Poems, ditties, riddles, proverbs about Maslenitsa, pancakes. Russian pancakes

Poems, sayings and signs on the Trinity

Poems, riddles, proverbs, a quiz for the Honey Spas

Poems, riddles, proverbs, a quiz for the Apple Savior

Poems, riddles, proverbs, a quiz for Nut Savior


Congratulatory Shrovetide verses

Forgiveness Sunday

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

Poems about Maslenitsa



M aslenitsa - darling, you are generous, rich!
A give us pancakes a hundred pieces per brother.
WITH butter and sour cream, with meat and cabbage,
L light and ruddy, lush, rich, tasty ...
E we will be together with the whole big family.
H and we will lay a table for everyone in our native courtyard.
AND fun will go: songs, round dances.
C New week of joy for the people!
A x, Maslyona-dushka - freedom for the soul!

(T. Lavrova )


Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
Let's enjoy pancake.
Drive the blizzards away from us
Ride on the carousel.
Melt the cold ice
May spring come soon!

(V. Stepanov)

Wide carnival cheese week!

Wide Maslenitsa Raw week!
You came dressed up to us to meet Spring.
Bake pancakes and have fun all week
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning... MONDAY... "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds glide from the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

"ZIGRYSH" careless TUESDAY joy.
All walk, frolic came out as one!
Games and fun, and for them
Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

WEDNESDAY fits here "Gourmet" is called.
Each hostess conjures at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes
they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes
all swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY razdolny "razgulyai" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow fights...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys looking for girls
their betrothed.

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,
We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.
The holiday continues, the general fun.
Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SUNDAY bright comes quickly.
All relieve the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".
straw scarecrow Zimushka burn,
Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities The fair crowns.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
We'll meet Beauty again in a year.
We will celebrate again, treat pancakes!

(T. Lavrova )

Since ancient times...

Since ancient times, ancient
The Festival of the Sun is in a hurry to us.
He is one of the earliest
Looking out the windows in the spring.
It's Maslenitsa rushing
Along the streets to relatives.
Drinking, walking the whole village,
Eat pancakes in a big piece:
With sour cream and nardek,
With fish, meat and caviar.
Wider holiday with every century,
Don't call it a game.
day for meeting,
Everyone visits friends.
And on Tuesday
songs, dances.
with a flirty the day is called.
food table
Breaking: eat, drink, Cossack!
reconciliation day...
"mother in law day"
it's called like that.
The mother-in-law reconciles with the daughter-in-law,
Mother-in-law shakes hands with her son-in-law.
The godfather forgot disputes with the godfather,
Everyone is invited to visit.
Round dances are led by girls,
The boys are on a sled.
From the yar of a snowy fly
Rushing down the hills on their feet.
Cossack officer brave
Calls for a game.
Early in the morning he, crafty,
I stuck vines into a snowdrift.
On hot horses
Cossacks cut it down:
On a gallop on a full saber
She is being cut by donuts.
Aside the important Cossacks
Restless chicken.
They throw scarves into the snow

Let the rider pick up...
Well, on FRIDAY
There is a feast in the streets.
Ataman's treat...
People rush to the tables.
From hot pancakes it's hot,
The copper samovar puffs.
Everyone is cheerful without a gift.
Troika flies noisily.
Horses are galloping,
The groan of skids, songs, laughter.
Cossacks dance to the tambourine
Old people are the happiest.
SATURDAY majestically
gatherings name.
They lead round dances with a song,
They visit endlessly.
day farewell,
Seeing off gray winter.
In every kissing hut,
A year to wait for a new Maslena.
bell ringing plays,
He calls everyone to the morning.
Young and old knows:
Tomorrow the post will come to the house.
After the service, they will go out into the field
All with a bow to the Cossacks.
Look up to the sun in prayer
And they will ask in a human way:
The sun is red, be generous
Warm the seeds in the field!
Be, Lord, merciful to us:
Earth rain fields.
Until dark comes the fun
The people are eating
To the star to the first to
Everyone eat ahead.

(I. Mordovina)

Winter is not here!

Winter is not here!
Blurred the snow.
The sun is like a pancake
Glows blue!
Through the village in all directions -
Three horses!
The grandmothers rose.
Arcs are colorful,
Manes - in braids.
Spring, hello.
And in the sleigh, ah!
Girls raspberry,
Shawls blow long.
Out and the groom himself,
Falling apart is important
He has a sleigh
paper flowers,
And in the hand a red flag,
Looks like it!
Maslenitsa honest,
Selam is known to everyone,
Keep the Chervonets safe!
Let's go through the winter
Let's drink like a bride
And we do it with honor!
For winter beauty
Walk freely
To be in a year

(T. Smertina)


Hello Maslenitsa!
Give us oil!
We will bake hot pancakes for ourselves -
We don't care about blizzards and frosts!

If there is a frying pan
We are not afraid of the cold
Because the pancake is hot -
This is the best food!

That is not a mouse squeaking,
Not the frost cracks
Pancake in a frying pan
It sizzles behind a pancake.

Yes, with herring
Yes, with caviar
Yes, along the edge with golden

This is how Maslenitsa
Gave us butter!
Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:
This is the sun-pancake, and next to the pancake-moon.

One pancake is hot
Another cold one.
Climb to the sky -
If anyone is hungry!

On the ground with wheels
Pancakes rolled...
Children under the birches
Collect hotels!

The baptized world now rejoices,
Because today is Maslenitsa.
Come, people, and eat a pancake with us,
So that spring comes to the earth as soon as possible!

Come on, eat a pancake
For spring to come!
(A. Usachev)


On the table are rolls.
And the pancakes are hot.
Behind the window is a ruddy sun.
It brightened up
As if I could drink
Tea five samovars to the bottom.
Outside the window sings about the spring of drops,
About the outgoing winter sings.
I don't want to sit at home now:
Spring is coming to the village.
(O. Akulova)

Maslenitsa is with us today

Blows in the air in SPRING,
Honest people hurry to the park,
Yes, in the morning, yes, families,
This Sunday!

Everyone goes, who is not lazy:
In Rus' - a special day!
On my shoulders! At the father!
Tonight - SHUTTER!

My eyes see everything:
Here is the concert
And there are fights.
Ringing and clean -
The song is vociferous
It flies, it creeps
About the merchant, about the girl!

I like dance more -
This is a holiday, this is a fairy tale!
Mom got up in a round dance -
The white swan swims...

Dad and I are surprised:
And cheesecakes, and pancakes,
From the heat of the heat - they are eaten,
And they don't disappear!

Smells like sun and pancakes -
Let's burn the scarecrow
Let's see off the winter!

(N. Kapustyuk)

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walking all week long!
She bakes pancakes, pancakes, rich donuts,
Ruddy like the sun. Good!

The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Spring is met by Maslena the beauty.
Goodbye winter, see you next year!

(T. Lavrova )


Shrovetide wide - dear guest,
Having fun, celebrating, playing in the yards.
Treats, ladushka, with lush pancakes,
Sweet cheesecakes, with fish pies.

Generous, singing Maslen-gulen
Looks with kind eyes in surprise
For Spring, a ruddy, gentle beauty,
The blue-eyed sky gently smiles.

Goodbye Maslena - cheese chick,
Farewell, madam, red mockingbird.
The radiant sun sees off the winter,
He meets the beloved with a song.
(T. Lavrova )

Saying goodbye to winter

Today we rejoice -
Saying goodbye to winter
With pies and pancakes
In the noise of a cute mess.
Sledges are flying down the hill,
The eyes of a girl are burning
Songs, dances and festivities
What a day in a row.
Young people are not too lazy to look
Named all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - guys,
And at the mother-in-law on pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: - Ah!
Ate, probably, about forty pieces -
What a festive swing!
This is Carnival
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

earth awakening

Will soon open its wings
sleepy land,
Awakening will come
With the cry of a crane;
February itself recognizes
Change of days
Through the sky veil
solar horses
Sends like messengers of Spring
To the gray houses
- Wake up from sleep! -
She says.
And in broken hearts
Dead ice is melting.
Troika rushes in bells -
Shrovetide move…

Joy in every home!

Let's get up early in the morning
Let's bake pancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream,
With honey. Be healthy!
With butter and jam
Here's a treat for you!
Let's meet Shrovetide.
We'll burn the scarecrow.
We will celebrate the holiday.
Joy in every home!
Bright ray of sunshine
Everyone at the window!

(N. Gubskaya)

Waiting for Maslenitsa

The cat walked, sat, lay,
Long waited for the carnival.
He sang songs, hissed, sniffed:
"Not winter, but chaos!"
battery under the window
He warms the cat with warmth!
And he hopes that - here!
Spring will come soon!

(A. Eismont)

Wide Maslenitsa

Wide Maslenitsa,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!
Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
pancake baker,
Come early
Let's meet well -
Cheese, butter and pancake
And ruddy pie.
Maslenitsa - pancake
I fed until lunch.
And herself - for the wattle fence,
All day, all day.
Licked cheese and butter
And then she went off.

Seeing off winter

We need to be in time everywhere -
And dance and sing a song!
Eat a basket of pies!
Yes, with three boxes of pancakes!
We are in a bleached hut
Let's sweep clean
Oh, green melancholy
We won't let you in!
Cold and snowstorm
We'll drive away.
Hey, meet the fun
Seeing off winter!

Wide enters the yard!
And we, girls, meet her,
And we, the Reds, meet her!
Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,
Wide, stay another!


Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa,
Round sides!
The sun shines in the sky -
Know that spring is near.

Pancakes on a plate
I have a slide
Round, ruddy -
The sun is dear!

Come on, little ones
I will feed you
young branches,
I love everyone very much.

Slavic holidays -
Joy in every home!
With songs and dances
We will enter the spring. . .
(N. Obinyakina )

Shrovetide hitches

Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes!
To pancakes with a slide,
And all with caviar!

Shrovetide means alive
Once we walk - we will live,
And eat pancakes
Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride from the hill
Sorrow-longing drive away
Let's say goodbye to the winter
She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in the sky
Head made of straw
Throw in the fire soon
From the love of the former firewood.

With a dashing Russian dance
Spin under the accordion ...
We part with Shrovetide!
Where are you, spring? Wake up!


What jokes? What's the dance?
- This is Shrove Tuesday voice.
Rolls butter pancake
Russians right in the house!
Even in the sweetest dreams
Not tastier than pancakes:
With sour cream and honey
yes with jam, with milk,
Though stuffed, even empty -
A pancake is a pancake. He is not simple.
Eating, eating
And saying goodbye to winter,
Shrovetide sing the anthem -
Sunny, spring is calling!
(E. Volkova

Pancake week wide

Festivities in the city!
Here both old and young;
Skiing from the hills -
Sleighs are flying!

Waiting games,
The samovar is blowing.
All guests are welcome
Here - both young and old.

Pancakes with butter
With honey and caviar
With sour cream, with songs ...
The feast is on the rise!

Glorious Shrovetide,
Guest, goodbye!
We want Spring
Bring back the sun

Warm, ruddy
Looks like pancakes
Only everything is fiery;
Looking forward to warm spring.

Scarecrow flaming,
Winter, burn!
Swallows fluttering
Return to the sky again!
(L. Firsova-Sapronova )


Let's meet with a Russian ringing song,
Yes, pancakes - a whole slide
Under the accordion and ours - "Lady"
We are spring-red, ma'am.

We are with all the honest people
We spend snowy winter
And we'll burn a scarecrow today
We wish you the best in life!

Accept, Spring, gifts,
Round dances and bagels,
Let's play tag together
We slide down the hill on a sled.

Have fun with us
Eat all the pancakes!
Ah, pancake, as clear as the sun -
Golden and oily!

(L. Firsova-Sapronova )

Pancake verses and riddles

Among the heavenly bodies...

Among the heavenly bodies
The face of the moon is misty
How round he is and how white he is,
Like a pancake with sour cream.
Every night she's in the rays
The Milky Way passes.
Apparently there in heaven
Shrovetide forever!

(M. Lermontov)

Russian pancakes

If there is a frying pan
The Russian will always be full:
The hot sun of spring
Pancakes will sizzle on it.

Lush, ruddy,
Fiery fiery.
With a rim-crust,
Eat with honey, with caviar.
(I. Ageeva)

Russian pancake

Since ancient times people in Rus'
On Maslenitsa, God save,
Tired of the cold silence
They baked ruddy pancakes.
He called the mother-in-law for pancakes son-in-law,
Husband baked pancakes for his wife.
Mother for sons baked in pairs
With caviar and honey, on a dough.
The mother-in-law taught the young woman
How to put mead in a barrel.
How to wait for guests, how to set the table,
Serve pancakes, be cheerful.
Damn was a guest, host,
Mouths and little mouths opened;
He fed and entertained the people.
Was entered into any of the gates.
In the boyar house, and in the cage,
And the beggar on the porch;
On tin, on crystal -
On the Russian pancake walked the earth.
Was a lump, or flowed oil,
At the crossroads of all roads
Both failure and success
More than shared a pancake for everyone.
And the people sang, and they were one:
"He is the son of the sun -
Our Russian pancake!

( T. Kultina)

Maslenitsa treats!

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
Piping hot
Don't forget to praise.

(I. Mordovina)

Like Shrovetide Danechka ...

As for Shrovetide Danechka
Bake printed gingerbread.
I'll bring pancakes-suns,
Bake in a frying pan.
And smiles on their faces
I'll paint a couple of pancakes.
I will pour a hundred others with jam.
There are pancakes nobody is lazy.

(Lira Likbeza)

Get the pancakes!

Like our in-laws
butter pancakes,
Buns - curls.
And your pie
Burnt on one side.
And the pancakes are hot
With piping heat from the oven,
Lush and blush
With butter and sour cream.
Do you have a frying pan?
Smudged, trouble.
Oh yes, carnival
Bows to the belt.
Disassemble pancakes -
Everyone will get it.

(T. Dergunova)

Kids love pancakes...

The kids love pancakes.
How delicious pancakes are!
Everyone in the world is in love
Delicious pancakes!!
With sour cream and caviar!
Hurry up set the table!
With jam, honey and jam,
With "condensed milk"
With meat, butter, mushrooms,
With fruits and vegetables...
With cottage cheese or cabbage,
With powdered sugar, delicious! ..
I invite guests
My little friends
Fly on pancakes! ..
Oh, panties are tight for us ...

(T. Yudina)


Five eggs, a glass of flour
Oil, cup, two hands.
Soda, salt and milk -
The mixer turns easily.
He twirled and twirled
The pancake is thin.
From the heat, from the heat, but with honey -
I look forward to visiting you in the evening.
Come, come,
Bring joy to my house.
Where there is no tea and guests -
No joy news.

(I. Fink)

According to an ancient recipe

Oh, I love pancakes!
How delicious they are!
My grandmother bakes them for me.
Here again they are calling.

I bake ruddy
Russian pancakes
According to the ancient recipe
ancestors of antiquity
Knows his secret
my grandmother,
By inheritance - mother,
And of course I
Sweet, honey,
With honey, with milk
Flavors are sweet
Fill up the house
Three huge dishes
Bake pancakes -
Come to visit -
Tea is ready!

(D. Kuznetsov)


We bake pancakes in the morning
To have a MOUNTAIN!

Enough for all friends, acquaintances!
The first pancake, of course, lumpy.

We will have a feast with a mountain!
The second one burned a little.

That's when dad got down to business.
The third pancake rolled to the floor.

Brother decided to bake one -
Broke the fourth pancake.

Grandma took the fifth -
He turned out crumpled!

And the sister baked the sixth -
It's time to dine!

Grandfather baked the seventh -
Immediately pancake pulled puppy!

The rest I did
The dough is over, friends!

Well, my mother shouted:
"Tomorrow we'll start all over again!"

(N. Volkova )

Ode to pancakes!

Shrovetide pancake,
Hearty, old,
With a samovar, with a spark,
Sun, snow, wind...

Many words have been said
I'll bake pancakes soon
So that at the end of winter
We welcomed the spring!

I quickly knead the dough
All I need to put
I'll heat the frying pan
I'll pour pancake with a ladle.

The dough will hiss in butter,
It's cramped in the frying pan
Deftly flip the pancake,
I'll look at the drawing.

The first pancake is like the sun
In it, the pattern is torn with rays ...
The second pancake is ready crimson,
Like an apple ruddy!

And on the third I see spots,
What is not clear?
That pancake looks like the moon
I'll bake another one...

In the holes, the pancake looks like cheese,
Not pancakes but the whole world!
Too thin for a sheet
Too fat for fat

And the last one on a star
On a horned goat...
There wasn't enough for a damn test,
But he baked beautifully!

Pancakes stand in a stack,
From the heat, from the heat, exactly in a row!
Waiting for the butter to melt
To make the pancake satiny.

I will smear each pancake deliciously,
Everything turned out well!
A tender pancake melts in your mouth,
I want another one!

Pancake is a magic cake,
Himself a big spoon
I'll put everything in it
I will invite my friends!

First pancake with smoked fish
You can even with sturgeon,
In between pancake second
Definitely with caviar!

Pancake with herring for taste,
Well, at least half a bite,
And the fourth pancake with meat,
With spicy minced meat!

In the fifth pancake for snag
You can add sour cream...
And dip a pancake in sour cream
We won't ban anyone!

Baked pancake with cottage cheese
Leaving for later...
While adding honey
In a pancake for a sweet entry,

And strawberry jam
We water the pancake as usual ...
Let's all drink fragrant tea,
This is how we celebrate spring!

(A. Latulina )

Open your mouths wide

The hamburger does not go down the throat,
Spaghetti makes you sick
With oil pancake is much more useful
For soul and belly.

From pancakes the soul is kinder,
And a bigger belly.
Who in pancakes does not understand
Light smokes, but does not live.

So that there is no gap
The carpenter hammers a wedge,
I'm for a bunch of conversation
I use the word "damn".

The books say that the Arabs
The wheel was invented.
Before the Arabs, our women
It was baked from flour.

If the son-in-law is skinny like a match,
Without guessing, I will give the answer:
She doesn’t go to her mother-in-law for pancakes,
Eat salad and vinaigrette.

About four hours about pancakes
I could sing ditties to you.
Open your mouths wide
To eat more pancakes.
(Smitti, Hochmodrome)

I eat pancakes, maybe more pancakes...

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
In that pan they didn’t cool down completely,
But don't let that worry you anymore.
I will eat them with gusto even without you.

I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,
I've been starving for so long.
I'll eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I'd rather choke, but not give it to others.

(Russian folk song)

Like butter week
We wanted pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

Our older sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

On the tray she puts
And she brings it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

"Guests, be healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!


We know this holiday
Time to see off winter.
People these days must
Have fun, bake pancakes.

Before fasting - folk festivals,
Meat eater, fun and pancakes.
And with the fierce winter goodbye
According to the precepts of good antiquity.

The sun fell into the snow
Milky river flowed
Float in a hot country
There to make the moon in the holes.

For my beloved grandmother
I'll bake pancakes.
So rosy and delicious
These lush...

Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday!
Butter pan!
As it has been since ancient times

Let's go to...!

(More on pancakes)

Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And of course…!


Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved and happy Holidays not only children, but also adults. And all because spring is coming! The whole world smiles, and literally glows with the sun and warmth. Everything speaks of the approaching happiness - and riddles about spring, and proverbs about flowers, and folklore. And, of course, proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide speak about this.

And how many pancakes do we eat these days! Do your children know about this holiday? To know even better - read them these proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa. They will love it!

Without pancakes - not Shrovetide.

Not oily without pancake.

Pancake is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

Damn, not a sheaf - you can’t prick on a pitchfork.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

Pancakes and kisses do not like bills.

Pancakes are relatives of the sun.

Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.

Maslenitsa was at the courtyard, but she didn’t go into the house.

We drank beer about Maslenitsa, and the hangover broke after Radunitsa.

On Forgiveness Day - like on Easter everyone kisses!

Where pancakes - here we are!

My soul is a carnival, your quail bones, your paper body.

And the most cold-blooded person loves hot pancakes.

Looking for forty years Maslenitsa and three years of small holidays

As in Shrovetide week, pancakes flew to the ceiling.

To whom is Maslenitsa, but solid, and to us Palm and Passionate.

Maslenitsa without pancakes is like a name day without pies.

Oil is not given forever. Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without oil.

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa Semikov's niece

We see off Shrovetide, we expect the light of the sun.

We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our kindness and with an honest stomach!

We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Have fun on Maslenaya and treat yourself to a pancake.

Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, but there will be Great Lent.

Not life-being, but Maslenitsa.

Not life, but carnival!

Let's pay our respects at cheese on Sunday.

Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without oil.

After Maslenitsa - Great Lent, and after Passion - Easter.

Sugar lips, sweet speech, red beauty, russa braid, thirty brothers sister. Forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers daughter, yasochka, you are my quail.

Thirty brothers sister, forty grandmothers granddaughter, three mothers Maslyan's daughter.

At least lay down everything from yourself, but celebrate Maslenitsa!

So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat.

The Maslena river is wide - it also flooded Great Lent.

You live widely, you eat butter.

This Maslenitsa is coming, pancakes and honey are coming.

Proverbs and sayings are the soul of the people, they reflect their life, way of thinking and character traits. How sweet pancakes are to the Russian soul can be seen by the number of proverbs and sayings in which this same pancake is mentioned.
Without a pancake - not a carnival, without a pie - not a name day.
Without pancakes it's not a carnival, but without pies it's not a holiday

Damn the belly is not spoiling.

Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.
Damn good not alone.
Pancake and without oil climbs into the mouth.
Pancakes and pancakes - the matchmakers were wrapped up.
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring.
She baked pancakes, and glass from the yard.
Wrap a slice in a pancake.
To steal is not to sell pancakes.

He lies that he bakes pancakes: only hisses

Where pancakes, here we are; where porridge with butter, here is our place.
Where is the cereal pie, here I am with my hand; where are the pancakes here and we, and where are the pancakes, that's fine.

The uterus threatened her son with a knife, but there was a big pancake on the knife, and she gives her stepson a pancake, but with a knife she pops.

The matchmakers were wrapped up from pancakes and fritters.

I wanted cakes from a cat, a pancake from a dog.

And it takes time to bake pancakes.

A hut on chicken legs, propped up with a pie, covered with a pancake (from a fairy tale).

No matter how you throw it, it's all a pancake. No matter how you turn, everything is a pancake.
As the bread came, so the pie went, and the pie came, so the pancake went, and the pancake came, so it went into the world.
Who is a pancake, who is a wedge, and who is just shish.
To whom is the rank, to whom is the pancake, and to whom is the wedge.
Kuma with pancakes, and Foma with kicks. Mother sent to ask for flour and milk, frying pans and grease, she wants to bake pancakes, but we have our own shaving brush
Do not feed pancake, drink water first
Do not drive a wedge under the oatmeal pancake - it will fry and fall off by itself
Do not drive a wedge under an oatmeal pancake: if it is fried, it will fall off by itself.
Not happy and pancake, like a brick in the back.
Lips drooped from laziness

Set aside pancakes for another day.

Seven fellows for an oatmeal pancake.

The first pancake is lumpy.

Soon only pancakes are baked.
Dry pancake sore throat.
This Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.
The same pancake, but on a different dish.
What is poured into the pan and bent four times


I have a slide
Round, ruddy -
The sun is dear!

Come on, little ones

I will feed you
young branches,
I love everyone very much.

Slavic holidays -

Joy in every home!
With songs and dances
We will enter the spring. . .
(N. Obinyakina)

Shrovetide hitches

Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes!
To pancakes with a slide,
And all with caviar!

Shrovetide means alive

Once we walk - we will live,
And eat pancakes
Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride from the hill

Sorrow-longing drive away
Let's say goodbye to the winter
She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in the sky

Head made of straw
Throw in the fire soon
From the love of the former firewood.

With a dashing Russian dance

Spin under the accordion ...
We part with Shrovetide!
Where are you spring? Wake up!


Let's meet with a Russian ringing song,
Yes, pancakes - a whole slide
Under the accordion and ours - "Lady"
We are spring-red, ma'am.

We spend snowy winter
And we'll burn a scarecrow today
We wish you the best in life!

Accept, Spring, gifts,

Round dances and bagels,
Let's play tag together
We slide down the hill on a sled.

Have fun with us

Eat all the pancakes!
Ah, pancake, as clear as the sun -
Golden and oily!

(L. Firsova-Sapronova ■ )

Pancake verses and riddles

Among the heavenly bodies...

Among the heavenly bodies
The face of the moon is misty
How round he is and how white he is,
Like a pancake with sour cream.
Every night she's in the rays
The Milky Way passes.
Apparently there in heaven
Shrovetide forever!

(M. Lermontov)

Russian pancakes

If there is a frying pan
The Russian will always be full:
The hot sun of spring
Pancakes will sizzle on it.

Lush, ruddy,

Fiery fiery.
With a rim-crust,
Eat with honey, with caviar.
(I. Ageeva)

Russian pancake

Since ancient times people in Rus'
On Maslenitsa, God save,
Tired of the cold silence
They baked ruddy pancakes.
He called the mother-in-law for pancakes son-in-law,
Husband baked pancakes for his wife.
Mother for sons baked in pairs
With caviar and honey, on a dough.
The mother-in-law taught the young woman
How to put mead in a barrel.
How to wait for guests, how to set the table,
Serve pancakes, be cheerful.
Damn was a guest, host,
Mouths and little mouths opened;
He fed and entertained the people.
Was entered into any of the gates.
In the boyar house, and in the cage,
And the beggar on the porch;
On tin, on crystal -
On the Russian pancake walked the earth.
Was a lump, or flowed oil,
At the crossroads of all roads
Both failure and success
More than shared a pancake for everyone.
And the people sang, and they were one:
"He is the son of the sun -
Our Russian pancake!

(T. Kultina)

Maslenitsa treats!

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

(I. Mordovina)

Like Shrovetide Danechka ...

As for Shrovetide Danechka
Bake printed gingerbread.
I'll bring pancakes-suns,
Bake in a frying pan.
And smiles on their faces
I'll paint a couple of pancakes.
I will pour a hundred others with jam.
There are pancakes nobody is lazy.

(Lira Likbeza)

Get the pancakes!
Like our in-laws
butter pancakes,
Buns - curls.
And your pie
Burnt on one side.
And the pancakes are hot
With piping heat from the oven,
Lush and blush
With butter and sour cream.
Do you have a frying pan?
Smudged, trouble.
Oh yes, carnival
Bows to the belt.
Disassemble pancakes -
Everyone will get it.

(T. Dergunova)

Kids love pancakes...

The kids love pancakes.
How delicious pancakes are!
Everyone in the world is in love
Delicious pancakes!!
With sour cream and caviar!
Hurry - set the table!
With jam, honey and jam,
With "condensed milk" - overeating!!
With meat, butter, mushrooms,
With fruits and vegetables...
With cottage cheese or cabbage,
With powdered sugar, delicious! ..
I invite guests
My little friends
Fly on pancakes! ..
Oh, panties are tight for us ...

(T. Yudina)


Five eggs, a glass of flour
Oil, cup, two hands.
Soda, salt and milk -
The mixer turns easily.
He twirled and twirled
The pancake is thin.
From the heat, from the heat, but with honey -
I look forward to visiting you in the evening.
Come, come,
Bring joy to my house.
Where there is no tea and guests -
No joy news.

(I. Fink)

According to an ancient recipe

Oh, I love pancakes!
How delicious they are!
My grandmother bakes them for me.
Here again they are calling.

I bake ruddy

Russian pancakes
According to the ancient recipe
ancestors of antiquity
Knows his secret
my grandmother,
By inheritance - mother,
And of course I
Sweet, honey,
With honey, with milk
Flavors are sweet
Fill up the house
Three huge dishes
Bake pancakes -
Come to visit -
Tea is ready!

(D. Kuznetsov)

Ode to pancakes!

Shrovetide pancake,
Hearty, old,
With a samovar, with a spark,
Sun, snow, wind...
Many words have been said
I'll bake pancakes soon
So that at the end of winter
We welcomed the spring!
I quickly knead the dough
All I need to put
I'll heat the frying pan
I'll pour pancake with a ladle.
The dough will hiss in butter,
It's cramped in the frying pan
Deftly flip the pancake,
I'll look at the drawing.
The first pancake is like the sun
In it, the pattern is torn with rays ...
The second pancake is ready crimson,
Like an apple ruddy!
And on the third I see spots,
What is not clear?
That pancake looks like the moon
I'll bake another one...

In the holes, the pancake looks like cheese,
Not pancakes, but the whole world!
Too thin for a sheet
Too fat for fat
And the last one on a star
On a horned goat...
There wasn't enough for a damn test,
But he baked beautifully!
Pancakes stand in a stack,
From the heat, from the heat, exactly in a row!
Waiting for the butter to melt
To make the pancake satiny.
I will smear each pancake deliciously,
Everything turned out well!
A tender pancake melts in your mouth,
I want another one!
Pancake is a magic cake,
Himself a big spoon
I'll put everything in it
I will invite my friends!
First pancake with smoked fish
You can even with sturgeon,
In between pancake second
Definitely with caviar!
Pancake with herring for taste,
Well, at least half a bite,
And the fourth pancake with meat,
With spicy minced meat!
In the fifth pancake for snag
You can add sour cream...
And dip a pancake in sour cream
We won't ban anyone!
Baked pancake with cottage cheese
Leaving for later...
While adding honey
In a pancake for a sweet entry,
And strawberry jam
We water the pancake as usual ...
Let's all drink fragrant tea,
This is how we celebrate spring!

(A. Latulina)

Open your mouths wide

The hamburger does not go down the throat,

Spaghetti makes you sick
With oil pancake is much more useful
For soul and belly.

From pancakes the soul is kinder,

And a bigger belly.
Who in pancakes does not understand
Light smokes, but does not live.

So that there is no gap

The carpenter hammers a wedge,
I'm for a bunch of conversation
I use the word "damn".
The books say that the Arabs
The wheel was invented.
Before the Arabs, our women
It was baked from flour.
If the son-in-law is skinny like a match,
Without guessing, I will give the answer:
She doesn’t go to her mother-in-law for pancakes,
Eat salad and vinaigrette.
About four hours about pancakes
I could sing ditties to you.
Open your mouths wide
To eat more pancakes.
(Smitti, Hochmodrome)

I eat pancakes, maybe more pancakes...

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
In that pan they didn’t cool down completely,
But don't let that worry you anymore.
I will eat them with gusto even without you.

I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,

I've been starving for so long.
I'll eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I'd rather choke, but not give it to others.


(Russian folk song)

Like butter week

We wanted pancakes!
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

Our older sister

Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

On the tray she puts

And she brings it to the table.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!

"Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes ready.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You, my pancakes!


We know this holiday

Time to see off winter.
People these days must
Have fun, bake pancakes.

Before fasting - folk festivals,

Meat eater, fun and pancakes.
And with the fierce winter goodbye
According to the precepts of good antiquity.

The sun fell into the snow

Milky river flowed
Float in a hot country
There to make the moon in the holes.

For my beloved grandmother

I'll bake pancakes.
So rosy and delicious
These lush...

Oh, you Lakomka-Wednesday!
Butter pan!
As it has been since ancient times -
Let's go to...!

(More on pancakes)

Shrovetide is a meal!
Let's bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And of course…!


And with caviar, and with sour cream -

All of them are delicious!
Nozdrevati and blush -
Our suns are...


On Maslenitsa Sunday

All tried old Titus
Ask everyone for forgiveness
And answer: ...

("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

Not life-being, but Maslenitsa.

◘ Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

◘ Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip (i.e. fasting).

◘ Shrovetide is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

◘ Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring.

◘ Butter is not given forever.

◘ Maslenitsa without pancakes, there are no name days without pies.

◘ Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

We thought Shrove Tuesday was seven weeks, but it was only seven days.

◘ So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat.

◘ As in oil week, pancakes flew to the ceiling.

◘ Not oily without pancake.

◘ At least lay down everything from yourself, and spend Shrovetide.

◘ Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t stick it on a pitchfork.

◘ Looking for forty years of carnival and three years of small holidays.

◘ Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.

◘ And the coldest person loves hot pancakes.

◘ Pancakes and kisses do not like bills.

I don’t know about you, but for me personally Maslenitsa is one of my favorite holidays. But not because of gluttony, but because spring is coming! 🙂 I don't like the cold. Spring is a completely different matter! And the whole world is already smiling, and literally glowing with warmth and sunshine. Everything speaks of approaching happiness - and, and folklore. Absolutely all 73 of the best that we managed to collect speak about the same. And, of course, proverbs and sayings about Shrovetide speak about this.

"Shrovetide came and - fyut!" Who does not know this wonderful cartoon about Maslenitsa? There aren't any, probably. 🙂 And how many pancakes do we eat these days! Well, do your kids know a lot about this holiday? To know even better, read them these proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa. We're sure they'll love it!

Proverbs about Maslenitsa

And we saw off Maslenitsa, sighed heavily over it: “Dear Maslenitsa, come back, stretch until the red summer!”

Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish and steamed turnip.

Maslenitsa was at the courtyard, but she didn’t go into the house.

Pancake is not a wedge - the belly will not split.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like spring wheels.

Pancake is not a sheaf, you can’t stick it on a pitchfork.

Pancakes are relatives of the sun.

Pancakes and kisses don't like bills.

On a forgiven day, like on Easter, everyone kisses.

We drank beer on Maslenitsa, and after the Radunitsa broke with a hangover.

Where pancakes, here we are; where porridge with butter - here is our place.

Walking, you still need to remember about the upcoming post.

And the most cold-blooded person loves hot pancakes.

To whom Maslenitsa is solid, and to us Palm and Passionate.

Maslenitsa is a roundabout, money is tucked away.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Maslenitsa is Semikov's niece.

We are seeing off Shrove Tuesday, we are expecting light, the sun.

We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our kindness, with an honest stomach.

Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, but there will be Great Lent.

On Maslenaya they had fun, but they treated themselves to a pancake.

You feast for a week, seven - you get drunk.

Let's pay our respects on Syrnaya on Sunday.

Feast and walk, woman, at Shrovetide, and remember about Lent without butter.

At least lay down everything from yourself, and celebrate Maslenitsa.

So that you can be carried up to your elbows, and eat up to your throat.

The Maslena river is wide - it flooded Great Lent.

Sayings about Shrovetide

Not oily without pancake.

Without pancakes - not Maslenitsa.

Where pancakes, here we are.

He is looking for where forty years are Maslenitsa and three years of small holidays.

As during Oil Week, pancakes flew to the ceiling.

Maslenitsa is not given forever.

Shrovetide without pancakes and name day without pies do not happen.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Not life, but Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa came - to ride.

You live widely, you eat butter.

These are the proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa we have collected for you. Liked? Well, great! After all, our life consists not only of daily troubles, but also of holidays. 🙂 So let our children know that you can work hard, and then have a nice rest as they rested and had fun in Rus' on a fun and satisfying holiday - Maslenitsa! However, spring is already in full swing. Look, by the way. Or - it is already on the threshold. They are wonderful too!

Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes!
To pancakes with a slide,
and all with caviar!

Maslenitsa means alive
Once we walk - we will live,
And eat pancakes
Have fun and love.

Let's go for a ride from the hill
Sadness - let's drive away longing,
Let's say goodbye to the winter
She can no longer be helped!

Let it burn like a fire in the sky
Head made of straw
Throw in the fire soon
From the love of the former firewood.

With a dashing Russian dance
Spin under the accordion ...
We part with Shrovetide!
Where are you spring? Wake up!

Since ancient times, ancient
The Festival of the Sun is in a hurry to us.
He is one of the earliest
Looking out the windows in the spring.
It's Maslenitsa rushing
Along the streets to relatives.
Drinking, walking the whole village,
Eat pancakes in a big piece:
With sour cream and nardek,
With fish, meat and caviar.
Wider holiday with every century,
Don't call it a game.

I eat pancakes, maybe pancakes
In that pan they didn’t cool down completely,
But don't let that worry you anymore.
I will eat them with gusto even without you.

I eat pancakes so sincerely and tenderly,
I've been starving for so long.
I'll eat pancakes silently, hopelessly.
I'd rather choke, but not give it to others.

Happy Shrovetide, we congratulate you,
The time has come for the pies to rule.
Without pancakes, the farewell of winter will not work,
We invite you to the song, to the joke, to the joy!

Rusovoloska Good Maslenitsa
Walking all week long!
She bakes pancakes, pancakes, rich donuts,
Ruddy like the sun. Good!

The holiday is famous for its merry round dance,
All honest people sing and laugh.
Spring is met by Maslena the beauty.
Goodbye winter, see you next year!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we cordially invite:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Straight to our front porch
To us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's eat pancakes
On sour cream donuts,
Lush pies,
February - wave,
Martha - "hello" say.

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
Let's meet with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.
The Great Fast awaits all of us,
Eat up, people!
Walk all week
Eat all stocks.

This holiday is coming to us
early spring,
How many joys
He is always with him!
Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles
Sledges run down the hills,
Laughter doesn't stop.
At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends to pancakes,
Let's eat them together.
Noisy, fun
cheese week,
And after it - Great Lent,
Time to pray.

Oh, Maslenitsa, reach out!
You are for the oak, hook on to the deck!
Oh, they said - our Maslenitsa
seven years old,
And just at Shrovetide
Seven days.
Oh, Maslenitsa-deceiver!
Cheated, tricked
Didn't let go!

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

Today we rejoice -
Saying goodbye to winter
With pies and pancakes
In the noise of a cute mess.
Sledges are flying down the hill,
The eyes of a girl are burning
Songs, dances and festivities
What a day in a row.
Young people are not too lazy to look
Named all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - guys,
And at the mother-in-law on pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: “Ah!
Ate, probably, about forty pieces -
What a festive swing!
This is Shrovetide
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

Proverbs and sayings for Shrovetide.

"Without a pancake, not butter"
"Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes"
"Not life, but carnival"
"Shrovetide obeduha, money tucked away"
"Even if you lay down everything from yourself, but spend Shrovetide"
"Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat, but there will be Great Lent"

Pancake week by day

Wide Maslenitsa - Cheese Week!
You came dressed up to us to meet Spring.
Bake pancakes and have fun all week
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Morning… MONDAY… “MEETING” is coming.
Bright sleds glide from the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

"ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.
All walk, frolic came out as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called.
Each hostess conjures at the stove.
Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY - the open-air "Razglyay" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow fights...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law" ...
Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,
We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.
The holiday continues, the general fun.
Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SUNDAY bright comes quickly.
Everything relieves the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".
Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,
Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities The fair crowns.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
We'll meet Beauty again in a year.
We will celebrate again, treat pancakes!

// February 4, 2010 // Hits: 42,498
