The print is bright in clothes. How to combine prints and be in trend

To look stylish and not trite, you can use many tricks, among which, perhaps, creating an accent with the help of some object of clothing or accessory () takes the leading place. The print works very well as such an accent. As a rule, it is customary to combine plain clothes with clothes with a print. But if we move away from this familiar and safe approach andmix several prints at once, we can create an extraordinary, bright, amazing image in terms of the power of its impact.

Many are afraid to do this, rightly believing that by mixing different prints, they can end up with something ridiculous and tasteless. In some ways, they are right: prints can really be mixed, but this must be done with an understanding of how they work together, and what effect can be expected from such a neighborhood.
The biggest danger is creating an image that is too overloaded. For example, the image in the photo below looks spectacular for a photo shoot, but in real life it is very difficult to endure: the eye does not know what to focus on, too many distracting details, etc.

Other people are looking at us. To do this, they use their eyes. And the eyes, like any optical instrument, must focus on something, it cannot cover the entire picture.
The whole secret is that each image, like any image, must have some kind of focus, otherwise the set will turn out to be either faceless, uninteresting (in the absence of a focus at all), or overloaded and too colorful when you don’t know what to look at .

Let's try this technique. combinations of different prints in one image while remaining stylish and beautiful.

1. Color

The main thing to pay attention to when combining different prints together is their color compatibility.

If the prints are complex and contain several colors, then the set will look more harmonious if they are united by at least one color.

This technique also looks spectacular when combined with a complex multi-color print with monochrome.

If both patterns are monochrome, then they don't have to share a common color, but make sure their colors work well together.

2. Shape

There is also a reverse technique: mixing prints different color. This technique is applicable if you are combining very similar or even the same prints. Then they will be combined in shape, and the color difference will make such a neighborhood very interesting.

Size 3

If you combine different prints of the same size and same intensity (both bright or both muted), be careful, as the image in this case can turn out to be overloaded, they will all compete with each other for superiority.

A mix of larger and smaller prints looks good.

You can also remember one technique, and in the future feel free to apply it in your images: combine prints of the same type (geometric with geometric, vegetable with vegetable, etc.), but different size.
Place the dominant print on the part of the body that you would like to draw attention to. For example, if you have broad shoulders and narrow hips (), then put on a skirt with large polka dots, and a blouse with smaller ones. This will help balance the proportions. Trousers in a small flower in combination with a top with a large floral print will help to balance.

4. Play with contrast

There is a win-win option for combining prints: add a low-contrast, more neutral print to some contrasting, dominant pattern.
For example, pinstriped fabric can be paired with almost any pattern.

By the way, this technique can be used by those who have a low contrast appearance, but you like large contrasting prints. In this case, such a bright print can be placed away from the face, and a low-contrast print can be placed closer to the face.

5. Stripe

In general, the stripe is the most versatile print, as it is suitable for so many combinations. Feel free to mix it with other patterns.

6. Choose the right scale for the most important print

If you combine more than two prints, then dose them in your kit. For example, let the largest print take up the most space, the smaller one will be smaller, and the smallest print can act as a small accent. This technique will allow you to avoid overloading the image.
In the first photo - the most active element of the outfit. It has the largest and most contrasting print. Then the eye moves to the vest, the print of which is medium in size. Well, then we see a blouse with a smaller print. In addition, this set is monochrome, which prevents the addition of more complex distracting elements. The whole image is perceived harmoniously, because there is a logic in the transitions of attention from one object to another.
Taylor Tomasi Hill made a more complex set, as she also introduced bright colors. In the second photo, the eye first rushes to the red-checked trousers. Both the color and the largest print contribute to this. If she chose such an active color for a jacket with a smaller print or shoes (with an even smaller one), then it would begin to conflict with the large check of the trousers, defending attention.

7. Dilute different prints with plain fabric

This technique will also keep your look from looking overly detailed. If you are combining some rather bright / colorful prints, try adding solid objects that repeat the color of a print or.

Aerobatics: Liven up objects with monochrome prints with solid colors in bright colors.

Apply These Techniquescombinations of different prints in one set, and create unique and very stylish images. If you haven't ventured into these experiments yet, it might be time to give it a try. And it will also help you print matching guide, revealing in detail the secrets of which patterns most harmoniously coexist with each other, which you will find in the next article.
You will also learn a technique that helps you absorb all this theoretical knowledge and start putting it into practice.

Do not forget that style is not only about clothes, it has many components.

The ability to combine prints in clothes is a great thing! Polka dots, plaid, stripes, Chinese cucumbers, floral patterns - how to make them look harmonious together?
Sometimes designers mix prints in such a way that they take their breath away with admiration!
But everything complicated begins with less complicated, and we decided to highlight a few simple rules, from which you can build on, gradually complicating combinations and exercising your own skills.

1. How to combine prints in clothes: color repetition

One simple and proven rule for combining prints is the overall color scheme. More precisely, they must have at least one common color.
Prints in similar color scheme complement each other, instead of drawing attention to each other. Thus, even two very different prints can be placed side by side. It is not necessary that the colors exactly repeat each other, the main thing is that they are similar shades of the same color.

By the way, this rule is especially often used when combining men's shirts and ties:

2. How to combine prints in clothes: one print, different size

When you are head to toe in clothes with the same print, others may begin to ripple in the eyes. But if you diversify the outfit with a combination of two prints, identical in shape and color, but different in size, then the prints will make friends, and the image will look more complicated, more interesting.

3. How to combine prints in clothes: the 60-30-10 rule

Want to mix three prints at once? Then follow the same rule as when combining colors: let the largest print take 60% of your outfit, the second largest - 30%, and the third, smallest, accent 10%.
For example: long skirt with a large floral pattern, a short striped top of medium width and a bright necklace around the neck (or a bag, or a headdress, or shoes, or a butterfly, or ... your option :)).

4. How to combine prints in clothes? Separate them

Sometimes it is enough to separate two inconsistent prints with a stripe of a "solid" color so that their combination becomes harmonious.
For example, a one-color belt.

Two prints of the same type and size but different colors look great side by side and do not contradict each other.

6. How to combine prints in clothes: a bright print next to a muted one

Take any bright print and pair it with a discreet, muted one.
By the way, the contrast of bright and muted works with a combination of plain things.

7. How to combine prints in clothes: the stripe is neutral

Not sure which print top goes with the lovely new floral skirt? Make no mistake choosing a stripe.
Stripes go with any print (especially if you remember the unifying color rule) and can be used just like neutral blacks or denim.
In combination with floral print the strip looks especially beautiful:

It is important to remember that in this specific case size matters!
The wider the stripe, the smaller the floral pattern should be, and vice versa: it is better to choose a large floral pattern for a narrow stripe.

Examples of combinations of stripes with other prints are numerous and beautiful, there are a lot of options!

8. Combination of graphic prints

Two graphic prints coexist wonderfully with each other, both in the same color scheme and in different ones. Plaid, polka dots and stripes are harmonious in a variety of combinations. Experiment!

9. How to combine prints in clothes: animal prints

Animal prints look great with both graphic and pictorial prints.

But the best thing is that they fit together!

10. Combination of prints in black and white

It's hard to go wrong when combining two different prints in black and white.
Do not doubt!

11. How to combine prints in clothes? Use accessories

If you are not yet sure that a Chinese cucumber skirt will match a polka dot top, start with accessories: a scarf, necklace, bag or belt with an unusual print will add zest to the image.

12. How to combine prints in clothes? Wear printed tights

Tights or leggings can now be found in almost any print. Yes, the rules are the same.

And finally, some of our work:

Remember, rules are not dogma, and there are not one, but many exceptions to any rule.
It is important to learn to feel what is close to you, and then no rules will be needed, and everything will go into the realm of intuition.

Unconditional hit of the last few fashion seasons- it's a print. And even more - a combination of several prints! And this season, designers, without saying a word, released dizzyingly bold and exciting bows on the catwalks, built on a combination of several patterns!

Print combination: photo

Many girls are skeptical about this trend and for some reason believe that there should be only one drawing in the bow. However, it is not. And advanced fashionistas will agree with us!

Mixing multiple drawings at once is very easy! Let's learn this quickly!

Rules for combining prints

The main rule: there should be something in common in the drawings.

For example, the drawing itself, or repeating colors, or the same scale of the drawing.

THE SAME drawing of the same or different size/color

DIFFERENT print in ONE color range

This technique of combining prints is very often used in!

There are a few more tried and tested patterns invented a long time ago by the duo Dolce & Gabbana.

Everything is simple!

A stripe or any other GEOMETRY (polka dots, cage, rhombuses) goes well with each other!

A striped pattern or any geometric print goes great with just about anything! To be sure, you can insure the same color scheme of the prints used!

Yes, yes, STRIPES and FLOWERS are wonderful and absolutely possible!


Another trick is to attach a leopard pattern to any print! Or any other animal print in general - a snake or a zebra.

Of course, warm animal print will be better combined with warm shades, and cold ones with cold ones.

Many people have some preconceptions about leopard prints. Of course, a dress in leopard print, knitted and tight, with a deep neckline and mini length, in the company of red lips and platform shoes - this is “you know what”!

But if you use a wild print dosed as a small accessory, then success is guaranteed!


And now I want to show you a dubious combination of several prints in one look.

There are combinations of several patterns, when it is difficult to find some common feature between prints at first glance, but meanwhile, the combination looks harmonious. For example:

However, in most cases, completely dissimilar prints look too creative and do not always seem harmonious.

In this image, we see a combination of warm and cool shades of a skirt and blouse. That already threatens to fail.

Plus, there is little in common between the drawings! Therefore, the bow does not look good.

Dear girls, be brave! Style is born from many experiments!

- great deal! Polka dots, plaid, stripes, Chinese cucumbers, floral patterns - how to make them look harmonious together?
Sometimes designers mix prints in such a way that they take their breath away from the envy of admiration!
But everything complicated begins with something less complicated, and we decided to highlight a few simple rules that you can build on, gradually complicating the combinations and exercising your own skill.

1. Color repeat
One of the simplest and most proven rules for combining prints - overall color scheme. More precisely, they must have at least one common color.
Thanks to the repetition of color, prints will complement each other, instead of drawing attention to each other. Thus, even two very different prints can be placed side by side!
It is not necessary that the colors exactly repeat each other, the main thing is that they are similar shades of the same color.

By the way, this rule is especially often used when combining men's shirts and ties:

2. One print in different sizes
If you are dressed from head to toe in clothes with the same print, others may begin to ripple in the eyes. But if you diversify your outfit, using one print (or two very similar ones), but of different sizes, then the prints will make friends, and you will look much more interesting.

3. Follow the 60-30-10 Rule
Do you want to mix 3 prints at once? Then follow the same rule as when combining colors: let the largest print take 60% of your outfit, the second largest - 30%, and the third, smallest, accent 10%.
For example: a long skirt with a large floral pattern, a short striped top of medium width and a bright necklace around the neck (or a bag, or a hat, or shoes, or a butterfly, or ... your choice :)).

4. Separate 2 prints
Sometimes it is enough to separate 2 inconsistent prints with a stripe of a "solid" color for them to start.
For example, a one-color belt.

5. Mix of two similar prints
Two similar prints of the same size but different colors look great side by side and do not contradict each other.

6. Use a bright print next to a subdued one.
Take any bright print and pair it with a discreet, muted one.
By the way, the contrast of bright and muted works with a combination of plain things.

7. Stripe as a neutral color
Not sure which print top will go with your lovely new floral skirt? Use the strip!
Stripes go with any print (especially if you remember the unifying color rule) and can be used just like neutral blacks or denim.
In combination with a floral print, the strip looks especially beautiful:

Remember that in this particular case, size matters!
The wider the stripe, the smaller the floral pattern should be, and vice versa: it is better to choose a large floral pattern for a narrow stripe.

Examples of combinations of stripes with other prints are numerous and beautiful, there are a lot of options!

8. Use checkered or striped polka dots
Two graphic prints coexist wonderfully with each other, both in the same color scheme and in different ones. Experiment!

9. Combine animal prints
Animal prints look great with both graphic and pictorial prints.

But the best thing is that they fit together!

10. Black and white gamma
It's hard to go wrong when combining two different prints in black and white.
Do not doubt!

11. Use accessories
If you are not yet sure that a Chinese cucumber skirt will match a polka dot top, start with accessories: a scarf, necklace, bag or belt with an unusual print will add zest to your look.

12. Wear printed tights
Tights or leggings can now be found in almost any print! Yes, the rules are the same.

And finally, some of our work :)

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