How they celebrate Shrovetide at school. Shrovetide holiday script at school wide Shrovetide Shrovetide script at high school

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The script for the celebration of Maslenitsa in primary school compiled for holding a holiday in secondary schools, intended for children of younger school age and consists of several parts: performances and outdoor games indoors, festivities and fun in the fresh air.

Purpose of the holiday: acquaint junior schoolchildren with the history of the celebration of Maslenitsa, to introduce children to the spiritual values ​​of our ancestors.

Holiday goals:

  • Educational: to teach to understand and comprehend the traditions of the Russian people, to summarize their knowledge about the celebration of Maslenitsa in Rus', about seasonal changes in nature, the habits of animals in winter and spring period; enrich the vocabulary of younger students, train the ability to guess riddles, expand knowledge of folk etiquette.
  • Developing: development of memory, attention, thinking, dexterity, sense of tact and rhythm.
  • Educational: the upbringing of patriotism based on respect for the way of life, the customs of our ancestors, the upbringing of a sense of community with our origins.
  • Social: guide child interaction, communication, to teach children to negotiate without coming into conflict with each other.

The course of the holiday

I. Performance and outdoor games in the assembly hall

Characters: buffoons, accordion bear, Spring, Baba Yaga.

Props: an effigy of Maslenitsa, ropes, a tambourine, spoons, balls, hoops, fabric snowballs.

(Music sounds, buffoons appear.)


buffoon, buffoon,
Come out with a pipe over the threshold.
And the people from the heart
Sing a ditty and sleep.
Then neither the forest nor the grass spreads,
The Maslenitsa holiday begins!

Guys, do you know what kind of holiday this is? Maslenitsa is a cheerful farewell to winter, a joyful meeting of a loved one, spring warmth, renewal of nature. Our ancestors believed that the evil Winter should be helped to drive away, and the Spring - the beauty should be called, lured, "cajoled" with treats - pancakes. Hence the name of the holiday "Maslenitsa". And so that Winter leaves quickly, and Spring appears, we will also have fun, sing, play from the heart, and treat ourselves to sweet pancakes. Guys, what animal sleeps all winter and wakes up in spring? That's right, bear. So, on the holiday of Maslenitsa, a bear was taken around the fair, people and small children were amused. And here the bear also came to amuse you, we can play the harmonica. The Maslenitsa holiday lasts a week and each day of the week has its own name.

buffoon: The first day is the meeting. The main thing on this day is to welcome Maslena with the whole world, prepare for the holiday, bake pancakes and invite guests. Let's call Maslenitsa ( children repeat in chorus):

Dear guest Maslenitsa,
Avdotyushka, Izotievna,
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,
The braid is long, three-yard,
Scarlet ribbon, two-and-a-half,
A white scarf, new-fashioned,
Fur coat blue, patches red,
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,
Come, Maslenitsa, visit
To the wide yard!

(They bring in a scarecrow of Maslenitsa, carry it around the hall).

Buffoon: And who knows, guys, why it was customary to treat pancakes to Shrovetide? Of course, the pancake is round, like the sun. And he is hearty, you can eat before Lent.

Game "Tambourine"

Look, we have a tambourine like a pancake, pass it in a circle, “treat” a neighbor. Whoever has a tambourine after the end of the music will dance and sing for us. And we'll get to know you too.

Skomorokh: The second day - "Fun". A pancake battle begins for women. Pancakes should be ready by morning. And now we'll see what kind of hostess girls we have. Who will say what products are needed for the test?

Game "Egg Relay"

The girls are divided into two teams. You need to run with a ping-pong ball in a spoon to the other end of the hall and back, without dropping the ball, pass it to the next player. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

buffoon: The third day - "Gourmet". This afternoon, the son-in-law is going to his mother-in-law for pancakes. For the sake of him, for the sake of this day, all relatives were going to the mother-in-law. And young people sang songs about it. Guys, who is the son-in-law? Yes, this is the daughter's husband. Our boys are all future sons-in-law. Let's test them for strength and agility.

Game "Roosters"

Two boys are selected, they stand in a circle from the rope, hold on to their left leg with their left hand, stand on their right, hold their right hand on their belt. You need to try to push the opponent out of the circle with your stomach. The winner is the one who does not fall and ends up in a circle.


Invite guests to dinner on a delicious Wednesday!
I would eat pancakes! Look, there's a bag in the corner!
What a miracle Skok yes skok! Here comes the bag!
Hey, grab him, catch him, oh, faster, he'll run away!

(Baba Yaga crawls out of the bag, eating the gingerbread).

Baba Yaga:

Hello guys, Igor and Vanyatki,
Natasha and Dasha, Verunka and Masha,
Deer, Polenki, Genochki, Kolenki.
Bow to you kind people,
Cheerful, sick.
Hello from Leshy,
Ugh you, from Summer.
I met him in the swamp,
Ugh, you are in flight, when you were in a hurry,
She made everyone laugh, and my name is Vesnyanka ...

buffoon: Something is wrong here. Do you have a passport, Vesnyanka?

Baba Yaga: Of course, look!

Together:"Appointed in the spring for this year." And there is a print. And the signature is “Kashchei the Immortal”.

buffoons: Ah, go away, you are not Vesnyanka, you are Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: How so? I have been preparing all winter, I have been malnourished, I have prepared a fly agaric treat for you, I also want to celebrate Maslenitsa.

buffoons: Guys, let's leave her at the party? Let him solve the riddles first.

Baba Yaga: Well, it's me now! Come on, guess.


Auntie is cool, white and gray-haired,
In a bag, the cold is lucky, the cold is shaking on the ground,
He sweeps snowdrifts, covers them with a carpet. (Winter)

Baba Yaga: I am Baba Yaga.

buffoons: No, it's wrong. Children, did you guess?

Baba Yaga: You deceive your grandmother, give the second one.


Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden.
Lets out grass, spreads dew.
Rides sideways - with a plow, with a harrow,
Yes, with water key. (Spring).

Baba Yaga: Yes, it's me too, beautiful.

buffoons: No, I was wrong again. Guys, who is this?

Baba Yaga: Ask the last one.

buffoons: What is the sweetest thing in the world? (dream)

Baba Yaga: Crap!

buffoons: Go away, fake spring, not real!

Baba Yaga:

All! There are no more questions!
I'm leaving ... Hey, the carriage!

(Buffoons Baba Yaga serve a broom).

Baba Yaga:

I will patch the holes in the dress,
And tipsy from you
I'm flying guys
In the dense forest on a broom.

(Sits down and flies away.)

buffoon:Fourth day - "Razgulyat". That day was the most revelry of fun. In the morning, people ride around the village on horses, dressed up, sit in a sleigh themselves, plant a stuffed Maslenitsa. And where they will pile up a bull on a sleigh. And we will ride horses.

Game "Horses"

The children are divided into two teams, two stronger boys are selected, they are given a rope in their hands, they must run around the hall, come back, pick up the second player in the team, make a circle with him, return for the third, etc., until all the players take up rope and be harnessed to a sleigh. The team that comes to its place first and does not lose a single player on the road will win.

buffoons: Fifth day - "Teschiny vechi". On this day, a young family met their mother-in-law, and treated them to pancakes. A wheel was rolling along the street, beautiful, decorated with ribbons, a symbol of the sun - whoever rolls the wheel further will have to wait for a well-fed, fruitful year. And we will also roll the wheel.

The game "Roll the hoop"

buffoons: Sixth day - "Zolovkin gatherings". On this day, a young wife receives her husband's sister. And on this day they play the game "Taking the Snow Town".

The game "The Capture of the Snow Town"

Children are divided into 2 teams on the left and on the right. Each team is given cloth snowballs to throw at the opponent's territory. The team with the fewest snowballs on their side wins.

buffoons: Seventh day - "Forgiveness Sunday". Forgiveness day was called it, and also farewell, seeing off. On this day, everyone, young and old, asked each other for forgiveness. And in the evening they said goodbye to Maslenitsa, took it out of the outskirts, set it on fire. Guys, we all worked hard today, had fun, played, laughed, saw off the fierce winter, and drove the evil Baba Yaga away, who did not want to let Spring come to our land. The dark forces are gone. And now welcome Spring, welcome with bread and salt.

(Spring appears, sings the Russian folk song “Spring is red, on what it came”, leads a round dance with the children, takes them to classes for tea with pancakes).

II. Pancakes in class

III. street festivities

The Shrovetide doll is taken out to the school yard, they dance round dances around it, sing songs, play outdoor games (“Boyars, and we came to you”, “Cats and mice”, etc.)

At the end of the holiday, we sing the song "Farewell, Maslenitsa" from the opera "The Snow Maiden" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. (It is learned with children in advance, the first two lines of the round dance go slowly, then faster and faster on the chorus)

Target: to acquaint students with the traditions of the Russian people through the Maslenitsa holiday.


    Education of the spiritual and moral qualities of the student's personality, instilling interest and love for Russian history and folk traditions

    The formation of a class team, the activation of the cultural leisure of students, the communicative qualities of the individual.

    Development creativity students

Prepared and hosted: teacher primary school and history Reyzvih Natalya Vasilievna, Gymnasium No. 9 p. Osakarovka, Karaganda region

Decor : drawings on the topic; balls, ribbons by class; record player; Russian folk costumes for three girls and one boy; table with refreshments.

Teacher . Good afternoon I am glad to see you at our holiday, which is dedicated to the celebration of Maslenitsa. She was met by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. We have preserved this tradition and today we celebrate Maslenitsa with “wide revelry”, fun and Maslenitsa treats.

February and March in Rus' are critical months. It seems that winter is still, but everyone knows that it is moving towards the end. It seems that the sun is still low above the horizon, but everyone knows that the day has gone to gain. And the main difference between winter and spring is the sounds. Winter howls with snowstorms, whistles with blizzards, crunches with soft snow. And the sun will warm - streams will flow, drops will ring.

Guys. Birds.

Teacher . That's right, birdsong. It used to be that even roosters at the end of winter sing louder and more cheerfully - they smell warmth.

At this time, since time immemorial in Rus', the most cheerful folk holiday- Maslenitsa, coinciding with the so-called "cheese week".


There is a custom, very old,

Honored by all in Rus':

Does winter not want to leave?

Invite Shrovetide!


Maslenitsa goes on ice,
Carries a pancake pan.
Take the young
Take it apart!

Teacher: Maslenitsa is a special guest. One thing can attract her - the long-awaited solar heat. Maslenitsa is a capricious girl. She loves to be called for a long time, praised, praised and lured with delicious treats.

A week before the holiday, the hostess gave a pancake to a boy of 8-10 years old. He rode on a fork or a poker and shouted.


Farewell, snotty winter!
Come, red summer!
Sohu, I'll take a harrow -
And I'll go plow!

Teacher: Shrovetide was called with chants, songs, games.


Dear guest - Maslenitsa!

We missed you so much.

We know: when you come -

Winter is over.


If Maslenitsa comes to us -

So wait happy Holidays,

Remote fun from morning to night,

Raspoteshny jester fun.

Maslenitsa: Hello good people!
I came to you for a short time, not for seven years, but for seven days! Eat till you hiccup, drink until you get dandruff, sing until you're hoarse!
Teacher: Hello you too, dear guest, broad noblewoman Maslenitsa! What news did you bring, with what did you complain?
Maslenitsa:And I came for a reason, because the sun turns to spring, the day becomes longer - spring is coming!

Children: Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
Maslenitsa - treat,
Give everyone pancakes.

Teacher . The guys were the first to meet Maslenitsa. With the first glimpse of the dawn, they poured out in a crowd to build a "snow town".


My soul, Maslenitsa,

Come visit us

To a wide yard on a hill,

Ride, roll in pancakes.


We will meet you well

Cheese, butter, kalach

And a baked egg!

We praise you

We ride on the mountains

We eat pancakes.

Teacher. Maslenitsa lives for seven days. We celebrated Maslenitsa for a whole week. Sleigh rides and building "snow towns" took place on Monday and Tuesday. Then came Wednesday-Lakomka. On this day they cooked pancakes with the most exquisite and delicious seasonings.


Tell me, guys, from what flour and dough were pancakes made for Maslenitsa?
Answer: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat.

What does pancake symbolize?
Answer: Eastern Slavs worshiped the sun god Yarila. Obviously, it is the hot round pancake that is the symbol of the sun.

What was it customary to eat pancakes with?
Answer: with red and black caviar, with salted salmon, with butter,

with honey, with sour cream, with various jams


And just sweeter Maslenitsa

Treat - delicious pancakes,

Pancakes are tasty, ruddy

With egg, butter, sour cream.


With a warm pancake, the guys will run

Ask for more sunshine.

And pancakes will brag -

Buckwheat pancake, oatmeal pancake -

Who has what!

Teacher .

And on Thursday it was the widest revelry. Hence the name of this day - "walk around-four" or "broad Thursday". On Thursday they made a scarecrow of winter and carried it in a sleigh.

Maslenitsa games were arranged.

Maslenitsa: And now we will play, sing, compete.

1 contest "Chatushki - I sing best of all"

Spring is knocking on our door,

Drives winter from the yard.

Under the cheerful ringing of drops

The sun is dancing in the morning!

Here are the carnivals of light

bright holiday has come.

He and adults, he and children

Gave me a lot of jokes.

Buy me a horse
Raven legs.
I will ride the girls
On the big track.

Monday is a meeting.

And we are not too lazy to work!

We build slides from snow.

And we play all day.

I sewed a cabbage dress,
Finished with cucumber.
I got angry, I ate the dress,
What have I done?

Tuesday - the game has come.

Have fun with us!

Us for games, for fun

They serve pancakes!

Kuma had a sister
Baking pancakes is a craftswoman.
I baked six piles of them
Seven cannot eat them.
On Wednesday, the mother-in-law fusses,

Bake pancakes, oh, craftswoman!

Gathered everyone around the table

Served until the morning!

And Thursday is already a succession

Visits outside Wednesday.

We ride in a sleigh

On fancy horses.

Snow flies from under the hooves

Friday evening.

Mother-in-law goes to pancakes

We will all meet her!

Gatherings with friends

We'll do it on Saturday.

Let's eat pancakes

Honey, cheese, pies!

Forgiveness Day Sunday

Forgive all offenses

And with a light, clean soul

Have fun, sing and dance!

Let him not know trouble in his labors

Orthodox our people.

May it be fruitful

And happy this year!

"Sash". Rivals stand on opposite sides of the line drawn on the ground, tie their hands with a sash (belt, belt). The middle of the sash is weakened, left hand placed behind the back. The task for the participants is to pull the opponent over the line. The one who steps behind the opponent's line loses.
"Cast Pot Potato". At the beginning of the race there is an empty bowl. At the end of the distance - a pot with potatoes (according to the number of relay participants). Using a wooden spoon, transfer the potatoes from the iron to the bowl.
"Drawing competition" : Maslenitsa chooses the best drawings of the guys

Teacher. Friday was known, and even now it is known as "mother-in-law's evening", and Saturday is called "sister-in-law gatherings." Both of these days are devoted among the people to walking around the relatives.

Here's to Friday and Saturday. Shrovetide Sunday has arrived.

Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa. It bears the names: "seeing off", "farewell", "tselovnik". The “forgiveness day” was coming - relatives and friends asked for forgiveness and mutually forgave each other.


If Maslenitsa came to us -

So we survived the winter.

How can we not celebrate the holiday,

How can we not sing and dance!


Open the gate!
March came first.
Spent all the children.
And April will come after him,
Open the window and the door.
And when May comes
How much do you want to play!
My animal friends who knew me in the spring. Now I will tell riddles about them.
- Like black soot, like white sour cream, I love to chirp to everyone in the forest, where I was. (Magpie).
- You have seen me more than once, I am jumping two steps away from you. Chirik - Chirik. Who is used to this song? (Sparrow).
- Not an artist, but a vocalist, not a rider, but spurs at his feet. (Rooster).
- What kind of spring black bird likes to walk and feed behind a plow? ( Rook) - Lives in the wilderness of the forest, both in summer and in winter, a diligent worker, a nosy forest carpenter .(Woodpecker) - Behind the trees - the bushes flashed a quick flame. Flashed, ran, but no smoke, no fire. (Fox).

- the owner of the forest wakes up in the spring, and in winter, under a blizzard howl, he sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)
Maslenitsa: Well done! You have prepared a good meeting for me.
I walked with you, now I got into the sleigh,
I sang and danced - I was painfully tired.
The fun is over - take on the little thing,
Direct the soshenka to go to the arable land,
And say goodbye to me, treat yourself to pancakes. (Shrovetide leaves)

Teacher . After Maslenitsa, Great Lent came, all believers fasted, that is, they abstained from food and entertainment.

But now we are celebrating Maslenitsa, and therefore I ask everyone to the table, let's celebrate this holiday with fun!

1 buffoon.

Well, it's time to tell a fairy tale, but my friend is gone. Did the guys see him? He must have fallen asleep again somewhere. Well, nothing, we'll wake him up now. Guys, let's all shout together:

Fedul-buffoon, cap two peas,

Get up, get dressed, don't lie on the bed.

The hostess cooked cabbage soup, fed all the guests,

Just waiting for you, calling for dinner.

2 buffoons.

Hey gay guys

You listen to me!

What do we have here today

For fun - expanse:

There will be music and singing

Dancing, games, entertainment

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!

Today the law is simple:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing!"

Forgive all mistakes today

But not the lack of a smile!

1 buffoon.

2 buffoons. Guys, do you know what holiday is today?

Children ( meet). Maslenitsa!

1 buffoon. Right! Maslenitsa is coming to us today! We must meet her properly.

2 buffoons. And how is Maslenitsa celebrated?

1 buffoon. Young girls in festive clothes go outside the outskirts with a song: “But Maslenitsa enters the yard, her girls meet ...”

Oh yes, Maslenitsa is entering the yard,

Wide enters the yard!

And we girls meet her,

And we, the Reds, meet her!

Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Wide, stay with another!

Maslenitsa: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Shirokaya: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

“Oh yes Maslenitsa, fasting is still far away,

Wide, the post is still far away!

Madam our Maslenitsa!

Reach out to the big day

From Great Day

Until Peter's Day!

1 buffoon. On this day, the children roll down the ice slides and shout: “I have arrived! Maslenitsa has come! First day pancake week It's called "meetings".

2 buffoons. Maslenitsa comes to us for seven days. All these days the fun continues. The second day of Maslenitsa is called "Fun". On this day it is customary to dress up in different clothes and wear masks. There are mummers walking around, making fun and making people happy ...

1 buffoon. And here come the mummers to us!

2 buffoons. Receive guests from all volosts!

Dressed up boy. We heard that you were going to see off the winter here - to meet Maslenitsa?!

Dressed up girl. We came to you for a holiday, we barely found you!

Dressed up boy. We heard a friendly laugh, which means that the holiday is here for everyone!

Dressed up girl. Does it smell like pies and fragrant pancakes here?

1 buffoon. Come here, of course!

2 buffoons. Dance with us, show your prowess.

Mummers ( together).

We have come to you with music

And they brought fun!

In the upper room in the new

Yes, there is an oak table.


Give me a balalaika, give me a balalaika

Give the balalaika here!

There is an oak table,

Yes, the legs are chiseled.

Like at this table

Three daughters-in-law are sitting.

Three daughters-in-law are sitting

They eat bread and salt.

They eat bread and salt

Yes, they say about Vanya:

"At Vanyusha-curly

I don't have any money.

I don't have any money

One lime hut.

One lime hut

It was uncovered.

I don't have any money

Yes, the walk is good!

1 buffoon. But the fun begins on the third and fourth days, on Wednesday and Thursday. That is why these days were called "Wide Shrovetide". These days they called "guests from all volosts" or went around visiting guests themselves. They dressed in the best outfits, everything edible was put on the tables with the words “What is in the oven, all swords on the table!”. And after a plentiful treat, the guests thanked the hosts with the following words: “Thank you for the bread. For salt, cabbage soup - we will dance; for porridge - we will sing a song, and for sour milk we will jump high!

Well, after such a plentiful feast, everyone went skating. These days, it was better not to go out on foot on the street - the streets in the villages and cities were full of horsemen: men on horseback, and women rode in sledges. Well, the kids on the sled were having more and more fun, playing merrily.

2 buffoons.

And now I beg your attention!

I invite you to compete!

Who wants - old and young -

Pull the rope?

2 buffoons. The last day of Maslenitsa is called "kissing". It is also called "forgiveness" Sunday. Why "forgiven"? Since ancient times, there has been a good custom: together with the outgoing winter, let go of all the grievances that have accumulated over the year; purify the soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself.

1 buffoon. On this day, they said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring.


I came to you with the sun

On the plow, on the harrow!

Sandpipers fly into Odonets,

Know that winter is over.

I brought you, dear,

Golden ear.

Red painted ribbons

And a wheat pie.

buffoons ( together). Cheers cheers! Spring has come, spring-spring!

1 buffoon. Hello spring girl! We are glad you are alive!

2 buffoons. We have been waiting for you for a long time, we rejoice at your arrival! Immediately it became warm, it's time to throw off your fur coats!


I bow down to everyone.

I wish you a red summer

rich harvest,

Abundance and comfort

Good for everyone!

Eat pancakes. ( Distributes to everyone.)

Winter. It's too early you decided to throw off your fur coats, good fellows! I will not give up my right so early!

Spring. Better give in, sister! People were waiting for me, they missed the warm sun.

Winter. Go away, sister, I'll pick you up, hello! Your time has not come yet! Come on, my blizzards and snowstorms! Cover the ground with snow, bring in the paths, notice the thawed patches!

Winter ( addressing the spectators and participants of the festival). And now my blizzards-blizzards will bring you all-freeze!

1 buffoon. Come on guys, show them what you can do! Don't let yourself freeze.

2 buffoons. That's it, Mother Winter! It's not easy to defeat us. And now it's time for you to know the honor. Make way for Spring.

1 buffoon. Well, we spent the Winter, we can continue the holiday. The last day of Maslenitsa is the noisiest and full of entertainment. Competitions are arranged for strength and dexterity: “one on one” or “wall to wall”.

2 buffoons. And let's play!

1 buffoon. And now it's time to say goodbye to Shrovetide. On the last day of the festive week, Maslenitsa is taken outside the outskirts and burned with the words: “Milk and butter burned down, only a radish tail remained for Great Lent” ...

1 buffoon.

Shrovetide pancake,

Shrovetide fat-eater,

Shrovetide wrap,

Shrovetide is a scam!

2 buffoons.

Cheated, tricked

Made it to the post!

Gave a radish a tail

To Great Post!

We ate it

Belly hurt!

1 buffoon.


Look out red

Because of the mountains

Until springtime!

2 buffoons. And now I suggest you guys write on a piece of paper what you would like to leave in the past, for example, bad grades, laziness, illness ... We will give all your wishes to Maslenitsa and spend them with her. So you will have the opportunity to meet the spring of this year in a new way.

1 buffoon.

Here the sun has set

Our Maslena is closed.

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

2 buffoons.

We invite everyone to pancakes,

We serve sweet tea!

Folklore holiday in elementary grades "Merry Butter"

Preliminary work. Before the holiday with parents, it is advisable to prepare a stuffed Maslenitsa, a stove (made from cardboard boxes or drawn on paper). Several parents are preparing roles - Presenter (Russian folk costume), Emelya (fairytale or Russian costume), Tsar and Princess Nesmeyana (fairytale costumes), Costumed (Russian folk costume). Parents will bake hot pancakes for the holiday.

The holiday can be held on the street or in the assembly hall of the school. The burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa must be imitated, or the host must retell this action, explaining why this was done in Rus'.

In the hall, you can organize outdoor games adapted to the premises. On the street - games are more complex, for example, tug of war, sleigh competitions. The place where the holiday will take place should be decorated with garlands of bagels, a samovar, ribbons, balls. Include audio recordings of Russian folk songs and ditties in the musical accompaniment.

Description of the folklore holiday

Emelya, sitting on the stove, unfolds an ancient scroll and reads it.


Attention attention!

Ordered up to you

Bring the decree at this hour,

dictated by herself

Our Mother Winter:

"Every year, this number,

As the sign says,

Whether it's a city or a village -

Come out for a holiday.

Surely everyone should

To be on the wires of Winter!

Emelya rejoices - claps her hands, calls the children and asks:

Emelya: Guys, do you know why we are here?

Guys: We walk Shrovetide!

Emelya: Do you know what kind of holiday this is?

(guys answer)

Emelya: Do you know

Both adults and kids? What about Maslenitsa among the people One hundred proverbs in a round dance:

Maslenitsa forgives Winter, ends a cold life.

Thirty brothers sister, granddaughter of forty grandmothers, Maslyan's three-mothered daughter.

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

Not life-being, but Maslenitsa.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa is afraid of bitter radish, and steamed turnips (i.e., fasting).

This Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of Spring.

On a forgiveness day, like on Easter, everyone kisses.

Maslenitsa is Semikov's niece.

Not all the cat Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.

Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split.

Let's pay our respects at cheese on Sunday.

Oil is not given forever.

Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without oil.

We ask for mercy to us about Maslenitsa with our goodness, with an honest stomach.

It's not Maslenitsa without a pancake.

Damn the belly is not spoiling.

Maslenitsa is a roundabout, tidy up money.

Leader (teacher):

In the oil for a week it was supposed:

There is - to hiccups,

Shout - to dandruff,

Sing - to the strain,

Dance until you drop!

Butter dish only once

IN all year round is visiting us

Let me have some fun

Don't be stingy - good!

Guys, let's call Maslenitsa!


Oiler, oiler -

Quail bones -

Come to our wide yard

Roll in pancakes and ride from the mountains!

(One of the parents, dressed as a girl, brings in a stuffed Shrovetide and sets it in the center)

Presenter: Become, guys, in a round dance - let's meet Maslenitsa with a cheerful song!

(Students start a round dance around Shrovetide. Perhaps to the music of “Winter is coming”, arr. P. Tchaikovsky) Emelya is going to the “hill” and calls the guys with him.


Hurry up here everyone

Yes, and take brooms -

Not riding, but fun

That's where there will be a lot of laughter!

(Emelya “rides down the hill” on a bath broom, students begin to “ride” with him)

Suddenly there is a loud cry. The Tsar and Nesmeyana run out to the center. The king is trying to catch up with Nesmeyan. Finally, grabbing her by the sleeve, he tries to calm her down and wipe her tears. Nesmeyana pushes him away and cries again. The king runs to Emelya.


Help me out, friend Emelya,

Get me out of trouble

And not really

We'll be flooded with water!

Laugh, do me a favor

Nesmeyanu, my daughter,

I am for you, dear friend,

At least I'll give you half the kingdom.


Crying and tears are not a problem for us,

Put your daughter here!

(Pointing to the oven)


Let laughter and jokes sound soon,

Don't waste a minute, my friend!


Well guys, have fun!

Let's gather our friends

Let's sing and eat sour cream

We will make Nesmeyan laugh!


Everyone, everyone, everyone -

Who is not completely frozen

Hurry, hurry!

And if you make the princess laugh,

The king will announce a feast for the whole world!

(Nesmeyana continues to cry quietly, but looks at what is happening with interest)

Possible games:

1. Tug of war.

2. Self-propelled sled: several sleds, the participants lie on their stomachs on the sled, and then push off with their hands and feet. Who will get to the finish line faster?

3. Cockfight.

4. Rewinding the rope.

Rope - 10 meters. Two participants are tied with the ends of one rope, and the middle of the rope is marked. Who will wind the rope around him faster?

You can invite the Tsar and Nesmeyana to play the game. During the games, Nesmeyana behaves more and more actively: she encourages the participants, laughs, she joins the games herself.

Tsar: My dear daughter, dear, good fellows are standing in front of you, that they finally made you laugh and shook the girlish tears from your eyelashes.

Reward them at their true worth and put gifts in white hands!

(Nesmeyana distributes sweets and gifts. Emelya invites everyone to the stuffed Maslenitsa)

Emelya: What holiday do we celebrate?

Guys: Maslenitsa!

Emelya: And which of you can tell a poem about Shrovetide?

Poems, riddles, proverbs, incantations, sayings sound. For example:

To be on holiday - do not forget about pancakes!

What pancakes the hostess has - such a harvest!

Every day is not Sunday!

(Emelya puts her ear to the stuffed Maslenitsa)

Emelya: Maslenitsa whispered to me that she had not heard songs for a long time. Let's make her laugh, sing a song about pancakes to her!

The song "Oh, pancakes, pancakes!"

Like Shrove Week

Pancakes flew out of the oven!


You are pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

We have not eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes

Chorus: same.

Put pancakes on a tray

Bring it to the threshold!

Chorus: same.

(The Mummer comes out of the wooden house)

Costumed: Who here wanted my pancakes, wished to taste? (Student response) And you really ask!

(Guys are asking)

Costumed: Oh, well done, guys, you know how to ask!

(Hands out pancakes, tea and sentences)


Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

Just baked

From the heat, from the heat -

Steam dime.

Pancakes, pancakes,


Eat, eat

Eat up guys!

Emelya: Hey guys! Who wants to warm up and say goodbye to Maslenitsa? Everyone run here quickly, quickly! All students gather around the stuffed Maslenitsa. There is an imitation of burning an effigy or a story about this leading.

Tsar: Princess-Nesmeyana and other heroes jump around the scarecrow and sing incantations about Maslenitsa.

(You can invite all the mummers to the round dance, but on the condition that they learn the words of the couplet calls in advance)

Early-early chickens sang,

They talked about spring.

Farewell, Shrovetide!

But we dressed you

Rogozina, radish.

Farewell, Shrovetide!

We honestly saw you off

They dragged on wood.

Farewell, Shrovetide!

We'll take you to the forest,

So that the eyes are not seen.

Farewell, Shrovetide!

Honest Maslenitsa!

It's fun to meet you, welcome you,

It is difficult, tedious to see off from the yard.

And how can we turn you around, turn you around?

Come back, Maslenitsa, come back!

Honest Maslenitsa!

Come back for at least three days!

Don't come back for three days

Come back to us for a day!

For a day, for a small hour!

Honest Maslenitsa!

Shrovetide wettail!

Drive away from the yard

Your time has passed!

We have streams from the mountains,

play ravines,

Turn out the shafts

Set up a sohu!


Our sweetie has arrived!

Farewell, honest Maslena!

If you're alive, see you.

At least a year to wait, but to know, to know,

That Maslena will come again.

(Fragments from the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden")

Heroes and mummers dance around the effigy of Maslenitsa - they pretend to collect ashes from a burnt effigy.

All actors:

Bury deep

Let's hide far away

And in the summer we will dig

Not ashes, but bread!

Grant, god of light,

Warm summer.

The Red Sun is ours!

There is no more beautiful you in the world.


Summer is grain-growing.

The Red Sun is ours!

There is no more beautiful you in the world.

(Excerpt from the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden")


We invite all children

Dance and play!

Soon the holiday will end

Who is cheerful - well done!

There is a drawing of a series of games or contests. It is important that the holiday was fun, but did not last long. The main thing is that all students and their parents should participate in it, there should be a lot of music, dances, competitions, riddles.
