Wise thoughts about parting with a man. Quotes about breaking up with a loved one

Termination of relationships between loved ones is always very difficult. You can read quotes about breaking up to somehow alleviate the situation. After all, quotes about parting were left by people who experienced a similar situation, and they, through their words, can give some advice.

People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Loneliness on the Web

If I knew the last time I saw you that this was the last time, I would try to remember your face, your walk, everything connected with you. And if I knew the last time I kissed you, that this is the last time, I would never stop.

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.

Martha Ketro. Smile always, my love.

How can you say goodbye to someone you can't live without?.. I didn't say goodbye, I didn't say anything, I just left... at the end of that night, I decided to move on.
My blueberry nights (My Blueberry Nights)

When everything ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the experienced love. It is difficult to endure this pain, because memories immediately begin to torment a person.
Forgive me for love (Scusa ma ti chiamo amore)

We need to part. Better to be miserable without you than with you.

Frederic Begbeder. Love lives for three years.

Sometimes you understand, reading quotes, parting is necessary and there is no getting away from it.

Sometimes the only thing left to do is hug each other one last time and just let go..
Gossip Girl

She was leaving, and he wanted time to stop. On this deserted sidewalk, without knowing why, he already missed her. When he called out to her, she managed to take twelve steps - and she will never admit that she counted each step.
Mark Levy. Everyone wants to love

Your traces will be gone in an hour, but she will never forget you. And you never told her. Life is shorter than you think. Love while you can...
Five centimeters per second (Byôsoku 5 senchimêtoru)

The information is incorrect; the testimony is false. He wrote to me “I’ll die without you”, but we both remained alive ...

Vera Polozkova

They say there is such a connection in the world that no matter how many times you break it. You will still meet.
Boys over flowers (Kkotboda namja)

Loneliness is perceived more easily while the one with whom you have been with a long time is lonely.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.
Marilyn Monroe

Only if you finally part with a person, you begin to be truly interested in what concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love.
Erich Maria Remarque. Black obelisk

I'll let you go if it's necessary for you to come back.
Gossip Girl

It is amazing, incomprehensible, how a big city can become empty with the departure of one person.

Natig Rasul-Zade. Among the ghosts

Why don't we fall in love with someone new every month? Because when we parted, we would have to lose a piece of our own heart.
Sigmund Freud

Yes, breakups are painful. However, pain has an evolutionary purpose. It carries information from our environment that our behavior can harm us.
The Big Bang Theory 5

Go to hell! I'm already cold! I got sick and fell in love. I found myself, I already live differently, my lips cannot be with yours ... Chills on the skin. Whisper half asleep. I'm lying! I still want you... 10

Everyone thinks that it is very difficult to say: "I love you." In fact, it's much harder to say, "I don't love you!" 9

Do you know what you noticed? When you break up with a girl you like, she doesn't stop liking her. But everything else stops. Daniil Aksenov 14

The woman returns when she sees that the man is bad without her.
A man returns when he sees that a woman is fine without him. 31

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other. 11

Here are three phrases to say when breaking up with a woman: "I'm leaving you", "It's over between us" and "I stopped loving you." As long as they are not pronounced, everything is still fixable. 11

Let's not talk about anything anymore
I'm tired of figuring it out
My dreams don't belong here anymore
I'm leaving... happy to stay...

Yes, I confess I will yearn
Do not sleep at night, pour tears into the pillow,
But it's better than feeling again
In your presence, severe frosts.

I wish you would stop
But I won't say a word about it
Maybe I didn't understand, maybe I didn't love,
I'm not ready to deal with this...
Tatyana Yatsishina 13

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How much human happiness has been shattered to pieces just because one of the two did not say in time: "I'm sorry!" 15

In order for a woman not to worry about a breakup, a man must either be incredibly boring or a complete idiot. Sara Morgan 6

Tell me, what is the essence of parting?
Yes, back, presumably.
How I sometimes want to fall on my chest ...
I ask you not to offer me a man's.
Georgy Frumker 13

We make thousands of mistakes ... But the main one may be the one ... That we left, where we need to linger, remaining where we should have left ...
Alexey Kuzkin 6

When people leave, let go. Fate eliminates the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played. 19

I can't sleep, my head is crazy.
I'm with you again.
Too bad it's just a dream!
A.Gorodova 11

Sometimes breakups are like a scene from a movie - you both understand that it's time to save yourself, but only one will remain safe and sound. 10

Never go back to your ex... Meaning? The point is to return to the one from whom they left, from which they ran away ... People still do not change ... everything will happen again ... 19

Sometimes parting is no more difficult than giving a book to the library, and sometimes parting turns life upside down. 11

Don't be afraid to lose those who aren't afraid to lose you 27

Sometimes you need to take a break
to get together for life... 12

Pain, betrayal, lies and circumstances. All this very often leads to the same end - parting. How to survive this, what great people say and just those who have encountered this will tell quotes about parting. Statements can help express feelings, and maybe learn to perceive what happened in a different way.

Quotes about man

  • "It is worth leaving a man at a time when he himself does not yet think about whether he should leave."
  • "The more time has passed since the breakup, the more desirable and interesting the meeting."
  • "Sometimes we continue to mourn not for a person, but for memories of him."
  • "Love seems more just after its loss."
  • "Men have no idea, Women - when it's best to do it."

Quotes about parting between loved ones are often found in the form of statuses in in social networks. There is deep sadness, and disappointment, and resentment, and even gratitude. Therefore, such a set of feelings is universal, familiar to very many. And the realization that you are not the first to know this can already become a lifeline on the path to peace of mind.

Sad Breakup Quotes

  • "When a person loses everything and everyone he loved, it is easier for him to say goodbye to himself."
  • "As soon as you begin to forget a person, the brain immediately reminds that today is his birthday and he loves watermelons more than melons."
  • "When love brings only pain, the best way out is to leave."
  • "Parting can only weaken fleeting love. Just as a candle goes out in the wind. Love only grows in parting. As a fire flares up in the wind."
  • "A man is best characterized by whether he was able to say goodbye to a woman without humiliating her."

Breakup quotes and statuses to cheer you up

Breakup quotes are often hilarious. This applies to those people who have already experienced the first pangs of loss, or those who are optimistic about life. The latter are sure that parting is another possibility. The opportunity to find another person, get rid of the shortcomings of the past and take a different look at yourself. One way or another, but funny quotes can help to look at the problem from a different angle:

  • “It is necessary to part. Especially when you realize that you don’t need to grow up to your beloved. And all that remains is to go down.”
  • "You can only lose someone who belongs to you."
  • "A woman after parting becomes not lonely, but self-sufficient and free."
  • "By eliminating your presence, you also eliminate the need to drop your calls later."
  • "If you are unlucky in love, grow up, wise up, put yourself in order, and now let her be unlucky with you."
  • "If they part with you, try to thank and smile back. The time will come when a person realizes that he was wrong and remembers your nobility."

What do great people say about parting?

Quotes about breaking up with a loved one of great people also reflect this process in different ways. Someone talks about sorrow and a broken heart, someone takes a life lesson out of this. Below are a few examples of how great cultural figures of the past talk about separation.

An interesting thought was expressed by the philosopher A. Schopenhauer: parting gives a person a sense of impending death, while a date gives a real resurrection. That is why former lovers feed on the hope that even after decades they will be together.

Romantic M. Lermontov successfully noted that the more joy we know in love, the more bitter separation will become. W. Shakespeare noted that the pain of separation makes people completely dumb.

And the words of the poet of Antiquity Ovid can be used as a reminder to those who initiated the break: "To be able to leave is not so difficult as to be able not to return."

Another optimistic remark belongs to It should be a reminder to everyone who is in a state of despair. He says that you can not remain discouraged after parting. The latter is just an excuse to meet. And the meeting is possible only for those who remain friends.

In conclusion, I would like to cite Remarque's attitude to parting as an example: separation is not always the end, more often it is the first step of ascent.

Breakup quotes are, in fact, an attempt to analyze your negative experience, express it verbally and the first step towards liberation. Even psychologists recommend verbalizing what hurts in the soul. So it is easier to understand the essence of what is happening. And over time, stop blaming yourself, another or fate for injustice, but treat it as an experience.

How not to break a leg falling from the roof of a house? All you can do is group up and mitigate the consequences. It is the same with our gentle companions of life. “Let's be friends”, “it's not about you, it's about me” - banal and excuses for a breakup that only cause irritation. At the request of TTR, Dmitry Kagdin, the author of the Cozy Psychology public, came up with five phrases that you need to say to a girl so that she takes your departure as painlessly as possible and does not want to kill you, at least in the first five minutes of the conversation.

There are no feelings that were before

A phrase that strikes at the widespread, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show the girl that feelings are fading. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven. Many books claim that feelings can go away. The revelations of people also tell that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl knows this, but hides these fears deep inside. It’s easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out a three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends. Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

See, right now you think I'm the one, but by dating me, you might miss true love.

Sweet honey for girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse. Accepting her with a refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having figured them out, she will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness. The embedded meaning conveys a message to her - “you need to look for another, why waste time for suffering. This is a modernized and non-aggressive phrase due to its originality: “You will find yourself better.”

I'm sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we do not part, I will torment you with this. I can't do that

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There will be no more Friday flowers, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, everything that a girl needs. At the same time, you mean that you don’t want such a life for her. You remain for her a good friend who protects her. They love it.

If we stay together, we can break up and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to break up now

Another upgrade, this time banal: "Let's remain friends." The difference is that you describe the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her nice words that will be her soft pillow. The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as films about love, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it. In general, he deserves an applause!

I'm sorry, I've changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I'm drawn to other girls, and I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but still, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You are not to blame, you are a free man and live as you wish. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you fall out of love painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only soften and shorten her suffering in time.

All life is a series of partings, but it hurts the most if they don’t even bother to say goodbye to you.

If a person is destined to be near you, he will be. No matter under what circumstances you broke up, and no matter how much time has passed.

It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

You are in the middle of a meadow, there are billions of stars in the sky..
Do you think I broke up with him for nothing?
- In a place where you feel good, they don't ask questions.

“Separation is what it is:
not expecting anything
we shudder not from a knock,
but from hope in him"

Bulat Okudzhava

Breakups are not to be feared. And in the distance you can love deeply, and near you can quickly part.

In order to get to know a man well, you need to part with him. Olga Anina.

Perhaps, in the end, all life is a series of partings. But it hurts the most if they don’t even bother to say goodbye to you. Life of Pi

"If you finally decide to leave any place, think about where you are heading, and not about what it was high time to say goodbye to."

Elchin Safarli

Never try to return someone who once abandoned you.

Always talk about the grief of the abandoned. Have you ever thought about those who leave? Anna Gavalda

You need to be able to leave on time. So that after your departure they sigh not with relief, but with regret.

Never go back. There is no point in going back. Even if there are the same eyes in which thoughts sank. Even if it pulls you to where everything was so nice, don't go there ever, forget forever what happened. The same people live in the past that they always promised to love. If you remember this - forget it, you never go there. Don't trust them, they are strangers. After all, once they left you. They killed faith in the soul, in love, in people and in themselves. Live just what you live and even though life is like hell, look only forward, NEVER GO BACK ...

Omar Khayyam

We are never so defenseless as when we love and never so hopelessly unhappy as when we lose the object of love or his love.

Sigmund Freud

People sometimes leave, even if there is nowhere else to go.

so hard to find the right words to hold you. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I understand the futility of these attempts.

Who cries at the station must pay a fine.

Longing for a person who has been abandoned or left us, as it were, decorates with a halo the one who comes later.

No matter how strong you are
Don't part with your loved ones.

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They say that the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity, it probably is, but sometimes it's the only way to survive ...

I don't feel lonely, but I feel abandoned.

Let go without letting go of the heart.

Leaving is always much easier than staying.

Perhaps all breakups are like jumping off a cliff. The hardest thing is to decide. Once you're in the air, you'll have to let go.

Saying goodbye comes before realizing your feelings.

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Sometimes only memories remain from a person, but everywhere ...

When people leave, let go. Fate eliminates the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

You won't know what it is real love until you want to get rid of it.

Sometimes only one person's life changes with a change of phone number. Someone who will never call again.

It all started as usual and ended as usual. Big and bright love was canceled for technical reasons.

The absence of your presence in my life does not bother me anymore.

Distance is not so scary when it is in kilometers of the earth, and not in kilometers of the soul.

When you want everyone to leave, it's easier to leave yourself.

Separation and meeting are the two main parts from which someday happiness will be formed.

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Separation inflames heart passion ... To someone who is closer.

Never go back to what you decided to leave. No matter how much they ask you, and no matter how much you want to yourself. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another.

Two weeks, that's all we had. Two weeks to fall head over heels in love with you. And now we are parting for a year, but what is a year of separation for us if we had these two weeks.

We would not appreciate life if we did not know death. We would not appreciate meetings if there were no separations.

Every time we part with someone we care about, we hope that the Universe will reward us for our selfless choice.

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When you leave, leave and don't think about returning, but I'll say goodbye and hope.

After parting with a person for an hour, you can then look for him in eternity.

Closing the door behind you, I realized what a moth feels when a candle is blown out in the room.

It is impossible to leave so that no one suffers.

Her kisses froze on my body like snowflakes on an icy window. Somehow it got cold. Now I understand. Parting kisses lose their warmth. In them, the cooled tenderness of parting ...

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Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but strengthens a great passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but kindles a fire.

Separation is sweet sadness.

Separation and meeting are the two main parts from which someday happiness will be formed.

The certainty that we are loved softens the suffering of separation.

Of all the injustices of fate, separation is the most terrible for hearts. (As-Samarkandi)

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Separation only strengthens the power of those we love. (Romain Rolland)

In separation, three-quarters of the grief is taken by the one who remains, while the one who leaves takes away only one quarter. (Ibn Hazma)
