Scenario of the autumn holiday based on the folk tale "turnip". Scenario for the autumn holiday "Turnip in a new way" for children of the preparatory group Ready-made script for the autumn holiday fairy tale turnip

Autumn holiday.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Target: 1.Summarize children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;

2. To develop the ability to see the beautiful season in autumn;

3. Develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.

4. Instill love for the native land, for its nature.

Children enter the hall with papers in their hands under an audio recording.

« Dance with leaves»

Leading: If the leaves on the trees turn yellow.

If the birds flew away to a distant land.

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring, This time of the year is called autumn!

Kuznetsova Lyuba: Along the forest paths

Walks - wanders autumn,

How many fresh cones

Green pines!

And a leaf from a birch

golden bee

Curls and flies

Above the thorny tree.

Kuznetsov Vova: Autumn walks along the path,

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light.

The sun is lost somewhere.

Autumn walks, autumn wanders

Maple leaves were blown off by the wind.

New carpet underfoot


Kameneva Sveta: Autumn has come,

dried flowers,

And look sadly Bare bushes.

Davydova Sveta: Fading and turning yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

SONG: Falling Leaves

Filippova Anya on a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread

Birds rush across the sea

And the school opened.

Nikitin Zhenya: In a golden carriage,

What about the playful horse

Autumn galloped

Through fields and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Artyom Vardevanyan: In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter for stoves.

SONG: "Clouds are spinning in the sky" performed by Kuznetsova L.

Now guys, we will get into a fairy tale.

Russian dramatization folk tale"Turnip"


Presenter - Kiryanova Yu.V. Granddaughter - Filippova Anya

Grandfather - Kuznetsov Vova. Beetle: Artyom Vardevanyan

Grandma - Luba Kuznetsova Murka - Zhenya Nikitin

The mouse is Davydova Sveta.

leading y: Grandfather came out and decided to plant a turnip. Grandfather planted a turnip.

The grandmother came out, calling the geese.

SONG: Geese

A large turnip has grown. Grandfather began to pull a turnip from the ground.

ALL: Pull-pull - we can't pull it out.

Leading : That's how the grandfather raised the turnip, he can't cope with it!

But he has many helpers. Whom shall we call?

Grandfather: Grandma, help!

Leading : The grandmother does not go, she does not hear. Household chores. Let's call grandma.

ALL: Grandma, help!

Grandma: I'm coming, I'm coming!

Leading : Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - pull-pull, they cannot pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter.

Grandma: Granddaughter, help!

Leading : The granddaughter hurries to help the old people.

Granddaughter: I'm coming, I'm coming!

Leading : Granddaughter for a grandmother, grandmother for a grandfather, grandfather for a turnip ...

ALL: They pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.

Leading: The granddaughter called the dog Zhuchka. The bug didn't linger.

Bug: Woof-woof-woof, run!

ALL: A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - they pull, pull, they cannot pull it out.

Leading: Bug called the cat.

Bug: Murka help!

Leading: The cat does not go, lies basking, does not listen to the Bug. Let's all call together.

ALL: Murka, go! Can't manage without you!

Murka: I'm coming, I'm coming!

ALL: A cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - oh, how hard they pull, but they cannot pull it out.

Leading: The cat called the mouse. The mouse squeaks with fear, but runs, hurries to help.

ALL: A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip - they pull, they pull ... Wow, they pulled a turnip!

SONG "Harvest"

Leading : To be healthy, strong,

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception

There is no doubt about it!

Guys, vegetables came to our holiday!

SCENES "Vegetables"

Cucumber: (Vardevanyan A.)

I am green cucumber

From the garden bed.

I came to the holiday

Hello guys!

Tomato: (Nikitin Zh.)

I am a tomato

Round and red.

I put on a suit in the morning

Satin on yourself!

Carrot: (Filippova A.)

And I'm their sister's children

Yellow carrot.

I shine like a firebird

And I dance well!

Cabbage: (Kuznetsova L.)

Dressed up in a hundred clothes

Juicy cabbage.

All clothes without fasteners,

And the clothes are thick.

Bow: (Kuznetsov V.)

I'm not a carrot, no - a mean one

You should try the onion.

Tears will flow like a river

I'm the most evil in the garden.

A GAME "Feel the Vegetables"

(two baskets with vegetables, blindfold and identify the vegetable by touch.)

SONG "Guests came to us"

Leading : Well done, guys, you know a lot of poems, songs, you know how to play. Now we need to say goodbye. Goodbye!

Scenario autumn holiday in senior preparatory group

With a staging of the fairy tale "Turnip"

Children enter the hall with autumn twigs in their hands, perform a rhythmic composition to the song “Autumn has come” by A. Chugaikina, put the twigs in a vase and stop scattered at the central wall.

Presenter: The sun does not want to warm the earth,
The leaves turned yellow and began to fall off.
It often rains, the birds fly away.
Guess, kids, when does it happen? (in autumn)

  1. swans lazily

Float in the pond

Quiet and beautiful

Autumn in the garden!

2. The stork rinses its wings -
Fly away, fly away...
Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,
And the birdhouse was empty.

The song "Skvorushka says goodbye"


Yes, migratory birds have flown. And with them summer flew away from us.
It's time for the sorceress - autumn. She came to us and did her best: she gave beautiful dresses to the trees, and brought a rich harvest to the gardens, orchards and fields.

Multi-colored paints worked for a long time,

Nature came out beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

All multi-colored - that's beauty!

You admire what colors.

1. Autumn has gilded everything

Golden all around

And birches and aspens

Burning golden fire

2. You hung on a tree

Only this morning.

And now suddenly flew

With a fair wind.

3 Autumn walks through the gardens,

Walks, surprised.

Like in a fairy tale here and there

All colors change.

4. Thin aspens

Looking into the puddles

On the branches of rain

Beads hang.

5. Autumn walks through the gardens,

Walking, wondering

Like in a fairy tale, here and there

All colors change!

6. Congratulations to everyone today

Happy wonderful holiday.

And now we will sing to you

Autumn song.

The song "Leaves are falling"

Come on, guys, guess my riddle:

The field got wet in autumn

But the beets are ripe.

And in September gardens

Lots of apples on the branches. .

What do we collect for the winter?

What do we call it? (Harvest)

grandma, old grandfather and granddaughter

Mouse, cat, dog Bug -

Together all of them were able to

Pull out from under the ground.



I want to surprise you

Invite everyone to the fairy tale!

Soundtrack sounds: (Cacking chickens, rooster singing, voices of other domestic animals.)

Russian folktale"Turnip"


Only morning at the gate -

Grandma gets up first

And fussing at the stove:

Bakes kalachi.

(goes out "grandmother" - the child performs an action according to the text)

Next, the grandfather gets off the stove

And it starts working:

Gotta go for water

And chop wood.

(performs movements through the text)

Then Anyuta got up - her granddaughter.(stretches)

The Cat and the Bug are friends with her.

(run up to Anyuta: “meow-meow”, “woof-woof, woof”)

They also have a girlfriend

Mouse, gray mink.

(The mouse runs in a circle,"beep")

(All heroes join hands, spin in a round dance, then run away to their places.)

Here the merchant goes to them;

- Sounds like a Russian folk song"Pedlars" -

Merchant - child: (with a tray - "peddler")

Hey villagers, get out!

buy my seeds

There are carrots, lettuce, parsley!

(suitable for "grandmother")

Do you need seeds, old lady?

"Grandma" - a child:

You don't tell us fairy tales!

But sell us a turnip!

Child Trader:

Here, please take

Plant right away!

("grandmother" takes seeds, gives"grandfather" , merchant leaves)


Grandfather took a shovel - and here

He came to the garden.

Planted a turnip in the ground,

And he asked Anyuta.

(Annie runs up)

"Grandfather" - a child:

Water our turnip,

Protect from forty!

Anyuta - granddaughter:

I'll look after the turnip,

And I will water and loosen.

Anyuta waters the turnip and sings a song:


Here come the girlfriends

Anya! Come out for a walk!

Let's play like yesterday

Run, jump and jump.

All the guys are waiting for you

Get out, friends!

(A Russian folk round dance game is being held. “Raven” (A raven sits on an oak tree. He plays the trumpet). All children participate. After the game, the children sit down;"Turnip" - the girl stays in place, squats down.)


The sun bakes bright

The turnip keeps growing, growing.

This is how it grew

The turnip is round, big!

Girl - Turnip sings: "Turnip Song",


Well, the turnip was born -

As if the sun had fallen on us!

Everyone hurry to the garden

A miracle is waiting for you in the garden!

("grandfather" and "grandmother" come out, approach "Turnip" - a girl)


Well, turnip! Do you hear, Grandpa?

How old am I, old,

But such a harvest

I never saw


Yes, our big turnip –

We will cook a lot of porridge!

We invite all neighbors

Let's treat you to sweet porridge

Hey neighbors, come on

Look at our harvest!


Well, the turnip is just a miracle!

Haven't seen one like this so far

And now for your turnip

Let's all dance together!

General dance

Two fly into the hall magpies -girls flying around Turnip »

1st Magpie:

While the turnip is here in the garden,

We will not starve.

We will fly at night

And secretly peck her!

2nd Magpie

Until we get caught

Let's fly away now!

"fly away"


Heard that conversation

Our mouse is at the gate.

She squealed loudly:

Mouse :

All quick, here, here!

Our turnip is in trouble!


Bug, Cat come running.

The mouse is waiting for them at the Turnip


We will protect the turnip,

And forty of those punish!

They all say together:

Let's stand together around Repka

We will protect the turnip!

R Russian dance game: "I'm sitting on a stone"

I'm sitting on a rock

I am amusing small pegs.

I am amusing small pegs,

I keep my garden.

So that the turnip is not stolen,

They didn't run into the garden.

(then sit down)"hid" near the house)\

Two Magpies "arrive"

Magpies talk together:

Well, it's time for us to have lunch.

To taste sweet turnips!

(Mouse, Cat, Bug surround Forty)

Cat :

Finally we got you!

And now you can't leave!

Magpies say together:

We ask you to let go

We won't fly again!

We tell you honestly!


Everyone fled to the noise fast :

Grandfather and Grandmother and Anyuta.

Forty thieves scolded

They shook their fingers in unison.

And then they forgave.

The turnip has long ripened -

Everyone got down to business!

You magpies, do not yawn,

Help together!

They lined up quickly.

We took hold of each other hard -

Here it stretched out Turnip!

(all characters line up to bow)

Presenter: (carries a pot of porridge)

porridge with boiled with a turnip,

All the neighbors were fed.

(all the heroes of the fairy tale bow)

Any Russian folk melody sounds(phonogram)


Here the fairy tales end, and who listened well done!

We watched a fairy tale, we sang songs, but Autumn did not come to visit. Let's call her together!

Children: Autumn, Autumn, welcome!

Autumn is setting , with a basket of red apples.

Autumn :

Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I dressed everything around

The dark forest has made gold!

It became as light as day,

The leaves are on fire!

I am generous with beauty - golden autumn!

And rich - a miracle - harvest

Get up in the circle,

Sing a song together

round dance song: "Aunt Autumn",

music and lyrics by N. Orlova, magazine"Music Director" No. 6-2011 (after the round dance, the children sit down)


Autumn we have been waiting for you,

Play with us.

Autumn :

With great pleasure. I brought for you my colorful leaves,

let's decorate my colorful"carpet" I'll take it as a memento

Any "Autumn Waltz" sounds , under it, children stick leaves on whatman paper.

Autumn :

How beautiful it turned out! Well done boys!

Let's play some more, shall we? I brought vegetables and fruits, but they all got mixed up along the way. Help me sort them.

Autumn holds an attraction: "Separate vegetables from fruits"

Autumn : How well we played together! But it's time for me to return to my forest, I still have a lot of work left. And in parting, I want to treat you to these wonderful magical apples. Eat for health!


AUTUMN Everyone worked hard today

Have fun from the heart!

Our loaf is ready -

I invite everyone to the table!!!

I brought a treat

To keep the fun going.

Children :

You are generous with beauty
Autumn is golden!
And also rich
Miracle harvest!

Autumn! Nice time!
The kids love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
It's all over for the guys!

Autumn walks along the village:
Hospitable, fun!
You bring us melons
blue eggplant,
fat pumpkins,
Sweet watermelons!

Autumn holiday in the middle group kindergarten. Scenario "Grandfather planted a turnip"

The scenario of the autumn holiday for children middle group

Target: Raising a sense of community in children.
develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;
promote the development of positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy.
continue to introduce children to fairy tales
Description: The scenario is designed for an average preschool age. Will be useful at work music directors and educators.

Autumn, grandfather, grandmother - adults
Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse - children of the preparatory group
Children enter the hall and line up to dance
Dance "Polka"

(sit down)
Autumn enters to the music.

Autumn -
I walk in the autumn park
I give gifts to everyone.
Red beads -
Pink apron -
Umbrella yellow -
I will give you fruits.

Hello guys! So the summer flashed by unnoticed, and after it I came - the Golden sorceress Autumn. In her attire beautiful and colorful. Let's sing an autumn song with you.
The song "Autumn has come"

Autumn - I did not come empty-handed, but with a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. What vegetables do you know? And what fruits?
1. Guess my riddles.
The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Who undresses him

He sheds tears.
2. The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon,
And the spit is on the street.

3. No windows, no doors
Full of people.

4. Himself red, sugar,
Green velvet caftan

And here is the last riddle.
5.Yelta, not the sun.
Round, not a ball.
Sweet, not sugar.
With a tail, not a mouse.
And you won't get it out.

That's right - it's a turnip. This is about the turnip and our story will go.

Grandfather planted a turnip, weeded out the weeds, watered all summer, fed the seedlings, and by the autumn a large turnip had grown. The mouse was the first to know about it.
(Mouse Exit)
She ran to the turnip, pushes, pulls it, but nothing happens.

Mouse - Oh, and a big turnip! There is nothing wrong with her. What would grab her? What would you like to find? (looks around)
Autumn - Play, mouse, with our guys in the orchestra, maybe you will pick up something with which to hook a turnip.
Noise Orchestra - "Oh, canopy"

(The mouse tries to hook the turnip with a rattle).
Autumn - Does not work? Well, sit down, sit with the guys, wait, maybe someone else will come to the rescue.
(Exit Cat)
Here is someone stealing. Yes, it's a cat. I also found out that the turnip was ripe. He sniffs it, scratches it, but cannot get it.

Cat - This means that the turnip has not ripened, since it does not want to get out of the ground, and it is probably not tasty either.
Autumn - Delicious and ripe, you just don’t have the strength to pull it out, so you’re angry. You need to get the hang of it. Maybe that will work.
Game "Transfer fruits and vegetables"
And now, Cat and Mouse, pull the turnip. (Pull) Apparently, we have gained little strength, sit down, let's wait for someone else.
(Exit Bugs)
Yes, this is the Bug - the dog of our neighbors! I also wanted turnips.

bug - Oh, and a hefty turnip has grown, probably sweet, but how you want to bite off. (whining)
Autumn - Don't whine, bug. Dance with the guys, and then we'll see how we can help you.
Dance "Skomorokhi"
Autumn - Pull the turnip together. (Pull) Doesn't stretch?

(Exit Granddaughter)
Look, Masha is coming, Grandma's granddaughter. All summer she helped her grandfather water the turnip, and now she came to visit.

Granddaughter(pulls a turnip)- Oh, how heavy! Big big big! I can't do it alone here. Who would help me? (looks around)
Autumn - Sing, Masha, with the guys merry song maybe whatever comes to mind.
The song "Favorite toys" muses A. Berlyakov
Autumn - From a cheerful song, the mood rises, but strength is added. Try to pull the turnip with the four of you. Bug, Mouse, Cat, help! (Pull) Does not work? What a shame...
(Grandma's Exit)
Look, an old grandmother is walking with a staff. I also wanted something sweet.

(Grandma pulls a turnip)
Pulls, pulls, but where to get the strength.
grandmother - Oh-ho-honey! Completely out of strength. Gotta get that passion! Do not pull out of the ground.
Autumn - It can be seen that the legs are weakened, grandmother, they do not rest well on the ground. We need to warm up, dance with the girls.
Dance "Pick mushrooms"
Autumn - now five of us pull the turnip, maybe you can master it.
(They pull, fuss around. Grandfather enters with a shovel)

Grandfather - Eco has piled you on my turnip. Weeded, watered alone. Granddaughter helped a little. And here the eaters are countless. If you really want to try turnip porridge, then at least scare away the birds from the garden.
Game "Scarecrow"

Autumn - And now everyone around the turnip will have fun in a round dance.
Round dance "Turnip"

Grandfather - now let's pull the turnip, I suppose, sweet and fragrant was born. Help, kids! (Everyone lines up behind the grandfather and pulls the turnip. Under the turnip is a treat.)

Grandfather - A turnip with a surprise! A meal in it. Eat in good health. (Handing out candy)
grandmother - Oh, for that year I will also plant a turnip and call everyone to harvest. And now it's time to cook turnip porridge. Goodbye!

Purpose: To create a festive atmosphere of the holiday.

Children run into the hall to the music and perform movements.


Here is autumn at the threshold -
The leaves turned yellow
On a long journey
The birds have flown...

1. Child:

The autumn garden turned yellow
The leaves are spinning - rustling ...
Autumn has come to visit us
Bringing rain and wind.

2. Child:

Autumn is coming, autumn is coming.
The wind dropped the maple leaves.
New carpet underfoot

3. Child:

Autumn walks along the path
Wet her feet in puddles.
It's raining and there's no light.
Lost somewhere summer.

4. Baby:

Autumn is coming. Autumn wanders.
The wind dropped the maple leaves.
New carpet underfoot

5. Baby:

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling.

Host: It looks like it's going to rain?

No, it's not raining, this is our song starting!

Song "Autumn, autumn has come" . (Milana, Vera)

Children stand in a semicircle.
The children sat on chairs.
Leading: Guys, listen, someone is in a hurry to visit us.
Music sounds and Grandfather enters.

Grandfather: Hello my friends!
I see a holiday here with you
I came at a good hour!
What kind of holiday is here today?

Host: Hello, grandfather!
We have an autumn holiday.
Autumn is a glorious time
Loves autumn kids

Let's get up children in a round dance
Let's sing to grandfather about the garden.
round dance "Harvest"
Grandfather: Well done my boys,

Everything grows in your garden.
Look honest people
And to my garden.
How round and strong

My turnip has grown.
The turnip grew amazingly
In height and width.
Let me pull it! (pulls, can't pull).

Eh, the old one has already become,
I'll call - ka, I'm a grandmother (calling Grandma)
Music sounds and Grandma enters.
Grandmother: Passed by the garden

I hear my grandfather calling.
I think you should go
People are having fun here.
What kind of holiday do you guys have?

Children: Autumn Festival.
Grandmother: Do you know poems about autumn?

Grandmother: I love poetry very much.
I'll sit here, I'll sit
And you read poetry for the grandmother and guests.
Poems about autumn.

1 child:

Autumn has been waiting for a whole year.
Here she comes!
She has baskets full of them.
Fruits, vegetables - do not count.

And for everyone, for all trees,
She has gifts.

2 child:

For birch - handkerchiefs,
The ones that sparkle with gold.
And the mountain ash, like a daughter,
She sewed a festive outfit.

3 child:

Oak caftan put on green,
Don't rush to take it off.
And in bright maple shirts.
Loves to dress up in autumn.

4 child:

It's raining down the street, Wet road, A lot of drops on the glass, And a little heat.

5 child:

circled over me
Rain of mischievous leaves.
How good is he!
Where else can you find such

Without end and without beginning?
I began to dance under him,
We danced like friends
Rain of leaves and me.

Grandmother: What good fellows you are, you read poetry well!
Grandfather: Grandma, you see, a turnip has grown
What sits so firmly in the ground
I can't pull alone

I should have some help!
Grandmother: Well, we will pull together
Let's sing a song.
“Oh, you are a strong turnip

Don't play hide and seek
Get out turnip
From the native garden.

Grandmother: How to pull, from which side
Come out granddaughter to help.
Granddaughter: I walked around the garden
Suddenly I heard that there

Grandpa and grandma are waiting for me.


Shared dance with granddaughter.

Grandmother: You see, dear granddaughter
The turnip has grown big
Come to us here quickly
Help pull the turnip!

Don't play hide and seek
Get out turnip
From the native garden.

We pull - we pull, we can’t pull it out ”
Granddaughter: Oh, it doesn't work.
We can't cope without Bugs.
Bug come here to us

Help pull the turnip!
Bug: Wow! I don't want to help
I'd rather play!
1,2, 3, 4, 5

Will you play with me?
Children: Yes.
A game "Children and the wolf" .
Grandfather: Bug, you get up behind

Help pull the turnip.
Bug: Played with the kids
Enjoyed the game.
Now I'll stand behind

I'll work hard for my granddaughter!
They sing a song: “Oh, you are a strong turnip
Don't play hide and seek
Get out turnip

From the native garden.
We pull - we pull, we can’t pull it out ”
Grandmother: Doesn't go out for a crumb
Let's call a cat.

Granddaughter: I'm going to fetch her now
Where can I see Murka.
Kitty Kitty… (the cat comes out and fights with the Bug)
Grandmother: Bug with Murka make peace

Make friends in dance.
Dance "Cat and Bug" .
Grandmother: Kitty, get up back,
Get in a row.

They sing a song: “Oh, you are a strong turnip
Don't play hide and seek
Get out turnip
From the native garden.

We pull - we pull, we can’t pull it out ”
Grandmother: The mouse would be clicked into the yard.
Cat: What's the name of the mouse?
What a disgrace!

We are on our own
Looks like a mustache.
The mouse is running.
Grandfather: You little mouse grab onto the cat's tail,

The cat grabs the bug
The bug grabs the granddaughter
Granddaughter, take hold of your grandmother
So, take it in an armful,

Grandma holding on to grandpa
Well, I'll take the turnip.
Grandfather: Even with a stubborn garden bed
The turnip was on friendly terms.

But we are a friendly family
Pulled out a turnip!
Grandmother: Well, turnip! Whole house!
Hey, old man, let's dance.

We invite you now
All the guys in a fun dance!
Dance of children and heroes of a fairy tale.
Grandfather and Grandmother: They danced from the heart

Hey guys are good!
Everyone knows how to sing and dance.
But we have to go!
Goodbye, kids!

Children say goodbye to the heroes of the fairy tale.

Moderator: Our meeting is coming to an end.
And there will be day, and there will be evening.
Autumn will prepare a fairy tale again,
And he will come to visit you in the kindergarten.

Everything will be bright, will be new,

But somewhere exactly in a year.

Let's sing the final autumn song.

Song "Autumn" (Julia and Sasha T.). Children stand in a semicircle.

Leading: And now I invite everyone to the group for tea.

Love Silence

"Turnip in a new way"

Children enter the hall to the music.

1. What a beautiful Autumn,

What a golden carpet!

And visit today guys

The autumn holiday has come to us!

Children, Autumn is already in a hurry to us. Let's greet her with a beautiful song.

(performing the song "We meet autumn")

2. Dancing autumn outside the window

In a painted sundress,

Waving cheerfully with a handkerchief,

Hiding leaves in the forest.

3. Quickly rustling leaves,

In a hurry to play with the wind

Runs through the puddles,

With a maple, a round dance will spin.

(dance "Golden leaf fall" is performed)

Fall is coming:

I'm glad you guys respect me.

You meet with dances, poems, songs.

I'll wave the leaves now

I will invite everyone to the fairy tale.

Hello Beauty Autumn! What fairy tale would you like to invite us to?

The tale is familiar to everyone, but in a new way.

And everyone will be happy to see her.

But, as soon as the fairy tale ends,

An autumn surprise will be waiting for you.

In the meantime, it's time for me to go

This is my last autumn whim.

And I want to give you an order -

You grow to the joy of everyone,

Always be friends with each other!

Autumn is leaving

Host: Well, everyone is ready, let's start?

Grandfather lived in a village

Together with grandmother for many years

They had a garden, look here ....

Carrot: I am a red maiden, a green braid!

I'm proud of myself and I'm good for everything!

And for juice and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht

In pies and vinaigrette, and bunnies for lunch!

Cabbage: I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!

I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak

Bow: They say I'm bitter, they say savory

With a green arrow I grow in the garden

I am the most useful in that I give you my word

Eat green onions - you will be healthy.

Zucchini: I'm a green zucchini,

Turned back to side.

I really don't want

Toss and turn with you!

Potato: I am a potato, feast for the eyes, I am a potato, delicious!

Starchy! Yes, boiled

Without me - no, no! Lunch won't work.

Tomato: I grow in the garden, and when I ripen

They cook a tomato out of me, put it in cabbage soup and eat like that

Cucumber: You will be very pleased by eating a lightly salted cucumber!

And everyone will like a fresh cucumber, of course,

It crunches on the teeth, crunches, I can treat you!

Come on, vegetable people,

Get into the round dance!

(performed round dance "Naughty vegetables")

Only morning at the gate -

Grandma gets up first.

(Music is playing about a grandmother who sweeps the floors, waters the garden)

Next, the grandfather gets off the stove

And it starts to work: (grandfather comes out to the music)

Grandfather: Hey! Old woman! Respond! Where have you been? Show yourself!

Grandma: Here I am, here. don't make noise

Get help.

Grandfather: We need a turnip grandmother.

(The merchants come out with a basket - there are bags of seeds in it).


1. Hey, villagers, come,

Buy my seeds

Turnip, cucumbers, beetroot,

There are tomatoes for pickling.

(The merchant approaches the house of Grandfather and Grandma)

There are carrots, dill, parsley!

(to Grandmother.) Do you need seeds, old woman?

What kind of seeds are these?

2 merchant

Unique! Element!

So it goes, so it goes

What will take the whole garden! (gives seeds to Babka.)

Don't tell us stories!

Okay ... sell us a turnip.

2 merchant:

Here, please take

Plant immediately.

Just loosen and water.

Well, good luck, grandfather! Goodbye!

(Steps aside.)

Turnip in a small hat:

Water the garden quickly

Fresh, clean water.

I'll be big and sweet

I'll be sweet and big.

Grandfather took a shovel

Began to get along the garden.

Digging the earth carefully

Grandma helps grandpa.

(to the music of "Kap-bul" grandmother and grandfather perform movements according to words)

Presenter: Yes, children, indeed, in order for a turnip to grow big, rain is needed. Let us help our turnip to grow big.

(Dance "Rain dripping on the roof")

The sun bakes bright

The turnip keeps growing, growing...

This is how it grew

The turnip is round, big!

Turnip turns out beautiful and big.

Respected by the people, I grow in the garden

Sweet and strong, I call myself a turnip.

You will never be able to cope with such a beauty!

Oh yes turnip, just a miracle!

Tell us, grandfather, how was it all?

Grandfather: Now we will tell and show you.

(song "REPKA")

Grandmother: Hey, neighbors, come on,

Look at our harvest!

1. Yes, your turnip is a blessing -

You cook a lot of porridge!

2. Well, the turnip is just a miracle!

Haven't seen one like this so far.

Grandfather comes up to the turnip and says: This is how beautiful the turnip is, I will grab my sides. (pulls a turnip)

Presenter: Pulls, pulls grandfather's turnip, -

Grandfather is not given a turnip!

Grandfather: Oh, yes, a turnip, oh yes, a vegetable.

We need to call grandma for help!

Grandma, let's go pull the turnip!

I haven’t washed the floors yet, and I haven’t milked the cow! Okay, let me help you a little!

(the song “Pull, pull, they cannot pull.

One, two, and that's it. And like this, and like this!”)

Grandfather: Who will help us now?

Grandma: Granddaughter!

Granddaughter, run here, help pull the turnip!

No, grandpa, evening is coming soon,

I have a meeting on the site.

I run to the computer

I will help you tomorrow.

Girlfriends run out

Anya, go out for a walk, we'll play like yesterday.

All the guys are waiting for you!

I'm coming to you, my friends!

Children, you see, the granddaughter does not want to help grandparents, but wants to play. Well then, let's play a game. Guys, do you know what WHITE is? Come on, show me how it spins.

(game "Wattle")

Children stand in two lines facing each other, and weave their hands into a WHITE.

Around the meadow we go

We weave everything around us.

Weave, weave, weave.

Tie a golden knot.

The leader confuses the round dance until the wattle fence “curls”.

Unweave the wattle fence under sentences:

Unwind, weave, unwind

Golden knot, untie.

Host: Well, now it's time to get down to business. Grandpa, tell me what happened next?

Grandfather: We can't cope without Bugs!

Together with the grandmother: Bug, you run here, help pull the turnip!

I'd love to help, but

I can't do it right now.

I'm afraid to be late today

I'm at a dog show.

Grandfather: We can't cope without Murka.

Together with the grandmother: Murka, you run here, help pull the turnip!

I'll tell you a secret

I love fish, not turnips!

What to do, how to be

We'll have to invite the mouse.

Together with the grandmother: Mouse, you run here, help pull the turnip!

No! The mouse has a move, and do not argue, you are with me!

Grandfather: All relatives run away from work, like from fire!

Children, how would you help us pull out a turnip?

Children: We must sing a song about friendship.

(the song "Dance of Friendship" is performed)

Host: Look - here, here, all relatives are coming to us! Perhaps friendship helped.

(All characters come out to the music)

Something all in the eyes ripples,

Strong headache.

I will help you, grandpa.

I'm going to the garden.

If we combine our forces,

We can pull it out.

Cat: There is no need to look for me, I myself went to help!

Turnip! This is wonderful!

There are a lot of vitamins in turnips!

Enough for a year and quite

Us and all our family!

Turnip: You will never cope with such a beauty!

All (Together): Let's pull once and twice, and again, pull!

Hey, friendlier, hey stronger, we'll uproot the turnip!

Pulled out the turnip.

Mouse: Oh, yes turnip! Just a miracle!

How round and how beautiful!

I love the turnip very much, I tell you the truth.

Turnip: (Smiles, gets up from the chair)

With a garden bed, made friends tightly.

But you, as a friendly family, pulled out a turnip!

Presenter: So we pulled out our Turnip. Look how beautiful she is. (The turnip dances its dance to the music).

Children, do you remember that autumn promised us some kind of surprise, where can we find it?

You tried so hard

And they were not left without work.

Friendship has brought you together.

Here are my gifts, kids!


Yes, your family is friendly. There are no quarrels.

The garden is turning green, the round dance is having fun.

Under the birch the song flows. The starling echoes the song.

Mouse: This is the end of the fairy tale!
