Plan of work with parents on musical education. Forms of work of the musical director of the dow with parents

Valentina Yurievna Ivantsova
Work plan of the music director with parents for 2014-2015 academic year


1. Include in the script entertainment for all groups at the site of the kindergarten “Knowledge Day. We have grown! games, competitions for children and parents (acquaintance with the program of participation of parents).

2. Visit parent meetings in order to familiarize parents with the work plan for musical education.

3. Conduct a workshop for parents "Children's homemade musical noise instruments, the importance of their use in music classes and in Everyday life».

4. Involve parents in the production of visual material, games in musical corners of groups and for home use.

5. Questioning of parents on the topic "You, children and music"


1. "Music Living Room Club invites!": Invite parents to participate in a circle to learn how to orchestrate music using noise instruments.

2. Individual consultations: “What is musicality?”, “Tips

for those who want to learn how to sing"

3. Involve parents in making decorations and theatrical toys for the theatrical folk entertainment"Autumn Fair!"

4. Hold together with educators a family competition-exhibition from natural material"Autumn Miracles!"

5. Display the past holidays in the photo exhibition at the stand.


1. Design "Music pages" in parent's corner for all groups: "Ten reasons to listen to music", "Birthday is only once a year!"

2. Conduct a conversation with parents "Culture of behavior of parents and children on holidays and entertainment."

3. Consultation "Listening and drawing music" (folder "Children and music")


1. Involve parents to help in decorating the hall for the New Year holidays.

2. Together with parents, create separate musical numbers for the New Year's circus performance with their participation.

3. Making folders-screens, folders-movers: "Hello, New Year!”, “Holy Christmas!”, “Children and Music”.

4. Consultations on making New Year's costumes.

5. Together with the teachers, hold a family exhibition of home-made Christmas tree decorations “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!”.


1. Involve parents in the manufacture of costumes, masks and attributes for the leisure time "Christmas-carols".

2. Making the folder "Sing with us!"

3. Message - consultation at the parent meeting "Music in your home."

4. Prepare information on the "Music Pages" in the parent corner "Music therapy in kindergarten and at home."

5. Place the cell "Your orders" (recordings of classical music, songs, collections for relaxation, auto-training, home regime moments, for home holidays)


1. Conduct a consultation for parents "Development of children's musical abilities."

2. Doors open day (parents attending musical activities and the Musical Lounge club).

3. Preparation of advisory material for the active participation of parents in the holiday "Soul, our Maslenitsa".


1. Conduct a consultation for parents of children of the 1st junior group at a parent meeting in the group "Musical education of young children."

2. Make a selection - photo essay ""In our theater."

3. Introduce parents to the festive events dedicated to March 8 with the aim of active participation (singing songs, dancing, reading poetry, preparing attractions).

4. Preparation for the holiday of humor "Competition of unusual hats." Oral consultations on the production of the necessary attributes.


1. Design a stand with comments and a photo exhibition reflecting the holidays in the kindergarten "Our Holidays".

2. Consultation "Birthday for a son or a sweet-daughter!"

3. Involve parents to help in preparing for the competition and events for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

1. Organize a meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and a concert for them dedicated to Victory Day. Invite parents to participate in the concert program.

2. Familiarize parents with the results of diagnostics of musical education.

4. Design a stand with advisory material "Which musical instrument to choose?".

Elena Vostrikova
"The use of new forms of interaction with parents in the work of the music director of the preschool educational institution"

The changes taking place today in the field of preschool education are aimed primarily at improving its quality. It, in turn, largely depends on the coherence of the actions of the family and the preschool educational institution. Only with the close cooperation of teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents, throughout the child's preschool childhood, a positive result can be achieved.

Teachers often complain about the fact that now parents are not surprised by anything. But, as practice shows, the relation parents to activities of the preschool educational institution , first of all, depends on the initiative of the administration and teachers, on the quality of solving issues of pedagogical education parents.

At present, the system of preschool education is being restructured, and humanization and de-ideologization of the pedagogical process are at the center of this restructuring. From now on, its goal is not the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual, and the goal work with the family is the creation of a single educational space based on federal state requirements.

Considering new requirements for interaction with a family, decided to implement in my new forms of work with parents with the aim of developing musical abilities of older children preschool age.

All working with parents I divided it into three sections. This:

1. informational- analytical direction

In order to study the family, clarify educational needs parents, establishing contact with its members, to identify leisure preferences, I conduct a survey in each age group "Child and music» And "Joint Leisure". Having received a real picture, based on the collected data, the specifics of the family are analyzed, musical general family and children's preferences, features of family leisure, tactics of communication with parents.

I set a criterion for myself, which I called "inclusion" parents into the educational process. This criterion reflects not only the quantitative indicators of the presence parents on group events: visiting parental meetings and consultations; presence parents at children's parties, but also participation parents in the preparation and holding of joint events, assistance parents in equipping the pedagogical process (creating musical subject-developing preschool environment and groups).

Later, I identified for myself quality indicators: initiative, responsibility, attitude parents to joint products musically- leisure activities for children and adults.

This analysis made it possible to distinguish three groups parents.

Parents are activists who know how and with pleasure participate in the educational process, see the value of any the work of a music director and educators, aimed at development .

Parents are performers who take part in joint activities subject to significant motivation, personal interest;

Parents are observers. This parents who are outside observers of the pedagogical process, who do not want to participate in any events.

2. informational- cognitive direction

The main goal in this direction was the goal of enrichment give birth-tel knowledge in matters musical education of preschool children.


1. To improve the psychological and pedagogical culture parents;

2. Help change attitudes parents to music raising a child in a preschool and family environment.

All conditions for the organization of pedagogical education have been created in our kindergarten parents. joint work of specialists of preschool educational institutions(educator, music director, instructor in physical education, psychologist, speech therapist, head nurse) provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood in the implementation of the educational program, makes parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.

To improve pedagogical competence parents I use active forms:

Performances at parental meetings with consultations, master classes, presentations ( "Costume Making", "Give the children a holiday!", "Soon New Year, "Decorate the apartment for the holidays" and etc.);

Open Day. Video presentation « Musical education in the family» ;

Joint creation of a subject-developing environment;

Individual conversations with children parents("Results of intermediate and final monitoring", "Recommendations for parents of gifted children» etc.);

- Usage the Internet to discuss sensitive issues and disseminate information;

Specialist's Corner « Music director advises» ;

Stand music director"Interesting about music» .

Particularly liked the new form of interaction with parent-mi-author information- methodical magazine for children and caring parents"Funny musicians» .

The tasks of publishing a journal:

1. Familiarization parents with the job of music director within educational field « Music» ;

2. Formation in parents knowledge about development in preschool children musical ability;

3. Raise musically-pedagogical competence parents;

4. Motivation parents to interact with a child in various forms musical activity through the use of magazine materials.

The subject of the magazine:

"Soon New Year

« Music and child health»

“We love to play in the orchestra!”

"Singing is great!"

"Rhythm for the joy of children!"

"It's good that there is a theater!" and etc.

This is interesting! (Problem definition, Interesting Facts topic, etc.)

Note to parents. (Methodological recommendations, modern technologies, "sharp" questions and answers to them, etc.)

Let's play together! (Different kinds joint games, poems, riddles on the theme of the issue)

Music Box. (Favorite children's songs)

A merry holiday has come to us! (Information about the holiday of the month)

Photo gallery. (Photo report from the last holiday, interesting shots)

3. Musically- leisure direction

Leisure destination in working with parents- the most attractive, demanded, useful, but also the most difficult in the organization. This is due to the fact that any joint event allows ro- parents:

Set warm informal relationship between teachers and parents;

To see from the inside the problems of your child, difficulties in mutual relations;

Strengthen children's parental ties;

Test different approaches to raising a child;

Share experience with others parents i.e. gain experience interactions not only with your child, but also with parental group public;

Like new, I have been for several years a form of family leisure is used -"Family get-togethers". In that format were held Events:

"We played Popovoz"

"Visiting Cinderella"

"My family is my father's house!"

"Inseparable friends - adults and children!"

The main goal of such events is to strengthen children's parental relationship. As a result, diligence, accuracy, attention to loved ones, respect for work, a sense of pride in parents. This is the beginning patriotic education, love to Motherland born from a feeling of love for his family.

Scenarios of holidays and entertainments were developed in collaboration with group teachers. To make these activities educational for children and parents, We developed a certain algorithm for preparing for family holidays:

Identification of the purpose and objectives of events for children, parents and teachers;

Consulting for parents;

Drawing up a plan for the event and participation in it give birth-teles and family members;

Distribution of roles of adults;

Preparation of individual numbers with parents; joint with give birth-teams of children's rooms (learning poems, dances, songs);

Individual meetings and consultations with family members and parents;

Making attributes, manuals, decorations, etc.

These family leisure activities bring many joyful and exciting minutes to everyone. The eyes of the children shine with genuine joy, and how proud they are of their parents! And I admire creative fantasy parents and desire to cooperate with us.

As a result use of new forms of interaction between the music director and parents:

1. The level of development has increased children's musical ability.

2. The level of upbringing and educational activities has increased parents: from "spectators" And "observers" they became active participants musically-pedagogical process, like-minded people and assistants to teachers in preschool educational institutions.

3. Increased attention parents to the life of a child in preschool.

4. Parents become more competent in development issues muses-cal abilities of preschool children;

5. Enriched experience of interpersonal interactions between children and parents.

Thus, use of new forms of interaction between the music director with the family helps to increase efficiency work with parents, That's why the use of these forms in the work is justified, it is necessary and should be even more widespread in preschool institutions.

only in harmony interaction kindergarten and family can compensate and soften each other. For me, this became possible only thanks to the joining of forces and cooperation with parents.

The tasks of contemporary art are, firstly, to comprehensively illuminate the life of modern society. Secondly, through art, to influence the feelings and thinking of people, to influence their views, attitudes towards the environment, to educate their worldview.

Musical art, which directly and strongly affects a person for the first years of his life, occupies a large place in his general cultural development.

Music is a constant companion of a person throughout his life. She is, according to Stendall, the only art that penetrates the human heart so deeply that it can even depict the experience of his thoughts,

In the musical development of the child, perhaps the most striking effect is the general atmosphere of the family. In a family where they do not understand that music is not only entertainment at a party, not only an accompaniment for dancing, but that it educates feelings, causes joy, gives consolation - in such a family it is more difficult for a child's musical taste to flourish. Therefore, there is a problem in the development of children's musicality. And it must be solved not only by the musical director, but also by the parents. Fortunately, we rarely meet families where they do not like music, where they do not sing, where there is no musical accompaniment. And the joint work of the kindergarten with parents can solve this problem.

All parents want their child to be happy and happy life, they want it to be filled with rich and interesting content, and that there will certainly be a place for music in it.

I am working on this task in kindergarten, but alone these efforts do not lead to the expected result. Obviously, only kindergarten not able to single-handedly solve the problem of introducing the child to music, the development of his musicality. More than half of the success of the musical education of a child, the development of his musical abilities depends on the participation of parents in this process.

If you think about it, then the family does not mind, just to know how and where to start.

Therefore, the question arises about the musical education of the parents themselves. How to organize work with parents on teaching in the field of music, how to involve parents in joint work with a music director, what kind of assistance can be provided to them so that common efforts in the musical education of children give positive results?

Therefore, the purpose of my work is to achieve a certain level of understanding of the tasks of developing the musicality of children.

Informing parents of children about the importance of musical education;

Involving parents in close cooperation;

Creating a favorable musical microclimate in the family;

Involving parents in musical activities;

Parents' understanding of the importance of the fact that they have a great influence on children in supporting interest and respect for music, this source of joy and inspiration.

In my work, I often have to deal with the parent team. But especially this year. This year was declared the "Year of the Family", so I paid even more attention to joint family entertainment.

I found that parent meetings, open classes, holidays and entertainment remain a popular form of work with parents. Attracted them to participate in the holidays in the preparation of costumes for various roles, for joint family fun, for example, "Russian tea", "Musical game - as a means of musical education", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Mother's holiday", "Who is the head of the family?" etc.

Parents took part in competitions with pleasure, showed their knowledge of sayings, proverbs, sang, played and danced with the children. After the end of the musical entertainment, children, parents and teachers all drank tea, talked and played together. Parents approached for lyrics and individually sang a duet (mother and child). I really liked the songs "Russian Tea", "On a Visit to the Samovar", etc. Then these songs were sung on the birthday of grandmothers (according to parents).

Musicality manifests itself in children at an early age. Initially, music is closely connected for them with the world of the simplest expressive intonations, like a lullaby.

As the child grows up, their understanding of music expands. It is important to teach children not only to sing correctly, to play any musical instrument, but also to listen to real music, to acquaint them with the works of great composers. This must be done carefully, gradually.

Therefore, work with unorganized children was created in our kindergarten. The difficulty was that the children were different ages. But despite this, all the children were included in the work together with their parents. The enthusiasm of the parents was no less than that of their children.

In order to help their children develop musically, parents don't necessarily have to be musicians. Many of them consider themselves musically deaf, they think it is very difficult. But none of us is devoid of musicality.

No one knows a child better than a parent.

No one is better than a mother to praise a child and help him get more out of music.

Listen to music and play for the child on any children's musical instrument;

Make music a part of your daily life;

When your child begins to make sounds, repeat them by singing;

Clap your child's hands, perform any passive movements in this music;

Dance for the child and with him rhythmically to the music;

Sing their favorite tune, song over and over again;

Sing simple rhyming songs with your child that will help him fill up his spoken language.

In classes with kids, I show parents how we combine music and movements, how to evoke positive emotions in children. I accompany the lesson with toys, musical instruments and movements with and without attributes. Parents learn with their children. They play and dance together. For example: mother is a fox, and children are bunnies; mother is a bear, and children go to visit a bear, etc.

I selected music for some of the toys (animals) and suggested that the children choose which animal the musical passage is similar to. Children guessed with pleasure, imitating their (animals) movements. Taught them to spin to the song and dance. I selected music for different weather: sunny, rainy, snowy, tried to convey to the child the musical difference (the nature of the music).

Children and parents learned the difference between loud and quiet music, fast and slow, they clapped to the beat to change the rhythm. She introduced me to simple songs and taught children and parents to correctly intonate the melody. After each task, she encouraged both children and parents.

Some dads also took part in such joint activities on an equal footing with moms.

Taught parents how to speak Russian children's folklore, involve the child in the action. For example, saying: “Pussy, kitty, scat! Don’t sit on the path! ”, And on the words“ scat ”and“ don’t sit down ”, together with the baby, we hit the tambourine.

“Our baby will go, fall through the pussy!” - we stomp together with the baby, and then we fall “boom!”. Kids respond to such a game with delight.

playingwith the baby in the "magpie" or "goat" parents played the rhythm. The kids were fascinated by these sounds and tried to imitate. And this is a musical dialogue!

A distinctive feature of such activities is that mothers are not just present next to the children, but they themselves gradually learn music together with the child, comprehending it from the simplest steps, finding incomparable pleasure in this. They play children's musical instruments, sing, dance with the kids, come up with musical fairy tales for them. Leaving classes, they take away the experience of communication and knowledge of how to develop the baby tomorrow.

And so that playing music with kids does not seem too insignificant to parents, I add a few “scientific” words.It has been established that music lessons involve all parts of the brain in complex work. Musical training increases success in learning to read, develops phonemic hearing, and improves conversational speech.

As a result of my work, I achieved an increase in attendance. At the beginning of the year, 6 parents attended my classes, at the end of the year - 12. At the beginning of the year, 4 people actively participated in music classes, and by the end of the year - 10 people.

Such an organization of a child's communication with musical art together with his parents allows us to see a bright result. 96% of children have a desire to make music.

The work carried out by me contributed not only to familiarizing families with great musical art, but also to their cohesion. Children became more disciplined, kind, generous, and parents understood the importance of the joint work of the family and the kindergarten in the musical education of their children.

The joint work of the kindergarten and the family is unusual; it has enriched the process of learning music by the children, and contributed to the development of a steady interest in it. Some parents, like their children, have become more emotional, liberated, creative.

In the future, I want to continue the work of involving parents in the development of musical abilities in children. So that growing kids come to kindergarten as artistic, emotional, creative, expressive personalities.

The famous Japanese teacher and musician Sh. Suzuki, who created his own school for teaching music to kids, said that if parents paid the same attention to the development of musical abilities

their children, how much they devote to the development of speech and thinking, then all children would be little Mozarts.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 311"

Project work

Innovative approaches for the interaction of a music director with preschool parents


Musical director

Shulyatiev Yu.A.

Kazan 2016

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..…..3


    Purpose and objectives………………………………………………………...………........3

2.1. Purpose of the project…………………………………………………………..……...4

2.2. Project objectives……………………………………………………….……...4

    Target group …………………………………………………………….….…4

    Life cycle ………………………………………………………….….….4

    Project Implementation Stages……………………………………………….……..4

    Design solution ……………………………………………………….…….5

    Program of project activities…………………………………….…….5

    1. Development of a system of innovative approaches to the work of a musical director with parents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

      Plan holiday events………................................................6

      Analysis of the system of interaction between the musical director and parents.………………………….……………………………………….…..8

    Expected results of the project…………….……………….….10




Along with the emergence of new federal state educational standards, where one of the leading goals is the harmonious development of the child's personality,there was a need to create a modern modelthe relationship of participants in the educational process. The harmonious development of the child occurs subject to the presence of two components of his life - a full-fledged family and a kindergarten. The family provides the necessary personal relationships for the child, the formation of a sense of security, trust and openness to the world. At the same time, the family itself needs the support that the kindergarten is supposed to provide to it, in this case, the music director.

The family support and counseling system should be implemented through the interaction of participants in the educational process, which is the main component of the educational environment.

On the example of this project, I consider a model of interaction between parents, the musical director of a preschool educational institution and preschoolers. A plan has been developed for the interaction of the music director with parents and their children to achieve the goal. The project implies dividing the entire project implementation period into 9 academic months - from September to May.

1. Relevance

Within the framework of the new standard, the way children's activities are organized is also changing: not the guidance of an adult, but the joint (partnership) activities of an adult and a child - this is the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood. From this it follows that parents should work closely in creating conditions for the full and timely development of a child of preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality.

This direction is the most demanded, useful, but also the most difficult. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to see the problems of their child from the inside, compare it with other children, see difficulties in relationships, see how others do it, that is, gain experience of interaction not only with their child, but also with the parent community as a whole. Holidays should be held not for parents, but with the involvement of parents, so that they know how much trouble and work must be invested in preparing any celebration.

2. Purpose and objectives of the project

    1. Target: Development and implementation of innovative approaches for the interaction of a musical director with parents within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool educational institutions for the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

2.2. Tasks:

1. Develop a system of innovative approaches to the work of the musical director with parents by months.

2. Develop a plan for festive events.

3. To analyze the system of interaction between the musical director and parents of preschoolers through questioning parents and monitoring the level of knowledge and skills of children.

    Target group - children of the second younger group

    Life cycle – 1.09.2016 – 31.05.2016

    Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory 1.09.2016 – 1.10.2016

    Conduct a survey to determine the desire and ability of parents to participate in the proposed activities;

    Collection of improvised materials;

    Preparation of a work plan;

    Selection of musical material;

Main 1.10.2016 – 1.05.2016

    Implementation of the project with the participation of parents and children of the 2nd junior group No. 9

Final 1.05.2017 – 31.05.2017

    Carrying out final events;


    Preparation of the project in the same group for the next academic year.

    Parent survey.

    Design decision: Development of modern innovative forms of joint activities of the music director and parents, ensuring the unity of educational and educational influences for the development of the personality of a child of primary preschool age.

    Program of project activities.

    1. Development of a system of innovative approaches for the work of a music director with parents:

Target: Develop a system of approaches for participants in the educational process.


    increase competence in matters of musical education of parents (individual conversations, questionnaires, consultations, making folders-movers)

    involve in the musical and educational process (open classes, participation in them, the creation of a developing object-spatial environment);

    joint cultural and leisure activities (writing scripts, participating in the preparation and holding of holidays, playing roles, making theatrical attributes).

* Survey of parents;

* Conduct parent meeting.

*Individual conversations with parents based on the results of the survey;

*Collection of improvised materials for games, classes, etc.

*Creation of a sliding folder to involve parents in the educational process of the preschool educational institution;

*Selection of musical material.

*Preparation of a work plan for the academic year.

*Introducing the world of music - entertainment


*View an open lesson. Analysis. Formation of conclusions about the work of the music director.

* Involving parents as heroes in dramatization skits;

* Creation of attributes for scenes.

*Displayed by parents musical fairy tale for children "Teremok";

Analysis of the work done.

*Formation of the base of the subject-developing environment.


*Quiz with parents "Journey to the land of childhood"

* Familiarization of parents with the musical repertoire of children 2 ml. groups

*Joint holiday "Our beloved mom"

*Creation New Year's scenario together with parents. Get parents involved in New Year's party


* Creation of attributes for the New Year holidays

*Evening quiz

"Our musical family"

*Individual consultations of parents based on the results of six months of work

*New Year's holiday "Journey through the Magical Forest"




* Creation of a folder-slider "In the world of wishes and suggestions"

*Photo exhibition "Music in our family"

*Holiday with the involvement of parents "Evening gatherings"


* Master class for parents "Musical games for children"

*Consultation "Music as a means of patriotic education"

*Preparation and tailoring of costumes for the Maslenitsa holiday

* Carrying out the holiday "Shrovetide with the participation of parents"


*Joint holiday Better mom no in the world"

*Open class with parents for parents

* Making a corner in the group (reception) "Music is ours mutual friend»

*Participation in didactic games and dancing "Time to play and dance"


*Individual consultations with parents

*Joint holiday "Spring Kaleidoscope"

* Creation of an orchestra with parents at children's music. tools

*Concert for children

"Look at us"


*Monitoring of knowledge and skills of children at the end of the year. Analysis of the work of music. hands with parents

* Questioning of parents based on the results of the past year

* Parent's Day (conducting a music lesson in a preschool educational institution by parents)

*Preparation of the project for the next. academic year.

*Round table

7.2 Celebration plan

Parents need to know that the kindergarten is the basis for providing assistance in raising children, in protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders.

Target: Create a plan of festive events to analyze the ongoing work of the music director with parents.

Quiz for parents "Journey to the country of childhood";

"Our beloved mother"


« new year trip through the magical forest


"Evening gatherings"




“There is no better mother in the world”;

"Time to play and dance"


"Spring Kaleidoscope";

"Look at us"


"Parent's Day"

7.3 Analysis of the system of interaction between the musical director and parents.

I will analyze the system of interaction between the musical director and the parents of preschool children using a questionnaire survey of parents and monitoring the acquired skills and abilities of children. I have created a questionnaire table, which will show whether the parent's attitude to the artistic and aesthetic education of a preschooler has changed. Was the parent satisfied with the work done together? Has the attitude towards the musical education of a preschooler changed in the family?

At the end of the whole project, a book of reviews and suggestions for the music director will be created.


Does your child talk about musical activities in kindergarten?




    With what mood does the child visit the music room?

With great desire

With pleasure

Dislikes music activities

Depends on the mood of the child

    Does your child apply the skills and abilities acquired in musical activities in everyday life?



Don't know

    Does the child sing songs learned in kindergarten?



Have not noticed)

    What emotions do you experience after visiting musical holidays?

    How do you rate the work of a music director on a 5-point scale?

1 2 3 4 5 (circle)

    Do you attend holidays, matinees, leisure activities, entertainment held in kindergarten?

    What information would you like to receive about musical education?


    Expected results of the project implementation

    Development and implementation of approaches for the interaction of the music director and parents for joint work;

    Increasing the initiative of parents in the educational process of a preschooler;

    Partnerships between participants in the educational process;

    The positive impact of the joint activities of the music director and parents on pupils;

    A new positive attitude of parents towards the preschool educational institution, a positive assessment of its activities.


Thus, I presented a model of the relationship between the participants in the educational process (music director and parents) using the example of this project for children of the younger group.

This project will:

For children - to acquire social experience, improve the quality and efficiency of development, education and training, form an active-cognitive position and school-significant skills;

For music directors - to assess their professional capabilities and achievements, constantly improve their professional skills, form partnerships, trusting relationships between participants in the educational process; create a space for the integration of pedagogical technologies using ICT; search for new ideas, work on joint projects;

For parents who are not indifferent to the present and future of their children, who want to understand their problems - to become active participants and partners in the educational process, receive full information about the development and achievements of their child, use the recommendations of specialists when choosing a school, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of the child.


1. Alekseeva L.N. , Tyutyunnikova T.E. "Music". Educational and visual aid "Music". – M.: AST, 2008.

2. V.A. Petrov music for kids. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2001.

3. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. A holiday every day. The program of musical education for preschool children "Ladushki", junior group. SPb. Publishing house "Composer", 1999.

4. Kaplunova I., Novoskoltseva I. A holiday every day. Summaries of musical lessons with audio application. Junior group, St. Petersburg, Composer, 2007.

5. Merkulova L.R. Orchestra in Kindergarten. The program for the formation of emotional empathy and awareness of music through music making. - M., 2000

6. "Music in kindergarten" The second younger group. comp. Vetlugina N. M., "Music", 2000

7. Radynova O.P. "Discourses on Musical Instruments". A set of 3 audio cassettes with a didactic album. - M., 2007

8. Radynova O.P. "Musical development of children" in two parts. - M .: "Vlados", 2009

9. Petrova V.A. Music for kids. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2001.

10. Petrova V.A., We dance and sing. – M.: Karapuz, 2003.

11. Radynova O.P. "Musical Masterpieces". Author's program and methodical recommendations. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2000. - (Music for preschoolers and younger students.)

12. Sauko T.N., Burenina A.I. "Top-clap, kids": a program of musical and rhythmic education for children 2-3 years old. - SPb., 2001.

13. Tarasova K.V., Ruban T.G. Children listening to music: guidelines for classes with preschoolers on listening to music. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2001.

14. GEF preschool education-

15. Scenario new year holiday-

Anna Golovina
Music director's work plan with parents

Music director's work plan with parents

for 2014 – 2015 academic year


1. Stand design « Music and physical education»

2. Consultation-talk to the meeting « Music in motion»

1. Organize parents to actively participate in the manufacture of crafts from natural material together with children on the topic "Autumn Gifts"

2. Invitation parents to watch children's matinees "Autumn"

1. Communion parents to provide all possible assistance in tailoring costumes for children

2. Holding a holiday together with parents dedicated to Mother's Day

1. Organize parents to actively participate in children's New Year's parties

2. Attraction parents to help decorate the hall for the new year

3. Invitation to view matinees

1. Consultation « Musical DIY toys»

2. Summing up and awarding the winners and participants of the competition works"Christmas toy"

1. Holding musically- physical culture holiday together with parents"Our dads are the most - the most"

2. "Open Doors Day - We are waiting for guests"

1. Stand design "Rules of conduct at a children's matinee"

2. Invitation parents to watch matinees "My mommy" as well as getting involved. Dance performance with mothers.

1. Folder-slider « Musically-rhythmic movements

2. Organization parents to actively participate in the preparation of the graduation ball

1. Theatrical performance for children and kindergarten staff from parents preparatory group

2. Invitation parents to watch the holiday “70 years of peace, no war!”

3. Prom invitation

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