;
  • and, on the contrary, the preference for an overly light shade makes the face faded and inexpressive.

The main adviser when choosing is a mirror. Experiment until you find the right color.

Blondes with wheaten warm shade of hair for eyebrows fit color in brown color. And girls with a cold blonde need to use an eyebrow pencil in graphite tones. If the coloring of the hair on the head in shades of blond is made using the “shatush” technique (with a large indentation from the roots of the hair), then the color for the eyebrows should be chosen a couple of tones darker than with the classic color for blondes.

What should be the shape of the eyebrows

Giving the correct shape to the eyebrows can work wonders: the eyes “open”, the look becomes expressive, the oval of the face is corrected.

Basic rules regarding the shape of the eyebrows:

  • they should not “grow together” on the bridge of the nose;
  • the hairs should not bulge in different directions and grow outside the eyebrow line.

If you follow these rules, then your face will take on a well-groomed appearance without much effort.

What rules should be followed when giving the eyebrows the correct classical shape? They should be as wide as possible at the nose. Further to the top point of the bend, their width should be the same. After their "top" they should gradually taper, "draining" towards the temples. The ideal shape of the eyebrows is one that repeats the natural line of the superciliary arch.

The method of correcting the shape of the eyebrows is quite simple - this is plucking. The procedure should be performed with tweezers with rounded ends. In order not to get carried away during the correction process and not to remove the excess, draw the shape you are striving for with an eyebrow pencil. And only after that proceed with the removal extra hair. Before the procedure, wipe the superciliary arches with an ice cube - this will reduce pain, and after the end - with a swab dipped in an alcohol solution.

The tradition of changing the shape and coloring the eyebrows has come to us since ancient Egypt. Today on the site you will receive a virtual consultation on how to choose the color of the eyebrows, without violating the harmony in appearance, when creating your image.

What's in the article:

Strive for the perfect look

What is the ideal image of a woman? All stylists agree in one opinion: "Naturality - first of all"! Everything in a woman should be natural and harmonious.

When choosing a new hair dye, do not forget about your eyebrows. They are very important detail female appearance. Light and hardly noticeable - will make you faded and inconspicuous, too expressive and bright - will give the image of vulgarity.

Have you already thought about what color should be the eyebrows? The secret is simple: they should be in harmony with your color type. In other words, you should focus on hair, eyes and skin.

And now consider the question of how to choose, focusing on your color type, the right shade.


Using the tips below, you can easily determine which shade is best for you to make your choice.

  • The owner of green eyes can safely experiment with different shades of brown. Trial and error works best, because even stylists note the difficulty in choosing the right shade for green eyes. Only one thing is known for sure: black, gray and metallic colors - in this case they will not work;
  • Blue-eyed women are the easiest to decide. Your palette is all shades of gray and light brown tones. Forbidden - bright, too saturated and dark tones;
  • In the case of gray eyes, harmony in color scheme can play a cruel joke, gray eyebrows can easily spoil your appearance. A light brown palette or the color of wet asphalt would be appropriate here;
  • How to choose the right eyebrow color for owners brown eyes? In this matter, hair plays a decisive role.

Hair matching

This is where harmony is important. Hair is a decisive factor in choosing an eyebrow dye. Between them there should be a complete idyll.

  • How to choose the color of eyebrows for brunettes? There are two options here:
  1. If you are looking for an image business woman, their color should be a tone darker than the hair;
  2. The color is one tone lighter - it will make your face more tender and young.
  • For brown-haired women, according to stylists, it is not at all difficult to choose the right shade. The choice of options is huge:
  1. For copper-haired - bright red;
  2. For chestnut brown-haired women - terracotta;
  3. For dark redheads - chocolate;
  4. For light red - brown;
  5. For reddish-brown - graphite.

How to match the color of the eyebrows to the color of the hair for those who have an unnatural shade, for example: turquoise, pink or lilac? The rule remains relevant: warm tones to warm, cold tones to cold. Well, try to avoid sharp contrasts.

If, nevertheless, it is difficult for you to decide, you can always seek help from specialists: a makeup artist, stylist or hairdresser. Now, this can be done even with the help of a computer, using special programs.

Site site. advises - do not be afraid to experiment. The ideal option would be to check the selected shade under different lighting variations. Assess your appearance, both in rainy weather and in bright sunshine.

Before you decide to get a tattoo or coloring with chemical paint, choose the most suitable tone with a pencil or shadows.

Choosing cosmetics

The colors of pencils for coloring eyebrows are very diverse. It is the rich palette that makes their use a more profitable option than shadows.

And one more rule: blondes choose a pencil a few shades darker from the hair, brunettes - lighter.

If you want to achieve a darkening effect, use shadows. They are applied with a brush, with dotted and short movements. Paint mainly the curve, not the base.

When choosing a tone, try applying cosmetics with a pencil or shadows in the daytime, in natural light. This is the only way you can see all the shades and determine if the pencil suits your image.

And, most importantly, choosing what color to paint your eyebrows - do not chase fashion. Take a guide to naturalness, which will only emphasize the beauty of your face.

The article has been reviewed and approved by Instagram beauty blogger @lil4olga. .

Beauty is a collection of details that, when combined, make up a harmonious picture. This applies to everything, including woman's face. Eyebrows are part of the face that creates its expressiveness. If they are not well-groomed, then no eye makeup will save the situation. But there is a reverse effect: beautiful eyebrows can become the main focus on a face without makeup, as in the photo.

To paint or not?

The key to the attractiveness of this part of the face is not only the shape, which should be natural, but also the shade. Ideally, it should be the same undertone as the hair.

Usually, nature itself takes care of such a harmonious combination, but if a girl dyes her hair, she also needs to dye her eyebrows.

Moreover, in this case, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • hair color;
  • eye color;
  • skin tone.

It is not always possible to take into account all these points, so girls, as a rule, try to choose some kind of neutral eyebrow color. This is what gray is.

The best option

Who is this tone for? If we talk about the shades of strands, then the following combinations look harmonious:

  • blonde with a cold undertone;
  • ash-blond;
  • fair-haired;
  • dark blond.

Blonde woman gray color goes most of all as it is very close to her natural brow tone and blends well with her skin tone and eyes. The same can be said about fair-haired girls.

It should not be forgotten that grey colour has its own palette of shades, so, for example, a blonde with a golden sheen of curls can easily choose a gray-brown eyebrow color. Saturated, almost graphite tones will suit the owners of dark blond strands and swarthy skin, as well as brown-eyed girls. That is, the darker the hair, skin and eyes, the richer the eyebrows should be. However, you need to take into account the subtone of the color type. If it is cold, then you can use pure gray tones, if it is warm, then it is better to dilute it with a brown tint.

Who else suits this shade of eyebrows? It is ideal for girls with a blurry appearance color type. For example: light brown ash curls, skin with a light, honey undertone and light brown eyes. That is a combination of cold and warm tone.

You should definitely choose this eyebrow color for gray eyes, with any undertone of skin or hair.

Coloring and makeup methods

You can give expressiveness to the eyebrows with the help of makeup, which is performed in several ways:

  • pencil;
  • shadows;
  • eyebrow gel.

Sometimes girls apply mascara for makeup. But this option should be chosen only by owners of thin hairs and a narrow line, otherwise, instead of expressiveness, you can get vulgarity. It's better to just do a gray eyebrow tattoo. Henna tattoo is popular. However, it is worth remembering that henna will not be able to give a cold tone. Rather, it will turn out gray-brown, as in the photo. So a fair-skinned blonde should choose regular coloring, otherwise it will look unnatural on her face.

In general, tattooing is used more often to create the outline of the eyebrow line than to color them. It should not be done by girls with thick hairs. But for owners of rare hairs, tattooing will be an excellent solution.

Eyebrows gray

After it, the position is occupied by the usual staining. It can be made with special paint or the same henna that is mixed with basma. This is an ideal solution for owners of light hairs growing in a wide line. After staining, it remains only to comb the eyebrows with a brush and use the gel. If your own eyebrows are gray by nature, it is enough to emphasize it with a pencil.

Eyebrows can emphasize the beauty of the eyes, make the face more expressive. But only on condition that they have the correct shape and color. Natural eyebrows look best, the color of which is in harmony with both the skin and the hair of a woman.

But now it is not often possible to meet a girl who would not change the color of her hair from time to time. Today she is a charming blonde, tomorrow she is a sensible brunette or brown-haired woman. With such changes in the image, one should not forget about the color of the eyebrows so that they look harmoniously on the face.

Color selection rules

  1. In women with blond hair, eyebrows are two to three shades darker than their hair.
  2. In women with dark hair, they should be lighter by two to three tones. In addition to brunettes, they are also a little lighter.
  3. pick up new shade only needed in daylight. Then you will see if it matches your look.
  4. Eyebrows should not be the most visible element of the face. Stylists find it annoying. They should emphasize the eyes, highlight them.
  5. Before changing the color of the eyebrows, use tint products that won't last long. If you do not like the shade, you can wash it off and look further. To check how you look, use a selfie, which will immediately show if a new look suits you.
  6. Tint your eyebrows in the salon (once every two weeks) or get a tattoo (once a year)
  7. If a girl wants to stand out from the crowd, be bright and unforgettable, she needs to make her eyebrows a little darker. If she strives for a romantic look, then light shades will suit her.


How lighter hair a girl, the lighter her eyebrows should be. They are slightly darker than hair. Otherwise, they will look unnatural, defiant.

girls from light curls they can dye their eyebrows light brown or brown. If the girl has ashy hair, then they can be gray.

If a woman boasts fair skin and blue or green eyes, then the eyebrows should be light brown and pastel shades.

Blondes can choose any shade they like: from light to rich, chocolate. However, black is best avoided.

Girls with blond hair

To choose the color of the eyebrows, follow the universal rule: it should differ from the hair, but not much, no more than 3 tones. Therefore, cosmetologists advise choosing terracotta, chestnut or moderate tones of brown.

Girls who have blond hair, but light eyes and the skin is not dark, you can use dark golden shades. They will make the face more refined and mysterious. If the hair is dark blond, then you can use brown or chocolate color. If the eyebrows are black, then the face will become unnatural, a shade of blue will appear on the body.

Brown-haired women and girls with red hair

Owners of fiery red hair can choose a golden brown shade for eyebrows.

If the hair is reddish, then you can use brown or chocolate shades.

As for brown-haired women, there is an opinion that they are coal-colored. This is a common mistake. Do not forget the universal rule of selection - only a tone lighter than the hair. Therefore, dark brown or dark gray colors are suitable. If they have fair skin, let's say light brown.


Choosing a color for women with black hair is not difficult, the main thing is to remember the rule: eyebrows are one tone lighter. If the girl has light skin, then dark brown colors will suit her. Dark tones, almost black, are suitable for swarthy. If this is a burning brunette, then you can use a charcoal color.

It is better to paint eyebrows in a special salon, but you can do it at home by watching this video:

Eyebrow color is important in the image of a woman, because. they are the natural framing of the eyes. It is important to be able to observe the line that separates the memorable and vivid image from the vulgar. If you follow the above rules, you will succeed.

The most complete article on the topic: light or dark eyebrows: how to choose the right color? and a little more for real beauties.

The color of the eyebrows of a woman, if they pay attention, is usually secondary. And in vain, because they can radically change the image - make the face softer or rougher, older or younger. Of course, dark eyebrows look the most harmonious and dark hair, although the owners of light or red curls will always be able to choose their ideal shade.

Dark, thick, most natural eyebrows are in fashion

Every woman at least once, but wondered if her eyebrows should be darker or lighter than hair? Any makeup stylist will tell you that you should be guided not only by the color of the curls. The tone of the skin and eyes also matters.

Helpful advice! It will help you not to get confused simple circuit. Eyebrows should be 1-2 shades darker than hair - for blondes, lighter - for brunettes.

You can easily choose the color using the table below.

Hair color Eyes skin tone Recommended brow color
Ash blonde Blue, blue, green Cold Graphite, taupe
wheat blond hazel Warm Chocolate, light brown
Light blond with a hint of red or gold - - Terracotta shade
brown hair - Warm Dark brown, chocolate
Cold Saturated graphite, anthracite palette
Black with blue - - Allow the shade of eggplant
classic redhead - - Brown, terracotta, chocolate
Red with a red tint - Light, pale Brown with a touch of mahogany, copper, terracotta
red-brown - - Chocolate
Grey hair - - Graphite, dark gray

Note! Women with gray hair colors with red pigments should be avoided. They look too provocative.

Blondes will look winning and charming with lighter eyebrows.

The classic scheme does not always match fashion trends. For example, blonde hair and smoky or rich graphite eyebrows are in trend today. Similar dark shades are also chosen by the owners of red, chestnut, chocolate curls.

How to change color?

If the hairs are naturally light or sparse, correct the situation using decorative cosmetics. Moreover, we will tell you how to make eyebrows darker at home using permanent dyes, pencil, shadows and folk remedies.


Photos before and after coloring eyebrows

Using this method, you will get a lasting result that will last up to 3-4 weeks. If you have never performed such a procedure, it is better to turn to professionals. In the salon, the price of eyebrow tinting is on average 400 rubles.

However, you can change the color at home with your own hands. Choose a special paint for eyebrows and eyelashes. Hair products are not suitable because they are too aggressive for sensitive facial skin.

Apply the coloring composition carefully, without going beyond the drawn contour.

So, if you did not know how to paint eyebrows correctly, detailed instructions will come in very handy:

  1. First, do an allergy test. Dilute the dye with water and apply it on the skin of the hand, wait 10 minutes. If no reaction other than staining followed, you can continue the procedure.
  2. Prepare everything you need. You will need the dye itself, a thin brush for application (with natural or artificial bristles), a cosmetic pencil, a fat cream, cotton pads and sticks.
  3. Define the shape of the eyebrows. It will be easier to do this with a special stencil. If there is none, draw the outline with a pencil.

Using a stencil will make painting easier

  1. Apply cream to the area around the eyebrows. This will protect the skin from staining and prevent the composition from going beyond the contour.
  2. Apply paint with a thin brush. The inner tip of the eyebrow should be slightly darker than the outer one, so start coloring from there.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes and wash off the remnants of the composition using a cotton pad, water or cosmetic milk.

Helpful advice! Do not use brown, black or graphite paint alone. As a result, you can get an unattractive blue or red tint. It is better to mix the compositions, in more using the pigment of the color that is needed.

And what to do if I dyed my eyebrows - they are too dark: how to lighten?

Correct the situation with one of the following means:

  • soap;
  • makeup remover;
  • alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lemon juice.

Another thing is if lightening is required for a brunette who has turned into a blonde. Dark brown eyebrows with blond hair look a bit rough. It is better to lighten them by 2-3 tones using professional cosmetics.

Making eyebrows darker without paint

Use a pencil to draw a clear shape

You can change the color with a pencil. A wide range of similar products is on sale, and therefore you can easily select the desired shade.

A dark brown eyebrow pencil colors not only the hairs, but also the skin. With it, you can easily draw the desired shape, eliminate asymmetry, visually add density.

For the best shadow effect, it is better to use with a pencil

If you are wondering how to make eyebrows darker without paint, pay attention to special shadows. Unlike a pencil, they do not leave a clear mark, and therefore look more natural.

Excellent customer reviews have earned products from brands such as:

  • oriflame,
  • "Letual",
  • Essence,
  • Pupa,
  • Rive Gauche.

To darken the eyebrows, you can use special gels

To make eyebrows more expressive will help and folk remedies:

  1. Castor, burdock, sea buckthorn and camphor oil contribute to the healing of hairs and the preservation of a rich color. They should be applied daily 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Strongly brewed tea will darken the eyebrows. They should wipe the hairline every day for 10 minutes.
  3. Prepare a decoction of walnuts. It must be applied cotton swab quite neat, because it has a strong coloring effect.
  4. Make a tincture of dry sage leaves. Apply and let dry.


Correctly selected eyebrow shade will complement and beautify the face

So, now you know how to darken your eyebrows using cosmetics and folk remedies, as well as decorative cosmetics. Before use permanent dye, make sure that the chosen shade suits you, because even the most trendy colors can spoil the face, making it rough or adding a few years.

Try, experiment, learn! More interesting information on this topic will offer a video in this article. We will be happy to answer all questions, comments and suggestions in the comments.

What color to paint eyebrows? - This is a question every girl asked herself. Today we will deal with him once and for all.

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It's no secret that eyebrows are one of the most important parts of the face. The whole image depends on how they look. Properly tinted eyebrows will emphasize the color of the eyes and help to correct the shape of the face. The most important thing when choosing a color and shape is naturalness.

There is a common misconception that for girls with a light shade of hair, the eyebrows should be darker in tone, for brunettes - lighter. Not many people think that this advice applies only to those girls whose hair color is natural.

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In owners of blond hair, eyebrows are most often barely noticeable. And they really need to dye their eyebrows a darker shade. If the natural hair color is dark, and the girl is dyed blonde, then the eyebrows should be made lighter so that they look harmonious. Only coloring will help such a girl, but it must be done with great care so as not to become an albino. Ideally, turn to professionals.

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If a girl dyes her hair in a darker shade, then she needs to choose the right one more dark color for eyebrows. You can color your eyebrows with a pencil, shadows, tint gel. The most durable and radical method is permanent, I will tell you more about it at the end of this article.

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Everyone knows that eyebrows should be slightly darker than hair color, but this rule does not always work. If you have thin and sparse eyebrows, then a dark color will only emphasize this. Remember the young ladies with thin eyebrow threads, you must admit, it looks bad. Too dark eyebrows are not suitable for older women, because they emphasize wrinkles and irregularities in the oval of the face.

What eyebrow color to choose?

Shade for eyebrows should be selected based on the tone of the hair. If you have a warm hair color, then the eyebrows should match, choose colors with a brown tone. If the hair color is cold, then it is better to paint the eyebrows with gray shades. There is nothing to choose from only for those who have cold black hair. The eyebrows of such girls should also be cold black. Owners of bright red hair need to dye their eyebrows in brown and terracotta tones.

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If you dye your hair extremely bright or pastel unnatural colors, for example, in pink, turquoise, lilac, etc., then choose a tone for your eyebrows that will harmonize or contrast. Rule: cold with cold, warm with warm - do not break!

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How to choose cosmetics for eyebrows?

The most important rule when choosing any cosmetics is to try! Ideally, check the color in different lighting conditions, indoors and outdoors, in bright sunshine and in cloudy weather. Only in this way can you be completely sure of the color.

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Before deciding on a tattoo or coloring, you need to choose the right tone. Experiment, use pencils, shadows and tint gels. Do not stop until you achieve the desired result, only in this way you will have an understanding of what you want to get as a result of staining with paint or a permanent.

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Where to go if you decide to change the color of your eyebrows?

Many are hesitant to change their brow color or try new makeup because of a bad experience. If you are unsure of your abilities, then best solution there will be a visit to the brow bar. These establishments employ makeup artists who specialize in eyebrow tinting. They have a lot of experience and a wide selection. cosmetics. There you can consult or go for coloring.

The most serious step is permanent tattooing. It lasts up to a year, so you must be sure of the professionalism of the master.

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Types of permanent tattoo

dense filling

Oddly enough, this method is the most popular. Most likely because it is the easiest to perform and does not require special artistic skills from the master. When tattooing with this method, the eyebrow is tinted evenly in one color. It looks completely unnatural. And suitable only for those who adhere to the pin-up style.

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Shadow technique

The shading method creates the effect of eyebrows made up with shadows. He looks pretty good. There is only one BUT! Need to find a master who can make nice shape and can accurately create a toning effect. Some eyebrows turn out as if their child drew with a felt-tip pen.

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Hair method

This method is one of the most preferred. The master applies the tattoo with individual hairs, taking into account the tone, shape of the eyebrow and the direction of growth of the client's own hair. If desired, these hairs can be shaded or left contrasting. It depends on the color type of the client. For girls with a contrasting appearance, you can do it without shading, for the rest, the shading option will look more natural.

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3d effect

This technology is similar to hair, with the only difference that the master uses several close color shades and highlights in his work. This method is especially good for those who have sparse eyebrows or lack their own hairs.

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In addition to tattooing the eyebrow itself, masters can make highlights under the eyebrow to hide age-related changes or simply give the eyebrows a clearer shape.

Whatever kind permanent tattoo Whatever you choose, be serious about finding a master. Study the before and after photos, it is especially good if the master publishes photos after the eyebrows have already healed. A good example would be this tattoo artist. The photographs of the work clearly show how well the color and shape of the eyebrows are chosen, the study of the hairs looks especially beautiful. Keep in mind that the recovery process takes one to two weeks.

Find out all the latest, fashionable and useful in my blog. Write your questions and wishes in the comments. Subscribe to my group VKontakte or Twitter.

Should I consider hair color in the selection of eyebrow color? What to focus on: natural hair color or color after dyeing?

Previously, fashionistas had only 2 colors of pencil at their disposal: black and brown, now the palette is much richer and there are opportunities to transform your appearance into better side countless number.

Owners of natural hair color, whether brunettes, blondes or brown-haired women, in order to make their eyebrows more expressive, shade the color of their eyes and skin, most often use decorative cosmetics for eyebrows (pencil, shadow, gel), as well as persistent professional dyes for eyebrows and eyelashes, choosing a color a tone or two darker than the natural color of the hair. It would seem that difficult? It is important not to overdo it and remember that too dark eyebrows can add severity and age to the face. And the inconsistency in the combination of warm and cold tones will create an imbalance and fragmentation on the face: the eyebrows “live their own lives” separately.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil, shadows, highlighter?
And if the hair color changes dramatically, then you should think about changing the color of the eyebrows. In order for the hair, skin and eyebrows as a whole to look harmonious, it is necessary to coordinate the colors with each other. Consider different situations for girls of all color types.

How to choose an eyebrow color for blondes?

Natural blondes, who naturally have blond hair, most often have sparse light eyebrows. It is possible to make a color accent with a pencil, shadows or professional eyebrow coloring, choosing the appropriate tone for the hair color at the roots - these are wheat brown and light gray shades:
Cool ash blondes use gray, taupe brow pencil and eye shadow;

Blondes with a warm wheaten shade of hair - light brown, honey, golden chestnut.

But what about the color of the eyebrows for those who have radically changed the color of their hair from a burning brunette to a blonde?
Owners of dark, naturally thick eyebrows, even when changing their hair color to a lighter one, there is no need to lighten their eyebrows. White eyebrows - such a color scheme may be appropriate only for fashion shows.

About what trends reign now, the article will tell - fashion eyebrows 2016.

Tip: some burning brunettes, having dyed their hair in a golden-haired blonde, try to lighten their eyebrows as well. This option is extremely undesirable and short-lived: after a few days, the hairs will begin to grow and there is every chance to turn into a zebra. Best Option in this case, it will give the eyebrows a beautiful shape that suits the new image. The dark eyebrows of blond girls look stylish and fashionable, just remember Vera Brezhneva.

If the color-rich black eyebrows still contrast strongly with the blond, as an option, for hair coloring, you can consider analogues where the root zone of the hair is not colored - bronding - smooth transition from natural color to blond, highlighting or partial coloring. The presence of strands at the roots or on the occipital region dark shades will be in harmony with naturally dark eyebrows.

How to choose an eyebrow color for brunettes?

Light brown and brown hair will suit eyebrows a tone lighter, if there is a desire to make the face more tender, light, young; or a tone darker when it comes to more strict or evening make-up. Everything is individual, the main thing is to follow the rule:

Rule number 1: choose cold tones for cold tones, warm shades for warm tones.

Light brown hair with a shade closer to ashy and black - cold shades of gray-brown and gray-black colors.
For hair of chestnut color, brown-red - you should give preference to cosmetics for eyebrows with warm shades of terracotta brown and chocolate color.

Brunettes with a pronounced black color of eyebrows and hair are advised to pay more attention to the shape of the eyebrows and correct it, rather than play with color. If, nevertheless, there is a need to paint over the space between the hairs, visually making them thicker, it is necessary to give preference to eyebrow cosmetics of the same tone as the hair - black.

How to choose the color of eyebrows for brown-haired women?

With natural brown-haired women, the situation is more interesting. There are many options here, depending on the effect that we want to get as a result of the transformation of the eyebrows: for example, brown-haired women, whether they want to be “red suns” or opt for strict brown shades.

Possible variations in the color of the eyebrows for brown-haired women are light and dark brown, honey and light gray.

How to choose an eyebrow color for hair combined color combinations?

Let's not ignore the extreme types of hair coloring: all possible purple-eggplant, ruby, green-blue hair strands and their combinations. Owners of an extravagant hairstyle in choosing eyebrows should rely on their natural color hair at the roots.

Cool shades of gray and taupe are suitable for gray and blue-white curls.
Undoubtedly, hair color is the determining factor from which they repel when choosing the color of the eyebrows.

For girls of all color types, blondes, brunettes and brown-haired women, one more simple rule should be remembered:

Rule number 2: do not argue with nature and make the color of the eyebrows what it does not exist at all: black-blue, brown-red, peach and orange. Remember that cosmetics are designed to skillfully improve what has already been given to us by nature.

We will be glad if these tips will help you decide on the color of the eyebrows, we suggest you trust the professionals and use the service of eyebrow modeling and correction.

CategoriesEyebrow shapingTagseyebrows, eyebrow shaping, eyebrow shaping

To female image was almost perfect, you need to take into account any nuances in its creation. If you like to change it by coloring your hair, do not forget at the same time about the color of the eyebrows, which should be combined with your color type. It should look harmonious and natural. Unfortunately, very often the eyebrows are not visible at all on the face, which makes the appearance faded and inconspicuous, and sometimes vice versa - they stand out as a bright spot, which also spoils the impression. You need to learn how to match their shade to the color of your hair, eyes and skin, so that it all looks in a single note. If it is not possible to consult a stylist, try to master this art on your own.

Eyebrow color according to color type

If you are seriously wondering how to choose eyebrow color, you need to take a closer look at your own appearance. In stylistics, there is such a thing as a color type, which combines a combination of shades of hair, eyes and skin, distributing all people into 4 categories: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Here, in accordance with them, you need to choose the color of your eyebrows. However, the difficulty is that very often there are transitional types that are difficult to determine. Therefore, first try to match the color of the eyes and hair.

Matching with the eyes

To begin with, study the question of how to choose the color of the eyebrows in accordance with the shade of the eyes, as they are in close proximity and complement each other.

  • Green

Stylists believe that eyebrow color is for green eyes quite hard to pick. There is no trial and error here. Silver is not recommended, i.e. any gray and metallic shades, as well as black. But you can safely experiment with a palette of rich brown, graphite. Adjust it to your hair and the result will be perfect.

  • Blue

It is much easier to choose the color of the eyebrows for blondes with blue eyes, because a clear, unshakable ban on dark, saturated, bright colors works here. Therefore, gray, light brown shades, graphite ( perfect color for blue-eyed beauties) - your palette.

  • hazel

In many ways, the color of the eyebrows for brown eyes will depend on the shade of the hair (see below). The main make-up points here are dark brown, chocolate shades and the whole gamut of black.

  • gray

Perhaps the most difficult thing is to match the color of the eyebrows with the gray tint of the eyes, because many people make a total mistake. For some reason, it seems to everyone that harmony is a complete correspondence, i.e., the coincidence of the palette. However, gray eyes and the same gray eyebrows are an unfortunate combination that can ruin even the most beautiful and sweet face. So for gray-eyed beauties, shades such as wet asphalt or light brown are needed.

Find the right brow color for your eyes, and then start exploring the palette for your hair color. Everything is much simpler here, and the palette is richer, and stylists offer so many options that you will definitely be able to find something worthwhile for yourself. But at the same time, never forget about the color of your beautiful eyes.

Hair Color Matching

The defining moment in our question is precisely hair color and eyebrow color, their correspondence and complete harmony. If the eyes can be played with and corrected with eyelid and eyelash makeup, then there is no getting away from the idyll that should exist between hair and eyebrows.

  • Blondes

The ideal eyebrow color for blondes should be 3 (in extreme cases - 2) darker than the shade of the hair. Then they will turn out natural and beautiful:

  • ash blondes need gray;
  • natural blondes - wheat brown, light gray;
  • warm, wheaten blondes - light brown, golden chestnut, honey.

At fashion shows, models often show White color eyebrows For blond hair: girls should understand that this is shocking, which you should not focus on in real life.

  • Brunettes

It's a little easier to choose an eyebrow color for brunettes, who must follow a few hard and fast rules. Firstly, if the face needs to be made younger, more tender and lighter, the eyebrows should be 1 tone lighter than the hair. If you are creating an image of a business lady or going to a party, in this case, take 1 tone darker. Secondly, cold shades go with cold ones, and exceptionally warm ones with warm ones:

  • neutral brown - swarthy brunettes;
  • chocolate, dark brown - summer color type;
  • graphite - winter color type;
  • eggplant - brunettes, shimmering blue;
  • anthracite (a shade of wet asphalt) - brunettes with blue-black hair.

Now you know what eyebrow color suits brunettes, and you can choose products with such shades that fit perfectly into your color type.

  • Brown-haired women

It is easiest to choose the appropriate eyebrow color for red hair, because here, according to stylists, there is a wide field for activity:

  • bright red color - copper-haired;
  • chocolate - dark red;
  • terracotta - chestnut.
  • brown, terracotta, chocolate - bright red;
  • mahogany, terracotta, copper - bright red;
  • graphite, chocolate - reddish-brown.

If you are in doubt about which eyebrow color suits your color type, it is better to first consult with a specialist. It can be a hairdresser, stylist or makeup artist. There are special computer programs, which help to select the desired range and color palette. Having decided on the color, do not make a mistake with the coloring agent.

Cosmetic educational program

Appearance color type - a combination of hair, eye and skin color, characteristic of one of the categories adopted in the style. All people are divided into autumn, winter, spring and summer. Within each group there are gradations and divisions.

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Eyebrow colors

It is not enough to define what color to paint eyebrows, you also need an appropriate tool. Before you splurge on paint, try a palette of pencil or eye shadow, which, at least in case of failure, can always be washed off.

Pencil / marker / marker

Since this is the most common tool for coloring this part of the face, you need to know the palette, eyebrow pencil colors and when is the best time to use them :


  1. Brown eyebrow pencil suits chocolate brunettes;
  2. gray-brown - fair-haired;
  3. dark brown - bright brunettes, brown-haired women;
  4. reddish - fair-haired.


  1. Use a white pencil as a base to soften the base color;
  2. fair-haired - to blondes;
  3. ashy - fair-haired;
  4. beige - warm green-eyed and blue-eyed blondes;
  5. pink is applied strictly under the eyebrow for shading: this will make the makeup more natural.


  1. Gray - ash blondes;
  2. dark gray - dark blond;
  3. light gray will be ideal for colorless eyebrows.


  1. Black - blue-black brunettes;
  2. black-brown - fair-skinned brunettes.

Different colors for coloring eyebrows with a pencil must be selected in accordance with the color type.

Shadows / powder

If you are used to using loose products, choose the appropriate eyebrow shadow colors (or powder).


  • Graphite (gray gray hair) - blue-eyed and green-eyed.


  • Grey-brown - for blue and green eyes;
  • light brown - for wheat blondes;
  • dark brown - warm brunettes;
  • neutral brown - bright red;
  • chocolate - brown-eyed;
  • terracotta ( brick shade) - reddish-gold blondes and brown-haired women;
  • mahogany (mahogany) - bright red;
  • copper - red-red brown-haired women.


  • Eggplant color - brunettes with blue-black hair;
  • anthracite (a shade of wet asphalt) - for warm brunettes.


  • White shadows can be diluted with any other too bright and saturated color;
  • fair-haired - to blondes;
  • ashen - cold blondes;
  • beige - warm blondes;
  • pink, like a pencil of the same color, is applied under the eyebrow.

Try, experiment, look for your eyebrow color that will fit perfectly into your image. If you found it and you and everyone around you like it, it may be worth buying paint. It will relieve you of the daily burden of wasting time on morning makeup eyebrows.

The eyebrow color palette gives users a variety of rich, saturated colors. In many ways, the result will depend on which company and which pigment you choose.

If you do not want to spoil your hair with chemicals, there is natural remedies for coloring them. Pick the right colors henna for eyebrows, which is distinguished by brightness and saturation. Eyebrow Tint is especially popular - henna dye in eyebrow capsules from Godefroy (USA):

  • natural black;
  • dark brown;
  • neutral brown;
  • light brown;
  • graphite.

However, remember one significant drawback of henna - it will not stay on the eyebrows for so long as regular paint.

  • Estel

Estel's domestic eyebrow paint is very popular: the colors are all varied and very saturated, they give a persistent, shimmering effect. The product is presented in two versions.

1. Estel Enigma:

  • graphite;
  • Bordeaux;
  • brown;
  • blue-black;
  • violet;
  • light brown;
  • emerald;
  • brown copper;
  • black.

2. Estel ONLY Looks:

  • blue-black;
  • brown;
  • graphite;
  • black.

3. Refectocil

Quite a few good reviews collected Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil: the colors are no less colorful and bright. The brand is the Austrian company Gschwentner Haarkosmetik. Shades:

  • black;
  • graphite;
  • blue-black;
  • Navy blue;
  • brown;
  • light brown;
  • chestnut;
  • red;
  • violet.

Austrian eyebrow paint Refectocil is good because it offers fashionable colors that are now in trend. Shades can be mixed with each other to create a whole new palette.

4. Capus

For some, Kapous, an Italian brow tint, may be the ideal coloring option: the colors are not numerous, but this brand has many other advantages. Palette:

  • graphite;
  • black;
  • blue-black;
  • brown.

The pigment is resistant to moisture and sunscreen, does not contain such harmful substances, like ammonium and phenyldiamine, is simple and easy to use, easy to apply and mix with other shades.

5. Igora

You can try German for coloring Schwarzkopf paint Igora Bonachrome for eyebrows: colors are represented by a poor palette (light black, blue-black and brown). However, this brand has its own distinctive features that make it preferable to her. Among them:

  • short exposure time to the skin;
  • the presence of everything necessary in the kit;
  • ease of use;
  • durability and saturation of the resulting shade.

Overcoming language barriers

To guess with the color for the eyebrows, look for the following marks on the coloring agents: Brow - eyebrow, Blonde - light, Taupe - taupe, Soft Brown - warm brown, Medium Brown - brown, Caramel - caramel, Chocolate - chocolate, Dark Brown - dark brown, Ebony - ebony, Granite - granite, Natural Black - natural black.

Now you probably know which eyebrow color to choose according to the shades of your hair and eyes. If you previously thought that such details do not play a special role in your appearance, make sure the opposite is true. Just a few experiments with coloring agents - and you will surely find the only color that fits perfectly into your image. Before painting, it is better to try a pencil or shadows, which, if unsuccessful, can be easily washed off. Search - and your eyebrows will shine with new tones, making you bright and unique.
