Original congratulations on Victory Day for relatives and friends. Congratulations on Victory Day Congratulations on Victory Day let's say no today

Our grandfathers accomplished a feat -
The Motherland was recaptured from the Nazis!
And no matter how many years pass,
Their deed lives on in our hearts.

Let's remember all those who did not return from the battle.
Silently remember them, of course, standing.
Let the eternal fire burn
They say “thank you” from us.

And rejoicing, raising flags,
Let's go to the victory parade in May.
The feat and the price are not forgotten!
Happy Victory Day to you! Hooray!

Victory Day - a bright holiday -
We will always remember.
Pride for the Russian people
Let's carry it through the ages.

Congratulations to everyone today
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that our future
Would not know war.

So that people do not know pain,
Various sorrows, losses,
To shine for our children
Only the sun of peaceful days.

Congratulations on the greatest holiday - Victory Day! I wish you only peaceful days and good news, a sunny sky above your head and peace in every home. Let every corner of the earth spill with children's laughter, and the war will never touch even a small part of your life. I wish you happiness in every breath and the most necessary quality - the value of what life is with all its charms, there is a family and people who love you, there is a moment - and appreciate it.

Happy Victory Day!
tribute to veterans,
That they managed to give us the world,
We are proud of their glorious feat,
We will remember and honor them throughout our lives.

And the fires of the obelisks will be lit,
Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
As if in memory of the glorious soldiers,
Who died in bloody battles...

Let there be no wars in the world
Let it not whistle over your head
Ruthless, deaf projectile,
The sleep of the guys will be calm.

May mothers not know tears
For the sons that the battle took away,
Relatives so that you do not lose.
Since May 9, happy spring day!

Seems like a lot of years have passed
But we always remember
Feat and holy glory,
Saved in your heart.

I congratulate you on the victory,
What got hard
And by the labor and blood of my grandfather,
What stood - to spite the enemies.

Congratulations on being alive
That we are free now
Thank you saviors
We love, honor, and remember you!

Happy Great Victory Day
I congratulate you
And a peaceful sky
I wish over you!
May troubles and wars
Bypass you
And happiness with love
They come into the house more often
I wish the Fatherland
love strongly,
To all mankind
In harmony to live!

Let the sky be clear
Let the gardens bloom
Let everyone have enough bread
We do not know the need.

Let our victory
Will remember forever.
And not to drink the cup
We will never have war!

Everyone - Happy Victory Day! This holiday
For all of us the greatest.
Thank you to our grandfathers
For our life and our happiness!

May there always be peace,
Let people live in peace
Children laugh with joy
And there will never be a war.

Happy Victory Day to all of you!
I wish peace to all of you
So that all misfortunes and troubles
Dissipated like mist.

For the sun to shine brightly
No more war
And life to always bring
Only the most good days.

Great holiday - Victory Day,
Commemorative date for the country.
It was won by our grandfathers,
She cost them dearly!

And we will remember this day forever
Their feat in the heart forever.
They are eternally grateful
They saved our lives back then.

We wish peace in the whole world,
And you will not know the fear of war.
So that everyone always lives happily,
Tranquility, goodness surrounded.

Victory Day (May 9) is the most terrible day for many people, but at the same time it is a holiday. Holiday of victory over fascism and justice. Victory in the Great Patriotic War is the merit and strength of our people! We proved to everyone that our country is a powerful and strong nation. Thanks to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the peaceful sky above our heads. Every year there are fewer and fewer heroes ... time is running out, so you definitely need to give congratulations on Victory Day to veterans. They must know that the future generation loves and respects them. Congratulations on May 9 can be in the form of: a verse, a postcard, a toast, and so on. All this, in any case, will not leave the veteran indifferent. Unfortunately, many died without knowing the taste of the great victory.
If your family and friends are far away, then thanks to our site you can send voice greetings with Victory, which will be immediately sent to the addressees. Also on the site you will find touching congratulations on May 9 for relatives.

May 9 is a wonderful day,
Victory Day, Great People's Day!
Those who are brave and courageous, strong and fearless,
Who with the will to win managed to save us.

I wish you all peace and joy in life,
Appreciate, love all your loved ones,
Give joy and smile
Enjoy the peaceful sky!

Lord, what happened that day?
Everyone knows, but will our children understand
That spring, that holiday, that moment,
When the enemy cages are completely broken?
Memory ... That's what connects all of us so
The memory that emerges leaves wounds in our souls.
Relatives, relatives and friends,
Congratulations on May 9, with Peace!
There is nothing better in the world!

May 9 - Day of Peace and Victory!
In the light of battles, there is no grander.
We heartily congratulate everyone on this Day,
And we wish peace to all people for many years.

Let songs, fun and laughter be heard,
In all regions, let the baby sing,
Victory Day is a holiday for everyone,
And we all give our noble rhyme!

May 9th - Victory Day,
The ninth of May is the day we are waiting for.
May 9th - we remember Victory Day.
May 9th, you, veterans, congratulate!

Remember those who lay in the trenches,
Defending the Motherland with blood.
Remember those who were there in the war.
Remember, appreciate and keep.

They don't call you heroes for nothing -
The contribution to the fate of the country is invaluable!
You framed life under the bullets.
Thank you for the victory!
Descendants remember you, glorify you!
Courage, we honor your courage!
May there never be sadness.
We want peace, happiness, joy!

May 9 - Our Victory Day,
All people remember cities and countries.
Yes, this is a holiday of the whole planet,
Children laugh, veterans cry.

Let there be a rainbow and the sky is clear,
No shots or thunder will be heard.
The foot of a fascist will not set foot here again,
And let the war be unknown to us!

I want to congratulate you on Victory Day!
This holiday is very difficult,
After all, our grandfathers died for our world,
Sacrificing your whole life young.
So that people can continue to live in peace,
No more war
How many people laid down their lives -
We must all remember this.

Great day - day of worship
To those who sacrificed themselves
For the next generation
For peace, freedom and love.
And in gratitude today we
we bring flowers and give you,
Let there be peace over your head
Subject to white doves.

Congratulations on Victory Day -
Great holiday for us
We wish you health and wellness
So much has already been said beautiful phrases!
Be happy and free
After all, our grandfathers fought for us!
Be cheerful and kind -
More smiles, good luck for you!
I wish you success, I wish you victories
And most importantly, do not forget about our veterans.

Spring is not just a season
Spring is a priceless gift for us
Heroes. Those who are for the people
Extinguishing a raging fire!
A bow to the fallen soldiers of the earth,
Whose lives were cut short by the war
For being back in our land
Comes, blossoms, spring sings!
And, congratulating on Victory Day,
Every person wishes
You happiness, joy without end,
And prosperity forever!

Many years have passed since that time,
But the light of memories did not fade,
And your noble gray hair
Shine under the sun, like fireworks ...
God forbid your descendants do not experience
Wars that are ghostly from afar!
Thank you for peace! And Happy Victory Day -
Unfading, great, forever!

Congratulations on Victory Day
And from the bottom of my heart I wish.
First: so that without war,
We lived in the world for a long time.
Secondly: so that on this day,
You would open the door for me.
Third: I'm already standing at the door
I have a present in my hands.
Quickly, quickly run out
And get a gift.

May holiday, the most important,
The triumph of heroic glory,
Courage and courage -
But neither the power of the weapon,
No shells, no grenades,
No rifles, machine guns -
The people's spirit won
What burns, it does not go out,
Everyone has a spark of victory
Grandfathers bequeathed them to us -
To carry them through the ages
Knowing, remembering that it's not in vain
Pain with a bloody hand
Strangled by a Soviet soldier!

On the street spring, flowers,
And the heart is full of beauty!
Solemnly and slowly
Goes to the holiday baby

They bring smiles, laughter,
They do not know the war of troubles.
So we will remember
And honor all those who did not manage to live,

Who covered us with his body
And he protected the earth with his heart.
Since May 9, you are friends,
May there be eternal peace, spring!

Our enemies were defeated
Those that attacked Russian soil.
The fascists paid their debts in full,
For the fact that the second war was unleashed.
All the soldiers need to say "thank you"
The fact that they spared neither strength nor lives.
They beat enemies to protect relatives,
They fought, not sparing, to the last.

Bow to the Russian soldier
On this holiday, on this bright day
Every year, meeting this date,
We remember how the shadow covered the war
The whole earth and the planet shuddered,
But Russia is too tough again.
We remember how we won.
Our veterans, thank you!

Congratulations guys on the Victory Day,
And we wish you always receive answers,
Be strong and successful
Beautiful and sinless
Always defend the Fatherland,
And remember the heroes of mankind.
Let this rhyme warm you
And overcome all troubles
Let him leave barriers behind
And he will put you all to the reward.

Arise the whole world! Veterans march.
You then finish things.
The wounds still don't heal
Our soldier did his duty in full.

World! Get up! You see our grandfathers
They cry without hiding their tears.
'Cause they fought to win
Saving our lives with you!

Tears drip from your eyes and you laugh
You convey your feelings.
Glorious Victory Day is celebrated
We welcome him with joy in our hearts.

Well, the heart cries from the losses of the military,
And about the days of those very first ones.
You, veterans, had to experience a lot,
We know how all your wounds hurt.

We promise to remember your feat always,
Make your all years joyful.
Live with us long, happily and sweetly,
Victory salute, so that fun is always circling.

Victory Day is a holiday for all soldiers,
Who survived hundreds of days of blockades.
And those who stood at the machine at the factory,
So that our arsenal is already growing in the army.

We will not forget your mighty feat,
The people were strong and resilient.
Managed to overthrow the fascist evil spirits,
To ensure a peaceful life for us.

Thank you and bow to the earth,
From all adversity, we will create a barrier for you.
We wish you good health
We send gratitude and love to you.

Who saved the native land from death,
Who recaptured their homeland in an evil moment -
He chose a peaceful path for us,
I was able to win the victory by taking risks.
And on the day of victory we will say - hurray!
And we congratulate everyone on this May holiday.
After all, the life of a slave is dull and gray.
If you want to win, then defend yourself.

This holiday, this day
He brought us victory
It is important as a memory to everyone -
Who shed a lot of tears.
Our grandmothers, grandfathers
And parents always
We will remember their deeds
For many more years.
This May day is important
Youth as an example
How to fight for the country
If you are not a hypocrite.
Important for children as a lesson
This feat of many years
How was the war then
And their brave grandfather died.
And today I am for you
I wish to realize
How nice this day
Call the country home.

Happy Victory Day, I say
Thank you veterans! I will repeat again.
I am every year and every day
I think about you. I'm not lazy...

Thank you for your deeds, for yours,
For us, you are very important!
We love and honor you
We wish everyone good health again!

We will support you in difficult times,
We will do everything to make you comfortable!
We will come to the parade, we will listen to all of you,
Perhaps someone will let a tear out of his eyes ...

We will remember all of you for a very long time,
We wish you many more lives.
Years will pass, two hundred years will pass,
We will not forget your honor!

We will not forget what you have done for us!
We will remember it like now!
And we congratulate everyone on the holiday,
Thank you! For the fact that you are all with us!

May there be peace throughout the earth
May there be peace in your family
Let there be peaceful dreams
So that I and you live in peace!
So that not we, not our grandchildren,
We did not hear the sounds of land mines,
No machine gun fire
No ringing in the cupboard of empty plates.
So as not to trample someone else's boot,
Neither our lands nor the threshold.
To stop mothers from crying
Do not escort relatives to the door.
Don't eat, don't sleep
Fight in water and mud
To see your loved ones in the picture
So that no one can offend them,
Fight to the death and everywhere
On land, air, water.
Don't forget about those few
Strict soldiers and officers,
Which are still left
They fought for us, for the world,
And bow to all those who fell,
They gave us life and happiness.
Passing through the torment, tears, troubles,
They fought to win.
I congratulate you and them,
Soldier of the dead and the living!

Today and years are already gray
Since the end of the war,
But congratulations on Victory Day
May 9, you country.

Thank you dear family
who protected us then
And defended Russia
The price of military labor.

We congratulate you with love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Washed in your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom.

The war has passed, years have passed -
The time that was in that century.
Then there were rare firmaments,
No smoke and filled with warmth.

May glory be eternal
To everyone who stood up for us!
Who left so soon
And who is with us here now.

Not only on Victory Day,
But every day that there is -
You, dear Veterans-grandfathers
We respect and salute you!

May day of light and joy,
Victory Day, memory hour.
He will be the eternal day of youth.
Your courage, valor.

Our Fatherland does not have
A purer holiday.
For the younger generation
There is no wiser mentor.

Your services to the Motherland
We appreciate. Looking for a conscience
We are all searching for the truth.
She is yours through all sorrows.

So the triumph of the winners
It will be forever marked.
To us, dear parents,
You have promised victory.

These vows are wonderful.
Dear to us, like life itself.
Your eyes are burning clear
The vigilance of a bright mind.

Be healthy and happy
Be beautiful and young
Let the grandchildren be quick-witted -
They will lay their heads on your shoulder.

Grandmother! You are on Victory Day
Accept congratulations!
Grandfathers fought to the death
To bring bright May
You did a good job -
Again in the eyes of the fire burns ...
Grandchildren new era
To you<спасибо>speaks!
The bullet flew past
And the hour of Victory came.
Happy holiday, grandma!
Keep us happy for a long time!!!

On Victory Day, we congratulate the heroes,
And every year less and less
But thanks to them, we do not know grief,
Living in my native, beautiful country!

We wish them good health
So that people always remember
And they came and congratulated
Every day, not just May 9th!

Today there will be fireworks in the sky again
And volleys in honor of the main victory.
May 9 everyone loves and waits
Under peaceful and sunny skies.

I wish you never see
Wars and similar hardships
To protect relatives from any offense,
Never get on your knees!

You, veterans, now grandfathers -
In the battles your finest hour passed ...
Congratulate on Holy Victory Day
Allow, dear, you!
The enemy tore you apart with a projectile,
The enemy did not spare lead on you ...
Thank you for being around
Defender of the Motherland, fighter -
Man. Grandfather. Father.
You are not young - already gray-haired,
But still slender, youthful ...
My dear grandfathers
The property of the whole state!
There are so many troubles on your shoulders.
Camps and executions of the head,
But you carry a hundred victories
You are in the rays of gilded glory.
As on the march, hearts are beating,
Crutches and doctors - for the sake of appearance ...
You will be replaced by shelves of grandchildren
And the country will not be offended!

Happy Victory Day!
We meet him every year
We wish the veterans good health,
To live without worries!

May the holiday be good, pleasant,
Salute at the end will dispel sadness,
We wish you to live together, guys,
I'm going to give gifts!

Victory Day is not just a holiday -
This is the symbol of Russia itself,
This is her pride and joy,
This is her prowess and strength.

Let the accordion play fervently
Let the children laugh everywhere
Let the whole world congratulate today
The most resilient people in the world.

You are forever young at heart
Although sometimes the wounds ache ...
With glorious Victory, big
Congratulations, veterans!
Let the years go by
But the memory will live on for centuries
Like a Red Army soldier
Fought fiercely with enemies.
For peace and happiness, for love,
For life and the first baby talk
You went on the attack again and again,
And the adversary answered for everything.
We are inspired by your deed
We bow our heads before you...
You shed blood for us
We congratulate you on Victory Day!

The war has died down for a long time,
But we cherish the memory
Do not erase this memory for years.
We thank you again.

Sky, sun, native land -
This is what you gave us.
We also have a native land,
And space, and freedom to dream.

We can't put our feelings into words
We will carry your feat through life,
Our hearts beat in unison
On Victory Day over the eternal flame!

On this glorious Victory Day
Let's remember how grandfathers fought.
For freedom, for the country
They went to war fearlessly.
Everything that they took into battle,
You keep in your soul
Be worthy of their glory
Remember: only the one who is a warrior,
Claiming success.
Happy Victory Day, brothers, everyone!

Let there be fewer eyewitnesses
Just don't erase the memory
We remember everyone who is behind the Victory
Walked forward to die.

Holiday joyful or sad -
I won't answer the question.
Let the salute remember the souls
Those who brought this day.

Congratulations to grandfather
Happy Victory Day.
It's even good
That he wasn't on it.
Was then as I am now
Vertically challenged.
Though he did not see the enemy -
Just hated!
He worked like a big one.
For a loaf of bread
Victory Day is approaching
Even though he wasn't a fighter.
Steadily endured all hardships,
Paying for childhood
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.
So that in prosperity and love
Enjoyed life
So that I do not see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland.

As they waited for him who was at war,
And they approached, bearing all the hardships.
Those who remained dreamed doubly
Living the dream despite the pain.

And now it has come - this light and bright
Victory Day, which was so far away.
And gifts are given in memory of the survivors,
Until the light of their souls went out.

" Victory Day!" - distributed
Everywhere, even in the sky.
Remains unchanged
A sense of pride in the eyes.

To you, dear veterans,
We say "thank you"!
For merit and awards
We look on in awe.

Gave us freedom
A world where there is no war.
We breathe in the air
Our dear country!

Noisy alarms
Thick years are distant ...
Your first roads
They start with a war.

Well, a fight means a fight,
What a youth at seventeen!
But war is such a mess! —
Even in the valor of victories.

Mother waited for her son
The hour of victory has come!
You, who reached Berlin,
Now here he is, among us.

cheerful, cheerful,
What years! At least henna! —
Like it wasn't hard
Exhausting war.

We won and that's the reason
Repay all heroes, repay all men.
You walked proudly, protecting your home,
So that children and wives live in peace in it.

For victory! We, say, lay flowers,
Let's make a wish so that dreams come true.
Let a hero live inside, in the heart of everyone,
So let's do good to people sometimes.

The celebration of life is a victory, and we will score on sadness,
Let's not forget the heroes, we'll sing a song to them.
And we will march in military, we will walk the parade,
And let us glorify all those who have many awards.

Every year we praise grandfathers,
Thank you for the win!
We will not stop praising you
Your family loves you!

On Victory Day we will set the table,
We listen to stories - keep your eyes open!
We want it to prevail
In your life, only good!

Trumpets are blowing, drums are beating
About the great May day.
There's a parade again today
Those who won the war.
Much water has flowed under the bridge since then.
But the man will not forget us...
Native sons send you a bow.
Already in the memory of the date forever.

Many years have passed since the Victory Day,
But until now we remember your feat, heroes,
And the whole world congratulates you on your victory,
Who owes you his life dear.

We wish you longevity, health and good luck,
May you be lucky to see happiness again
And from children and grandchildren there will be a return to you:
Smiles, laughter, attention, love.

Our grandfathers gave us
Bright holiday - Victory Day!
They fought fearlessly
They defended their native land
So that the children sleep peacefully at night,
So that they do not fall into slavery to the Germans!
As long as the sun will shine
The country of heroes will not forget!
We will praise many times
Sons of Russia, feat of arms!
Bow to you low, our grandfathers,
Behind Holy holiday- Victory Day!

Victory Day is a great day!
This is the memory of the past
A moment of silence together
We honor the memory of heroes!

Let's say toasts not without pride
That we are good fellows, and the Germans are mugs.
Everyone will agree with this
And pour themselves some wine!

And there will be songs and dances
And pride for all time
And the thought that we will win again,
If, God forbid, there will be a war!

I understand what victory means
For veterans who have known all the troubles
A terrible war, surviving hope,
That Victory Day will inevitably come.

We only read about the war in books.
Movies watched - and then froze
In horror, anger and heartache.
You are not in the cinema, but in the battle to the end.

To the death stood, saving their
Motherland, city, home and family.
Everything that is dear to you is dear and holy,
What was in the heart of any soldier.

We could thank you forever.
Will the wounds of the past heal?
Veterans are not waiting for laudatory speeches,
And to keep the memory permanent.

Remember and appreciate. For us you are like stars,
Peace on Earth was created by your feat.
We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day
On holidays, weekdays, all over again!

In my own country, as a foreigner,
Coming from distant countries:
You are forever for everyone - "Afghan",
Afghan is always buzzing in my ears!
And from the friends who left to get away
(Even who will order ...) - Where ?!
And it whines, the heart bleeds -
Do not heal for many years.
But on Victory Day, life is total,
Yes, in orders, not hiding the chest,
Be - for those who died - younger,
Be worthy of them today!
And in other years, days, Afghan, let
Sadness does not come into your soul!

Your whole chest shines with orders,
Heroically you have passed through the smoke of war.
Let the head be gray for a long time,
But you are strong in thought and spirit.
So let the hardships of life not break you.
Health, happiness to you for a long time.
We wish you well with all our hearts,
Beloved, dear our man.

We honor the dead and the living,
Those who fell, defending the Fatherland,
Let's remember their names forever
They gave their lives for us.
Every year the row gets shorter
Eyewitnesses of those bloody battles,
Let the explosions no longer thunder
Do not worry about a stuck wound.
Don't forget your heroic deed
Let the years run inexorably
But lilac velvet brush
In your honor blooms neopalima!

Such a beautiful May Victory Day!
Generations will remember him in Russia,
Happy Holidays to all veterans, our grandfathers!
So let our congratulations come true:
Let everyone's dream come true
Let more money be allocated for each,
Joy for every day, health, strength!
Smiling, caring families of relatives!

May 9 - sacred date,
We should all celebrate it together.
We will honor the soldier with a moment of silence,
That in the old year did not return from the war.

We now congratulate the neighbor's grandfather,
That in childhood he fearlessly went to reconnaissance.
Victory returned us a clear sky.
We remember the fighters who gave us peace.

9th May‒ the holiday of the Victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
On June 22, 1941, the pre-dawn silence was suddenly broken by explosions of roaring shells. Thus began the Great Patriotic War. Then no one knew that it would go down in the history of mankind as the most bloody. No one guessed that the Soviet people would have to go through inhuman trials and win. Rid the world of fascism, showing everyone that the spirit of a Red Army soldier cannot be broken by the invaders. No one could have imagined that, along with the male warriors, the old men, women and children would heroically defend the earth from the fascist plague.
This bloody war lasted 1418 days and nights. She took over 26 million human lives.
First official congratulations happy Victory Day, our Soviet people heard in the early morning of May 1945. And now, from year to year, in all countries of the former union state, this significant holiday is celebrated with parade processions, folk festivals and numerous salutes.
Congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as your relatives and friends on Victory Day with original poems. please good wishes and colorful postcards.

Eternal memory and glory to our grandfathers,
who gave us a peaceful life!

Happy May Ninth! Happy Victory Day!
Free country, big
We were given by our grandfathers.
Appreciate the grace of the earth!

Today is a holiday: Victory Day!
And I hasten to wish you:
Let there be more light in the soul
Let there be grace in the house!

Thank the granfather for the victory!

Today and years are already gray
Since the end of the war,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Grandfathers and great-grandfathers country!
Thank you dear family
who protected us then
And defended Russia
At the cost of military labor!
We congratulate you with love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Drenched in your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom!

May 9 is a day of light and joy,
Holiday of Victory and Holiness!
May it be the day of eternal fidelity,
Great courage, honor and valor!

The ninth of May is our symbol of Victory!
Her grandfathers got us with all the strength!
And we will not forget the brave heroes!
Let's build a happy world for our children!

Russians never start a war...
They finish it and always - with a victory!

Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who is younger.
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
We congratulate you on Victory Day!
This day is important for all nations!

Happy Victory Day!
Happy Great Day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of grandfathers -
Your Fatherland, sons!
Let the enemy remember the Forty-fifth,
That they cannot defeat the Russians ...
We will love the country sacredly,
Appreciate our victory!

Victory Day - a holiday of honor -
No need for big words and flattery!
Thanks to everyone who fought
He won the victory for us!
Let everyone remember: both old and small
All those who fell with the honor of the brave.
And let, while the people live,
The memory of the past will not die!

Victory Day is the eternal memory of those
who gave his life for our life.

The more years pass since that difficult time, the more is highlighted in the historical memory of the people (and, above all, common man) all the greatness of the Victory. We, the grateful descendants of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, will always remember the feat of arms of those who defended the right of our people to freedom and independence in the time of trials. Eternal glory to the heroes of the front-line soldiers and home front workers! Eternal memory to the fallen! In that great holiday Let me wish all current veterans health, vivacity and optimism! A deep bow and eternal memory to all living and deceased heroes.

What to give a friend
On the holiday of May 9:
Souvenir, postcard, book?
Give her warmth!
I know it's often lonely
It happens to you!
Let's drink for us, friend,
My faithful, dear!

My faithful friend, front-line,
Bullet tested!
It doesn't matter that there is no star -
I'm confident in you!
May 9 holiday
Today we celebrate!
Remembering our victory
We pour one hundred grams!

Then there were neither "Muscovites" nor "bulbash",
neither "Khokhlov" nor "chocks" - that's why we won!

May 9 is a great holiday for our people and the entire Russian land. We are celebrating another anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that this day goes further and further into the depths of years, the victory is of great historical significance for our Motherland. Today there are so few people left to whom we can personally say "thank you" for this feat. I really want the present and future young generations to honor and respect this important memorable day and everything that stands behind it. Happy Victory Day!

May rejoices in honor of our Victory!
How many years have passed since that war,
But no one will ever forget the heroes -
Gratitude remains in my heart!

Happy Victory Day - the day of St. George ribbons!
Congratulations on a peaceful and beautiful life!
May they be quiet for another tens or hundreds of years,
And every spring is just as bright, warm, clear!

A low bow to grandpa for the fact that bullets did not reach us ...

War, it is war...
And those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that is drunk to the bottom,
No sweeter... even with fireworks.
War, it is war...
And to this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet - put on the orders!
And Happy Victory Day, veterans!

The music of yesteryear sounds
And fireworks are booming from all sides.
There are talks about the war in schools
On an important holiday - Victory Day.
"No war! "Yes" - to peace and good,
Sun and spring warmth!

For the bright sky, for the singing of birds,
For many happy and joyful faces
Today for you - all the tulips in the world!
Thank you, my dear veterans!
Throw away your troubles from the soul of past years ...
Fireworks for you on the Day of the brave Victory!

Freaks start a war, but peoples suffer.

A new spring has come.
Forty-fifth is calling us back.
Many veterans are not up to sleep -
These old wounds hurt.
So let our youth
This feat will never be forgotten!
"What you sow, you will reap"
Let us always remember this truth.

"Happy Victory Day!" - the county is thundering.
"Happy Victory Day!" sounds everywhere.
Let the memory keep those years
Well, the sky will always be peaceful!

Through smoke and pain
Knowing fire and death
Soldier, after all
Came home with victory.
Today me and you
Today the whole country
Front-line soldiers
Thanks for this!

Congratulations to grandfather
Happy Victory Day!
It's even good
That he was not in combat.
Was then as I am now
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
Just hated!
He worked like a big
For a loaf of bread
Victory Day is approaching
Even though he wasn't a fighter.
Steadily endured all hardships,
Paying for childhood
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.
So that in prosperity and love
Enjoyed life...
So that I do not see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland!

On Victory Day, even birds
Congratulate everyone around.
Let the war never happen again!
Happy holiday to you, my friend!

Happy Victory Day! Let this holiday bring warmth
So that the heart, like tulips, blooms with heat,
So that the birds sing loudly in spring in the spring,
So that no one in the world would threaten war again!

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,
The day of the defeat of a cruel war,
Day of the defeat of violence and evil,
Day of resurrection of love and kindness!
Memories of those who imagine
I set a goal so that from now on this day
It became a symbol of all the efforts of people -
In peace and happiness to raise kids!

I want to live peacefully in the world
Having not experienced battles,
And cherish the world!
Hooray! And Happy Victory Day!

May our borders be secure
And joy is reflected on everyone's faces,
The fields are green and the sun is shining
And in the world, the native country is flourishing!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
We wish you light in your heart.
A bold, strong, important holiday -
For our brave soldiers!
Let's remember ... Low bow to them
And fireworks from all sides!
So come on friends
We will appreciate, loving,
Our land, peace, rest
And love with all your heart!

Our country was defended by heroes,
Protecting everyone from a big scourge.
The sky above us is now blue
With this, I congratulate you with all my heart!
May the war not be repeated
Peace continues in our country,
Let her live and sleep peacefully,
Let's say "no" unequivocally to war!

Friends, perhaps the most significant holiday for our people, dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War, is approaching. A holiday that for many years, since 1945, we celebrate on May 9th. It is this spring day that we begin with words that are understandable and close to any of us - Happy Victory Day! Happy Great Victory Day! Congratulations on Victory Day are heard from all sides - in prose, in verse, short and long, touching and beautiful. We give each other postcards, drawings, crafts made by the hands of children and adults. We sing songs, dance and admire the fireworks.

Maybe there was no war...

And people dreamed all this:

devastated land,

Shootings and concentration camps

Khatyn and mass graves?

Alexander Rosenbaum

Unfortunately, everything happened, and this should not be forgotten. For the absence of those events in the memory can lead to a repetition of the sad experience.

Congratulations on Victory Day

But be that as it may, May 9 is a holiday, albeit "with tears in our eyes." And we are proud of the Great Victory of our people, rejoice in the new day, our loved ones. Congratulations to each other, relatives and friends. After all, there is not a single family that this war would not touch. And first of all, we congratulate the veterans who won this terrible war. Too bad there are so few of them left.

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

Happy Victory Day! We wish that there is always a peaceful sky above your head, and every peaceful day gives only happiness, joy, cheerful smiles and sonorous laughter of children. Let the echoes of the war remain only in books and films. And in our hearts and souls lives pride for the exploits of the heroes of our Fatherland.

We sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day! And we want to wish you to live happily on our wonderful planet, keeping in your heart pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility. May there be no place for war on earth, may every dawn bring only joy and love.

Please accept our congratulations on the Day of Victory over Fascism. This holiday has become the property of not only our country. With us are those for whom courage, valor, honor and courage are not empty words. Thanks to the heroes of the war and home front workers, we have a peaceful sky above our heads. Allow me, friends, to wish you good health and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on the holiday of victory in verse

The war has been over for a long time

Again the blue sky above us.

Only the memory of the past is alive

We will not forget this pain for years.

Do not forget those young guys

That they brought victory closer to us.

With no way back

Only forward under fire fled.

Happy Victory Day! Let the birds sing

Let the planet be full of flowers.

The sky will decorate the fireworks

In honor of the heroes that are not with us today!

We wish you on Victory Day

Only peace! Peace and warmth.

So that never in this world

Do not hear the terrible word "war".

So that our children do not know

What have you experienced

So that the world reigns in the world,

So that we can just live!

Let our sky be clear

The world is bright, sunny, beautiful!

After all, we were born for happiness,

Let there be no war in it!

What is bad - will melt,

Only peace and kindness reigns

And in your heart wins

Always love and beauty!

Short congratulations on the victory in the Great Patriotic War

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,

The day of the defeat of a cruel war,

Day of the defeat of violence and evil,

Day of resurrection of love and kindness!

Let the sky be blue!

And the sun shines bright

All wars will melt like smoke

And love will only be hot!

Happy Victory Day, friends!

On a glorious holiday - Victory Day

Congratulations, friends!

Happiness for adults, laughter for children,

I wish peace to all!

Congratulations on Victory Day

Take it from the heart!

Let any troubles in life

Get lost on the way!

Congratulations on Victory Day in pictures

Victory Day is both a joyful and sad holiday, because so many of our compatriots lost their lives in this war. Congratulate your loved ones on this great day, Victory Day.

Official congratulations on Victory Day in prose

This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of loss in our country touched every family. Battle red banners St. George ribbons and carnations have become permanent symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, this is a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the heart of everyone who is not indifferent to the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, kindness, health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

Your whole chest sparkles with orders,
You have passed heroically along the roads of war.
Let your head be gray for a long time,
But you are strong in spirit and memory.

Let the sorrows of life not break you.
Good health, success in all matters,
We wish you well
And we will remember your feat forever.

Congratulations to WWII veterans on Victory Day

Today we congratulate you on Victory Day,
And let you become all grandfathers by age.
For your military feat, I bow to you,
He delivered us from the slavery of fascism.

War veterans! There are so few of you left.
You took everything you had to share.
And your whole life is an example for youth.
How many losses we suffered in the war.

We wish you health, veterans,
Let mental wounds hurt less.
Live longer, attention to you,
Kudos to you for what you have given to all of us.

Congratulations on Victory Day to colleagues, partners, veterans

Accept my sincere congratulations Happy Victory Day! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the struggle for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried the victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked in the rear, tirelessly , worked to win. I would like to congratulate everyone. All without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, as one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

It is easy and pleasant to congratulate on the holiday of the advent of peace on the whole planet. There is so much kindness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that it is a real joy to express it.

Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family.

Let the festive fireworks rattle and color the sky bright colors forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, let explosions be only a festive salute for our children!

Veterans, put on orders
And put on your medals.
On this day we honor all of you
Please accept our congratulations.

We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday
The most wonderful victory
And we say thank you
Dear grandparents.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the great holiday - Victory Day! Today, in peacetime, we honor and remember those thanks to whom we can work quietly, enjoy life and raise our children! Thanks to them, our heroes, who gave all their strength for the Victory, we make plans for the future and can calmly think about tomorrow!

We wish your organization prosperity and success, and your employees vivacity, good health and spring mood!

Congratulations on Victory Day in verse

Because we know the war
Only according to your stories,
For having shots in life
We have never heard

For being a peaceful sun
Shines above our house
Thank you veterans
Congratulations to your grandchildren.

Happy Victory Day
Happy glorious victory
For our peaceful childhood
Thank you warriors!

For us Victory Day -
Salute and parade.
Veterans congratulate
Everyone would be happy.

For them, Victory Day -
Sadness and tears
For those who died
Sad eyes.

For us Victory Day -
The smell of lilac
joyful, sunny
Spring day.

For them Victory Day
Day of silence.
Thank you grandfathers
That there is no war!

What a peaceful sky
Above us today
What did you win
What are you with us today!

congratulations on victory day in prose
congratulations on victory day short
congratulations on victory day to veterans
congratulations on victory day official
congratulations on victory day beloved
congratulations on the upcoming victory day
wishes for victory day
happy victory day pictures
