The meaning of the bell ringing for Easter. Collection of children's Easter songs Easter chimes

During the Bright Week, all the churches of the capital ring, Muscovites can hear the ringing of the masters of this business… And where do these masters come from? What is this profession, which was owned by both kings and shoemakers? Who is doing it now?

>We are talking about the profession, ringing, traditions of Bright Easter Week with the main ringer of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Moscow Kremlin, Igor Vasilyevich Konovalov.

Igor Konovalov, chief bell ringer of the Moscow Kremlin

Birth of ringers and death of bells

Igor Vasilyevich, there is a tradition on Bright Week to let people go to the bell towers. Can anyone really stand up and make a phone call?

Yes, such a tradition exists, but it is ambiguous. As they say, Bright Week is the time of the birth of bell ringers and the death of bells. Ringers are born because someone will listen, try, and maybe he himself will have a desire to ring. And the death of the bells is because the people ring with all their might, pull the ropes with all their might, and it happens that the bells break. But on the bell towers there are those that are hundreds of years old, ancient. They will break them - and then what?

- And how should you call if a person has already taken up the ropes?

If you ring in the absence of a bell-ringer or someone else from the temple, you need to remember that the craftsmen cast the bell in such a way that the tongue, only by its weight, without additional effort, can extract the most beautiful sound from the bell. Therefore, if you are zealous, striking hard, then the bell will wheeze, cough, but will not sing. Don't ring the bells, not at Easter, not ever!

Now in the West there is a widespread tradition to use electronic ringing - and the bells are safer, and, it seems, the goal is achieved. We do not expect such a turn?

Yes, in the West this has existed for quite a long time: they put an electric motor, it rotates the bell (the tongue also swings along with the bell and gradually catches up with it. A blow occurs). We even composed a song: “Electronic ringing floats above the earth, and in the monastery CD-Rom sings: “Lord, have mercy!”

In Russia, this could be seen, for example, in the 1970s, when in Zvenigorod the priest put the speakers on the bell tower, simply because he had no alternative, and started the chime of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Now, when both bells and ringers appear, when art is being revived - are these electronic "rattlers" necessary?

- Why do they need their European colleagues?

The fact is that in the West music developed in two directions (chorus and organ), bells are secondary there, the main instrument is the organ. And, as far as I know, the organist always sits at the Catholic Mass and plays - no electronics. In our country, bells are the only instrument that is acceptable in the church. Therefore, they have a completely different attitude.

Technically, of course, it is possible to replace manual chimes with mechanics, but… For example, when the bell ringer produces a blagovest, he reads the 50th psalm. Will electronics read too? Now the Synod has taken the rank of initiation into ringers. Will we dedicate this machine too?

Russian "know-how"

- Why did the bell ringing become necessary historically?

In the old days, bells served as a warning system for people: by the way they rang, Muscovites knew what was happening and where. Suppose, if one of the big bells of the Danilov Monastery sounded 12 times in a row, everyone understood perfectly well that the Liturgy began in the Trinity Cathedral, more precisely, its most important part - the Eucharistic Canon. People left their work even for a minute, turned to the image, overshadowed themselves with the sign of the cross. If the bell sounds 9 times, then in the church at that time the song of the Virgin is sung: “We will exalt the Mother of God and the Mother of Light in songs.” There was a schedule, the so-called bell surname, which explained which bells and how to ring on a specific occasion. If a service is going on in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin and it is performed by an archpriest, then such bells ring; if in the Assumption Cathedral and - the Patriarch, then others. And all of Moscow knew this very well. "Ivan the Great" was built in such a way that the whole capital heard its ringing: the bells of the first tier were placed in special acoustic shells, so that the impact of the bell with a "gun" shoots in a certain direction.

And any bell tower was a kind of mast, a huge signal-musical instrument.

- When was the fast, and when was the holiday, respectively, could also be determined by the ringing?

Yes. Imagine, in the 16th-17th centuries, and even in the 19th century, people basically did not have church calendars - it was a rarity. And you need to somehow measure your life with the liturgical circle.

Sets of bells were specially created so that they sounded either in major or in minor, that is, either joyfully, solemnly, or sadly. For example, the Rostov Lenten bell "Golodar" was made with a special minor sound, somewhat sad. The "seven hundred" bell on "Ivan the Great" also has a deep and incredibly beautiful minor sound.
And in our Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a special bell weighing 9.5 tons was made for this. There are other nuances: for example, during Great Lent, ringing is made “not often” (that is, slowly), at one end. And the ringing pattern itself is simpler. All this not only calls for prayer, but also creates a mood!

- Different bells for different moods?

Yes. And this has never happened anywhere else in the world! Although bells have been known to China since ancient times, they appeared in Western Europe in the early Middle Ages, but nowhere is there such an approach that has developed in Russia. We tried to create whole ensembles, they selected bells so that, say, the first one was combined with the second, the second with the third, so that even their internal overtones would be combined with each other. And from this wealth, only one selection of bells of the Rostov ringing has been preserved ...

- At Easter, in that case, there should be some absolutely amazing ringing ...

This is precisely the skill of the bell ringers, in order to first announce Holy Week, and then the joy of Christ's Resurrection, "the feast of feasts and the triumph of celebrations." So, imagine: a Christian fasts for seven weeks, during Holy Week, maybe someone eats almost nothing at all in the first and last weeks, listens to these mournful bells of Great Lent ... And on Easter night he leaves the church with the procession , and what kind of bell ringing should he hear? ... The point is not to ring loudly, deafening everyone, but above all - beautifully, joyfully. Easter is joy.

- Do such bells continue throughout Bright Week?

We celebrate Easter until Ascension, 40 days. But the most solemn Easter bells accompany, first of all, the procession, which takes place every day of Bright Week, starting from Sunday night.

On the bell tower of Ivan the Great

The mood of the bell ringer and the sound of the bell

- There are no musical melodies in Russian ringing?

This is not accepted. Russian bell ringing is built on a rhythmic basis: the main rhythm is set by a large bell, and medium and small bells fit into it. Sometimes ringers wove the rhythmic basis of the melody. Here is your obedient servant in the late 1980s, on the bell tower of the Danilov Monastery called "Christ is Risen from the dead." They do it there and now. Melodies do not have to be woven into the ringing, but experienced bell ringers can do this to create a special prayerful mood. For example, in the Danilov Monastery in the early 1920s there was such a ringer, Uncle Nikolai. He was a shoemaker by profession, and he was called the “ringer-theologian”, because they heard “melodies” from famous spiritual chants in his ringing.

- Does the ringing depend on the personality of the ringer?

Directly! For example, while listening to the gospel, I can determine what mood the ringer came in today. It would seem that he is only leading the tongue of a large bell by the rope!... But by barely noticeable nuances, one can determine in what mood a person took up this rope. I am sure that the state of mind that the bell ringer possesses is transmitted with the help of bells.

The ringer is a guilty watchman? ..

- How do they become bell ringers?

Remember how the old grandfather was asked: when you go to bed, where do you put your beard? He thought and thought and died like that - he could not find what to answer.

There is no clear answer! The most important thing is to rely on the will of God for us, that is, to open the will of God for ourselves. And then you will be in the right place at the right time.

How did you end up in the right place at the right time?

In 1982, I came to the subbotnik of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments at the Danilov Monastery, which was given to the Church to create the spiritual and administrative center of the Moscow Patriarchate there. I liked the history of Russia, and after each subbotnik they read a lecture about the facility where the work and cleaning were carried out. My old friend, Nikolai Andreevich Vorobyov, who lived near the Danilov Monastery, once called me and invited me there for a community work day - to sort out the rubble. After all, the monastery was turned into a garbage dump by the Soviet authorities: land was brought to the territory when a metro was built nearby, there was a children's reception center; part of the monastery wall has fallen; two colonnades of the Trinity Cathedral were broken...

Little by little, they began to re-erect the gate bell tower, the first bells appeared. And we were attracted to these works. So I stayed at the monastery, from then until 1992 I was the ringer of the Danilov Monastery. And in 1992 they called to the Moscow Kremlin - it was already difficult to combine.

- Who goes into this profession? For example, who is on your ringing team?

For example, Sergey Badyuk calls us - a real hero, a former special forces soldier, a martial arts specialist, an actor, diplomats, oil and gas traders, professional icon painters, professional musicians call.

- Was it a separate profession in the old days, or did people combine it with other activities?

Our profession has come a long way from the privileged Zvonar settlement to the lowest "caste" of church servants.

As travelers wrote, Grand Duke Ivan III ordered 120 yards to service the bell tower of Ivan the Great - the production of bells, minor repairs on the bell tower, etc. Consider several hundred people. From this settlement, by the way, the church of St. Nicholas in Zvonari, built in the 18th century, has been preserved.

In the middle of the 16th century, we see among the ringers the carriers of the highest state power. This is Ivan the Terrible, these are the princes Ivan and Fedor, this is Boris Godunov, this is Vasily Shuisky, this is the head of the Russian detective Grigory Lukyanovich Skuratov-Belsky, known as Malyuta. They rang the bells on the "Ivan the Great" in the Kremlin and on the bell tower of Alexandrova Sloboda. Tsar Ivan, for example, got up at five o'clock in the morning and went to evangelize at the 500-pood bell-evangelist.

And at the beginning of the 20th century, guilty guards were sometimes “exiled” to ringers ... That is, there was nowhere to demote from ringers! Just kick out. The Zvonar profession begins to decline after the secularization of church lands. For example, ringers were listed at churches as watchmen, gatekeepers, etc.

The largest bell of Ivan the Great - Uspensky - weighs more than 65 tons

May 9, 12 noon

Can a modern Muscovite walk around the city and hear some traditional Moscow bells? Or, rather, will he hear what every bell ringer at that moment will fall on the soul of?

Unfortunately, the Moscow tradition of ringing is now blurred by the own will of any ringer, and his skill depends on how a person studied, who taught him. And ringing in Moscow - from beautiful to terrible. But, for example, the Novodevichy Convent maintains the tradition of old Moscow bells, Vladimir Ivanovich Moshkov. We in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and in the Kremlin try to follow the tradition of Rostov bells.

At Easter there are a lot of interesting calls, curious.

- Now there are new traditions in Moscow? For example, a half-hour ringing at 12 noon on May 9, on Victory Day ...

Is not new tradition, but a well-forgotten old one. In Russia, there were victorious bells associated with military victories. In the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and in the Kremlin, two such commemorative bells rang: in memory of the 200th anniversary of the end of the war of 1812 and in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

Is there a need in the city to compromise with residents who do not like, say, that they call early for the Liturgy, somewhere in a residential area?

I believe that everything should be wisely consistent. If the temple is next to a kindergarten or a hospital, this must be taken into account. Sometimes they write to us at the Society of Church Bell Ringers: “What should we do? The priest calls every time at seven in the morning.” Previously, if two Liturgies were served in a church, they usually didn't call the early one at all. And late starts, as a rule, at 10 in the morning: if we call at fifteen minutes to ten, we won’t wake anyone up.

Yes, and from experience, some part of the people in residential areas are indignant at first, then they already say: “Where is the ringing today, why not, what’s the matter?” We had such a remarkable case. In 1994, bells were hung in the Church of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God in Fedosino. An excellent selection of bells turned out - they are separated from each other by a third: it sounds like a music box. The first few weeks there were calls to the temple: “What is it? Stop calling!" And then everyone loved it! The calls have stopped, the calls continue.

Miracles and myths

- Was there anything unusual in your zvonar practice?

- In my opinion, it was the day of the great consecration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, 2000. We stand on the bell towers of the temple, look around and see how terrible lead clouds are coming from the building of Moscow State University directly onto the temple. And religious processions are already gathering here from all sides of Moscow, people - hundreds of thousands of people, probably! The clouds are such that it seemed that everything will flood - that's putting it mildly, it will simply wash away the entire procession. And now this cloud is coming, some two or three kilometers are left before us. They struck the bells, Patriarch Alexy II arrived, met him with a bishop's ringing. And you know, I see with my own eyes how this giant lead cloud ... turns to the left and goes towards Zamoskvorechye.

In general, dozens of times it happened that the weather was cloudy, gloomy, but they hit the bells and suddenly - a clear sky, the sun appears or the snowstorm ends.

- Is your profession missionary?

A missionary is not necessarily someone who walks down the street and drags people into the temple by the button. This is the one who shows and offers: if you want, come in. The temple is a preacher standing still. It opens its doors to everyone who wants to enter there, even if just with normal human interest.

When the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was being built, we set ourselves the task of collecting here, as it were, the highest cut of all types of Orthodox Christian art. People travel, for example, to Egypt - to look at the pyramids of Cheops, to Greece - to look at the Athenian Acropolis, to Rome, Venice and so on. So I would like people to come to Moscow and be able to perceive the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the same way. Accordingly, the bell ringing should be at the highest level. And - to have historical continuity. For example, we know that the ringing of the old, blown up temple was not uniform, but jumbled: each of the four bell towers standing around the central drum rang its own. The impression was strange, as if random people, not familiar with bells and ringing, climbed the bell towers. Today, thank God, all the bell towers of the church and the bell tower of the Transfiguration, the lower church, are ringing in full rhythmic harmony!

- You don't care that people's interest can remain at the level of culture, won't it go deeper?

You see, I personally came to faith, to the Church precisely through culture - through excursions in the 1970s ...

It happens that a person comes on an excursion to the bell tower and, as it were, clings to it for life. And sometimes, once he comes and never see him again. But the ringing - in particular, our ringing in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - still leaves no one indifferent.

What are the types of bells?

big bells called evangelists
(and are usually controlled by a foot pedal),

middle bells - ringing(managed left hand),

small - ringing(controlled by the right hand).

When do the bells ring?

The bell ringing serves call to worship and herald its end.

The ringing accompanies several important moments of the service, for example, foretells the reading of the gospel.

Calling at the funeral;

at the wedding;

Sometimes - at christening;

at the meeting and seeing off of the bishop when he arrives at the temple for worship and leaves after;
ringing meet the procession.

On Holy Week there is a tradition to call at any time of the day, without being tied to worship.
First Easter bell takes place on the night of Easter, when Christians leave the church for the procession.

Historically, ringing has also been associated with events of national importance: for example, proclaimed important points in the life of the royal family (crowning the kingdom, the birth of an heir, etc.), as well as military victories (the so-called. victoria chimes). Today, the tradition of victory bells is being revived - for example, in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, in honor of the anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

What are the types of calls?

Exists 4 canonical chimes:

blagovest- uniform blows to one (less often - to two) large bells; as a rule, this is a call to worship;

enumeration- single blows to the bells in turn, from small to large; usually accompanies burial;

chime- strikes the bells from large to small; a sad solemn ringing performed on Good Friday, Good Saturday and on some other days;

ringing- ringing all the bells, it is not strictly regulated.

Interviewed by Valeria Posashko. Photo by Vladimir Eshtokin

OGSKOU Astrakhan special (correctional)

secondary school №1 VIII type

"Easter Chime"

Extra-curricular event for middle school students of VIII type correctional school


Developed by GPA Educator


Vazhovoy O.Yu.

The stage is decorated with paintings (Easter cake and painted eggs)


Holy Easter is the greatest and brightest holiday for Orthodox Christians.

Jesus Christ the Son of God gave his life for all of us. When Jesus Christ was crucified, His disciples removed the body of the Savior from the Cross and performed the burial ceremony, wrapped His body in a shroud and laid it in a cave. It was on Friday, and on Sunday, on the third day after death, Jesus Christ arose, rose from the dead. He conquered death and gave us new life that will never end.

1 reader

Here come the birds

Arrived for Easter

Fine! Spring came

Brought a bright holiday

Resurrection of Christ

Everyone sing and praise God!

2 reader

So Easter has come to us -

Holiday is sweet for me!

Over meadows and fields

The sun is shining above us

long-awaited spring

Easter brought us!

Song "Easter"

1 reader

Good at the belfry

Ring the bells

To make the holiday more spacious,

So that the soul can sing.

2 reader

Like an angel's song

This wonderful call

Bright hymn of Sunday

Sounded from all sides!

Spanish Song "Angels"


"Dear testicle to christ day!" - says the Orthodox Russian people. It is impossible to imagine without a red egg happy holiday. Why do we color eggs and give them to each other?

Mary Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius, offered him an egg and said: "Christ is risen!" The emperor replied: “I don’t believe it! Believe me - if the egg turns red. And a miracle happened: the egg turned red! Easter Egg- a sign of spiritual rebirth and resurrection. Painted red, it reminds everyone of the very source of rebirth - the pure blood of the Savior.

At Easter it is customary to treat not only colored eggs, and also Easter cakes. Easter cake is a bread symbolizing the risen Christ. IN Orthodox tradition it was consecrated at the liturgy on Easter day and treated to guests.

Reader 3

I painted an egg

A branch, and a bird on the branch.

The cloud flies into space

In the blue skies.

In the middle - a pattern,

And below - Christ is Risen!

Reader 4

Christ is risen! Spring is coming,

Kapel murmurs, rings, sings,

Flowers and herbs appear

In spring, nature wakes up.


IN folk tradition Easter was celebrated as a holiday of spring, renewal and rebirth of nature.

Children perform a dance sketch "Awakening of nature"


Easter is a big holiday, it lasts a week. In Rus', the entire Easter week was filled with various games, entertainment, visiting guests. On Easter it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ, to christen and exchange colored eggs. On Easter, everyone (men, guys, boys) was allowed to ring the bells, so there was an uninterrupted ringing of bells, maintaining a joyful, festive mood. And how many games!

Song "In the forge"

1 reader

What are the heroes standing - relaxing?

The youth competition is about to begin!

The fastest! The most dexterous!

Well, brag about your skill!

2 reader

Our task is very simple.

It's entirely possible for anyone.

Take an egg, put it in a spoon

And run with it for a while.

3 reader

Who was the first to pass the egg back,

He became the winner!

The game "Pass the egg" is being played (you need to pass the egg in rows back and forth) Cook 2 eggs

The song "I already sowed flax"

1 reader

And now, other people, do not yawn,

Come join us on stage!

2 reader

Don't hit your face in the dirt

Hurry up for the egg.

The game “Spin the egg” is played, on command, the children spin the egg, whose egg takes longer to spin. that one is the winner.

1 reader

Are we all ready here?

Just right!

2 reader

Kohl is ready, so be it

It's time to open the theater!

Staged by the theater "Smile". "Golden Egg" Easter scene.

Reader 1

The longed-for spring has come

Winter has gone to gray distances.

The earth awakened from sleep

And the blue distance is clear

And we are not tormented by sadness.

Reader 2

And the sun shines from heaven

A ray of spring greetings,

Noisy in the distance green forest,

And the anthem sounds: "Christ is Risen!"

Reader 3

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining from heaven!

Green spring forest

Christ is truly risen!

Reader 4

Spring has come - the time of miracles,

The spring murmurs - Christ is risen!

There are no words brighter in the world -

“Truly, Christ is risen!”


Light Christ's resurrection is a celebration of philanthropy, when we forget about bitterness and bitterness in our souls. Let us rejoice at the bright sensations awakening in us on this holiday, exceptional in its solemnity. We will be full of joy, fun, hope and love. Christ is risen!

Since ancient times, the ringing of a bell has been considered sacred and is highly revered by believers. According to church canons, the ringing of bells is considered the "voice of God." The sounds of ringing bells from ancient times were heard throughout the district and were perceived by our ancestors as a celebration of life, earthly joy. If the ringing of a church bell was heard during the performance of any business, it was considered blessed by higher powers. For this reason, they tried to time any undertakings with the ringing of bells.

From Holy Thursday until Holy Saturday, all church bells are silent. It is believed that this is the time when death and darkness triumph on earth. Then Easter begins. A light is lit in the bell tower and sounds everywhere, which announces the triumph of good and light. It accompanies all Easter events. There is a long-standing custom: all parishioners who wish are allowed to go up to the bells and try themselves as a bell ringer.

Easter bells solemnly and joyfully announce the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many believers are unaware that there are different sounds of bells for certain activities performed in the church. Most cannot distinguish between the Easter chime and the Easter bell.

Easter bell ringing has two main types of sound: blagovest and ordinary ringing. Both types also have their own varieties. The service in honor of the Easter holiday begins with a service called the Midnight Office. It begins closer to midnight and marks the coming coming of Jesus Christ and the Last Judgment. Before the beginning of the Midnight Office, a short (no more than 5 minutes) Easter Annunciation sounds in the temple. As a rule, rare and measured blows will be heard. If the bell is too large, then the bell ringer strikes only one end, missing the second stroke. This is the Paschal good news, announcing the good news and calling all believers to God's temple.

The beginning of the procession is evidenced by the Easter chime. In another way, it is called "the ringing in all", since the ringing is made in all the bells three times after short breaks. This Easter bell ringing expresses the solemn joy of Orthodox Christians. As soon as the procession goes around the church and stops at the doors facing the west, the ringing stops and everyone prepares for the Easter beginning. At the entrance to the church, the solemn chime resumes and lasts about 5 minutes before the start.

During the reading of the Gospel at the Paschal Liturgy, a frequent Paschal chime is performed - seven strokes are heard on each bell. The number seven signifies the indivisibility of God's glory. After reading the Gospel, the Easter chime ends and the ringing of all the bells resumes again.

Throughout the following Easter week, a daily chime was adopted from the end of liturgical singing until Vespers, including Sundays. They also ring during religious processions.

Rules for visiting the bell tower on Easter

The bell ringing for Easter is a symbol in sound and calls all those who have heard to spiritual rebirth and repentance. The church forbids idly ringing from the bell tower, and even the bell ringers are not allowed to rehearse. Bell rings are made only according to the canons of the church, strictly according to the rules and at certain hours. But there is one week in church calendar when you can call enough and to the delight of the whole district. We are talking about Bright Week, or the week that follows Easter.

And now, in some churches during the Easter week, everyone is allowed to enter the bell towers and try themselves as a bell ringer. This custom is very old. In many churches, the bell ringers left the bell towers open and went to rest. Everyone tried to get up and pull the bell, as popular belief it attracted happiness, wealth and a large harvest

However, nowadays, when society is strongly divided in religious, cultural and socially, it is unlikely that anyone who comes from the street can be allowed into the belfry. If you really want to call, then you must politely ask for permission from the bell ringer, giving a promise to take good care of the property of the church. There are also certain rules for visiting the bell tower on Easter holidays:

Behavior rules


a beginner should listen to instructions from an experienced bell ringer before ringing the Easter bell the church bell is not intended for concerts
the use of force and inaccurate handling of bells is unacceptable blows with all their might produce a sloppy and painful sound, so
the bell is very easy to break a cracked bell can no longer be repaired, it will be sent to be poured again
the bell tower belongs to the objects of increased danger the person who accompanies them is responsible for the people who come
it is necessary to exclude pampering and inappropriate behavior it should be remembered that inept and erratic ringing may not please others
the best thing for a beginner is to ring to the beat of the ringer while carefully observing how he handles the bells
it is strictly forbidden to visit the bell tower while intoxicated You can't smoke or swear there

There are cases when, after visiting guests, it is necessary to carry out restoration work in the bell tower: to engage in bandaging equipment, repairing pedals and other equipment. So that the ministers of the church do not have to do this, it should be remembered that the bell is a church shrine that must be honored and protected.

Collection of children's Easter songs.

A miracle above all miracles - Christ is risen!
Death is gone, and fear has disappeared - Christ is risen!
Choirs of angels from heaven glorify God's Cross.

He is not among the dead - Christ is risen!
Light shone over the world - Christ is risen!
You see, His tomb is empty, Jesus Christ is alive!
Christ is risen! - Truly resurrected! (2 times)

The Lord saved us from death - Christ is risen!
The kingdom of God is among us - Christ is risen!
Rejoice and glorify - now love reigns.
Christ is risen! - Truly resurrected! (2 times)

Happy Easter

Words by V. Kuzmenkov

Happy Easter,
And we sing "Christ is risen!"
We all answer together:
"He is truly risen!"

Chorus: He is risen! (2 p)
He has truly risen!
He is risen!
He has truly risen!

Joy and hugs everywhere
Brother, sister: "Christ is risen!"
Hell is destroyed, there is no curse:
"He is truly risen!"


Asleep Zion

Zion sleeps, and anger slumbers,
Sleeps in the tomb of the King of kings.
Behind the seal is a coffin stone.
There are guards at the door everywhere.

At night, darkness surrounds the garden,
The guard is formidable,
Her sensitive hearing does not sleep,
She gazes into the distance.

The night has passed. To the tomb of the Messiah
With scents in hand
There were sad Marys,
Anxiety in their features.

And their anxiety saddens:
Who with a mighty hand
A heavy stone will roll them away
From the cave of the tomb?

And they look, they both marvel:
The stone is moved, the coffin is open,
And, like the dead, at the coffin
The guard is formidable.

And in a coffin full of light
Someone wonderful, not earthly,
Dressed in white robes
Sat on a grave stone.

Shines brighter than lightning
The brilliance of the heavenly face.
In fear, the messengers listen,
And their hearts flutter.

“What are you, timid, in confusion, -
The holy stranger told them,
With a message of peace and salvation
Come back home.

I am heaven sent
He brought wonderful news:
There is no living with the dead,
The tomb is already empty, Christ is risen!”

And the wives hurry from there,
And with the delight of their lips
Preach to Zion
Resurrection of Christ!

He is Risen! abode of paradise
Reopened to the public...
Life is sinless, holy -
There is only one way to get there.

red testicle

expensive testicle
For Christ's day
And I did not know for a long time
How and why.

How does it happen
Where to find the answer?
The bird suddenly comes out
From egg to light!

This is the miracle
God made it so
What is a raw egg
Turned into a bird.

I understood that example.
Dear heart:
So the Lord once
Will do with me.

The same power of God
Gather my ashes
And from the ashes again
The body will come to life.

And since then, the testicle
red like blood
reminds me
About His love.

Hello sunshine!

sl. E. Matvienko, music. M. Bystrovoy

Here the winter is over
Easter has come to us.
Smiled at the sun
All my friends!

Spring sunshine
Just wink,
miraculous miraculous
The moment will happen!

The sparrows sing
The drops will ring.
hello ray of sunshine
And Easter day!

Willow-willow blossoms
And the bumblebee woke up.
The kids are having fun
All day long!

Spring sunshine
Just wink,
miraculous miraculous
The moment will happen!

Snowdrops pop out
Lilac will bloom.
hello ray of sunshine
And Easter day!

Easter bells

sl. K. Fofanova, music. 3. Zinchenko
ed. L. Istomina

In a green dress
Dark forests are fading
The sky shines like the sea
The sea is like heaven.

To the tune of Easter prayers
And to the sound of bells
Spring is flying to us from far
From the midday regions.

Pines in green velvet
And fragrant resin
Along scaly columns
Amber flowed.

3. And in our garden today
I noticed how secretly
christened lily of the valley
With a white-winged moth.

Praise the Lord from heaven

sl. K. Romanova

Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing incessantly.
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.

Praise the Lord from heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone
Our eyes light up.

Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

"Christ is Risen"

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing;
Of all the churches, the people bring down;
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressing ...
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Din Dong (Song for Easter)

Ding dong! Ding dong!
Ringing, ringing!
He is from all sides, ringing!
He invites everyone to church!

Go, hurry, holy cakes,
Gather to church, marvel at the miracle.
Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!
Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! Ringing!

Great holy day has come

Great holy day has come.
Christ is Risen, Son of God!
That glory shone from the tomb. *
Christ the Lord is our eternal light.

Early in the morning the wives walked
And the body was not found in the coffin.
The heavenly angel opened the door for them.
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Like angels in heaven
All rejoice on earth
And everywhere is heard from heaven:
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

*After each line, the refrain is sung: Christ is Risen, Son of God!


sl. V. Gorodetsky, music. arch. Igor Lepishinsky

The sun floated over the morning earth,
The myrrh-bearing women walked quietly to the tomb,
Sorrow fanned them with a gray cloud.
Who at the entrance will move a heavy stone for them?

Fragrances are held in quivering hands.
The sun rises in slow rays.
The sun illuminates the dark, low entrance.
There is no stone! The stone has been rolled away. The angel is waiting.

A white angel stood over the tomb of God,
To the frightened myrrh-bearers he said:
- Do not look for Jesus: He is risen.
He is in heaven and will come down from heaven again.

Quiet horror, sweet awe and delight
The messenger of a miracle from the hearts of two wives wrested.
They kiss the fabrics of idle sheets.
The sun has risen. There is a bright, eternal ringing in the sky.

Song about Easter

(to the motive of the song "Golden Wedding")

Holiday! Holiday! Celebrate with you
The best, the most expensive
Easter! Easter! Finally you!
Easter day could not come to us!

We celebrate every year
Let's celebrate Easter together.
We rejoice in the Risen One with all my soul,
Let's all sing this song!

We went to You throughout Great Lent,
Fasting for us is just a bridge,
To achieve Easter purity,
Both I and you brought repentance.


And now we're all celebrating
A celebration of life in the midst of evil and darkness,
Christ will abolish our death,
If we do not smolder, but burn!


Sunday has come

Sunday has come -
Salvation for humanity.
Angels descended from heaven
To sing with people: "Christ is risen!"

Birds fly across the sky
The wonderful holiday is glorified.
Cockerel climbed on a pole
And sings: "Christ is risen!"

Everything around is alive
Everyone congratulates each other
The spring forest rustles
And sings: "Christ is risen!"

Echoes them from all sides
bell ringing,
A world full of joys, miracles:
“Truly risen!
He has truly risen!"

Resurrection of Christ

I see firs and birches
On the hillside by the road
Dropped drops of tears
Bright joy in God.

I hear like a crystal stream,
What murmurs in the blades of grass again,
Praises the song of crystal
Resurrection of Christ!

I see the river trembling
Glittering in glittering gold,
And the wave is ringing and splashing
Remembering the Resurrection.

I hear: there in the azure of spring,
Where the bashful beam shines,
The bird choir is always sinless
Happy sings a hymn to God.

The heart is wounded by adversity,
But now it's ready
Praise with spring nature
Resurrection of Christ!

According to the Typicon, - the last service. In modern practice, it adjoins Easter matins. The Typicon says about the convocation for the Midnight Office: “We take a blessing from the rector, and when he comes out, he strikes the beater.” But at present, before the Midnight Office, the blagovest is made to the festive bell (for a short time, about five minutes) with a rare accent (if the festive bell weighs more than 300 pounds, then the ringing is made in one direction or after one blow).

The Typicon does not prescribe a procession around the temple, but at present it is impossible to imagine the Easter service without it.

During the procession, all the bells are pealed, which continues until the moment when the marchers, having circled around the temple, stand at the western doors to the temple to celebrate the Paschal beginning. Here the ringing should be stopped, and after the Easter beginning, when the worshipers enter the temple, the ringing is resumed; finish it already in fact by the beginning of the canon.

The next ringing on Easter night is performed at the end of Matins before the start of the Liturgy. This is a trezvon in three steps, as is customary for festive and Sunday liturgies, with the only difference that before this the blagovest is not performed.

At the reading of the Gospel during the liturgy in the Typicon, it is indicated: “And at every exclamation or article of the Gospel, they strike the candia once in the church. The paraecclesiarch is outside the church in the great beater and in the great campaign; at the last exclamation, they strike the whole campaign and the great beater. This means that the big bell should be struck one at a time before each reading, and at the end of the readings - a chime. In modern practice, these calls are not made, although it is not entirely clear why. It would be nice, according to the author, to restore these ringing.

If the holiday coincides with the Annunciation, then “... they don’t hit the candia for that Gospel,” since the readings of the Annunciation and, and the traditional readings of the Gospel on different languages No.

At the Eucharist, as usual, twelve strokes of the festive bell. At the end of the liturgy - a festive chime.

Bells of Bright Week

They will announce the Annunciation throughout the Bright Week at the festive bell, they will ring "to the fullest".

At liturgies, the gospel is short. Since the hours are sung on these days, the ringing time before the start of the liturgy is noticeably reduced, therefore, in some churches, the abbots bless before the liturgies during this period to ring without any blagovest at all.

Throughout Bright Week, religious processions are made around the temple. Here, the bell ringers should agree in advance with their assistants (those who give signals about the movement of the procession) so that the signal to stop the peal is given not immediately after the stop of the head group, but after the clergy prepares to perform actions (reading the Gospel, performing a litany, sprinkling with holy water, etc.).

The procession stops on all four sides of the temple, but it should be borne in mind that the stops are not always the same in duration. The last, fourth, stop is made in the western part of the temple, at the porch. After that, they enter the church in order to finish the service and venerate the cross. At the entry of the procession into the temple, they also ring. This chime can be considered final if there is no celebratory prayer service after the liturgy. If the prayer service is performed, then they already ring, in fact, at the exit of the parishioners from the temple.

About the order of visiting the bell towers

On Bright Week, it is allowed to visit the bell towers and ring the bells for everyone, but you do not need to leave the bell towers unattended. Guests must be accompanied by someone from the church clergy (best of all, of course, the ringer himself).

Those who wish to call are trusted only if they have at least some experience. Before entrusting the ringing to a beginner, he must be instructed. It should be remembered that it is not difficult to break the bell. Much harder to get. In addition, inept, discordant ringing can annoy and cause anxiety to citizens living not far from the church.

The bell towers are an object of increased danger, and the responsibility for the safety of guests lies with the one in whose escort they came. Persons in a state of intoxication should be categorically excluded from the number of visitors.

There are frequent cases when, after visitors to the bell tower, you have to bandage the equipment, repair pedals and other devices that, due to incorrect ringing, come to a deplorable state.

All these nuances should be foreseen in advance and, in agreement with the rector of the temple, determine the order of visiting the bell tower and the rules of the ringing.
