Vietnamese proverbs and their Russian counterparts. Vietnamese proverbs and sayings


EnglishAbazaAbkhazAvarAdygheAzerbaijaniAltaiAmericanArabicArmenianAssyrianAfghanBashkirBelarusianBengalBuryatVietnameseGeorgianDagestanDarginDanishDigorskieancient egyptianancient indianDualJewishEgyptianZuluIndianIndonesianIngushIranianSpanishKabardianKazakhKalmykKarakalpakKarelianKyrgyzChineseKoziyskiyeKoreanCreoleKurdishLakskieLezgimaoriMariMalayMalayalMongolianMordovianGermanNepaleseNeegskieNogaiNorwegianNyangOvamboOkoskieOssetianpedianPersianRussiansSwahiliTajikThaiTamilTatarTibetantoooskieTuvaTurkishTurkmenUdmurtUzbekUyghurUkrainianFrenchHayasKhausaiChechenChuvashSumerianEveianYaksaiYakutJapanese

Walks on the water and is still afraid to get his feet wet Sailing - follow the wind A small pimple can form a big tumor Avoided the net, but got hooked Excessive reverence turns into fear Sometimes ants eat fish, sometimes fish eat ants Atone for sin, accomplish a feat Everyone a fool is foolish in his own way Every step of the way adds a particle of wisdom How do you know where you will find gold and where you will find a toad? What is the lock, so is the key What kind of performance, such is the drum To swarm like ants in the grass When you are sick - sorry for yourself, but get better - sorry for the money spent When it's fun - you want to live long, when sad - you want to die even tomorrow When it rains, then coolness When you eat fruits, remember those who grew the tree. When you light a lot of incense sticks, there is a lot of smoke; when you talk a lot, you make a lot of mistakes When the snake is good, the frog is bad When you study the illness of one, the illness of another becomes clear When you add honey, everything becomes sweet When there are many bosses, there is no one to close the door of the pagoda When there are many matchmakers, in the evening you have to go to bed alone the herd disperses When you sell good pearls, do not hesitate to praise When elephants frolic - dogs frolic, and even musky rats jump around When you are here - they scold you, you leave - they pity you If you live honestly, any trouble passes Who is lucky, he even has a golden needle The meat will run out - you will gnaw the bones 1


you say


light up





run out

go to bed







get better


is turning



account for









be shy

Other proverbs and sayings

Having crossed the river, they no longer think about the patron saint (Spanish) Beauty is not in clothes (Arab) You can’t hold two watermelons with one hand (Armenian) A man gains his mind in trials, and mother-of-pearl gets shine from friction (Buryat) A living jackal is better than a dead tiger ( Afghan) Just point out to a smart one, but show everything to a fool (Afghan) A stranger's donkey seems stronger than his own (Afghan) The speaker needs a listener (Armenian) A close devil is better than a distant Burkhan (Buryat) No big or small legs are needed, just right - that's it good (Chinese) Don't keep a hundred rubles, keep a hundred friends (Armenian) Praise the day in the evening, and life in old age (Karelian) Dogs fought - the passerby was lucky (Armenian) One lip of the talking drum cannot convey a clear message (Kozian) Underneath Sirius (Arabic) Swearing, in order to steal! (Arabic) A perfect deed will resonate with you; up thrown stone on head will fall(Buryat) A smart bee does not collect honey from fallen flowers (Chinese) The leopard cannot change its spots (English) Deal with a fool, you yourself will be a fool (Armenian)

Baba baked pies with yeast, and took them out on the reins. Russian proverb
To live without work is only to smoke the sky. Russian proverb
Without labor, there will be no joy. Kazakh proverb
Russian proverb
An idler is worse than a scarecrow: at least a scarecrow frightens the animals. Abaza proverb

Take the work with the mind, not with the hump. Russian proverb
More skill is no jewel. Kalmyk proverb
Brehat not waving an ax, he lied and rested. Russian proverb
Fast work - with flaws. Estonian proverb
A job done quickly is never good. Indian proverb
A fast horse does not need to be urged on; a skillful person does not need help. Bashkir proverb
In other hands, even a handful of dust turns into gold. Bengali proverb
During working hours - the tongue on the bolt. Russian proverb
Faith is kept by fasting, but toiled with an axe. Bengali proverb
You can see the master at work. Russian proverb
In all cases, you need to think three times. Chinese proverb
Think well, start early, perform diligently! Russian proverb
Everything is difficult at first. Vietnamese proverb
Every work of the master praises. Russian proverb
Any skill is not easy. Indian proverb
Make a yoke on your shoulder. Vietnamese proverb
The case is not a crow: it will not croak, but will have an effect. Russian proverb
The work of the master is afraid. Russian proverb
The case is solid. Russian proverb
Work teaches, and torments, and feeds. Russian proverb
Business time - fun hour. Russian proverb
Long experience enriches the mind. Arabic proverb
Thinking about the future is a wise man, repairing junk is a craftsman. Kalmyk proverb
A fool's dream is sweet - a smart work is dear. Estonian proverb
If there is patience, there will be skill. Russian proverb
Life is measured not by years, but by labors. Russian proverb
The reaping sickle always shines. Mordovian proverb
The crane walks through the swamp, is hired to work. Russian proverb
You can't cut down a tree at once. Russian proverb
Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today, that's what lazy people say. German proverb
Earned hunk is better than a stolen loaf. Russian proverb
The land in which labor is not invested has no name. Turkmen proverb
Know the crafts, but know how to forget them. Turkmen proverb
And everyone who is reputed to be a skillful being, let him do what he can. Persian proverb
And do a small thing like a big one. Bashkir proverb
And do someone else's work as your own. Korean proverb
The needle takes over the tailor. Arabic proverb
A skilled craftswoman can even spin on the leg of a donkey. Arabic proverb
How to eat - so everything, how to work - so no one. Latvian proverb
No matter how great the work, do not give up: if you start doing it, you will do it. Mongolian proverb
What is the builder, such is the abode! Russian proverb
When a person is industrious, then the earth is not lazy. Chinese proverb
The end of labor is a delight. Turkmen proverb
Whoever finds the source of labor will find wealth itself. Kazakh proverb
Whoever does not drive labor, he drives him. Estonian proverb
Who cleans the pond from algae, he also has fish. Bengali proverb
Whoever made the lock will make the key. Ossetian proverb
Whoever works hard will not go hungry. Armenian proverb
Who knows what, that's how they get bread. Russian proverb
Everything that you put effort into becomes easy. Tajik proverb
It is easier to work with your hands than with your head. Russian proverb
It is better to think for a day than to waste a whole week. Tajik proverb
They don't carry skills on their backs. Russian proverb
The master was told, "The disciples are not afraid of you." He replied, "I'm not afraid of them either." Chinese proverb
Metal is on fire, man is known in labor. Tajik proverb
A lot of work - a long life. Ossetian proverb
In fact, the mind will appear. Tajik proverb
To sit on the stove - you won’t see bread. Russian proverb
On the works of the righteous you will not make stone chambers. Russian proverb
The beginning of work is tart, its end is sweet. Dargin proverb
Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut. Russian proverb
Don't look at the case, look at the finish! Russian proverb
If you don't mess things up, you won't be a master. Russian proverb
Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie. Russian proverb
If you don't get through it, you won't get smarter. Chinese proverb

If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernels. Russian proverb
Not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship. Russian proverb
There is no work without rest; know how to do - know how and have fun. Persian proverb
Slow work indicates a skilled craftsman. Chinese proverb
The wolf did not catch a single sheep lying down. German proverb
A new worker can even kill a lion. Indian proverb
One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. Tajik proverb
One person digs a well, a thousand people drink water. Chinese proverb
Abandoned business will be covered with snow. Turkmen proverb
Nothing goes out of good hands. Russian proverb
From work you will not be rich, but you will be a hunchback. Russian proverb
Hands will not be taken away from work. Udmurt proverb
From work, only the back of a hunchback will become. Russian proverb
You are not rich from labor, but you will be a hunchback. Latvian proverb
From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers. Russian proverb
A plow and an ax will not leave hungry. Udmurt proverb
The plow shines from work. Russian proverb
It was sown from a basket, and there it grew a little. Russian proverb
God sent the work, but the devil took away the hunt. Russian proverb
Work hard, and then demand. Kazakh proverb
Idleness trots where labor trudges on foot. Danish floorboard
With great haste in the work there will be errors. Bengali proverb
A bird is recognized in flight, a person is recognized at work. Armenian proverb
The dust of labor is better than the saffron of inaction. Arabic proverb
Fools love work. Russian proverb
Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. Russian proverb
Work on the soul of the sun brighter. Udmurt proverb
A working mill has no time to freeze. Japanese proverb
Work is done by skill, difficulty is overcome by consent. Mongolian proverb
With craft and crippled bread will get. Russian proverb
The product has no flaws. Turkmen proverb
Business before pleasure. Russian proverb
Done under duress is not a thing. Ossetian proverb
strong man ashamed to be afraid of work. Tajik proverb
Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do. Russian proverb
Laughs with chuckles - but business is business. Russian proverb
It is easy to look at flowers, it is difficult to embroider them. Chinese proverb
A hundred tips will not replace a pair of experienced hands. Vietnamese proverb
To work early in the morning - to please the soul. Mongolian proverb

As soon as one bridge was built, the other set to work. Vietnamese proverb
Happiness is not in the air - it is given with difficulty. Persian proverb
We work so hard that we don't have time to wipe our nose. Russian proverb
There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy. Russian proverb
Patience and a little effort. Russian proverb
Only experience creates a true master. Indian proverb
Only the stubborn can stand against the wind. Vietnamese proverb
The hard work is going on. Mari proverb
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. Russian proverb
Labor money is always strong. Russian proverb
Labor money lives forever. Russian proverb
Labor money lies tightly, someone else's edge sticks out. Russian proverb
A hardworking person, whatever he undertakes, everything will shine. Azerbaijani proverb
By working hard, you learn a lot. Altai proverb
The blacksmith has golden hands, and the singer has words. Russian proverb
A master's blow is worth a thousand other blows. Kurdish proverb
A wise man is not in a hurry in a difficult matter. Ossetian proverb
The owner of a camel that has fallen into the mud works harder than others. Kalmyk proverb
A good weaver will weave a carpet on the fence. Lithuanian proverb
good master any material is good. Japanese proverb
A good blacksmith will not hit the finger, a skilled seamstress will not tangle the thread. Tuvan proverb
If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove. Russian proverb
If you want to get the job done, sharpen your tools first. Chinese proverb
A man without craft is like a tree without fruit. Tajik proverb
Man was created for work. Ossetian proverb
A man does well what he loves. Japanese proverb
A person is known not by his words, but by his deeds. Chuvash proverb
Rather than engage in poetry, cultivate better rice fields. Japanese proverb
The harder you work, the easier you die. Latvian proverb
To live well, you must love work. Ukrainian proverb

We present to you Russian proverbs about labor. We have collected the most popular proverbs for you.

Without a master, the land is an orphan.

In a good year, the offspring is also good.

Year after year is not necessary.

To live a year is not to sew a basket.

The land is black, and the white loaf will give birth.

The earth loves care.

The earth is the breadwinner.

The earth will not spoil - no one will reward.

The earth is a plate: what you put in is what you take out.

Although the earth feeds, it also asks for food.

What is the land, such is the bread.

Peasant share on a wide field.

Who cherishes the earth, the earth pities him.

Whoever hopes for heaven sits without bread.

You can't spin yarn without a spindle.

There is no work without hunting.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

There is no goodness without hard work.

Do not crush the clay - you can’t see the pots.

Business - time, fun - hour.

Income is never without hassle.

The peasants took a walk: there is neither bread nor flour.

I want to eat a fish, but I don’t want to climb into the water.

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See also:

  • Russian texts with audio
  • Dialogues in Russian
  • Video in Russian with subtitles
  • Correct pronunciation exercises
  • Russian tongue twisters in audio format
  • Common phrases in Russian
  • Russian slang expressions
  • Jokes in Russian with translation into English

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  • OGE in Russian
  • USE in Russian
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  • The best Russian tutors

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  • Grammar of Russian language

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  • What language to learn?
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Proverbs and sayings about work

B You can't spin yarn without a spindle.
To live without work is only to smoke the sky.
Sitting idle and staring into an empty corner.
A blacksmith without tongs is like without hands.
You can't split without a wedge and block.
You can't do it without wedges and a caftan.
You can't mow without a scythe and hay.
You can’t weave without measure and bast shoes.
There is no work without hunting.
Without work, a day becomes a year.
No work and the oven is cold.
Without craft - without hands.
Without dexterity, you will carry a spoon past your mouth.
Not a carpenter without an axe, not a tailor without a needle.
Without an ax for firewood.
Without work and rest is not sweet.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
There is no goodness without hard work.
There is no rest without work.
Without labor there is no fruit.
Without learning, without labor, life is useless anywhere.
Take care of what you're good at.
The good of people is in life, and life is in work.
Close to see, but far to walk.
Close - yes slippery, far - yes easy.
Bortnik is bitter, but his honey is sweet.
If you work hard, you will have both bread and milk.
If you work hard, there will be bread in the bins.
As if tyap-blunder - give me a ship.
If there was a hunt, there would be work.
It was in a bag, it became in a pot.
Beats - like a fish on ice.
If there was a hunt, any work would work out.
Be busy up to your neck.

IN we won’t go to the forest, and we’ll freeze on the floors.
You can't move in the Volga spoon.
There is only one concern in suffering - there would be no work.
Saturday for work, Sunday for fun.
It is merrily sung, merrily and spinned.
He took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty.
Feet feed the wolf.
Think well, start early, perform diligently.
In the world there is no work without difficulty.
All coopers, but thank a few.
Everything soon affects, but not everything is soon done.
You can't do everything all of a sudden.
Iron would boil, and hammers would be found.
Get up early and walk away.
Everyone is good, but not for everything.
Every master takes to learn, but not everyone finishes teaching.
Every master in his own way.
Everyone earns his own bread.
Everyone feeds on their own mind.
Everyone dances, but not every buffoon.
Everyone reaps the fruits of their labors.
Every trade is honest, except theft.
Every bird is full of its nose.
Every work of the master praises.
Any income does not live without worries, does not live without troubles.
Every tailor to his cut.
Every person is known by the work.
Every business has two ends.
Every deed is set by a man, and is glorified by a man.
Every young man has a craft to face.
Every skill comes with hard work.

Where there is work, it is dense, but in a lazy house it is empty.

G eyes are afraid, but hands do. Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom. Where they build, they dig. Where there is desire, there is skill. Where they sew, there they flog. Do not crush the clay - you can’t see the pots. You plow deeply, you dance more cheerfully. Looking at someone else's work, you will not be full. There is grief - do not grieve, there is work - do it. Work is bitter, but bread is sweet. Sometimes work is bitter, but the bread from it is sweet. They are looking for mushrooms - they are roaming the forest. They gnaw nuts between cases for fun. The harps are those, but the hands are not the same.

D they give bread, they will give businessmen.
Free - to the wind, labor - in the juice and in the root.
Things are up to the throat, even hands are not enough.
Deeds, deeds - like soot is white.
Actions cannot be replaced by words.
Get the job done, don't rush.
You do the work, but you don’t know your own hands.
It's a matter of discord, but at least drop it otherwise.
Business teaches business.
The job is done, it needs to be done.
Know the matter, but do not buy in vain.
The case is not worth a penny.
The work of the master is afraid.
The work of the master is afraid, and another master is afraid of the work.
The case is not rich, but it is done with horns.
The case is not a crow: it does not croak, but it will affect.
The case is resolved and thrown under the bench.
He did the job - how to drink.
The case is red.
Business teaches and feeds, and idleness spoils the good of a husband.
Work teaches, and torments, and feeds.
The case does not like jokes.
Hurry up, but don't make people laugh.
Business - time, fun - hour.
See a tree in its fruits, a man in deeds.
Trees are soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten from them.
If it takes longer, there will be more bread.
To work for good is something to boast of.
For this, the blacksmith forges tongs, so as not to burn his hands.
That is why the thimble is made so that the hands are not pricked.
A good tailor sews with a margin.
The catcher's prey does not wait, but the catcher waits for it.
I don’t lie at home and I don’t stand among people.
Income is never without hassle.
Chop firewood - do not spare your shoulders.
Think slow, work fast.
Put your soul and heart into work, cherish every second in your work.
Woodpecker and oak gouges.

E If there is work, there is no need to sleep.
If work is pleasure, then life is pleasure.
There is patience - there will be skill.
There is something to brag about who works well.
Eat until you sweat, work until you get chills - things will go quickly.
Eat your fill and work until you sweat.
Somehow it will be ground and there will be some kind of flour!

AND Eve everyone with your mind and your hump.

Z and everything is taken - do nothing.
He caught on the tip - he got to the point.
You can't cut down a tree at once.
Knowledge and work will grind everything.
A busy person and sadness-longing does not take.
The dawn will shower with gold.
The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.
Gold is known in fire, man in labor.
Those who have studied well have golden hands.

AND everyone leads, but not everyone brings.
And forges, and blows - and he himself does not know what will happen.
And not a carpenter, but a hunter to knock.
And for a small matter, a big thought.
Play, play, but know the matter.
Makes out of nothing.
From one oven, but not only rolls.
I have a craft - and I will get bread on a stone.
A skilled swimmer does not sink at sea.
Seek deeds like bread.

TO rower and the shore sails.
To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.
If not for a wedge and not for moss, then the carpenter would have died.
Every work is blessed with love.
To each according to his deeds.
What works, such and fruits.
Whatever you do, get the job done.
As the handles are made, so the back wears out.
Both in word and deed.
As it is sewn, so it will be flogged.
What is the getter, such is the prey.
What is the master, such is the work.
What is the worker, such is his pay.
What is the labor score, such is the honor.
What is the bread, such is the case.
What is the spin, such is the shirt on it.
What is the fiber, so is the fabric.
Drop by drop and the stone hammers.
Hewing a wedge is a skill to show.
When we dare, then we'll go home.
If you don’t forge, don’t trash your hands.
To whom to what, but to the blacksmith to the anvil.
Finished the job - walk boldly.
You can't straighten a crooked spindle.
To cut - not to sew, after that you will not rip.
Croy and sing songs: if you start sewing, you will cry.
Cool berezhok, but the fish is good.
Who eats quickly, he works quickly.
Whoever is born for what will be useful to him.
Who likes to chill, stay in the tail.
Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.
Who loves work, people honor him.
Whoever loves work does not need war.
Who says little, does more.
Those who don't work don't eat.
Who pushes, he bakes bread.
Whoever loves work will not sleep for a long time.
Whoever is not afraid of work, laziness eschews it.
Whoever works, he enjoys.
Who sews and who flogs.
Nobody is born a blacksmith.
Strike while the iron is hot.
A cuckoo is not a hawk, and an ignoramus is not a master.

L It's easier to work with your hands than with your head.
Lying on your side, you will not develop a sniff of tobacco.
You can't get food lying down.
Let's not hit our faces in the dirt.
If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.
Love for work is in people's minds.
People paved - people and go.

M a little thing, but screams loudly.
The brand does the trick.
Master master is not a decree.
There is one master, and ten carriers.
Skill is everywhere respected.
There is honey - climb into the hive.
Grinding with a millstone is not like a tongue.
Grind finely - stand, spin finely - sit.
The peasant is not submissive that there is an ax behind the belt.
The ant is small, but it digs mountains.

H and hope for the eye, but check with a plumb line.

On a strong bough - a sharp ax. On the catcher and the beast runs. On the butt, the rye threshes and does not drop the grain. On a zealous horse, not a whip, but a rein. Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own. You have to bend down to drink from the stream. Ours spun, and yours slept. Not the gods burn the pots. The miller is not afraid of noise. There is no boredom when your hands are busy. Not everyone plows, but everyone eats. Don't say what you did, but say what you did. Do not take care of your own business, do not be lazy about your own business. Not for fear, but for conscience. If you don't wet your hands, you won't wash. If you don't know how to sing, don't delay. You don't know how to sew with gold, so you strike with a hammer. The needle does not sew, but the hands. A hammer does not forge iron, but a blacksmith who strikes with a hammer. Do not leave things for tomorrow, but leave bread. Don't procrastinate on things. Not because they were naked because they ate a lot, but because they were naked because they didn’t sweat. Not the oven feeds, but the hands. Not the oven feeds, but labor and care. You will not regret the labors - you will remove two hundred pounds from a hectare. These nuts are too tough for me. Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise a fungus. If you don't work hard, you won't get bread. Do not get used to idleness, learn needlework. The craft does not ask for bread, but feeds itself. Not work is expensive - skill. If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernels. Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds. The game is not worth the candle. It is not a shame to get bread with labor, it is a shame to get bread with shame. Work does not dry a person, care dries. Not so expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship. It’s not a concern that there is a lot of work, but it’s a concern that there is none. Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits. Not hard to do, but hard to think. Without learning, you can’t weave bast shoes. Don't teach me how to dance, I'm a buffoon myself. Don't teach a magpie to squat. Don't teach a pike to swim. If you don't want the cold, you will love the forest from a young age.

Legs are worn and hands are fed.

ABOUT the bottom of the flour, but not just the handles.
Do one thing and don't run away from another.
He quilted a stone house with a needle.
From idleness, foolishness profits, in labor the will is tempered.
Boredom take matters into your own hands.
From boredom - all trades.

P You can't comb your head with a cock's comb.
A carpenter without an ax is like a hut without a corner.
Bad deeds, where power is without mind.
On the wings of flight, on business honor.
By work and the master to know.
Peace drinks water, and restlessness drinks honey.
A tailor without trousers, a shoemaker without boots.
Order saves time.
It doesn't spoil the order.
God sent work, but the devil took away the hunt.
Initiation is more expensive than anything.
Things went like clockwork.
Things went smoothly - and he himself is happy with him.
They won't say bad things about our yarn.
The bee flies far behind the drop.

R Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people.
Work until you sweat - eat on the hunt.
Worker - altyn, and the master - the ruble.
Craft is not a rocker: it will not crush the shoulders, but it will saturate the eyelid.
Craft and crippled bread will find.
Craft is respected everywhere.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Dress up - do not be ashamed, but work - do not be lazy.

WITH The most precious thing is what is done by your labor.
With the song and labor argues.
You can't go anywhere with your hands.
Ser man, but angry at work.
Judge a man by his work.

T Only after good work comes good rest.
Only that is strong, which is obtained by labor!
Labor without benefit is the same idleness.
Labor overcomes everything.
Work is a matter of honor, be always in the first place.
Labor feeds and clothes.
Work gets on its feet, but laziness brings down.
Labor is not a whip, but it drives a person.
Labor, labor and labor are the three eternal treasures.
Labor money lies tightly, someone else's - sticks out with an edge.
The labor penny goes for the future.
Hardworking - like an ant.
You are for the cause, and the cause is for you.

At every one's knack.
Every day has its own worries.
We have the happiest person hardworking.
The tailor's elbow is off.
A skilled man catches fish with a chisel.
The street is crooked, but the fish is straight.
Mind - ahead of business.
A skilled hunter will not shoot an arrow in vain.
Fatigue will pass, but good glory will remain.
Teaching and work live side by side.

X good deeds - a red price.
Work well - bread will be born.
Thin tackle and rest will not.
You can't catch fish with a thin net.

H you pick it up, then you carry it.
A person gets sick from laziness, gets healthy from work.
Through force and the horse does not pull.
What you can do today, don't put it off until tomorrow.
To be held in high esteem, one must love work.
To eat a fish, you need to climb into the water.

W there are working days, and the seventh is for those who are willing.
Sew much and hem much, and insert a bristle - you need to look for a master.

Proverbs and sayings about work

Vietnamese(Viet) - the main people of Vietnam, one of the Viet-Muong peoples. The total number in the world is about 74 million people, including 71 million people living in Vietnam. They also live in, in Thailand, in, in Malaysia, in Russia and in the USA. Vietnamese is part of the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austroasiatic family of languages. Viet religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism; there are Catholics and Protestants (about 10%), in the south - adherents of the syncretic cults of Kao Dai and Hoa Khao. Related peoples: Viet-Muong peoples.


T ri women - four gossip.

Beat the drum at the door of the god of thunder.

Close neighbors are better than distant relatives.

The wealth of the husband is the labor of the wife.

Wealth is like the ebb and flow of the sea.

It happens that there are already three children in a family, and the husband’s heart is still free.

It is easy to cook in a copper pan, it is easy to command an ugly husband.

At seventy, they don’t brag about their health, even if you are sighted and not lame.

I took a plum - return the peach.

Wine in, words out.

You can't eat everything, you can't feed everyone.

Met him at the front door and let him out the back door.

Let the pig out of the barn, and then chase after it.

Where there are flowers, there are butterflies.

Friendly husband and wife can drain the ocean.

Pearls are more likely to be found in a shell, which is the oldest of all.

And a stupid woman can give birth to a smart child.

She got rid of her husband, who beat painfully, but got to her husband, who beats often.

Escaped the net, but got hooked.

Excessive reverence turns into fear.

Sometimes the ants eat the fish, sometimes the fish eats the ants.

To the carefree heaven and earth are indulgent.

To whose leg the leech has stuck, let him tear it off.

How to know where you will find gold and where a toad.

When it's fun, you want to live long, when you're sad, you want to die even tomorrow.

When you eat fruits, remember who planted the tree.

When the snake is good, the frog is bad.

When the garden is large, it is difficult to drive a chicken out of it.

When it falls younger sister, then the eldest helps her get up, but if the eldest happens to fall, the youngest laughs.

When you are sitting in a boat, the waves are no longer scary.

Who makes a fishhook out of a golden pin?

Whoever lies in the middle does not lose a single piece of blanket.

A mother can feed ten children; ten children cannot feed one mother.

Mother teaches - children are clever, father teaches - children are smart.

The young horse loves to kick.

Husband and wife are like a pair of chopsticks.

The husband has dishonored himself - the wife is ashamed.

Don't laugh at the poor, don't rely on the rich.

It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk.

Do not abandon the oars, even when you see a big wave.

The legs would not be beautiful if it were not for the shoes, and the ears would not be if it were not for the earrings.

A leisurely elephant will reach its goal earlier than a frisky stallion.

The way back always seems shorter.

He who has circumcised his hand knows how to appreciate the balm.

One witness is no witness.

One worm ruins a whole pot of stew.

One year to build a house - three years to sit without rice.

One threat is equal to three blows.

From one cancer it will not become crowded in the sea.

No one is ashamed to run from an elephant.

Before hitting a dog, look where its owner is.

I crossed the river - and the waves do not care.

One rows downstream, ten against the current.

Pierce the water with a stick.

A picky pig is hard to feed.

Timid as a mouse during the day.

Pork kidneys are not eaten with crab sauce.

Burned a hundred torches - but did not catch a single frog.

No matter how much an ant crawls on an iron pole, it still will not wear out.

A hundred tips will not replace a pair of experienced hands.

A hundred ways - a thousand mistakes.

An egg collided with a stone.

The son of a king will be a king, the son of a poor man will fish day and night for crabs.

Only by covering yourself with a blanket will you find out if there are fleas in it.

The one who does not repay debts will not get rich.

The young lack intelligence, the old lack health.

You can learn only when you study; You can only get there when you are walking.

It is better to die clean than to live in filth.

A smart person gets old quickly.

To delight the ear of a buffalo with a lute.

Give way, and it will be easier for you to go.

Flowers - in order to tear them, girls - in order to joke with them.

What a buffalo will kick, what an elephant.

To get a cup of rice, you have to shed a cup of sweat.

To draw an elephant, you must first see it.

Contents of the page: Vietnamese folk proverbs and sayings.



Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 11:08:21

* Watermelon was pecked by a crow, and the heron was punished

* Bypassed the watermelon peel, and "B" slipped on the coconut one

* The cormorant found, and the stork ate.

* Poor, so scatter with your mind.

* Without bad generals there would be no good ones.

* Without an elephant and a bull is great.

* Beat the drum at the door of the god of thunder.

* Close neighbors are better than distant relatives.

* Get rich at the expense of your field, but do not get rich at the expense of someone else's boundary.

* Wealth - a husband, work - a wife.

* Wealth breeds ceremony.

* If you throw wax, they will throw lead at you. ""IN ""

* It is easy to cook in a copper pan, it is easy to command an ugly husband.

* At seventy, one does not brag about health, even if you are sighted and not lame.

* Borrowed nine - give ten.

* Took a plum - return the peach.

* Wine comes in - words come out.

* You can’t eat everything, you can’t feed everyone.

* Met at the front door and let out the back door.

* Let the pig out of the barn, and then chase after it. ""G ""

* Where there are flowers, there are butterflies.

* You can't feed on stupidity.

* Talking interestingly is better than talking a lot.

* The head is big, but stupid.

* Hungry cries - well-fed laughs. ""D""

* Even a sick buffalo will not yield to a healthy bull.

* A girl is looking for a smart husband, and a young man - beautiful wife.

* Laws do not care about money.

* Debts decrease, children grow up. ""E""

* If you are starving in your youth, do not rush to despair; if you are rich in youth, do not rush to rejoice.

* If you stand on the nose, then work with a pole.

* If you have children, you can’t do without work for an hour.

* Not yet rich, but already worried that they will rob. ""AND ""

* The wife is good, but there is no money yet.

* Stomach hungry, back cold. "Z"

* If I had known where it would itch, I would have scratched it in advance.

* The sighted asks the blind. ""AND ""

* And he lost his wealth, and was known as a fool.

* And a stupid wife can give birth to a smart child.

* She got rid of her husband, who beat painfully, but got to her husband, who beats often.

* Avoided the network, but got hooked.

* Excessive reverence turns into fear.

* Sometimes the ants eat the fish, sometimes the fish eats the ants. ""TO ""

* To the carefree heaven and earth are indulgent.

* To whose leg the leech has stuck, let him tear it off.

* Every fool is stupid in his own way.

* How to know where you will find gold and where you will find a toad.

* How to find out how old the sky is?

* What is the lock, so is the key.

* When it's fun, you want to live long, when you're sad, you want to die even tomorrow.

* When eating fruits, remember the one who planted the tree.

* When the snake is good, the frog is bad.

* When the garden is large, it is difficult to drive a chicken out of it.

* When the younger sister falls, the older sister helps her to get up; if the older sister falls, the younger one laughs.

* If there are roosters and hens, there will be chickens.

* If the husband is smart, then the wife is obedient.

* Whoever eats last is the first to clear the table.

* Who makes a fishing hook out of a golden pin?

* Whoever lies in the middle does not lose a single piece of blanket.

* Who said that the sky has no eyes? ""L""

* Better to die young than to be a second wife.

* If you like flowers, spud bushes. ""M""

* Mother teaches - children are clever, father teaches - children are smart.

* There is little honey, there are many flies.

* The young horse loves to kick. ""N""

* Do not laugh at the poor, do not rely on the rich.

* Legs would not be beautiful if it were not for shoes, and ears - if not for earrings.

* Don't make a mistake - you won't grow wiser.

* Tasteless - but hot, ugly - but new. ""ABOUT ""

* Turn to the healer - he will always find a lot of strange diseases.

* The way back always seems shorter.

* He who has circumcised his hand knows how to appreciate the balm.

* One year to build a house - three years to sit without rice.

* One witness is no witness.

* One worm ruins a whole pot of stew.

* Lonely, like a pillar after a fire.

* One threat equals three hits.

* He is a fool, but his uncle is smart.

* The donkey loves heavy things.

* From one cancer, the sea will not become crowded.

* No one is ashamed to run from an elephant. ""P ""

* Before hitting a dog, look where its owner is.

* Moved the river - and the waves do not care.

* While there is no wake, the pig is alive.

* The dead man scolds those who carry him.

* Under happy circumstances, it is easy to become smart.

* Pierce the water with a stick. ""R ""

* A picky pig is hard to feed.

* Timid, like a mouse during the day. ""WITH ""

* Burned a hundred torches - did not catch a single frog.

* No matter how much an ant crawls on an iron pole, it will not wear out anyway.

* The miser fries a frying pan to melt the lard.

* Elephants rarely give birth, but every cub is a giant.

* A hundred tips will not replace a pair of experienced hands.

* Ask - answer, call - respond.

* The old people are healthy - the young are calm.

* A hundred ways - a thousand mistakes.

* An egg collided with a stone. ""T ""

* Only when you cover yourself with a blanket do you find out if there are fleas in it.

* He who does not repay debts will not get rich.

* Three women - four gossip. ""U""

* It is easy to respect customs, it is difficult to observe them.

* To die clean is better than to live in filth.

* A smart one will turn out, a stupid one will get caught.

* A smart person gets old quickly.

* Delight the ear of the buffalo with a lute. ""X ""

* Although he took a lot, he returned in full. ""C""

* Flowers - in order to tear them, girls - in order to joke with them. ""H""

* Man is lazy, earth is not lazy.

* The bald head, the cooler it is.

* Excessive fun breeds sadness.

* That the buffalo will kick, that the elephant.

* To get a cup of rice, you need to shed a cup of sweat.

* To draw an elephant, you must first see it.

Wiki Quote. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is VIETNAMESE PROVERB in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • PROVERBS in Sayings of famous people:
  • PROVERBS in Dictionary One sentence, definitions:
    is a reflection of the mindset of the people. Johann ...
  • PROVERBS in Aphorisms and clever thoughts:
    a mirror of the people's way of thinking. Johann ...
  • RUSSIAN PROVERBS in Wiki Quote.
  • ARABIC PROVERBS/TEMP-1 at Wiki Quote.
    The war of 1858-62 marked the beginning of the conquest of Vietnam by the French colonialists; Spain also participated in the war on the side of France. According to the Franco-Spanish-Vietnamese treaty of 1862 ...
    wars of 1858-62, 1883-84, aggressive wars undertaken by France with the aim of colonial enslavement of Vietnam. The first F.-in. V. (1858v62) marked the beginning of the conquest of Vietnam...
  • SOVIET-VIETNAMESE (SE) AGREEMENTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (SUE) agreements. Diplomatic relations since 13.6.1969. In the Communiqué (9/11/1969), the USSR expressed its full support for the position of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam and ...
  • SOVIET-VIETNAMESE (DRV) AGREEMENTS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (DRV) agreements. Diplomatic relations since 30.1.1950. Soviet-Vietnamese relations developed on the basis of the principle of socialist internationalism. Ending the Vietnam War and...
  • FRENCH-VIETNAMESE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FRANCO-VIETNAMESE WARS of the 19th century. The war of 1858-62 marked the beginning of the conquest of Vietnam by the French. colonizers; Spain also participated in the war on the side of France. …
  • Cowardice at the Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-09-02 Time: 18:46:30 * It is never cowardly to submit to the power above you. (Alexandre Dumas-father) * ...
  • ERROR in Wiki Quote:
    Data: 2009-06-13 Time: 12:04:53 * If your friend makes important mistakes, do not hesitate to reproach him - this is the first duty of friendship. …
  • GULAG ARCHIPELAGO in the Wiki Quote.
    - Vietnamese throwing ...
  • PHI TIEN The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - Vietnamese throwing metal ...
  • PCI-DUA The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - Vietnamese hardwood sticks similar to ngivare. Designed exclusively for…
  • NJA The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    - Vietnamese combat ...
  • BUA The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons:
    KAO - Vietnamese combat ...
  • VIETNAMESE NATIONALIST PARTY in the Historical Directory of Terrorism and Terrorists,:
    (Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang; Vietnam) - GNP. The first major revolutionary organization in Vietnam. Founded in 1927. The goal is to gain …
  • BUA KAO in the Dictionary of military-historical terms:
    - Vietnamese combat ...
    Krylov Ivan Andreevich - the famous Russian fabulist. Born February 2, 1768, according to legend - in Moscow. His father "sciences ...
  • DAL VLADIMIR IVANOVICH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Dahl, Vladimir Ivanovich - a famous lexicographer. Born on November 10, 1801 in the Yekaterinoslav province, in the Lugansk plant (hence the pseudonym Dalia: ...
    - a genre of oral folk art: a well-aimed figurative expression that has entered into speech, containing an emotional assessment of one or another ...
  • APHORISM in the Dictionary of Literary Terms:
    - (from Greek, aphorismos - a short saying) - a short saying containing a complete thought, philosophical or worldly wisdom; instructive…
  • PROVERB in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    [lat. — proverbium, adagium, French. — proverbe, German. — Sprichworth, eng. — proverb. From the Greek name P. - paroim?a - ...
  • KALMYK LITERATURE. in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Kalmyk literature has only a few years of existence, since it arose after the creation of a new Kalmyk script. Before the October Revolution, the Kalmyk literature ...
  • MYSTERY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    can be defined as a convoluted question, usually expressed in the form of a metaphor. According to Aristotle, Z. is “a well-composed metaphor.” Veselovsky considers ...
  • CHING CHAK AND CHING NYI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Vietnamese national heroines, sisters. They led a popular uprising in 40-43 against the Chinese dynasty ...
  • CHING CHAK AND CHING NYI in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Chuck and Trung Nhi (Trung Trac va Trung Nhi), Vietnamese national heroines, sisters. Descended from the noble Chyng family. Raised and...
  • CHAN HYNG DAO in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Hung Dao (Trân Hu-ng Dao), Tran Quoc Tuan (Trân Quôc Tuân) (1226-1300), Vietnamese commander, organizer of the struggle of the Vietnamese people in the period ...
  • HO CHI MIN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Shi Minh (Нô Chi Minh) [real name - Nguyen Tat Thanh; for a long time had many party pseudonyms, including ...
  • PACIFIC OCEAN in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    ocean, the largest ocean in terms of area and depth on the globe. Located between the continents of Eurasia and Australia in the west, northern and ...
  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    States of America (USA) (United States of America, USA). I. General information USA is a state in North America. Area 9.4 million ...
  • SANTILLANA INIGO LOPEZ DE MENDOZA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Santillana) Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza (August 19, 1398, Carrión de los Condes - March 25, 1458, Guadalajara), Marquis de, Spanish poet. The author of the first Spanish poetics "Foreword and ...
  • NGO in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Vietnamese dynasty in 939-965, founded by Ngo Cuyen. In order to strengthen the independence of the country that had liberated itself from Chinese domination, the N. reorganized the feudal bureaucracy…
  • ETHNOSCIENCE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    medicine, the totality of empirical information accumulated by the people about healing agents, medicinal herbs and hygiene skills, as well as their practical use For …
  • LAOS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Kingdom of Laos. 1. General information L. is a state in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula. It borders on the north with China, on ...
  • DAL VLADIMIR IVANOVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Vladimir Ivanovich [born November 10 (22), 1801, Lugansk, now Voroshilovgrad, - September 22 (October 4), 1872, Moscow], Russian writer, lexicographer, ethnographer. Born in the family of a doctor. Graduated from medical...
  • VIETNAMESE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (self-name - Viet), a nation that makes up the vast majority of the population in all coastal and lowland regions of the DRV and South Vietnam. Number of about…
  • VIETNAM-FRENCH TREATIES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    treaties of 1787, 1874, 1884. Treaty of 1787 On an offensive and defensive alliance was signed at Versailles on November 28; the first in the history of the Vietnamese-French ...
  • VIETNAM-FRANCO-SPANISH TREATY OF 1862 in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    1862 Treaty of Peace and Friendship, a treaty imposed by France and Spain on Vietnam as a result of the Vietnamese-French War of 1858-62, to participate in ...
  • VIETNAM in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (Viet-Nam). I. General information V. is located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina peninsula. The territory of V. is a narrow strip up to 600 km wide on ...
  • ALL-UNION PIONEER ORGANIZATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    pioneer organization named after V. I. Lenin, a mass amateur communist organization of children and adolescents aged 10-15 years. Practical guidance for activities ...

Table of contents [Show]

Baba baked pies with yeast, and took them out on the reins. Russian proverb
To live without work is only to smoke the sky. Russian proverb
Without labor, there will be no joy. Kazakh proverb
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Russian proverb
An idler is worse than a scarecrow: at least a scarecrow frightens the animals. Abaza proverb

Take the work with the mind, not with the hump. Russian proverb
More skill is no jewel. Kalmyk proverb
Brehat not waving an ax, he lied and rested. Russian proverb
Fast work - with flaws. Estonian proverb
A job done quickly is never good. Indian proverb
A fast horse does not need to be urged on; a skillful person does not need help. Bashkir proverb
In other hands, even a handful of dust turns into gold. Bengali proverb
During working hours - the tongue on the bolt. Russian proverb
Faith is kept by fasting, but toiled with an axe. Bengali proverb
You can see the master at work. Russian proverb
In all cases, you need to think three times. Chinese proverb
Think well, start early, perform diligently! Russian proverb
Everything is difficult at first. Vietnamese proverb
Every work of the master praises. Russian proverb
Any skill is not easy. Indian proverb
Make a yoke on your shoulder. Vietnamese proverb
The case is not a crow: it will not croak, but will have an effect. Russian proverb
The work of the master is afraid. Russian proverb
The case is solid. Russian proverb
Work teaches, and torments, and feeds. Russian proverb
Business time - fun hour. Russian proverb
Long experience enriches the mind. Arabic proverb
Thinking about the future is a wise man, repairing junk is a craftsman. Kalmyk proverb
A fool's dream is sweet - a smart work is dear. Estonian proverb
If there is patience, there will be skill. Russian proverb
Life is measured not by years, but by labors. Russian proverb
The reaping sickle always shines. Mordovian proverb
The crane walks through the swamp, is hired to work. Russian proverb
You can't cut down a tree at once. Russian proverb
Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today, that's what lazy people say. German proverb
Earned hunk is better than a stolen loaf. Russian proverb
The land in which labor is not invested has no name. Turkmen proverb
Know the crafts, but know how to forget them. Turkmen proverb
And everyone who is reputed to be a skillful being, let him do what he can. Persian proverb
And do a small thing like a big one. Bashkir proverb
And do someone else's work as your own. Korean proverb
The needle takes over the tailor. Arabic proverb
A skilled craftswoman can even spin on the leg of a donkey. Arabic proverb
How to eat - so everything, how to work - so no one. Latvian proverb
No matter how great the work, do not give up: if you start doing it, you will do it. Mongolian proverb
What is the builder, such is the abode! Russian proverb
When a person is industrious, then the earth is not lazy. Chinese proverb
The end of labor is a delight. Turkmen proverb
Whoever finds the source of labor will find wealth itself. Kazakh proverb
Whoever does not drive labor, he drives him. Estonian proverb
Who cleans the pond from algae, he also has fish. Bengali proverb
Whoever made the lock will make the key. Ossetian proverb
Whoever works hard will not go hungry. Armenian proverb
Who knows what, that's how they get bread. Russian proverb
Everything that you put effort into becomes easy. Tajik proverb
It is easier to work with your hands than with your head. Russian proverb
It is better to think for a day than to waste a whole week. Tajik proverb
They don't carry skills on their backs. Russian proverb
The master was told, "The disciples are not afraid of you." He replied, "I'm not afraid of them either." Chinese proverb
Metal is on fire, man is known in labor. Tajik proverb
A lot of work - a long life. Ossetian proverb
In fact, the mind will appear. Tajik proverb
To sit on the stove - you won’t see bread. Russian proverb
On the works of the righteous you will not make stone chambers. Russian proverb
The beginning of work is tart, its end is sweet. Dargin proverb
Without taking up the ax, you will not cut down the hut. Russian proverb
Don't look at the case, look at the finish! Russian proverb
If you don't mess things up, you won't be a master. Russian proverb
Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie. Russian proverb
If you don't get through it, you won't get smarter. Chinese proverb

If you don't crack a nut, you won't eat the kernels. Russian proverb
Not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship. Russian proverb
There is no work without rest; know how to do - know how and have fun. Persian proverb
Slow work indicates a skilled craftsman. Chinese proverb
The wolf did not catch a single sheep lying down. German proverb
A new worker can even kill a lion. Indian proverb
One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings. Tajik proverb
One person digs a well, a thousand people drink water. Chinese proverb
Abandoned business will be covered with snow. Turkmen proverb
Nothing goes out of good hands. Russian proverb
From work you will not be rich, but you will be a hunchback. Russian proverb
Hands will not be taken away from work. Udmurt proverb
From work, only the back of a hunchback will become. Russian proverb
You are not rich from labor, but you will be a hunchback. Latvian proverb
Russian proverb
A plow and an ax will not leave hungry. Udmurt proverb
The plow shines from work. Russian proverb
It was sown from a basket, and there it grew a little. Russian proverb
God sent the work, but the devil took away the hunt. Russian proverb
Work hard, and then demand. Kazakh proverb
Idleness trots where labor trudges on foot. Danish floorboard
With great haste in the work there will be errors. Bengali proverb
A bird is recognized in flight, a person is recognized at work. Armenian proverb
The dust of labor is better than the saffron of inaction. Arabic proverb
Fools love work. Russian proverb
Work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest. Russian proverb
Work on the soul of the sun brighter. Udmurt proverb
A working mill has no time to freeze. Japanese proverb
Work is done by skill, difficulty is overcome by consent. Mongolian proverb
With craft and crippled bread will get. Russian proverb
The product has no flaws. Turkmen proverb
Business before pleasure. Russian proverb
Done under duress is not a thing. Ossetian proverb
A strong person is ashamed to be afraid of work. Tajik proverb
Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do. Russian proverb
Laughs with chuckles - but business is business. Russian proverb
It is easy to look at flowers, it is difficult to embroider them. Chinese proverb
A hundred tips will not replace a pair of experienced hands. Vietnamese proverb
To work early in the morning - to please the soul. Mongolian proverb

As soon as one bridge was built, the other set to work. Vietnamese proverb
Happiness is not in the air - it is given with difficulty. Persian proverb
We work so hard that we don't have time to wipe our nose. Russian proverb
There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy. Russian proverb
Patience and a little effort. Russian proverb
Only experience creates a true master. Indian proverb
Only the stubborn can stand against the wind. Vietnamese proverb
The hard work is going on. Mari proverb
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils. Russian proverb
Labor money is always strong. Russian proverb
Labor money lives forever. Russian proverb
Labor money lies tightly, someone else's edge sticks out. Russian proverb
A hardworking person, whatever he undertakes, everything will shine. Azerbaijani proverb
By working hard, you learn a lot. Altai proverb
The blacksmith has golden hands, and the singer has words. Russian proverb
A master's blow is worth a thousand other blows. Kurdish proverb
A wise man is not in a hurry in a difficult matter. Ossetian proverb
The owner of a camel that has fallen into the mud works harder than others. Kalmyk proverb
A good weaver will weave a carpet on the fence. Lithuanian proverb
Any material is good for a good master. Japanese proverb
A good blacksmith will not hit the finger, a skilled seamstress will not tangle the thread. Tuvan proverb
If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove. Russian proverb
If you want to get the job done, sharpen your tools first. Chinese proverb
A man without craft is like a tree without fruit. Tajik proverb
Man was created for work. Ossetian proverb
A man does well what he loves. Japanese proverb
A person is known not by his words, but by his deeds. Chuvash proverb
Rather than engage in poetry, cultivate better rice fields. Japanese proverb
The harder you work, the easier you die. Latvian proverb
To live well, you must love work. Ukrainian proverb


What the soul lies to, to which the hands will attach

Russian proverb

What works, such and fruits.

Russian proverb

Not he is good who is handsome in face, but he is good who is good in business.

Russian proverb

While iron is at work, rust does not take it either.

Russian proverb

Checking endlessly the one to whom we have given the commission, do we not become like a person pulling a sprout from the ground every time for the sole purpose of making sure for sure whether the roots are growing or not.

Chinese proverb

Every bird is fed with its beak.

Russian proverb

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.

Russian proverb

Skill and work will grind everything.

Russian proverb

It is not bread for the belly that goes, but the belly for the bread.

Russian proverb

Lord, give me the strength to handle what I can do, give me the courage to accept what I can't do, and give me the wisdom to tell one from the other.

Eastern proverb

Big in body, small in deed.

Russian proverb

Russian proverb

If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

Russian proverb

You have to bend down to drink from the stream.

Russian proverb.

By doing nothing, you learn to do badly.

Italian proverb

The work of the master is afraid.

Russian proverb

A good start pumped out half the battle.

Russian proverb

Do not take on many things, but excel in one.

Russian proverb

A small ax can cut down a large tree.

Albanian proverb

Don't say what you did, but say what you did.

Russian proverb

Don't start - think, but start - do.

Russian proverb

Strike while the iron is hot.

Russian proverb

Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter.

Russian proverb

Russian proverb

Russian proverb

Without patience, there is no skill.

Russian proverb

Done under duress - not the case.

Ossetian proverb

In other hands, even a handful of dust turns into gold.

Bengali proverb

While the lazy one is warming up, the diligent one will return from work.

Russian proverb.

Everyone will sew, but not everyone will sew.

Russian proverb

Don't be afraid to slow down, be afraid to stop.

Chinese proverb

Not the gods burn the pots.

Russian proverb

Whoever made the lock will make the key.

Ossetian proverb

Don't be afraid of me, worker, I won't touch you.

Russian proverb

Start climbing up from the bottom.

Japanese proverb

Every business has its time.

Russian proverb

Pray to God with your tongue, but do not be lazy to work with your hands.

Bengali proverb

Under a lying stone and water does not flow.

Russian proverb

Without work, a day feels like a year.

Russian proverb

The mountain that you see, do not consider distant.

Uzbek proverb

Russian proverb

Without rest, the horse does not jump.

Russian proverb

A working mill has no time to freeze.

Japanese proverb

Russian proverb

Russian proverb

And do a small thing like a big one.

Bashkir proverb

Russian proverb

Russian proverb

Live everyone with your goodness and with your hump!

Russian proverb

From disorder, everything is shaky.

Russian proverb

Walking slowly is better than standing still.

Chinese proverb

Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds.

Russian proverb

And a high mountain will collapse if you dig it up every day.

French proverb

Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own!

Russian proverb

A snatch is not a run.

Ossetian proverb

Perseverance overcomes everything.

Russian proverb

Not without a mind, and not without a fishery.

Russian proverb

From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers.

Russian proverb

Scold yourself, not the sun, because your garden never bloomed.

Tajik proverb

Difficult to get around - good not to be seen.

Russian proverb

Than to sit for nothing, it is better to work for nothing.

Georgian proverb

Don't blame your neighbor when you sleep until noon.

Russian proverb

Do not sit idly by, and there will be no boredom.

Russian proverb

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

Russian proverb

Do not pray, but work.

Japanese proverb

Patience and a little effort.

Russian proverb

It's pointless to shoot an arrow without a target.

Japanese proverb

A burden conveniently taken is half a burden.

German proverb

Pages: 1 | 2 | The entire text


  • The subject of the research is Chinese proverbs about labor.
  • Translate Chinese proverbs about labor into Russian.
  • The object of the study was Chinese proverbs.
  • The very fact of the publication of another collection of Chinese proverbs and sayings is important.
  • An important factor in the formation of Chinese proverbs was foreign influence.
  • Chinese folk proverbs and sayings / A. Tishkov.
  • Lies will not stifle the truth: Chinese stories, proverbs, sayings / comp.
  • Reshetnev, U.N. Ways of translating Chinese proverbs and sayings. Text.
  • Reshetneva, U.N. Ethnopoetics of Chinese proverbs and sayings abstract.
  • Riftin, B.L. Chinese proverbs as a material for studying the people's worldview.

Proverbs and sayings about work

07.10.2012, 10:28
Proverbs and sayings about work
  • You won't get bread by spoiling.
  • Without work, strength weakens.
  • Without work and rest is not sweet.
  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • Without labor there is no fruit.
  • Without good work there is no fruit.
  • God loves work.
  • More action, less words.
  • If only there was a hunt, every work would improve.
  • During working hours - the tongue on the bolt.
  • Heroes are born in labor.
  • Get up early - step further.
  • Any land is good, if you do not spare your hands.
  • Every work of the master praises.
  • Every person is known by the work.
  • Every skill comes with hard work.
  • The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  • The work of the master is afraid.
  • Business - time, fun - an hour.
  • Hold on tighter to the plow, it will be more profitable.
  • Income is never without hassle.
  • Think in the evening what to do in the morning.
  • To take on everything - to do nothing.
  • Handle every task skillfully.
  • The stock of a person does not spoil.
  • The land is black, and white bread will give birth.
  • And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the gambler on the pipe.
  • To what the soul lies, to that the hands will be attached.
  • Put potatoes in okroshka, and love is in business.
  • The end is the crown of the whole thing.
  • Finished the job - walk boldly.
  • Whoever is quick in words, rarely argues in deeds.
  • Who does not work shall not eat.
  • Who does not work, he is not mistaken.
  • Who does not walk, he does not fall.
  • Who sings, his work will soon end.
  • Who gets up early, God gives.
  • Who gets up earlier, he will collect the fungi, and the drowsy and lazy ones go after the nettles.
  • Strike while the iron is hot.
  • The lazy always have a holiday.
  • Down and Out trouble started.
  • Better quietly and forward than soon and then back.
  • Love for work is in people's minds.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.
  • On uncultivated land, only weeds grow.
  • For work he is behind the latter, and for food he is ahead of the former.
  • To work with joy, and from work with pride.
  • You can't plow bread by running over.
  • Start start, but look - finish.
  • Not the gods burn the pots.
  • Not all cooks have long knives.
  • It's not a miracle to start a business - it's a miracle to finish.
  • Do not take care of your own business, but do not be lazy about your own.
  • Do not be lazy behind the plow - you will be with a pie.
  • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • I will not bow to the rich man if I grind my rye.
  • I did not know how to sew with gold, so strike with a hammer.
  • From a bad seed do not expect a good tribe.
  • They get healthy from work, but get sick from laziness.
  • From the works of the righteous do not make stone chambers.
  • From your labors you will be full, but you will not be rich.
  • The plow shines from work.
  • By work and income.
  • Bow to mother earth, she will reward you a hundredfold.
  • As long as the flail is in the hands, then the bread is in the teeth.
  • The field loves work.
  • A bird is recognized in flight, and a person at work.
  • The bee is working - a candle will come in handy for God.
  • The bee is small, but it works.
  • Work is with the teeth, and laziness is with the tongue.
  • The sleigh runs from the mountain, but the cart does not go up the mountain.
  • With pleasure, you can hammer a nail into a stone.
  • Don't put off today's work for tomorrow!
  • This oats into the mud - there will be princely oats, and rye even into ashes, but at the right time.
  • This bread - do not sleep: if you reap - there will be no time to doze.
  • Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
  • There happiness is not a miracle, where labor is not lazy.
  • Patience and a little effort.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  • Hasty does the same thing twice.
  • Work feeds, and laziness spoils.
  • Labor money lies tightly, someone else's edge sticks out.
  • Know how to do business, know how to have fun.
  • Work hard - there will be bread in the bins.
  • A diligent mouse will gnaw through the board.
  • The morning hour gives us gold.
  • Praise the harvest when you fall asleep in the barn.
  • Bread is not given for free.
  • The owner is the one who works.
  • If you want to live - know how to spin!
  • A bad deed - a bad end.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  • Through force and the horse is unlucky.
  • What you reap is what you put together, what you put together is what you put in the barn.
  • He flaunted from his youth, and in his old age he dies of hunger.

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