Correct passage of intersections with roundabouts. New roundabout rules come into force

Sign 4.3 allows movement only in the direction shown on the sign, while the first turn must be only to the right, a U-turn is prohibited.

Sign 4.3 is not a priority sign, therefore, crossing carriageways with roundabouts without sign 2.1 "Main road" or 2.4 "Give way" is an intersection of equivalent roads, where the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. But that was before November 8, 2017. After the amendments to the SDA come into force, vehicles moving in a circle have an advantage over vehicles that are going to enter the circle. Hence the rule right hand no longer works in this situation.

According to clause 8.5 of the SDA, entry into a roundabout with a multi-lane entrance can be carried out from the right and left lanes to any lane of the roundabout, and with a single-lane entrance - as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway and only to the extreme right lane of the roundabout; then you can change lanes to the left if available (clause 8.6 of the rules). The congress from the circle can only be carried out from the extreme right lane.


Just before the roundabout.

Exam questions for sign 4.3 "Roundabout" until 2017. (Ticket number and question may not match)

Ticket number 9 Question number 3

In which directions are you allowed to continue driving?

2. B or C.

3. Only B.

A comment: The obligatory sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows you to continue moving only in the direction indicated on it (arrows), therefore movement along the trajectory "B" is prohibited. In addition, sign 3.18.1 “No right turn is prohibited” prohibits turning right into the nearest passage “A”.

Ticket number 10 Question number 7

You intend to make a U-turn at an intersection. Which direction indicators should be turned on when entering an intersection?

1. There is no need to turn on the direction indicators in this situation.

3. Right.

A comment: Signaling by direction indicators should be carried out well in advance of the start of the maneuver. At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users. At such a roundabout, sign 4.3 “Roundabout” you must move in the direction indicated on the sign, turning on the right turn signal before entering.

Ticket number 12 Question number 14

You intend to continue through the roundabout. Should I give way to a truck?

1. No.

2. Yes.

A comment: Sign 4.3 "Roundabout" allows movement in the direction indicated by the arrows and gives you no advantage. Therefore, you are approaching an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads and must give way to vehicles that are on your right.

Ticket number 13 Question number 8

From which lane can you enter this intersection?

1. From the right or left.

2. Only on the right.

A comment: When entering a roundabout marked with the sign 4.3 “Roundabout”, according to paragraph 8.5 of the rules, you can turn right not only from the extreme right lane, but also from the left.

Ticket number 16 Question number 14

When you enter an intersection, you:

1. Must give way only to a motorcycle.

2. Must give way to both vehicles.

3. You have the priority right to move.

A comment: The roundabout is the "Main Road". Therefore, you must give way to both vehicles.

Ticket number 23 Question number 8

On what trajectory can you continue moving?

1. Only according to A.

2. Only for A or B.

On Wednesday, November 8, new rules came into force in Russia traffic. The main innovation in the code of traffic rules will be a change in the priority of transport at roundabouts - from now on, cars moving in a circle will receive it. The goal of making this change in the Russian government was to increase safety and improve the organization of traffic at intersections.

“By the signed resolution, the rules of the road have been supplemented with a new paragraph 13.11¹, which establishes the priority of passing a roundabout. The rules governing the passage of unregulated intersections have been adjusted, ”the government decree says.

So, paragraph 13.11¹ of the SDA reads:

“When entering an intersection where a roundabout is organized and which is marked with the sign 4.3 (“Roundabout”. — RT), the driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving at such an intersection.

Also, the third paragraph of clause 13.9 was excluded from the traffic rules: “If sign 4.3 is installed in front of the roundabout in combination with sign 2.4 (“Give way.” — RT) or 2.5 (“Moving without stopping is prohibited.” — RT), the driver of a vehicle at an intersection has priority over vehicles entering such an intersection.

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The Russian government explained that the rules previously established by the SDA, which determine the procedure for passing roundabouts, often caused ambiguous perception by drivers. This, in turn, led to traffic congestion and traffic accidents.

Driving patterns for roundabouts differed not only in the regions, but even within the same city. The changes introduced unify the traffic pattern and are designed to reduce accidents on the roads.

The government emphasized that the priority of passing a roundabout is set in almost all European countries, and this scheme allows increasing the capacity of the road network.

The second significant change in the SDA concerns intersections with intersecting traffic flows.

The rules introduce a special road marking "Crossroad zone" in the form of an intersection of yellow diagonal lines in a square that marks the boundaries of the intersection.

From now on, regional authorities will have the right to apply this special marking in problem areas to improve traffic organization and increase safety.

The government explained that traffic accidents and traffic difficulties at intersections were often due to violations of paragraph 13.2 of the SDA by road users:

It is forbidden to go to an intersection or intersection of carriageways if a traffic jam has formed that will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, such actions are punishable by a fine of 1,000 rubles.

“The actual application of such an administrative measure is constrained by the complexities of administration. One of the possible ways to solve this issue is the use of special road markings,” the government noted.

Motorists generally evaluate innovations positively. Experts note that in Europe, such rules of conduct at the crossroads have been in effect for a long time, effectively organizing traffic.

“The main change is the procedure for passing a roundabout. In many European countries, this rule has been in force for a long time. Probably their experience is good enough to take over and unload the ring, as well as the roads adjacent to the ring, ”Valery Soldunov, chairman of the All-Russian Society of Motorists, told RT.

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However, he noted that the first time the new rules may cause confusion among traffic participants.

“I am a motorist myself and I can say that such an innovation at first can lead to the opposite effect - if not to traffic jams, then at least to misunderstanding and confusion among drivers. We are accustomed to other rules, we have already formed a certain mentality, and it will take time to relearn. On the other hand, I am sure that the amendments that came into force today were adopted on the basis of research and expertise. Let's hope that in the future there will be less traffic jams," Soldunov said.

Automotive expert Vyacheslav Subbotin also called regular changes in the rules for driving at a roundabout. However, he stressed that the likelihood of misunderstanding among drivers in such areas still remains.

“It's still ambiguous. A roundabout can be one where it will be necessary to give way: if there is a sign indicating the main road, and it is drawn how the main road passes through the circle, you drove along it, and those who drive further will be obliged to give way, ”- Subbotin said RT.

However, the expert believes that the innovations will not have a serious impact on traffic. Subbotin did not rule out that for the first time after the introduction of new features of traffic rules, both with roundabouts and with the “waffle iron”, problems may arise.

He also commented on the new markings at difficult intersections - the so-called waffle iron. According to the auto expert, such markings will be convenient not only for motorists, but also for pedestrians.

“Waffle iron” is a completely European experience, when complex intersections are painted with bright yellow diagonal markings. This is an additional warning to drivers so that they do not leave if there is a traffic jam. But this is not only to ensure that the movement is calm, but also so that pedestrians can cross such an intersection diagonally. Because at such intersections in Europe, the “Everywhere red” mode is turned on for movement, and for pedestrians - “Everywhere green”. Ultimately, the capacity of such an intersection increases, ”the expert concluded.

Attention! The material is NOT relevant! .

Good afternoon, dear motorists!

Despite the fact that roundabouts are designed to facilitate traffic at intersections, drivers still have a lot of questions about passing through such intersections. Very little attention is paid to the passage through roundabouts, and therefore some difficulties arise.

First mentioned in the maneuvering rules:

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

The second in the rules for driving unregulated intersections:

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement. At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles moving in the same direction or in the opposite direction on an equivalent road, regardless of the direction of its movement.

In the event that sign 4.3 is installed in front of a roundabout in combination with sign 2.4 or 2.5, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over vehicles entering such an intersection.

In the first case, the rules for entering the intersection are determined, in the second, priority.

There are no other explanatory rules for passing a roundabout, and you should be guided by general rules. What is a roundabout?

The first thing to understand is that a roundabout is a single intersection with multiple carriageway intersections. The carriageway on the "ring" is not a separate road, but is intended for exit from one road to another.

According to clause 8.5 of the rules, if a turn is made at the entrance to a roundabout, it is not required to take an extreme position, that is, you can enter the intersection from any lane. Please note that this rule applies only to entering the intersection; when leaving the intersection, you must take the extreme right position on the carriageway. Turning from the second lane when leaving the intersection is prohibited.

And now let's consider a more complex option, which is quite common - one of the roads of the roundabout passes along the tangent of the circle

In this situation, the intersection also has a roundabout, let's look at how the traffic goes straight along the second lane on the road.

Despite the fact that the turning maneuver is not carried out, nevertheless, the roundabout is entered and, in the case of straight ahead, the exit from it occurs at the same time. It turns out a kind of contradiction, on the one hand, we can enter the ring in any lane, but the exit must be made only from the extreme right lane. We move straight ahead without making any maneuvers, but when we cross the “circular traffic”, for a moment we become participants in the movement along this “ring” and occupy the second lane on it. To leave the ring, we are forced to cross the rightmost lane of the roundabout.

Thus, formally, three maneuvers are performed at the same time.

  1. Roundabout entrance
  2. Changing to the far right lane
  3. Departure from the roundabout

Such a formal division of maneuvers is necessary to determine the priority between vehicles that move in a roundabout and that only “touch” it

If priority signs are not installed at the intersection, then at the intersection of trajectories “1”, the red car must give way, guided by paragraph (tip:: 13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. The same rule must be guided among themselves by tram drivers.)13.11(/tip) rules. And at the intersection of trajectories “2”, both cars are in a circular motion and the white car must let the red car pass, as it leaves the lane and crosses the lane of the red car.

There are an infinite number of configurations of roundabouts and they are unfairly given too little attention in the rules of the road.

In order not to get into such difficult situations, traffic at the intersection must be planned in advance, and if an early exit from the roundabout is expected, it is better to take the far right lane before entering.

Road to you without obstacles!

After the introduction of amendments to the existing requirements for the movement of the ring, many drivers do not know how to behave in this section or doubt the correctness of their actions.

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Since precise control of vehicles is a necessity, one should be aware of the priority awarded when being in such road places. Learn more about the rules for passing roundabouts.

What is such an intersection?

An intersection is a place of intersection, junction or branching of roads on a single-level plane, which can be limited in the imagination. It should be borne in mind that junctions with bridge platforms do not belong to intersections and other rules of passage are observed at them.

There is a certain classification of intersections:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated;
  • with circular motion.

When considering each type separately, it is possible to identify differences in the use of these road intersections. At present, interest has increased in roundabouts, where traffic is regulated according to new rules from November 8, 2017.

When a roundabout is established at the intersection of roads, there are no traffic lights.

Such a territory is marked out as an island where vehicles move in a counter-clockwise direction (valid for right-hand traffic). When leaving the circle, drivers follow the normal pattern of traffic.

How to move correctly

Prior to the Decree of the Government of 08.11.2017 that came into force, at roundabouts, drivers were guided by the following requirements:

  1. In the presence of unequal crossing roads, the car approaching along the main one has priority. Drivers driving vehicles with traffic on a secondary road give way to vehicles with priority. The direction of cars on the main road is not taken into account.
  2. Tram vehicles have an advantage over other road users moving in the same or another direction on an equivalent road. Moreover, the direction of the tram movement is not taken into account.
  3. In the case of equivalence of intersecting roads, drivers of trackless vehicles must yield to vehicles that are approaching from the right (right-hand rule). But if there is a tram, you should stop and give it priority.
  4. If combined signs 4.3 and 2.4 (2.5) are installed in front of the roundabout, cars on the roundabout have priority over other vehicles that wish to enter the intersection.

After updating the traffic rules, amendments began to work from November 2017:

  • the right-hand rule is omitted, implying the fact that vehicle drivers do not give way to cars on the right (a similar amendment works for trams);
  • with sign 3, drivers must give priority to cars on the ring.

Thus, in 2020, traffic participants at the entrance to the circle do not enjoy the advantage. Vehicles already at the intersection are given priority. You should familiarize yourself with the nuances of the correct movement on the ring.

Lane selection

The DD rules regulate that the entrance to the circle can be carried out from any lane of the adjacent road.

With regard to the need to overcome the ring, it is advisable to give preference to a certain lane:

  • turn right or go straight - it is recommended to occupy the right lane;
  • turn left (reversal) - it is better to change lanes to the left lane;
  • rectilinear overcoming - occupation of the central lane.

If you want to make a right turn, you should slow down and turn on the appropriate turn signal to rebuild the desired lane. Without fail, the rule is not missed that the driver is convinced that there are no other vehicles or his pass. These rules of conduct help avoid interference.

Turning left or U-turn obliges you to first exit to the left lane (the presence of several lanes implies occupying the leftmost lane).

The presence of other road users should be assessed and the necessary turn signals should be turned on. After overcoming the first, second or third exit in the case of a three-lane division, it is recommended to take the right lane.

Rectilinear movement is facilitated by a three-lane road division. In this situation, drivers move to the center lane. When two-lane traffic is observed, the general situation is assessed and the driver is convinced of the legality of his actions.

It is allowed to drive in the right lane with a further choice of a direct direction, but then the risk of an accident increases due to the fact that vehicles from the middle lane can announce the beginning of a right turn maneuver.

Therefore, the preliminary occupation of the middle row or one of the central lanes allows you to overcome the ring without creating interference.

Please note: Before entering the circle, it is worth giving way to pedestrians if an appropriate sign is installed.

Rules for exiting a roundabout

Guided by the rules of the road, every driver should know that the exit to the ring can be carried out from any lane, but you should leave only from the right lane.

It must be remembered that special conditions of movement must be observed:

  • an objective assessment of the traffic situation and the presence of other road users;
  • in the presence of vehicles that move on the right, it is required to give them priority.

If the conditions are met by all drivers, then the likelihood of getting into an accident is reduced significantly.

Regarding overtaking and stopping at roundabouts, the following requirements are established:

  • drivers are allowed to overtake other vehicles when passing roundabouts;
  • stop should be 5 m from the border of the connection between the road and the territory of the intersection.

Knowing about the features of entry, exit, overtaking and stopping within the ring section of traffic, drivers of cars and other vehicles can reduce the statistics of accidents on the roads.

Liability for traffic violations

Violation of traffic rules in Russia involves bringing to administrative responsibility. Based on the nature of the identified offense and the resulting consequences, a different amount of fine is imposed. The decision on payment is made by the traffic police officer who established the fact of violation.

The following circumstances are possible at roundabouts, the occurrence of which entails payments:

  • entry into the intersection to the forbidding light of a traffic light device;
  • the driver did not give priority to another participant who must use it;
  • moving in the direction of oncoming traffic;
  • the absence of an included turn signal when rebuilding;
  • exit from the intersection is not from the right lane;
  • the vehicle has stopped or parked for a long time within the ring.

The following penalties currently apply:

Therefore, when marking an intersection with a roundabout sign (sign 4.3), certain rules must be observed to prevent an emergency and avoid a penalty.

Is it possible to challenge

You have 10 days to appeal. During this time, it is necessary to file a complaint with the court or the inspection department to which the traffic police officer who imposed the fine is attached.

But there must be a good reason for the challenge:

  1. Absence of violation - when the inspector writes out a fine, but he has no evidence, then in court such cases are rarely decided in favor of the culprit. Officials motivate the refusal by the fact that the actions of the traffic police officer comply with the conditions of the oath. Such a reason can be supplemented by another reason, which brings a positive outcome.
  2. The corpus delicti was not identified - the guilt was not recognized, the culprit was not identified, there is no danger to society. This reason can be considered, for example, when the car was driven by a minor.
  3. The fact of the violation was revealed in circumstances of extreme necessity - serious conditions and causing damage, less significant than in preventing the violation, entail the cancellation of the punishment or prosecution under another article. For example, the driver had to turn from the wrong lane and take advantage of the fact that otherwise a fatal outcome is likely.

Each case of violation should be considered individually and have evidence of innocence or evidence of preventing a situation with more serious consequences.

To avoid long red tape with an appeal, you should drive carefully and correctly overcome the established roundabouts.

What you need to pay attention to when driving roundabouts according to the new traffic rules? Who will be right and who is to blame in an accident on the circle? And why the circle is different.

We are sure that many motorists have heard and know that from November 8, new rules for driving roundabouts came into effect. The passage of the circle is fixed by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and states that drivers approaching the roundabout are required to give way to cars that are already moving at the roundabout.

If you have not heard about this yet, you can familiarize yourself with these rules on the pages of our Internet edition of the site:

On paper, everything looks good. What motorists have been waiting for a long time has finally happened. However, reality itself cannot be immediately changed with one stroke of the pen, and most importantly, it is impossible to change the habit of motorists who have been passing such specific intersections for years using a completely different algorithm.

Observing the Brownian motion at such intersections, we came to the conclusion that, in our opinion, it only intensified to a certain extent. This is a normal reaction for transition period, which by the way can last a year or more. It is necessary to know certain nuances in order not to get into an unpleasant situation, which can lead to an incorrect interpretation. this innovation to the rules of the road.

First, you first need to decide on the types of roundabouts. In total, there are two types of them: these are equivalent and unequal intersections. What is their fundamental difference? Let's consider everything in more detail.

Equivalent roundabout

If you drive up to the circle you see such a sign ( Sign 4.3),

then this means that you are entering an equivalent intersection. Changes in the rules from November 8 just govern the passage of these intersections. Therefore, if approaching the intersection you see only sign 4.3, then the algorithm of your actions in this case will be as follows:


As soon as you are on the circle itself, then you are required to let all cars entering the intersection already pass.

The main thing is that you must remember this and this moment learn by heart.

Uneven roundabout

This type of intersections, like the previous one, has not gone away and it is unlikely that it will ever be completely abolished. Local traffic police authorities, at their discretion, in addition to sign 4.3 indicating a circle, sometimes set priority signs:

Sign 2.1 "Main Road"

Sign 2.4 "Give way"

This is dictated by the organization of traffic on the ground.

It is precisely in these intersections that the greatest danger for motorists lurks. One gets the feeling that some drivers, having inattentively familiarized themselves with the updated traffic rules, decided for themselves that the above signs are no longer valid, they say they have not had time to remove them yet, they begin to drive in a circle ahead and thus create emergency situations. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THIS! SIGNS WORK! New roundabout rules here Not spread. Everything remains the same. Let's remind everyone again.

The following paragraphs of the rules govern the passage of such intersections:

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching along the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

13.10. In the case when the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must be guided by the rules for passing the intersections of equivalent roads. The same rules should be followed by drivers moving on secondary roads.

Thus, it must be remembered that when approaching the intersection from the side of the “Give way” sign, it is necessary to give way to cars located on the main road accordingly. If the circle or part of the circle is a main road and it intersects with another main road that is adjacent to the circle, then the driver must follow the rule of interference from the right, i.e. give way to the vehicle with the right of way.

This is the second important rule which you need to know.

What should you do to avoid getting into an accident at the intersection?

Pay close attention to posted signs and be vigilant. Even having the right of way in the passage and seeing that the other participant in the movement is not going to give way to you, it is better to let him through, perhaps he has not yet heard about the innovation or just got confused on the road.

Penalty for breaking a circle

Penalty for not giving advantage in a roundabout in accordance with Article 12.13,- failure to comply with the requirement of the Rules of the Road to give way to a vehicle that enjoys the right of way at intersections, is 1.000 rubles.

Please do not forget about some other opportunities to get fined. They are of course less common, but cause no less damage to the wallet:

Movement on the "oncoming", against the movement in a circle - 5.000 rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for 4 - 6 months.

Violation of the requirements of signs or markings when driving in a circle - a warning or a fine 500 rubles.
