How to dye your hair blue? Vivid images How to dye your hair dark blue.

Like the image of Malvina, but you do not know how to dye your hair blue? Take our advice. Yes, an image beautiful doll Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was loved by all the girls and boys of the USSR. After that, the fashion for blue and blue hair returned every few years. But whoever likes it, they do not look at fashion, but paint when they think of it. Some dye only a strand or bangs, leaving the hair with their own color, or combine several colors on the head.

How to dye your hair blue for a long time or before the first shampoo; what paints will be needed; what shades are suitable different ages, types; reviews of blue paints in a nutshell - we will try to find out all this now.

You will probably be disappointed now, but persistent blue hair dyes simply do not exist. There are only compositions that stay on the hair for as long as possible, however, after the first wash, the bright juicy color goes away, only a dull echo of yesterday's juicy color remains.


But this also has its advantages, since after each wash you actually have new shade 1 tone lighter than yesterday. In fact, if you start right with blue, then after 3 months your hair will have a light bluish gray hair, which is also not without a certain beauty. Sometimes the blue will turn into green, sometimes it will turn into gray hair, so you can’t guess what shade you will get after a new shampoo.

On the other hand, this is not forever, and if you suddenly get bored with everything, you can dye your hair in a different color or gradually cut your dyed hair.

So, down with boring tones, long live the experiment!

And where do you think it starts?

From the most terrible - etching of the native pigment with hydrogen peroxide. Yes, yes, if you are not a platinum blonde, you will have to bleach your hair. Otherwise, you will not get that juicy blue color, it will turn into green or gray hair. Even if you are a yellowish brunette, you will not become blue, you will be green like a frog. And if you are naturally a brunette, then the blue color, even in bright light, will not hint at your presence on your hair.

Whatever hair color you have, you will have to etch the pigment to a whitish state. For brunettes, at least 2 peroxide dyes will be required. This is a serious blow to the health of the hair, so think 7 times before you dare to make a drastic change.

Still, you made up your mind and now you are a hydropyrolide blonde? Great! We don't stop halfway, we keep moving forward.

After that, we take the paint selected in advance, dye the hair blue. Resistant blue shades can be selected among Londa Color or Wella Color Touch paints.

If the first time did not get a saturated shade or it came out unevenly, repeat the procedure a second time.

With the result obtained, you can go from 4 weeks to 3 months, then only a hint of color will remain, but it will last until completely washed out during the year. It all depends on the type of hair, compliance with the conditions of painting, and of the composition.

You can repeat the staining every 3-4 months or constantly maintain high-quality tint tonics that remain up to 8 washes. Among these, we can recommend Crazy Color and Manic Panic.

How to paint for 8-10 washes?

If the bzik in blue is transient, and common sense outweighs in favor of temporary changes, then everything will suit you. tint tonics. You can find a more detailed review with reviews on them below. It is worth considering that tonics also love platinum blondes, otherwise there will be an impure blue color.

How to paint before the first wash?

If you are a constant experimenter, you will be fine with any unstable products before the first wash. These include, mascaras, gels,. Each of them has its pros and cons, so it's worth trying everything to settle on one. For example, crayons dry hair very much, so it is better for girls with thin and weak hair to refuse them.

The mascara paints hair well. It is convenient for her to paint, the procedure is similar to dyeing eyelashes. But the composition of the mascara is such that it immediately gives the impression of oily hair. You will look like a dirty hippie with blue tows.

Tinted shampoo is devoid of the above disadvantages of its competitors, it is less harmful, therefore it is suitable for all types of hair. But of the minuses, a frail shade can be noted. It will be a faint blue color, and is only noticeable on white hair.

All of the listed one-day remedies have one fat minus: God forbid you get caught in the rain - all the paint will be on your face and clothes. Mascara makes hair bluish even without water, so light collars will be painted over in a similar color.

How to choose shades based on age?

If you are a young 15 year old girl - blue- blue hair to the face. But if you are a woman 30+ with characteristic wrinkles, you will look very frivolous, strange, and stand out from the gray crowd with bright blue hair.

Don't despair for mature women also created an interesting proposal: paint yourself in blue-black. The hair will look like black, but in the light it will cast blue. Stylish, beautiful, and perfectly appropriate. All professional manufacturers have such tones.

How to choose shades by type?

Remember that people are divided into 2 types: cold and warm.

Pure blue and cyan are cool colors. Accordingly, they are suitable for girls with a similar type of appearance. Ideally, if it is whitish skin, blue or blue eyes, and on the cheeks - a beautiful frosty blush.

For warm types, it is better to choose warm shades, and this is turquoise and many different shades: azure gray, steel blue.

Of course, if you have warm skin, but cold sapphire eyes, you can try to dye your hair blue. However, this is not so effective, since the imbalance with the skin of the face will be noticeable.

Also consider such a moment that the blue color is too bright, it attracts a lot of attention to itself. Your appearance should be in harmony with the color. If you have big head, but a weak hairline of sparse liquid hairs, a flat face like a plate, a large nose and ears, then in blue you will make an already non-standard appearance with irregular facial features even more humanoid to complete absurdity. Believe me, it's ugly.

Overview of blue paints

There are a lot of blue paints, and new compositions appear every day, so there is no point in reviewing everything. Almost every manufacturer of permanent or tint paints has offers for lovers of blue.

Of the resistant paints, the following can be noted:

color Save Silver (Schwarzkopf) - This ammonia-free tint paint is good for maintaining blue color between basic staining procedures with permanent blue paint. It won't work as a first choice.

Crazy color- the most famous ammonia-free paint, or rather a tint dye up to 8 washes. The blue palette in it is so diverse that you can choose not only by color, but also additionally by shade. There are several shades of blue, so you can choose according to your type. There are both very flashy colors and more restrained ones.

Manic Panic– mineral paint without ammonia. The palette is quite large, you can find your favorite blue, cyan, turquoise and a similar color. This manufacturer has been on the market since the 80th year, and has managed to develop many interesting proposals. Among the latter are neon blue paints that glow in the dark.

Anthocyanin Second Edition Acid Color- ammonia-free paint with the function of laminating hair. One painting kills two birds with one stone.

Londa Color- Ammonia resistant paint. Suitable for the first coloring for a long time. But the shade wants the best, so staining with tint shampoos will be required.

Wella Color Touch- medium longevity, lasts up to 4 weeks. There is only one blue paint, suitable for the first coloring.

Tonic- tint balm, lasts up to 8 washes. In fact, there are cases when the balm is not washed out for a year, while after the first wash it acquires. Perhaps the worst paint for impure blonds, but it holds up well on platinum blondes.

Isadora hair mascara- excellent tint mascara until the first wash. Good for coloring strands for 1 evening.


  • Kapous Professional Studio Fast Help Hair Mascara;
  • Hair Mascara by Stargazer and many more.
Estell tint shampoos are perfect for one-time coloring. Color - purple, but about that.

Hair crayons" master pastel- before the first wash.

hot huez- crayons.

There are also sprays, varnishes and many, many other things, if you search well.

Before dyeing blue hair should be washed to squeaky. Masks with balms are not used. How to dye your hair blue, you now know, but how not to stain your forehead? You can apply a greasy cream on it and your neck, or so as not to stain the skin on your face, otherwise you will have to sit at home for a long time. Before dyeing the entire head, it is recommended to try a small strand. Blue dye behaves capriciously, and on your hair it can give a completely different result, up to the color of a swamp toad.

Changing the image for a girl often begins with experiments with a hairstyle. Trying a new length, a radically different haircut or recoloring the curls in an unexpected color - every woman thought about this at least once in her life. Modern fashion democratic enough, and to be in trend, it is not necessary to comply with strict patterns. Today you can choose both timeless classics and extravagance. In the new season girls adolescence and slightly older girls often prefer bright strands. How to dye your hair blue without damaging the curls - we will discuss below.

Unusual tones

The tradition of hair coloring, oddly enough, is rooted in antiquity. People who lived several centuries BC used to give their hair a different shade natural materials: insects, plants, minerals (iron oxide extracted from the soil).

In the Middle Ages in Europe, girls of the upper classes actively dyed their hair, sometimes very toxic substances were used for this, the contact of which with the skin could cause tissue necrosis. But no matter what they went for the sake of the beauty of women at all times! It is noteworthy that until the eighteenth century in European countries, blond was considered a shade of girls of easy virtue, and only in the 1700s did representatives of high society begin to paint in this color.

Bright colors came into vogue in the seventies of the twentieth century. This was due to the development of rock and punk culture. Youth idols, famous pop singers took to the stage with pink, purple, green and blue hair. Informals from among teenagers also began to dye their hair in bright colors, trying to stand out from the gray mass and express their protest against the foundations of society.

Who suits blue hair

During adolescence or at the peak of fashion for blue curls, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may want to dye their hair in this color. But it should be remembered that such changes in appearance are not suitable for everyone. Who can still afford such a luxury?

  • Young girls, under the age of twenty-five.
  • Representatives of color types of appearance winter and summer.
  • Informal in the outlook and image of the girl.
  • Those whose kind labor activity does not provide strict pattern matching.
  • Blondes. Firstly, in the case of dyeing individual strands, the white-blue hair color looks much more impressive than this tone against the background. dark curls. Secondly, only light strands can be pre-discolored to such an extent that the blue lies beautifully.

Who Shouldn't Experiment Like This?

  • Women after 25-28 years. Blue hair color at this age already looks out of place, funny and ridiculous, and gives the opposite effect to what girls want to get.
  • Ladies color types spring and autumn.
  • Brunettes. It will not work to lighten dark hair to an ash blonde, and it will not fall on yellowish blue at all as we would like.
  • Girls before graduation. Desire to stand out at the main event school life natural and understandable. And yet, such cardinal changes may not please the girl herself and those around her, and then the holiday that schoolchildren remember for a lifetime will be ruined.
  • Right before an important event. Whether it's a wedding, mom's anniversary, or just a party that has been preparing for two months - you should not dye your curls the day before the event. The dye does not always fit adequately, and instead of the expected, the girl may get a blue-violet hair color, gray, greenish, or one that is even hard to give a name.

How to paint: step by step instructions

Of course, if you want to paint yourself in unusual bright colors, it is better for a woman to turn to a professional. Especially when it comes to complex combinations, such as gray-blue hair color. The master will pick up the paint and Additional materials and will carry out manipulations in such a way that the curls are maximally protected from the effects of adverse substances.
And yet, if you wish, you can make blue hair color at home. Here are the basic steps.

  1. Bleach to a platinum blonde. To do this, it is better to use special formulations that are sold in cosmetics stores and professional tools for hair. You must strictly follow the instructions.
  2. The blue dye is very corrosive. Getting on the skin, clothes, objects, it remains there for a long time (and on some things - forever). Therefore, it is necessary to wear old t-shirt from the category of things “which is not a pity”, gloves; smear the skin of the forehead, ears with a greasy cream so that the paint does not soak into it.
  3. Before painting, wash your hair thoroughly, otherwise the pigment will not lie evenly and may not “take” well. Masks, conditioners and other care products must not be applied!
  4. Prepare the dye mixture according to the instructions.
  5. It is necessary to paint over in small strands, slowly, carefully and carefully. Otherwise, there will be a spotting effect, which is very difficult to fix later. It is necessary to apply the paint from the roots to the tips, this can be done with a brush or fingers.
  6. When the entire head is evenly dyed, it should be put on a shower cap or a plastic bag and kept for the time indicated in the instructions.
  7. After the time specified in the instructions, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse your head.

An alternative for those who are contraindicated in staining

If you really want changes and it is with blue, but for some reason there is no way to do this, there is no reason to be upset. An alternative in this situation would be:

  • Kanekalon. To weave high-quality artificial fiber of any shades means to change the image without harming your own curls. Blue-pink hair color, combination with purple, green, amber technique - you can choose many variations of kanekalon.
  • Color a single strand or several. This will allow you to see if such an image change is in the face.

Dyeing your hair blue or not is a personal choice. However, if a girl decides to take such a bold step, it is better to carefully prepare in advance so that the result will please, and not upset her and those around her.

Surely everyone has heard of the indigo people - gifted with superpowers, the radiance of a blue aura and the talent to communicate using telepathy. For those who want to look unusual, it will be enough to find blue hair color.

Who loves blue

It's no secret that creative people with creative thinking try to stand out from the crowd with the help of unusual styling. This should not be regarded as a statement about one's own characteristics, as immodest and beyond the scope of generally accepted behavior. It’s just that such people think and feel a little differently, therefore, for spiritual comfort, they need other ways of expressing their “I”.

They are satisfied with their extraordinary appearance in the same way that an ordinary accountant is satisfied with a successful permanent. And it may turn out that in their eyes it is the blue color that is the most organic, as it merges with the aura of those gifted from above! Thus, one should not throw stones either at a teenager who is looking for herself, or at an adult woman who suddenly realized she was different and decided that one of the signs of her “awakening” would be blue hair.

To each his own - besides, the blue color is amazingly beautiful and goes very well with bright eyes and white matte leather. Who said that unnaturally white hair is good and blue is not? Is it really impossible to dye your hair blue just because such hair does not exist in nature? But the blue color is present in flowers, the sky, the plumage of birds - and how can you be sure that in a few years ecology will not lead us to it?

Blue hair is beautiful, fantastically stylish, and if you have already decided on such an experiment, then hold your head proudly, innovators should not hide their eyes! Of course, there will be dissatisfied and protesters all around - but personally, I am more disgusted by aunts with hair cut by "Soviet" chemistry than charismatic blue-haired elves of megacities.

At one time, while studying to be a director, I dyed my hair indigo, using an inexpensive plant-based dye, which was called “indigo”. It was powdered and made on the basis of henna and basma, with the addition of vegetable blue pigment. The effect was simply amazing, even though everyone on the course was far from “good guys” and did all sorts of things with their hair! But going outside the walls of the university, I had to endure the sidelong glances of passers-by, gloomy grins and frankly negative remarks - but everything was immediately forgotten when I caught the admiring glances of my peers! At that time, not everyone could decide on this - our parents still had a strong spirit of conformism, and even an additional earring in their ear was considered by them as an attempt to rebel!

So today I look with great pleasure at the multi-colored youth, whom no one bothers to express their inner world. bright colors! Another thing is those who work in the office - everything is more complicated here, although as they say, “you can’t cover your wings with a jacket”, and even there you can manage to get the desired blue color. How to dye your hair blue if there is a strict dress code? You can try to "get out" by explaining to the boss that this is the result of the hairdresser's inept manipulations, you can say that by mistake instead of shampoo she poured a bottle of blue solution on her head. Or to tell the truth - in the end, you need to be able to defend your principles!

If we talk about the purely technical side of things, even today you can buy the vegetable paint that I once used, but it has one by-effect- while sleeping, she paints the pillow great! But at least she doesn't ruin her hair. Schwarzkopf is said to have resistant paint blue color, which fits perfectly on the hair of any shade. There are also tint shampoos, such as Fruktis, and the Tonic tint balm can give a beautiful blue color on bleached hair. Choose the shade "Wild Plum" - it looks very unusual.

Secrets of successful coloring

If you are going to radically change the color of your hair to blue, remember the rules, in case of non-compliance with which your appearance may suffer:

  • Be sure to lighten the curls before applying blue paint. This rule is necessary for owners of hair with dark shades. If you skip this stage, it is possible to get an unexpected and hardly desired result: the hair may turn green.
  • Protect forehead and cheeks. To do this, use a fat cream or stick a medical tape. Otherwise, you may come to work (study) with blue spots on your face. Agree, the image is far from ideal.
  • Review the contents of your cosmetic bag. If you like warm tones in cosmetics (peach lipstick, beige shadows and brown mascara), then for the time being you “wear” blue, you will have to give them up. Suitable for a Malvina girl cold palette(blue, metallic, silver, white, grey).
  • A few more rules apply to the combination of a blue tint and your color type. A fair-skinned blonde with blue or gray eyes will go for gentle variations: blue or light lilac.
    If your skin is olive or dark, you tan easily and quickly, and your eyes are black or dark brown, choose rich blue shades.
  • Bright brunettes can dye their hair blue without lightening. True, then the black color of the hair will not change significantly, but under certain lighting, the curls will look blue-black. Beautiful and mysterious!

Caring for dyed hair

In most cases, unless she is a burning brunette or a natural blonde, she has to pre-lighten her hair. This dries them out, makes them brittle and brittle, and contributes to the split ends. Therefore, try not to "overdo it" with washing your blue hair. Washing every 4-5 days is usually sufficient. Do not forget to use caring masks, for example, using the recipes from this article.

How to flush

If you are tired of the blue color, and wait until the hair grows back for a long time, try to get rid of it in a simple way: dye in dark shade. Another way is flushing. But it is made only in salons, because you can spoil the curls for a long time.

Sometimes it is advised to use at home:

  • medical alcohol;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • laundry soap;
  • vegetable oil.

These products help to "wash" the blue dye out of the hair. True, it is unlikely that you will see instant results.

The blue color can look different, it can be provocative and gentle, defiant and bewitching. It all depends on what you want to tell this world: that you are the romantic Malvina, stuck in childhood for a long time, or the daring Violet (remember how she was played by Mila Jovovich?), who goes to her goal, despite any obstacles.

If your soul asks for changes, moreover shocking, loud, declaring themselves in full swing, then you are here. You just need to read about the innovation in hair coloring. Namely, about the color blue.

The most popular among the unusual shades of hair dye is blue. But it won't work for every type.

Varying shades, we will find our own:

  1. Best of all, this color is combined with gray or green eyes and fair skin.
  2. For getting beautiful shade , curls should be pre-lightened, even whitened so that there is no yellow tone left.
  3. Dark-haired you will either have to pre-discolor in several stages, or paint in bright color only individual strands, for example, bangs. Or combine blue with black. When blue paint is applied to dark hair succeed black blue color. Which is also very beautiful.

Top best blue paints

Crazy color

This manufacturer has been specializing in juicy unusual shades of hair dye for over 50 years:

  1. The paint is popular among rock singers.
  2. The manufacturer promises durability up to 6 washes.
  3. Several shades of blue to choose from- from gentle tones to bright ones.
  4. Do not contain ammonia.
  5. Contains low level pH

Price: 800 rub.

Londa Color

In the palette of this well-known manufacturer there is a blue shade of resistant paint:

  1. Contains panthenol.
  2. Contains UV filters.
  3. Plant extracts: chamomile, cinnamon, pomegranate.
  4. After application, the hair is obedient, voluminous and soft.
  5. Contains vitamin E.
  6. The manufacturer guarantees uniform staining of curls.

Price: 460 rub.

Wella Color Touch

  1. Does not contain ammonia.
  2. The palette has a bright blue tint.
  3. Contains keratin and wax.
  4. Strengthens and moisturizes curls.
  5. Covers gray hair.
  6. Durable paint.

Price: 450 rub.

Manic Panic

This is an American company, which is more than three decades old. Bright and unusual shades have become their specialty:

  1. It has several blue and blue tones in its palette.
  2. There are some colors that have glow effect in neon.
  3. Semi-permanent.
  4. Persistence - up to a month.

Price: 1400 rub.

Anthocyanin Second Edition Acid Color

Manufacturer - Korea:

  1. Does not contain ammonia.
  2. Contains amino fruit acid.
  3. UV protection.
  4. Protein, included in the composition, protects the structure of the hair, gives elasticity.
  5. Antiseptic in the composition- to prevent allergic reactions.
  6. Has a laminating function.
  7. Contains keratin and flora extracts.
  8. Shade durability - up to 1.5 months.
  9. There are several blue tones in the palette: from black-blue to gray-blue.

Price: 1200 rub.

Country of origin - UK.

Several blue shades in the palette.

Price: 1000 rub.

Punky color

Manufacturer - USA

Persistence - about a month.

Pre-lightening to blonde.

Price: 1000 rub.

original color

Best, the blue color is taken on pre-bleached (without yellowness) curls.

When applied to naturally black hair, a black-blue dark shade can be obtained.

If the strands were already dyed before dyeing blue, then the result may not meet your wishes, but go, for example, to green.

How to dye your hair blue at home?

What is necessary:

  1. Be sure to use gloves.
  2. Throw something on your shoulders that can be stained with bright paint.
  3. Prewith shampoo. It is better to choose one that is for deep cleansing.
  4. Do not use conditioners and balms.
  5. After staining rinse your hair in a light solution of vinegar. This will fix the color.
  6. After painting, to maintain the brightness of the shade, apply tint paints.
  7. Do not wash your hair every day. Ideally, once a week.


  1. For best effect and vibrant blue color It is recommended that you pre-bleach your hair.
  2. Different paint manufacturers may have different instructions for use. Therefore, we first read the instructions for a specific paint!

For example, a manufacturerCrazy Color recommends this application:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo. And don't let it dry completely.
  2. Put on gloves.
  3. put on clothes, which is not a pity to spoil.
  4. For wet hair paint with a brush.
  5. With a brush and comb distribute the paint along the entire length of the strands.
  6. keep on hair one and a half to two hours.
  7. Flush until then until the water runs clear.
  8. Use a towel to dry your hair, which is not a pity, as it can be very stained.

Precautionary measures

Paint with such a bright pigment can stain the nails, so gloves are a must. If the paint gets on clothes or a towel, then do not wash it off.

Gently along the hairline, try not to stain the skin. Some manufacturers advise lubricating the skin with petroleum jelly. This can be done, but very carefully so that oily petroleum jelly does not get on the hair - otherwise the result of staining can be unpredictable!

blue hair care

  1. Apply tint tones to maintain color vibrancy.
  2. Use restorative masks.
  3. Wash your hair less often. Preferably once a week.
  4. Do not wash your hair with hot water.
  5. It is recommended not to use heat styling tools.
  6. For curling it is better to use curlers than a curling iron.
  7. Repeat staining every month or even more often.

Temporary staining

Hair crayons

  1. Safe application.
  2. Unstable shade of individual strands.
  3. Do not spoil the structure of the hairs.
  4. Rinse off at the first wash.

Price: 200 rub. for 1 piece

Price: 1600 rub. for a set of 24 pcs.

Color spray StarGazr

Manufacturer - Germany:

  1. Safe application.
  2. Brightness of color for 1-2 days.
  3. The paint is fluorescent.
  4. Rinses out after first wash with shampoo.
  5. Shake before use.
  6. Spray from a distance of 30 cm.
  7. Can also be used for skin painting using stencils.

Price:500 rub.

False colored strands

An option for those who are afraid of coloring, but want a change in appearance.

Price: 300 rub.

BWild color spray

  1. Covers any shade, which was before - at least natural, at least colored.
  2. It is washed off with a single wash of the head.
  3. Can be used on individual strands.

Price: 1000 rub.

Balm "Tonic", shade "Wild Plum" 3.1.

  1. Staining should be done with gloves.
  2. Apply to washed, damp strands.
  3. Rinse without using shampoo.
  4. For bright shade keep half an hour, for a light shade - 5-10 minutes.
  5. In the future, use balms for colored hair.

Price:140 rub.

I have been living since March 2010 in unnatural color. I am often asked how to color, how to maintain, what it feels like to live with bright hair, and now it's time to tell.

Our task is to get healthy hair pure colors that look good not only in photoshopped photos, but also in life. I'll tell you about how to paint, how to maintain, about paints, pros and cons.

My input data:

  • His light brown hair, straight.

  • Discolor easily.

  • Very resistant to paint.

That's why: I'm only talking about my experience . Assess your options for your hair type!

So first:

to get pure pink/blue/purple/green etc hair color, bleached to platinum blonde. Only this way and nothing else. If yellowness remains, the color will be ugly, it will wash off quickly and remain a shade of a worn washcloth.

When the base is perfectly white, even the washable color will be a beautiful shade, delicate.

It is clear that if you are a brunette by nature, your hair will fall off rather than discolor. On a yellowish base, dark purple, red, dark orange look more or less decent ( and probably no other). So I heartily advise brunettes: you want a crazy color and keep your hair - it’s better to discolor the tips, dye them purple / red / orange, but not the whole head, there is too much risk of turning into a washcloth ... And if the hair is still curly - generally forget it, there are a million other ways to look diversify.

Second: paint

I have tried a lot of colors. The best for home coloring - directions.
Directions has a lot of shades, they can be mixed with each other, it turns out great. Pinks, purples are great, but blues are just a buzz. I love the Lagoon Blue + Atlantic Blue + Neon Blue mix. [ upd from comments: Orange Directions washes out instantly]

Stargazer also has beautiful purple and pink colors, but blue is a quiet horror.

Is there some more Manic Panic, their pink is generally indistinct something, does not hold absolutely. But I saw yellow from Manic Panic on one girl - super!

Сrazy Color They do not hold very well, but it is easy to apply, the shades are normal, although not very bright.

These paints do not spoil the hair at all.
Shabby colored washcloths on the head - not from color, but from cheap bad discoloration and lack of care.

Although no. There is a paint Tonic.... Either Russian, or Belarusian production ... Theoretically, it gives unnatural shades to the hair. Don't get close to her! I don’t know what’s in the composition, but even my resistant hair became stiff, dry, but I’m generally silent about the shade ... nauseating raspberry ... it’s from one application! The second time I was afraid... [ upd from the comments: the red tint of Tonika is not so vigorous]

Tried L "Oreal Colorista- their blue with a green tint, the hair from these paints is not a fountain in quality. After Directions, they are generally silk, there is something to compare with :)

Paints are also popular now Anthocyanin (Anthocyanin)- a huge palette of colors, they hold great, the hair does not spoil, they even heal, better than after this paint, my hair never looked. There are two problems with them:
- This is not a home option. Long multi-stage heating/cooling process... best done in the cabin. Salons with this paint are not in every city.
- If you paint from the roots in a saturated color, then the scalp is also painted, it looks terrible and for a very long time, several weeks, in pieces, it is washed off. Special means for paint is not rubbed off. But for ends, Anthocyanin is a great choice!

Still very popular Pravana. It does not flow from one to another, it can be painted with layers, stripes, stars, leopard. If anyone has tried it please tell me.

Third: colors and shades

Pale pink, pale lilac, gray

- You mix it with a mask or balm when painting, and at the same time you treat your hair and color it. win win :)
- Fundamental paint savings
- All this beauty is washed off instantly. Looks good only immediately after painting or in a photo with the right light and high saturation. In life, after the first wash on the head, a shabby trash.
- Any imperfections in discoloration will be very visible!
- Growing roots, even blond ones, are very visible and look very ugly.

For the last reason, I switched to a darker color: discoloration once every two weeks is unrealistic, and walking for two weeks out of four with such a particular parting is horror.

hot pink

- At first it is bright, then it is beautifully washed off into candy ... I washed my head - a new shade!
- He's painting the bath! And in general everything is beautiful! Curtains, clothes in the rain...
- They need to be painted very evenly. Spots (brighter, paler) are visible.
- Growing roots are still visible ... Not so much, but visible.

For the same reason, I decided to dye the roots purple and the ends pink.

bright purple

- Light brown hair he covers. Growing roots up to a centimeter are invisible.
- Even if the hair is not bleached very well, purple is very forgiving
- Also, purple forgives not very even painting
- The combination of purple roots + pink ends was, perhaps, optimal for me in terms of maintenance. You need to paint less often, it is washed off more slowly.
- Like bright pink, paints everything.

And then in the store where I always buy paint, neither purple nor pink was delivered. I saw Directions Neon Blue, and in the jar it is quite purple. I took it, dyed it, and ... turned blue :) And I really liked it!
But blue is the finish line. The most difficult one I've ever had.

Blue color

- Washes off slowly. Steady like purple. I go for a month without touching up.
- With it, the growing roots are ABSOLUTELY not visible
And that's where the positives end...
- Pink and purple color everything? Ha! Have you tried blue! Terribly vigorous and corrosive, the bath should be scrubbed with something like Cilit Bang. The neck and ears with a blue tint, the temples of the glasses - too ... Well, nails :) It is not recommended to get into the rain in light clothes. At all. Bring your own towel to hotels/overnight stays.
- It is necessary to discolor well, any yellowness mixed with blue "crawls out" green.
- It is necessary to paint very, very, very carefully and accurately. In small strands, it is good to coat with a brush, otherwise you will get an ugly spotting.

And yet, blue has a big bold plus: I o_b_o_zh_a_yu. That's why I tolerate blue ears, blue nails and a blue bath. Blue outweighs all of the above colors in terms of the amount of attention, compliments and acquaintances. Something there for men, apparently, it works :)

Fourth: How to live with pink / blue, etc. hair.

Before painting, you need to think carefully:

1. Will you be able to devote enough time to maintaining the color and hair in decent shape:
1.1 Bleach every 4 weeks
1.2 Refresh color every 3-4 washes (applies to light shades)
1.3 Care and haircut - twice as thorough as with ordinary hair. On bright any defect is visible.

2. Can you live with negative consequences. And they are the following:
2.1 Will they pay attention? Yes. A lot of? Yes. Will they squint? Yes. Will they squint accusingly? And how. And also snort, sometimes even too loudly, roll your eyes, tighten your lips. In regions far from the center, children will point with their fingers.
2.2 Even when you really want to, it is impossible to become invisible. I have a pimple on my nose, I’m dressed somehow, there are circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, and in general it’s Sunday and I want to be homeless-style - but everyone is staring at you anyway.
2.3 Prejudices and stereotypes in large quantities. Get ready that you will be ranked as anyone you can. In the eyes of those around me, I have been both a punk, and a goth, and an emo, and a barbie-crazy, and an anime girl, and a drug addict, and a stupid youngster (they spoke openly) ... A logical chain also automatically works, which, since the hair is non-standard, it means fool with internal problems. Or don't know how to get attention.
2.4 Most of your environment will not like this change. It took my dad two years to get used to it. best friend- five years (this is an update from 2016). And why didn’t I hear enough on the Internet !!! For more than a year I regularly read comments from “it was better to be a blonde” to “what an ugliness, why did you do this.”

However, there are solutions to these points:
2.1.1 After about six months, I generally stopped noticing increased attention. My friends and parents notice (" Those girls over there turned their heads, they even stumbled ..."), me not.

2.2.1 For me, being pink/purple is like being brown, totally natural. What if I had naturally blue hair? Well, what to do. I look like shit, I’m not in the mood for makeup / styling - well, okay, I’ll go like this :)

2.3.1 I was very afraid of negative stereotypes. And then accepted as inevitable. Now I am confident enough in myself as a person not to make excuses for my appearance.

2.4.1 At this point, only patience and confidence in your decisions help. 2011-2012: Vogue with Lady Gaga with pink hair on the cover, InStyle cover with Katy Perry with violet hair, Chanel advertising campaign ... everyone rushed to dye the tips, multi-colored hair began to appear in all the glossy magazines ... Actually, I I clearly fell into the trend, well, a year earlier :) I was so sure that this decision was mine, real and correct, that the comments did not hurt, but rather surprised. I'm very curious what those critics would say now :)

3. Why do you want to wear a bright color?

That's true, why? This is so much work, effort, problems.

To stand out? To not be "like everyone else"? To cope with depression and change something in life? Forcefully put on an image, so as not to merge with the crowd or through the external push yourself to internal changes? If this is not YOUR image, you will be unhappy and dissatisfied. With the most perfect and beautiful pink hair that everyone turns their necks on. Happiness is not in being outwardly unique, especially since multi-colored hair is by no means exotic. No personality from pink hair did not become more versatile. Maximum - painted pacifier.

If the desire to change your appearance so drastically comes not from problems, but from the heart, then it is right!

In general, I hope I dissuaded anyone from stupid things and warned about the difficulties, and helped those who wanted to decorate reality with my hair practical advice! :)

update from 2017:
- I got tired of bleaching the roots every month, and I switched to highlighting every four months. The scalp thanked me. Growing roots look adequate, smoothly turning into blue. Optimal solution I don't even know how I didn't think of it before!

- I paint Directions Midnight/Neon Blue both with strong purple tint, which corrects yellowness (and it sometimes happens even with the most thorough discoloration). This shade goes away in three washes and it turns out as in the photo above.

- I mix the paint with any white balm or mask (one or two teaspoons per jar of paint). The color turns out to be quite bright, but practically does not paint the scalp (as well as clothes and a bath).
- One painting is enough for a month (although by the end of the month the color brightens noticeably, but you can still live).
- If you want to freshen up between painting without bothering perfect application, using Crazy Color. It is so pale that the application errors are not visible, but the color becomes much livelier.

I tried L "Oreal Colorista - their blue with a green tint, the hair from these paints is not a fountain.
