Off-road border guard read online - Mikhail Lantsov. Mikhail Lantsov border guard off-road Lantsov frontier off-road read

Victor always had all the problems because of women. But who would have thought that this time they would take him so far from home? And fate will be so broken that instead of serving at the border outpost, he will have to fight with orcs and the undead, seduce cunning elves and beat the face of ancient magicians. Sadly remembering that toilet paper already coming to an end...

Mikhail Lantsov
Cross-country border guard


Victor has always considered himself lucky.

A poor family and a difficult childhood did not prevent him from enrolling in a free department at a prestigious Moscow university. The Faculty of Radio Electronics and Laser Engineering, of course, was not the ultimate dream, but it fully justified his expectations. You won't get lost with that kind of education. That is why Vitya regularly, with all possible zeal, dug into the granite of science, like a chipmunk into a cookie. The result is natural - a bachelor's degree with honors and admission to a master's program.

And everything would go well, if not for one small weakness - women. Oh yeah! Victor loved them, and they, what is most interesting, as a rule, reciprocated. Both free and married. There was some kind of charm in it, alluring the representatives of the weaker sex, like the bright light of moths. Energy, charisma. Well, the look is right.

So. While our "young Padawan" was lawfully preying on students, graduate students and other "young and free", everything was going well. Even scandals somehow managed to hush up, remaining in good relations with his former passions. But that wasn't enough for him. I wanted to tickle your nerves. Play with fire. So Vitya was caught in the bed of Irina, a young charmer who combined the position of the ceremonial-weekend wife of the rector and the mistress of the head of the city commissariat. Accurately a couple of weeks before the defense of the thesis ...

Not that Victor planned to dodge the draft. No. He didn’t really want to go to the magistracy either, believing that he needed to “run away” to the army, “quickly” serve and go on to do normal business, and not hang around pears at the university. But it's still annoying. After all, it turns out that it is not he himself, but his, and as a punishment. Moreover, he was "shaved" not into the school of sergeants of the radio engineering troops, but into the infantry, as a simple soldier in an ordinary motorized infantry. Already the military commissar tried. And not just anywhere, but in Siberia.

Woo! Cyberia! Vodka, balalaika and brutal men in quilted jackets and hats with earflaps, eating up a bear... alive... At least that's what the guys joked when they went there by distribution.

But even in this situation, Orlov did not lose his head. He showed himself during the KMB and went to study as a sergeant. Not in profile, of course. But also nothing. Anything is better than trampling the parade ground with a simple fighter. And then the service began, which Victor later recalled more than once with a wandering smile on his face. Dusty position at the headquarters of the brigade gave a lot of free time. If you want - run for women, if you want - earn extra money. Which, in fact, he did, combining.

However, the unexpected happened. Just trouble. Literally a week before the demobilization, an old acquaintance, a major-border guard, looked at him "at the light". Somehow they crossed paths with him at the headquarters of the brigade, they caught on with their tongues, and since then they have maintained friendship. Only later did it become clear that the major was purposefully looking at candidates for recruitment, engaging in a kind of interdepartmental "headhunting." So. He approached, therefore, Viktor Ivanovich and told with all his "proletarian conscience" that it was not worth helping comrades in acquiring offspring. Even when they are on duty and their wives are bored at home. They will cope on their own, because this is an intimate, family matter, but by no means a public one. Especially at this scale. After all, Vitya "took the horns" to not one or two officers with consequences. What is there for such "successes"? Medal "father-heroin"? No, of course, it would be nice for Orlov to be the dad of a crowd of kids at once. Only he did not know what to do with the husbands of those girls. At all. Yes, and how to feed such a horde, if they impose alimony on him, too. Therefore, he signed a contract for long-term service in the border troops almost with joy in his eyes. And where to go? The offer that was made to him was one of those that cannot be refused. Even a few years of life spent at some God-forsaken outpost somewhere in the Altai Mountains looked like more interesting meeting with "slightly" angry husbands. However, it was precisely in such a deaf place that he ended up. And what? Someone had to serve there. Especially under these circumstances...

Two years have passed.

Victor rolled over on the other side and again rested on his phablet, reading another volume of science fiction, since it can be easily downloaded on the Internet. What else to do in this godforsaken place? Boring. Insanely boring. Yes, of course, he did not waste time in vain and tried to develop. However, it does not hurt, then you will turn around. Vaughn even learned how to ride normally, although it was not necessary for nothing. Well, at least the "employers" did not deceive. They called yesterday. They promised to send me to officer courses in a month. Well, or a little longer - as a replacement will be found in this wilderness ...

In the light twilight, a thin man stood near a small ball and watched the events taking place with the liveliest interest. Here is Orlov's rifle squad making its way along a mountain path, pursuing violators. Phantoms, of course. Yeah. And then a completely unexpected collapse begins, which almost covers people, and Victor jumps into the nearest, so successfully turned up cave. She falls asleep ... And that's it. The trap closed.

- And why do you need all this? Ariel's voice suddenly appeared.

“I want to joke a little…” Loki replied with a slight start.

- Silly joke. Do you hope to use it to provoke the demiurge?

“An attempt is not torture,” the God of deceit and mischief shrugged.

- What is her number? The Goddess of Love smiled.

“I'm sure the demiurge is still watching. We ourselves cannot openly intervene and put this world on our ears. You know. But if you bring a mortal...

- I already brought it. And what's the point? They basically die like flies.

Tired of gray and boring everyday life, want to immerse yourself in a world filled with dynamic events? Mikhail Lantsov and his book Cross Border Guard will be excellent guides to a reality located between combat fantasy and adventure.

Mikhail Lantsov in the book "Official Border Guard" endowed the protagonist with an unusual character. You can read about Victor's adventures for a long time and without being distracted by other things, because he is still the only one. Possessing a freedom-loving disposition, Victor barely manages to get out of one alteration, as he immediately finds himself in the center of attention of another. The craving for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity invariably brings serious troubles to the life of a womanizer. Against this background, a sharp contrast is created by the call of the motherland to repay the due debt. Victor finds himself in the army, away from home. For him, such a change of scenery is akin to entering another world. Being at the border outpost, the hero is faced with the inexplicable: fantastic creatures appear on the horizon, the habitat of which has become reality.

Mikhail Lantsov did not feel sorry for the lover of the female body and sent him straight to the hot spot. The book "Rough Frontier" is filled with scenes of battles with representatives of other civilizations. Undead, magicians, orcs - these are just some of the races that decided to test how persistent a person can be. But even in such a situation, Victor will find a benefit for himself. A delightful elf suddenly appears on his way, whose beauty can outshine the sunlight. However, this creature only at first glance seems friendly: having a cunning mind, the elven girl plays her game.

The author's love for history was able to find a place in this work. As the story progresses, military events are harmoniously woven into the plot, making it more reliable. Reading about Victor's adventures is like jumping into a pool of unusually soft water: the sensations will be indescribable and will definitely remain in your memory.

"Traffic Frontier" is a fascinating pastime in the midst of an original plot in which the action develops so rapidly that it can completely tear the reader away from reality, finally giving a sweet desire to enjoy again such an exquisite work. Get ready to see the dizzying events in which main character fights with unknown opponents.

On our literary site, you can download the book by Mikhail Lantsov “The Cross-Country Frontier” (Fragment) in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Polite man

ADMIRAL: So what do you think, Mr. Dodge?

DODJ: I think I'll get my ass kicked, sir.

A d m i r a l: Don't be so bookish! To hell with all of it! Forget the statute! Think like a pirate! I need a man with a tattoo on!.. Did I find such a man?

DODJ: Coincidentally, yes, sir.

k / f "Remove the periscope"

After checking the connection on the radio and phablet, Victor was somehow depressed, because there was none at all.

"Where did I get to?" - he thought, starting to settle down for the night not far from the place where he appeared. Spread out the fire. Made dinner. True, I decided not to start three sets of IRP [I R P - an individual diet. Dry ration Russian army used during exercises and combat operations. One serving, designed for a day, weighs 1.75 kg.], lying in a backpack. God knows how stuck he is in this hole. They might still come in handy. Therefore, I had a bite to eat with a couple of Snickers, which, out of habit, I grabbed fairly.

It should be noted here that these light, compact and very high-calorie bars were used by the entire outpost, receiving money for the IRP they put in the warehouse. Unofficially, of course. And it didn't work out well. And most importantly - excess weight did not have to be carried. Of course, you can’t sit on such a diet for a long time, but hiking is not so often, so few people refused. Rumor has it that militants in Chechnya were the first to discover this method, preferring to take as much ammunition as possible instead of food. And from there, the topic slowly spread along such outskirts.

So this time too, sighing heavily, Vitya began to chew on a sugary sweet bar, drinking water from a flask. After that, he burned the wrapper and fell asleep by the fire in the hope that in the morning this obsession would disappear and he could try to return home ...

The morning brought only a light mist. The "corpse" of the last hope and a statement of fact - he hit. And where - only Khaleesi [Khalisi - she knows everything, it was not in vain that she became the mother of dragons.] knows. Well, or one of the other magical freaks. Why magical? Because from the point of view of common sense and physics, he could not explain what happened.

Victor, of course, was upset, but did not despair. In the end, he is alive and well, and could fill up with stones. Yes, and not the first time he got out of the alterations.

Once again trying to contact his people, he fussed for about thirty minutes. But to no avail. Satellites and mobile towers seem to have sunk into the ground. The radio air was empty, and only a rare crackle of atmospheric interference convinced him that the radio was working. Looked around. I turned on the phablet a map of the area where his detachment passed, but did not find anything even remote to such a valley.

How nice…” Victor hissed irritably. - Where did I go?

If he was not alone, then yes, perhaps it would have been possible to blow off steam and irritation from a strange situation, but ... there is only a forest around. Unless you catch a snail or a frog and tell it in your hearts everything that you think about this story. Therefore, having taken control of his emotions, Victor cooled down and somehow immediately sobered up. After all, emotions worse than vodka and drugs sometimes cloud the minds of people. And now - as soon as he calmed down, a sensible approach to business immediately came. Got it? Got it. And once you get there, you have to get out. What is the main thing for this? Right. Survive. This time. Understand where you are. This is two. And don't get involved in any local showdowns. It's three. So after gulping down another candy bar, he set about revising the junk he was carrying around.

An assault rifle, a pistol, a bunch of cartridges, food, a knife… and much more [At a remote outpost in a remote corner, anything could have been included in the kit. Statutory equipment / weapons were taken out only during inspections. And they happen on holidays. The rest of the time they could even dissect in American or Chinese uniforms with the weapons / equipment that was most convenient for them.]. However, the most valuable, besides a week's supply of food, weapons with ammunition and a first-aid kit, was a water filter. I specially acquired it at one time to show off in front of my colleagues [I mean the NF-10 filter and a set of replaceable cartridges.]. It only happens in fairy tales that, getting into some remote land, you can safely drink water from a stream. Like, she's clean. Yeah. Just take away that carcass of some deer upstream or some other nasty thing and immediately become clean. Why, by the way, in the real Middle Ages and antiquity, the natives preferred to drink either some kind of bourda with a low alcohol content, or drinks in the spirit of milk. Noticing that from alcohol mixed with dirty water, there are fewer poisonings than from dirty water. Therefore, with the help of this miraculous potion, drinking was neutralized. There was still milk and other similar products. Yes, such drinks could be drunk like this, without pre-treatment. But only in pairs, while they have not yet had time to get dirty. And with age, it was not normally absorbed by everyone, sometimes helping to relieve the intestines worse than dirty water. So, by the nature of his service, often faced with such nuances, Victor considered the water filter to be his most valuable asset in this situation.

However, we digress. After completing a cursory inspection of the property, Victor sighed again and decided to go downstream along the stream. You never know - the road will meet or the settlement. And closer to the water source. Do not sit on the priest exactly until the food runs out?

No sooner said than done.

Putting on a thin “balaclava” under the helmet [B a la k la v a - view knitted hat completely covering the face and neck. Has slits for eyes and mouth. It first appeared during the Crimean War of 1853-1855 in the Crimea, hence the name associated with the area.], in order to escape from the midges that always crawl into his face, he pulled his glasses over his eyes and moved forward. Not very comfortable. Hot. But what to do. It was still not enough to pick up an infection from some flying muck. Places are unfamiliar. Who knows what flies here ... and why. Besides, there was no need to rush. Walk slowly along the low grass, hiding from the sun in the shade of trees. Fortunately, the coast is without gullies, and the forest can be seen far away.

As he walked, he looked around.

No, of course, Victor was never a big connoisseur of botany, but he could not identify the trees and shrubs that he met. Well, how could not. Christmas tree and tree. In the sense of coniferous something. And that leafy one. Only for anything familiar the eye could not catch on. As if he was on another continent, where a completely different flora. With livestock, things were better. But only because Victor understood it even worse. Well, squirrel and squirrel. Nimble hairy crap, climbing trees - that's the whole breed in his understanding.

The day passed unnoticed by him.

Several halts where he economically "nibbled" bars and thought about his fate. Tried, at least. Because the questions circled around his head like a flock of annoying mosquitoes, not wanting to be organized into a system. And what is most remarkable - none of the questions could not be answered. At all. Even the dumbest. Rather, on the contrary - each of them, like a rare pest, gave birth to a dozen more of his comrades.

Evening was coming into its own, and Victor was about to settle down for the night when the aroma of a fire reached him. Yes Yes. It was the aroma, otherwise he could not appreciate it. After all, only people could burn a fire. That is, "what the doctor ordered." For wandering through the dense forests is a little not what he dreamed of all his life. Of course, it could be some intruders, but it is unlikely. He had a quiet section of the border. There, even if someone violated, it was some wild shepherd who accidentally confused the meridians ...

“Although stop,” flashed through his head. - What border? I'm in some ... got.

Just some five minutes of reflection, and he realized that it was necessary to approach people, not shouting joyfully and waving his arms, but with extreme caution. Who knows them? Maybe there are liberals or worse. Although, on the other hand, what could be worse? Therefore, having accurately determined the direction and stepping so that even the branch did not crackle, Vitya moved forward, trying to stay against the wind. So that he carried away the sounds and smells. Well, I used trees ...

When Victor got close enough to the unknown, he felt somehow uneasy, because the company looked more than strange.

First, the fire. Would honest people hide it like that? And here it burned, very modest, and even in a hole.

Who are they hiding from? thought Orlov. - They don’t look like ardent fighters from among the “greens”. Strange. Very strange".

Secondly, clothes. Dirty, rough fabric. Rags. Lots of payments. Frayed, frayed edges in places.

“Direct fashionistas ... - Victor mentally chuckled. - Here you can clearly feel the hand of a famous avant-garde fashion designer. The same bad taste. I wonder how much they paid for this rip of money?

In addition, from strange subjects, there was a noticeable smell of such an “ambre” that Orlov only had the opportunity to breathe in the most seasoned homeless people. And even then - for a big pull on a hot summer day.

Mikhail Lantsov

Cross-country border guard

© Lantsov M., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Publishing House E, 2016

Victor has always considered himself lucky.

A poor family and a difficult childhood did not prevent him from enrolling in a free department at a prestigious Moscow university. The Faculty of Radio Electronics and Laser Engineering, of course, was not the ultimate dream, but it fully justified his expectations. You won't get lost with that kind of education. That is why Vitya regularly, with all possible zeal, dug into the granite of science, like a chipmunk into a cookie. The result is natural - a bachelor's degree with honors and admission to a master's program.

And everything would go well, if not for one small weakness - women. Oh yeah! Victor loved them, and they, what is most interesting, as a rule, reciprocated. Both free and married. There was some kind of charm in it, alluring the representatives of the weaker sex, like the bright light of moths. Energy, charisma. Well, the look is right.

So. While our "young padawan" lawfully hunted students, graduate students and other "young and free", everything turned out perfectly. Even scandals somehow managed to hush up, remaining on good terms with his former passions. But that wasn't enough for him. I wanted to tickle your nerves. Play with fire. So Vitya was caught in the bed of Irina, a young charmer who combined the position of the ceremonial-weekend wife of the rector and the mistress of the head of the city commissariat. Accurately a couple of weeks before the defense of the thesis ...

Not that Victor planned to dodge the draft. No. He didn’t really want to go to the magistracy either, believing that he needed to “run away” to the army, serve “quickly” and go on to do normal business, and not hang around pears at the university. But it's still annoying. After all, it turns out that it is not he himself, but his, and as a punishment. Moreover, he was “shaved” not into the school of sergeants of the radio engineering troops, but into the infantry, as a simple soldier in ordinary motorized infantry. Already the military commissar tried. And not just anywhere, but in Siberia.

Woo! Cyberia! Vodka, balalaika and brutal men in quilted jackets and hats with earflaps, eating up a bear... alive... At least that's what the guys joked when they went there by distribution.

But even in this situation, Orlov did not lose his head. He showed himself during the KMB and went to study as a sergeant. Not in profile, of course. But also nothing. Anything is better than trampling the parade ground with a simple fighter. And then the service began, which Victor later recalled more than once with a wandering smile on his face. Dusty position at the headquarters of the brigade gave a lot of free time. If you want - run for women, if you want - earn extra money. Which, in fact, he did, combining.

However, the unexpected happened. Just trouble. Literally a week before the demobilization, an old acquaintance, a major-border guard, looked at him "on the light". Somehow they crossed paths with him at the headquarters of the brigade, they caught on with their tongues, and since then they have maintained friendship. Only later it turned out that the major purposefully looked at candidates for recruitment, engaging in a kind of interdepartmental "headhunting." So. He approached, therefore, Viktor Ivanovich and told with all his "proletarian conscience" that it was not worth helping comrades in acquiring offspring. Even when they are on duty and their wives are bored at home. They will cope on their own, because this is an intimate, family matter, but by no means a public one. Especially at this scale. After all, it was Vitya who “took the horns” to not one or two officers, with consequences. What is there for such “successes”? Medal "father-heroin"? No, of course, it would be nice for Orlov to be the dad of a crowd of kids at once. Only he did not know what to do with the husbands of those girls. At all. Yes, and how to feed such a horde, if they impose alimony on him, too. Therefore, he signed a contract for long-term service in the border troops almost with joy in his eyes. And where to go? The offer that was made to him was one of those that cannot be refused. Even several years of life spent at some God-forgotten outpost somewhere in the Altai Mountains looked even more interesting than meetings with “slightly” angry husbands. However, it was precisely in such a deaf place that he ended up. And what? Someone had to serve there. Especially under these circumstances...

Two years have passed.

Victor rolled over on the other side and again rested on his phablet, reading another volume of science fiction, since it can be easily downloaded on the Internet. What else to do in this godforsaken place? Boring. Insanely boring. Yes, of course, he did not waste time in vain and tried to develop. However, it does not hurt, then you will turn around. Vaughn even learned how to ride normally, although it was not necessary for nothing. Well, at least the "employers" did not deceive. They called yesterday. They promised to send me to officer courses in a month. Well, or a little longer - as a replacement will be found in this wilderness ...

In the light twilight, a thin man stood near a small ball and watched the events taking place with the liveliest interest. Here is Orlov's rifle squad making its way along a mountain path, pursuing violators. Phantoms, of course. Yeah. And then a completely unexpected collapse begins, which almost covers people, and Victor jumps into the nearest, so successfully turned up cave. She falls asleep ... And that's it. The trap closed.

- And why do you need all this? Ariel's voice suddenly appeared.

“I want to joke a little…” Loki replied with a slight start.

- Silly joke. Do you hope to use it to provoke the demiurge?

“An attempt is not torture,” the God of deceit and mischief shrugged.

- What is her number? The Goddess of Love smiled.

“I'm sure the demiurge is still watching. We ourselves cannot openly intervene and put this world on our ears. You know. But if you bring a mortal...

- I already brought it. And what's the point? They basically die like flies.

But some live long. The penultimate copy and generally died a natural death.

- Hiding in a corner and quietly whiled away the days.

“But this one isn't like that.

- Indeed? The Goddess chuckled. “Ah yes… sometimes I forget what you patronize.

- Do you want to argue? Loki smiled slyly.

“Not with you,” Ariel snorted.

You know I never lose arguments.

“I haven’t lost yet,” the lady corrected him, reminding him that he still couldn’t unbalance the demiurge.

“What can I do,” Loki spread his hands theatrically, ignoring the hint, “as long as I’m lucky.” Do you want to convict El-Sari of conspiring with me?

Mikhail Lantsov

Cross-country border guard

© Lantsov M., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Publishing House E, 2016

Victor has always considered himself lucky.

A poor family and a difficult childhood did not prevent him from enrolling in a free department at a prestigious Moscow university. The Faculty of Radio Electronics and Laser Engineering, of course, was not the ultimate dream, but it fully justified his expectations. You won't get lost with that kind of education. That is why Vitya regularly, with all possible zeal, dug into the granite of science, like a chipmunk into a cookie. The result is natural - a bachelor's degree with honors and admission to a master's program.

And everything would go well, if not for one small weakness - women. Oh yeah! Victor loved them, and they, what is most interesting, as a rule, reciprocated. Both free and married. There was some kind of charm in it, alluring the representatives of the weaker sex, like the bright light of moths. Energy, charisma. Well, the look is right.

So. While our "young padawan" lawfully hunted students, graduate students and other "young and free", everything turned out perfectly. Even scandals somehow managed to hush up, remaining on good terms with his former passions. But that wasn't enough for him. I wanted to tickle your nerves. Play with fire. So Vitya was caught in the bed of Irina, a young charmer who combined the position of the ceremonial-weekend wife of the rector and the mistress of the head of the city commissariat. Accurately a couple of weeks before the defense of the thesis ...

Not that Victor planned to dodge the draft. No. He didn’t really want to go to the magistracy either, believing that he needed to “run away” to the army, serve “quickly” and go on to do normal business, and not hang around pears at the university. But it's still annoying. After all, it turns out that it is not he himself, but his, and as a punishment. Moreover, he was “shaved” not into the school of sergeants of the radio engineering troops, but into the infantry, as a simple soldier in ordinary motorized infantry. Already the military commissar tried. And not just anywhere, but in Siberia.

Woo! Cyberia! Vodka, balalaika and brutal men in quilted jackets and hats with earflaps, eating up a bear... alive... At least that's what the guys joked when they went there by distribution.

But even in this situation, Orlov did not lose his head. He showed himself during the KMB and went to study as a sergeant. Not in profile, of course. But also nothing. Anything is better than trampling the parade ground with a simple fighter. And then the service began, which Victor later recalled more than once with a wandering smile on his face. Dusty position at the headquarters of the brigade gave a lot of free time. If you want - run for women, if you want - earn extra money. Which, in fact, he did, combining.

However, the unexpected happened. Just trouble. Literally a week before the demobilization, an old acquaintance, a major-border guard, looked at him "on the light". Somehow they crossed paths with him at the headquarters of the brigade, they caught on with their tongues, and since then they have maintained friendship. Only later it turned out that the major purposefully looked at candidates for recruitment, engaging in a kind of interdepartmental "headhunting." So. He approached, therefore, Viktor Ivanovich and told with all his "proletarian conscience" that it was not worth helping comrades in acquiring offspring. Even when they are on duty and their wives are bored at home. They will cope on their own, because this is an intimate, family matter, but by no means a public one. Especially at this scale. After all, it was Vitya who “took the horns” to not one or two officers, with consequences. What is there for such “successes”? Medal "father-heroin"? No, of course, it would be nice for Orlov to be the dad of a crowd of kids at once. Only he did not know what to do with the husbands of those girls. At all. Yes, and how to feed such a horde, if they impose alimony on him, too. Therefore, he signed a contract for long-term service in the border troops almost with joy in his eyes. And where to go? The offer that was made to him was one of those that cannot be refused. Even several years of life spent at some God-forgotten outpost somewhere in the Altai Mountains looked even more interesting than meetings with “slightly” angry husbands. However, it was precisely in such a deaf place that he ended up. And what? Someone had to serve there. Especially under these circumstances...

Two years have passed.

Victor rolled over on the other side and again rested on his phablet, reading another volume of science fiction, since it can be easily downloaded on the Internet. What else to do in this godforsaken place? Boring. Insanely boring. Yes, of course, he did not waste time in vain and tried to develop. However, it does not hurt, then you will turn around. Vaughn even learned how to ride normally, although it was not necessary for nothing. Well, at least the "employers" did not deceive. They called yesterday. They promised to send me to officer courses in a month. Well, or a little longer - as a replacement will be found in this wilderness ...

In the light twilight, a thin man stood near a small ball and watched the events taking place with the liveliest interest. Here is Orlov's rifle squad making its way along a mountain path, pursuing violators. Phantoms, of course. Yeah. And then a completely unexpected collapse begins, which almost covers people, and Victor jumps into the nearest, so successfully turned up cave. She falls asleep ... And that's it. The trap closed.

- And why do you need all this? Ariel's voice suddenly appeared.

“I want to joke a little…” Loki replied with a slight start.

- Silly joke. Do you hope to use it to provoke the demiurge?

“An attempt is not torture,” the God of deceit and mischief shrugged.

- What is her number? The Goddess of Love smiled.

“I'm sure the demiurge is still watching. We ourselves cannot openly intervene and put this world on our ears. You know. But if you bring a mortal...

- I already brought it. And what's the point? They basically die like flies.

But some live long. The penultimate copy and generally died a natural death.

- Hiding in a corner and quietly whiled away the days.

“But this one isn't like that.

- Indeed? The Goddess chuckled. “Ah yes… sometimes I forget what you patronize.

- Do you want to argue? Loki smiled slyly.

“Not with you,” Ariel snorted.

You know I never lose arguments.

“I haven’t lost yet,” the lady corrected him, reminding him that he still couldn’t unbalance the demiurge.

“What can I do,” Loki spread his hands theatrically, ignoring the hint, “as long as I’m lucky.” Do you want to convict El-Sari of conspiring with me?

- Nothing. Just watch. I want to see how our experimental mouse will show itself ...

Meanwhile, Victor, carefully making his way through the pitch darkness with the help of a flashlight, found a way out. He fell out into the fresh air and froze in a stupor. Everything was wrong. And the trees, and the grass, and the sky, and the stream ... in general, everything. As if he could go through this short cave from the Altai Mountains to some Bryansk or Tula.

It took him a couple of minutes to realize the situation, very unusual, I must say. Then Victor abruptly turned around, intending to run back. But behind him peacefully lay the sloping slope of a mound instead of a rock. Not to mention the cave. Even his traces were cut off, as if he fell directly from the sky to the ground in this very place.

- Sailed, - Victor said quietly to himself ...

Polite man

ADMIRAL: So what do you think, Mr. Dodge?

DODJ: I think I'll get my ass kicked, sir.

A d m i r a l: Don't be so bookish! To hell with all of it! Forget the statute! Think like a pirate! I need a man with a tattoo on!.. Did I find such a man?

DODJ: Coincidentally, yes, sir.

k / f "Remove the periscope"

After checking the connection on the radio and phablet, Victor was somehow depressed, because there was none at all.

"Where did I get to?" - he thought, starting to settle down for the night not far from the place where he appeared. Spread out the fire. Made dinner. True, I decided not to start the three sets of IRP that were in my backpack. God knows how stuck he is in this hole. They might still come in handy. Therefore, I had a bite to eat with a couple of Snickers, which, out of habit, I grabbed fairly.

It should be noted here that these light, compact and very high-calorie bars were used by the entire outpost, receiving money for the IRP they put in the warehouse. Unofficially, of course. And it didn't work out well. And most importantly - the extra weight did not have to be dragged. Of course, you can’t sit on such a diet for a long time, but hiking is not so often, so few people refused. Rumor has it that militants in Chechnya were the first to discover this method, preferring to take as much ammunition as possible instead of food. And from there, the topic slowly spread along such outskirts.
