Wet felting puff technique of slippers. We felt wool slippers: a master class

Dumping slippers is not as difficult as it might seem, although it is quite physically difficult. However, the result is worth it!

So, we will need:

  • wool about 200 grams (I have leftovers different colors shades of blue, therefore combined),
  • soap solution
  • pimply film (in my case, a pimply rubber mat for lack of a film),
  • decorations (I have pieces of mesh fabric with flowers),
  • pattern,
  • gloves optional.

Pattern. According to all the rules, you need to outline your leg and give an increase according to the calculated sample, previously knitted. I won’t lie - I rarely don’t make samples: it’s a pity for both laziness and wool.
I outline the foot, then draw an enlarged pattern with a shrinkage calculation of about 50%.
For a 37 foot size, I got a pattern about 15 cm wide and 33 cm long. You can make it just an oval, or you can - a little "shaping" a slipper. 2 slippers are made at once !!!

According to the layout, I first divide the entire amount of wool into 2 parts (2 slippers), and then I divide each part into 2 more unequal shares: one slightly smaller - on the top of the slipper, and the second slightly larger - on the bottom of the slipper. It’s easier to navigate this way, otherwise I’m lying around with long breaks - the little ones never let me get busy and not be distracted. And immediately you need to lay out 2 slippers, otherwise the layout can also be different (well, maybe super-professionals do not, their hands and eyes are already "full")

The number of layers is also different. Someone makes 8-12 layers, someone 6-8 ... It all depends on the thickness of the layer and the patience of the person. I have a little patience, even less time, so I do the layout in 6-8 layers on top and 8-10 layers on the bottom. Let it be wrong, but not a single one of my slippers has scattered from socks ...

We begin the layout of the first sneaker. I started with a sliver (well, I love it !!!), on top of the slipper I laid out 3 layers of a harsh thin wool sliver (vertically-horizontally-vertically).

Lay out the second slipper in the same way.

Wet with soapy water intensively enough so that all layers of wool are well saturated. We close the top with a film (or a mesh) and gently press it with our hands from the middle to the edges so that the wool is completely saturated with soapy water and air bubbles come out. Rub lightly, stroking so that the wool initially interlocks with each other.

Carefully remove the film and very carefully turn the template over with the wool.

We bend the edges that stick out because of the template (allowances), trying to avoid sharp folds.

Both slippers were turned over, the allowances were bent and we begin to lay out the bottom of the slippers (foot) - 4 layers of sliver (vertically-horizontally-horizontally-vertically).

Moisten with plenty of soap and water, cover with a film (or mesh) and press with your hands in order to saturate the wool and release air. Lightly stroke with your hands for the initial adhesion of the wool fibers.

We remove the film, carefully turn the slippers over and lay out the remaining layers (I put 5 more thin layers on top, 6 more layers on the bottom of the slipper). We do this already with colored wool according to our plan (laying out in the same way in perpendicular layers, leaving small ends of the wool for bending). I passed this stage in one breath, that I forgot to click the camera in time ...

When the whole slipper is laid out, I put 2 pieces of fabric with flowers cut out in advance on the top of the slipper (I have an Italian stretch mesh made of polyester).

Next, we iron the slippers through a film (mesh), smooth it, wrap it in a roll and roll it 50 times for about 10 approaches (I didn’t count, but rather it turns out even more). Each time we unfold, view, correct the drawing and the edges.

After the slippers are half felted (the wool is already wrapped in separate hairs), we make an incision for the leg. My mother loves very tight-fitting slippers that are difficult to put on the legs, so I make the size as small as possible. even a small incision can then be stretched to a huge one)))

For the cut, I make points at a distance of about 6 fingers from the edge, and 10 cm long, then cut a little along the edge (round) 0 maximum 1.5 cm on each side of the cut. It is important to make the cut with thin scissors without burrs on the blades. Then gently pull our incision along and to the sides to stretch it.

We iron and rub the folds of the slipper.

Flatten the heel. To do this, you need to remove the bubble that turned out after creating the cut. You can work as a massager, you can insert a fist and use your second hand to shape the heel along the fist.

We get templates. Slippers are already strong enough, huge sizes. We turn the slippers inside out and work out the folds, the slippers themselves from the inside.

We do the same as with the first slipper - with the second. Do not forget to constantly work out the folds-seams so that there are no thickenings in these places.

Slippers are obtained, already quite dense and about the size that is needed (a size and a half more than necessary).

We put them on our feet and step into the bath - there we wrinkle them and squeeze them right on our feet, arrange a contrast shower (without fanaticism, otherwise I once almost burned myself with hot water)))))

Slippers give shape and send to dry.

We wear with great pleasure (well, or give, as in my case)))

Slippers are among those items that no house or apartment can do without. It's so nice after a hard day's work and not always comfortable shoes to come home and change shoes, giving rest to your legs. Home slippers do not have to be bought, they can be dumped with my own hands, putting your imagination and soul into this product. In addition, such a product can act as a souvenir or a gift for relatives and friends.

In order to make slippers with your own hands, you do not need to be an ace in needlework. Enough to buy necessary tools and materials, as well as study special felting lessons. There is nothing difficult in this even for novice hostesses.

So, we need:

  • Wool of different colors (in this case, pink, lilac and white);
  • Metal fittings;
  • A set of needles for felting;
  • Film with pimples;
  • Gauze;
  • Soap and water solution;
  • Scissors.

Step-by-step instructions for dumping slippers look like this:

  1. First, a template is cut out of the film with pimples. To do this, circle the sole of the foot and add three centimeters from all sides.
  2. Next, the resulting workpiece must be laid out on a film and begin to spread wool on it. In our case, the first is lilac, which must be laid out in two rows. In addition, each layer must be perpendicular to the previous one. The third row will consist of white wool, the fourth - of pink. The fifth and sixth are lilac again.
  3. The wool is laid out so that its edges protrude slightly beyond the template. Then the workpiece is covered with gauze and soaked in a hot solution of soap and water.
  4. Next, the gauze is removed, and the template is turned over. The ends of the wool that stick out must be wrapped around the template. The same procedure is done on the other side.
  5. Then everything is covered with gauze and rubbed with hands. At first, with light and gentle movements (about 5 minutes), and then more intensively.
  6. After the wool is a little matted, the gauze must be removed and work should be continued directly on the wool. You need to do this for about an hour.
  7. Next, the template is covered with a film and rubbed again for about twenty minutes from all sides.
  8. Then the film is removed and rolled into a roller, which then needs to be rolled for about two to three minutes on each side.
  9. A small incision is made from the side of the heel, and the workpiece is pulled out.
  10. Now the felting of the slipper begins again until shrinkage occurs. After that, the product is rinsed in warm water, then in cool water and squeezed out.
  11. It's time to cut out. Slippers are put on the leg (you can resort to the help of pads) and begin to take shape. To do this, the product can be stretched a little or tapped on it with a fist.
  12. Next, we wait for the slippers to dry and you can start decorating.

It is best to work with water with gloves to avoid overdrying the skin of the hands.

Slippers can be decorated in different ways. It all depends on the imagination and desire of the needlewoman.

Wet felting wool slippers: a detailed guide

For the production of slippers in the technique of felting, as a rule, the wet method is used.

The required materials for this work looks like this:

  • Wool;
  • Soap and water;
  • Oilcloth;
  • Film with pimples;
  • Paper and pencil;
  • Scissors.

Master class on the wet method of felting slippers:

  • It all starts with creating a pattern. For this, the foot of the person who will wear slippers is outlined and a couple of centimeters are added on all sides (this can be marked with a dotted line);
  • Next, the pattern is transferred to the oilcloth and cut out.
  • Then work with wool begins. On the resulting workpiece, you need to lay out this material so as to completely cover the template.
  • Next, the pattern is transferred to a bubble wrap and thoroughly moistened with soapy water, after which it is covered with the same film. You can start rolling.
  • Slippers need to be felted for about 2 hours, first in a film, and then without it.
  • After that, you can make cutouts for the legs, but a little smaller than necessary, since then the holes will become larger.
  • Now the film is removed and slippers are formed, after which the product must be felt for about an hour, and then rinsed under running water.
  • If after these procedures any protruding villi or threads appear, they can be cut off with scissors, and then the slipper should be given the desired shape.

Before you start decorating, slippers should dry well.

That's all - slippers are ready. Decor can also be made from wool or embroidered with thread.

Felting wool slippers: a master class for a washing machine

There are several ways to felt slippers: dry, wet and in washing machine. The first two are the main ones, but using some equipment can greatly facilitate and speed up this process.

If felting will take place in the machine, then you need to buy only natural wool, without the content of synthetic fibers.

The slipper itself can be knitted circular needles. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the wool scrolled in the “washer” not only stops into felt, but also shrinks.

Approximate shrinkage is about a third of the original volume of wool and, as a rule, the length sags more intensively. This must be taken into account when preparing the material.

Preparing slippers for processing in a washing machine consists of the following steps:

  • A regular polyethylene bag is inserted inside the product;
  • Then he straightens well over the entire inner surface of the slipper;
  • The hole is sutured to prevent the bag from falling out.

Such precautions are necessary so that the product does not deform and does not fall off inside. Later, the package is removed, and the excess threads are cut off.

Slippers are sent to the machine along with wool washing powder. You need to select the mode “cotton”, the temperature is about 90 degrees and “twist” for about 2.5 hours.

You must also remember:

  • The higher the temperature, the more the product will "sit down";
  • The longer the wool is felted, the stronger the felt will be.

After the slippers are taken out of the machine, you can sew the sole to them and decorate them the way your soul wants.

Special technique: felting slippers without a back

To make flip flops without a back, it is not necessary to learn something supernatural. Many things are fairly standard, such as cutting the pattern and preparing the template.

Actually, everything happens as usual until the moment when you need to make cuts and remove the template.

Instructions for felting slippers that do not have a back:

  • Before making a cut, you need to step back from the heel a little less than half the length of the product and make a horizontal cut about four centimeters;
  • With a deep fit, the indentation from the heel should be approximately one third of the length of the slipper;
  • The cut is made not reaching the edges of the pattern about one and a half centimeters;
  • Next, the wool is pulled out and the insole is fixed;
  • Then the seam line is stitched with strong threads to match the wool used, special attention should be paid to the barrels (this can be done with a machine, and then with your hands);
  • Now slippers can be rolled and kneaded in all directions, as your heart desires, to the desired size;
  • Slippers can be shaped using sliding or regular pads;
  • The final stage of this process is rinsing, drying and decorating.

During work, you should try not to forget about the processing of barrels, in order to avoid the appearance of unwanted scars.

How to make felting children's slippers: a master class and useful tips

The technology of felting children's slippers is in many ways reminiscent of the standard procedure. The materials and tools are the same. The only difference is how much wool you need to take based on the size of the child's legs. As a rule, about 70-80 grams are enough.

The procedure for making slippers is as follows:

  1. A pattern is made, and a template is cut out along it, which is placed under a film with pimples and the wool begins to lay out;
  2. The layout starts with the color that will be inside and is laid out around the entire perimeter of the template;
  3. Rows should be laid perpendicular to each other to avoid strong shrinkage;
  4. Next, the workpiece is impregnated with a soapy solution, covered with a film and processed with a vibro-grinding machine (VSHM);
  5. Then the template is taken out from under the film and again covered with wool (the existing allowances are stretched onto the workpiece), and the procedure with soaking and processing with a machine is repeated;
  6. Then the slippers are turned over, the allowances are stretched again (this must be done several times);
  7. After all the rows are superimposed, you can make a small decor, then carefully cover the product and machine it again;
  8. Turn over again, pull the allowances and walk the GShM;
  9. Then the dumping process begins - first with your hands, and then you can on a rolling pin, periodically heating the slippers in warm water;
  10. Cutouts can be made: one (for the heel) is cut to the template, and the second is cut approximately to the middle of the foot;
  11. Next, the templates are removed, and the cutouts are rubbed in soapy water, slightly stretching their edges;
  12. Then the seams are leveled, and the shape of the future product is created, after which the slippers are turned inside out and rubbed already inside;
  13. Then the slippers are wadded to the size that is needed, from time to time wetting them in warm water;
  14. Finally, the shoes are rubbed with soap, rinsed in warm and cold water;
  15. It remains to squeeze out the slippers, walk on them for the last time with a rolling pin, shape them again and put them to dry.

By the way, in the absence of a vibration grinder, you can replace it with a mesh, but it will take longer.

Comfortable and beautiful slippers ready for the child.

Felting slippers using appliqué

Decorating slippers is a very interesting, creative process. All the most difficult is left almost behind and now you can give free rein to your imagination.

This process usually looks like this:

  • Wool for application is laid out in two rows perpendicular to each other in circles or squares;
  • Then covered with a net and soaked with soap and water;
  • Excess water is removed, and the mesh is removed;
  • From the parts prepared in this way, elements of the future drawing are cut out.

To make the decor clearly defined, you can use thin flagella, which should be applied to the edges of the pattern, and hide the ends of the wire under the pattern.

After creating the desired composition on slippers, it must be covered with a mesh and rolled as needed.

Shoes with appliqué always look bright, colorful and are liked not only by adults, but also by children. Moreover, you can dump not only slippers for walking, but also a keychain in the form of this thing. The procedure is almost the same, only a little material is required.

By the way, slippers can be made from almost any wool, even from a dog. But here it should be borne in mind that such material is quite specific and very difficult to attach and may subsequently look messy already on the finished product. Therefore, it is still better to make slippers from carded wool or merino. So more reliable.

How to felt wool slippers: master class (video)

Felting slippers is a laborious process, but very interesting. After all, at the same time, things that are useful and necessary in every home are created with your own hands. A little patience, skills, imagination and any hostess will be able to please her household with the work of her own production.

Let's start by making a template. We circle the foot (or block) with a marker, round off the edge line, approximately in the shape of an oval, add 3 cm from all sides, in the narrowest place (at the waist) 2 cm is enough. Cut out, it is convenient to use a laminate substrate for the template, it is thick and when laying out the edge is well felt.

With bold movements, we draw out a cloud of wool, straighten it and lay it vertically on the template. We protrude with the thin end of the wool beyond the edge of the template on the heel and toe by about 1.5 - 2 cm, and do not go out on the sides.

When working with carding, it is not necessary to follow the direction of the fibers (this is more important if you use a combed tape), the main thing is to evenly distribute the wool over the entire surface of the template.

We moisten with warm soapy water, only the surface of the template, and do not wet the protruding edges!

We cover with a bubble wrap and press it, rearranging the palms so that the water is evenly distributed

We iron the VSHM (vibro-grinding machine), without lingering in place. You can work GSOM for 5 minutes (but this is not necessary), just the felting process without GSOM will be 30 minutes longer

Turn over and bend the edge, try! so that there are no jams and thickenings and the wool tightly bends around the template (otherwise the seam will turn out to be rough).

Repeat the same 2 layers on this side. Attention! now we retreat from the edge, because wool is already there (so we get a neat seam).

In total you need 4 orange layers on each side. For convenience, write down the laid out layers or mark with a piece of contrasting wool.
We make the inside of the slipper orange (4 layers), and the top in green(2 layers) so that the orange color does not penetrate the green up, it must be hemmed.
Wipe off excess moisture with a tissue.

Press on the slippers, a creamy foam should come out - this is optimal for rubbing.

With light movements, start rubbing from the edges to the center

Now in a circular motion smooth out the middle.

Apply more pressure as the coat thickens.

When the wool is tightly wrapped around the pattern, you can start laying out the green color (we lay out 2 layers on each side).

So, we got 6 layers on each side. Before you start decorating, we buzz and grind again.

For decor, we need a sketch, a carding palette, decorative fibers and a needle for dry felting No. 38.

Consider! if slippers with a high heel, then the pattern is located in about 1/3 of the slipper, and if flip flops, then about 2/3.

We lay out the drawing in layers, starting from the background, stretching from 3 shades of green from dark at the bottom to lighter at the top.

We enclose decorative fibers (bamboo, banana, silk), imitating blades of grass.

We form each chamomile petal a little in our hands, then we nail it with a needle along the contour. Take a lot of wool, otherwise the pattern will fall into the color of the base and be blurry.
Make flowers bigger with a little margin for shrinkage!

We roll the veins in the palms like a dreadlock (3 seconds) and nail

Roll the middle like a ball and nail along the contour, you need a lot of wool for bulge

Shades and small details give liveliness to the picture

We fix the pattern a little with a typewriter for 7 needles (you can also use 1 needle)

We wet, lather and buzz the drawing through the bubble wrap, and then open until it is completely fixed on the base (how to count up to 10 in time)

We start to roll.
Massaging movements with increasing effort with three hands from the edge to the center, then in all directions and from all sides

When you feel that the wool is well compacted and the layers do not move inside. Rub the slippers on the Ikea film (or pimple) in different directions.

Do not forget to remove excess moisture and foam should be in moderation

So, the wool was well compacted, the template became cramped inside.
Check that the slippers are the same!
Now we can cut a hole and get the template.

We find the middle of the sneaker, here will be our hole.
If doing a high heel, step back 4 fingers from the edge.

Low heel - 2 fingers.

With sharp nail scissors we dig a hole to the template !!!

We cut a straight line 6-8 cm (4 fingers). Carefully remove the template through the slot.

Smooth out the seam with your fingers.

Massage movements remove all wrinkles and seals

Three seams on the film, constantly remove excess soap.

Rinse with warm or cool water


We throw each slipper like dough, dissolving to the bottom, the same number of times (at least 50 times)

After rinsing and tossing, the slippers will noticeably shrink and compact.
We straighten, smooth and cut out a hole for the foot in the form of a drop (width is about 1-1.5 cm at the bottom and 3-4 cm at the top).
Do not cut a large hole, it will still stretch during the felting process. In addition, you can always increase, but you cannot decrease.

We do the same with the second slipper.

We wash off and rub the hole with our hands so that there is no delamination of the wool on the cut

Carefully turn the slippers inside out.

We carefully felt the inner surface, starting from the seams and so on.

Throw, smooth. Rolling is very efficient.

Slippers are already 80% ready.
We correct the cut, remove all irregularities

Rounding the corner of the back

With sharp scissors, we remove the chamfer on the cut (2 mm at an angle of 45 degrees) and from the inside too

We measure on a block (or on a leg) to understand where to leave

First of all, we overwrite the edge, at first not much, make sure that there is no delamination and displacement of one color relative to another. It is good to rub the cut with a piece of pimple.
The finished cut does not look loose, but like a dense sharp edge.

We sit on the deck. To do this, three in those directions where there is no tight fit.

The washboard facilitates and speeds up the shrinkage process. If the slippers are completely cold (oak), they must be heated in the microwave or scalded with boiling water, washed off and rubbed until they completely fit on the block.

Now carefully rinse the soap, you can add vinegar.

Roll out excess moisture in a towel

We straighten and put on shoes on the block. We tap the seams and the entire surface with a wooden rolling pin to firmly fit the slippers on the block and smooth out all wrinkles and cracks.

Our slippers are ready!

  • 200-250 g wool for felting
  • bubble wrap
  • felt marker
  • rolled bamboo curtain 1 x 90 cm x 150 cm
  • tulle (gauze) curtain / net for felting 1 m x 1 m
  • warm soapy water in a plastic spray bottle
  • a piece of soap
  • scissors
  • shoe lasts

Description of work

1. Use bubble tape to make a pattern. Trace around each leg with a felt marker. Add 2.5 cm on each side and cut out.

2. Place the pattern on a waterproof surface and sprinkle some soapy water on it. Pull out a few strands of wool and lay them on the pattern in one direction (vertically) so that they protrude about 2.5 cm beyond the heel and toe. The ends of the strands should overlap a little.

3. When the first layer is ready, lay another one, but in a different direction (horizontal).

4. Cover with tulle, spray with warm soapy water and pat down the wool. The strands should become damp, but not wet. Lather your hands with soap and gently stroke the tulle from top to bottom for a few minutes (photo 3). It is necessary that the fibers of the wool stick to each other.

5. Remove the tulle and carefully turn the pattern over. Bend the protruding ends and smooth with soapy hands.

6. Place a layer of wool on top in the same direction as the first layer. Then another layer, but already horizontally. Cover with tulle, spray with soapy water and iron with soapy hands. Remove the tulle, turn the pattern over, fold over the protruding ends and smooth with soapy hands.

7. Add another layer of wool. This will be the top layer of your slippers. Repeat all previous steps one more time.

8. Rub the slippers well with soapy water without tulle. The coat must be completely wet.

9. Cut a hole where the foot enters the slipper. You will cut through two layers of wool to the pattern. Take out the pattern.

10. Lay the slippers on the bamboo curtain and roll up. Roll it up and down like a rolling pin for 5-8 minutes. Roll out, turn the slippers 90 degrees, add soapy water and roll up and roll again for 5-8 minutes. Turn the slippers again, add soapy water and roll and roll again. Slightly open the slippers and move the hole from the center to the side. Continue rolling and rolling, changing positions, adding soapy water each time, for about an hour or until the fibers fuse together. If this is not done, the slippers will fall apart.

11. Put the slippers on the lasts and finish the cut by trimming the edges. Continue felting until the slippers are firm and hold their shape.

12. Without removing the slippers from the shoes, very carefully lower them into hot water then cold, then hot again, then cold again. Do this 3-4 times. This will force the wool to wrap well around the last. Finally, rinse them in cool water with a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar. This will remove the last soap residue. Rinse again and let the slippers dry on the lasts. Decorate the finished slippers with felted flowers.

Wool slippers, hand felting

Process felting wool is rooted in the distant past, because once people slept on felt and made clothes out of it. For some time, felting (felting) was forgotten, but today this type of needlework has become popular again. In fabric and accessories stores, you can find whole sets for felting wool that help you create real masterpieces. What to give dad, grandfather or beloved man? Women are always scratching their heads over this question. Wool slippers with an original inscription or in the shape of an airplane will be a pleasant surprise for any man. In this article, you will learn how to make indoor wool slippers .

- wool for felting;
- water;
- soap;
- film for packages with pimples;
- oilcloth;
- paper;
- scissors;
- pencil.

Master class of felting slippers

1. On a piece of paper, we trace our feet or the approximate feet of the person who will wear slippers.

2. Add 2 cm for shrinkage to each drawn foot and circle with a dotted line.
3. We transfer the sketches of the feet to oilcloth or other waterproof material. Cut them out.
4. Now you need to carefully wrap the blanks of oilcloth with wool for felting. Apply several layers so that the pattern is not visible. At the same time, try not to tear the wool from the skein.
5. Put the resulting wool blanks on the bubble wrap.

7. The blanks must be well wetted, and then covered with the remaining edge of the film and proceed to felting.
8. The felting time is about 2 hours, so you need to be patient and wait until the wool grabs well. The film can then be removed and continue to knead the wool with your hands until it moves away from the oilcloth templates that are inside our blank.

11. Take your time, the wool should not fall off, so continue to knead it for about an hour. After that, rinse the slippers under running water.

13. Wool slippers should dry well and then you can start decorating.
