Computer program for the development of children of senior preschool age "flower-semitsvetik". "The program of psychological and pedagogical classes with children of preschool age "Flower-Semitsvetik"" (complex program)

Municipal educational institution

additional education children

Center for the Development of Creativity for Children and Youth

Voroshilovsky district of Volgograd

Approved by the methodical council

Director ________T.V. Koshkareva


Program of additional education for children 4-6 years old


Implementation period 2 years

Shabunina Irina Alexandrovna teacher of additional education

highest qualification category



1. Explanatory note

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1.1. Relevance of the program

1.2. Description of expected results


1.3. Organization of the activities of the circle


1.4. Forms and methods of teaching


2. Thematic plan


2.1. Thematic plan of the first year of study

2.2. Thematic plan of the second year of study


3.1. Contents of the first year program

3.2. The content of the program of the second year of study

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4. Equipment

5.Basic materials and tools


7. Literature


1 Explanatory note

This educational program was developed on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the "Convention on the Rights of the Child", model programs of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, programs of Lykova I.A. “Sculpt, fantasize, play”, Solomennikova O.A. "The Joy of Creativity" and is aimed at developing the creative potential of students.

1.1 Relevance of the program

In the context of a radical restructuring of the system of public education, subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle acquire one of the leading roles in secondary educational institutions. This is explained by the fact that the objects of this cycle and, above all, fine arts, revealing the world of beauty to students, influencing their feelings, emotions, form the spiritual world.

Children should be introduced to "great art" as early as possible. Drawing is not only pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important. With the help of fine arts, one can develop attention, memory, skills, enrich vocabulary, and develop creative abilities.

The fine arts training program for preschoolers is designed for 2 years of study for children 4-6 years old.

Fine art classes provide the richest opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities. Preschoolers learn to use pencils and felt-tip pens correctly, get acquainted with watercolors and gouache paints and their properties, with the technique of paper-plasticity, learn to use color to convey mood, state and their attitude to the depicted, convey movement, plasticity of objects. In addition, children receive the first impressions of the most important laws of composition available for a given age. great attention given to paper construction. Children learn the truly universal character of paper, discovering its amazing qualities.

Modeling classes have a complex effect on the development of the child: they increase sensory sensitivity, i.e. contribute to a subtle perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity; synchronize the work of both hands: they form the ability to plan work to implement the plan, anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, make adjustments to the original plan.

The program involves the combination of play, work and learning into one whole, which provides a single solution to cognitive and game tasks (with the leading importance of the latter). Particular attention is paid to children's team everyone's individuality. Collective works and exhibitions are indispensable for uniting a group, for developing forms of cooperation, for a natural exchange of experience among children.

Target programs - the disclosure of the creative potential of a preschooler, the creation of conditions for the self-realization of the child in creativity, embodiment in artistic work own unique traits, their individuality.

This program puts the following h adachi :

    develop an aesthetic perception of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world and an emotional attitude towards them;

    consolidate and expand the knowledge gained in kindergarten;

    to form figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express one's thoughts with the help of a drawing or a product made of paper, plasticine;

    develop color perception, visual memory, creative activity, imagination, fantasy, form a creative individuality;

    to form skills and abilities to create an artistic and expressive image, to develop general skill, fine motor skills;

    develop the ability to navigate in problem situations, the ability to synthesize and analyze.

1.2 Description of expected results

By the end first

    hold the pencil and brush correctly;

    use paints correctly;

    master the basic methods of modeling from plasticine and salt dough, be able to use an auxiliary tool;

    be able to use various means of expression (short, long, zigzag, wavy lines, dots, long and short strokes, etc.);

    be able to convey the shape (circle, square, rectangle, triangle);

    be able to convey the size of an object (large, small, even smaller) in drawing and modeling;

    convey the structure (comparison, taking into account the relative size, comparison of parts), establishing the difference in their shape, color;

    be able to mix paints to get new colors;

    learn basic paper handling techniques.

By the end second years of study, children should know and be able to:

    use poke and stamps in work;

    convey the depth of space;

    convey color as a sign of an object;

    convey the relative size and position of objects (the concept of proportions);

    convey movement (transmission of simple types of movement); make symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns; distinguish the originality of folk paintings (Khokhloma, Gorodets, Polkhov-Maidan, etc.), create patterns based on folk decorative art;

    master the main types of work with paper (cut-outs, appliqué, tear-off mosaic, three-dimensional design);

    consciously use the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom to implement their own ideas.

The effectiveness of mastering this program is evaluated by exhibitions organized by the teacher for half a year and at the end of the academic year.

1.3 Organization of the activities of the circle

The program is designed for two years of study. The first year of study is completed mainly from children 4-5 years old, the second year - 5-6 years old. The optimal number of children in a group for the successful development of the program is 10-12 people.

Mode of operation - 2 lessons per week lasting two hours: one hour - drawing, one hour - modeling (paper plastic). Total: 144 hours (72 lessons).

The term for the implementation of the educational program is 2 years.

    1. Forms and methods of teaching

The forms and methods of teaching under this program are quite diverse:

    individual work on crafts or drawings;

    collective work on one sheet or on a three-dimensional composition;

    showing the teacher the necessary variant ways of depicting certain forms, techniques;

    creating an atmosphere of creative search for the most complete disclosure of a particular artistic image;

    Exhibitions creative works;

    competitions of creative works at the level of the circle, district, city.

The basic principle of teaching: “from simple to complex”. All the tasks performed in drawing, modeling, in their totality, represent an uninterrupted series of gradually becoming more complex tasks.

All educational blocks provide not only the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of activity-practical experience. Practical tasks contribute to the development of students' creative abilities, the ability to realize their creative ideas in the field of fine and decorative arts. The program involves teaching material in an "ascending spiral", i.e. periodic return to certain topics at a higher, more complex level. The tasks in each block are adapted to the age of the students and are built taking into account their interests, capabilities and preferences. This guarantees the success of each child and, as a result, fosters self-confidence.

2 Thematic plan

2.1 Thematic plan of the first year of study

Number of hours






1. Introductory lesson





2.Paper drawing and construction





Technique "Watercolor"

Technique "Gouache"

mixed media

paper construction

3. Modeling





Object modeling

Story modeling

7. Final session










Name and content of the topic

Number of hours






1. Introductory lesson





2. Drawing and paper construction





Technique "Watercolor"

Technique "Gouache"

Technique "Colored pencils, felt-tip pen"

Technique "Ink, pen"

mixed media

paper construction

3. Modeling





Object modeling

Story modeling

Decorative molding based on folk sculpture

7. Final session










2.2 Thematic plan of the second year of study

Note. It is allowed to adjust the program during the year in accordance with the contingent of the circle of the current year.

3.1 Content of the first year program

Lesson 1. I Introductory lesson.

Theoretical part. Introduction to the educational program. Goals and objectives of the circle. Workplace organization. Introduction to materials and tools. Rules for safe work.

Materials. Boo magician, art materials, works of students of past years,

Technique "Watercolor"

Lesson 2. What do I like to draw?

Target. Reveal the individual ability of each child to convey the image with the help of lines; test the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

materials . A set of colored pencils, paper.

Lesson 3. The ship sails on the waves.

Target. Learn about watercolors, their properties and how they work.

Materials. Watercolor paints, brush No. 5, paper, boat cut out of paper, PVA glue.

Class4. Umbrellas.

Target. Introduce the concept of "primary colors", "composite colors", exercise in mixing colors to obtain a new color.

Materials. Watercolor paints, brush number 5, paper.

Lesson 5. Good and evil wizards.


Materials. Watercolor, brush, children's books with illustrations.

Lesson 6. Butterfly outfit.

Target. To encourage children to create individual artistic images, using the means of expression available to them, to acquaint them with the concept of symmetry.

Materials. Butterfly silhouette, made of white paper, watercolor, brush.

Lesson 7. Firebird.

Target. To form interest in collective activities, to exercise children in using the color contrast technique.

Materials. Panel depicting a bird with white plumage, paper blanks in the shape of a Firebird feather.

Technique "Gouache"

Lesson 8. Decorate your letter.

Target. Develop children's initiative and creativity, arouse desire

fantasize. Introduce children to gouache paints.

Materials. Gouache, paper, brushes.

Lesson 9. Cheerful clown.

Target. To teach children to convey the character of the depicted with accessible means of expression.

Materials. Gouache, whitewash, brushes, paper.

Lesson 10. Tale of the blue planet.

Target. Encourage children to use experience in their activities,

acquired by them in gouache work, to introduce the concept of "warm and cold colors".

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes, color wheel table.

Lesson 11. Winter evening.

Target. Give an idea of ​​tone.

Materials. Paper, gouache, wax crayons, brushes, reproductions of paintings on winter themes.

Lesson 12. First snow.

Target. To acquaint children with the techniques of working with gouache on a wet layer.

Materials. Gouache, brushes, paper.

Lesson 13. Beautiful tableware for dolls.

Target. Encourage children to actively experiment with visual materials, help them achieve the most expressive solution and get satisfaction from the result.

Materials. Gouache, brush No. 3, poke, silhouettes of paper dishes.

Lesson 14. Draw a portrait of your mother.

Target. Introduce children to the genre of fine art - portraiture. Keeping immediacy in a lively children's perception, help children expressively convey the image of their mother.

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes, reproductions of paintings.

Lesson for animals.

Target. Encourage independence and initiative in choosing the content of the depicted; use color as a medium

moods, states, attitudes towards the depicted.

Materials. Gouache, poke, two sheets of paper.

Lesson 16.Flying acrobats.


Materials. Paper, markers, colored pencils.

Lesson 17. Matryoshka.

Target. To develop in children creative independence, the desire to fantasize.


Lesson 18. baby book.

Target. To acquaint with the art of book design, to continue to develop children's creative independence, the desire to fantasize.

Materials. Small paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, stapler, children's books with beautiful illustrations.

Lesson 19. Mitten.

Target. Encourage children to artistically decorative activities to decorate objects. Contribute to their desire to independently come up with an ornament.

Materials. A sheet of paper with the image of a mitten, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, samples of embroidered and knitted products, decorated with orn

mixed media

Lesson 20.Fairy autumn leaf.

Target. Learn to pass the form, choose color scheme

to convey a particular topic.

Materials. Watercolor, wax crayons, a bouquet of autumn leaves.

Lesson 21. Leaf fall.

Target. Encourage children to depict nature, objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Continue to arouse children's interest in mixing colors.

Materials. Paper, watercolor, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 22. Who hides in a blot.

Target. Develop the ability to see, peer, recognize the one who is "hiding" in the spot, introduce you to "blotography".

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes, markers.

Lesson 23. Carnival mask.

Target. Arouse interest in the creation of carnival paraphernalia, the desire to take initiative and independence in decorating them (choice of color, painting elements).

Materials. Blank for a mask, watercolor, brush, felt-tip pens.

Session 24. Trees wake up in spring.

Target. Continue to encourage children to convey the beauty of nature in the drawing.

Materials. Paper, wax crayons, watercolor.

Lesson 25. Spring in the forest clearing(collective work).

Target. To continue to form in children the ability to artistically reflect the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Materials. Large sheet of paper, gouache, felt-tip pens, PVA glue

Lesson 26. Spring flowers(collective work).


Materials. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache, brushes, poke, PVA glue.

Lesson 27. Beautiful spring flowers.

Target. Introduce children to collage; to teach to convey the intended theme brightly and expressively with the help of color and materials of different textures.

Materials. Cardboard, colored paper, buttons, braid, PVA glue.

Lesson 28. Our cheerful round dance(collective work).

Target. The transfer of movement, the concept of "self-portrait". Exhibition of works.

Materials. Large sheet of paper, art materials of your choice.

paper construction

Lesson 29. Butterfly(toy on the finger).

Target. Develop children's imagination in design.


Lesson 30. Toy "Caterpillar".


Materials. Colored strips of paper, PVA glue.

Lesson 31. White bird.

Target. Continue to develop the spatial thinking of children, creative fantasy, ingenuity.

Materials. White paper, scissors, photographs of birds.

Lesson 32.Handbag.


Materials. Paper, ribbon, scissors, PVA glue

Lesson 33. Fan for the princess.

Target. To develop volumetric-spatial thinking, to teach how to perform the following operations with paper: bending, corrugating, to introduce the technique of multilayer openwork cutting.

Materials. Colored paper, scissors.

Lesson 34.New Year card" Herringbone" .


Materials. Cardboard blank, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue.

Lesson 35. Parrot(paper toy).

Target. Continue to develop spatial thinking, interest in working with paper.

Materials. Colored paper, scissors, PVA glue.

Lesson 36. Merry street.

Target. Teach with scissors, without a pattern, to cut out various characteristic shapes.

Materials. Paper, PVA glue, colored paper, scissors.

Lesson 37. Toy "Fish".

Target. Develop creative imagination, ingenuity; learn to do simple original things.

Materials. Sheets of thin paper of large sections, scissors, gouache, brushes, stapler.

III Modeling

Object modeling

Lesson 38. Sunflower And.

Target. To acquaint children with plasticine as a material for modeling, to teach the basic modeling techniques: flattening, rolling, pulling.

Materials. Plasticine.

Lesson 39.Relief "Autumn leaf".

Target. To give the concept of relief, to acquaint with the tools for modeling.

Materials. Plasticine.

Lesson 40. Relief"Flowers and Butterflies".

Target. Improve the technique of rolling, flattening and twisting.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Lesson 41.Plasticine picture on hardboard.

Target. Develop fantasy and imagination.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, hardboard.

Lesson 42.Clown.

Target. Teach the technique of sculpting on a mold using various tools, sticks, etc.

Materials. Plasticine, plastic containers.

Lesson 43.mouse.

Target. Fix modeling techniques (pulling, flattening).

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stack.

Lesson 44.Rybka.

Target. To teach to sculpt from a whole piece, to fix the techniques: pulling with modeling.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 45.Christmas gifts.

Target.n to acquaint with the technique of modeling from salt dough.

Materials and tools. Salty dough, mold for the test.

Lesson 46.Christmas gifts.

Target. To acquaint with the techniques of painting with gouache or watercolor toys from salt dough.

Materials and tools. gwash, watercolor, brushes

Lesson 47.Flowers in the water.

Target. To acquaint with the techniques of mixing pieces of plasticine of different colors to obtain new colors.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, plastic container, stack.

Lesson 48.Name letter.

Target. To introduce the technique of plasticine painting.

Materials. Plasticine, cardboard letter silhouette.

Lesson 49.Fruits.

Target. Consolidation of modeling techniques (flattening, stretching, bending), development of observation.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, cardboard, stack.

Lesson 50.Dinosaur.

Target. To teach how to apply the combined method of modeling, use moldings.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stack, plastic container.

Lesson 51.Piglet.

Target. Get to know how to design and decorate the image.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stacks, plastic container.

Lesson 52.Turtle.

Target. Consolidation of skills and abilities acquired in previous classes.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stacks, plasticine form, sticks, beads.

Story modeling

Lesson 53. fairytale palace improve the technique of rolling plasticine to obtain an elongated cylinder, to teach how to change the shape by twisting, flattening.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Lesson 54.Composition "Fish in the aquarium".

Target. Improve the ability to flatten the original shape (ball, cone) and modify it to create expressive images.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, cardboard, sticks.

Lesson 55.Composition "In the depths of the sea".

Target. To intensify the use of various modeling techniques to create marine plants, fish, etc.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stack, wire, beads.

Lessons 56, 57.Composition "Resting on the sea".

Target. To intensify the search for ways to sculpt boats and catamarans, people on the move.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, stacks, beads, cardboard.

Lessons 58, 59.Composition "Starry sky".

Target. Continue mastering relief modeling.

Materials. Plasticine, beads, cardboard.

Lessons 60, 61. Composition "UFO and aliens".

Target. Arouse interest in sculpting images fantasy world and develop a sense of composition.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Lesson explorers.

Target. Improve the ability to sculpt a person, aim at the image of characteristic equipment.

Materials. Plasticine, cardboard.

- decorative molding based on folk sculpture

Lesson 63. d decorative plate.

Target. To acquaint with decorative folk plasticity, to give an idea of ​​the ornament.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 64.h ai service.

Target. To introduce the method of sculpting from rings.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Filimonov toy

Lesson 65.P cockerel.

Target. To acquaint children with the Filimonovo toy, to teach them how to use the sculptural and combined modeling methods in the manufacture of the Cockerel toy.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 66. Hen.


Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.


Target. To fix the techniques for making a Filimonovo toy, the techniques of pulling, pinching.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Dymkovo toy A


Target. Introduce children to Dymkovo toy, teach how to sculpt a horse in a sculptural way, apply the techniques of pulling, pinching, rolling flagella, weaving braids, moldings.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 69.Lady.

Target. Fix modeling techniques: pulling, pinching, rolling flagella, braiding, sticking.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 70.Lamb.

Target. Learn to sculpt different animals based on one generalized form.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 71. Deer.

Target. Strengthen skills and abilities. learned in previous lessons.

Materials and tools. Plasticine, sticks.

Lesson 72.

Final lesson.

3.2 Second year program content

Lesson 1. Introductory lesson.

Theoretical part. Introduction to the educational program. Goals and objectives of the circle. Workplace organization. TB rules.

Materials. Paper, paints, brushes, works of students from previous years. Safety Instructions.

II Drawing and paper construction

Technique "Watercolor"

Lesson 2 . Semi-flower .

Target. Exercise in mixing colors, classifying colors and shades.

materials .

Class3 . merry sea.

Target. To introduce children to the technique of working with a smear.

Materials. Paper, watercolor paints, brushes.

Lesson 4.Branch with autumn leaves.

Target. Cause an emotional response to the beauty of autumn nature.

Materials. Paper, watercolors, brushes.

Lesson 5. Autumn rain.

Target. Continue learning how to work with watercolors.

Materials. Paper, watercolors.

Lesson 6. We Dance.

Target. Learn how to convey movement in a drawing.

Materials. Paper, felt-tip pens, watercolor.

Lesson 7. Autumn in the city.

Target. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in previous lessons.

Materials. Paper, watercolor.

Lesson 8. Beautiful name.

Target. Encourage children to create individual artistic images with accessible means of expression.

Materials. Paper, watercolors, gouache, brushes.

Technique "Gouache»

Class9 . Blue flowers.

Target. Introduce children to the products of Gzhel masters. Encourage children to get different shades of blue on the palette.

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 10.magic rainbow.

Target. Continue to exercise children in mixing paints to get new colors, introduce the concept of "color wheel".

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 11. magic carpet(collective work).

Target. Encourage children to use the means of expression known to them to create a colorful image

Materials. Large format paper, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 12 . "Decorate the plate."

Target. Introduce children to elementary rules constructing an ornament.

Materials. Cardboard plate, gouache, brush No. 3.

Class13 . « Gorodets flowers.

Target. To acquaint with the work of Gorodets masters, to ensure that children receive various shades of blue and pink.

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes.

Class14. magic bird.

Target. To form an interest in folk art.

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 15.Light and dark.

Target. Continue to introduce the concept of tone.

Materials. Paper, gouache, brushes.

Lesson 16.We are wizards.

Target. Develop the ability to see, peer, recognize what

hides in a stain, continue to get acquainted with inkblotography.

Materials. Black paper, blue and white gouache, brushes.

Technique "Colored pencils, felt-tip pen"

Class17 . Album for a little artist.

Target. Encourage children to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Keep developing your imagination.

Materials. White paper, felt-tip pens, stapler.

Lesson 18. Enchanted city.

Target. Develop the imagination of children, encourage them to create images on the plot of the poem.

Materials, tools. Paper with painted outlines of houses, colored pencils, felt-tip pens

Technique "Ink, pen"

Lesson 19. Autumn trees.

Target. Encourage children to independently transfer images of objects using available funds expressiveness. To introduce the technique of "Ink, pen."

Materials, tools. Paper, ink, pen.

Lesson 20. Lacy fish.

Target. To teach to convey signs of unusual, fabulous images with the help of various means expressiveness - lines, spots, decorative elements, colors.

Materials, tools. Ink, watercolors, pen, paper.

mixed media

Lesson 21. House from a fairy tale.

Target. Develop creativity and ingenuity

Materials. White and colored paper, felt-tip pens, PVA glue

Lesson 22. Unusual artists.

Target. Encourage children to create objects for games.

Materials, tools. Cardboard, white and colored paper, felt-tip pens.

Lesson 23.Turn your patch into....

Target. To develop in children creative independence, desire


Materials, tools. Sheets of paper with pieces of fabric glued on them, felt-tip pens.

Class24 . Houses for three piglets.

Target. Teach children to convey space.

Materials. Paper, watercolor, gouache.

Lesson 25. Flowers for mom.

Target. Encourage children to actively experiment with visual materials.

materials, tools. Wax crayons, watercolor, paper, brushes, gouache.

Lesson 26.Big and small animals.

Target. Encourage children to use in their activities the experience they gained with gouache paint. Transfer the size of the image (large, small, even smaller).

Materials, tools. Paper, watercolor, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.

Lesson 27.magic pictures.

Target. Encourage to establish similarities between abstract pieces of fabric and objects, obtaining a complete image by drawing.

Materials, tools. Sheets of paper with glued pieces of fabric, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, pieces of ribbon, PVA glue.

Class28. Unusual still life.

Target. Continue acquaintance with collage, teach how to convey expressively and vividly with the help of color and materials of different textures

intended topic.

Materials. Cardboard, colored paper, buttons, ribbon, PVA glue, pieces of fabric.

paper construction

Lesson 29. Toy "Elephant".

Target. To interest children in the opportunity to create objects for themselves for games.

Materials. Colored paper, PVA glue.

Class30 . Toy "Dinosaur».

Target. Continue to develop children's imagination in design.


Lesson 31.Tiger toy.

Target. Continue to develop children's spatial thinking

Materials. Colored paper, felt-tip pens, scissors, PVA glue.

Lesson 32. New Year's souvenir "Herringbone".

Target. To evoke a joyful mood in children on the eve of the holiday and a desire to bring joy to relatives.

Materials, tools. Cardboard, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, confetti.

Lesson 33. Flying birds.

Target. Continue to develop spatial thinking and interest in working with paper.

Materials. Colored paper, cardboard, PVA glue.

Lesson 34.Toy "Kitten".

Target. Continue to develop spatial-figurative thinking, improve paper skills.

Materials, tools. Colored paper, PVA glue, scissors.

Lesson 35.New Year's headdress.

Target. Arouse interest in the creation of carnival paraphernalia, the desire to show independence when decorating them.

Materials. Paper, watercolors, brushes, markers.

Class36 . Handbag.

Target. Continue to arouse children's interest in creating the right thing. Provide independence in its decoration.

Materials. Paper, braid, PVA glue.

III Modeling

Object modeling

Class37. Sculpting vegetables and fruits by observation.

Target. To teach children to analyze and reproduce the shape of an object.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class38. What does it look like?

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class39 . New figures.

Target. To teach children to create new schematic images from several ready-made forms, to develop associative thinking.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sets of different shapes molded from plasticine (ball, disk, etc.), stacks.

Class40. My name.

Target. to consolidate the idea of ​​the outline of printed letters, to teach how to convey the configuration of familiar letters by plastic means, to orient the search for different design options.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Class41. Miraculous shells.

Target. to improve the ability to modify the original shape (ball, oval, etc.) to create expressive images.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class42 . Flower vase.

Target. Keep bringing the kids to independent creation in modeling artistic images, to learn how to decorate fashioned products with the help of moldings.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, plastic mold.

Class43. Stand for brushes.

Target. To form confidence in oneself and one's abilities, to promote the setting of new goals in mastering activities and help to achieve the desired result.

Materials. Salty dough.

Class44. Decoration as a gift for mom.

Target. Help children select and use means of expression to decorate molded products in accordance with the shape of the object.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks, beads.

Class45. Tea-set.

Target. to improve the ability to modify the original shape (cylinder, ball, cone) to create expressive images.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class46. Vase and planter.

Target. to improve the ability to sculpt from rings, to consolidate the concept of ornament.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class47. small house.

Target. to teach children to “design” houses, boats, caskets using the plasticine modeling method.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class48 . Carriage for the princess.


Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class48. Carriage for the princess.

Target. To consolidate the ability to sculpt from plasticine, to focus on the search for different design options.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Story modeling

Class49. To (hare and bun).

Target. Develop imagination and sense of composition.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class50. To composition based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"(wolf and bun).

Target. To teach children to convey the semantic connection between the characters of the composition.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class51. To composition based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"(fox and bun).

Target. To consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in previous lessons.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, sticks, stacks.

Class52. Starry sky.

Target. Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling. and to encourage the search for means and techniques of modeling (twisting and twisting of elongated cylinders, the imposition of layers).

Materials, tools. p plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Class53 . sparkling fish.

Target. Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling. Improve the ability to decorate crafts with spots, dots, scales, stripes, etc.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class54 . Secrets of the sea.

Target. Arouse interest in sculpting images of the underwater world, develop imagination and a sense of composition.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class55. Scuba divers.

Target. To encourage the search for means of expression for a more unusual disclosure of familiar images, to develop the ability to sculpt a person in motion.

Materials, tools.

Class56 . We rest on the sea.

Target. To encourage the search for means of expression to convey the plasticity of waves, to develop the ability to sculpt a person in motion.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, wire, stacks.

Class57 . Traveling around the world ver

Target. Encourage independent search for ways to sculpt northern animals.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class58 . Journey north.

Target. Develop the ability to sculpt a person in motion.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class59 . Composition based on "The Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Target. Arouse interest in sculpting images of fairy-tale characters, develop fantasy and imagination.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class60. Starry sky.

Target. To acquaint children with the method of incomplete mixing of plasticine of different colors in one lump to obtain a "marble" color.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Class61. starry sky.

Target. Continue mastering the technique of relief modeling, encourage the search for tools and techniques for modeling (twisting, twisting elongated cylinders, layering).

Materials, tools. p plasticine, cardboard, stacks.

Class62 . Zoo.

Target. Arouse interest in the image of animals, consolidate the ability to sculpt from a whole piece.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Decorative molding

Class63. Teapot image.

Target. to encourage children to create unusual objects, to introduce the art of Gzhel masters.

Materials, tools. p plasticine, stacks.

Class64. Turkey.

Target. To introduce children to the technique of clay modeling.

Materials. Clay.

Class65. R paint with gouache toys "Turkey".

Target. Consolidation of the concept of "ornament", acquaintance with the ornament of the Dymkovo toy.

Materials. Gouache, brushes.

Class66 . Horse rider.

Target. To consolidate the ability to create many toys on one generalized model.

Materials, tools. Clay, stacks.

Class67. Horse with foal.

Target. To consolidate the ability to sculpt from a whole piece.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Class68 . Water carrier.

Target. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a Dymkovo doll, to teach how to complement the images with characteristic attributes.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Class69. Nanny.

Target. Consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Class70 . Harmonist.

Target. The development of fantasy and imagination.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Class71. Carousel toy».

Target. To develop the ability to work in a group, to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in previous classes.

Materials, tools. Plasticine, stacks.

Lesson 72.Final session.

Summarizing. Exhibition of works.

4. Equipment

    Tables-easels - 12 pieces, chairs - 12 pieces, cabinets for storing materials and tools.

5. Basic materials and tools

    brushes, pencils, paints (gouache, watercolor), wax crayons, felt-tip pens, paper (A 3, A 4), colored paper, PVA glue, plasticine, stacks, cardboard.

This program can be used to organize the work of additional education associations. The program can be successfully implemented only if the above-mentioned material and technical base is available. A necessary element of the implementation of the program is the availability of an information and methodological base:

    drawings and crafts of students of previous years of classes indicating the last name and first name of the author, the year the work was created in accordance with the sections of the program;

    methodical posters;

    illustrative material;

    safety instructions.

7. Literature

    Alda, Salt dough - M .: ROSMEN - PRESS, 2008.

    Beltyukova N., Petrov S.: Learning to sculpt - M .: EKSMO - PRESS, 2001

    Baymashova V.A. How to teach to draw flowers, berries, insects -M: Scriptorium, 2008.

    Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood

M: "Enlightenment", 1991.

    Galanov A.S. Classes with preschoolers in fine arts - M .: Creative Center, 2000.

    Dronova T.N. Nature, art and visual activity.

M.: Education, 1999.

    June Jackson Paper crafts - M: ROSMEN, 1996.

    Melik-Pashaev A.A., Novlyanskaya Z.N. Steps to creativity.

Moscow: Art at school, 1995.

    Ed. Komarova T.S. Teaching methodology visual activity and construction. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

10. Lebedeva E.G. simple crafts from paper and plasticine - M .: AIRIS-PRESS, 2007.

11. Lykova I. A. Sculpt, fantasize, play - M .: Sphere, 2000

12. Polunina V.N. Art and children. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

13. Chernysh I. Amazing paper - M.: AST - PRESS, 2000.

Current page: 1 (the book has 6 pages in total)




(Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V., Tuzaeva A.S., Kozlova I.A.)

Obviously, the development of the child must begin with early age. The preschool period is sensitive for the development of many mental processes. Elementary moral ideas and feelings, the simplest behavioral skills acquired by the child during this period, from the “natural”, according to L.S. Vygotsky, should become "cultural", i.e. turn into higher psychological functions and become the foundation for the development of new forms of behavior, rules and norms.

Today there is a large number of theoretical and methodological literature concerning the development of the child, but there is no single psychological program for preschool children. Notebooks are published on a printed basis for preschoolers, in which the pedagogical and psychological material is not structured, there is no clear separation of pedagogical and psychological tasks. At the same time, most preschool educational institutions have a psychologist on their staff, and psychological classes with children are singled out as a special form of work. In this regard, contradictions arise in the work of teachers and psychologists, which hinder the establishment of continuity. We have made an attempt to generalize and structure various approaches regarding the mental development of a preschool child, taking into account age and individual characteristics. This will allow to come to a more effective interaction between the teacher and the psychologist.

The novelty of this program lies in the fact that it provides for continuous psychological support and development of the child throughout the preschool age, taking into account the dynamics of the development of each mental process and each sphere of the psyche by months during each year. The main idea of ​​our work in integration and systematization psychological material, which involves the unification of various areas of activity of a psychologist of a preschool educational institution.

Goals and objectives of the program "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik"


Creating conditions for natural psychological development child.


1. Development of the emotional sphere. Introduction of the child into the world of the child into the world of human emotions.

2. Development of communication skills necessary for the successful development of the communication process.

3. Development of the volitional sphere - arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation necessary for successful schooling.

4. Development of the personal sphere - the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence.

5. Development of the intellectual sphere - the development of mental skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.

6. Formation of positive motivation for learning.

7. Development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

The conceptual basis of the program "Flower-Semitsvetik"

The reflexive-activity approach allows solving the problems of the development of mental functions through the use various kinds activities appropriate for this age.

In our work, we adhered to the idea of ​​an uncritical humane attitude to the inner world of every child (K. Rogers).

The principle of a personality-oriented approach (G.A. Tsukerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili) offers the choice and construction of material based on the individuality of each child, focusing on his needs and potentialities.

Increasing efficiency is based on the ideas of step-by-step formation of actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina).

Forms of work with children within the framework of the program "Flower-seven-flower"

This program is designed to work with children from 3 to 7 years old in preschool educational institutions.

Group lessons:

The composition of groups and the duration of classes depends on the age category.

Number of children in the group

Lesson time

5-6 people

6-7 people

7-8 people

8-10 people

The sequence of presentation of topics and the number of hours on each topic may vary depending on the interest of the children and the results of the psychologist's observations.

The construction of a program for each age period is focused on meeting the leading need and is based on the development of the leading mental process or sphere of the psyche.

In particular:

3 - 4 years - perception;

4 - 5 years - perception, emotional sphere;

5 - 6 years - emotional sphere, communicative sphere;

6 - 7 years - personal sphere, volitional sphere.

Tasks for the development of mental processes (memory, attention, imagination, thinking), as well as for the development of the volitional and psychophysiological spheres are selected in accordance with the topics of the classes.

Classes are held in rooms in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

Class equipment

– Audio-video library;

- music library and film library;

- desktop - printed games;

- object toys;

- colored crayons;

- plasticine;

- paints, pencils, felt-tip pens;

- writing and colored paper;

- construction material;

Principles of conducting classes

– Consistency of material supply

– visualization of training;

- the cyclical construction of the lesson;

- availability;

- problematic;

- the developing and educational nature of the educational material.

Each session contains the following steps.


1. Organizational stage- creating an emotional mood in the group;

exercises and games to attract the attention of children;

2. Motivational stage- finding out the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic; message about the topic of the lesson; the appearance of the character;

3. Practical stage– submission of new information based on existing data;

tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory,

thinking, imagination) and creativity;

practicing the acquired skills in practice;

4. Reflective stage– generalization of new material; summarizing the lesson.

Individual work:

Includes input (at the beginning of the year), intermediate (in the middle school year) and control (at the end of the year) diagnostics of cognitive processes; emotional, personal and volitional spheres. Its results can be used in individual approach to the child in the classroom, in drawing up a correctional program and in advising parents and teachers.

Working with parents of childrenprogram participants:

Provides for the involvement of parents in creating conditions in the family that contribute to the most complete assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom and their implementation in Everyday life; educational work with parents in the form of lectures, workshops and round tables.

Psychological well

"Flower-seven-flower" for children 3-4 years old

At the age of three, a child experiences an age crisis that is significant for his development and socialization. little preschooler for the first time, he begins to realize his autonomy and individuality, strives for independence, understands that he can do a lot on his own, without the help of an adult. Vivid manifestations of the "crisis of three years" are: negativism, stubbornness, obstinacy.

At the age of three, children develop an interest in joint play activities, there is a transition from "playing side by side" to "playing together". The emotional and sensory-perceptual sphere of the child is actively developing.

The main activity of three-year-olds is the game.

Psycho tasks logic course for children 3-4 years

Create conditions for the manifestation of all types of activity of the child.

Create conditions for the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Contribute to the development of different ways of interacting with adults and peers in the game and everyday communication.

Develop the ability to subordinate your actions to rules.

Encourage emotional responsiveness. Susceptibility.

Develop the first "moral emotions": good _ bad.

Contribute to the formation of positive self-esteem.

Age features of children 3-4 years old

Leading need- in communication, in respect; in recognizing the autonomy of the child.

Leading activity- game.

The transition from a manipulative game to a role-playing game.

Leading function- perception.

Age features:

Crisis 3 years. Formation of the "I system".

The development of imagination through the development of the function of replacing one object with another.

The emergence of the semantic structure of consciousness.

The child achieves a new status, as a result of which he shows stubbornness and negativism.

Development happens through communication. With an adult, communication becomes extra-situational and cognitive.

Holds attention for 7-8 minutes.

Can perform mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization.

With a new activity, a step-by-step explanation is needed (do as I do).

Goals and objectives for adults:

Help to master different ways interaction with adults and peers in the game and in everyday communication.

To promote the manifestation of all types of activity of the child.

To form the first "moral emotions": good - bad.

Develop the ability to follow the rules.

To form the ability to empathize, sympathize. Build emotional responsiveness.

6. Contribute to the formation of a positive self-esteem of the child in the process of communicating with an adult.


The assimilation of primary moral norms.


The emergence of partnerships.

Age norms for the mental development of a child by 4 years

(performance criteria)


Red, blue, green, yellow, brown, black, white

Ball - circle, cube - square, triangle

Recognition, naming, correlation


Big - small, long - short, high - low, wide - narrow, thick - thin

Recognition, naming, correlation


Far - close, high - low

Recognition, naming, correlation

emotional state

Joy, sadness, anger

Recognition, naming, correlation


Visual figurative: volume - 4-5 items.

Auditory figurative: volume - 3-4 sounds.

Auditory verbal: volume - 4 words.

Tactile: volume - 3-4 items.


Volume - 4 items.

Stability - 10-12 minutes.

Concentration: finding the contour of a known object in the drawing with a high hatching density, the contour of an unknown object - with a weak hatching.



Coloring or drawing according to the idea (for example, draw a sun, paint a Christmas tree), modeling on assignment (for example, roll up a ball - an adult does not show)

with creative elements

Drawing, making applications, drawing up a pattern or an object from small details without a sample (for example, figure out who lives in the country of circles), sculpting objects or living beings with visual instructions.

Use of replacement items in the game

Development of the intellectual sphere


Description of the subject according to known features.

Completion of tasks: "find the sixth" and "logical chains" (by one or two signs).

Exception based on all generalizations studied.

visual synthesis 3 parts without support on the sample and 4 parts with visual support or overlay on the sample.

Comparison objects by color, shape, size, location in space, emotional state based on visual perception.

When comparing, the child should be able to independently identify 3 similarities and 3 differences.


by color, shape, size, emotional state;

animals, toys, fruits, vegetables, clothes, shoes.

Performing a concretization operation based on available generalizations.

To the question: what animals do you know? (toys, fruits, etc.), the child should be able to independently name 4-5 objects (for example, animals: cat, dog, tiger, giraffe, wolf).


by color - 3 shades;

in size - 5 items;

by location in space - 3 positions;

a series of consecutive pictures to a famous fairy tale - 4 pictures.


Based on the available generalizations on one basis - independently.

emotional sphere

Naming, recognition by the pictogram of emotional states joy, sadness, anger.

Knowledge of some ways of expressing these emotional states (through drawing, vocalization, facial expressions, gestures and expressive movements).

Communication sphere

The ability to address a peer and an adult by name, to take on various roles in a game invented by an adult.

Will sphere

Accept and hold 2 rules in a game situation.

Psychophysiological sphere

The ability to paint over objects inside the contour.

The ability to string small objects (beads) on the wood.

The ability to mold small and large objects from plasticine or clay.

The ability to depict various emotional states with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Thematic planning of psychological classes

for children from 3 to 4 years old

(1 lesson per week for 20 minutes, 31 lessons in total)


The top of the lesson

Number of hours



Let's be friends

Rules of conduct in the classroom

me and my group

Dictionary of emotions

autumn holiday

Color perception. Generalization: vegetables, fruits

Form perception

Perception of size (big - small)

hello winter



New Year's celebration

Size perception (wide-narrow)

Size perception (long-short)

Fairy tale "Runaway toys". Generalization: toys

Tale "Teremok". Generalization: animals

K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief". Generalization: tableware

L.F. Voronkova "Masha confused". Generalization: clothes, shoes

Dandelion Boys

Chorus girls

Fairy tale "Three Bears". Generalization: furniture

Fairy tale "Turnip". Friendship, mutual assistance

Land of Imagination

April Fool's Day

Hello Spring. Generalization: insects

Final diagnostics

Final diagnostics




Lesson 1

Subject: Acquaintance

Target And:

introduce children to each other;

create a positive atmosphere in the classroom.

materials: toy Bunny (bibabo doll), hoop, umbrella, musical accompaniment, ball, flower meadow, paper flowers, glue stick, green marker, bubble.


I stage. Organizational

1 . Greetings

In the hall, the guys are met by the Bunny and invites them to the lesson.

Hello guys! Let's get acquainted. My name is (acting psychologist). And what is your name? ( psychologist meets each child) From this day on, we will meet, play together, draw, talk. Today my old friend Ushastik will help me.

II stage. Motivational

1. The appearance of the character

Ushastik welcomes each child by the hand, gets acquainted, offers his help in holding games.

Game "Carousels"

Ushastik puts a hoop in the middle of the carpet, and invites the guys to stand around him .

Barely, barely, barely, The merry-go-rounds spun.

And then, then, then All run, run, run. Let's run, let's run

Run, run.

Hush, hush, do not rush Carousel os-ta-but-vi-te.

One - two, one - two, That's the end of the game.

moving slowly

Rate of speech and movement

are accelerating

Slow down the pace

Everyone stopped

bowed to each other

III stage. Practical

1. Dynamic pause "Bunnies» (on the carpet)

Girls and boys,

Imagine that you are bunnies.

One two three four five,

The hare began to jump.

The bunny jumped all day

Bunny is not too lazy to jump.

The game "Sun and rain"

Eeyore finds an umbrella and asks the children to say what it is for.

Psychologist: Come on, Ushastik, hide under an umbrella, and you guys also hide, and we will not be afraid of the rain!

Ushastik: Guys, when I open the umbrella, we will all hide under it. And as soon as the umbrella closes, we will again run and jump across the clearing. It's clear?

Psychologist: The cloud closed the sun,

Wet our kids!

Come on, everyone run here,

I will cover you with an umbrella!

Ushastik: We all hide under an umbrella.

Psychologist: The cloud hid behind the forest,

The sun is watching from heaven.

And so clean, warm, radiant.

Ushastik: The rain has passed, you can go for a walk!

Exercise "Let's meet"

Ushastik: You ran, tired:

Bunnies jumped,

We played with an umbrella ....

Let's all sit in a circle.

What's my friend here? ( Ushastik gets the ball)

We will roll the ball to each other. To whom he rolls, he will say loudly his name. He will tell you what his name is affectionately at home, what he loves.

A psychologist or a bunny show a sample answer.

Ushastik: My name is Ushastik, my mother calls me Zainka, I like to walk, jump, gnaw carrots. Catch the ball, Misha!

Game "Bunny"

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears.

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,

Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws.

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this, the bunny needs to jump.

The wolf scared the bunny, the gray bunny rode away!

The music plays loudly, we will run, jump deftly.

Ushastik: How are we going to jump? That's how!

Psychologist: And as soon as it stops, Bunny sits down and sits.

Ushastik: Everyone sat down? Well done!

5. Teamwork"Flower field"

A clearing blank hangs on the board, over which butterflies fly, the sun is shining, but there are no flowers. Flower blanks are laid out nearby.

Guys, can you help us plant beautiful flowers to the meadow? Look at our flowers.

Eared: Choose the one that you like the most. Let's take turns. Dasha, take a flower, glue it, and draw a stem for it, please. This is the flower Dasha planted! To whom, Dasha, will you give the felt-tip pen? (Children take turns gluing flowers.)

Psychologist: Wonderful, we got a very beautiful clearing!

Game "Inflate, Bubble!"

Guys, do you want to know Ushastik's favorite pastime? He will tell you in your ear (in turn in a circle, the children speak in each other's ear), and then we will all say in unison what kind of activity it is. ("blow bubbles")

Let's blow bubbles too. (children catch)

And I know another very interesting game: Hold hands, stand in a circle, make the circle small, small. Now we say the words and "inflate the bubble"

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

stay like this

Don't crash!

IV stage. reflective

Dynamic pause

Ushastik invites the guys to do exercises - a resting place:

Repeat all movements after me.

We raise our hands up, and then we lower them,

And then we will separate them, and we will soon press them to ourselves.

And then faster, faster, clap, clap more cheerfully.

2. Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

Ushastik is interested in children, what did they like the most? Then he says goodbye to everyone. ("Ball Helper")

Psychologist and children sing a song saying goodbye with a ball to each child in a circle : (the psychologist mints a real ball, and the children imaginary)

The ball rolled and jumped along the path,

Jump-jump, jump-jump into Katya's (child's name) palms.

Goodbye, Katya! (psychologist says)

Goodbye, I.O. psychologist! (child says)

Say goodbye to Bunny, a psychologist.

Lesson 2

Subject: Let's be friends

Target And:

1. continue to introduce children to each other;

2. rally the group;

3. form a positive attitude towards the content of the lesson.

materials: Hare toy, ball, colored pencils, worksheets, hoop


I stage. Organizational


II stage. Motivational

1. The mobile game "Locomotive of Friendship"

The psychologist invites the children to go to visit their friend Ushastik on the train of friendship. The psychologist, paying attention to the distinctive external signs of children, invites everyone to take their place.

“The pea, which came in a green blouse, will go to the first trailer,” etc.

The movement of the train can be accompanied by the following song:

The train rushes and rumbles

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock

The machinist is busy

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo..

The train rushes down the mountain

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

For children, the second car

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

The train rushes through the fields

Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

Hey flowers water fields

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo.

2. The appearance of the Ushastik character.

Ushastik welcomes children and gives them hearts, which differ in size and color, as a sign of friendship. Children need to find the same among those left by Ushastik and glue them together.

Then he offers to meet and play with his friends.

III stage. Practical

Dynamic pause "Animal Charge"

One - squat, two - jump,

And again squat, and then jump again.

This is a rabbit load.

The birds jump like they're dancing

Birds flutter their wings

And take off without looking back.

This is a bird load.

And the foxes, when they wake up,

They like to stretch for a long time.

Be sure to yawn

Well, wag your tail.

And the wolf cubs bend their backs

And jump lightly.

Well, the bear is clubfoot,

Paws wide apart,

One, then both together

Long time treading water.

And who has little charge,

We start everything from the beginning.

2. Finger gymnastics "Friendship", explanation of the rules of sitting at the table

Fingers do exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in the albums

Will draw again.

clench and unclench fists

shake hands in the air

clap your hands

Repeat the exercise several times.

Quest "Hide and Seek"(on forms)

Look carefully at the picture, find and circle those animals with which you did exercises.

4. Task "Labyrinth"(on forms)

Take Ushastik to your friends.

5. Game "Carousels"

Ushastik: Guys, did you like my friends and our friendly games? What games do you play?

See activity 1

6. Game "Inflate, Bubble"

See activity 1

IV stage. reflective

Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

See activity 1

Lesson 3

Subject: Rules of conduct in the classroom


continue to introduce children to each other;

development of communication skills necessary for communication;

development of cultural communication skills;

development of arbitrariness (the ability to listen to the instructions of an adult, to follow the rules of the game).

materials: Pig toy (bibabo doll), game "Let's say hello!" (how animals greet: you can use paired animal toys or paired cards with the image of animals), the game "what's good, what's bad", musical accompaniment, sports bridge

Plan :

I stage. Organizational


The psychologist invites children to greet each other with the help of a “helper ball”. Everyone stands in a circle, betrays the ball to a neighbor, greeting and calling him by name.

II stage. Motivational

The appearance of the character Pig.

Today we got to school with Aunt Pig.

Pig: Hello! Guys, I want to teach you politeness, neatness and good manners. After all, although they often say that we pigs are dirty, this is far from the case. We are very clean, courteous and courteous. We have a lot to learn. Today I want to introduce you to the rules of conduct in the classroom. Although they can be performed both at home and on the street, and at a party and wherever you are.

III stage. Practical

1. The game "Let's say hello"

Now we say hello. This is the first rule:

You come to work

You will study, go!

say hello to everyone

Don't forget first!

What does it mean: that always, when you come somewhere, or meet someone, you must definitely ....? (Greet)

Well done. But people greet with words, and animals? Animals also say hello, only in their own way.

Let's remember how animals greet.

I will give you pictures of animals, they greet in their own way. We remember how.

Now the animals will meet and greet each other. The same animals will meet: a horse with a horse, a cow with a cow, a mouse with a mouse. For example, a mouse will meet another mouse and say to it: "Pee-pee-pee-pee."

2. Dynamic pause "Dance in a circle"

You don't hurt your friends

Don't fight or push.

Let's see how you remember this rule. Repeat after me! Don't forget the rule.

We'll go right now

And then let's go left.

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all be back.

We quietly swear

And let's hang out a little.

We will rise slowly

And let's jump lightly.

Let our feet dance

And clap their hands.

Let's turn right

Why not start over?

Repeat the exercise several times.

The game "Who called?"

Don't be rude to anyone

Call everyone by name.

What does this mean? It is not nice and not cultural to call names, everyone should be called by name.

Pig: And to check how well you have learned this and remembered each other's names, we will play an interesting game.

Dasha stands in the center of the circle. Everyone else is around him. Then we go around the circle, saying.

We played, we played

And now they are in a circle.

Dasha close your eyes

Who called you - find out!

One of the players says: "Hello, Dasha!" In response, the driver calls his name. If he guessed right, then they change places with the one who shouted: if not, the game continues.

4. Mobile game "Please"

Pig: Here's another rule:

We will learn to listen

When someone speaks.

You will only speak

When your friend is silent.

Listen to an adult very carefully,

And everything will work out just fine for you.

What does it mean? You need to listen carefully to the teacher, do not interrupt, then you will do everything right. When a friend or other adult is talking. Interrupting him is ugly, you have to wait until he finishes talking and then say.

And you know, Pig, our guys are very well-mannered and know the Magic words. Guys, let's remember the magic polite words. (remember and call) Well done!

Pig: Guys, I will give you various tasks, and you will have to complete them, but only if I say "please." If I do not say this magic word, you will simply stand still and do nothing.)

Raise right hand please, etc.

sit down

stand up



spin around

clap your hands

Raise your left hand

Stand on 1 foot

Spread your arms to the sides

5. Finger gymnastics "Friendship", explanation of the rules of sitting at the table

Fingers do exercises

To be less tired.

And then they are in the albums

Will draw again.

four rhythmic hand claps

clench and unclench fists

shake hands in the air

clap your hands

6 . Exercise"What's good, what's bad" (on the form)

Pig: Guys, I have one more task for you: now we will perform an interesting task.

Help Pinocchio improve. Look and tell whether he is doing well or badly. Cross out the pictures in which he does bad things.

(Children take turns telling the situation depicted in the picture, and reasoning is it good or bad.)

7. Task "Riddles"(on the form)

Guess the riddles of Pinocchio. Find the shadow of each object.

8. Game "Polite Bridge"

Amazing! Now imagine that we have a river in front of us. Should we go to the other side? How? (over the bridge)

Okay, but our bridge is unusual. To pass through it, you need to name the magic word. It's clear? Now you will take turns calling the magic word, and go to the other side.

Pig: Do not forget about the rules:

We don't argue, we take turns

We listen to a friend, do not interrupt him

We do not offend each other, we do not push

IV stage. reflective

1. Summing up, reflection, farewell ritual

Pig: This concludes our lesson, I have one more rule to tell you. I think you can guess what this rule is.

Here the lesson is over

See you soon.

We will tell all friends and adults

Friendly: "Goodbye!"

Goodbye, guys! Come to my school, we will definitely learn something very interesting and useful.

Psychologist: Goodbye, Aunt Pig! It's time for us guys to move on. Well done! I really hope that you will use all the rules that Aunt Pig introduced you to. Introduce your parents to them. Goodbye!

Lesson 4

Subject: me and my group

Target And:

1. introduce children to each other, rally the group;

2. include children in situations of interaction to solve problematic practical problems;

3. create conditions for the active perception of emotionally rich material by children.

materials: Hare toy (Bibabo doll), toy hares by the number of children, “magic wand”, task sheets, colored pencils


I stage. Organizational


The psychologist invites children to greet each other with the help of a “helper ball”. Everyone stands in a circle, betrays the ball to a neighbor, greeting and calling him by name.

II stage. Motivational

The appearance of the character - Ushastik

Ushastik turns to the children for help: to find his friends - bunnies, who scattered throughout the office.

III stage. Practical

1. The game "Hide and Seek"

Toy hares are placed in various places in the room: on the floor, on shelves, on window sills, etc. Some toys are easy for children to pick up, while others cannot be reached on their own. It is important to pay attention to the actions of children when they try to get a toy that is inaccessible to them, to provide them with assistance in a timely manner..

(children take turns looking for hares)

2. Excursion around the office.

Ushastik: You are so skillful, independent, everything works out for you!

Psychologist: Ushastik, everything turns out because our group is very friendly. If you want, we will show you our band, tell you what we like to do, how we play.

Ushastik: Of course, this is interesting.

The psychologist together with the children organizes a mini tour of the office. They tell the Hare what types of activities they are engaged in in a certain area: a board, a table, a carpet, etc.

The game "If you likeyea do it» (on the carpet)

Each in turn shows the movement, the rest repeat it. The game is accompanied by a song.

If you like it, then do it. (2 times)

If you like it, show it to someone else

If you like it, then do it.

Finger gymnastics "Friendship"

See activity 2

Task "Artists" (on the form)

Color only those items that are needed for drawing.

Task "Find differences"(on the form)

Drawing items will help you complete the next task.

Find the differences between the pictures, color the one you like the most.

Game "Magic Wand"

Guys, I have a magic wand that can do wonders for your body.

The psychologist touches the child's hand with a wand. The child shows what movements the hand can do it, for example, wave, grab, twist, open, play the piano, etc. The psychologist touches other parts of the body: shoulders, head, feet, torso, etc.

Kurazheva N.Yu. and others (ed.)

Kurazheva N.Yu., Varaeva N.V., Tuzaeva A.S., Kozlova I.A.
St. Petersburg: Speech; M.: Sfera, 2011. - 218 p. The program of intellectual, emotional and volitional development of children 5-6 years old.
A comprehensive program of psychological activities with children of preschool age "Flower-semitsvetik" - the winner All-Russian competition programs for comprehensive support of the mental development of preschool children (2003).
This part of the program presents thematic classes aimed at developing the intellectual, emotional, communicative, personal, volitional and cognitive spheres of children 5-6 years old. Each lesson is built on game form,
accessible and interesting for children.
The program provides for both individual and group classes, parent consultations.
This program is designed to work with children 5-6 years old in kindergartens, centers and groups early development and other preschool institutions.

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Edited by N. Yu. Kurazheva PROGRAM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL- PEDAGOGICAL STUDIES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN, K 159.9 K 88.8 3 Kurazheva N. Yu., Baraeva N. V., Tuzasva A. S., Kozlova I. L. volitional development of children aged 5-6. - St. Petersburg: Rech; M.: Sfera, 2011. - 218 p. competition of programs for the comprehensive development of the mental development of preschool children (2003).This part of the program presents thematic classes aimed at developing the intellectual, emotional, communicative, personal, volitional and educational spheres of children aged 5 - 6. Each lesson is built in a playful way, up to ¬ worthwhile and interesting for children. The program provides for both individual and group classes, parents' consultations. This program is designed to work with children 5-6 years old in kindergartens, the price was a bottle of perfume with a strange smell. The wizards rejoiced at the gifts. Yes, that's the trouble! Whoever used these spirits became evil! envious, rude, capricious, unpleasant. Wizards began to quarrel and quarrel with each other. The country of Imagination has changed, divided into two halves: Barakania and Caress. Evil wizards lived in one half, and good wizards in the other. (Two fragments are heard for comparison - “Sweet Dream” by P. Tchaikovsky and “Baba Yaga” by A. Lyadov.) Children determine with the help of music which palaces belonged to evil and which belonged to good wizards. Children ■ >i"" 12. Land of Imagination633. The game "Magic pebbles" different color to make random travelers mon in shawls in the chu half where the evil wizards live. To Barakania, the road from Shshm is melting with sharp corners and pebbles of a gloomy color, and to Caress - the road is m | May and wide, pebbles of bright, iridescent colors. The children sort out the stones and dig the roads to the castles. After the children have built the roads out of stones, the ichologist suggests coloring the wizards' castles. In the land of Imagination, even finger gymnastics is unusual. An old woman Malanya can conduct it for us.4. Finger gymnastics "Malania" At Malanya, at the old woman's (clap hands: now right, then left hand from above.) They lived in a small hut (Fold your hands at an angle, showing the “hut.”) Seven sons, (Show seven fingers.) All without eyebrows, (Outline eyebrows with your fingers.) With such ears, (Put palms with spread fingers to ears .) With such noses, (Show a long nose, placing your palms with fingers spread apart t / i with each other.) With such a head, (Outline a large circle around the head.) With such a beard! (Show a large beard with your hands.) They they didn’t drink or eat, (With one hand, bring a “cup” to your mouth, with the other, a “spoon.”) Everyone looked at Malanya hidden actions only with the help of fingers.) 5. Praying castlesChildren model from finished parts locks (optional), felt-tip pens, pencils or crayons color the missing details and attach them to two different panels. The result is a country of Imagination, where there is Barakania and Caress.6. “Relive the figurine” task Each person is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. As you can see, everything is unusual in this fantastic country - something is similar to our usual objects, and what is not. What do you think these things might be? Don't tell anyone about this - let it be our little secret - better finish the missing details and bring these figures to life.7. Hall "Nelipitsa" Each is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. Look at the picture. Is everything right here? Find all the nonsense.8. The game "Non-existent animal" Psychologist. Imagination introduces children to the animals of his country, j They are completely different from those animals that are found on our land. Come up with names for them (for example, Kitokoshka, Utinnoloshovoz ...). Stage IV. Reflective Half command of the results, reflection, farewell ritual The children say goodbye to Imagination and return to their office on a magic carpet. A collective discussion is being held and oacskaz-santasist p rgyaio 1 I.ipie TK. Visiting the fairy tale65 of Imagination, through which they traveled today. Farewell takes place in an unformed way. Children in the voices of various animals say goodbye to each other Okshrimer, “Quack-quack-quack, Vova”, “Moo-mu-mu, Olya”), Lesson 13. Visiting the fairy tale Goal1. Develop imagination, memory, pantomime and speech expressiveness.2. Consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales.3. Develop creative thinking.MaterialsIllustrations of fairy-tale characters: Ellie, Scarecrow, Lumberjack, Lion, Bura- | ppo, Grandfather from the fairy tale "Turnip", pencils, forms with tasks, a ball, a tape recorder. Course of the lesson I stage. Organizational Greetings Psychologist. Hello guys! Today, our greeting will be skayuchny. Now you will think and portray some kind of fairy-tale character with gestures, facial expressions, sounds. The rest of the children guess and greet the child with words, for example: “Hello, Sasha, from the fairy tale“ The Adventures of Pinocchio. tells the children that today they will go to the magic-Ito t / topgor "gptzhl --■-- ^ 66 The program of the course "Flower-semicetic" for 5-6 years old got mixed up. You will have to compose your own fairy tale along the way. And they will go along with the heroes of the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. Children remember the heroes of this fairy tale (the girl Ellie, the Woodcutter, the Scarecrow, the Lion, Totoshka, the Magician, Gingema, the Flying Monkeys, Bastinda). 2. The game "Magic Slipper" Psychologist. How did the girl Ellie get to the great Goodwin? She had magic shoes. Now I will give you such shoes (hands out imaginary shoes). Tell us: what color are your shoes, what shape is their nose, what is the height of the heel, what are the fasteners, what are they decorated with? Tap your heels, slowly and quietly at first, then faster and louder. Ready to fly to the Emerald City? Spread your arms out to the sides like birds. Let's fly. A warm wind blows over us. We fall into the clouds, they are fluffy, soft, white, cool. Let's swing a little on them (children spring). We flew further. Finally landed. Take off your magic shoes so they don't carry us away. Let's put them in one row so as not to lose. Let's go on foot. On the way.Ill stage. Practical7. Zalaniye "Scarecrow" Pictures for the task "Find the differences" hang on the board. Psychologist. The first we met was the Scarecrow. Show how fat he is. What is he stuffed with? Straw. Children, what did the Scarecrow lack, what did he want to ask Goodwin? He lacked brains. Shall we share our knowledge with him? Let's tell him: We know everything in the world, we can And we will help the Scarecrow ... Let's help the Scarecrow find the differences in the pictures. These are his friends in the garden - scarecrows. What is the difference? (Children are looking for differences.) Well done. Let's take the Scarecrow with us, let him study with us. Let's go further with a song from the cartoon "The Wizard of the Emerald City" ("We are in the Emerald City / We are walking the difficult road ..."). Lesson 13. Visiting a fairy tale672. Game "Magic words" Psychologist. And we are going to meet ... Who? You thought - Lumberjack? No, it's Pinocchio! Why is he going to Goodwin? (Children offer their own options.) He is very naughty, although kind. Maybe Goodwin will teach you how to behave, reveal the secret of the "magic words." Do you know this secret? Children are invited to remember polite words. Then a game is played. An adult throws a ball to a child, he, having caught it, calls the “magic” word and throws the ball to the next one. Players should not repeat in naming words.3. Semi-mobile game "Arovosek"Psychologist. Let's move on with Ellie's song. And here is the Woodcutter! But what about him? He can't move, he's all rusty. Show how immovable he is. I'll lubricate him with engine oil and he'll be able to move. First, the neck moved, then the arms, torso, legs (during the story, the children show how the Woodcutter began to move). And now the Woodcutter can already move freely. He even sang his own song. Sing along with him. And I was born of iron, I could become useful, But only there is not enough kindness of the heart. (2 times) Children, let's give him a piece of our heart? Say: "Take, Woodcutter, a piece of our heart warmth." (Children make an appropriate gesture.) What nice children! Now the Woodcutter has a heart and can feel.4. The appearance of characters from the fairy tale "Turnip"Psychologist. But what is that noise? Grandfather calls grandmother, grandmother calls her granddaughter, granddaughter calls Zhuchka. What story are we in? "Turnip". Why couldn't grandfather pull out a turnip? He is already old, and he does not have enough strength to pull out a big turnip. He probably wants to ask Goodwin for strength, youth. Do you have youth? And the eyes see well? Let's help an old grandfather find a turnip. 68Program of the course "Tsvetik-semiivetik" for children 5-6 years old5. Finger gymnastics "Lruzhba" Girls and boys are friends in our group. (Fingers connect rhythmically into a "castle") We will make friends with little fingers. (Rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name on both hands.) One, two, three, four, five, ( Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers.) Start counting again. One, two, three, four, five. We finished counting. (Hands down, shake your hands.) 6. Hall "Confusion" Everyone is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. Look carefully at the picture, find a turnip and color it. Helped Grandpa too. Well done!7. Hall "Labyrinth" Everyone is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. Guys, look! We ended up in a field with large red poppies in which the Lion hides. Let's help him find a way out.8. PsychogymnasticsPsychologist. It looks like the lion was very scared of us. He tucked his tail, trembling all over, covered his head with his paws and peered fearfully from behind the flowers. Show such a cowardly lion. But we are brave! Let's share courage with Leo, say: “Take, Leo, a piece of my courage. You need her so much. You are the king of the beasts!” Stand straight with the lion, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, cross your arms over your chest, raise your head proudly. Say: “I am a lion, proud, brave and fearless! I am the king of animals! I am strong and powerful!” 1, shtie 74. Diagnostics-1699. Semi-moving game "Salki"Psychologist. Since we are so brave, let's play tag with the evil Gingwma. I will be Gingem, who will catch up with the fearless guys, who, of course, goth goes to my domain (sits on a chair). The game is repeated several times, any of the children can be the leader. Stage IV. Reflective Half-commandment of results, reflection, farewell ritualPsychologist. All the inhabitants of the country of fairy tales were satisfied, we helped everyone. Now let's return to our office (the game "Magic Shoes"). Remember the heroes of which fairy tales traveled with us? How did we help them? What fairy tales would you like to go to? Lesson 14. Diagnostics-1Goals1. Diagnose and develop visual memory.2. Diagnose mental operations "analysis" and "comparison"; distribution of attention.3. Develop communication, fine motor skills of the hand and general motor skills. Materials Forms with tasks for each child, a snowman toy, a bucket, paper snowballs, a bag; record player, funny music, massager “Su-jok, pencils. The course of the lesson. Stage I. Organizational Greeting "Magic mittens" Psychologist. Now I will hand out magical invisibility gloves to everyone, let's put them on to warm our hands, and greet each other like this. (Children clap the palms of both hands on the palms of a neighbor.) 70 The program of the course "Flower-semshshetik" for years 5-6 leg II stage. Motivational Psychologist. Guys, what season is it? (Winter.) Someone is knocking on our door. Who is this, I wonder? Guess: A difficult man: Appears in winter and in spring disappears, because it melts quickly. (Snowman) That's right! (The snowman says hello.) He came to play with you and write a letter for Santa Claus. We will do some of the games on the rug. There you can talk to each other. And part of the tasks we will do with the snowman at the table of "silence", for example, compose a letter. Stage III. Practical 7. Task ".Memory-1" Diagnostics of visual memory. Everyone is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. This is the poster the snowman brought you as a gift! Let's see what is shown here. Now look carefully at the pictures and try to remember as many items as possible, and then they will hide and seek with us. (Presentation time - 30 s.) Snowman. Find these items on your piece of paper and circle them. (Hand out leaflets.) 2. Finger gymnastics with the use of Su-ljok (on the mat) Psychologist. Let's see what the snowman has in the New Year's bag. Massage rings and Su-jok balls are taken out. To the musical accompaniment, first balls roll in the palms, and then rings are placed on each finger. 1, sewing 14. Liapyustika-1713. Hall "New Year's garlands" Diagnostics of the mental operation "analysis". Everyone is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Snowman. Soon New Year, but we haven’t made garlands for the Christmas tree yet. Can we draw them? Will you help me? (Yes.) Draw the garlands without breaking the patterns.4. Tanya "Frost" Performed to the song "Frost" by S. Zheleznov. Psychologist. It's getting really cold, guys. Let's warm up and dance! It's so cold ... (Clap your hands, three of them against each other.) It hurts your nose ... (We rub our nose with your fingertips.) Let's warm our legs, (Jump in place.) It's very cold to stand. (We clap on the legs, three of them.) The frost has become stronger in no way, (We run around the room.) To warm the hands, we will wave. (We make movements in accordance with the lyrics of the song.) What warms us from clothes in winter? (Children's answers.) And also mittens. Yes, the trouble is, our snowman was carrying gifts to children, and he mixed up the mittens. Can we help him find a pair for each mitten? (Yes.)5. Hall "Mittens" Diagnosis of the distribution of attention. Each is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. Find a pair for each mitten. Connect them with a line.6. The game "In the snowballs" Psychologist. Found a pair of mittens, warmed up, it's time to play. And we will play in the snow. Let's see who's the smartest. Each snowman brought some paper snowballs. We will throw them in turn into this basket. 72 The program of the course "Flower-Semitsvetik" for children 5-6 years old7. “What is missing?” The task of diagnosing visual synthesis. Each person is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Psychologist. The snowman helped Santa Claus draw new year poster , but ie managed to finish. Look closely at the pictures. What is missing? Finish it. III stage. Reflective Half-commandment of results, reflection, farewell ritualPsychologist. Let's say "thank you" and "goodbye" to the snowman. He feeds us again. She will definitely come! What did we do at the lesson today? What did you like the most? Let's stand in a circle and say goodbye to each other. Lesson 15. Diagnosis-2 Goals1. Diagnose and develop auditory and visual attention (resilience).2. To study the state of the operation of thinking exception, visual synthesis. 13. Develop communication, fine motor skills of the hand and general motor skills. Materials Worksheets with tasks for each child, snowman and squirrel toys; musical accompaniment, cheerful music, “Su-jok” massager, colored and pencils. Progress of the lesson. Stage I. Organizational Greeting "Magic felt boots" Psychologist. Now I will distribute magic boots of invisibility to everyone, let's put them on to warm our legs, and greet each other like this. ! \ernu touch the toe of the neighbor's toe.) Lesson 15. Diagnostics-273II stage. Motivational7. The semi-mobile game "Friendship Train" The psychologist invites children to go to visit their friend the Snowman on the friendship train. The psychologist, paying attention to the distinctive external signs of children, invites everyone to take their place, for example: “The boy who came in yellow trousers will go into the first trailer,” etc. The movement of the train can be accompanied by the following song: The train rushes and rumbles -Tuk -knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, The driver is busy with might and main - Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo. Choo-choo, choo-choo-choo. The train rushes along the fields. So we arrived, and the snowman is already meeting us! Snowman. Hello my friends! I am very glad to see you! I have prepared many games for you! I remind you that we will do some of the games on the mat. Gum will be able to talk to each other. And we will do some of the tasks at the table of “silence”. There we will finish making a letter for Santa Claus!2. ZagaAkaPerformed on a mat. Snowman. Guess who is friends with me: I walk in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. I gnaw nuts in a hollow on an old oak tree. (Squirrel) That's right, squirrel! 74 The program of the course "Flower-Semitsvetik" for children aged 5-6 years III stage. Practical 7. Finger gymnastics "Squirrel" And now, together with the squirrel, we will do exercises for the fingers. A squirrel is sitting on a trolley, (Starting position - hands clenched into a fist.) She sells nuts, (Circular movements of the brush to the right, left.) Little sister, (Unbend the thumb.) Sparrow, (Unbend the index finger.) Titmouse, ( Unbend the middle finger.) To the thick-fifth bear, (Unbend the ring finger.) Mustachioed hare. (Unbend the little finger.) Like this! (Open the brush - fingers to the sides and to the starting position.) 2. "Labyrinth" Diagnosis of attention stability. Everyone is given a form with a task (see Appendix I). Squirrel. Do you know what I love? Guess


  • T.I. Chirkova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of the State Educational Institution DPO "Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education".
  • E.N. Vasilyeva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology, Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. K. Minin.
  • R.Yu. Belousova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Management preschool education GOU DPO "Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education".

Relevance of the program

Obviously, the development of the child must begin at an early age. The preschool period is sensitive for the development of many mental processes. Elementary moral ideas and feelings, the simplest behavioral skills acquired by the child during this period, from the “natural”, according to L.S. Vygotsky, should become "cultural", i.e. turn into higher psychological functions and become the foundation for the development of new forms of behavior, rules and norms.

To date, there is a large amount of theoretical and methodological literature regarding the development of the child, but there is no single psychological program for preschool children. Notebooks are published on a printed basis for preschoolers, in which the pedagogical and psychological material is not structured, there is no clear separation of pedagogical and psychological tasks. At the same time, the majority of preschool educational institutions have a psychologist's staff and psychological classes with children are singled out as a special form of work. We have made an attempt to generalize and structure various approaches regarding the mental development of a preschool child, taking into account age and individual characteristics. This will allow to come to a more effective interaction between the teacher and the psychologist.

Program novelty lies in the fact that it provides for continuous psychological support and development of the child throughout the preschool age, taking into account the dynamics of the development of each mental process and each sphere of the psyche by months during each year. The main idea of ​​our work is the integration and systematization of psychological material, which involves the unification of various areas of activity of a psychologist in a preschool educational institution.

Program goal: creation of conditions for the natural psychological development of the child.


  • The development of the emotional sphere. Introduction of the child into the world of the child into the world of human emotions.
  • The development of communication skills necessary for the successful development of the communication process.
  • The development of the volitional sphere - arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation, necessary for successful schooling.
  • The development of the personal sphere - the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence.
  • The development of the intellectual sphere is the development of mental skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.
  • Formation of positive motivation for learning.
  • The development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

Conceptual basis

The reflexive-activity approach allows solving the problems of the development of mental functions through the use of various types of activities characteristic of a given age.

In our work, we adhered to the idea of ​​an uncritical humane attitude to the inner world of every child (K. Rogers).

The principle of a student-centered approach (G.A. Tsukerman, Sh.A. Amonashvili) offers the choice and construction of material based on the individuality of each child, focusing on his needs and potentialities.

Increasing efficiency is based on the ideas of step-by-step formation of actions (P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina).

Program structure

This program is designed to work with children from 3 to 7 years old in preschool educational institutions.

The sequence of presentation of topics and the number of hours on each topic may vary depending on the interest of the children and the results of the psychologist's observations. Classes are held in rooms in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

Stages of the lesson:

  1. Organizational stage - creating an emotional mood in the group; exercises and games to attract the attention of children.
  2. Motivational stage - clarification of the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic; message about the topic of the lesson; character appearance.
  3. Practical stage- submission of new information based on existing data; tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination) and creative abilities; practicing the acquired skills in practice;
  4. Reflective stage - generalization of new material; summarizing the lesson.

Development, testing, implementation

This program was developed and certified on the basis of the Department of Psychology of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education (Nizhny Novgorod).

The program was tested on the basis of the NOU "OTs" DIVO "(Nizhny Novgorod), SRTSN "Nadezhda" (Nizhny Novgorod), NOU "Bukvarenok" (Moscow).

Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a program of comprehensive support for the mental development of preschool children. Recommended for use in the work of a psychologist with children 3-7 years old in preschool educational institutions.

The program was published as separate books for each age group(Publishing house "Rech", St. Petersburg - Moscow):

  • "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers (3-4 years old).
  • "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers (4-5 years old).
  • "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers (5-6 years old).
  • "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" program of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers (6-7 years old).

The appendix to this program are printed workbooks for each age preschool group (Rech publishing house, St. Petersburg).

Ikryanova Svetlana Evgenievna
Scenario of the competitive game program "Flower - seven-color"

Event progress.

Leading: Today is a special day,

How many smiles in it,

And we enjoy it.

Leading: Hello guys! Today we will play an interesting game « Flower seven-flower» .

Leading: We prepared, tried,

Tried to learn songs

And we have a surprise

You will see now!

But so that our competitions were held, We need your help. Before you - flower - seven-flower, it's not simple flower but magical. As soon as one participant tears off the petal, the game will immediately be held.

(pulls off petal)

Leading - We tear off the first sheet,

AND we start our competition,

See how for you

Let's dance now.

Dancing- contests

(pulls off another petal)

Leading - We tear off the second sheet,

And our we continue the program,

We will entertain you

We invite you to play.

The game is called "Draw" you need to draw with any object those that you have on the table, the most unusual and beautiful drawing. (game in progress)

Contest"For the best smile"

Exercise: children are offered various situations, and they must smile according to this situation.

Your parents gave you something for your birthday that you have long dreamed of.

You met a person for the first time and you want to like him.

Mom bought you a very tasty ice cream. You are delighted, but just did not have time to try it and dropped it on the ground.

They wanted to give you a kitten, but your parents did not allow you to take it home, you put up with it, but somehow you come home with walks, and you have this kitten in your house.

Leading - We tear off the third leaf,

We reveal our secret to you,

We dance and sing

Now let's read poetry.

And now reading poems, who will read more expressively

joke questions

What animal does not bite, does not rush at anyone and lives above all? (Big Dipper.)

What needs to be done so that 4 boys are in the same boot? (Remove one boot from each.)

What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin.)

What is the train running on? (On rails.)

What are we eating for? (At the table.)

Which bell doesn't ring? (Flower.)

Leading - We tear off the fourth sheet,

AND we continue the program.

A game "Collect" must be collected flower and you should get a word.

(peony, rose)

A game "Rhymes-Fakes"

Exercise: the task of the children is to listen carefully to the verses and suggest the words in meaning, and not in rhyme. Those children who independently worked on tasks read the resulting verses aloud.

Three Christmas trees have grown into a wall -

In a birch grove.

All needles to one

They have bloom...(green).

The tomato is big and ripe.

Look what he is... (red).

Elephant seen by Violetta

It wasn't pink, but... (grey).

Found five berries in the grass

And ate one. Left … (four).

The mouse counts the holes in cheese:

Three plus two is... (five).

Even a foreigner knows:

Everyone in the forest is smarter ... (fox). (M. Lukashkina)

Presenter - The fifth leaf flew,

Through the west to the east

Come on, together, come on, together,

Let's play more fun!

Riddles about summer

Artist Competition"Reading and Drawing"

Exercise: the presenter reads a poem, and those who wish to participate in competition young artists draw what they hear. The winner is the one whose drawing will be more consistent with the poem.

How to draw a man

I draw two circles for the eyes.

The nose is a straight line.

The mouth is a semicircle.

Two curls -

And ears perked up.

This is how the face is made.

A larger oval - like an egg.

Here are the buttons - like dots.

And hooks stick out on both sides,

No, not hooks -

Two arms:

They are long and tall

They opened their arms to everyone!

I could draw a few legs. (M. Karem)

Leading: Semitsvetik, small flower,

Here is another sheet

We are now tearing off a leaf,

Let's play and sing!

A game "Collect the balls" my knitting threads are untangled and they need to be rolled into a ball. I need 2 applicants.

A game "Magic Items"

Exercise: the host stands in the center of the circle and throws the ball, and the player must catch the ball and name what magic item this hero has. For example: Vasilisa the Wise - ... (magic ball).

Aladdin - ... (magic lamp, flying carpet)

Fairy - … (Magic wand)

Father Frost - … (staff)

Cinderella - ... (glass slipper)

Hottabych - ... (beard)

Baba Yaga - ... (Mortar and broom)

Leading - Here is one sheet left,

We'll give you a leaf

Answer me, can you

Puffy knit bows?

A game "Tie up the bows" I propose to tie bows: on the head, on the tie.

Contest"Guess the Hero"

The leader asks questions. Children respond individually. Questions will relate to fairy-tale characters. Children must continue the name hero:

“Red… (Cap)”, “Snowy ... (Queen)", "Crocodile … (Gene)”, “Baba ... (Yaga)”, “Koschey ... (Immortal)”, “Cat in ... (boots)", "Cat (Basilio)", "Fox … (Alice)"," Chicken ... (Ryaba)”, “Mouse ... (Norushka)"," Karabas ... (Barabas)", "Frog … (Wah)».

Leading - It remains the middle,

This is a blood mom.

Children all over the world know

There is no better mother in the world!

The leader - that's the middle one, and of course, we will give a central place to our favorite leaders. Let's make a gift with our own hands.

Flower - seven-flower symbolizes hope for the fulfillment of desires, gives light, warmth and goodness. That's why we give you this poster.

Host - The holiday has come to an end,

What else can we say?

Allow me to say goodbye

Wish everyone good health!

Don't get sick, don't get old

Never get angry

So young

Stay forever!

Host - a little sad that our holiday is over, but you must remember that flower - seven-flower is not a simple flower but magical. Make a wish and everything will come true. Goodbye!

Nature in the summer in the verses of S. A. Yesenin

Golden stars dozed off,

The mirror of the backwater trembled,

Light shines on the river backwaters

And blushes the grid of the sky.

Sleepy birches smiled,

Tousled silk braids.

Rustling green earrings,

And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle

Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl

And, swaying, whispers playfully:

"Good morning!"

Nature in summer in the verses of I. A. Bunin

The hotter the day, the sweeter in the forest

Breathe the dry resinous scent

And I had fun in the morning

Roam these sunny chambers!

Shine everywhere, bright light everywhere

Sand is like silk. I will cling to the clumsy pine

And feel: I'm only ten years old,

And the trunk is a giant, heavy, majestic.

The bark is rough, wrinkled, red,

But how warm, how full of sunshine warmed up!

And it seems that it is not pine that smells,

And the heat and dryness of a sunny summer.

Nature in summer in the verses of A. S. Pushkin

The last cloud of the scattered storm!

Alone you rush through the clear azure,

You alone cast a sad shadow,

You alone grieve the jubilant day.

You recently circled the sky,

And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;

And you made a mysterious thunder

And watered the greedy earth with rain.

That's enough, hide! The time has passed

The earth was refreshed and the storm passed

And the wind, caressing the leaves of the trees,

Drives you from the calm heavens.

Nature in summer in the verses of A. N. Maikov

"Gold, gold is falling from the sky!" -

Children scream and run after the rain.

Come on, children, we will collect it,

Only we will collect golden grain

In full barns of fragrant bread! (1856)

1. "Dance for Hands" tennis rackets go and fill the ball.

2. "Dance for the feet" like a snake.

3. "Dance for the back" carry a book on your head.

4. "Belly dance" twist wrap.

5. "Dance for the whole body" jump rope.
