Riddle about the exact weight of the boy. One boy met a man in the market

Graceful riddles

WITH How many walnuts can you put in an empty glass?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO How do you make yourself fall in love with someone and make that person fall in love with you too?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT One morning, a man notices that there is no air in one of the tires of his car. Nevertheless, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit, he comes back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he could drive his car without problems. Why could he drive a car?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H It can happen only once, but it happens almost every year?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which two chocolate bars always argue with each other?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H How are the buttons on a phone different from the buttons on a calculator?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then thrown into the pan before putting something into it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT n black when bought, red when used, gray when discarded.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy. Who am I?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

P Why do white sheep eat more grass than black sheep?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that has no beginning, end or middle?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

G its depth is not more than the height of a glass, its size is not more than the reach of human hands, but no matter how much water is poured into it, it still will not fill up.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

P a man crawls through the desert. Already, practically, at death from thirst. Suddenly he sees an oasis in the distance. With the last of his strength, he crawls to the oasis - the oasis is surrounded by a fence and the inscription hangs: "Only for blacks." There is nothing to do - he crawled over the oasis and crawled further. Here he meets a trading tent with shoe polish. He buys shoe polish, smears himself, returns to the oasis, they let him inside, he eats, drinks, goes to bed and says to the guard: "Tomorrow, please, wake me up early in the morning - I'll crawl further."
In the morning they woke him up, as requested, and he crawled on. Here he sees a puddle. He thinks: "It makes no sense to pretend to be a Negro - I'll wash off the shoe polish." He scooped up water, rubbed it - it does not rub off. Rubbed harder - does not rub off. He began to rub with sand, rubbed everything to the blood - it does not rub off! What happened?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN Which word has 7 letters "o"?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H does it disappear as soon as you name it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can you remove a wheel in one second?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that is not a question, but requires an answer?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

A ntilope, kangaroo, flea competed in high jumps. The kangaroo jumped 2 meters, the antelope jumped 3 meters, and the flea only half a meter. Who has won?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO how to bring water in a leaky bucket?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT There are many holes, but the water still holds in it.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN what is the order of this series of numbers? 8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many minutes does it take to boil a hard boiled egg?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

B There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO What is the easiest dairy product to prepare, judging by its name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

E The train travels south at a speed of 70 km/h. In which direction will the smoke fly?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H it rises up and falls down, but does not itself move?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which stone cannot be found in the sea?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

I not alive, but I'm growing. I don't have lungs, but I need air. I don't have a mouth, but water will kill me. Who am I?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO When do we look at the number 2 and say 10?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN Which word has three "e"s in the middle?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

D Atchans like to say: “Everything is better here than in Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only one thing is better with the Swedes.” What?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

E If you give what was asked of you, then they say “thank you”, but you will never say “cheers” in response. What have you been asked?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which island calls itself a piece of linen?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put on hats, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them says: "I'm wearing a white hat." How did he guess?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Moscow - 100, Yaroslavl - 1000, Arkhangelsk - 500. What are we talking about?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT I threw the bottom, took a whole handful. What is this?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO When is a man called by a woman's name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and a crow is sitting on the bitch. What should be done to saw off the bough without disturbing the crow?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO anat is stretched by 0.5 cm from a load of 100 kg. How many centimeters will the rope stretch under a load of 10 tons?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then you need to put it in a pie before you eat it?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many bricks will it take to completely build a house?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO what land will never grow old?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that itself is dark, but made with the help of light?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then zero says eight?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to meet a lion, two she-bears and hounds at the North Pole?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH the house is warming, all the windows are to the south, suddenly a bear comes from somewhere. What colour is he?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M Can you light a match underwater?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H e was and will not be, but the name was and will be.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At seven siblings. How many sisters are there?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H The person makes it turn on, but when it turns on, the person immediately turns it off.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which year is only one day long?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO Which word ends with three "e"s?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO What disease does no one get sick on land?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H does not exist, but has a name?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO how to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO What invention allows you to see through walls?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

<< Answer to the riddle >>

M The man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H that can be found in December, but cannot be found in any other month?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN All native Russian female names end either in “a” or in “I”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is only one female name, which does not end with either "a" or "i". Name it.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

AND Which faucet can't wash your hands?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H and a cat sits in the window. A tail like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears like a cat, but not a cat itself. Who is this?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN what month do people eat the least?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH how old will you be in 2015 if you were born in 1991?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H then higher without a head than with a head?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

TO What female name can be written as thirty "I"?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

IN what forests do not have game?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

At you have three oranges. If you hide one orange, how many oranges will you have left?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

T from who orders it, he does not need it. The one who does it does not do it for himself. Whoever makes it doesn't care.

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many animals did Moses take into his ark?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

T Only she always knows exactly where her husband is. Who is she?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

WITH how many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

G Where does Tuesday come earlier than Monday?

<< Answer to the riddle >>

H What question can't be answered with "no"?

Sixteen coins are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, sometimes with a coat of arms on top, then with a lattice in the form of a square (see figure). How, having touched only two coins, rebuild the square so that in each horizontal all four coins are turned upwards, either only with coats of arms, or only with a lattice?

Answer: Putting your index and middle fingers on the first and third coins of the top row, move them so that they touch the bottom of the first and third coins of the bottom row. After that, move the first and third columns and fill in the empty spaces in the first row. All the coins in the first and third row will turn out to be the coats of arms turned up, in the second and fourth rows - up bars.

Trick riddle 2

You are driving a car and at one stop you see three people:
1) an old granny who needs to go to the hospital immediately otherwise she will die.
2) his old friend who once saved your life and who is late for a very important meeting for him.
3) the girl (boyfriend) of your dreams. In your car, in addition to your seat, there is one more (you cannot take more than one person with you).
Who will you choose, how will you act?

Trick riddle 3

Of the seven matches, the number 1/7 is laid out. Turn this fraction into the number 1/3 without adding or subtracting matches.

Answer: on the image

Answer: I'll give the car to a friend - let him save his granny and himself, and I myself will stay with the girl of my dreams.

Trick riddle 4

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause was a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, inspecting the scene of the murder, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard the voice of Mr. Mark. He said, “This is Mark. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. It's useless to run. I know this tape will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. Here the door opens... The assistant detective offered to arrest Jones on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turned out, he was right. Jones wasn't the killer, as was said on the tape. Question: why did the detective have suspicions?

Answer: The cassette in the recorder has been rewound to the beginning. Moreover, Jones would have taken the cassette

Trick riddle 5

One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and ask questions. The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1,000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

Answer: The man wrote "your exact weight"

Do horses go to the ball?
Answer: Yes, they walk on the balcony

The man lived. He came to work and slept there every night. He turned on the light, but that night he forgot. In the morning he looked out the window and hanged himself. What was he doing and why did he hang himself?
Answer: He worked at the lighthouse, but hanged himself because he did not turn on the light at the lighthouse and all the ships crashed
people, Krasnodar

There lived a rich gentleman. One morning he was to leave on a journey. But before leaving, the watchman ran up to him and started shouting that the master should not go anywhere, because he dreamed that the master would have an accident. But the master took him and fired him. For what?
Answer: Caretaker sleeping at work

A merchant rode in a train, ate a pickle. He ate one half and gave the other to whom?
Answer: Alyona (salty ~ with Alyona)
Dasha, Ivanovo

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what was sold and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the door of apartments, one number costs 30 rubles
Zhiglina Alena, Kazan

What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
petrova nastya

2 o'clock in the morning, the light is on, Igor lies in bed and leafs through a book. Suddenly he sees that thieves are climbing through the window. They broke into the room and stole all the jewels. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: Baby
anonymous, birch

He is black as the devil. Hot as hell! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he raises them to riot and confusion. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress go along with it. He helped raise great scientists and poets. People who make friends with him are distinguished by fortitude and rebelliousness of the fate of slaves.
Answer: Coffee

What river in Europe can be cut with a penknife?
Answer: Prut River
Zhuravleva Tatiana, Lesnoy Sverdlovsk region

Why water in a glass?
Answer: behind glass
Shablovsky Yasha, Prokopyevsk

Grandmother carried 100 eggs in a basket. One fell. How many eggs are left?
Answer: There are 0 eggs left because the bottom has fallen

Small, grey, like an elephant.
Answer: Elephant
sva, cheboksary

6 legs, 2 arms, 2 bodies, 2 heads, 1 tail?
Answer: horse rider
Nastya, Kronstadt

What word ends with three "e"s?
Answer: long neck
Angelica, Moscow

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: Berry
Andeeva Diana, Moscow

There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
Answer: Son, father, grandfather

What happened in the middle of the 20th century that won't happen for another 4,000 years?
Answer: The year 1961 was read upside down in the same way, the next such year would be 6009

Which word has five "l"s?
Answer: parallel-serial

Which word has three "o"s in a row in the middle?
Answer: zoo association

Which word has three "g"s?
Answer: Buzzing

How can a shepherd save a flock of sheep on an island if a fire is moving on them without going into the water and extinguishing the fire with nothing?
Answer: Maybe only in a dream
Mamaev Magomed, Makhachkala

What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the misty blue sky?
Answer: On a seat on an airplane

Why is the person walking?
Answer: On the ground

What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?
Answer: chewed grass
Bezborodov Ilya, St. Petersburg

Why do goose paws turn red?
Answer: from the knee
Bobrova Elena, Rostov-on-Don

What is impossible to pick up while sitting?
Answer: The chair you sit on
Alianova Natalia, St. Petersburg

Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat begins to sink, you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you. What to do to escape sharks?
Answer: stop imagining it

Why didn't Beethoven finish his "Unfinished Symphony"?
Answer: Because the "Unfinished Symphony" was composed by Schubert, not Beethoven

What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?
Answer: Ararat (many will call Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot)

What was the highest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was known?
Answer: Mount Everest (whether they knew about it or not, it is the highest)

In what year, according to forecasts, people in Russia will get sick more?
Answer: In 2014 (cheering for athletes in Sochi)

What is the name of an urn in which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Ballot box (ballot box)

What does a father always give to his children and never a mother?
Answer: patronymic

What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and still remain the same?
Answer: it

Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and ... Who is the third?
Answer: Vania

Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defensiveness

A person has 3 parts of the body. Each part of the body can be written with three letters, with the first and last letter being the same. What are these body parts?
Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel

The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. How can this be?
Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20

They claim that they do not stick, although they have not even tried to glue them.
Answer: Affairs

Why do birds lay eggs?
Answer: If they dropped them, the eggs would break

Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it

Two walkers stopped near one object and argued. One said, "It's red." The second objected: "No, it's black." "Why is she white?" - asked the first. "Because it's green," answered the second. What is this?
Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what was sold and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the door of apartments, one number costs 30 rubles
A word consisting of eight consonants and one vowel?
Answer: Bounce.
What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
2 o'clock in the morning, the light is on, Igor lies in bed and leafs through a book. Suddenly he sees that thieves are climbing through the window. They broke into the room and stole all the jewels. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: baby
He is black as the devil. Hot as hell! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he raises them to riot and confusion. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress go along with it. He helped raise great scientists and poets. People who make friends with him are distinguished by fortitude and rebelliousness of the fate of slaves.
Answer: Coffee
What river in Europe can be cut with a penknife?
Answer: Prut River
Why water in a glass?
Answer: behind glass
Grandmother carried 100 eggs in a basket. One fell. How many eggs are left?
Answer: There are 0 eggs left because the bottom has fallen
Small, grey, like an elephant.
Answer: Elephant
6 legs, 2 arms, 2 bodies, 2 heads, 1 tail?
Answer: horse rider
What word ends with three "e"s?
Answer: long neck
Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: berry
There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
Answer: Son, father, grandfather
What happened in the middle of the 20th century that won't happen for another 4,000 years?
Answer: The year 1961 was read upside down in the same way, the next such year will be 6009
Like! 1162
Which word has five "l"s?
Answer: parallel-serial
Which word has three "o"s in a row in the middle?
Answer: zoo association
Which word has three "g"s?
Answer: Buzzing
How can a shepherd save a flock of sheep on an island if a fire is moving on them without going into the water and extinguishing the fire with nothing?
Answer: Perhaps only in a dream
What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the misty blue sky?
Answer: In an airplane seat
Why is the person walking?
Answer: On the ground
What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?
Answer: chewed grass
Why do goose paws turn red?
Answer: from the knee
What is impossible to pick up while sitting?
Answer: The chair you sit on
Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat begins to sink, you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you. What to do to escape sharks?
Answer: stop imagining it
Why didn't Beethoven finish his "Unfinished Symphony"?
Answer: Because the "Unfinished Symphony" was composed by Schubert, not Beethoven
What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?
Answer: Ararat (many will call Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot)
What was the highest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was known?
Answer: Mount Everest (whether they knew about it or not, it is the highest)
In what year, according to forecasts, people in Russia will get sick more?
Answer: In 2014 (cheering for athletes in Sochi)
What is the name of an urn in which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Ballot box
What does a father always give to his children and never a mother?
Answer: patronymic
What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and still remain the same?
Answer: it
Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and ... Who is the third?
Answer: Vanya
Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defense
A person has 3 parts of the body. Each part of the body can be written with three letters, with the first and last letter being the same. What are these body parts?
Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel
The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. How can this be?
Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20
They claim that they do not stick, although they have not even tried to glue them.
Answer: Deeds
Why do birds lay eggs?
Answer: If they dropped them, the eggs would break
Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it
Two walkers stopped near one object and argued. One said, "It's red." The second objected: "No, it's black." "Why is she white?" - asked the first. "Because it's green," answered the second. What is this?
Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo
The woman came for examination to the doctor. The woman was the doctor's sister. But the doctor was not the woman's brother. Who was he to her?
Answer: Sister
I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy. Who am I?
Answer: Music
The Eskimos were good hunters, but they never hunted penguins. Why?
Answer: Eskimos lived at the North Pole, penguins - at the South
Which came first: the egg or the chicken?
Answer: Egg. Eggs were laid by dinosaurs long before the appearance of chickens.
One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and ask questions. The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1,000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?
Answer: The man wrote "your exact weight"
The combined age of father and son is 66 years. The age of the father is the age of the son, written from right to left. How old is each?
Answer: 51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06
What was the president's name in 1975?
Answer: Same as today
One person ate one egg for breakfast every morning. Where did he get an egg if it is known that he did not have a single hen, he never bought chicken eggs, he never borrowed them from anyone, never stole them and never received them as a gift?
Answer: I didn't eat chicken eggs.
Better than God
Worse than the Devil
The poor have
The rich don't
If you eat, you will die.
What is this?
Answer: Nothing
One magician claimed that he could place a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?
Answer: In her room
An electric locomotive moves westward at a speed of 70 km/h. East wind is blowing, wind speed is 20 km/h. In which direction is the smoke going?
Answer: Electric locomotive has no smoke
How do you make yourself fall in love with someone and make that person fall in love with you too?
Answer: love yourself

people, Krasnodar

Answer: Caretaker sleeping at work

Answer: Alyona (salty ~ with Alyona)
Dasha, Ivanovo

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.

- Ninety rubles from you.

Zhiglina Alena, Kazan

What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
petrova nastya

Answer: baby
anonymous, birch

Answer: Coffee

Answer: Prut River

Why water in a glass?
Answer: behind glass
Shablovsky Yasha, Prokopyevsk


Answer: Elephant
sva, cheboksary

Answer: horse rider
Nastya, Kronstadt

Answer: long neck
Angelica, Moscow

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: berry
Andeeva Diana, Moscow

Answer: Son, father, grandfather


Which word has five "l"s?

Answer: zoo association

Which word has three "g"s?
Answer: Buzzing

Answer: Maybe only in a dream
Mamaev Magomed, Makhachkala

What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the misty blue sky?
Answer: On a seat on an airplane

Why is the person walking?
Answer: On the ground

Answer: chewed grass

Why do goose paws turn red?
Answer: from the knee

Answer: The chair you sit on

Answer: stop imagining it






Answer: patronymic

Answer: it

Answer: Vanya

Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defensiveness

Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel


Answer: Deeds


Why do lions eat raw meat?

Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo

The man lived. He came to work and slept there every night. He turned on the light, but that night he forgot. In the morning he looked out the window and hanged himself. What was he doing and why did he hang himself?
Answer: He worked at the lighthouse, but hanged himself because he did not turn on the light at the lighthouse and all the ships crashed
people, Krasnodar

There lived a rich gentleman. One morning he was to leave on a journey. But before leaving, the watchman ran up to him and started shouting that the master should not go anywhere, because he dreamed that the master would have an accident. But the master took him and fired him. For what?
Answer: Caretaker sleeping at work

A merchant rode in a train, ate a pickle. He ate one half and gave the other to whom?
Answer: Alyona (salty ~ with Alyona)
Dasha, Ivanovo

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what was sold and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the door of apartments, one number costs 30 rubles
Zhiglina Alena, Kazan

What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
petrova nastya

2 o'clock in the morning, the light is on, Igor lies in bed and leafs through a book. Suddenly he sees that thieves are climbing through the window. They broke into the room and stole all the jewels. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: baby
anonymous, birch

He is black as the devil. Hot as hell! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he raises them to riot and confusion. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress go along with it. He helped raise great scientists and poets. People who make friends with him are distinguished by fortitude and rebelliousness of the fate of slaves.
Answer: Coffee

What river in Europe can be cut with a penknife?
Answer: Prut River
Zhuravleva Tatiana, Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region

Why water in a glass?
Answer: behind glass
Shablovsky Yasha, Prokopyevsk

Grandmother carried 100 eggs in a basket. One fell. How many eggs are left?
Answer: There are 0 eggs left because the bottom has fallen

Small, grey, like an elephant.
Answer: Elephant
sva, cheboksary

6 legs, 2 arms, 2 bodies, 2 heads, 1 tail?
Answer: horse rider
Nastya, Kronstadt

What word ends with three "e"s?
Answer: long neck
Angelica, Moscow

Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: berry
Andeeva Diana, Moscow

There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
Answer: Son, father, grandfather

What happened in the middle of the 20th century that won't happen for another 4,000 years?
Answer: The year 1961 was read upside down in the same way, the next such year would be 6009

Which word has five "l"s?
Answer: parallel-serial

Which word has three "o"s in a row in the middle?
Answer: zoo association

Which word has three "g"s?
Answer: Buzzing

How can a shepherd save a flock of sheep on an island if a fire is moving on them without going into the water and extinguishing the fire with nothing?
Answer: Maybe only in a dream
Mamaev Magomed, Makhachkala

What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the misty blue sky?
Answer: On a seat on an airplane

Why is the person walking?
Answer: On the ground

What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?
Answer: chewed grass
Bezborodov Ilya, St. Petersburg

Why do goose paws turn red?
Answer: from the knee
Bobrova Elena, Rostov-on-Don

What is impossible to pick up while sitting?
Answer: The chair you sit on
Alianova Natalia, St. Petersburg

Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat begins to sink, you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you. What to do to escape sharks?
Answer: stop imagining it

Why didn't Beethoven finish his "Unfinished Symphony"?
Answer: Because the "Unfinished Symphony" was composed by Schubert, not Beethoven

What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?
Answer: Ararat (many will call Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot)

What was the highest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was known?
Answer: Mount Everest (whether they knew about it or not, it is the highest)

In what year, according to forecasts, people in Russia will get sick more?
Answer: In 2014 (cheering for athletes in Sochi)

What is the name of an urn in which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Ballot box (ballot box)

What does a father always give to his children and never a mother?
Answer: patronymic

What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and still remain the same?
Answer: it

Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and ... Who is the third?
Answer: Vanya

Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defensiveness

A person has 3 parts of the body. Each part of the body can be written with three letters, with the first and last letter being the same. What are these body parts?
Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel

The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. How can this be?
Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20

They claim that they do not stick, although they have not even tried to glue them.
Answer: Deeds

Why do birds lay eggs?
Answer: If they dropped them, the eggs would break

Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it

Two walkers stopped near one object and argued. One said, "It's red." The second objected: "No, it's black." "Why is she white?" - asked the first. "Because it's green," answered the second. What is this?
Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo

Fascinating logic and entertaining tasks help you have fun children's holiday or pass the time on the road.

1. What is the herb that even the blind know?

Correct answer

2. You, yes I, yes we are with you. Are there many of us?

Correct answer

3. Andrei takes a bath only on even days of the month. How many times a year does he take a bath?

Correct answer

4. Two people are walking side by side, one of them is the father of the other's son. How can this be?

Correct answer

5. Three doctors had a brother Makar, but Makar had no brother. How is this possible?

Doctors were sisters

Correct answer

6. Mark has red chips and of blue color. Red chips with odd numbers and blue chips with even numbers. What color will a chip with a number be if this number is equal to the sum of an odd and an even number?

Of red color. The sum of an odd and an even number is always equal to the odd number.

Correct answer

7. What bird consists of a letter and a river?

Correct answer

8. Gallic priests found a trouble-free way to quickly mobilize soldiers in the event of a war. For this, they sacrificed only one person. What?

The last one to come

Correct answer

9. How many times does the number 9 occur in a row from one to a hundred?

Correct answer

10. How to get 100 using arithmetic operations and four nines?

Correct answer

11. The farmer had 17 geese, and all but nine flew away. How many geese does the farmer have?

Correct answer

12. A three-digit number consists of increasing (from left to right) digits. If this number is read, then all words will begin with the same letter. What is this number?

Correct answer

13. If three days ago was the day before Monday, what day will be the day after tomorrow?

Correct answer

14. Petya and Misha played in a dirty and dark attic at home. Then they went down. Petya's face was dirty, but Misha's face miraculously remained clean. Despite this, only Misha went to wash. Why?

Misha saw that Petya had a dirty face and thought that his face was also dirty, Petya, seeing Misha's clean face, thought that everything was all right with his face.

Correct answer

15. A Japanese, a cowboy and a gentleman are sitting at the table. How many legs are under the table?

The Japanese sits with his legs crossed, the cowboy sits with his legs on the table, only the gentleman sits with his legs crossed. Total: 1 leg not counting the legs of the table.

Correct answer

16. One dear husband and wife, brother and sister, brother-in-law and son-in-law were walking. How many are there?

Three: husband and wife and brother of the wife.

Correct answer

17. A father with two sons went on a campaign. On their way they met a river, near the bank of which there was a raft. He will be able to withstand on the water either a father or two sons. How can a father and two sons cross to the other side?

Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

Correct answer

18. People who came to one village were often surprised by the local eccentric. When given the choice between a shiny 50-cent piece and a crumpled five-dollar bill, he always chose the coin, even though it was worth ten times less than the bill. Why did he never choose the bill?

The eccentric was not so stupid: he understood that as long as he chose the 50-cent coin, people would offer him money to choose from, and if he chose the five-dollar bill, the money offers would stop and he would receive nothing.

Correct answer

19. Little detective: a man was found murdered in his office. The body is tilted over the desk, a revolver is clamped in his hand, a voice recorder is on the table. The police turn on the recorder and immediately hear the message recorded on tape: “I can't live anymore. Life no longer makes any sense to me…” Then a shot is fired. Why did the police immediately realize that a murder had taken place?

Because the recording started from the beginning: someone rewound the recorder tape.

Correct answer

20. There are two coins on the table, in total they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?

2 rubles and 1 ruble. One of them is not 1 ruble, but the other is 1 ruble.

Correct answer

21. You have two cords (wicks). Each cord, ignited from the end, burns completely to the ground in exactly one hour, but burns at an uneven rate. How to use these cords and a lighter to measure the time in 45 minutes?

It is necessary to set fire to the first cord at the same time from both ends - we get 30 minutes. Simultaneously with the first cord, we set fire to the second cord from one end, and when the first cord burns out (30 minutes), we set fire to the second cord from the other end (the remaining 15 minutes).

Correct answer

22. In which case, looking at the number 2, do we say "ten"?

When we look at a clock that shows ten minutes of any hour.

Correct answer

23. What woman does not look in the mirror?

Correct answer

24. The son of the professor's father is talking to the father of the professor's son, and the professor himself does not participate in the conversation. How can this be?

This is possible if the professor is a woman, and her brother and husband are talking.

Correct answer

25. When is the day shorter - in summer or winter?


Correct answer

26. Two ships left the ports at the same time and move in the opposite direction at a constant speed. The speed of one ship is 20 km/h, the other 30 km/h. How far apart will they be exactly one hour before they meet?

Correct answer

27. When an owl sits on a branch, it weighs 1 kg, and how much will it weigh in flight?

Correct answer

28. Three hens lay three eggs in three days. How many eggs will 12 hens lay in 12 days?

You can immediately answer that 12 hens will lay 12 eggs in 12 days. But it's not. If three hens lay three eggs in three days, then one hen lays one egg in the same three days. Therefore, in 12 days she will lay: 12:3 = 4 eggs. If there are 12 hens, then in 12 days they will lay down: 12 x 4 \u003d 48.

Correct answer

29. How to write "dry grass" in four letters?

Correct answer

30. What can I take in right hand, but you can not take it to the left?

Elbow of the left hand

Correct answer

31. The tailor has a piece of cloth 16 meters long, from which he cuts 2 meters daily. After how many days will he cut the last piece?

The last piece will be cut after 7 days

Correct answer

32. Petya walked into the forest, towards him - three hunters. Every hunter has a gun. The gun has two rounds. How many people went to the forest in total?

One - Petya

Correct answer

33. Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. O6a of man crossed to the opposite bank. How did they do it?

They were on different shores

Correct answer

34. Why was the student kicked out of class?

Correct answer

35. One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and question you. The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1,000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?

The man wrote on paper the words "your exact weight."

Correct answer

36. It is always before us, but we cannot see it.

Correct answer

37. A chemist has discovered that a certain reaction takes 80 minutes if he is wearing a jacket. If he is without a jacket, then the same reaction proceeds in 1 hour and 20 minutes. How do you explain it?

80 minutes is the same as 1 hour 20 minutes

Correct answer

38. What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far.

Correct answer

39. For whom is there no hole so that he does not crawl through?

Correct answer

40. Why can't you put a vase with violets on the corner of the table at Sasha's?

Because the table is round.

Correct answer

41. One person was asked: - How old are you? - Decently, - he answered, - I am six hundred times older than some of my relatives. Could this be?

Yes. If the grandfather is fifty years old, and the grandson is one month old, then the grandfather in this case is six hundred times older than the grandson.

Correct answer

42. This is given to a person three times: the first two times for free, and for the third - you have to pay.

Correct answer

43. If it's worth it, you can count it on your fingers. But if you put it - you can’t count it in a century.

Number "8"

Correct answer

44. What grows upside down?


Correct answer

45. What won't fit in the biggest pot?

Her cover

Correct answer

46. ​​One leaf of a lily grows in a pond. Every day the number of leaves doubles. On what day will the pond be half covered with lily leaves, if it is known that it will be completely covered with them in 100 days.

The pond will be completely covered with leaves on the 99th day. According to the condition, the number of leaves doubles every day, and if on the 99th day the pond is half covered with leaves, then the next day the second half of the pond will be covered with leaves, and it is known that the pond will be completely covered with them after 100 days.

Correct answer

47. The miller went to the mill and saw 3 cats in each corner. How many legs and paws are on the mill?

The mill has 50 legs and paws. 3x4x4 + 2 = 50.

Correct answer

48. A person makes it turn on, but when it turns on, the person immediately turns it off.


Correct answer

49. Their meeting took place in one of the deserts of Central Asia. And although their relationship did not lead to a legal marriage, she took his surname, which was inherited by all descendants and relatives. What are we talking about?

Przhevalsky and his horse

Correct answer

50. Why would a barber in Geneva rather cut two Frenchmen than one German?

Because it will make more money.

Correct answer

51. What animal did Noah not have in the ark?

Correct answer

52. One and a half fish cost one and a half rubles. How much are 5 fish worth?

Correct answer

53. Name a crop that burns 90% and 10% is thrown away.

Correct answer

54. A barrel of water weighs 50 kilograms, what should be added to make it weigh 15 kilograms?


Correct answer

55. There were 2 apples, 2 pears and 1 banana on the table. How many vegetables were on the table?

No one

Correct answer

56. Which is greater - the number 997 or the number 998?

The number 997. There are only ten numbers: from 0 to 9, and the number 998 does not exist.

Correct answer

57. One got his name for his size, another for his ability to give information, the third for his location, and the fourth prefers to remain incognito. What is the name of the fifth?

Little finger. We are talking about fingers: thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers.

Correct answer

58. Which option of holiday discounts is more profitable for the buyer? First: if the store reduces the price of the product first by 20%, then the new price will be further reduced by 30%. Or the second option: the store will immediately reduce the price by 50%.

The second option is better! In the first option, the second discount will be narrower than the reduced price, and in general the discount will be smaller.

Correct answer

59. Using any arithmetic operations, get the number 100 out of five units.

Correct answer

60. What is the similarity between a tree and a criminal?

Both are imprisoned

Correct answer

61. Two men were riding horses. One says to the other:
- Give me one horse, I will have twice as many.
The second says to the first:
- No, you'd better give me one horse, then we will be equally divided.
How many horses did each man have?

five and seven

Correct answer

62. What in our life always increases and never decreases?

Correct answer

63. Weigh a jar of sleeping flies. Then shake it to make the flies fly, and weigh it again. Will the weight of the can change?

The weight of the can will not change. In order to fly, insects must excite downward air currents equal to their weight.

Correct answer

64. Before what mere mortal even the king takes off his hat?

Before the hairdresser

Correct answer

65. Three swallows flew out of the nest. What is the probability that after 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?

100%, because three points always form one plane.

Correct answer

66. If it is upside down, then it is full, and if it is upside down, then it is empty. What is this?

Correct answer

67. What element of the wardrobe consists of half a consonant letter?

Shelf (Shelf)

Correct answer

68. Imagine a bowl floating in a basin of water. How to raise the water level in the basin to the maximum level - put a stone in water or put it in a bowl?

If you put a stone in a bowl, it will be able to displace a volume of water that is greater than the volume of the stone. That is, you need to put a stone in a bowl.

Correct answer

69. A well-aimed shooter stands at one side of the ship, and a target is placed at the opposite side. The steamer moves forward uniformly. The shooter aimed exactly at the center of the target. Will he hit the target?

Of course it will hit

Correct answer

70. A large cast-iron pipe had to be transported across the river. When the load was put into the boat, it sank so much that the rower could no longer get into it. However, the rower came up with a way by which he, sitting in a boat, nevertheless transported the pipe to the other side. Guess how he did it?

It is known that water pushes out a body immersed in it with a force equal to the weight of the water displaced by such a body. The pipe was reinforced under the boat, which reduced its draft.

Correct answer

71. What object, made by man before the 20th century, can move faster than sound?

The tip of the whip. We hear a characteristic click (pop) precisely because the tip overcomes the sound barrier.

Correct answer

72. In which city did they unite male name and side of the world?

Vladivostok (= Vlad + i + east).

Correct answer

73. Half of half a number is equal to half. What is this number?

Correct answer

74. Fruit basket weighs 11 kg. Fruit is 10 kg heavier than a basket. How much does the basket weigh, and how much do the fruits weigh?

It can be assumed that the fruit weighs 10 kg, and the basket 1 kg. But then the fruit is 9 kg heavier than the basket, and according to the condition, they are 10 kg heavier than it. So the fruit weighs 10.5 kg, and the basket 0.5 kg.

Correct answer

75. What question cannot be answered in the affirmative?

Are you sleeping?

Correct answer

76. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them itself?

Correct answer

77. Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?

On the chessboard

Correct answer

78. The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension?

The dead are not given a pension

Correct answer

79. What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and it still remains unchanged?

The word "IT"

Correct answer

80. What does a father always give to his children and never a mother?


Correct answer

81. What came first: the egg or the chicken?

Egg. Eggs were laid by dinosaurs long before the appearance of chickens.

Correct answer

82. What unfolds everything, but does not move by itself?

Correct answer

83. Where does Tuesday come earlier than Monday?

In dictionary

Correct answer

84. What three prepositions can make up the name of a pet?

Correct answer

85. What word consists of three identical letters?

Trio (three "o")

Correct answer

86. In order, he is the ninth, and his name is translated from Latin as "seventh." What are we talking about?


Correct answer

87. The name of which domestic animal consists of two prepositions opposite in meaning?

Cat (= to + from)

Correct answer

88. An oak grows, it has twelve branches, fifty-two branches, each branch has seven leaves. What is this?

Year; 12 months; 52 weeks; 7 days

Correct answer

89. What is in the first place in Russia, and in France - in the second?

Letter "r"

Correct answer

90. A person who does not have a foreign passport visits thirty different countries. In each of them he is met and seen off, and he leaves each country of his own free will. How is this possible?

Correct answer

91. She went and was eaten. What is it about?

Correct answer

92. Three frogs were sitting on the bank of the pond. One of them decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs are left on the shore?

There are three frogs left on the shore, because the decision to jump and the jump are not the same thing.

Correct answer

93. You are in a competition and you overtake a runner in second position. What is your current position?

If you answered that you are now the first, then you are wrong. You passed the second runner and took his place, so you are now in second position.

Correct answer

94. All day the bull plows the field. How many footprints will he leave on the field?

The bull will not leave any traces, since all his traces are plowed by the plow, which the bull pulls behind him.

Correct answer

95. What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat?

Correct answer

96. What breaks but never falls? What falls but never breaks?

Heart, pressure

Correct answer

97. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner?

Correct answer

98. If it takes 5 years for one bottle of wine to mature, how long does it take for 10 bottles to mature?

5 years - they can all ripen at the same time.

Correct answer

99. Multiply 43 minutes and 21 seconds by 60. If it took you more than 10 seconds to solve this problem, then it took too long. Why?

43 hours and 21 minutes, since multiplying seconds by 60 gives the same number of minutes, so 43 minutes makes 43 hours.

Correct answer

100. Where is the end of the world?

Where the shadow begins

Correct answer

101. Who has two skins on their feet?

The one in the boots

Correct answer

102. When can a net pull out water?

When the water turns to ice

Correct answer

103. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?

Correct answer

104. Two people entered the room, saw the murderer and his bloodied victim. They exchanged opinions about what they saw and calmly left. Why?

They looked at the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan" in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Correct answer

105. In which word "no" is used 100 times?

Moaning (One hundred "no")

Correct answer

106. A deaf person needed to cut something. He went to a store that sold hardware. How did he explain to the seller that he needed a saw?

He said, "I need a saw."

Correct answer

107. What word starts with three letters “r” and ends with three letters “i”?

Trigonometry (Three "g" -onome-three "I").

Correct answer

108. There is a road on which only one car can pass. Two cars are driving along the road: one from the mountain, the other downhill. How can they leave?

And why should they leave? They both go downhill (downhill and downhill)

Correct answer

109. Can a man marry his widow's sister?

No. The dead don't marry

Correct answer

110. When does a fool look like a smart one?

When silent

Correct answer

111. What is the name of the famous island that pretends to be clothes?

Correct answer

112. A child is sitting, and you cannot sit in his place, even if he gets up and leaves. Where is he sitting?

He sits on your lap

Correct answer

113. On what “animal” do people calmly walk, and even cars pass by?

Correct answer

114. Although nothing is written on it by the computer, anyone knows what it is for. What is this?

Space on the keyboard

Correct answer

115. A man enters a store, buys a sausage and asks to cut it, but not across, but along. The saleswoman asks: "Are you a fireman?" - "Yes". How did she guess?

The man was in uniform

Correct answer

116. A man bought apples for 5 rubles apiece, and then sold them for 3 rubles apiece. After some time, he became a millionaire. How did he do it?

He was a billionaire.

From the dialogue in the store:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what was sold and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the door of apartments, one number costs 30 rubles
A word consisting of eight consonants and one vowel?
Answer: Bounce.
What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
2 o'clock in the morning, the light is on, Igor lies in bed and leafs through a book. Suddenly he sees that thieves are climbing through the window. They broke into the room and stole all the jewels. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: baby
He is black as the devil. Hot as hell! He is pure, like an angel, and gentle, like love. He is harmful to the people, he raises them to riot and confusion. No, it enlightens the mind and instills logical thinking. Revolution and progress go along with it. He helped raise great scientists and poets. People who make friends with him are distinguished by fortitude and rebelliousness of the fate of slaves.
Answer: Coffee
What river in Europe can be cut with a penknife?
Answer: Prut River
Why water in a glass?
Answer: behind glass
Grandmother carried 100 eggs in a basket. One fell. How many eggs are left?
Answer: There are 0 eggs left because the bottom has fallen
Small, grey, like an elephant.
Answer: Elephant
6 legs, 2 arms, 2 bodies, 2 heads, 1 tail?
Answer: horse rider
What word ends with three "e"s?
Answer: long neck
Is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable?
Answer: berry
There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?
Answer: Son, father, grandfather
What happened in the middle of the 20th century that won't happen for another 4,000 years?
Answer: The year 1961 was read upside down in the same way, the next such year will be 6009
Like! 1162
Which word has five "l"s?
Answer: parallel-serial
Which word has three "o"s in a row in the middle?
Answer: zoo association
Which word has three "g"s?
Answer: Buzzing
How can a shepherd save a flock of sheep on an island if a fire is moving on them without going into the water and extinguishing the fire with nothing?
Answer: Perhaps only in a dream
What are you sitting on?
When you're rushing
In the misty blue sky?
Answer: In an airplane seat
Why is the person walking?
Answer: On the ground
What was the elephant doing when Napoleon came?
Answer: chewed grass
Why do goose paws turn red?
Answer: from the knee
What is impossible to pick up while sitting?
Answer: The chair you sit on
Imagine that you are sailing on the sea in a boat. Suddenly the boat begins to sink, you find yourself in the water, sharks swim up to you. What to do to escape sharks?
Answer: stop imagining it
Why didn't Beethoven finish his "Unfinished Symphony"?
Answer: Because the "Unfinished Symphony" was composed by Schubert, not Beethoven
What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?
Answer: Ararat (many will call Everest, but Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, and not from the foot)
What was the highest mountain on Earth before Mount Everest was known?
Answer: Mount Everest (whether they knew about it or not, it is the highest)
In what year, according to forecasts, people in Russia will get sick more?
Answer: In 2014 (cheering for athletes in Sochi)
What is the name of an urn in which only paper is thrown?
Answer: Ballot box
What does a father always give to his children and never a mother?
Answer: patronymic
What word can be written from right to left, turned upside down, mirrored, and still remain the same?
Answer: it
Vanya's father had three sons: Misha, Sasha and ... Who is the third?
Answer: Vanya
Which word has 7 letters "o"?
Answer: Defense
A person has 3 parts of the body. Each part of the body can be written with three letters, with the first and last letter being the same. What are these body parts?
Answer: Eye, eye (second), navel
The day before yesterday Fedya was 17 years old. He will be 20 next year. How can this be?
Answer: The approval was made on January 1st. Fedya's birthday is December 31st. The day before yesterday he was 17, yesterday he turned 18, this year he will be 19, and next year he will be 20
They claim that they do not stick, although they have not even tried to glue them.
Answer: Deeds
Why do birds lay eggs?
Answer: If they dropped them, the eggs would break
Why do lions eat raw meat?
Answer: Because they don't know how to cook it
Two walkers stopped near one object and argued. One said, "It's red." The second objected: "No, it's black." "Why is she white?" - asked the first. "Because it's green," answered the second. What is this?
Answer: Currant
Titarenko Lera, Domodedovo
The woman came for examination to the doctor. The woman was the doctor's sister. But the doctor was not the woman's brother. Who was he to her?
Answer: Sister
I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy. Who am I?
Answer: Music
The Eskimos were good hunters, but they never hunted penguins. Why?
Answer: Eskimos lived at the North Pole, penguins - at the South
Which came first: the egg or the chicken?
Answer: Egg. Eggs were laid by dinosaurs long before the appearance of chickens.
One boy met a man at the market who offered a bet: “If I write your exact weight on a piece of paper, then you will pay me a thousand rubles, if I write incorrectly, then I will pay you a thousand rubles. At the same time, I will not weigh you and ask questions. The boy agreed. The man wrote on paper and showed the boy. The boy looked at the paper and gave 1,000 rubles to the man. How did the man win the bet?
Answer: The man wrote "your exact weight"
The combined age of father and son is 66 years. The age of the father is the age of the son, written from right to left. How old is each?
Answer: 51 and 15, 42 and 24, 60 and 06
What was the president's name in 1975?
Answer: Same as today
One person ate one egg for breakfast every morning. Where did he get an egg if it is known that he did not have a single hen, he never bought chicken eggs, he never borrowed them from anyone, never stole them and never received them as a gift?
Answer: I didn't eat chicken eggs.
Better than God
Worse than the Devil
The poor have
The rich don't
If you eat, you will die.
What is this?
Answer: Nothing
One magician claimed that he could place a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?
Answer: In her room
An electric locomotive moves westward at a speed of 70 km/h. East wind is blowing, wind speed is 20 km/h. In which direction is the smoke going?
Answer: Electric locomotive has no smoke
How do you make yourself fall in love with someone and make that person fall in love with you too?
Answer: love yourself

Graceful riddles

WITH How many walnuts can you put in an empty glass?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO What is the highest mountain in the world from bottom to top?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO How do you make yourself fall in love with someone and make that person fall in love with you too?

The answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT One morning, a man notices that there is no air in one of the tires of his car. Nevertheless, he gets into the car and drives 150 km to his client. After the visit, he comes back. Although he did not inflate the tire, he could drive his car without problems. Why could he drive a car?

The answer to the riddle >>

H It can happen only once, but it happens almost every year?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO Which two chocolate bars always argue with each other?

The answer to the riddle >>

H How are the buttons on a phone different from the buttons on a calculator?

The answer to the riddle >>

H then thrown into the pan before putting something into it?

The answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT n black when bought, red when used, gray when discarded.

The answer to the riddle >>

At I have no weight, but I am light, I am heavy. Who am I?

The answer to the riddle >>

P Why do white sheep eat more grass than black sheep?

The answer to the riddle >>

H that has no beginning, end or middle?

The answer to the riddle >>

G its depth is not more than the height of a glass, its size is not more than the reach of human hands, but no matter how much water is poured into it, it still will not fill up.

The answer to the riddle >>

P a man crawls through the desert. Already, practically, at death from thirst. Suddenly he sees an oasis in the distance. With the last of his strength, he crawls to the oasis - the oasis is surrounded by a fence and the inscription hangs: "Only for blacks." There is nothing to do - he crawled over the oasis and crawled further. Here he meets a trading tent with shoe polish. He buys shoe polish, smears himself, returns to the oasis, they let him inside, he eats, drinks, goes to bed and says to the guard: "Tomorrow, please, wake me up early in the morning - I'll crawl further."
In the morning they woke him up, as requested, and he crawled on. Here he sees a puddle. He thinks: "It makes no sense to pretend to be a Negro - I'll wash off the shoe polish." He scooped up water, rubbed it - it does not rub off. Rubbed harder - does not rub off. He began to rub with sand, rubbed everything to the blood - it does not rub off! What happened?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN Which word has 7 letters "o"?

The answer to the riddle >>

H does it disappear as soon as you name it?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO How can you remove a wheel in one second?

The answer to the riddle >>

H that is not a question, but requires an answer?

The answer to the riddle >>

A ntilope, kangaroo, flea competed in high jumps. The kangaroo jumped 2 meters, the antelope jumped 3 meters, and the flea only half a meter. Who has won?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO how to bring water in a leaky bucket?

The answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT There are many holes, but the water still holds in it.

The answer to the riddle >>

IN what is the order of this series of numbers? 8 2 9 0 1 5 7 3 4 6

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many minutes does it take to boil a hard boiled egg?

The answer to the riddle >>

B There were two fathers and two sons. And only three apples. But everyone ate an apple. How is this possible?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO What is the easiest dairy product to prepare, judging by its name?

The answer to the riddle >>

E The train travels south at a speed of 70 km/h. In which direction will the smoke fly?

The answer to the riddle >>

H it rises up and falls down, but does not itself move?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO Which stone cannot be found in the sea?

The answer to the riddle >>

I not alive, but I'm growing. I don't have lungs, but I need air. I don't have a mouth, but water will kill me. Who am I?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO When do we look at the number 2 and say 10?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN Which word has three "e"s in the middle?

The answer to the riddle >>

D Atchans like to say: “Everything is better here than in Sweden: climate, nature, people, history, and only one thing is better with the Swedes.” What?

The answer to the riddle >>

E If you give what was asked of you, then they say “thank you”, but you will never say “cheers” in response. What have you been asked?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO Which island calls itself a piece of linen?

The answer to the riddle >>

H and three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put on hats, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them says: "I'm wearing a white hat." How did he guess?

The answer to the riddle >>

M Moscow - 100, Yaroslavl - 1000, Arkhangelsk - 500. What are we talking about?

The answer to the riddle >>

ABOUT I threw the bottom, took a whole handful. What is this?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO When is a man called by a woman's name?

The answer to the riddle >>

H and a crow is sitting on the bitch. What should be done to saw off the bough without disturbing the crow?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO anat is stretched by 0.5 cm from a load of 100 kg. How many centimeters will the rope stretch under a load of 10 tons?

The answer to the riddle >>

H then you need to put it in a pie before you eat it?

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many bricks will it take to completely build a house?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO what land will never grow old?

The answer to the riddle >>

H that itself is dark, but made with the help of light?

The answer to the riddle >>

H then zero says eight?

The answer to the riddle >>

M Is it possible to meet a lion, two she-bears and hounds at the North Pole?

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH the house is warming, all the windows are to the south, suddenly a bear comes from somewhere. What colour is he?

The answer to the riddle >>

M Can you light a match underwater?

The answer to the riddle >>

H e was and will not be, but the name was and will be.

The answer to the riddle >>

At seven siblings. How many sisters are there?

The answer to the riddle >>

H The person makes it turn on, but when it turns on, the person immediately turns it off.

The answer to the riddle >>

TO Which year is only one day long?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO Which word ends with three "e"s?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO What disease does no one get sick on land?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO How can a thrown egg fly three meters without breaking?

The answer to the riddle >>

H does not exist, but has a name?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO how to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO What invention allows you to see through walls?

The answer to the riddle >>

The answer to the riddle >>

M The man was driving a big truck. The lights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

The answer to the riddle >>

H that can be found in December, but cannot be found in any other month?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN All native Russian female names end either in “a” or in “I”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one single female name that does not end in either "a" or "I". Name it.

The answer to the riddle >>

AND Which faucet can't wash your hands?

The answer to the riddle >>

H and a cat sits in the window. A tail like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears like a cat, but not a cat itself. Who is this?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN what month do people eat the least?

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH how old will you be in 2015 if you were born in 1991?

The answer to the riddle >>

H then higher without a head than with a head?

The answer to the riddle >>

TO What female name can be written as thirty "I"?

The answer to the riddle >>

IN what forests do not have game?

The answer to the riddle >>

At you have three oranges. If you hide one orange, how many oranges will you have left?

The answer to the riddle >>

T from who orders it, he does not need it. The one who does it does not do it for himself. Whoever makes it doesn't care.

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH How many animals did Moses take into his ark?

The answer to the riddle >>

T Only she always knows exactly where her husband is. Who is she?

The answer to the riddle >>

WITH how many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?

The answer to the riddle >>

G Where does Tuesday come earlier than Monday?
