What is the best way to bring down the temperature in children. The child does not lose a high temperature: what should parents do

Childhood illnesses are often accompanied by fever. Some children remain cheerful and active even at a temperature of 39 degrees, while others already have headaches, fever and even convulsions at 37.5. Every mom should know how to knock down high temperature child and under what indicators medical antipyretic drugs can be used.

Most doctors unanimously advise starting to lower the child's body temperature from 38.5-39 degrees. This mark is especially critical for babies under 3 years old, since at this age it most often causes fever.

Children under 2 months old should bring down the temperature already at 37.7, because in newborns the course of all inflammatory processes happens very quickly and their development can lead to a sad ending. To lower the temperature, the child can be given Nurofen, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

An increase in body temperature is a sign of the manifestation of the body's fight against infection, but in a child it still needs to be knocked down. High temperature, fever exhaust the child, exhaust the strength and, if the temperature does not go astray, can cause hyperthermic syndrome. The fight against temperature should be carried out comprehensively, including taking antipyretic drugs, drinking plenty of water, proper nutrition etc.

  1. Cool and humid indoor air. The room where the patient is located should be ventilated more often. It is desirable that the home thermometer shows no more than 20 degrees. At the same time, it is better if the air in the room is humidified. If there is no household equipment for this, then damp towels or sheets can be hung in the child's room. This is the main measure that allows you to bring down the temperature.
  2. Plentiful drink. The heat can dehydrate the body of children, so when the temperature rises, it is necessary to give the child as much liquid as possible. Another thing is that in this state it is very difficult to persuade the baby to drink even a little water or tea. You will have to go to tricks and persuade the baby to drink from a spoon or bottle. The liquid should not be hot, but not cold. It is best to give water, diluted juices, sweetened tea.
  3. cool rubdown. This measure helps bring down the temperature in combination with medicines. Children can only be washed with water. It is not recommended to use solutions with vodka or vinegar. Also, you can not use this method in those crumbs that have neurological diseases or had seizures against the background of an increase in temperature.
  4. Lightweight loose clothing. You can not dress the baby warmly, even when he is shivering. The ideal kit for the patient is panties and a T-shirt or short-sleeved T-shirt.
  5. Antipyretic drugs. To bring down the temperature, children are given syrups or tablets based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, strictly observing the dosage. It is better not to use suspensions and tablets more often than once every 6 hours. If the situation does not change, then the child is prescribed drugs based on ibuprofen, as it is able to reduce the fever for a longer time. You can use rectal suppositories. They do not irritate the baby's gastric mucosa and have a quick effect.

The children's body is very sensitive to various components, additives and flavorings that are part of drugs. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, then the medication should be stopped. It is better to call a doctor, and the specialist will give specific recommendations.

How can you not bring down the temperature in a child?

Measures to reduce high temperatures may vary. To understand how you can and how not to bring down the temperature, you need to watch the child. According to external signs, hyperthermia can be:

  • "white"- hot forehead and cold extremities in the baby, pallor of the skin;
  • "red"- the child is "burning", the skin is red.

Measures to reduce high temperature for one species may be completely unsuitable for another.

With "white" hyperthermia, one should not rub the legs and arms, expose the skin, do cool compresses, since this manifestation of elevated temperature is associated with vasospasms. In the second case, these procedures can be carried out.

There are also contraindications for some folk recipes to combat high fever in a child. Many argue about the dangers and benefits of rubbing with vodka or vinegar. These remedies have been tested by many mothers and grandmothers, they really help to quickly return to normal, but as a result of such a “treatment”, the skin of the crumbs can get a severe burn. In addition, vodka and vinegar easily penetrate the child's blood and can seriously harm him.

Often, mothers at high temperatures give their son or daughter tea with raspberry jam and wrap them in a warm blanket. This method is also harmful. Raspberries are a strong diuretic and after drinking the drink, the child will urinate heavily. And at a high temperature, his body is already very dehydrated. Raspberry tea can be given to the baby only if he drinks a lot of water.

Young children are contraindicated in taking a number of drugs that are recognized as toxic or harmful:

  • "Amidopyrin";
  • "Antipyrine";
  • "Phenacetin";
  • "Analgin".

Contraindications to the use of "Analgin" due to its properties to reduce hematopoietic processes. After taking this medication, cases of loss of consciousness, severe allergic reactions and a decrease in body temperature to 35 degrees were recorded.


The rising temperature in children often indicates the penetration of an infection into a fragile organism. At the same time, parents should delicately approach the issue of its reduction. Artificial suppression of the immune system, manifested in the form of a moderately elevated temperature, can help microbes survive in less destructive conditions for them.

What temperature should the child bring down

Often, caring parents strive to dress their baby warmer during the seasonal cold snap, but some adults at the same time cross the boundaries of reason. Due to the multi-layered dome of clothes, the natural processes of thermoregulation are disturbed in children, which leads to the greenhouse effect. It is especially important not to wrap babies and one year old babies: at this age, children's physiology is still undergoing many metamorphoses.

It happens that parents do not know how to bring down the temperature of a child when overheated. To do this, mom or dad should take the baby home, undress and let the body "cool down". Usually within half an hour the heat exchange returns to normal. When confirming the development of an infectious disease in a small body, parents should call a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations for caring for the baby during the acute period. In addition, it is worth mentioning several types of temperature, suggesting different approaches to lowering:

  1. Subfebrile - characterized by conditionally normal indications for a person, which lie between 37-38 degrees. It is not recommended to knock down such thermometer values.
  2. Moderately elevated - involves an increase in the mercury column to 39 degrees, which may be accompanied by "red" or "white" fever. In this condition of the baby, it is necessary to begin to take measures to combat the heat.
  3. The child has a high temperature. Values ​​​​more than 39 degrees must be immediately knocked down with antipyretic and other means. Wiping the baby's limbs with a cotton cloth soaked in water gives a quick result.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child

There are no particular differences between the methods of dealing with fever in children of different age groups. Many parents are concerned about the problem of how to bring down the temperature in a child. It is important to be aware of the inadmissibility of antipyretic therapy with agents such as Paracetamol and Aspirin in young children. The drugs may cause them Negative consequences as:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • encephalopathy;
  • toxic liver damage.

If you are looking for how to bring down the temperature in a child, then Ibuprofen and its analogues are considered to be objectively harmless and effective antipyretic. In addition, during illness, the child's body loses a lot of fluid. A baby with a fever should be given a large number of drinking in the form of fruit drinks or water acidified with lemon. A little more difficult in this sense with babies. Newborns should be provided with constant access to breast milk containing many antigens.

Rubbing with vinegar

If the temperature is not brought down by medicines, or parents do not want to give harmful medicines to their beloved child, you can use vinegar. Adults are required to know how to bring down the temperature of a child with the indicated method. Only 9% is suitable for wiping children Apple vinegar, which must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Procedure:

  • it is necessary to treat the whole body of the baby with an acidic solution;
  • at the end of the procedure, it is recommended to cover the crumbs with a thin sheet and let them rest after manipulation that is unpleasant for all children;
  • vinegar wipes cannot be used for young children due to increased skin permeability: excessive absorption of the product is fraught with toxic poisoning.

Rubbing with vodka

With regards to this method, you should be aware that for children of any age, alcohol compresses and rubdowns are unacceptable. Vodka, like other alcoholic beverages, has a toxic effect on children. Safety is the main condition in deciding how to bring down a high temperature in a child. Babies are forbidden to treat angina, as well as other diseases, with alcohol methods. However, the older child age group can be treated by wiping the feet with vodka.

What to give a child for fever

Thermometer readings that do not exceed moderate-high values ​​\u200b\u200bare not recommended to knock down. Dr. Komarovsky believes that a temperature of up to 39 degrees does not imply the use of antipyretics. Answering how to bring down the temperature in a small child, a well-known pediatrician recommends rectal suppositories with ibuprofen. In addition, the doctor calls for an adequate attitude to the condition of the crumbs, and without obvious signs of its deterioration, he does not advise the use of medical intervention.

Antipyretic drugs for children

It is forbidden to use analgesics to reduce the temperature in small patients, as well as the above-mentioned agents based on acetylsalicylic acid. Even a single intake of these drugs can lead to the most negative consequences of the situation for a vulnerable organism. Naturally, the use of relatively safe antipyretics can also cause many problems, so parents should be very scrupulous about how to bring down the temperature of a child. Among the less dangerous and more effective drugs are the following:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibufen;
  • Viburkol (homeopathic remedy).

Folk remedies at high temperature

Recipes of alternative medicine, unlike medicines, do not inhibit the physiological processes in the child's body. The natural components of the products do not have a detrimental effect on the liver and kidneys of children. Besides, ethnoscience is focused on home treatment, which has a positive effect on children who are panicky afraid of medical hospitals. There are many recommendations on how to reduce the temperature in a child, but the following are considered the most effective:

  1. Hypertonic saline solution. For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute 2 tsp. rock salt in 250 ml hot water. Salt solution is an excellent sorbent, which helps the body get rid of the symptoms of intoxication. For babies up to 6 months. the daily dose of such a medicine is 30-40 ml, and for older children - 200 ml.
  2. Echinacea infusion. The plant has a lot of advantages and has long been used for infectious diseases. To prepare the infusion, 1 tbsp. dry echinacea pour a glass of boiling water. Then leave the medicine to infuse for about half an hour. Give the baby to drink the remedy in rare sips throughout the day.
  3. Enemas with a decoction of chamomile. The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties of this herb make it indispensable for various diseases. To begin with, chamomile needs to be brewed: 1 tbsp is added to a glass of boiling water. dry medicinal raw materials, after which the product is boiled in a water bath for several minutes. Next, the resulting medicine is filtered, cooled. Immediately before the procedure, a little sunflower oil is added to the broth.

Video: what to do if the temperature does not go astray

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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A three-year-old baby has a fever of more than 38 degrees, feeling unwell. How to bring down the temperature of a child, while not harming him? Is it possible to use folk remedies at home or immediately consult a doctor? What medicines to choose? To the child's parents three years such information is essential.

How to bring down the temperature with medicines

To quickly and easily reduce fever, there are antipyretics. Since their choice is endless, it is important to know which ones will not harm your child.

Important! When should a child's fever be brought down? If the baby does not feel well, he has a headache, he is lethargic and capricious, and the thermometer has already crawled to the mark of 38, measures should be taken to gently reduce the fever.

Make sure the medicines are for a three year old toddler. Review the list of valid options:

  1. Syrup or suppositories Nurofen. It contains ibuprofen. It is an active substance that reduces fever. Its value for the baby is that along with the temperature, pain and inflammation go away. Therefore, Nurofen is not just an antipyretic, but also a therapeutic drug. Therefore, it does not matter what the nature of the disease is 0 viral or bacterial - Nurofen works equally effectively.
  2. Preparations of the Efferalgan, Panadol, Tylenol series. Paracetamol is the key ingredient in all of these medicines. It can also be in the form of suppositories, syrups - these are the most convenient types for treatment at 3 years old. Paracetamol relieves pain, but does not relieve inflammation. That is why it works for a very short time.

Drugs such as analgin and aspirin are prohibited for children, as they are of great danger. The child's body is individual, it is impossible to determine in advance whether their use will cause harm. However, there were cases when a fatal outcome occurred from their use. Therefore, you should not risk the life of the baby and rely on "maybe".

How to drink a child if he has a temperature

When the temperature jumped, it is good to give the baby healthy drinks that cause sweating. At home, you can prepare diaphoretic drinks:

  • Linden blossom tea. A spoonful of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water plus honey to taste. If the child does not tolerate honey, sugar can be stirred. Let the tea cool naturally. It will be possible to drink it to the child when it becomes warm.
  • Elder and mint. Brew also, in half an hour the drink will be ready to drink.
  • Dried fruit compote is an excellent remedy for healing crumbs.
  • The famous tea with raspberry jam, besides it, raspberry compote, or fresh raspberry infusion.
  • Two tablespoons of raisins should be infused with half a glass of boiling water. When it cools down a bit, add some lemon juice.
  • Freshly squeezed juices of berries and fruits are also suitable for this period.
  • Berry juice is suitable. Best homemade. Store-bought products do not provide many health benefits.

Attention! Any herbal teas and juices can be used for a three-year-old baby if you are sure that he is not allergic to them.

A sufficient amount of fluid for a feverish child is a prerequisite for recovery. The baby needs to drink a lot - offer water and antipyretic drinks to the child often, literally, every five minutes, several sips.

Other non-drug methods

What else can you do to help your child at home? The old methods are still relevant:

  1. Airing. The air in the room should be cool. In order for the body to give off heat, certain conditions are needed for this - the air inhaled must be colder than the exhaled air. In order not to overdry the mucous membrane, it is necessary to arrange humidification of the room. Wipe the floor with water, put a spray fountain. Achieve 60% humidity - ideal for breathing. In dry air, the body dehydrates faster.
  2. Most likely, the baby will not want to eat. Under no circumstances should you force it. But if the baby shows a desire to eat, the food should be light.
  3. Remove all from the sick warm clothes, do not allow the body to overheat additionally. Perfect clothes at a temperature - shorts and a T-shirt with short sleeves. But the baby should not freeze! Therefore, if it is cold, you still need to cover the child. But choose a blanket that is light and natural.
  4. If the baby is shivering, and his arms and legs are icy, specifically pale, this indicates a spasm of peripheral vessels. Give your child no-shpu or drotaverine. Create warmth until your feet and hands are warm.

How to bring down the high temperature if the baby runs and jumps? There is nothing wrong with the activity of the baby. The desire to play and run only says that the baby feels relatively tolerable. Some children sweat even better if they move around at a temperature. And when the body sweats, it means that heat exchange with the environment occurs more strongly. Make sure that wet T-shirts are changed to dry ones in time. However, games should not be exhausting. Let the baby do interesting things, but not overloaded.

Particular attention should be paid to rubdowns. Avoid contact of the baby's skin with alcohol and vinegar. These tools are dangerous! Do not bring down the temperature of a 3-year-old baby with vinegar wipes and vodka. They can cause severe poisoning of an already weakened organism. Evaporating odorous substances in such a small crumb can cause swelling and spasm of the airways.

You should develop the same negative attitude towards ice packs. In addition to vasospasm and hysteria, this method will not give anything to the crumbs. Spasmodic vessels impede heat transfer, and the cries of the child will have the opposite effect. Rubbing should be done with water at the same temperature as the body. Pure water on the skin will cool down gradually, evaporate slowly - this effect is very desirable in the fight against temperature.

Note! For children who have a history of febrile convulsions, the temperature should be reduced after 37.5 degrees. In this case, any initiative can damage - call an ambulance.

Pros and cons of high temperatures

The temperature of the body reacts to the introduction of infection. Most often, these are the causative agents of SARS or influenza. The very mechanism of the occurrence of temperature is the protection of the body from microbes, viruses and toxins.

Temperature is a friend

The body's fight against infection begins with the production of interferon. It is actively released into the blood at a higher temperature. At the same time, antibodies begin to be born, the purpose of which is to eliminate everything alien and harmful.

The next process is phagocytosis. Special phagocyte cells "go hunting" for invaders, and when they find them, they absorb (eat) them.

Before wondering how to bring down the temperature, you should understand at what thermometer readings this is necessary. Children are known to tolerate high temperatures much more easily than adults. At 38-38.5 they are often cheerful and active. It is believed that an indicator of 38 degrees is critical, after which medications should be taken. For a child under three years of age, this is relevant, since with an increase in body temperature by another half a degree, convulsions can begin. If the child is more than three years old, then only antipyretic teas can be used - with raspberries, honey, lime blossom (in the absence of allergies).

Medications to help bring down the temperature in a child

The main drugs that reduce the high temperature in a child may include two active ingredients - paracetamol or ibuprofen. The first, according to doctors, is more preferable for infants. For example, candles "Tsefekon" can be used from one month of age.

Drugs that can be knocked down are in the form of suppositories or syrups. Rectal suppositories cause less harm to the gastrointestinal tract and act faster, therefore, when treating infants and at very high temperatures, it is better to use them.

In the form of a suspension, you can give a child from high fever children's "Nurofen", "Paracetamol", "Ibufen", "Panadol".

Before using the drug, you should read the instructions, calculate the dosage in accordance with the weight and age of the child. When used to treat any medicines you need to consult a pediatrician.

If the child's high temperature does not go well, it is possible to use a lytic mixture consisting of "Analgin", "Papaverine" and "Dimedrol" in equal proportions. The dosage is calculated according to age - for each year of the child, 0.1 ml of each drug.

It is better if such an injection with a lytic mixture is made by an ambulance paramedic.

How to bring down a high temperature in a child: folk remedies

If you do not know if your child has a temperature between medications, contact folk remedies. Since you can use paracetamol and ibuprofen preparations no more than once every six hours, they can become indispensable helpers in treatment.

Well-known honey, raspberries and linden blossom well reduce the temperature only at low marks, therefore, if the number 39 appeared on the thermometer, it is necessary to use stronger means, including medications.

Well help to reduce the temperature of the child's habitat with vodka and vinegar.

The first mixture is prepared from water and vodka in a ratio of one to one. The second one is a little more difficult, since vinegar essence in each house can have a different percentage of acid content. Dilute vinegar already diluted with water so that the solution tastes only slightly sour.

The prepared solutions are used to wipe the child's body. Most effectively, they help to bring down the heat, if you moisten with a cotton swab the places where the large arteries and veins pass: the armpits and inguinal cavities, the bends of the knees and elbows, the feet and hands, the neck.

In no case should rubbing be carried out if, against the background of an elevated temperature, the child has cold palms and feet, pale or cyanotic skin.

In this case, it is necessary to warm the limbs by rubbing them and wrapping them up. After that, be sure to give the baby medicine and a warm drink.

At a high temperature, the body of a baby or an adult child is equally dehydrated. In the first case, the baby should be applied to the breast more often, in the second case, tea and water should be given in small portions.

A cold bandage on the forehead, which needs to be changed periodically, will also help to cope with intense heat.

If the temperature approaches 40 degrees, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and try to bring the temperature of the child down to acceptable values ​​before it arrives. In such cases, even a cold bath can be used.

A child with a high temperature should not be wrapped up, it is necessary to provide air access to the surface of the skin. You need to open the windows, providing coolness. The optimal temperature in the room of a sick child should be 18-20 degrees. This will speed up the heat transfer process.

There are many supporters and opponents of alternative medicine. Select the methods of treatment for your child should be based on their impact on the body of the baby. If you can’t bring down the child’s temperature with one remedy, you can try another. Over time, you will choose what suits you and your baby. However, with a decrease in body temperature, one should not forget about the treatment of the underlying disease, be sure to consult with your doctor.

A fever in a baby is a serious cause for concern for the mother. Pediatricians do not recommend bringing down the fever before exceeding the mark of 38.5 ℃. Fever creates unfavorable conditions for infection, speeds up recovery. The use of antipyretics is necessary to bring down the temperature of 39 in a child, or with the development of complications.

Fever in newborns

Children are born with an imperfect system of thermoregulation, during the first months they cannot maintain normal temperature body. Newborns have transient fever up to 38-39℃. It is caused by a change in external conditions after birth. It is important to rule out infection as the cause of the fever. Transient fever lasts no more than a week.

Rule out possible causes of fever in a child

As a rule, fever indicates an infectious disease. Before giving your baby antipyretics, rule out the following reasons:

  • Too warm clothes.
  • High ambient temperature. Comfortable indicators for the room - 22-24 ℃.
  • Overexcitement or stress.
  • Teething.

To cope with a high fever, the baby will help such measures:

  • Undress the child, remove the diaper from him.
  • Keep the room temperature at 18-20℃.
  • Give antipyretics no more than 3 times a day, no more than 3 days. Consider their shape: when vomiting, it is better to use suppositories, for intestinal upset - syrups.
  • Contact your pediatrician, especially if the fever does not go down after 4 days.
  • Wipe the baby's body with a cloth moistened with cool water. Important: adding alcohol or vinegar to water is dangerous!
  • Drink often and in small portions. Breastfed babies need to be breastfed more often. This will help you avoid dehydration.

The child is 2 years old

All the measures indicated above will be valid for babies and 2 and 3 years old. Consider these features:

  • Put your baby to bed, even if he looks quite active.
  • From drinking, give preference to non-carbonated water, warm tea, fruit drinks.
  • Watch the color of the skin of the hands and feet. Normally, they are pink and warm to the touch. A condition where the limbs are pale and cold is dangerous. The removal of heat is disturbed, the body overheats more and more. In this case, you can not use rubbing, you need to wrap your arms and legs, warm them up. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can give 1/4 tablet of No-shpa, it will dilate the blood vessels.

  • Do not try to bring the temperature down to normal. A decrease of 0.5-1 ℃ already greatly facilitates the baby's condition.

In pediatric practice, 2 main drugs are used to reduce fever: Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. Both of them are effective, have different forms of release:

  • Candles. Recommended for the smallest, with allergic reactions, vomiting.
  • syrups. Assign from 6 months. The most convenient and common form.
  • Pills. Used in children over 6 years of age.
  • Injections. Apply at any age as an emergency, only as directed by a doctor.
