Happy birthday wishes to husband: kind words for your beloved. Happy birthday greetings to your beloved husband from your wife Beautiful birthday greetings to your dear husband

A worthy husband and healthy children are the main components of what is called women's happiness. A woman can feel truly harmonious only next to her husband, whom she loves. We sincerely admire couples who live in dignity in harmony for many years. In this article - gentle and touching congratulations for your husbands.

Happy birthday greetings to her husband in verse

My beloved husband, happy birthday
I hasten to congratulate you.
All the blessings of the earth without exception
I want to wish you.
I wish you good health
And let dreams come true.
And let happiness, like a flock of birds,
It flies where you go.

Husband you are my favorite
Be always happy
Know: you are only mine!
On this birthday
I can promise:
All your whims
I will fulfill!

My beloved husband, man,
My dear man
There is a reason for joy
This is your birthday.
I wish you dear
I am health and love
So that desires and dreams
All yours have come true.
To praise you boss
And raised wages.
And so that you your wife
Never offended.

My best man, on this day again
I want to tell you my cherished words.
Congratulations on the holiday, my dear, dear.
Know: I am very happy next to you.
I wish you to always be like this:
Kind and reliable, sweet and kind.
I wish you happiness and kindness
So that only I was with you!
On the day I was born, I will tell you again:
I'm proud of you! I love you!

On this day, my beloved husband,
I want to tell you:
Be always so beautiful
Don't forget about your wife.

Be like this: big and strong,
Sweet, loving father.
Always be stable with your wife
And love your sweet home!

Happy Birthday,
My irresistible husband.
Let health shine in you
Brighter than the sky.
I love your character so much
Be always like this, baby.
May success prevail
What do not take your hands.
Let the humor never leave
the limits of your heart.
Let a smile decorate
Your pretty face.

Today is an unusual day
Today my husband was born.
I want to ask you
Always be by my side.
I want you not to get sick
To be lucky with work.
So that adversity does not change
Your kind face.
May all that you dream of
You will meet in life.
The main thing is that you remember
About me and my family.

Beloved husband, happy birthday,
I want to wish you happiness.
Let life rage with fun
I'm glad I live with you.
You are the most beautiful in the world
The most faithful and native.
So I want to be healthy
And in the soul to be at peace.
Your character is so kind
Everyone is always ready to help.
I'm proud of you my love
You can overcome everything.

My hero, today is a holiday
It's your birthday.
Let's accept gifts
Among which is me.
You are diligent, elegant,
Appreciate family and friends.
Let there be more in life
Joyful, happy days.
Let health come
Less cloudy days.
Hug you tight,
You are ready for everything for me.

My beloved husband, my beloved husband,
The most reliable and long-awaited.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you hope, health and happiness.
With the warmth of my life I will warm yours,
Even in the most snowy wilderness.
I wish you good luck unearthly
So that all dreams come true, one and all.
Come on, my dear, let's celebrate
And we will meet your birthday with smiles.
Let sadness and sorrow not touch us,
So I want to turn my face to happiness.

You see the sun - it shines for you,
You see the sky - it shines blue.
You see happiness - it's me loving you
I give now for your birthday.
You are my husband and no one else
I don't love the world so much.
I want one
So that you always appreciate your life.
So that you know that tenderness is weightless,
That she is always, everywhere with you,
That I, dear, am waiting for you at home,
Keeping your image in my thoughts.

My beloved, dear, unique,
The only and most expensive
Accept my congratulations today
And wishes on your birthday.

You best husband in the whole wide world,
You won't find anything like this anywhere in the world.
May all that you dream come true
I will walk beside you.

I love you and I kiss you tightly
I give you both affection and warmth.
I want to confess to you, my good:
I'm so lucky to have you in my life!

Our husband and dad, happy birthday
We hasten to congratulate you
You are the best without a doubt.
We want to wish you
More days of happy, kind,
Good health, like steel,
Always be cheerful and cheerful
Meet any difficulties.
May all dreams come true
And true friends will be.
Let the success of the undertaking
You will complete everything. Your family.

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
Congratulations dear
My man is the strongest
The most gentle and native.

Behind your wide back
I will hide from trouble
Kiss on both cheeks
You are the best in the world.

You forgive me whims
And you are always calm
You are allowed to spend money
For rings and furs.

On this day I wish you
So that your dreams come true
From your love I melt
Smile quickly.

I love you immensely
Happiness is a golden ray
And I'm always sure
I'll be there, my king!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
You, my dear hubby!
Native, your touch
They pierce me like a current.

In a suit with a tie and a T-shirt
I love you dearly.
I love it when you turn the nuts
Big heavy key.

When you grumble in the store
When you throw your socks
When you're in paint and gasoline -
We are always close to you.

I love how you miss me
When I catch your gentle glance.
When you don't answer me
I'm angry, but still love!

Let your life be raspberries.
Everything is as you dream.
And I'm always with you, my love.
And I will support, and I will not betray!

Reading the family code
I came up with my own charter.
The only one like it in the world
What works in our apartment.
There are my rights too.
I'll talk about them a little later.
I commit to let go
Walk with your friends:
To the garage, gym and football.
Don't get it if you're angry.
And if you drink beer
I promise not to buzz.
All points darkness - do not count.
There is one nuance there, however, there is -
I will do everything with pleasure
But only today, on my birthday.

Thank you for being you, for all these years
We go through joys and hardships together.
With love, care, you are next to me.
You have become both my stronghold and my wall.

Beloved, accept my congratulations
On the solemn day of your appearance.
Be happy, healthy and satisfied with fate,
And I will always be by your side.

Close eyes. Imagine boundless
In the dawn mist the ocean...
Darling, this is my tenderness,
I'll give her a drop.

Imagine an endless valley
Covered in a carpet of flowers...
That spreads to you, beloved,
My blooming love.

And the sky... Pale blue
It beckons with its bottomlessness...
I am so much happiness, my dear,
I would like to give you.

And loyalty that is harder than rocks,
And the passions of fiery Vesuvius -
I want you to remember and know -
Through the years I only carry you.

Open your eyes. I'm here. I'm near.
I catch your dreamy gaze.
And on my birthday with just a look
I whisper to you: "I love ... I love ..."

Beautiful birthday greetings to husband

My precious husband! With all my heart I want to congratulate you on this amazing day. When I thought about what to say, I wanted to wish you happiness, health, good luck ... But your health is already stronger than granite. Wish you prosperity? But we already have enough money, we do not need extra. Strong friendship? But you already have true friends with whom you have been close since childhood. Happiness? But it has come! On the day when we signed with you. Good luck and success? But they literally follow you. And I understand that you really have nothing to wish me. Then I wish you to simply increase what we already have. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Our life is very short. But her specific hours are very long. So let in ours with you life together there will be as many happy, endless hours as possible. I am extremely glad that the roads of fate brought me to you. May we walk hand in hand for many years to come. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to her husband in prose

On this day, I want to congratulate the most important person in my life. Next to you, I feel comfort and warmth. You give me support, hope, love. You are always there, and it is priceless. I can say with confidence that not only joy, but also any grief, I am ready to share with you in half. Be healthy, happy and lucky. And for me you were and will be the most desirable and beloved in the world. Happy holiday, dear!

On this day I want to say a lot of warm words to my soulmate. Each year of our life is happier than the previous one. And every day, every minute, I love you even more. May only health, happiness, good luck and true friends accompany you through life. Always be in a good mood and do not lose optimism even in the most difficult life situation. I love you!

I am extremely proud that my husband is just like that, the most courageous and beautiful man in the world. You have such important qualities as kindness, tenderness, care, self-confidence. You are beautiful and smart, purposeful and strong... You are the best I could meet in this life! So, starting from this day, only luck and success will meet on your path. May you always get what you want, and may all your cherished dreams come true instantly. Happy holiday to you!

Happy birthday wishes to husband in your own words

My only, beloved husband. Today is the day we've all been waiting for. Because today we can shower you with kind words even more and tell you for the hundredth time how much we love you! In addition to happiness and health, I want to wish you constant inspiration and as much as possible creative ideas. Let there be only peace, prosperity, peace and smiles in our family. I love you, happy birthday!

I often think back to the years we spent together. After all, our life is somewhat similar to a necklace of selected pearls. Our happiness, love, beauty are reflected in each pearl ... My dear, if it were not for you in my life, I would never know what real female happiness is. Everything in the world loses its meaning if you are not around. You are like the sun that lit up my gray everyday life. So shine even brighter, happy birthday, my love!

My support, my sun, my loved one has a birthday today! I wish that you always live in harmony with yourself, that your soul is always calm, that good health does not give slack over the years. Let there be stable success at work, and one hundred percent comfort at home. Be inspired, rejoice, smile! And may you always want to go home anywhere in the world, where you are expected and loved. Happy holiday, dear!

Funny birthday wishes for husband

Well, catch my words of congratulations! The years are running away from us so fast, but know that there is still enough time for something. Do you know what? On quite a conscious nonsense, which are called small family happiness! May there be more fateful meetings, bright events and amazing trips in your life. Live so that we have nothing to tell our grandchildren about! Congratulations!

May everything in your life be so perfect that there is nowhere more perfect! Let the salary be decent and your career successful. Let the family be strong, and friends faithful. Let the car be new, and cognac must be well aged. And of course, let luck obsessively circle around you. Happy birthday, husband!

Do you know beautiful birthday wishes for your beloved husband? Share with our readers in the comments below the article!

Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

Thank you, my love, for our family,
Your love, warmth and tenderness.
In the world you best dad, spouse,
It's always such a pleasure to be with you.
I wish you always be brave
Everything is easy to achieve, without difficulty.
My other half, I love you
Thank you for our happiness.
For us you will always be a hero,
Happy birthday my dear!

My best husband in the world
I love you so much, dear.
Your love shines like the sun
I'm very lucky to have you!

I wish this birthday
To make your dreams come true
So that every moment, without exception,
You have always been good!

I wish you great health,
So that you shine with joy!
I will surround you with love
So that you become even happier!

Dear husband, happy birthday to you! First of all, today I want to thank you for your unlimited patience and phenomenal calmness, for touching care and real male tenderness, for a stunning feeling of happiness and for the eternal fire of our love! Believe you the best man on the ground! And I, thanks to you, the happiest woman in the world! On this wonderful holiday, I just wish you the fulfillment of all your most secret desires and an ocean of incredible opportunities! May all your plans and dreams come true without difficulty!

Happy birthday, my beloved.
For me you are the sweetest
The most tender and dear,
Because only mine.

I give myself to you
Take it - I'm all yours
Just remember one thing:
What you need to take with good.

So I need a car
You are the right man.
And a new apartment
To meet your friends.

Yes, the status is worthless
To be without trousers is also for me.
So cool ring
My heart will be happy.

In general, let your finances
They sing hymns - not romances.
Husband beloved and dear,
Know that I am always with you.

My beloved husband, happy birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you a lot of happiness.
It's good that we are together.

Quarrels do not disturb us,
Years harden us
After all, with you, my beloved,
I'm ready to be always.

In grief, joy, sadness
I won't let you down
And with you, beloved husband,
I will go into water and into fire.

Happy birthday, congratulations
Beloved husband, dear.
I wish happiness
Hurry after you.

So that you are healthy and cheerful
The core and head of the family.
To always live with you
We are in agreement, in love.

I love you with my love
I will save you from all troubles.
And for the best man
I thank fate.

My beloved, I wish you:
Good luck, happiness and kindness,
I surround you with care
I will always be by your side!

Let things be done with ease
And dreams come true
I want to smile more often
Let everything be as you want!

My support and support
I'm behind a stone wall
May there never be disputes
There will be no quarrels between us.

I wish you a birthday
Health, happiness, warmth,
Any desires of fulfillment,
Let your dreams come true.

My dear, happy birthday!
Be healthy, strong, vigorous,
The most extraordinary
Smart, clever, sweet, kind.

Always be lucky in everything
Let fate pamper you.
Also, just be happy.
I love you very much and kiss you.

All the best in life you have already received!
But still I wish you on this day
More health, patience, strength,
Good luck with success forever without end.

So that all your wishes come true,
And your plans always worked out
Hope, dreams, faith, love
And so that we stay with you forever!

Dear, I congratulate you!
Happy birthday, beloved husband!
May everything you dream of
You will definitely find it in life.

I wish you much happiness
Only loving near of people.
Let bad weather not disturb you,
In difficult tasks, dear, do not be shy!

Stay, dear, - a man!
Strong and strong shoulder.
Protect your family with all your might
And I will be by your side.

Dear and beloved husband! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful birthday and wish ... well, I wanted to wish you good health, but I remembered that you have it stronger than granite. A lot of money ... but we seem to have enough of them, but the extra ones are useless. Good friends ... but you have a lot of them, and they are the most wonderful in the world! Happiness ... but I already gave it to you on the Day of our marriage. Good luck and success ... but they accompany you at every step. God, I have nothing to wish you ... therefore, I wish you to preserve and increase everything that you possess!

My husband - how much is the word
Denotes for me.
Darling, I have no regrets
That she married you.

And on this day a wonderful holiday
I will meet, my dear, with you.
I love you, my love!
And happy birthday, dear!

Life is short, but its hours are long. Let there be long happy hours of our life together! And I want to tell you that I am happy that fate brought me together with you. Let our future continue to be only common, and a black cloud will never come into our relations.

I want to tell the whole Universe about my unearthly love for you, my husband! I live for you, I breathe you, you occupy my whole life, because without you the world becomes faceless and dull for me. Be happy, because your happiness is my happiness, because we are one.

Today is your birthday
Great husband and super dad.
Congratulations to the whole family
From the bottom of our hearts, we are very happy.

We want to wish you
Health, joy, prosperity.
Achieve success in everything
To make life simple and smooth!

I sincerely wish you
Always appreciate your family
I congratulate you today
Don't forget to love your wife!

But seriously, honey
With all my heart I wish
You energy and strength,
Let only friends surround!

In marriage, I realized that my husband is the best! Therefore, dear, I want to wish you, as my beloved spouse, to always remain as healthy, forever young and always cheerful! Happy birthday!

My dear, my most important person in life. With you next to me, I feel so comfortable and good. You are my hope, my support, my hope, my most important person in life. We share all sorrows and joys in half, we are one with you. Today is your birthday. Let me heartily congratulate you on your personal holiday, my beloved husband. I wish you good health, great happiness and good luck in everything. Be always gentle, loved and most desired. May a good angel always protect you, my only one.

I want to snuggle on your shoulder
Inhale your fragrance casually
Oh my God! How I love you
I can't say for sure...

I just can't find words
As a husband, I love him dearly.
Beloved, happy holiday to you!
I'm melting from your looks.

Our dad, husband, you are the strongest of all,
We love you very much
Everything is always on your shoulder,
And the computer, and the hammer ...

You are building a house, and this house
We will fill with joy
We will try to have it
You were completely happy!

We wish you a birthday
Come home from work soon
Do everything and don't get sick
Stay home on Saturdays!

My closest and native person, My other half. With every year of our life together. I love you more and more. You and I are one. I am so grateful to fate that we are together now. On your birthday, I wish you great happiness, good health, reliable and true friends. May luck always accompany you, may only good mood always be with you. Let your life flow like a full river among strong banks. I love you, my dear husband, and wish you long life.

They say that a husband and wife
If they live for many years
Part of the whole one
In front of everyone!

So it really is!
Happy birthday dear!
Let everything you want
We will be with you!

I am proud of you, my beloved husband. You are my kindest, smartest, most reliable. Accept the most my sincere congratulations on your birthday. May everything be in order in your life, may luck always accompany you. Good health to you, long and happy years of life. Let only reliable friends meet on your way. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and well-being. Be always confident in yourself, never doubt anything, and solve all life's problems easily.

You are my only light in the window,
The best and dearest
Let the paths lead you
Only just home!

Happy Birthday sweetheart,
Be healthy my dear
I will hug you like a willow
Over flowing water!

My beloved husband, you are the best in the world. I am very lucky with you, and I am so grateful to fate for connecting us. You are my soulmate, without which I simply cannot imagine my life. We share all the joys in half, and we cope with all the failures easily and simply together. Today is your birthday, I congratulate you and wish you great happiness, Have a good mood, good health and long life. May your dream come true, may good luck often visit your home.

My only husband, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you good health, much happiness, and long, long years of life. May luck always be with you. May life bring you inspiration, and may fate favor you with all earthly blessings, prosperity, peace and tranquility in the family, my beloved husband. I wish you joy, luck, self-confidence. Be always loved and desired. May my love always protect you. May youth and beauty accompany you through life.

"To the magnanimous the whole world is related," says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday. I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this holiday, I would like to wish my husband ... I wanted to say health, but he is “chronically healthy” ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for immodesty, he has happiness ... And I wish I want him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker-joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

real man
From the bottom of my heart I wish:
Don't be sad for no reason
The whole family loves you!

May you be lucky in everything in the world,
Dreaming rainbow dreams
You accept, my love, these
Congratulations from the wife!

My beloved, dear husband,
We've been through a lot together
We were not afraid of darkness and blizzards -
We have always loved each other!

I wish you on this day
Always stay the same
Today I'm not lazy at all
Confessing love to your spouse!

I often look at the succession of days lived, which, like pearls in a necklace, have stuck close to each other. And in each I see reflections of small rays of happiness and beauty. Dear, without you there would be no happiness in my life, without you my life would not be so beautiful - you mean a lot to me. When you are not around, everything around loses its meaning. I want the sun of love and kindness to always shine in all the remaining days of our life together, and I will try to be this sun for you! Happy birthday!

Today, on a solemn day, on the birthday of your beloved, I wish you health and live without aging, more joys for you, less sadness, and troubles so that they never knock on you. Always be healthy, never be sad, and in such a mood that you live to a hundred!

I want to congratulate my husband
Today its!
I wish you, dear
One today:

For me you are the dearest and close person. I am glad that I have you and that you are always with me. Together we are not afraid of any obstacles. Happy birthday to you, my dear husband! I want you to always be happy, and everything you dream about will definitely come true!

Happy Birthday sweetheart! On birthdays, it is customary to say pleasant things and wish happiness, health, and success. All this I also wish you - like no other, as the closest person can wish. But I also want you to know - I love you very much, you are the only and dear, you really are the very half that many have been looking for all their lives and not found. And I found you, I'm lucky! I am happy with you and I want you to know about it. Happy Birthday sweetheart!

Happy anniversary, beloved husband,
You are full of youthful strength,
Would be a guarded angel
Just laughed, not sad!

You are a mind and article are notable,
I wish, my dear,
Just to make you happy
Happy holiday, my dear!

Father and husband - this is a lot,
Us best person in the world
In fathers got and in husbands,
Undoubtedly, I know.

We want to wish you happiness
Ready to help you
We will always provide your rear,
May you be happy with us!

I hasten to congratulate the one and only husband on this exceptional event! You are my hero, my patron, my guiding star! You go into the world to get and win, and at home you will always find peace, love, warmth and understanding! Continue in the same spirit! Dare, go forward, achieve goals and harvest. Most importantly, enjoy life!

When I married you, I already knew that you were the best wonderful person on the ground! I wish you all the very best in the world on this beautiful day, although you already have me, so I wish you more smiles and nice people around you! I love!

Darling! Everything is shameful without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not by my side.

So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing,
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and protect our home.

My husband is my pride and joy,
May your plans come true!
You give me both affection and sweetness,
So accept my wishes:

May your career succeed
And luck is on the heels
May you not have to grieve
Indulge in more dreams!

My favorite ray, beloved hubby! Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to wish you great happiness, good health and much, much joy! You are the best in the world for me! I love you! Happy birthday!

My husband, my glorious gentle Angel!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
And let all troubles run away,
Let life give tenderness, warmth!

Let the wind blow in the sails,
Let happiness follow you on your heels!
May our house be comfortable for you,
Let the road of life be without bumps and without holes!

Life flew by unnoticed, because when you are happy and love, you don’t have to count the years. Thank you for your loyalty and unquenchable love. Be such a faithful and devoted husband. I wish you good health, a clear mind and a cheerful character.

My beloved man! I am happy to call you my husband and the father of our children. On your birthday, I want to tell you for the millionth time that I love you very much, and my most cherished desire is to live with you, with our family in harmony and prosperity. Thank you for the care, reliability, joy and love that you fill every day of our lives. Happy Birthday honey!

With all my heart, my dear, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! Together we walk a long road and I wish it never ends. You gave me both joy and happiness, and an incredible amount of emotions and impressions. I wish you good health, career growth and true friends. And the rest we will achieve together. Happy holiday!

I congratulate you, my most beloved man on earth. I want to wish a lot and at once, but first of all I wish you health. After all, this is the most important thing! If you are healthy, then you will have a lot of strength, if you have a lot of strength, then you can do a lot, and if you do a lot, you will achieve a lot. I always believe in you, and I love you madly, I will support you in any situation, and if you feel like it, then serve cartridges, standing behind your strong and reliable back. Happy birthday my adorable husband!

Today is the day when you deserve the most positive emotions. And let the reason for the first of them be my sincere congratulations on your birthday. I wish you to remain as cheerful, successful, and most importantly, happy. Never forget that you are my man, my support and support. You are my choice and today I choose only for you best words to say the warmest wishes. Congratulations, love!

Congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish you health, patience, progress in work, loyal and honest friends! So that you always remain the same gentle, caring, loving, attentive and faithful. So that all your efforts bring you only joy and success, and I will always support you!

My beloved, dear husband, you are the most precious thing in my life for me. You are my support and support, you are my love, you are my whole life. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for being my family. I love you!

The closest person in the world, you know me better than anyone else in the world. And on your next birthday, as always, I am lost and do not know what to wish you. Health? You already have it to the envy of everyone ... Love? I give it to you enough ... Happiness? I hope that you are happy with me and are not deceived by this feeling... Youth and beauty? And these adjectives are inseparable from you. I only hope that all my ideas are true, and I only wish that everything remains the same for you as it is now: feelings did not cool down, the body did not fail, and the approach to the dream went by leaps and bounds.

Let your beloved be in front of you, all paths will always be open. Always go straight to your goal and let there never be obstacles in front of you. I wish that you always achieve everything and always return to our house with a satisfied smile. Where you are always expected and loved, where it is cozy, warm and calm. Where you can always relax, gain strength, for a new day. I wish you good health. And on your birthday, I want to congratulate you and say that you are the most wonderful husband in the world.

Today is the birthday of the most precious, dear and golden husband in the world! You are the whole world for me and I am so happy that fate brought us together! I want from all my loving heart I wish you not to bend under the circumstances, always steadfastly and with courage to face all adversity, achieve all the planned peaks and be happy, contrary to fate!

Darling, today is your birthday. I congratulate you my good. And I want to wish you the most important health. If you have health and strength, you will cope with any difficulties and affairs, and I will always help you. I will create comfort for you in our family nest, where only peace and my tender love, hearty dinner and good mood will always be waiting for you.

"Cool congratulations husband with others"

Today is your anniversary, congratulations!
May all your hopes and dreams
Will be fulfilled! I know it for sure!
Let life be like in a fairy tale - sweet beauty!
You are the best husband in this world
Let happiness be reflected in the eyes!
Let love be responsible for you
Let fear be unknown to you!

Husband has a birthday
Darling, congratulations!
And happiness, no doubt
I sincerely wish!
To love and respect a wife,
Do not offend children
Please with your smile
And continue to flourish!

"Modern congratulations happy birthday husband"

We're having a dinner party tonight.
I'll digress for a while.
Today is my husband's birthday.
I'll tell you about it as best I can.
My husband is a breadwinner and earner.
Why I especially love
What is the age-old custom,
He brings all the income to the family.
I live with my husband
I'm behind a stone wall
He was always a reliable friend.
And I was a faithful wife.
He has a lot of health
He is rarely seen by a doctor.
I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
And wish him good luck!

Be happy even knowing
Happiness is not forever;
Be loved - only love
A person is saved;
Be strong - in difficulties
Don't get upset;
To not happen -
That's life!
We are two "I" - together forever.
The years will pass like melt water....
You and me are near
Husband and wife.

"Happy Birthday Wishes to Husband"

Together we are with you for a couple
We've walked a lot.
I like this way:
In him family life- essence.
I'm very calm with you
And comfortable, by the way.
You are all the difficulties of the family
I took it on my shoulders.
I wish you strength, health
And hold on to my love.

Happy birthday my dear
The best beloved husband!
I put on this outfit for you,
So that you are, the sun, glad.
let me kiss you
My half dear,
I can't imagine life without you
Happy birthday congratulations!

My dear! I really love
You both in profile and in full face,
And I wish you so much
What's with the excitement now
Unfortunately, I can't list everything!
I'm happy that you are with me!
All my life, in good sense,
Behind a strong stone wall!
There is health - and everything in the world
Join your destiny!
Now you are in your prime!
Wife - pour champagne!

My darling! My man!
On your next anniversary
My other half
I wish you to be bold
Confidently rule the family
To the wife is still on fire ...
Let me congratulate you
And wish you much happiness!

My husband is a real man
The finest person
Always calm, smart, strong,
Gives respect to everyone!
I love you, my beloved,
And I will never let go.
Happy birthday today, honey
I want to congratulate you!

Husband - wall, rock, support
And a strong shoulder!
Even if we quarrel
We make peace easily!
You are strong, my love -
Be even stronger!
You are lucky, my hero -
Good luck to you!
And how it attracts me -
Just don't say!
Let's live until the evening -
I can prove!

You are the closest person
Forever connected with you.
Fate gave me you
Inspired with strong love.
I will hug you, my dear,
I will press hard to my heart.
You are my reliable, faithful friend
Recently legal husband.

My dear husband
Always be yourself.
You are like me
Strong and brave
Smart and a little funny
Confident and first everywhere.
I love you,
I can't live without you
Happy Holidays to you.
yours native wife.

Beloved husband, gentle parent!
Our support and hope!
We wish you a birthday
best mood,
In all matters of well-being,
Health and hope for the best!

Beloved husband and exemplary father,
We congratulate you on your birthday.
We want you to know - you are a great fellow,
And we all respect you immensely.
We wish you dreams come true
Health and happiness for many years.
So that you can reach any height,
And the world around was delightfully kind!

spend a year together
Is it a lot or a little?
Like me, bloom with you -
It is not enough.
If you count the nights
Too little.
But the love we have with you -
So huge!
We still have ahead of us -
Long road!
birthdays you have
There will be a lot!
You will never be
