The scheme of weaving from beads dandelions. Learning to weave a solar dandelion

In this article, we will weave from beads the sun's rays that have fallen to the ground - dandelions.

In the language of flowers, they mean happiness. There are many legends, legends and myths about this wonderful and bright flower. One of them tells that once in the spring the sun admired the green grass on the ground. But something was missing in this splendor. The sun waved its hand, and golden lights shone on the ground - dandelions. But winter, lurking nearby, did not want such warm and bright flowers. She waved her hand, and all the dandelions were covered with a thin layer of fluffy snow. Since that time, it has become customary, first dandelions shine with a bright sunny color, and then they put on fluffy white fur coats.

In the practice of feng shui, dandelion is believed to protect against misfortune, and also brings health and prosperity to the whole family.

In order for such wonderful amulet of bright sunny color appeared at your home, we offer to create it from beads.

For bouquet of dandelions need to:

  • Beads 11/0 bright yellow (transparent and opaque), green (small), dark brown (with large holes), brown light and transparent (small);
  • Transparent round sequins about 40 pcs.
  • The wire is thin. Green, white and yellow;
  • 2 needles;
  • Fishing line;
  • Threads or floor tape for winding.

In our bouquet that brings happiness, there will be buds, open flowers, and fluffy white inflorescences.

Needle technique will be used for weaving flowers. To create leaves - parallel weaving.

We will work on a piece of wire 40 cm. String 1 yellow bead and place it in the center. Both wire tails are threaded into 2 yellow beads. Now string 8 green beads on each wire tail. Now you need to cross the ends of the wire in another 1st green bead (we thread the tails through the hole towards each other). Tighten the wire.

String 3 green beads on 1 of the wire tails, place them next to the rest. Pass the wire through the first two beads and tighten. Do the same with the second wire tail. (See Figure 1 a.). It will be necessary to weave three such blanks and connect them to each other as follows: thread the wire tail of one of the parts into a bead in which both tails crossed, string 1 more green bead and thread the tail of the second part into it towards it, which also comes out of the bead, in which the wire ends were crossed. (see Figure 1 b.).

We take a piece of wire 40 cm long and weave a needle of 3 beads on it yellow color. With one tail we wrap 3 blanks below the yellow needles (see figure 1 c. position A). We stretch the wire and twist the ends tightly. Now weave on these two wire tails with green beads in the same way as three blanks.

We got 8 wire ends. On them you need to string 3 green beads. Move them closer to the rest of the beads and twist all the tails of the wire. (see figure 1 c. position B).

The bud is ready. We turn to weaving a flower.

The center of the flower will be from 18 - 22 beaded needles. On a piece of wire 50 cm long we string 5 transparent yellow beads and 1 yellow opaque one. We pass one of the wire tails through the transparent yellow beads in the opposite direction. Weave needles alternately on the right end of the wire, then on the left. (see picture 1.). We collect all the needles and turn into a cylinder. Secure with the remaining wire tails.

For the petals around the edges, we use the loop technique. We will weave with opaque yellow beads on pieces of yellow wire 40 cm long. We collect about 20 beads (about 2.5 cm in length) and move them closer to one edge. Now you need to thread a longer tail into the first strung bead in the opposite direction. (See Figure 2 a.). We need to weave 9 such loops. We leave a gap between them of about 3 - 4 mm. (See Figure 2 b.). We connect the loops. Twist the wire tails. Flatten the loops in length.

Now you need to make 12 more large petals on a piece of wire 60 cm long. For each loop you will need 23 beads (about 3 cm).

Now we weave the sepals with green beads. 8 beads are strung on a piece of wire 45 cm long and located in the center. Weave a loop, as indicated above. You need to make 3 more loops at each end of the wire. The distance between the loops is approximately 4 - 5 mm. Twist the ends of the wire. (see picture 3.).

Now we collect the flower needle core, then small and large petals and at the end at the bottom of the sepals. Twist all wire tails tightly into one. Except the sepals. Leave about 1 cm flagellum. We cut off the rest.

We make the stem from four green wires 30 cm long. We fold them in half. And we place between 2 - 3 petals (i.e., the wires seem to hang on them) along the perimeter of the flower. Press these wires, stretching, to the base of the dandelion. We got 10 tails (2 from the sepals and 8 from the last wires). You need to string 7 green beads on them. We move the beads tightly to the flower and tightly twist the wire ends.

When the flowers and buds are ready, we proceed to the leaves.

We will weave parallel technology two parts. On a piece of wire about 60 - 65 cm we collect 3 beads. We place them in the center. Then pass one tail of the wire through the last 2 beads towards the other. (See Figure 1 a.). We cross the wire tails in three typed beads. (see Figure 1 b.). Now it needs to be tightened. Weave following the pattern. We make a row in which there are 8 beads as follows: we string 8 beads on one tail, and pass the second tail only through two beads located closest. (see figure 1 c.). Make sure that one side of the workpiece is even. (See Figure 2 a.).

Now we weave from the second piece of wire 60 - 65 cm long the second half of the leaf. We pass the wire between rows of two and three beads. We string 3 beads and cross the wire tails in the last two beads. The wire tail, located closer to the first half of the leaf, must be threaded into the next wire bow between rows of three and four beads. Tighten the wire tight. String 3 beads on one tail and thread the second tail into them. (See Figure 2 b.). Continue weaving as shown in Figure 3. When the leaf is finished, you need to string 2 beads on 2 wire tails that are located in the middle and twist all the wire ends together.

Now it remains to weave a fluffy white dandelion.

The core of a fluffy dandelion will be in the form of a ball woven with dark beads. brown shade. Now you need to take a piece of fishing line and thread it through the needles from both ends. In the middle of the fishing line, you need to make a ring of 5 beads by crossing the needles with the fishing line in the first bead. (see figure 1 a. top). In the diagrams, this ring is indicated by a large dot. Around this ring weave a row of 5 cells, 5 beads each.

1st row of cells:

  • 1st cell. We put a bead on the needle number 1. We string 3 beads on needle No. 2 and thread this needle through the bead on needle No. 1 and the nearest bead of the initial ring. (See Figure 1b. The beads we added at this stage are highlighted more brightly). Tighten the line.
  • 2nd cell. On needle No. 2 we string 1 bead, on needle No. 1 we string 2 beads. We pass No. 1 through the bead on the needle No. 2 and the beads of the initial ringlet. (see figure 1 c.).
  • Weave the 3rd and 4th in the same way.
  • 5th cell. Thread needle No. 1 into the nearest bead of the 1st cell, string 2 beads on needle No. 2 and thread needle No. 1 through the 2nd bead. (see figure 1 d.)

2nd row of cells:

  • 1st cell. Pass needle No. 2 through the nearest bead of the adjacent cell of the 1st row and string 1 bead on it. String 2 beads on needle number 1. Now we pass the needle No. 1 through the bead on the needle No. 2 and through 2 beads of the first row from different cells. (see Figure 1 e.).
  • 2nd cell. On needle No. 1 and No. 2 we string 1 bead each. Now you need to pass the needle number 2 through the bead on the needle number 1 and 2 beads of the 1st row. (See Figure 1 e.).
  • Weave the 3rd and 4th in the same way. Tighten the line harder, the ball should be hard.
  • 5th cell. Weave according to figure 1 g. We tighten the tails of the fishing line, fix and cut. Leave a tail of about 5 cm.

We make sepals.

We use for weaving drawings 2 a. and 2 b. We will weave the sepals with light brown beads. You will also need 5 pieces of yellow wire 40 cm long. Each will have 2 pieces. Through the beads of one cell we pass one wire tail of each sepal. They need to be moved as close as possible to the ball of the core. We twist all the wire tails tighter. We have a stem.

Take a piece of white wire about 40 cm long and string a transparent bead. Pass both ponytails through the sequin. If you come across convex ones, then you need to thread the concave side up. String 1 transparent bead on one wire tail. Now we move it to the sequin and twist it 1.5 cm down. (See Figure 3 a.). Make another such umbrella (see Figure 3 b.). Now you need to thread the wire tails into the beads of the ball and tighten tightly.

Weave more umbrellas, tightening them on the ball. It is important that they are all the same size. To do this, you can use a piece of durable cardboard 1.5 cm wide. Each time you tighten the wire tails, apply it for accuracy. (See Figure 4). For one dandelion, you will need about 40 umbrellas.

When all the buds, flowers and leaves are ready, you need to wrap the stems with flor tape. A bouquet of dandelions is ready and can decorate a house.

Take a piece of wire 40 cm long, string a yellow bead and fold the wire in half. String a pair of yellow beads on both ends, and then 8 green beads on each end. String a green bead on one end of the wire and thread the second end through it towards the first.

Stretch the wire so that all the beads move towards each other. String 3 green beads on the end of the wire and move them to the rest of the beads. Pass the working end through the first 2 beads in the opposite direction.

Make the same tail on the other end of the wire (Fig. 1, a). Perform 3 such parts and connect them together: string a green bead on the end from one part and thread the end from the other part through it towards the first one (Fig. 1.6).

On a wire (40 cm) make a tip of 3 yellow beads. With one end, grab 3 parts between the yellow and green beads (position A in Fig. 1, c). Stretch the wire, connect both ends by twisting them a couple of times. String 8 green beads on each end and finish the fourth part in the same way as the first three.
String 3 green beads on each of the eight ends of the wire: string the beads on one wire - bend the tip so that the beads do not slip off while you string the beads on other wires (position B in Fig. 1, c). Move the beads to the bud, and twist the wire tightly.

dandelion flower

You will need: small beads - 1 g green, 5 g yellow opaque, 2 g yellow transparent, 1.5 m yellow wire, 1.65 m green wire. The beads should have holes wide enough so that the wire can pass through them twice.

The middle of a dandelion consists of 18-20 yellow bead sticks. String 5 transparent beads and 1 opaque on a yellow wire 50 cm long. Pass the working end through the transparent beads in the opposite direction - this is the first stick. Perform the following sticks close to each other, then at one end of the wire, then at the other (Fig. 1). Collect all the sticks in a tight bundle: roll up and fasten with the ends of the wire.

Make petals from opaque yellow beads. For small petals, take a 40 cm long yellow wire and string 20 beads onto it (this is about 2.5 cm of beads). Thread the end of the wire through the first bead in the opposite direction - you get a petal (Fig. 2, a). Make 9 petals, leaving a distance of about 3 mm between them (Fig. 2, b). Connect the 2 extreme petals by twisting the wire slightly. Flatten the petals from the sides to make them narrow. On a yellow wire 60 cm long, make 12 large petals in the same way as small ones, only for each petal string 23 beads (3 cm beads).

Make sepals from green beads. On a green wire (45 cm) type 8 beads and move them to the middle of the wire. Pass the end of the wire through the first bead in the opposite direction - you get a sepal. Run 3 more sepals at each end of the wire, leaving 4-5 mm between them. Twist the ends of the wire a little (fig. 3).

Put small petals on large petals, on top of them - the middle, and on the bottom of the sepals. Connect them together with the ends of the wire. Collect all ends of the yellow wire under the flower and twist into a tight bundle. Leave about 5 mm of the tourniquet, and cut off the rest.
For the stem, you need 4 green wires of 30 cm each. Fold the wire in half, hang on 2-3 petals, and lower the ends down between the petals and sepals. Stretch the wire, pressing it to the base of the petals. Fasten the remaining 3 wires in the same way. Try to arrange them evenly around the perimeter of the flower. String 7 green beads on each of the ten ends of the green wire (2 from the sepals plus 8 from the four wires just attached). We strung the beads on one wire - bend the tip so that the beads do not slip off while you string the beads on other wires. Move the beads close to the flower, and twist the wire tightly.

dandelion leaf

Required: 3 ~ 4 g of small green beads, 1.2 m of green wire.

Take a piece of green wire 60 cm long. String 1 bead on it. String 2 more beads on one end of the wire and thread the second end through them towards the first. Place these beads in the middle of the wire (Fig. 1, a). At one end of the wire, type 3 beads and thread the second end through them towards the first (Fig. 1.6). Stretch the wire. So continue lowering the sheet according to the scheme. Do a row of 8 beads as follows: string 8 beads on one end of the wire, and thread the other end only through the 2 nearest beads (Fig. 1, c). Try to keep the inner edge of the sheet smooth, as in Fig. 2, a.

Pass the second piece of green wire (60 cm) under the wire on the inner edge between the rows of 2 and 3 beads. String a bead on one end. String 2 beads on the second end and thread the first end through them towards the second. Pass the end of the wire that is closer to the first half of the sheet under the next wire between rows (of 3 and 4 beads). Stretch the wire. At one end, dial 3 beads and thread the second end through them towards the first (Fig. 2, b). Pass the end of the wire again under the nearest wire between the rows of the first half, etc. (Fig. 3). At the lower end of the leaf, string a pair of beads on the two ends of the wire that are in the middle. Twist all wire ends.

round white dandelion

You will need: about 40 transparent sequins, 2 g of small transparent beads, 30 large or medium dark brown beads, 1 g of light brown beads, 1.5 m of white wire, 1.6-2 m of yellow wire, dark threads, 2 needles , tweezers. Choose dark brown beads with large holes so that the thread and wire can pass through them several times.

The middle of a round white dandelion is a ball of dark brown beads. Take a thread with needles at both ends. String 5 beads on the thread and collect them into a ring in the middle of the thread (Fig. 1, a). In the figures, the initial ring is marked with a bold dot. Around the initial ring, make a row of 5 cells with 5 beads in each. The first cell: string a bead on the end of the thread at number 1; at the end of 2, dial 3 beads; pass end 2 through the bead at end 1 and through the nearest bead of the initial ring (Fig. 1, b, the beads added at the described step are colored brighter). Pull the thread. Second cell: string a bead at end 2; at the end of 1, dial 2 beads; pass the end 1 through the bead at the end 2 and through the next bead of the initial ring (fig. 1, c). Perform the third and fourth cells in the same way as the second. Fifth cell: thread end 1 through the nearest bead of the first cell; at the end of 2, dial 2 beads; pass the end 1 through the extreme bead at the end 2 (Fig. 1, d).

Run the second row of five cells. First cell: pass end 2 through the nearest bead of the adjacent cell of the first row and string a bead on it; at the end of 1, dial 2 beads; thread end 1 through bead at end 2 and through 2 beads of the first row - these are beads from different cells (Fig. 1, e). Second cell: string a bead at the end of 1; at the end of 2, also dial a bead; pass end 2 through bead at end 1 and through 2 beads of the first row (Fig. 1, f). Perform the third and fourth cells in the same way as the second. Tighten the thread to make the ball stiff. Fifth cell: string a bead on the end of the thread and thread the other end through it (Fig. 1, g). Then pass the thread through the outer beads of the second row (dashed line in Fig. 1g). Pull the ends of the thread, fasten and cut, leaving tails of about 5 cm: it is convenient to hold the ball with these tails.

Make sepals. Take 4 or 5 pieces of yellow wire 40 cm each and make 2 sepals of light brown beads on each (Fig. 2, a, b). Pass through the beads of one cell of the ball along one end from the wires with sepals. Move the sepals to the ball. Gather together all the ends of the yellow wire, stretch them and twist them tightly together - this is the dandelion stem.
String a transparent bead on a white wire (30-50 cm). Fold the wire in half and string glitter on both ends. If the sequin is convex, then thread the wire from the concave side. String a second transparent bead on one end of the wire and move it close to the sparkle. Twist the ends under the second bead by 15 mm (Fig. 3, a). On one end of the wire, string a sequin (with the convex side) and a transparent bead. Bend the wire 15mm from the first parachute and place the bead on the fold. Thread this end back through the sequin, transparent bead, twist the flagellum (Fig. 3, b). Make the same parachute on the other end of the wire. Pass one end of the wire through the bead of the ball, and the other through the adjacent bead. Stretch the wire so that the parachutes move closer to the ball. At one end of the wire, make 2-3 more parachutes, placing them close to the ball. Pass the end of the wire through the next bead, make the next parachute and so on until this end of the wire ends. Make parachutes on the other end of the wire. It is very important that the sticks of all parachutes are the same length. A simple device can help with this - a cardboard strip 15 mm wide. Attach the cardboard to the ball at the base of the future parachute and wrap the wire around the edge of the cardboard (Fig. 4) - the fold of the wire will be 15 mm from the base.
When the wire ends, take the next one and continue to make parachutes. Make about 40 parachutes in total.

May 3rd, 2014 Elena Tsvetkova

Beaded floristry is simply amazing with its possibilities. Who would have thought that with the help of these small beads you can accurately reproduce real flowers!

Today we have dandelions in line. This is a flower of positivity and energy, which with its bright color resembles the sun. But it is also a rather complicated flower in execution, since it consists of many petals and details.

Your attention is invited to a master class on how to weave these flowers from beads, with patterns. Composed by Irina Koncheva.

To weave a dandelion from beads you will need:

- green, yellow, brown, white/silver small beads;

- transparent sequins;

- yellow and silver wire;

- thick wire for stems;

- florenta.

Let's start with weaving parachute flowers.

According to fig. 1 we make the base of the flower from brown beads. We make a sepal around it with needle weaving. In the center of the base we fix a large bead, around which we begin to make parachutes with needle weaving according to fig. 3. Closer to the tip of each parachute we string a sequin (it will give the flower airiness).

If it is quite difficult for you to master the weaving of such a flower base, you can use a simplified scheme:

Next, we proceed to the implementation of yellow flowers and buds.

Let's start with the buds. We carry out the elements indicated in the diagram below, gradually connecting them together. For one bud, 3-4 such elements are enough.

Now let's start making the flower.

We make stamens with needle weaving. The flower itself is woven with loops on a long wire. We place the loops on the wire loosely so that during the twisting process the flower does not turn out to be too tight. The number of loops is up to you, the more there are, the more magnificent the flower will be.

We make a sepal from green beads, similarly to petals. Then we twist everything, placing the stamens in the center, the petals around them, and finally the sepals. Squeeze the flower petals slightly so that the loops are not rounded, but flattened, oblong.

We lack only green leaves, and we will proceed to their implementation.

Each sheet consists of two halves, which are made using the parallel weaving technique.

The beginning of weaving the first half of the leaf.

Weave according to fig. And, then from above we begin to weave the second half.

In the process of weaving, we gradually connect the two parts of the sheet to each other, after each row.

Now it remains only to combine all the details into a single composition using a floral tape. Beaded dandelion is ready. Beautifully designed and loved!

    May 30th, 2013 Elena Tsvetkova

    Today we will get acquainted with the process of weaving one simple napkin and, as a bonus, the schemes of several more diverse beauties. These products can be mastered by both a novice craftswoman and an experienced needlewoman. Therefore, we look, create and enjoy the result) So, let's start. For this flower napkin you will need beads, preferably large, for example, No. 8. We select the same colors or our favorite ones, the main thing is ...

    June 13th, 2013 Elena Tsvetkova

    Here is such a wonderful weaving master class voluminous flower from beads, a craftswoman under the pseudonym delica_fly shared with us. Consider the process of weaving. Such a flower can decorate any product: beads, bracelets, hairpins, embroidered and woven necklaces and even rings. You need to weave several petals. Three pieces of small for the core, four medium and large five pieces. We use the technique of brick weaving. Beads…

You can make a summer arrangement of dandelions with my own hands. She will please the eye all year round. Everyone can make a dandelion from beads.


To make dandelions you will need:

  • light wire;
  • green wire;
  • beads yellow, green, two shades Brown and transparent;
  • transparent sequins;
  • tweezers.

Step 1. Making a dandelion bud

For part of the bud, you need to take a wire 40 cm long. You need to string one yellow bead onto the wire and, moving it to the middle, bend the wire in half. Pass two yellow beads through both wires. 8 more green beads should be strung on each end of the wire. String another green bead on either end of the wire and thread the second end of the wire through it with an inverse weave.

String three more beads on the ends of the wires, thread the wire in the opposite direction through the two extreme ones. The blank for the bud is ready. Next, you need to make three more such blanks and wire them together. At the junctions between the blanks, one green bead should be strung on the wire.

Take another piece of wire and string a yellow bead on it, move it to the middle, pass both ends of the wire through two more yellow beads.

One of the ends of the wire must be connected to each other by three parts of the bud along the border of yellow and green beads. Having wrapped them in this part with wire, connect its ends.

String another 8 green beads on the wire and finish this part, like the previous three.
On the remaining eight ends of the wire of one bud, string three more green beads and pull them together to the base of the bud, and twist the wires together.

Step 2: Making a Dandelion Flower

For the middle of the flower, you need to make about 20 sticks of beads. On a wire 50 cm long, string 5 beads of a transparent color and one yellow. Move them to the middle of the wire. End of the wire from the side yellow beads thread in the opposite direction through all the transparent beads. Tighten the wire and make such sticks from both ends of the wire until the right amount is reached. Squeeze all the sticks into one tight bud.

Now you need to make dandelion petals. String 20 yellow beads on a 50 cm long wire. Pass the opposite end of the wire through the last bead of the row. Tighten the resulting petal. Make about 9 such petals on one wire, retreating from one another 3 mm. At the end of weaving, lock the petals into a ring. Squeeze the petals with your fingers.

Similarly, make another ring of 12 petals. Beads will need to be strung in 23 pieces, and the wire should be taken 60 cm long.

Use the same technique to make the sepals. For them, you will need a wire 45 cm long, and you will need 6 petals, 8 green beads each. Make indents on the sepals by 5 mm.

Lay the prepared parts on top of each other: sepals, large petals, small ones and the middle. Twist the flower wires all together.

To make a stem, four wires bent in half, evenly spaced over the flower, fasten to the bottom of the large petals. Pass the ends of the wires through the ring of sepals. String 7 green beads on the ends of the stem and sepal wires. After that, twist the ends of the wires.

Step 3: Making a White Dandelion

The basis of the dandelion is a ball of light brown beads. It must be done with a thread with two needles from its different ends. The assembly diagram of such a ball is shown in detail in the figure below.

Now it is necessary to attach the sepals to the cells of the ball. In total, they will need four wires of 40 cm each. Make the sepals in columns of 5 light brown beads. There should be 2 such columns on one wire. Thread one end of the sepal wire through the bead of the cell and, moving the beads themselves closer to the flower, twist the ends of the wires. At the end, twist the ends of all the wires together, forming a stem.
To make dandelion parachutes, take a wire 50 cm long. String a transparent bead on it, pass both ends of the wire through the sequin and another transparent bead. Twist the ends of the wires at a distance of 1.5 cm. After that, pass the end of the wire through the bead of the ball and again make a similar parachute. When you are done with one wire, take another and continue to weave a flower. Make as many parachutes to make your dandelion look lush and beautiful. To ensure that all parachutes are the same height, use a 1.5 cm high cardboard blank.

Step 4: Making Dandelion Leaves

Dandelion leaves are woven in halves. For one half, you will need a wire 60 cm long. String beads on it using the counter weaving technique according to the pattern shown in the picture. After half of the sheet is ready, start weaving the second one, the number of beads in its rows is reflected in a mirror sequence. The sheet is attached to the first half with a wire. It is woven into the first bead of a similar row.

Having studied such a complex, but at the same time interesting and unusual science as beading, you will be able to create bouquets and stunning flower arrangements that will decorate your home. Today we will tell you how to make a spring dandelion from beads.

Before starting the master class, we need to prepare everything necessary for work:

  • thin wire;
  • small yellow and green beads.

We will start beading by studying the pattern of weaving a bud:

For beginner needlewomen, this scheme may seem rather complicated at first glance, but in fact it is not:

As a result, you should get the same half-blown flower as in our photo.

How to weave dandelion flowers

We will begin our master class on weaving dandelion flowers by studying a detailed diagram:

In addition, we advise you to prepare everything in advance necessary materials so as not to be distracted by their search later. You will need:

  • wire;
  • small beads with wide holes.

So, we start weaving a flower:

It is worth noting that there are many beaded dandelion master classes and many of them are presented in the form of video lessons. For example, this short video will tell you how to weave a dandelion from beads and its leaves:

Video: Weave a dandelion from beads
