Watch male and female children's concentration camp. Children were dying before her eyes

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"Male / Feminine" is a project that will try to help men and women sort out their relationships.
Here is what Alexander Gordon's co-host Yulia Baranovskaya says: “This is a project about relationships, about feelings, about emotions. It seems to me that I myself am an open enough person to feel each family and each situation separately. I believe that such situations do not exist. There are two people who create a family, and these two people are individual and unique.
Personally, I will always fight for the fact that it is necessary to work on relationships, save them in difficult moments, and not run away at the first crisis that has developed. This point of view is clearly not shared by my co-host Alexander Gordon. We'll have something to argue about."

Male / Female broadcast from 10 11 2016

34-year-old Maria Alekseeva from the village of Mulino, Nizhny Novgorod Region, guardianship officials are depriving parental rights for her nine children on charges of child abuse. The mother of many children categorically disagrees with the accusations: she is sure that these are the intrigues of envious neighbors, who were disturbed by constant children's cries and laughter. However, the neighbors claim that they began to sound the alarm for a completely different reason.

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Male / Female - Children's concentration camp (10 11 2016) watch online

11.11.2016 The woman brought two three-year-old sons to exhaustion Vera Novikova

Shocking photos were shown to the audience of the Male / Female program only towards the end of the release. As the presenters explained, so that the woman - their mother, who came to the program, would not be torn to pieces. In a state of almost complete exhaustion, two boys close to death were taken away from the mother of many children by the guardianship authorities.

site wrote Mother of nine children Maria Alekseeva was accused of bringing her two children to exhaustion. Three more were taken away with a diagnosis of pneumonia. The woman defended herself to the last, claimed that, however, on yesterday's broadcast of the program on Channel One, it became impossible to unlock (the whole cruel truth came out).

According to the deputy head of the administration of the Volodarsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region for social issues Dina Mikhailenko, if they came even a day later, the children might not have been saved. One of the three-year-old children could not swallow and eat on his own. “In the corner, on the floor, covered with rags, lay two naked boys with a valet… Dima and Yegor… they were barely alive. They weighed 7 kg,” said Dina Mikhailenko, in what condition the children were found.

In addition, there were abrasions, bruises, burns on the faces and emaciated bodies of the babies ... The mother cannot really explain their origin. He believes that they "themselves beat their heads on the floor."

A mother of many children came to television to return the children who were taken from her. At first, she claimed that she was slandered by neighbors, who are disturbed by the noise from the children. Like, they are all pensioners, accustomed to living in silence. But the neighbors of the family Vladimir region, as it turned out, more than once they turned to the guardianship authorities ...

Maria tried to protect her mother, who also came to the program. Half of the grandchildren live with Nina Alekseeva. The woman defended her daughter's position until the photo appeared on the screen terrifying state children ... After that, my grandmother became ill with her heart.

Realizing that after everything she saw, hardly anyone would take her side, Maria stopped denying it and fell silent. She didn’t answer anything to the cries of the host Yulia Baranovskaya that “children were dying before your eyes, and you just sat and watched.”

The mother of many children did not explain why she did not go to the doctors when the children began to lose weight, when their heat, when one of the boys poured boiling water on himself, and then completely stopped getting on his feet ... For what reason, the woman seemed to be waiting for the death of her two sons, she did not explain.

At the end of the program, presenter Alexander Gordon turned to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, expressing the opinion that there is every reason to reclassify the criminal case against the mother of many children. “There is an attempted murder of two or more persons,” he explained. In the meantime, a criminal case has been initiated against the woman under article 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Failure to fulfill the obligations of raising a minor”, ​​according to which the maximum punishment is up to two years in prison.

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