Tell about yourself Russian holidays in English. Russian traditions; Russian traditions - Topic in English

Topic: Family Holidays

Theme: Family holidays

What can be more pleasant than and recollecting some past events from your lives or telling exciting stories? It is so wonderful when all the family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. Usually it happens on holidays, as they can be days off and it is a tradition for some holidays to gather together. Such holidays are called family ones and usually they are similar in different countries, though there can be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and Birthdays. In spite of a different origin they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course, some close friends can be also invited.

What could be nicer than sitting in family circle and eat delicious meals, remembering some past events from your life or telling fascinating stories? It's so wonderful when all family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. This usually happens on holidays, as they can be days off and for some holidays it is a tradition to get together. Such holidays are called family holidays, and, as a rule, they are similar in different countries although there may be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and birthdays. Despite their different origins, they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course some close friends may also be invited.

Christmas is the first and the most widely known family holiday all over the world. different dates for its celebration because of some religious views, it does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes . They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a great tradition to give presents for this holiday, as children adore finding them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the fir-tree. Different countries serve different food for this holiday. The Americans cook turkey with vegetables, the Germans bake sweet Christmas biscuits, while the Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main one is kutya, sit at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others singing carols. It is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.

Christmas is the first and most widely known family celebration worldwide. Although there are various dates for its celebration, due to some religious beliefs, this does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes the birth of Christ. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. Also a wonderful tradition is the opportunity to give gifts for this holiday, as children love to find them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the tree. Different countries serve different dishes for this holiday. Americans cook turkey with vegetables, Germans bake sweet Christmas cookies, while Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to preparing twelve dishes, the main of which is kutya, sit down at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others with carols. This is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone always looks forward to it.

Another popular family holiday is New Year. It is celebrated on December, 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. Usually many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long queues in order to buy products for their New Year tables and spend long hours in front of the cooker or oven some exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by TV programs. When the clock strikes twelve, people cheer and make wishes. They are happy to forget past offenses and misunderstandings and start the new one with everything good.

Another popular family holiday is the New Year. It is celebrated on December 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. As a rule, many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long lines to buy food for their New Year's tables and spend long hours in front of the stove or oven to prepare exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by a TV program. When the clock strikes twelve, people rejoice and make wishes. They are happy to forget past grievances and misunderstandings from the previous year and start a new one with all the goodness.

Easter is a Christian holiday, when people celebrate. It is always a day off, so taking place in spring all the family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday people have to follow lent. So it is not surprising for Easter so much. This holiday also has some preparations to be made. All the hostesses bake Easter bread and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or in the morning of the next day they go to the church. Then the family tries to spend together all the day celebrating and treating others with their pastry. In Germany there is one more tradition for children. They have an Easter rabbit, which hides eggs from children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a perfect holiday for a family as it has some unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

Easter is a Christian holiday when people celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It is always a day off, and taking place in the spring, all family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday, people must fast. Therefore, it is not surprising why they are so eagerly waiting for Easter. This holiday also has some preparatory work. All housewives bake Easter cake and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or the next morning they go to church. Then the family tries to spend the whole day together celebrating and treating others to their pastries. In Germany, there is another tradition for children. They have an Easter Bunny that hides eggs from children and looks for them everywhere. Easter is a wonderful holiday for the family, as it has a certain unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

One more holiday to invite your near and dear relatives is your birthday. Though with time fewer adult people celebrate it with the members of the family, state that birthdays of kids and elderly people are always visited by them. Who can make a kid happier than beloved grannies, aunts, and cousins? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation is with elderly people. They do not need posh restaurants, cafes or expensive presents: is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So birthday is a holiday that deserves a title of a family one. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from your family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very thankful to those your relatives, who found a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Another holiday to invite your near and dear ones is your birthday. Although over time, fewer and fewer adults celebrate it with family members, but I must state that the birthdays of children and the elderly are always attended by them. Who can make a baby happier than beloved grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same is true for the elderly. They do not need chic restaurants, cafes or expensive gifts: their only desire is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So a birthday is a holiday that deserves the name of a family holiday. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from the family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very grateful to those of your loved ones who took a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Family holidays are not only an opportunity to celebrate a particular date, but also a possibility to unite all the family members. The more they meet and communicate the closer and more important they become to each other. Do not look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have a chance .

Family holidays are not only an occasion to celebrate a specific date, but also an opportunity to unite all family members. The more they communicate, the closer and more important they become to each other. No need to look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have the chance to turn every day into a family holiday.

Russians love to relax. Each holiday is accompanied by fun festivities. Friends and relatives come to share the joy, combine rest, the table is bursting with goodies. Foreigners have always been surprised and attracted by Russian traditions. When talking to people in the UK or America, you better be on top of your game and present your country in the best possible light. How?

Russian holidays in English must be outlined with a bright and beautiful frame that will intrigue the listener and make him pay attention. If you are talking about an event, then do not go into details, go over the topic superficially, listing Russian traditions in English. However, if the situation requires it, you can reveal all the secrets of historical or modern customs.

If we consider the grammatical side, then be simpler. When talking about Russian holidays in English, do not use long and complex constructions. Make your speech as easy to understand as possible. Well, the main recommendations are given. It's time to go directly to the text.

Having a holiday is always great fun in many ways. First of all it is because of people have a day off, secondly it is the way of relaxation from everyday’s routine. In every country you can find public and religious holidays. What is about Russia?

The New Year is one of the public holidays. It is the favorite day for many people. Many preparations are made before it. You should buy a Christmas tree, decorate it. Mothers and wives are busy with cooking. There is much delicious food on the Russian table. People dress beautiful clothes. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o'clock. And the next day everyone looks for a present under the Chrismas tree which has been left by Father Frost. What is more exciting is New Year holidays. They last from the 1st of January to the 5th.

Unlike Catholic Christmas, OrthodoxChristmas comes a week after the new year. Different festivals of all kind take place in the streets. This holiday is surprising time. Heart is filled with miracle expectation… And this miracle occurs! " The Christ is born, glorify!- Rushes over the Universe, - « the Christ from heavens, meet!". Christmas can be called a family holiday. Everyone tries to spend it with relatives.

One of the most admirable holidays is Maslenitsa . People see off winter, and open themself for spring. It is celebrating during the last week before the Lent. During this time people visit their friends, bake pancakes. If we look back to the history we will find that each day has its own tradition. On Monday people meet the pancake week. On Tuesday there is folk tunes. On Wednesday the mother-in-law invite to pancakes her sons-in-law with wives. Thursday people usually sledge. On Friday sons-in-law call the mother-in-law on entertainment. Saturday is usually taken as meetings with sisters-in-law. Sunday is called "day of sorry". This day everyone try to see friends, relatives and acquaintances, exchanged kisses, bows and sorry if they have offended acts or words.

One of the most popular holidays in Russia is the 8th of March. This day men and sons bring flowers and presents for their wives, women, mothers, grandmothers. Women wait from men for signs of attention, colors and gifts. Almost everybody has day off.

The most important orthodox holiday is Christ's Revival which is also called Easter. This day is familiar to everyone since childhood. Brightly painted eggs, tasty smelling Easter cakes full the atmosphere of this day. People prepare for celebrating this day beforehand. On Saturday believers bake Easter cakes, bear them in church with painted eggs for consecration. It is the symbolic value. The people go from Saturday to Sunday's night in a temple on Easter divine service. After this people say “Christ Voskresi! ". and answer: "Truly Voskresi!

Victory day is celebrated on May 9. This day the millions fallen in World War II are commemorated. Flowers are laid on wartime graves, veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Iindependence day Russia celebrates on the 12th of June.

So, there are many other holidays in Russia with many traditions and which customs are also very interesting .

  1. preparations
  2. greet the new year - welcome the new year
  3. Father Frost
  4. Orthodox- Orthodox
  5. The Christ is born, glorify!- Praise! Christ is born!
  6. the Christ from heavens, meet! The Son of God has descended from heaven! Meet!
  7. see off winter - see off
  8. the Lent - great post
  9. bake pancakes - bake pancakes
  10. sledge - sledding
  11. day of pardon - "Forgiveness Sunday" - the day of forgiveness
  12. exchanged kisses - exchange kisses
  13. are sorry each other if have offended acts or words - ask for forgiveness for all words and deeds
  14. Christ's Revival - the resurrection of Christ
  15. symbolical value

As you can see, Russian holidays in English are quite easy to understand and remember. Agree that it is much easier to talk about what you know, what is close to you, well known. Don't have to remember great amount dates and names. You just have to learn a few expressions. If you want to get acquainted with the English "red dates" of the calendar, then take a look at our article "English holidays". There you will find not only a listing of the main significant events, but also the topic itself.

Hello my beloved readers.

What is your favorite holiday? Birthday? New Year? What do you know about holidays in England? Today I want to tell you about the most interesting national holidays. And I also have an English theme for you that you can use.

Shall we start our list?

If you did not know, then the British are madly in love. On this day, the period begins when the New Year celebrations begin. Traditionally, families get together to roast a turkey and make pudding. This is the most family holiday of all known.

In December, the British have another holiday - Boxing Day. History cannot give an exact definition of where and why this holiday originated. It may have come from the day after Christmas when the leftovers of dinner were put into boxes. Or because customers were carrying gifts in boxes that they didn't like. However, now it's just the day off after Christmas, which the British pay homage to.

If it seems to you that this is similar to the Maslenitsa we are used to, then you are greatly mistaken. The holiday takes place in March, a couple of days before Lent. A kind of competition is held in the cities: city residents run through the streets with frying pans in their hands, throw pancakes and catch them.

Irish holiday, when on March 17 the inhabitants of Ireland honor the memory of the saint, whose name marks the birth christianity in the country. Throughout the country are traditional festivals with folklore.

A very important holiday in the life of every Englishman. Usually, the British are given 3 days to celebrate, and the traditional symbol is Easter eggs of chocolate and the Easter Bunny as a symbol of abundance and fertility.

The celebration of spring, when festivities and costume processions take place all over the country, and the city is decorated with colorful garlands.

The birthday of the monarch is traditionally celebrated on one of the Saturdays of June, when the weather is warm. A parade is held at the residence of the monarch, where soldiers in multi-colored uniforms march. And if you think that fireworks are launched only at night - go to this holiday in the UK. On this day, at exactly noon, a 21-shot salute is launched. By the way, on the official website of this day you can leave your congratulations for.

The carnival, which takes place in the country at the end of August, is dedicated mostly to the people of the Afro-Caribbean community. The streets of some areas of London are painted in bright colors, and African and Caribbean music plays until late. Incidentally, the carnival previously gathered 2 million spectators and took 2nd place in terms of the number of participants.

In the UK, people decorate their houses, put on interesting outfits, go to their neighbors and ask for sweets with the words trick-or-treat. The symbol is empty pumpkin and a candle inside. Especially this day is loved by the Irish, who launch a lot of fireworks and light bonfires. Find out more about this holiday.

Fireworks are launched all over the country and bonfires are lit. It is not uncommon for people to burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, a man who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the 18th century. But in general, for most residents of the country, this is the day of farewell to autumn, when they can burn all their garbage at the same time.

If you want to learn more about holidays in different countries, you will be interested in visiting the section - there you will find interesting texts in English and Russian.

If you want to learn a lot of new and interesting things about England (or Great Britain), welcome to the section ""

Well, now keep the text in English:

There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain. Christmas is the most beloved one in the country. Every year the whole family gathers together, cooks turkey and pudding. Next day is named Boxing day. Nobody really knows why it is called this way, but the holiday is loved by many people.

Pancake day is the day of meeting spring. There is a tradition when people run down the street with the pan in their hands and throw up the pancakes.

Easer is loved for the chocolate eggs and Easter Bunny. On the 17th of April the whole country celebrates St. Patrick's day. There are many folk music festivals. Everyone in the country also loves Queen's birthday. There is a parade where the soldiers march in beautiful colored uniforms.

Notting Hill Carnival is dedicated to Afro-Caribbean citizens of the county. Some districts of the city are full with people in colored clothes and the music plays till the late night.

Halloween is extremely popular in the country. The houses are decorated; children wear funny clothes, wonder from house to house playing trick-or-treat game, and receive sweets.

So, there are many holidays in Great Britain that are not similar to ours but consequently are very interesting and sometimes unusual.

Useful phrases with translation:

to run down the street - run down the street

to throw up sth- toss something

to be dedicated to - to be dedicated to something

to be full with sth - to be filled with something

till the late night - until late at night

to be decorated - to be decorated

to wander from place to place - wander from place to place

That's all, my dears. I hope you have learned a lot. Don't forget to sign up for my delicious newsletter below if you'd like to keep learning more fun facts and expanding your horizons.

Like the whole world, Russian people love celebrating their holidays. Celebrations in Russia reflect many aspects of its history, culture and traditions. Some Russian festivities are official public holidays and government offices, schools and banks have their days off. These are New Year (January, 1 st – 5 th), Orthodox Christmas (January, 7 th), Defender of the Motherland Day (February, 23 rd), International Women's Day (March, 8 th), Spring and Labor Day ( May, 1 st), Victory Day (May, 9 th), Russia Day (June, 12 th), National Unity Day (November, 4 th) and Constitution Day (December, 12 th).

The Russians usually celebrate holidays with plenty of food and presents. The most popular holiday is New Year's Day. Russian people decorate fir-trees, cook delicious meals, make fireworks. All children wait for Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka to get presents from them. On Christmas people visit their relatives and friends and tell fortunes.

Defender of the Motherland Day is also known as Men's Day because all Russian men and boys, active servicemen and war veterans get warm greetings and special presents from their families, friends and colleagues. International Women's Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1913 and it is the day for all mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and girlfriends. Spring and Labor Day appeared in Russia on the 1st of May in 1890 after the strike of Chicago workers who demanded an 8-hour working day.

Victory Day is a sacred and dramatic holiday for Russia. The whole country commemorates millions of victims of the Great Patriotic War. Russia Day became a national holiday after the Declaration of Sovereignty was adopted in 1991. And National Unity Day commemorates the liberation of Moscow from Polish occupation in 1612 and it is celebrated with parades. Constitution Day is a celebration of the adoption of the Russian Federation Constitution in 1993.

Unofficial Russian holidays are also observed. There are religious and foreign celebrations among them: Old New Year (January, 14 th), St. Valentine’s Day (February, 14 th), Orthodox Easter Sunday, Maslenitsa, Cosmonaut’s Day (April, 12 th), Halloween (October, 30 th) and Mothering Sunday (in November).

Some Russians celebrate the New Year according to the Julian calendar that was used in Russia before 1918 and they call this holiday Old New Year. Easter is always celebrated with painted eggs and church services. Maslenitsa is a holiday of meeting the Russian spring with such rituals as eating pancakes and burning a dummy of winter.


Like the whole world, the Russian people love to celebrate holidays. Celebrations in Russia reflect many aspects of its history, culture and traditions. Some Russian holidays are official public holidays, and government offices, schools and banks have a day off on these days. It's New Year (January 1-5), Orthodox Christmas(January 7), Defenders of the Fatherland Day (February 23), International Women's Day (March 8), Spring and Labor Day (May 1), Victory Day (May 9), Russia Day (June 12), National Unity Day (November 4) ) and Constitution Day (December 12).

Russians usually celebrate the holidays with an abundance of food and gifts. The most popular holiday is the New Year. The Russian people decorate the Christmas trees, cook delicious meals, arrange fireworks. All children are waiting for Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka in order to receive gifts from them. At Christmas people visit their relatives and friends and tell fortunes.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day is also known as Men's Day, as all Russian men and boys, all military service and war veterans receive warm congratulations and special gifts from their families, friends and colleagues. International Women's Day has been celebrated in Russia since 1913 and is a day for all mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and beloved girls. Spring and Labor Day appeared in Russia on May 1, 1890 after a strike by Chicago workers who demanded an 8-hour working day.

Victory Day is a sacred and dramatic holiday for Russia. The whole country honors the memory of millions of victims of the Great Patriotic War. Russia Day became a national holiday after the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty in 1991. And National Unity Day commemorates the liberation of Moscow from Polish occupation in 1612, and is celebrated with parades. Constitution Day is a celebration of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993.

There are also unofficial Russian holidays. Among them are religious and foreign celebrations: Old New Year (January 14), St. Valentine (February 14), Orthodox Easter, Maslenitsa, Cosmonautics Day (April 12), Halloween (October 30) and Mother's Day (in November).

Read the second part of the topic about holidays in Russia

Holidays are an important part of people's life, we love to celebrate different dates.

Some of them are more popular, some are less, but there are many national holidays and all of us are eagerly looking forward to them. People don't work on these official days off.

Most holidays fall on the same date every year and some other ones are movable.

The beginning of the year is accompanied by the most important holiday. We meet New Year's Day at midnight and we commonly celebrate it till morning with the closest circle of family and friends. Traditionally everybody decorates New Year tree with New Year baubles and colored lights and home with fir branches and tinsel, prepare lots of delicious food, singing winter songs and dancing.

Russia is an orthodox country, so our Christmas is on the 7th of January. We clean our homes, cook many tasty things one day before Christmas because the next day nobody should work, but only go to church and have a rest with the family.

The next winter holiday is non-official “Men's day”, officially this day is called “Defender of the Motherland Day“. In Soviet period it was The Day of Soviet Army. Normally women give men small gifts on this day.


Holidays are an important part of people's lives, we love to celebrate different days and dates.

Some are more popular than others, but there are many national holidays and we all look forward to them. On these days of official holidays, people do not work.

Most holidays take place on the same day each year, and some are transitional.

The beginning of the year is accompanied by the most important holiday. We celebrate the New Year at midnight, and we celebrate widely until the early morning with close family and friends. Traditionally, everything is decorated Christmas tree balls and colorful lights and a house with spruce branches and tinsel, they cook a lot tasty food, sing winter songs and dance. All children are waiting for Santa Claus with his gifts.

Russia is an Orthodox country, so our Christmas is celebrated on January 7th. On the eve of Christmas, we clean the house, prepare many delicious dishes, because the next day no one has to work, but only go to church and relax with the family.

The next winter holiday is unofficial “Men's Day”, officially this day is called “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. In Soviet times, it was the day of the Soviet Army. Usually women give men small gifts on this day.


eagerly - eagerly

movable - zd. transitory, i.e. without a fixed date

New Year baubles - Christmas balls

fir branches - spruce branches

tinsel - tinsel

Grandfather Frost - Santa Claus

orthodox - orthodox

Defender of the Motherland Day - Defender of the Fatherland Day
