Panin threw his daughter into the river with naked men - the revelations of a psychologist. Explain what is the meaning of this toy

Yulia Yudintseva. The latter at first accused Panin of the fact that the actor did not comply with the court decision, hid the girl from her in the village during Vladimir region. In response, the artist explained to reporters that his ex is also far from being an angel.

This summer, the court ruled that the girl would remain with her father. Nyusi's mother, of course, does not agree with this. KP found out what 9-year-old Nyusya herself thinks about family battles.

Now my dad and I are resting in the Crimea. We swim here, we walk. I spend time with my friends, says Panin's daughter. - Yesterday we met an uncle of one, we helped him sell spinners. By the way, I also have a spinner - green with a black bearing. I really like him. My dad bought it for me.

- Explain what is the meaning of this toy?

Yes, nothing at all. You just spin and that's it.

- Doesn't your dad take the spinner away from you, doesn't he play it himself?

My dad never takes anything from me, unlike my mom.

- And what did mom take away?

Once, when I came to her place, she took away my phone because I called my dad. I cried, but my dad returned it to me anyway. Then she threatened to take all my toys away from me if I didn’t do another text on English language. Exactly the same! It's hard for me to remember that time. My mother constantly fought with my grandmother. She told her that she wanted to lay hands on herself. And even once drunk came home.

What does your dad usually scold you for?

He doesn't scold me.

- Even if you get a bad grade?

To be honest, dad doesn't even look at my diary. The lessons are usually checked by the grandmother.

- I heard that you spoke at the trial and said that you did not want to live with your mother. Why?

I have spoken so many times that the language is already tangled. (Laughs) Dad is like a friend to me. And my mother is like a parent with a pointer to me.

- Can you scold dad for something?

Can! I scold him if he gets his clothes dirty.

- Do you remember the time when you lived with your mother for four months in the station building?

Yes, then my mother hid me from my father.

- You were scared, because from the very birth you lived with your dad ...

My mother told me such things about my father that I believed her. So it wasn't scary.

She said that dad is bad, but she is wonderful. When she talked about him, she cursed. We lived in the office building of the station. There is a small apartment there, and there we lived with my mother for four months.

Your mom says that dad offends you, that he threw you with his friends into the water, she told some other horror stories ...

I'm just wondering: the people who believe it, have they seen it with their own eyes?

Do they really know this? I don't understand. I don't care at all. If someone offends my dad, I will protect him.

- Would you like your parents to reconcile?

Of course, I would like to.


Alexey Panin: My daughter Nyusya is with me! And she is happy!

Alexey Panin Lately does not leave the pages of the tabloids. For several years now, the popular actor has been sharing his daughter with model Yulia Yudintseva. The latter at first accused Panin of the fact that the actor did not comply with the court decision, hiding a girl from her in a village in the Vladimir region. In response, the artist explained to reporters that his ex is also far from an angel.

Psychologist Nina Tarasenko, who talked with the daughter of Alexei Panin, frankly spoke on the show of Andrei Malakhov about the shocking details of the girl's life. As it turned out, the actor threw her into the river with naked men and forced her to walk naked.

The night before, Channel One aired the release of "Let them talk" with Andrei Malakhov, dedicated to the recent sex video of Alexei Panin and his relationship with his daughter. Psychologist Nina Tarasenko revealed the shocking details of the child's life in the studio.

“Nyusya told me that at these parties, where they once came with their father, dad and another person took her by the arms and legs and threw them into the river, where, as I learned from my grandmother, there were naked men. After that, Alexey, driving past Red Square, where the girl had never been, he offered to go naked to her in the same place where he himself walked in the same way, ”said the psychologist.

The specialist also learned that Panin had swinger sex when his daughter was at home. “Moreover, she asked him not to do what he very often did next to her bedroom, she very often asked him. And these were the sexual orgies that he did with his girlfriend and another couple,” Tarasenko noted.

The mother of nine-year-old Nyusia, Yulia Yudintseva, begged in the studio to give her the opportunity to be with her daughter. "This bastard takes her to swinger beaches with filthy girls without panties. Or in panties, but without a bra, with beer. My child is there, with naked girls! Shame on him?! It's like you have to disrespect your child to drag him there?" the woman complained.

At the same time, Yudintseva denied Panin's words that she was allegedly deprived of parental rights. “I ask, hear, my daughter Anna is with a pervert and a sociopath, he ignores social norms. I am not deprived of the right to raise my daughter, and the fact that some kind of court decision has come into legal force is a lie,” said the ex- Panin's mistress.

At the same time, Niusya herself said that she wanted to be with her father, and spoke impartially about her mother. “She left and left me at home, my grandmother, her mother, works in the Hermitage, my grandmother and I went there. And my mother stayed at home, she ordered pizza, beer and watched a movie. I was not very pleased, I poured it into the toilet, she yelled at me that you can’t touch other people’s things and started asking my grandmother for 1,000 rubles to order pizza and beer. I closed them, they fought in front of me. My hands were all scratched. It was something, "said the girl.

Alexey Panin himself spent most of the time on the show staring at the tablet, and only from time to time approached the young women in the studio and whispered something in their ear.

The day before, a scandalous video appeared on the network, in which a drunken Panin in Ulyanovsk in lingerie and masturbated on the go. At the same time, another video was posted - on it the actor

This week, Alexey Panin got into the news reports several times. For the first time - in connection with the scandal: the actor was allegedly dropped from the plane? following from Simferopol to Moscow, for refusing to sit down and buckle up after the corresponding order of the crew. The actor himself, however, denies this version and declares that he voluntarily decided to leave the liner, since his 9-year-old daughter Anna wanted to stay at the resort for one more day. The second news is also related to the artist's heiress - according to media reports, she will play a major role in Panin's debut film.

Painting under the working title " I'm back"should be Alexei Panin's first step in directing. The artist himself will play a key role in the film, the other main part went to his daughter. Panin notes that Anna was very happy when he invited her to play a role in his film.

Daughter of Alexei Panin Anna

“In my youth, like many actors, I wanted to make a movie, but only now the stars have converged and there is an opportunity to realize what was envisioned,” shared Alexey. - Firstly, I recently met people who agreed to finance the picture. Secondly, the daughter has grown up, Anya has already managed to take part in several episodes. I am a professional, so I objectively evaluate the child's abilities. If they weren't there, what's the point of climbing? But the data is there. When I offered Anya to play with me, of course, she was delighted!”

According to journalists, Panin's daughter from Yulia Yudintseva plans to connect her life with a creative profession: now the girl is studying in the studio, and in the future she plans to enter the theater institute. She herself notes that she needs to gain acting experience, and calls future shootings in her father's film "a good chance."

Daughter of Alexei Panin Anna

“Stas Kostyushkin with his wife Yulia and Nikita Dzhigurda will also appear in the frame. By the way, Nikita will appear in a deep philosophical role, unusual for many. At the end, he will give an important monologue about life. I will not hide the fact that we are making the film, focusing on the paintings of Alexei Balabanov. It will be a short film. I hope that I will be able to present my work at various festivals,” Panin said. Recall that Panin collaborated with Kostyushkin on the filming of several videos of the singer, although the provocative video for the track "Facts", in which, in addition to Alexei himself, the porn actress Eva Berger starred, publicly quarreled friends. Apparently, the claims that Kostyushkin presented to Panin a few months ago are still in the past.

It is known that Panin plans to start working on the film "I'm back" this fall. Production will take place in Saratov, and the filming process will take 12 days. The picture will be a modern adaptation of the film " Innocent Creatures”, based on the stories of Arkady Averchenko in 2008. Panin again got the role of a thief in the project: after robbing a passerby, he accidentally ends up in the village, where he meets the heroine performed by Anna, StarHit reports.

Alexey Panin and Nikita Dzhigurda

Recall that behind Panin's shoulders is a scandalous story of communication with Anya's mother Yulia Yudintseva. The actor several times kidnapped the child from the actress, thereby violating the court order, which decided that the child would live with his mother. Once Panin and his friends who helped to kidnap Anya were put on the wanted list. The long epic ended in 2017, when the court officially ruled that Anna could live with her father. The girl defends her father and declares that the press perceives and interprets most of his scandalous antics fundamentally wrong. Panin himself, in an exclusive video interview for Vokrug TV, admitted that he committed inappropriate acts under the influence of prohibited substances. However, the actor urged not to believe everything that the media write about him. Alexey Panin claims that 80 percent of the stories about his scandals are lies.

Exclusive video interview "Around TV" with Alexei Panin

Recently, Alexey Panin is much more famous for scandals surrounding his name than for new roles. In a short time, several videos appeared on the Web in which a man was filmed, like two drops of water similar to Panin. The shots are very frank, and in some places even vile.


So, this man had sex with a dog, walked in women's underwear down the street in broad daylight and masturbated, and on a fresh video a man is depicted performing oral sex with a woman and a man.

It is noteworthy that Panin's own comments vary: either he claims that he is not captured on these videos, or he says that these videos are old, when he still had problems with alcohol. Now, allegedly, he got rid of addiction and devotes all his time to raising his nine-year-old daughter Anna.

By the way, the girl also attended a press conference given by Panin in connection with the hype that arose after the appearance of a new video on the Web. Anna admitted that she perceives Alexei as a friend, and her mother, with whom she has no desire to see, as a parent.

“I met my mother in early May, and so far I don’t really want to see her. Because she constantly puts pressure on me, constantly asks for an answer,” Anna said. Actually, that's why the girl wants to live with her father.

However, the mother, model Yulia Yudintseva, does not leave attempts to establish contact with her daughter. The girl said that in communication with her mother threatened to commit suicide if her daughter did not return to her. In addition, according to Anna Panina, Yulia Yudintseva came to her school drunk, and threatened in SMS messages that her dad would rape her, NSN reports.

“Mom threatened to commit suicide if I didn’t return to her. And once my mother brought me to school drunk, and when she took me back, she was already drunk and cursed the teachers and even pushed them,” Anna said. The girl declared her unwillingness to meet her mother and added that she had never seen her father drunk.

In one of the latest episodes of the Let Them Talk program, the scandalous situation that developed around the actor Alexei Panin and erotic videos with his participation, which were published on the Web by unknown people, was discussed. The artist himself, his nine-year-old daughter Anya and the mother of the girl Yulia Yudintseva were in the studio of the program. Parents tried to publicly divide the child.

Andrei Malakhov,

However, the girl categorically stated that she wanted to live with her father, because she loved him more than her mother. “Dad is not like dad to me, but a friend, you can tell him everything. But some children can not tell everything. Dad has changed since then, he hasn't drunk for three years. I love dad more, ”Nyusya admitted.


But the words child psychologist Nina Tarasenko, who spoke earlier with the girl, disagreed with what Panina's daughter told her. The woman said that the actor arranged orgies in the house where the baby was. “Nyusya told me that at one of the parties, dad and his friend took her by the arms and legs and threw her into the river, where there were naked men. Alexei also suggested that she, passing by Red Square, walk naked. She asked very often, as she told me, not to do what was being done next to her bedroom. These are orgies that you did with a friend and another couple, ”the psychologist was indignant.

After all that was heard, the host of the show, Andrei Malakhov, turned to the girl, but she replied that she would not change her decision. “Mom, I told you so many times that I want to live with dad,” the girl said to Yudintseva. After she added that most of all she dreams of a quiet life, and burst into tears.
