Modeling from plasticine for the middle group. Topic: Sculpting in kindergarten

Elena Merkurieva

Learn children create expressive stucco images in a constructive way; plan your work, divide the material into the right number of parts different sizes, sculpt sequentially, starting with large parts. Develop a sense of form and proportion. Cultivate curiosity, independence, imagination, Creative skills.

Preliminary work.

Reading a poem by G. Lagzdyn "Masha-tumbler" and S. Marshak "Vstanka-Vstanka". Examination of the shape of a tumbler toy.

The teacher shows the children pictures - roly-poly and roly-poly, asks children remember who they are and read excerpts from poems familiar to children. Then he offers to make tumblers, but not just tumblers, but tumblers - little animals and examines with the children a toy roly-poly cat and a roly-poly teddy bear.

The teacher draws attention to the toy and clarifies the presentation children about how it looks (torso - big ball, head - average, handles - small identical balls). Next takes a bar plasticine and shows how to split it into parts. We divide the bar plasticine in half. One half will be the body. The second half is again divided in half - this is the head and handles.

The teacher asks the children to choose the bars plasticine, take the stacks and divide the bars into parts. He checks how the children coped with the task and offers to make tumblers.

The teacher asks children to think what kind of animals-children will sculpt tumblers and discuss with the children what characteristic details to add so that there is a similarity with the desired animal. For example, for a roly-poly hare we sculpt long ears and a short tail - a small ball, for a roly-poly cat we will make triangular ears and a mustache, and for a roly-poly rooster we blind a red comb and a beard. Children sculpt for their own torso, head and handles, and the teacher, if necessary, helps the children with advice on how to turn a tumbler into the right one little animal.

After classes an exhibition of children's work. Here are some tumblers we got!

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MDK 02.04. Workshop on artistic processing of materials and fine arts.

Topic: "Modeling in middle group from 4 to 5 years"

Completed by: Soldatova V.S.

Group: DOZSS/16

Checked by: Sycheva N.V.

Soviet 2017

modeling kindergarten training





The basis of teaching children is to familiarize them with the surrounding life, with the world of objects and phenomena.

Children consolidate the acquired knowledge in speech, clarify in a variety of activities, reflect in the game. In order to lead the child to modeling, to the sculptural image of objects, the teacher introduces the children to the objects, shows their features, helps to understand the shape, structure of the objects, characterizing their features.

The teacher shows the children how objects and phenomena familiar to them are transmitted in various types art, shows how the poet conveys impressions of life in poetry, how the artist reflects phenomena and objects in painting, in graphics, the sculptor - in monumental and easel sculpture, in sculptural miniature, in a toy.

In modeling classes, preschoolers learn to take care of art materials, they develop cultural skills labor activity: planning a future drawing, self-control over one's actions in the process of doing work. The desire of children to achieve high-quality results speaks of their perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties.

Children can depict objects, phenomena in modeling what they have conceived only if they master the technique of each type visual activity. Although technical execution is not the main thing, nevertheless, mastering the correct technique is necessary.

Therefore, we are faced with the problem: what forms and methods of familiarizing children of primary preschool age in modeling classes will contribute to the formation of technical skills and abilities.

Object of study : the process of forming technical skills and abilities in modeling classes

Subject of study : pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the formation of technical skills and modeling skills in children of primary preschool age.

Purpose of the study : theoretically study the features of teaching modeling to children of primary preschool age.

In this study, the following tasks were set and solved:

1) To study the history of the emergence of modeling as a type of fine art;

2) to study the features of modeling in kindergarten;

3) consider the methodology for teaching modeling to children of primary preschool age.

The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the study of the theoretical aspects of teaching modeling will allow us to understand the essence and features of the use of this type of visual activity in working with children.

1. Modeling - a type of visual activity

Modeling is of great importance for the education and upbringing of preschool children. The sculptor I. Ya. Gintsburg said the following about the significance of modeling: “... In the family of fine arts, modeling plays the same role as arithmetic in the mathematical sciences. This is the ABC of the idea of ​​the subject. This is the first reading, the presentation of the subject. In drawing, the subject is depicted relative. Due to perspective, the essence of the properties of an object, its main meaning, is often diminished, and sometimes completely lost ... The correct ratio of parts, the difference between the main and the secondary - the body from the attached parts - all this is clearly expressed when the object is depicted by means of modeling.

The world of sculpture is diverse. For many centuries, talented sculptors created their works - statues, sculptural groups, busts.

In sculpture, the artist expresses the spiritual world of a person and ideas about the environment, embodies his aesthetic ideals.

Sculpture as an art form plays a significant role in our lives. She performs different tasks, promotes big ideas, complex thoughts and feelings. Like other forms of art, sculpture has its own specifics, which is expressed both in content and in the choice of material and means of expression.

A distinctive feature of the sculptural image is its volume, three-dimensionality. The main types of sculpture are round sculpture and relief. If the image can be walked around, viewed from all sides, then such a sculpture is called round (examples of such sculpture are the monument to Minin and Pozharsky I.P. Martos, the monument to A.S. Pushkin A.M. Opekushin, etc.). In the event that the object is depicted on one side and is a convex image protruding above the plane, we have a relief.

The relief image has two varieties: bas-relief and high relief. The figures depicted in bas-relief protrude above the plane by no more than half of their volume, in high relief they rise above the plane of the image by more than half, and sometimes they are full-volume and only touch the background with separate details. Therefore, the bas-relief is sometimes called low relief, and the high relief is called high relief. Along with a convex relief, there is another variety of it - an in-depth relief, or counter-relief. This type of relief approaches the graphic image, it was common in ancient Egypt, but is now rare.

The nature of the sculpture, the choice of visual means, material depends, first of all, on the purpose of creating the work. According to their purpose, sculptural works are divided into monumental and easel.

Monumental works are designed for mass perception, they promote significant social events, often embody a positive image of their time. Monumental sculpture includes monuments of historical events, monuments to heroes. Monumental works are intended to decorate squares, parks, large public buildings. If the monumental sculpture, as a rule, exceeds the depicted object by two or three times, then the easel sculpture occupies an intermediate position in terms of scale, since the objects depicted in the easel sculpture almost coincide with the size of nature (they are slightly smaller or slightly larger than the original) .

The easel sculpture is not associated with any artistic ensemble. It is characterized by a subtle psychological multifaceted characterization of images and richness of form. These are sculptural portraits, figures, sculptural groups that we often see in museums and art salons.

A variety of easel sculpture is a sculpture of a small form. It includes figurines made of stone, wood, bone, metal. Antique terracotta figurines of the 4th-5th centuries are well known. BC e., which depict mythological heroes or ancient deities. Small decorative sculptures of modern folk craftsmen can also be attributed to small-form sculpture.

Sculptures are made from different materials: solid (stone, wood, metal) or plastic (terracotta, glass, etc.). The choice of material enables the sculptor to reveal the features of the created image.

Speaking about the artistic image in sculpture, it should be noted that in this form of art, a person is mainly depicted. Various properties of materials are used to convey the whole range of features of the human body, its softness, elasticity, dynamics, smoothness of movement, etc. Man is the main theme of sculpture, but not the only one. Artists-sculptors in their work reflect the whole diverse world that surrounds a person.

The depiction of plants and household items is often found in relief sculpture, since the composition in relief is located on a plane, which allows depicting not only multi-figure scenes, but also a landscape.

A round sculpture is always associated with a certain environment in which it is located. Light, natural or artificial, surrounds the sculpture and serves as a means of revealing its plastic features.

This feature of light and shadow was skillfully used by Greek sculptors to enhance the character of the form. Looking at the Laocoön sculptural group, we see how the master managed to show the suffering experienced by the heroes. Chiaroscuro helps the author to strengthen internal state hero, it deepens the wrinkles of the face, the eye sockets seem very deep and dark - all together gives the impression of severe suffering.

The expressiveness of any sculptural work depends on how skillfully the sculptor uses in his artistic work various means expressiveness inherent in this type of fine art. If we compare sculpture and painting, we will see that both in one and in the other form of art the volume of objects is depicted; but the painter, when conveying volume, has to create the illusion of volume, which is achieved with the help of light and shadow.

The sculptural artistic image really exists in space and has a real volume, which makes the viewer want to examine it from all sides. Looking at the sculpture and going around it, the viewer each time perceives the position of the body in space, the turn of the head in a new way; in addition, there is a feeling that the figure is moving, changing.

Many sculptural works, designed for the perception of adults, may be of interest to preschool children. Kindergarten teachers and parents in an accessible form can explain to children the content of a particular work, talk about its artistic merits.

Speaking of modeling in kindergarten, we mean pictorial activity, during which children depict objects of the reality around them, create an elementary sculpture using clay or plasticine.

While working with clay, the child receives aesthetic pleasure from its plasticity, volume, from the forms that are obtained in the process of modeling.

If this type of activity is correctly set, then modeling can become a favorite pastime for children.

In modeling classes, educators are given certain tasks: the development of children's creativity, equipping children with visual and technical skills, creating interest in this type of activity. The system of education in kindergarten is built in such a way as to prepare children for school.

2. Methods and reception of teaching modeling

The success of education and training largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, to form their knowledge, skills, and skills, and also to develop abilities in a particular field of activity.

Under the methods of teaching visual activity and design, they understand the system of actions of a teacher organizing practical and cognitive activity children, which is aimed at mastering the content defined by the "Program of education and training in kindergarten".

Training methods are called individual details, components of the method.

Traditionally, teaching methods are classified according to the source from which children receive knowledge, skills and abilities, according to the means by which this knowledge, skills and abilities are presented. Since preschool children acquire knowledge in the process of direct perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality and from the teacher's messages (explanations, stories), as well as in direct practical activities (designing, modeling, drawing, etc.), methods are distinguished:




This is the traditional classification.

IN Lately a new classification of methods has been developed. The authors of the new classification are: Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N. it includes the following teaching methods:

Informative - receptive;




The method of problematic presentation of the material.

The information-receptive method includes the following techniques:

· viewing;


· excursion;

a model of the educator;

tutor display.

The verbal method includes:

a conversation;

story, art history story;

use of teacher samples;

art word.

The reproductive method is a method aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of children. This is a method of exercises that bring skills to automatism. It includes:

reception of repetition;

work on drafts;

Execution of shaping movements by hand.

The heuristic method is aimed at the manifestation of independence in any moment of work in the classroom, i.e. The teacher asks the child to do part of the work independently.

The research method is aimed at developing in children not only independence, but also imagination and creativity. The teacher offers to independently perform not any part, but the whole work.

The method of problem presentation, according to didactic teachers, cannot be used in teaching preschoolers and children. junior schoolchildren: It is applicable only for high school students.

In his activities, the teacher uses various methods and techniques in drawing, modeling, application and design.

So in drawing, the main technique for the first junior group is to show how pencils and paints should be used. The most effective technique is passive movements, when the child does not act independently, but with help. Effective game pictorial movements of a homogeneous, rhythmic nature with the pronunciation of the words: "back and forth", "top - down", etc. This technique makes it possible to associate the image of an object with pictorial movement.

Reading poems, nursery rhymes, songs in the classroom is the most important methodological technique. Another way to work in the first junior group- co-creation of the teacher with children.

In the second junior group, the information-receptive method is actively used in drawing classes. An effective way of getting to know the shape of an object is especially useful before class: children circle the shape with their hands, play with flags, balls, balls, feel their outlines. Such an examination of the subject creates a more complete picture of it.

Also effective is the technique of examining an object by moving the hand along the contour and showing this movement in the air. Direct display of the image method is used only if this form occurs for the first time.

3. Features of modeling in kindergarten

Children see in the kindergarten carvings made by Bogorodsk and or Gorodets masters, porcelain figurines, clay sculptures of Dymkovo mistresses, examine them with interest from all sides, feeling a smooth or rough surface with their hands.

A kind of sculpture is a toy made of papier-mache (paper-wood pulp), ceramic, wooden turning, from various plastics.

Khalezova N.B. wrote: “While working with clay, the child receives aesthetic pleasure from its plasticity, volume, from the forms that are obtained in the process of modeling. At the same time, the child is aware of the various properties of clay and plasticine, gets acquainted with the three-dimensional shape, structure and proportions of objects, he develops the accuracy of hand movements and the eye, constructive abilities are formed. If this type of activity is correctly set up, then modeling can become a favorite pastime for children.

Dolls, animals have soft plastic forms, a large generalization of the image, the conventionality of the image, which is very close to the capabilities of children in sculpture, to the peculiarities of their ideas about real objects.

The teacher tells the children about the skilled craftsmen, the artists who created these objects, shows what interesting forms the sculptor gave to his work, makes him want to sculpt, try to convey his impressions in working with plastic materials.

Sculpting is a fun activity. Children find great pleasure in rendering familiar shapes from soft, pliable materials. However, for a long time, plasticine and clay remain in the hands of the child as material for depicting extremely simple objects “cakes”, “sweets” - and nothing more.

To approach the modeling of more complex forms, the child must find some ways, techniques. The task of adults - teachers, educators, parents - is to facilitate this way of learning new material, to help children master the basic techniques of working with it, so that children learn to sculpt, convey objects of the world around them in this material, express their attitude to this world, to his appearances.

Preschoolers can master the techniques of working only with soft plastic materials that are easily influenced by the hand.

Children sculpt people, animals, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, toys. The variety of topics is due to the fact that modeling, like other types of visual activity, primarily performs educational tasks, satisfying the cognitive and creative needs of the child.

The plasticity of the material and the volume of the depicted form allow the preschooler to master some techniques in modeling rather than in drawing. For example, the transfer of movement in a drawing is a complex task that requires a long learning curve. In modeling, the solution of this problem is facilitated. The child first sculpts the object in a static position, and then bends its parts in accordance with the plan.

The transfer of spatial relationships of objects in modeling is also simplified - objects, as in real life, are arranged one after another, closer and further from the center of the composition. Questions of perspective in modeling are simply removed.

The main means in creating an image in modeling is transfer volumetric form. Color is limited. Usually those works are painted that will later be used in children's games.

Clay occupies the main place in modeling classes, as the most plastic material. Well-prepared, it is easily influenced by the hand of even a 2-3-year-old child. Dried clay works can be stored for a long time. Plasticine has less plastic capabilities. It requires pre-warming, while in a very hot state it loses its plasticity, sticks to the hands, causing unpleasant skin sensations. Preschoolers work with plasticine mostly outside of group activities.

4. Materials and equipment for modeling

Mastering the visual and technical means of modeling is very difficult for a child, and this forces the educator to approach the selection of material for modeling, the content and teaching methods with special responsibility.

Usually clay and plasticine are used in kindergarten. Clay is the most valuable material, having neutral and easy-to-work colors. It can be ground brown, white, gray color with green and blue hues. You can use specially prepared colored ceramic clay, which is suitable for firing in a muffle furnace. Clay is pleasant to work with. A big piece of her creates good foundation for interesting molding. It is better to store clay in a plastic vessel, as in a metal one it becomes rusty. In order for the clay to always be suitable for work, it must be kept in a cool, damp room under a damp cloth.

Plasticine is an elastic material that requires special preparation before work. It can be monophonic and color. The first makes it possible to better understand the integrity of the form and structure of the object. Color brings variety to the work, is an additional means of expressiveness.

Auxiliary materials for modeling include frames.

To teach children how to sculpt as frames, you can use ordinary sticks different lengths and thickness. With the help of the frame, the figures become more stable, dynamic.

Clay work made on frames often cracks, and therefore, once the pieces are dry, the frame can be carefully removed by pulling it out of the mold so that further drying goes on without it.

In the process of sculpting, you need to be able to use stacks. They can be wooden, which are easy to make yourself, and metal. The simplest form of stack is a stick, pointed on one side and rounded on the other, but it can also be in the form of a loop, sticks with a loop of wire.

A stack is used to process parts in cases where it is difficult to do it by hand, with its help excess clay is removed from the mold, cuts are made.

To successfully teach children how to sculpt, it is good to have small boards that are placed on the table. Their size is determined by the size of the molding. If the figure is 15 X 10 cm in size, then the board can be 35 X 22 cm in size. If the figure is larger, then the board should be bigger size. The most convenient board shape is a circle, but it can also be square.

5. Methodology for conducting modeling classes in the middle group of kindergarten

At the beginning of the year, according to the program, the children repeat the material covered: they are engaged in modeling, working on the form. The teacher during walks with children uses natural material as a visual aid. For example, in winter, children, under the guidance of a teacher, sculpt a snowman and at the same time disassemble the shape and number of parts. From the snow, children can fashion a rabbit, a girl in a fur coat and other items. In addition, before starting modeling, the teacher shows toys depicting birds and chickens. He draws the attention of children to the whole object as a whole and then to the shape of the body, head, tail, shows how to examine the object: first determine the shape of the parts, then, fixing attention on smaller parts, draws a finger over them and suggests doing the same actions guys. They repeat these movements. In the classroom, you can limit yourself to only a visual examination, circling the various parts with a stick and inviting the children to independently determine their shape, proportions and location. For examination before modeling, toys and sculptures are selected, artistically executed, with a beautiful, but monochromatic color. In cases where it is not possible to choose a suitable item, you can use a pre-prepared sample of a slightly larger size than the figures that the children will sculpt.

The sample is usually given before the lesson so that the guys have time to consider it, and remains in front of them throughout the lesson. Children of the middle group are familiar with the image of a ball, cylinder, disk. In the first lessons, the educator reminds them of how to represent these forms, clarifies the position of the hands and shows how to make the form more accurate with the fingertips. During the modeling of objects from several parts, the teacher resorts to an incomplete display. For example, when children are sculpting carrots, he only shows them how a column, molded in advance, must be sharpened at one end, and made the other thick and somewhat rounded; to depict the body and head of a rabbit, an oval must be made from a cylinder. The image of the main forms can be omitted; The guys already know how to do it. But the ways of connecting the parts must be shown, since the strength of the created figures will depend on their assimilation. In addition, the teacher invites the children to show how they will start work, how they will sculpt a shape or connect parts. This can be asked of children who are good at depicting objects, and in some cases, those guys who are not doing well with the task, so that they believe in themselves. This makes it possible to activate the thought of children, they begin to more clearly understand the progress of work and actions with clay.

In the middle group great attention is given to the correct transmission of proportions. To do this, the educator needs to be shown from time to time how to divide a lump of clay in order to get the right number of parts of a certain size, and how to check their length. For example, when depicting the hands of a doll, the teacher shows how to divide the column into two equal parts, and then, adding both halves, check whether they are the same or not. Once the children have mastered this trick, all you can do is remind them not to forget to check if they have determined the length of the pieces correctly. As well as in drawing classes, an artistic word is used in modeling in order to evoke in children more vivid images items, create emotional mood. It can be poems, songs, riddles, nursery rhymes with which classes begin or end. When selecting literary works, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of modeling, and therefore the descriptions of objects should be more about the shape, structure, size and less about color, smell and other properties.

Expanding children's ideas about the shape, proportions of objects and modeling methods, it is important to have small conversations with them about their work. Basically, the educator has to talk about the quality of the work done. Sometimes he invites the children to decide for themselves how the form is molded, its structure and proportions are transferred, whether the parts are firmly connected. When depicting a chicken, a snowman, a girl, dishes and other objects, you can offer children a stack for drawing small details - eyes, mouth, nose. In the future, children will get acquainted with the three-dimensional image of small details, but in this group, while the actions of the fingers are still not sufficiently developed, these details can be applied in a stack by means of a graphic image. In addition, preschoolers of the middle group can cut clay into pieces with a stack, sometimes removing excess, thus gradually getting used to sculpting with a tool.

The work of children with a stack requires special attention from the educator. It is important to teach the children correctly, to use it in a timely manner, to perform only the necessary operations, and for this it is necessary to show them how to work. For example, to designate the eyes of a chicken, it is installed on the board, holding it with your left hand, and with a stack that is in right hand line the eyes.


The child of primary preschool age develops intensively. As a result sensory development, the perception of children becomes more differentiated, they develop ideas about the shape, color of objects, their size. There is further development of memory.

With the enrichment of children's experience and the improvement of speech, children's imagination develops. Initially, images of involuntary imagination arise under the influence of adults. The ideas of children are still poor, unstable.

The visual activity of young children is characterized by rapid transitions of the image process into the game. The child is attracted by the modeling process itself, which he supplements with his actions with the modeled object. The created image is immediately played out. The child in his figurine conveys what struck his imagination, captured him emotionally.

Children of this age are distinguished by activity, the desire to act independently, without the help of adults. They are fond of modeling and experience the pleasure of working with clay, plasticine. But their motor memory is still poorly developed, they do not have sufficient coordination of movements, their vision does not sufficiently control actions, hands. The child is easily distracted, as his attention is still unstable.

There are significant changes in relationships with others. Children develop the ability to work in a team, to help each other. A child can simply appreciate the work of a friend.

A small child has a special acuteness of perception. What is emotionally perceived in childhood is remembered for a lifetime. The perception of beauty forms in children an aesthetic sense, respect and respect for art. Works of art broaden the child's horizons by conveying certain information. They also influence the formation of moral feelings.

In this paper, the issue of teaching modeling to children of primary preschool age was considered. The history of the emergence of modeling as a type of fine art was studied.

We examined various types of modeling, and the methodology for teaching modeling in the younger groups of kindergarten.

Kindergarten lessons in younger age cannot be called a full-fledged modeling, but they pursue their goals. At three years old, the child is already quite conscious in order not to take modeling material in his mouth. Children develop tactile sensations by working with plasticine.

Since all actions are carried out by hands, fine motor skills and coordination develop, which together have a beneficial effect on speech. The first modeling classes in kindergarten only introduce materials and their properties, these are attempts to twist the ball, flatten it, turning it into a plate, and other simple actions. In the process of modeling, children are most interested in the transformation that takes place with plasticine before their eyes, this is an opportunity to create a toy on their own, so usually such lessons, like music classes in kindergarten, are easy and fun.

Thus, having studied all theoretical aspects, we came to the conclusion that in preschool educators should organize work on the comprehensive development of children, so modeling in kindergarten should be practiced from a very early age, from the younger group.

So, the goal of the work has been achieved, the tasks have been completed, the hypothesis that the study of the theoretical aspects of modeling teaching will make it possible to understand the essence and features of using this type of visual activity in working with children has been confirmed.

List of used literature

1. Aleksakhin N. Learning to sculpt and paint // preschool education. -2015-No. 9-23. 27 p.

2. Bondarenko T.M. Complex classes in the first junior group of kindergarten. V-zh: Uchitel, 2014. 274 pages.

3. Gribovskaya A. A. Education of preschool children in decorative drawing, modeling, applications: class notes. Scriptorium, 2013. 151 pages.

4. Gribovskaya A. A. Children about folk art: Educational and visual aid for preschool children. Scriptorium, 2015. 64 p.

5. Gribovskaya A.A. Sculpting in kindergarten. Summaries of classes for children 2-7 years old. M.: Sfera, 2016. 80 p.

6. History of art. Painting. Sculpture. Architecture / Editor-in-Chief N. Aranovskaya. M., 2017. 848 p.

7. Kazakova T.G. Encourage creativity in preschoolers. M.: Education, 2016. 193 p.

8. Komarova T.S. Visual activity in kindergarten: Education and creativity. M.: Pedagogy, 2015. 247 p.

9. Komarova T.S. baby artistic creativity. Moscow: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2016. 136 p.

10. Kossakovskaya E.A. Sculpting in kindergarten. M.: Uchpedgiz, 2014. 145 p.

11. Kosminskaya V.B., Khalezova N.B. Fundamentals of fine arts and methods of directing the visual activity of children. M., 2014. 223 p.

12. Kosminskaya V.B. et al. Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten. M.: Education, 2017. 253 p.

13. Korchinova O.V. Children's applied art. Publisher: Phoenix, 2015. 63 p.

14. Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten: Planning, class notes, guidelines. M.: Karapuz, 2017. 140 p.

15. Lykova I.A. Plasticine hedgehog. ABC of modeling. Publisher: Karapuz, 2015. 20 p.

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For preschool children, you can come up with a lot of entertaining activities, plasticine modeling occupies a special place among them. Thanks to this type of creativity, parents will be able to instill in their own child a love of creativity, develop fantasy, imagination, as well as fine motor skills. In addition, by making figures from plasticine, the baby learns to be independent.

What to blind

Before the start of the lesson, each parent thinks about what can be made from plasticine. Dream up a little, imagine yourself as a child, think about what will interest your son or daughter the most. Children's crafts may involve the use of many additional materials, which include: flowers, leaves, acorns, cones, and chestnuts.

Take note of what can be molded from plasticine:

  1. and birds. Interesting and funny hedgehogs, bunnies, turtles will delight the little one. In addition, such plasticine crafts for children are made very quickly and simply.
  2. Thematic figurines. Undoubtedly, for every kid it is a special, long-awaited event, because it is associated with toys and various gifts. simple crafts from plasticine in the form Christmas toys, a snowman and, in fact, the Christmas tree itself will cheer you up on the eve of the holiday.
  3. Flowers. Fascinating compositions made with a child will look like they are alive. Depending on the age of the crumbs, you can make flowers with a minimum number of details, as well as more complex three-dimensional compositions.
  4. Trees. Having mastered easy plasticine crafts, you can move on to more complex figures. Of course, the kid will not be able to blind the tree on his own, the help of an adult will be required. But after taking a few steps in creating crafts, the child will be able to easily complete the work he has begun.
  5. Vegetables fruits, sweets. Even novice craftsmen will be able to master the process of creating miniatures of their favorite delicacies. Choose the necessary colors of plasticine, then you can safely proceed to creativity.
Isn't it fun and interesting to make plasticine crafts with your own hands? Let's start this exciting activity right now. Prepare plasticine, a stack, cardboard and some improvised materials and you can start working. We will teach you how to mold the most colorful plasticine various crafts, such an activity for kids will be entertaining, will cause a lot of positive emotions. Well, to the point?


A small forest animal with thorns will find itself right on your table. Even can make a cute rodent Small child. Plasticine modeling for children is incredibly exciting fun.

How to make:

Kitten with a heart

On St. Valentine's Day, you can give not only valentines, but also original crafts. We recommend that you make a kitten out of plasticine step by step according to the presented photo instructions.

Sculpting technique:


Make a small plasticine craft with your child, with step by step instructions you will quickly master the entire manufacturing process. A funny turtle will complement your collection of crafts.

How to sculpt:

Birds "Angry Birds"

"Angry" birds are known to almost all children. Learn how to make such a plasticine craft from our photo tutorial.

Sculpting process:

rowan tree

Making a beautiful tree is very simple. This does not require spending too much time, the characteristic fruits will decorate the lush green foliage.

Creation features:


Blind lollipops from plasticine, finished products cannot be distinguished from real ones. The kids will love this for sure.

How to do:

Bouquet of flowers

Make a touching gift for the holiday - a bouquet of roses. The original craft can be dedicated to the day.

How to make:

New Year crafts

On winter holidays get your child interested in creating beautiful crafts from plasticine. You can place each molded figure on cardboard.


An easy-to-make craft will become a real decoration of the interior of a children's room, start making it together with your children.
Features of creating crafts:

Christmas tree decoration

Preparations for the New Year can begin with the manufacture original crafts, a festive mood for the whole family is provided.

Sculpting steps:


Even from ordinary plasticine, you can make a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree, from improvised means you will need scissors and a bamboo stick.

How to do:

And a few more interesting ideas for inspiration, crafts on paper / cardboard:

Anastasia Mirsaidova
Perspective plan for modeling in the middle group


T. S. Komarova “Classes on visual activity in middle group”

I. A. Lykova “Fine activity in kindergarten. Middle group”

G. S. Shvaiko “Classes of visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group”

D. N. Koldina " Modeling with children 4-5 years old”


1 modeling subject “Eared pyramids” Learn to sculpt pyramids from disks of various sizes with the top of an animal. Show planning works by Lykov “Fine activity in kindergarten. Middle group”,With. 28

2 modeling from plasticine “Basket with a berry” Learn to sculpt a hollow object with a handle. Continue to teach how to roll small balls between the palms of Koldin " Modeling with children 4-5 years old”, With. 13

3 modeling“Cucumber beetroot” Introduce techniques oval moldings. Learn to convey the features of each subject Komarov “Classes in visual activity in middle group”, With. thirty

4 modeling from plasticine "Pie" Continue to sculpt rounded objects, flattening the ball between the palms, decorate Koldin's products, p. 19

1 modeling“Large and small carrots” Learn to sculpt elongated objects. fix sculpt large and small objects Komarov, p. 28

2 modeling“Mushrooms” To consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar objects, using familiar techniques to clarify the form of Komarov, p. 36

3 modeling“Plums and Lemons” To consolidate the ability to sculpt oval-shaped objects Komarov, p. 43

4 Plasticineography “Leaves fly in the wind” To consolidate the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard

1 modeling from plasticine “Snail” Continue rolling out a column from the ball and folding it into a spiral, pulling and rounding the ends of Koldin, p. 42

2 modeling-plot “Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs ....” Learn to sculpt a hedgehog, conveying characteristic features appearance, to experiment with artistic materials when creating Lykov's prickly “fur coat”, p. 52

3 modeling based on the Dymkovo toy “Duck” Introduce toys, draw on a streamlined shape, painting by Komarov, p. 47

4 modeling based on the Hungarian fairy tale “Two greedy bear cubs” Learn to sculpt bear cubs in a constructive way (in pairs) Lykova, p. 84

1 By design Consolidate previously learned techniques in sculpting familiar objects

2 modeling“Fish” To consolidate the methods of pulling, flattening when transferring the characteristic features of a fish, to learn to designate Komarov's scales with a stack, p. 40

3 modeling“Girl in a fur coat” Learn to distinguish parts of a human figure in clothes, transfer them in compliance with the proportions of Komarov, p. 51

4 modeling from plasticine “Christmas tree green” Learn to convey the structure of the Christmas tree, connecting columns of different lengths in a certain sequence Koldina, p. 25

1 Vacation

2 modeling plot “The Snow Maiden is dancing” Learn to sculpt a Snow Maiden in a long fur coat in a rational way - from a cone., Position it vertically, giving stability. Show Lykov's movement transmission techniques, p. 68

3 modeling“Cup and saucer” Continue to sculpt the ball by pressing it into it thumb, align the edges with your fingers. Roll out the column and attach. To consolidate the ability to roll the ball and flatten Koldin, p. 18

4 modeling from plasticine “Pyramid” To consolidate the ability to roll balls different sizes and flatten them between the palms, arrange the resulting circles in a certain order Koldin, p. 41

1 Acquaintance with sculpture of small forms To acquaint with a new type of fine art - sculpture of small forms. Learn to understand the content of the sculpture and its expressive facilities. Give an idea that the sculpture is made of different material Shvaiko “Classes of visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group”, With. 76

2 modeling from plasticine "Airplanes" Continue to roll out the columns on the cardboard with forward and backward movements and connect them. Exercise in working with the Koldin stack, p. 32

3 modeling(collective)“Birds on the feeder” Learn to convey a simple pose. Learn to share your work with your peers. Komarova, p. 65

4 Modeling with additional. material “Ship” Continue to learn to roll out an oval from a ball, flatten it and press the middle with your fingers, tighten and trim the edges. Learn to complement the image with the details of Koldin, p. 22

1 modeling from plasticine “Matryoshka Family” Learn to sculpt an oval-shaped object in a plastic way, crush the craft from below for stability. Continue to acquaint with the anti-aliasing technique. To consolidate the ability to decorate a product with a bas-relief of Koldin, p. 33

2 modeling(collective)“Duck with ducklings” Continue to acquaint with Dymkovo toys. Learn to sculpt figures on a stand, conveying the difference in Komarov's size, p. 52

3 Plasticineography “Flower - seven-flower” To consolidate the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on Koldin’s cardboard, p. 35

4 modeling“Kid” Learn to sculpt a four-legged animal. Fix tricks Komarov's sculptures, With. 73

1 modeling“Round dance” To teach to depict a human figure, correctly advanced the ratio of parts with the size of Komarov, p. 63

2 modeling“The bird is pecking at grains on a saucer” Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects using Komarov’s previously learned techniques, p. 82

3 modeling"Bowl" Learn to sculpt with familiar techniques and new ones - indentation and pulling, equalizing them with Komarov's fingers, p. 70

4 modeling“Lamb” Introduce Filimonov toys. Arouse the desire to mold Komarov's toy, p. 78

1 Plasticineography “Spring rain” To consolidate the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard, complementing the drawing

2 Nelep from plasticine “Teremok” Learn to divide the columns and lay out the desired image in the form of a bas-relief. To consolidate the ability to work with the Koldin stack, p. thirty

3 modeling from plasticine using natural material “Swan on the Lake” To consolidate the ability to combine natural material and plasticine in crafts. Exercise in connecting parts of Koldin, p. 43

4 Plasticineography “Bouquet of Flowers” ​​To consolidate the ability to apply plasticine in a thin layer on cardboard

Lyubov Parshukova
Summary of modeling classes for the middle group "Bear"

Lesson summary for artistic creation (modeling) For middle group« Bear» . (4-5 years).

Educational area - thin

Target: To form aesthetic tastes, develop creativity and thinking.

Tasks: Learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, conveying characteristic features (ears, muzzle). Reinforce familiar tricks modeling: rolling, rolling, connecting parts by applying lubrication. Develop independence, nurture interest in modeling.

Integration of educational regions: cognition, physical culture, reading fiction, art, music.

Material: plasticine; boards for modeling; Images bear; toy « Bear» .

preliminary work:

reading fiction "Teremok", "Three bear» ; "Masha and bear» , talking about wintering bear, its food products, its living conditions, looking at illustrations depicting bear, guessing riddles, viewing a presentation "Wild animals".

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys today a guest will come to us, but before he appears, we must guess who it is. I will give you a riddle, and you tell me the correct answer.

Clumsy and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves cones, loves honey,

Well, who will call?

Children: Bear.

caregiver: Right! Listen, a short passage that talks about bear"Which of us does not know bear? Big, clumsy, clumsy. This is the opinion we hold about this beast. But actually the bear is not. He is very mobile and agile. Bear- a formidable forest dweller who will not let anyone down if he is not in the mood. belongs to the family bearish. Bear- a predatory mammal, swims well and climbs trees. One hit - and the bear is able to destroy another animal. Legs at bear thick, the head is massive with small ears and eyes, the color of the coat is changeable. Although bear- this is a typical predator, he loves to eat and vegetable dessert: berries, fruits, grains, grass, plant roots", but do not be afraid, our guest is very kind, he came to us from a fairy-tale land.

(there is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in a toy). Guys, we forgot to say hello to our guests, how can we greet beautifully?

Children: Hello, we are very glad to see you!

caregiver: The bear told me that he was bored alone in the den in winter, how can we help him?

Children: Come on, we blind the little ones cubs.

caregiver: But first, let's play a game with you. The game is called "Bear clubfoot", it is necessary to perform movements in accordance with the text. So, let's go to our clearing, stand around.

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

He collects cones and puts them in his pocket,

Suddenly a bump fell, right on the bear's forehead,

The bear got angry and top with his foot.

“I won’t collect bumps anymore,

I'll get in the car and go to bed!"

caregiver: It's still early for Mishka to go to bed, it's better to go to the table and see how our guys will sculpt cubs.

Children: go to the tables and sit in their seats.

caregiver: Guys, what parts does the bear consist of?

Children: torso, head, paws and tail.

caregiver: How will we sculpt the body, what does it look like?

Children: oval body.

caregiver: And the head?

Children: Round.

caregiver: Please note that the bear's muzzle is extended, and on the head there are ears! How many ears does bear? Let's count?

Children: 1 - 2. 2 ears

caregiver: I made a bear yesterday, do you want to show you?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: I pulled out the muzzle with my fingers, and made the ears by pinching plasticine. What part of the body do you think we'll start with? Explain why you think so?

Children: From the torso, because we will attach all parts of the body to it.

caregiver: And what will we sculpt after the torso is done?

Children: Let's sculpt the head.

caregiver: Here we will have a torso and a head, do we need them?

Children: Connect.

caregiver: And in order to keep our head strong, we must use the lubrication technique. What is left for us to mold so that the bear is ready?

Children: Paws and tail.

caregiver: How many paws does bear let's count.

Children: 1, 2, 3, 4 -4 paws.

caregiver: We will make them from balloons, but we need 5 balloons, what is the fifth one for?

Children: For ponytail.

caregiver: Guys, when you start working, I will turn on the music for you, it will help you unleash your creative abilities. There is plasticine on our tables, it is necessary to divide it into 3 parts, one part should be a little larger, the other two parts should be the same. From the greater part we blind the body, from the other part - the head, and we need to divide the last part into 5 more equal parts, these will be paws and tail. Let's get to work. (music is turned on, preferably the sounds of nature)

During work, the teacher gives advice to the children, if necessary, provides assistance.


Look guys how cute you got teddy bears.

(Ask the children whose work they liked and why, tactfully draw attention to the shortcomings in some works, suggest trying to avoid them next time).

Guys, let's invite our guest to choose new friends. ( bear cub gladly chooses all the children's works and thanks the children for the gifts). The children invite him to come visit again.

bear cub treats children with cookies and says goodbye.
