The subconscious is the whole world... What is the subconscious? What is the Subconsciousness of a person: how it works and how the Subconsciousness works, how it serves a person.

Imagine a huge sphere, inside the sphere there is a whole world, it lives by its own rules, and a person does not even guess by which ones. Unfortunately, the last picture of societies suggests that a person has been zombified and deprived of understanding, and how it works. As you know, nothing just happens, and for some reason it is necessary. If we assume a fantastic version of the development of the future, then soon a person will forget how to think independently and turn into a puppet. Conduct an experiment and look on the Internet, what is the subconscious? Most of the time you won't understand anything. Indeed, in its essence, the word subconscious does not carry anything. Because the common man is not aware of it. We are faced with one of the rules of the subconscious - awareness of the system, how it works. I have already written that the subconscious is a whole world, let's simplify this concept and say that it is a system like a computer. Everyone is more or less aware of how a computer works.

So in order to better understand what the subconscious is, imagine that there is a certain program that affects the operation of the system. It remains to understand who creates this program? Have you ever created programs for the subconscious? Imagine how easy it is. The system works with certain codes. The code for the subconscious, let's say this is a certain image. Imagine that a certain image can open the door to the subconscious. It responds very well to images. But unfortunately most people have lost this universal , they don't even know how powerful he is. It can be assumed that people were specifically turned off the awareness of what it is. Imagine a room in which a light is on, if the light goes out, then you will not know that there is such a room in the system, where, let's say, there is a control panel and buttons. Let's put it this way: let's imagine a certain reasonable field, yes, a reasonable field, let's call this field a soul. There is a room and there is a soul. But in order to connect with the soul, it is necessary to feel that it exists at least, as much as possible, to be aware of how to interact with it. But the paradox is that there is no light in the room. And here the conclusion suggests itself, who controls the system and programs it?

Let's call it some kind of force or field. In this field there is a reasonable form of self-awareness. Some great Constructor of all mankind came and coded programs in this field. It's no secret that the human brain is a relay. And it turns out that ready-made thoughts are slipped into a person, you don’t have to think, there is a thought and you take it as your own. Few people think about where thoughts come from. And suppose this designer made it so that sometimes in a room with a control panel and a light bulb the light comes on, and a person realizes himself as a piece of God. With some fleeting flash, he comes to understand how everything works and which button to press, so you can turn a person’s whole life upside down. It can be assumed that this great constructor gives a chance to every person to participate in the global Let's go back to the subconscious. So, in order to learn how to manage the system, you need to study how the global system works, This could take years or maybe months. There are many techniques and techniques for doing this. It's like a child grows up inside you, becomes an adult, an adult... This person goes to college and studies the programs of the system. There are teachers at the institute, and they are very good. This is how a program is formed in the system, it is enough to give this program energy, connect with it, and amazing things will happen. A person can become a great scientist or


The very word "subconscious" gives an answer to the question of its meaning. This is something that is under consciousness, and therefore outside of it. Something that a person cannot be aware of and control. The problem of the subconscious, or the unconscious, was revealed in the works of Sigmund Freud about. He says that the unconscious is some kind of repressed desires, often those desires or aspirations that are not recognized by society. This is where the conflict between the conscious and the subconscious arises. A person understands with his mind that it is impossible or unacceptable to behave in this way, and then the unconscious is repressed, and this is always fraught with consequences. Often these unconscious motives can be the cause of serious mental disorders of the personality. Later, the founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, developed Freud's ideas about the unconscious and even expanded this concept to the "collective unconscious".

Consciousness and subconsciousness are closely related. They coordinate their actions with each other, and it is important here which will be stronger. When information from external stimuli enters the brain, the subconscious mind processes it, taking into account, among other things, past experience. After processing, subconscious forces give out some kind of emotion, a response that is not conscious of a person. This emotional message enters the mind, and, based on the situation, it produces an appropriate reaction. What matters is how “friendly” these two facets of personality are. When a person has to do something that actually contradicts his real life attitudes, there is a personality conflict that may not immediately manifest itself, or the person himself is unable to notice it.

In order to better understand what the subconscious is like, you can compare it to a car factory. Raw materials enter the plant, are processed and the finished product is obtained. Imagine that thoughts are a car, that is, a finished product. Looking only at her, it is impossible to imagine what she was made with - presses, furnaces, stamps and so on. So, knowing only thoughts, it is impossible to predict how they were born and what influenced it. Also, in order to know the subconscious, it is extremely important to see the whole picture, that is, the entire car. Because, looking only, for example, at the carburetor, it is impossible to say in advance that it belongs to a particular car model. Even having an idea of ​​what the subconscious is, few people are fully aware of its impact on human life. And how life can change if you set as your goal to isolate these subconscious motives.

First, I want to bring to your attention a video in which answers to many questions of interest to us are given. Why do people "run in the head"? What is the meaning and real drive of life? Why is it so important to live exactly "your life" and how to do it?

An excerpt from Vitaly Bujvol's speech at the "Find and Accept Yourself 2.0" conference

Who is the master in the body?

Folk wisdom says: "You can't command your heart." Many psychological currents say: you will order. And not only the heart, but also the mind, feelings, instincts, thoughts, fears, memories. In fact, a person is the master of his body and all the processes that take place in it. Alas, most of us forget about it or consciously deny our enormous power. And if you like to depend on your moods and fears, instincts and whims, then this article is not for you. And if you would like to learn how to lift your mood, erase unpleasant memories, regulate your own well-being and be able to concentrate on what you need, it's time to learn how to do it.

Conscious and subconscious.

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the information that gets into the most complex computer called the brain? It must be that no PC has passed through itself such a gigantic volume of pictures, words, sounds, memories, ideas and other thought forms as the head of an average person. Fortunately, we humans have an excellent mechanism for forgetting, otherwise we would have gone crazy a long time ago. We keep in mind only what we need now, and happily throw out everything unnecessary from it, for example, philosophy tickets we memorized in the second year of the university or the words of a song that was fashionable last summer. Consciousness is the ability of a person to know about his own existence and his reality.

And figuratively speaking, consciousness is something like a big organizer, diary, right in our head. In our minds we hold the information we need the most. Consciousness reminds our muscles how to ride a bike or drive a car, consciousness tells us that next Monday we have a business meeting scheduled, consciousness is involved in making many important decisions. But, what can I tell you? You yourself have probably noted more than once how your consciousness works, because you masterfully use its services every day, since childhood. Surely mom and dad told you more than once to “be conscious.” So most people usually have no problem understanding what consciousness is.

However, NLP teaches a person to turn to those resources of his own brain that he rarely uses. You probably already guessed that we are talking about the subconscious! The subconscious is the place where everything that is caught by the senses and fixed by a person without his knowledge, in a subliminal state (that is, below the threshold of consciousness) is located. Simply put, the subconscious mind is a universal pantry where a lot of information, skills, abilities are stored that you buried as unnecessary. The rhyme you learned in the third grade, the theory of relativity that you crammed in order to pass the exam, the ability to cross-stitch and more and more information is stored in the bins of your memory, sometimes without your knowledge. Unfortunately, many people treat their subconscious like a trash can or a second-hand store, unfairly believing that only rubbish that no one needs can be stored there. In fact, the subconscious mind is our good friend and faithful assistant. The subconscious can act as a kind of control panel for your body, your actions and life. It's a matter of small. We must learn to access our own subconscious and begin to actively cooperate with it.

Practical magic, or How to learn to cooperate with the subconscious.

The subconscious mind does not just store a variety of information. The subconscious also controls our body, our actions and our lives. Ask how? Very simple. For example, you were bitten by a dog as a child. Perhaps you were only two or three years old at the time and you don't remember it for a long time. Yet the fear of dogs is likely to stay with you for many, many years. Why? Yes, because the information “dog = pain / danger” continues to be stored in the subconscious.

I had a friend, Igor, who chronically did not develop relationships with burning brunettes. And it would be okay if this only affected his personal life, it would be half the trouble. After all, the world is full of blondes. But here's the bad luck: Igor's boss, as luck would have it, was the most burning brunette. And he could not get rid of aggression and fear towards her. “And after all, the most important thing is that she is a completely normal adequate person,” Igor said, “a talented leader and a professional in her field. Besides, she didn't do anything to me personally. I don’t understand why she is so unpleasant to me? Together we began to look for reasons why Igor could not get along with brunettes in general and with the boss in particular. As soon as he went into a trance, he remembered that in childhood he was very much frightened by a gypsy ... and although this information was practically erased from his consciousness, she continued to influence his life very much for many years ...

Math video tutorials.

So, the time has come to establish effective and mutually beneficial cooperation with the subconscious.

It’s worth starting with the simplest: getting information. The subconscious mind has many functions, and one of them is to provide the Mind with information for decision making. The next time you're faced with a choice or a difficult situation, try disconnecting from reality and connecting with your subconscious mind. It is very important that you are completely relaxed. The subconscious communicates with different people on different languages. The subconscious responds to someone with short phrases and concise sentences, someone sees pictures, someone gets sensations. Information may be slow to come to you at first, but the more and more often you practice, the easier it will be for you to communicate.

It is very important not to edit the answers coming from the subconscious mind!

Even if something you see, hear or feel seems to be nonsense that has nothing to do with your situation, do not rush to discard the information received. Think of it like a mosaic. Sooner or later, all the pieces of the puzzle will come together and you will get a complete and clear picture. When talking to your subconscious, be sure to use the most effective words for you. Do you remember who you are according to the type of perception: visual, auditory or kinesthetic? So talk to your subconscious in a language you understand. For example, if you are visual, ask: “Dear subconscious mind, please show me…”, auditory should ask: “Tell me”, and kinesthetic: “Let me feel the right choice / answer / decision”, etc. It seems like a miracle, but it really works.

When I first began to practice such communication with my own subconscious, I myself could hardly believe in the reality of what was happening. I went into a trance and started asking myself questions. I received answers in the form of short sentences. Moreover, they arose in my head so naturally, as if I had always known this. At first, I was tormented by doubts: maybe I’m inventing all this for myself? Where does all this information come from in my head? However, the more I practiced, the more I trusted the power of the subconscious.

Cooperating with the subconscious is actually a lot easier than is commonly believed. If all people knew how simple and affordable it is, they would probably do it more often. Try and enlist the support of this invisible friend. You don't believe this is possible? Don't waste time trying to figure out how it works. The best way make sure - check it out for yourself!

NB! There is only one small difficulty in communicating with the subconscious. Turning to the subconscious for advice, how to make sure that you are getting answers from the subconscious, and not from your prejudices / false negative attitudes / fears / sick fantasies, etc.? For example, you are going to fly to Thailand. And you are terrified. The most disturbing thoughts are spinning in your head, and an inner voice is literally screaming at you that “according to statistics, a lot of planes crash.” How to understand if this is a real warning of intuition or just your suspiciousness? If you have been afraid of flying all your life, it means that the information that “flights often end in a plane crash” is simply recorded in the subconscious. Not all of the contents of our subconscious are beneficial to us. In the subconscious, as in a real pantry, there are not only valuable finds, but also a bunch of rubbish like fears, prejudices, negative beliefs, etc. And if you, digging into your subconscious, found something not too pleasant, for example, some kind of fear or old grudge(repressed from consciousness), do not get upset and do not drive them back. Instead, be happy with your find. After all, this very fear and resentment could sit in your subcortex for a long time and secretly manage your life from you. Awareness is 70% of the solution to a problem. If you have become aware of your fear, consider that you are now on the right track to get rid of it.

The trick is that when the subconscious gives you the right advice, you immediately calm down or vice versa, filled with joyful excitement. You have a feeling of "Eureka!", You instantly understand that you have made an important and useful discovery. When fears, negativity and prejudice interfere in your dialogue, you accordingly do not feel anything like that.

Based on the book by Eva Berger "NLP for every day. 20 rules of the winner"

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This is one of the biggest mysteries for modern science, and so far this mystery has not been solved by either psychology or medicine. What cannot be said about esotericism and the ancient teachings of yoga, in which the energy-informational structure of consciousness is described in great detail and has a clear connection with life through appropriate practices and the results obtained.

The subconscious mind is one of the four parts of the entire human consciousness. A lot has been written about the subconscious, many authors endow the subconscious well, simply magical properties, naming their books, for example, “the subconscious mind fulfills desires” or “the subconscious mind can do anything”, etc. When people do not understand what they are dealing with, do not have a clear understanding of how it works and how it works, they tend to either deify or devalue it, or ignore. Most of the authors who write about the subconscious actually have no idea what it is, where it is and how it works, especially since they do not know how the subconscious works.

What is the human subconscious?

Let me remind you that consciousness consists of two large groups - the controlling part of consciousness and the realizing one. The controlling part of consciousness (intellect, spiritual, ajna) is intended for the implementation of conscious processes of thinking, perception and control.

Some definitions from the esoteric book “Human Consciousness”:

The realizing part is the human subconscious , is intended for the implementation of automatic, not conscious processes occurring in the mind of a person, in his energy and body. But in addition to the subconscious, the realizing part also includes etc. general consciousness, which is represented in a person by two chakras ( and ).

Esoteric view. The structure of the subconscious

Subconscious - these are the five corresponding chakras located along the spinal column: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha. The subconscious is mainly designed to carry out commands from the control part (chakras of the head) and to carry out automatic processes of perception, thinking, control of energy systems and processes in the body.

The influence of the subconscious on a person characterized by the receipt of a ready answer (, reflex, etc.) in the form of thoughts, images, sensations (emotions, automatic reactions).

The essence of the work of the subconscious

It is the subconscious that is the accumulator and bearer of the entire experience of the human Soul, accumulated over all incarnations on Earth. That is, in the subconscious, knowledge, qualities, feelings and sensations, talents and abilities are hidden and ever discovered and developed by a person in his distant and near past. Therefore, the more wise and ancient a person has a soul, the higher, as a rule, its wisdom and intuition, and the greater potential (a set of talents, qualities and abilities) a person has.

But do not deify the subconscious! The subconscious mind stores not only everything good (positive potential), but also everything bad that a person has ever done and experienced: accumulated sins, errors in knowledge, negative qualities and emotions (accumulated and not eliminated insults, fears, anger, envy , pride and other negative emotions).

It is in the subconscious that all the millions of mistakes and stupidities that a person has made in all his previous lives and did not correct them are stored (he did not realize the mistakes and did not atone for sins). Therefore, fanatical and unconditional trust in the subconscious, inner voice, intuition is a big stupidity! Because, as a rule, a person does not distinguish what is saying inside him - the wisdom of his soul or fear, pride, some quietly sitting inside and whispering.

The subconscious is one of the key concepts of the science of the human soul - psychology. What is consciousness is known to many, but not all people know the answer to the question, what is the subconscious. Let's try to figure it out.

Let us make a reservation initially that the subconscious and its capabilities have not yet been fully studied by psychologists, but, despite this, they are very significant and have a significant impact on people's lives. Therefore, it is by no means surprising that many people, even if they are not professional psychologists, think about how the subconscious works and whether it is possible to control the subconscious.

The science of the human soul - psychology - the subconscious defines as mental processes that occur in the brain, while they are absolutely not controlled and not controlled by our mind. From here such concepts as panic attacks, the sixth sense, self-doubt, psychic abilities and so on. All these psychological phenomena are designed to protect a person from danger or help him cope with problems.

Often people do things that almost defy logical explanation, but at the same time they have a deep meaning. Most psychologists tend to believe that almost all of our actions, preferences and habits are predetermined by the subconscious. It accumulates all the data about a person's life, remembers his emotions, feelings, anxieties and experiences. It is noteworthy that the subconscious contains something that individuals do not remember, and then, at a certain moment in life, this knowledge floats to the surface.

Consciousness and subconsciousness are very closely interconnected, despite the fact that these concepts are directly opposite. Not only are these concepts related, they cannot exist separately in principle. Through consciousness, individuals comprehend and control their actions and deeds. But the processes defined by the opposite concept, on the contrary, cannot be controlled. However, only in the totality of the work of the conscious and the unconscious can our psyche normally exist and develop.

The psychology of the subconscious is based on the fact that everything perceived by a person is deposited in his head at the subconscious level. Thanks to this, we form attitudes for further behavior. For example, a woman says that she will never be able to meet a decent man and marry him. The subconscious manages to hear it, and in the future it will work so that this thought becomes a reality. It turns out that our thoughts materialize, and the brain induces a person to commit uncontrollable acts that cannot be explained.


The human subconscious is the greatest repository that contains everything that has ever happened to a person. It captures absolutely everything that happened to us, and at a very subtle psychological level. These are not just some facts, but also emotions and feelings that we have ever experienced.

The subconscious - how does it work? Firstly, he knows very well the origin of our problems, and secondly, the difference between him and consciousness lies in the fact that it works around the clock, without any rest. Every minute it processes information, and no matter what state the person is in - sleep or wakefulness. The help of the subconscious in our life lies in the fact that it forms the character, outlook on life and attitudes of a person.

Surely you have noticed that different people react differently to the same event. This is due to the peculiarities of their subconscious. Therefore, in order to find harmony and happiness in life, you need to know the correct answers to two main questions:

  • How to work with the subconscious?
  • How to learn to negotiate with him?

Psychologists advise that first you need to change your soul and your attitude to the environment - life, people, certain circumstances.

Working with the subconscious, of course, is not easy. First you need to comprehend what exactly it regulates our whole life. Let's take a simple example. A person is constantly afraid of being hit by a car. These thoughts, which he tries to avoid, still constantly swirl in his head and are deposited in the subconscious.

As a result, they can influence what happens in the life of this person, because thoughts materialize, even if they are about something that is extremely undesirable for the individual. So it turns out that almost all of our troubles, hardships and failures are the result of negative subconscious attitudes.

Learning to think right

How to change everything for the better? How to negotiate with the subconscious? First, a person must stop thinking about the bad, because it is the thoughts stored in our subconscious that affect everything that happens to us.

You ask: how do you know that all human thoughts and feelings are stored in the subconscious? The answer is simple - psychologists have established this using techniques for working with the subconscious, in particular. Under its influence, people remember those facts that are inaccessible to them in a conscious state, even events from their earliest childhood. It is the ability to store absolutely everything that is the most important function of the subconscious.

The concept we are considering is closely related to dreams. There are people who believe they never dream. Actually this is a delusion. Every person dreams of something every night, but not everyone can remember, reproduce or understand dreams correctly.

Some psychologists believe that the subconscious mind is closely related to dreams. Dreams, in their opinion, are a way of connecting the soul with its owner - a person. Through dreams, the body gives us some signals that should be taken into account in order to avoid problems and any serious mistakes.

There are plenty of examples when people, taking these signals into account, avoided serious troubles. Surely each of you knows cases similar to the fact that someone did not fly on a plane because he had an unpleasant dream. This example is, of course, not the only one.

It happens that a specialist does not go to get a job in some company, having seen a restless dream, and after a couple of months it turns out that the company has gone bankrupt. In addition to such "warning" functions, dreams, showing us hidden symbols, urge a person to listen to his inner voice and try to understand himself.

External influences

Many people ask the question: how to influence the subconscious of a person and is it possible in principle? Yes, it is possible, and there are many examples of this too. And both positive and vice versa.

Psychologists, influencing the subconscious, help people solve various problems. For example, in the process of hypnosis, they are able to “pull out” some deeply hidden anxieties from a person. After a person is aware of them and experiences them, he can get rid of them.

There is another method, and it is much simpler than hypnosis - repeated repetition. Most often in modern life, it is used in advertising. A person who hears several times a day that this or that dishwashing detergent toothpaste, pads, chocolate, etc. better than others, eventually begins to really think so and buys exactly those goods that are often advertised. At the same time, he does not realize that the differences with other products can be minimal, and not in favor of the product from the advertisement.

There is a more harmful effect on the human subconscious. Through hypnosis, you can zombify him and completely subjugate his will. You probably know stories about people giving their money, jewelry, etc. to unfamiliar personalities. This is nothing more than a direct impact on the subconscious.

How to be? How to make your life better? First of all, learn to correctly formulate your thoughts and desires. Do not use the “not” particle, because the subconscious mind does not perceive it. Try to write your wishes, draw them and believe that they have already come true. And then you will have a real opportunity to become a happier and more harmonious person. Author: Elena Ragozina
