Knitting takes for a girl 1 year crochet. Knitting a summer beret Malinka hook

This summer has turned out to be quite hot, so it is simply necessary to escape from the scorching sun with the help of hats. The issue of protection from heat is relevant for everyone, but especially for children. To ensure that your little princess is not only reliably protected from the sun, but also looks fashionable and unusual, Lyubov Aleksandrovna Titova today offers to make a bright summer crochet beret for a girl with an interesting pattern with her own hands. In order for you to knit such a beret yourself, you need to purchase fine yarn, such as alize. You will also need hook number 4. So, the word to the author.

Beret for girls crochet scheme and description

Beautiful summer crochet

For summer berets, it is better to choose more open schemes, where there are openwork patterns allowing air free access to the baby's head. Knitting such a beret according to our description will be very easy and a beginner knitter will cope with this.

Please note that only the main pattern is shown here. This pattern is just right for children aged 1 to 2 years.

A summer knitted beret for a girl will consist of two parts, on which we will work: the first part is the crown or bottom (whichever is more convenient for you), and the second is an additional one.

Crochet summer beret for girls: knitting pattern

Let's start the knitting process like this: we collect a chain of 5 VPs and close it in a ring. Then in the ring you will need to knit 15 C1H.

The second row, according to the scheme provided, consists of VP and C1H.

Openwork scheme crocheting a summer beret for a girl

In the first arch you need to knit 3 C1H. Then, skipping one arch, you need to tie 3 VP and again 3 C1H.

We knit CH and VP
We continue to knit

The fourth and fifth rows are almost the same, but you should pay attention to the following point: at the beginning and at the end of each column, be sure to knit 2 C1H.

We knit 2 CH

The sixth row will also consist of columns and air loops. In each column you need to knit 1 C1H. Then 3 VP and in the previous arch from the VP, tie a single crochet. Again we collect 3 VP and continue to crochet our summer beret.

Next 3 VP and 1 CH

The seventh row goes down. Tie all the columns, as in the previous row, but the extreme columns will need to be tied to a common top. Above the arch from the VP, tie 3 VP, RLS, again 3 VP.

We knit to decrease
3 VP + RLS + 3 VP

Openwork crochet for a girl: working on the eighth row, continue the same decrease where you knitted the columns. Let's call this element "Petals". Knit the arches from the VP in the same way, but in the middle of the arch, make a single crochet. Such openwork knitting will make the summer beret more airy.

We knit "petals"

Openwork takes for a girl with a crochet, we continue to knit according to the above pattern. In order to avoid mistakes, we look at the provided for your attention step by step photos and check with them.

We knit further
Next row
Checking with the diagram
We knit patterns
We continue knitting patterns
Here is such a top of the beret

Beret for girls crochet scheme and description strapping

We will tie according to this scheme.

Scheme for tying a summer beret crochet

Knit the first and third row C1H.

We knit 1 and 3 row

Then you need to decrease the loops. We skip 1 column and continue knitting, following the recommendations indicated. Knit in this way until you get the desired circumference and height of the beret.

We start the decrease
We reduce to the required height of the beret

Our summer beret is almost ready, there is only one thing left - to tie the edges. You can impose openwork viscous or just RLS.

Summer crochet beret
The edge of the beret

Isn't it pretty simple? You will spend quite a bit of time, and the result is in the form of a beautiful, exclusive headdress self made sure to please you and decorate your child and, of course, protect him on a hot sunny day from the sun's rays.

summer beret

Such a summer beret, crocheted by a mother for her baby, can serve as a fashionable addition to the main summer outfit - shorts, a skirt or a dress. Match the threads for the beret to match the clothes and your little princess will look fantastic! You can also decorate a beret knitted flower or applique, and the original knitted handbag will help to completely create a new image of a young lady. Dare! Good luck to you!

Crocheting a beret is a great practice for beginner needlewomen, especially since the product turns out to be incredibly beautiful and is ideal even for summer. An openwork beret looks especially stylish on little fashionistas. If desired, you can add accessories to the product, for example, gloves or mitts, scarves or light capes. The summer beret is very convenient to crochet, making it takes a little time - no more than 3 hours, the process itself is simple.

Crochet: scheme and description for beginners

Summer versions of berets are distinguished by weightlessness and delicacy. Warm hats for adults and children have a denser ornament and are made of thicker threads. If desired, a lining is sewn on if the product is planned to be used in early or mid-autumn and spring.

One of the most simple options for beginners - knitting a beret in the following way:

  • You need to start manufacturing from the very top: dial two loops and connect the chain into a ring.
  • The first loop implies five columns without a crochet. In each subsequent row, it is necessary to knit two columns in a loop.
  • The whole process should be circular, with a uniform addition of at least 6 columns. It is worth considering that you need to follow the plane of the circle, but if the shape changes to a smaller side, then there should be more increases, if the opposite is true, then less.
  • The process continues until the diameter exceeds 30 cm (how many rows you get depends on the density and thickness of the threads).
  • The next step is to tie another 20 mm somewhere, at the same time you need to reduce the number of columns, otherwise the beret will not take the correct shape. It is best to subtract 8 columns.
  • After more than 8 rows have been completed, it is necessary to try on the product. If everything fits perfectly, then the job is over. Any pattern or ornament can be tied final couple centimeters.

At the end, cut off excess threads, tighten the tip passed through the extreme loop. The work is finished, and the product is simply amazing in appearance.

Crochet baby beret with a pattern

Tie a beret child size, designed for the summer, you can, having on hand your favorite color of yarn and a hook. The latter must be correctly selected. For threads of small thickness, the best option is number 3, 4 or 5.

When working with the product, you should pay attention to the result: if the blade is too tight, it is necessary to replace the tool with a thicker one, otherwise, with a thinner one.

Openwork fashionable berets for summer are well obtained from linen-based fabrics. You can also choose cotton material. Insulated options should be made of half-woolen materials or all-woolen.

The beginning of the manufacture of a beautiful children's beret should take place from the center. You need to dial about 6 air loops, close them in a ring and knit eight columns. It is imperative to monitor the formation of a circle, do not forget about the increments, if you work without a crochet, then there should be at least six increments, if with it - at least 12.

It is important to pay attention to the uniformity of the gaps between all the loops. If during the process it was noticed that waves are formed along the edges of a rounded product, then the number of increments must be reduced and vice versa.

How to crochet beret: knitting methods

Each needlewoman, over time, not only accumulates knitting experience, but also forms her own individual style of making things. In the beginning, it is recommended to adhere to several standard techniques that will avoid mistakes and shortcomings in the work.

If you plan to make an openwork summer beret with a relief ornament, then you need to start work (and then each row) with one air loop for single crochet columns. If the situation is reversed, then the number of loops should be three. In the manufacturing process, you should focus on the selected scheme or description.

Another way is knitting with a spiral method, which implies the beginning of each row without an air loop. The product will turn out even if the columns are made without a crochet. It is easy to count all the increases by sticking a regular pin on one side of the canvas. Drawings and ornaments can be made different: it all depends on the imagination or the search for a suitable option from any relevant source.

Takes for a child and for an adult woman - just choose the style and pattern you like. Video information is offered to help you: you will see with your own eyes on the screen how to crochet, for a child or an adult, warm, for the off-season, or very light, for the summer.

Do not be surprised by the variety of patterns: you will quickly learn how to get the most intricate knitting options with your crochet hook.

p.s. In the last article, we looked at how to knit beret with knitting needles, now crochet.

Having learned, you will be able to crochet a beret without prompts, even more attractive than you saw in the video tutorials. This is far from being as difficult as it might seem to you at first: your work skills will develop quickly, it remains to add a little of your own imagination.

We offer video lessons for beginners with which you can quickly learn to crochet:

Takes with a head circumference of 31 cm, if your doll has a larger head circumference, you can take thicker yarn and a thicker hook. You can knit a sample with double crochets, calculate the density in such a way that with the same number of columns as on the model, you get the number of centimeters you need.

After that, you can start knitting. First of all, the bottom of the beret is knitted in the form of a flower. You will get 32 ​​columns, located in two tiers one above the other. The next tier consists of elongated columns that form arches, 8 large and 8 short ones.

Video lesson:

Used yarn "Pekhorka Pearl", one hundred grams contains 425 meters. The composition of the yarn is half cotton and half viscose. Work begins with knitting six air loops and closing the resulting column into a ring. Lifting columns are knitted on this ring, thus gradually forming an air pattern in which the columns alternate in a checkerboard pattern until a disc with a diameter of 28 cm is obtained.

This size fits 56 head size if needed larger size, you can knit another row.

Video lesson:

For work, NAKO Bambino yarn was used, which contains 130 meters in a 5-gram skein. The composition of the yarn is 25% wool and 75% acrylic. It will take 75 grams of it, this is one and a half hanks. Used the fourth hook number. First of all, it is necessary to measure the volume of the head, in our case it is 58 cm.

First of all, the bottom of the beret is knitted until a circle with a diameter of half the size of the head is obtained. In the first row, 12 columns are knitted and in subsequent rows add 12 more columns each. When the bottom is ready, the depth of the beret is knitted, from one to three rows without increments.

Video lesson:

The red yarn "Children's Novelty" from Pekhorka was used, knitting is done in two threads, therefore a thick hook No. Work begins with the formation of an elastic band 4 loops high and up to the required head size.

The ends of the elastic are connected to each other. Subsequent columns are performed with decreases, knitting is repeated in a circle. At a height of 15 cm, the decrease begins. The circle is divided into eight sections, if there are extra loops, they are evenly distributed over the sectors.

Video lesson:

Knitted with GAZZAL yarn, consisting of 40% wool, 20% cashmere and 40% polyacrylic. A 50 gram skein contains 200 meters of thread. When working, hook No. 2.5 was used. First, a free ring is made of thread, and there are 10 columns on it. Then the ring is pulled together, and these columns become the future center of the beret.

Further, the pattern is gradually built up, alternating two air loops and two double crochets. On the next row, work two air loops, one double crochet and two double crochets. The next row is knitted in the same order.

Video lesson:

Designed for head circumference 50-52. A fur pom pom can be purchased at the same store as the yarn, or you can make your own from white yarn. Beret for girls crocheted beret No. 3.5. For a child on a beret, 100 grams of yarn will be required. These 100 grams account for 200 meters of thread. It is knitted in two skeins, that is, in eight threads.

Since the beret is associated with a gradient, a color transition, the remains of white, light lilac and dark lilac threads were used. The elastic band is knitted with single crochets, he takes it himself - with single crochets.

Video lesson:

Knitted from "Sapphire" threads, the material is semi-woolen with 45% wool and 55% acrylic. A 100 gram skein contains 250 meters of thread. The hook was used thick, No. 4, significantly different from the thickness of the thread. First, a circle with a diameter of 15 cm is knitted with single crochets, in six directions.

The first columns are knitted therefore exactly six. Then the number of columns is doubled, two for each column of the first row. Further, two columns are knitted in the first loop, and one in the next, so in the end you will get 18 columns.

Video lesson:

It is especially good for spring. You can use other threads, the principle of knitting does not change. A thin elastic band is inserted into the collar so that the beret sits well on the head. In you take only 31 rows of double crochet and single crochet. Used hook number 4.5. The yarn used is Mondial, an Italian mohair yarn made from 80% baby mohair and 20% polyamide.

For 25 grams of yarn, there are 245 meters of thread, knitting goes in two threads, so 2.5 skeins are required. To get a striped beret, it took three hanks of different colors. Dark gray, light gray and turquoise, such rows are knitted in turn.

Video lesson:

Knitted to cover the head 48-50 cm. Yarn used with a density of 350 meters per 100 grams, a total of 50 grams was used. Hook used No. 2.5. First, a chain of 9 air loops is dialed. Further, single crochets are knitted above them. The next row is also knitted with single crochets, but they are formed not on a loop of two threads, but in one half-loop, back.

The next rows are knitted in the same way, forming an elastic band. Its length corresponds to the girth of the head. Next, a strip of gum is tied together, after which the knitting of the surface of the beret begins.

Video lesson:

A beautiful headdress is knitted from the top of the head and can be brought to any size. Used hook No. 2.5, yarn Alize Lanagold Fine Mississippi, she left half the ball. Any yarn can be used - mohair, wool. We form 12 loops on the ring from the thread, since the beret is designed to be six-wedge.

The ring is tightened, and in the next row one and two columns are knitted alternately into the loops. In the third row, an increase is made in every third column. So the bottom is knitted to the desired diameter with gradual increases, after which nine circular rows are knitted without additions.

Video lesson:

Among the many different accessories in a woman's wardrobe, there is probably a beret. It can be a lacy and light summer option, designed to protect from the scorching sun. For autumn or winter, there are warm berets that keep you warm. And, of course, any model is also an additional decoration that serves as an additional touch to the integrity of the image.

The name itself is of French or Italian origin and translates as "flat cap". It is believed that the prototype of the beret was the headdress of the Celts who lived in the XII-XII centuries AD. Initially, berets were used not so much for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of convenience. They perfectly protected from the weather and allowed the peasants, who were the first to wear berets, to hide their hair. Over time, such a comfortable headdress was appreciated by the military; the beret becomes an obligatory part of the uniform of soldiers of the Middle Ages.

At the end of the 15th century, the beret becomes not only useful, but also beautiful. As in most cases, the trendsetters - the French - use silk and velvet for sewing this accessory, decorate it with feathers, embroidery and pearls. The beret has beautiful buckles, brooches and hairpins with precious stones. During this period of time, both men and women wear it.

In Russia, the beret appears at the beginning of the 19th century. At that time it was worn exclusively married women. In the present, any fashionista can purchase this charming accessory. However, only a handmade beret can become a truly original highlight of the image. It is easy to create a beautiful accessory, for example, you can crochet it.

In this article, we will offer several options for berets, crocheted, with diagrams, photos and detailed description work.

Takes crochet with a pattern of "bumps"

Option 1

You will need:

  • Melange yarn (100% mohair) 100 g;
  • Hook number 3.5.

This thread consumption is indicated for size 57. Before you start knitting, you will need to take individual measurements and knit a sample from several rows of art. s / n. this will allow you to calculate the number of loops needed to girth the head.

In this variant of knitting, any crochet beret, work will begin from the bottom. Knit in a circle, following the scheme.

First r. In a ring of 6 v.p. knit 3 v.p.p. and 11 st. s / n, finish 1 s.s.

Second r. knit making increments in every second loop. We alternate knitting "bumps" with Art. s / n. tying it up is easy enough. To do this, you need to knit 4 unfinished sts from one loop of the base. s / n. There are 5 loops on the hook. Now you need to knit the last 4 loops from the head of the hook, and then knit the remaining two loops on the hook into one. So, the second row will look like this: ch 3, in the next loop of the circle we knit 1 “knob” and 1 tbsp. s / n, in the next loop we knit 1 “knob”, then in the fourth loop we knit 1 tbsp. s / n and 1 "knob", etc. Make sure that Art. s / n and "bumps" alternated, regardless of whether they were knitted from the same loop or from different ones. Finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Third r. knit only st. s / n. in this model, every odd row should be knitted in this way. The number of loops is easy to calculate according to the scheme. We start each of the rows of 3 ch. and finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

We knit the fourth and all subsequent even rows, alternating 1 tbsp. s / n and 1 "knob". We start and end in the same way as the previous row.

We knit with the addition of loops in a circle. When the diameter of the product becomes about 22 cm, it is necessary to knit with a pattern without increments down to a distance of about 19 cm.

At these stages, you should make a fitting. If the size of the beret is sufficient, then in the next row it is necessary to make a reduction in the loops. We reduce the circumference to the size of the girth of the head. Since you previously knitted a small sample, there will be no difficulty in calculating the loops. 6 rows we knit simply st. s / n without additions and decreases.

At the end, tie everything with a “crustacean step”.

Option 2

This model is knitted not from the center to the bottom, but vice versa. First, we perform a flat part, clasping the head, and then we knit an openwork. In this beret, the ornament in the form of "knobs" is assembled into a kind of fans. It turns out very embossed, textured, and due to the winter version of the yarn and a fairly dense pattern with such an accessory, the cold is not terrible.

You will need:

  • Yarn (100% merino wool 400 m / 100 g);
  • Hook number 3.

We begin to knit a beret with an elastic band that wraps around the head. For those who know how to knit on knitting needles, this detail can be done with their help. If you prefer a hook, then choose an elastic band pattern consisting of embossed (convex and concave) art. s / n.

In this model, the gum is made 1 x 1, i.e. we knit 1 convex (facial) st. s / n, and then 1 concave (purl) st. s / n.

Beginning of work. Dial the required number of v.p. and close them in a circle.

First r. knit with ordinary st. s / n. We start 3 v.p.p. and finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Second r. We alternate 1 front relief st. s / n and 1 purl embossed st. s / n.

The third p and all subsequent ones are knitted similarly to the second. We start them from 2 v.p.p. and finish 1 s.s. in the 2nd v.p.p.

Below are step-by-step drawings of knitting embossed st. s / n.

We knit an elastic band without increments. Trying on while working. When its height is sufficient, it is necessary to knit one row of st. b/n. We knit it as follows: 4 tbsp. b / n, 2 tbsp. b / n with a common base. We continue to double every fifth loop to the end of the row.

First r. 1 v.p.p., 2 tbsp. b / n, * 2 v.p. Skip 7 loops, knit in the eighth loop (1 st. s / n + 1 ch 6 times + 1 st. s / n), 2 ch, skip 7 loops, 5 tbsp. b/n *. We continue knitting from *, we finish 2 tbsp. b / n and 1 s.s. in 1 v.p.p.

Second r. 1 v.p.p. 1 st. b / n, * 2 v.p. now in every 1 vp, located between st. s / n of the first row, we knit a “bump”, and between them 2 ch, then another 2 ch, in 3 middle sts. b / n of the first row we knit 3 tbsp. b/n *. We continue from * to the end of the circle, we complete 1 tbsp. b / n and 1 s.s. in 1 v.p.p.

Third r. 3 v.p.p. three times we knit from the same loop of the base (1 ch, 1 st. s / n), 2 ch. * Now we knit 5 tbsp. b / n in two medium “bumps” and 2 v.p. between them there are fans of the second row, ch 2, and again we knit a fan from st. s / n and v.p. as in the first row from one loop of the base, which is the middle of the three tbsp. b / n of the second row *. We continue from *. Finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd lifting loop.

4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th rows knit as the second. We perform odd numbers as the third.

How to knit a "bump" was described above. But in the first version, it was from the 4th art. s / n, and in this one out of 5 or even out of 6, if you want a more “lush” “knob”.

This number of rows for a beret is enough. The last row before decreasing will be the 12th row. In order to close the top of the beret in the 13th, it is necessary to knit not 7 st. s / n. and 6. Then in the 14th row there will be 5 "bumps" instead of 6. Thus, in each odd row, we reduce the number of art. s / n in a fan for one until then. Until there is 1 “knob” in each report in an even row. Tie all existing loops into one, fasten the thread, cut and hide.

Olive crochet beret and scarf

This model is knitted from olive-colored yarn with contrasting dark green stripes. Pearls can give an additional accent.

For the beret and scarf you will need:

  • Olive yarn 300 g (30% acrylic, 70% mohair) 520 m / 100 g;
  • Dark green yarn 30 g (8% metallic, 92% acrylic) 400 m / 100 g;
  • Hook number 3;
  • Several pearls;

The beret on the model is tied in size 56.

Work starts from the center of the bottom and is performed in a circle.

First r. Knit with olive yarn. In a ring of 8 v.p. we knit 3 v.p.p. and 15 st. s / n. we finish 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Second r. We double the number of loops, knitting 2 tbsp from each loop of the first round. s / n. instead of the first article. s / n we knit 3 vp, we complete the row 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Third r. 3 v.p.p., 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n with a common base, * 3 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n with a common base *. Continue from *. Finish 1 st. s / n and 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Fourth r. We knit double loops in every fifth loop of the third round.

Fifth r. We knit double loops in every third loop of the previous row. We begin and end, like the previous rows.

The next two rows must be knitted with dark green yarn.

Seventh r. knit without increments Art. b / n in each loop.

We start knitting with olive threads again.

Eighth r. 1 v.p.p. We perform arches from 3 vp, fixing them with art. b / n in every fourth loop of the previous row. We finish 1 s.s. in 1 v.p.p.

We knit the ninth and tenth rows in the same way. In each arch we knit 5 tbsp. b / n, in each art. b / n of the previous row we knit 1 tbsp. b/n.

11th p. 3 v.p.p. in Art. b / n, knitted in arches, knit 1 tbsp. s / n. in those st. b / n of the previous row, which we knitted between the arches, we also knit st. s / n. in this sequence twice 1 tbsp. s / n, then 2 tbsp. s / n with one base.

12th p. 3 vp, now we knit st. s / n, performing 2 tbsp. s / n with a common basis only in the first of two art. s / n with a common base of the previous row.

13th and 14th rows knit similarly to the 12th.

The next two rows are done with dark green yarn.

15th p. we knit with arches from 3 vp, fixing them with art. b / n in every third loop.

Continue knitting according to the scheme. When the circle reaches a diameter of 25 cm, it is necessary to knit two rows of st. s / n without increments. And then four more rows of art. b / n, too, without adding loops. 4th row st. b / n must be done with dark green yarn.

Then we knit with decreases for about 12 loops in each circle. At a canvas height of 5 cm, we perform 1 row of art. b / n threads of dark green color. Try on the product several times in the knitting process. If at this stage the girth of the beret is sufficient, then we knit another 3 cm without increments. Now we tie a beret with dark green yarn according to the third scheme.

You can sew pearls along the contour of the dark green stripes or create your own ornament.

We knit a scarf in length. The number of loops in the cast-on row should be a multiple of 9 + 1. Knit according to the second pattern with olive threads 180 cm in length. According to the third scheme, similar to the beret, tie with dark green yarn.

Original crochet beret with a pattern of twisted posts

You will need:

  • Sectional dyed cashmere yarn 300 m / 100 g;
  • Hook number 3.5.

In order to complete such a column, make as many yarns on the hook as you want turns. Wrap the hook as freely as possible, this will make it easier for you to pull the working thread through them. Now you need to insert the hook into the loop from which the column will come out. Capturing working thread and pull out the loop. Now pull the working thread through all the loops on the hook, holding them with your fingers. The twisted column is ready.

We knit this beret from the bottom to the top. We start work with a flat part that wraps around the head.

We collect a chain from v.p. Its length without stretch should be equal to the girth of the head.

First r. we knit st. s / n and only now we close it in a ring, knitting 1 s.s. in the 3rd v.p.p.

Second r. We unfold the work and knit again st. s / n from the wrong side. Such a canvas turns out to be more textured.

We repeat these two rows again and start knitting a pattern with twisted columns.

Below is an example diagram, but there are differences in this model.

First r. 1 v.p.p., 1 tbsp. b / n, * skip 5 loops and in the sixth tie 6 twisted columns with a common base. Each column has 12 turns. Then again skip 5 loops and then knit 2 tbsp. b / n *. We continue in a circle from *. The number of twisted posts fans should be 9. The number of skipped loops between them can be varied from 5 to 7 to adjust the number of fans, as well as their desired height.

Second r. fulfill Art. s / n. We knit them in each loop. If you want to expand the beret, then knit not two loops between the fans, but three or more.

Third r. we knit with connecting posts, without tightening the thread.

Fourth r. we tie it with a “crustacean step”.

Knit from the first to the fourth rows two more times. It turns out only 12 rows.

Starting from the 13th, we knit decreases. We carry out fans of five twisted columns. Each column has 10 turns.

The next two rows are made with fans of 4 columns of 10 curls.

The last circle will consist of 12 twisted columns of 5 turns each with a common top. Fasten the thread, cut and hide.

We tie the bottom of the beret with a “crustacean step” through 1 loop.

Openwork beret from motifs

A very delicate and feminine beret is connected from six- and five-cornered motifs.

You will need:

  • 100% mercerized cotton yarn;
  • Hook number 2.5.

Below is a very detailed diagram fulfillment of motives and variants of their connection.

It is necessary to connect 25 hexagonal and 6 pentagonal blanks. It is necessary to tie the parts into one canvas in the process of completing the last row. When all the motives are connected together, it is necessary to tie them around the edge, as indicated in the diagram, securing st s / n and st. b / n in arches from v.p.

Hexagon motif

First r. In an amigurumi ring of 6 loops, we knit arches from 2 ch, securing them with two tbsp. s / n with a common top and base.

Second r. At each vertex of two st. s / n we knit (1 st. b / n + 5 ch + 1 st. b / n), in arches from 2 ch. knit 2 tbsp. b/n.

Third r. In arches from 5 v.p. we knit (4 tbsp. s / n + 2 ch + 4 tbsp. s / n). Finish 2 s.s.

Fourth r. In Art. s / n we knit * 3 tbsp. b / n, then 5 v.p. over the arch of 2 vp, 3 tbsp. b / n, ch 3, skip 2 loops, *. Continue from *. We will get 6 arches of 5 ch, which will become the corners of the motive.

The pentagonal motif is knitted in the same way, but the number of loops in the amigurumi ring will be 5. In the last row of arches of 5 ch. will also be 5.
