Concert script for Victory Day in kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday "May 9 - Victory Day" in kindergarten (senior group) Holiday for Victory Day in kindergarten

Ludmila Kalashnik
Project "Victory Day" ( senior group)

I. Stage. Idea project.


May 9, 2015 our country will celebrate great holiday "70 years since victories in the Great Patriotic War".

The patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Patriotism is love for relatives and friends, for kindergarten, for the native village and for the native country. Therefore, it is important even before school to form in children the initial reliable ideas about the history of our Motherland, an interest in studying it in the future.

Members project: children, educators, music. employee, parents.

preliminary work: viewing illustrations about the war. reading poetry, fiction S. Mikhalkova "Fairy for children", E. Uspensky "Memory". Listening to patriotic songs "Military March". Watching war films (excerpts).

Estimated result: the acquisition of elementary knowledge on the topic. Visiting a rally and parade with children victories.

Outcome: unification of the main idea, joint activity.

Target project: Formation of ideas about the Great Patriotic War (education of patriotic feelings in children preschool age) on the basis of existing ideas about the war.


Provide basic information about the Great Patriotic War.

To expand knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland, about the functions of the army.

Raise pride and respect for WWII veterans.

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary through songs, poems, monologues, dialogues about the war.

To form a sense of pride for the Motherland, for our people.

Give an idea of ​​the meaning victories our people in the Great Patriotic War, the importance of the date of May 9th.

Formation of a civic position, feelings of love for the Motherland, respect for the memory of fallen heroes.

Awaken interest in the past of our village, country. To develop the perception of works of literature, painting, music, a sense of collectivism.

Involve parents in the creation of visual and didactic material on the topic, holding exhibitions and festive events.

III. Stage. Activity plan.

Organization of educational and educational process for the implementation of the idea

Work with children.

Working with parents.

Work with children:

NOD, educational activities carried out during regime moments.

Joint activities of educators and children, taking into account integration.

Independent activity of children.

The final stage project:

Organization of the exhibition-competition of products artistic activity made jointly by parents and children. Holding a holiday.

Expected Result project: Children will form the simplest ideas about the holiday Victory Day, there will be an example of the manifestation of the memory of people about the fallen heroes of the war, about the ritual of laying flowers at the monument to soldiers - winners.

Children's interest in the topic will increase « Victory Day» , their initiative, creativity, detail in work, patriotic feelings will be more clearly manifested.

1st floor of the day

Physical development

1. Physical education

Subject: "My Motherland and its defenders

Tasks: Continue to study the history of the Second World War and the feat of the Russian people - to cultivate fortitude, a desire to help people.

cognitive development

2. Development of speech

Subject: What do I know about war?

Tasks: To form an idea about the history of the Second World War. To acquaint with the course of hostilities during the Second World War, to show the courage and heroism of people during the Second World War.

Examination of postcards, illustrations depicting monuments to soldiers, obelisks - to carry out patriotic education. Cultivate love for the motherland.

S/r game: "Border guards"- to form in children ideas about the soldiers of the border guards, their feat during the war in the name of their homeland. To continue to form the ability to creatively develop the plot, role-playing interaction in the game, the ability to conduct a dialogue.

Reading: works by S. Mikhalkov "Fairy for children"- to form ideas in children about how people of different nationalities defended their homeland from enemies. To expand children's ideas about the defenders of the fatherland.

Walk: Games - relay races. "Report", Pull the rope.

II floor. of the day

Excursion to the kindergarten museum - to acquaint children with the symbols of the state during the Great Patriotic War, orders, medals of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. To acquaint with the historical facts of the war years.

Learning verse. "No war" O. Vorobieva.

Working with parents: Questioning "Shaping children's knowledge about war"

1st floor of the day

cognitive development

1. Mathematics

Subject: "In the peaceful blue sky"

Tasks: To consolidate the use of learned concepts - “big”, “smaller”, “even smaller”, “smallest”, “small”. Learn geometric figures in symbolic images of objects. Fix in the minds of children the ratio of numbers with digital symbols. Concretize and enrich the existing ideas about the quantitative relationships between the two groups of objects: “as much as”, “greater than”, “less than”.

cognitive development

Subject: "Battle Tank"

Tasks: to form interest in working with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills, attention, speech, imagination, creativity. Learn how to sculpt a tank in a constructive way, connect parts by pressing them together. Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

Learning proverbs and sayings about honor, duty, soldier's service, friendship and camaraderie.

P / s "Right on Target"- to teach children to hit the target, to develop an eye, accuracy.

Walk: Games: "Rescuers", "On patrol"

II floor. of the day

Listening to music works: "Holy war", "This Victory Day»

Reading E. Uspensky "Memory".

Di "Warrior soldier has his own gun"- to expand the knowledge about military weapons.

Working with parents: Making crafts with children "By the Day victories»

1st floor of the day

Subject: "Military March"

Tasks: teach children to listen to military music. Learn to express your impressions about music.

Socio-communicative development

2. Acquaintance with the outside world

Subject: « Victory Day»

Tasks: introduce the traditions of celebrating the Day victories. To tell about the significance of this holiday for our country, to cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards the elderly and veterans.

Presentation "They fought for their country"- view and discuss presentations.

Walk: drawings on asphalt "Peace to the world"

II floor. of the day

Conversation: "My main holidayVictory Day» - to educate preschoolers a sense of belonging to the national great holiday victories; arouse a desire to participate in the holiday by the Day victories.

Reading Ch. S. Baruzdin "The Country Where We Live"- Teach children to listen carefully. Answer questions on the text.

Di "Choose a picture"- to consolidate knowledge about the military and their equipment.

1st floor of the day

Artistic and aesthetic development

1. Drawing

Subject: "Festive fireworks".

Tasks: Introduce children to the concept "war", about the grief that she brought, about the heroic defense of our soldiers, about the meaning of the Holiday Victory for our people.

Introduce children to the technique of drawing "spray".

Raise respect for the soldiers-liberators.

Conversation: "What is heroism?"- to form in children the concept of what heroism is. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the people who defended our Motherland.

S/r game "Sailors"- to form children's ideas about the defenders of our Motherland in different historical eras, to cultivate a sense of pride in the historical past of Russia.

Walk: Sport game "Zarnitsa"- develop the traditions of the military - patriotic education preschoolers, to develop strength, dexterity, ingenuity;

II floor. of the day

Physical development

2. Physical culture

Subject: "Our Victory»

Tasks: to cultivate a sense of compassion, care for loved ones; to acquaint with the participants of the Great Patriotic War. Cultivate an honest, responsible and conscientious attitude to any work.

Looking at war photos "Thank you grandfather for victory» - educate patriotism, love for the Motherland, clarify children's knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War, cultivate respect for the history of their family.

Reading "Why is the Army native" A. Mityaev - to give children knowledge about the role of various branches of the military during the war years and about the activities Russian army in peacetime.

Working with parents: Consultation: "Educating children to respect their country"

Those terrible years when the war was going on are farther away from us. But Victory Day still remains the most important holiday for our country. There are events that should not be forgotten. And even in 2016, the memory of the years of the Great Patriotic War is alive. This is a great merit of teachers who are trying to convey to the younger generation the importance of this day. Therefore, May 9 is celebrated annually in kindergarten. Educators try to make the holiday interesting and understandable for children.

Features of the celebration of Victory Day in kindergarten

From early childhood, it is important to cultivate a sense of respect for the ancestors. The scenario of the holiday must be built so that Victory Day is solemn, but joyful.

In kindergarten, this should be a celebration of the peace and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Kids should not be told about the horrors of war, about death and suffering, bloody battles. This can hurt the souls of children. Therefore, cruel details must be avoided. More attention should be paid to the happy moments of the Victory and to note that everything ended well, the fighters returned home.

When preparing events, it is very important to take into account age characteristics so that the holiday is a success:

  • the matinee should not last longer than an hour in the senior and preparatory group, and more than 40 minutes for younger children;
  • it is important to use as much visual material as possible and less conversation: slides, newsreels, music and sounds of the war years are required;
  • for such young children, you should not use the traditional literary and musical script, it is advisable to include games and competitions in it.

The purpose of the celebrations

Now it is very important to pay much attention to the patriotic feelings of the younger generation. Teachers should be able to convey to children the memory of the years of the war and the Victory. We must not let the horrors of fascism and the heroism of our ancestors be forgotten. This is very important already at preschool age, because modern children often do not understand the meaning of the celebration of May 9th. Therefore, teachers need to make a lot of efforts to properly organize events for Victory Day.

The holiday should be solemn, imbued with patriotism, but accessible to children. It must perform the following tasks:

  • convey to the kids the importance of Victory Day;
  • instill a sense of respect and gratitude for the heroes of the war;
  • to give children an idea of ​​the difficulties of the life of their peers in these difficult years;
  • to form patriotic feelings: love for the motherland, pride in its people;
  • to teach children to show compassion for their neighbor, to come to the rescue in difficult times;
  • form a positive emotional mood;
  • not to let the new generation forget about the horrors of fascism and the significance of the victory over it.

What to pay attention to

At preschool age, it is important not to load the child with dry information, not to talk about bloody battles, death and suffering. This is still incomprehensible to children, but the idea of ​​Victory is close to them. From folk tales they understood what the struggle between good and evil is. And for them it is important that good always wins in the end. This helps to strengthen children's sense of justice.

So that the holiday does not remain just a formal concert for children, but fulfills its purpose, it is important to follow several rules when holding it:

  • educators must themselves experience such feelings that they want to awaken in children;
  • parents should be involved in the preparation of the holiday;
  • a solemn atmosphere should be created in the group;
  • all materials - poems and songs - should be accessible to the understanding of children.

How to celebrate a holiday in kindergarten

In all preschool institutions events are held annually before May 9, dedicated to the Day Victory. It is very important not to treat their preparation formally and not to make them the same.

Matinees and concerts are mainly held in middle, senior and preparatory groups. For children under 4 years old, such activities are not yet interesting and incomprehensible. Such kids can participate in the manufacture of crafts, drawings and gifts for great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. On cognitive activities you need to tell the children about what is celebrated in our country on May 9, without focusing on the details and horrors of the war.

From the age of 4, events for Victory Day are more diverse. It can be:

  • cognitive classes and conversations with the obligatory use of illustrations, slides and photographs;
  • matinees and concerts where children recite learned poems, sing songs about the Victory and dance;
  • thematic events in the form of a performance or a literary and musical composition;
  • sports holidays for older children and preparatory group with war games and contests;
  • the holiday can be held in the form of a poetry or song contest;
  • for children of the preparatory group, it is possible to participate in a military-patriotic quiz;
  • every family has those who died in this war, so a good educational effect will be the release of balloons with paper doves by children, on the wings of which the names of the dead are written.

Preparation for the holiday

The final matinee is held the day before holiday- May 7 or 8. But it is very important to start preparing for it in advance. Every child should be connected to this. Already from winter, in a form accessible to children, in the classroom it is necessary to talk about the war, about the heroism of soldiers, about the importance of the Victory.

You can show a short documentary or read books about children who fought against the Nazis. It is necessary to explain to children the meaning of important, but often incomprehensible phrases for them: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, “The glory will not cease these days” and others. In conversations, you need to draw the attention of children to the meaning of the St. George ribbon - a symbol of memory and respect for the feat of their ancestors.

It is necessary to focus on how people rejoiced at the victory, how they eradicated fascism and survived. What else can be used to prepare for the holiday?

  • Together with older children, you can design a wall newspaper or an album with photographs and clippings from newspapers and magazines. It is good if each child cooks something, at least draws an illustration.
  • Be sure to hold an exhibition of drawings and crafts on a military theme in each group. And you should not choose only the best. It is important that every child feel their involvement in the holiday.
  • With children of younger groups, instead of a matinee, you can do collective craft dedicated to peace on earth.
  • If there is such an opportunity, on the eve of the holiday, you need to visit with the children the places of military glory, the nearest monument to the heroes of the war or the local history museum.

How to arrange a holiday

A festive morning performance in kindergarten most often takes place in a music or assembly hall. It is very important to arrange this room correctly. Jewelry should be strict and restrained:

  • These can be paper flowers and flags made by children, drawings and crafts on the theme of Victory.
  • Mandatory image St. George ribbon. Small ribbons should be pinned to each child's chest.
  • You can make a thematic selection of photos of heroes hometown or village.
  • Each teacher must take care of the correct design of the group room:
    1. To do this, you can use the drawings of children, flags.
    2. Well, if you can find the Soviet flag.
    3. You can use balloons of three colors: red, white and blue, placing them in the form of a Russian flag.

It is very important to use as much visual material as possible: photographs, slides, film excerpts, as well as music. For musical accompaniment, you can take both famous songs - “Victory Day” and “Katyusha”, as well as modern songs about the war written for children.

Crafts for Victory Day

Young children experience the world differently than adults. In order for them to feel the importance of the holiday, they need to create something with their own hands. Children of any age should participate in the manufacture of crafts and drawings. Educators need to choose creative work so that it is accessible to the child and reflects the solemnity of this day.

  • Collective work "Peace on Earth" in junior group introduces children to the symbol of the world, with the meaning of this word. On a large sheet of drawing paper with the image of the Earth in the center, children stick pre-prepared flowers and figurines of white doves. Each child can also put their handprint on the poster. To do this, you need to use special finger paints.
  • All together, children can design a festive poster "Happy Victory Day." To do this, everyone sticks a flower on it, made with their own hands from red corrugated paper or napkins.
  • Toddlers can also make the application "Salute". Salute can also be done by drawing with plasticine or using paint.
  • Older children can be taught to make crafts using the origami technique. For Victory Day it is good to make a tank, a plane or white doves - a symbol of peace.
  • Good crafts are made from salt dough. It can be the star of the Eternal Flame, a tank, a flower, or a layout of the St. George ribbon.
  • Greeting cards can be made in the traditional shape or in the form of a triangular letter. Postcards are decorated with a St. George ribbon, red carnations or stars.

Holiday script

It is important that educators do not approach the preparation of the holiday formally and do not use the same scenarios every year. The event should be prepared taking into account age features children. But at the same time, it is important to make the holiday informative and solemn. It is necessary to focus the attention of children on the fact that May 9 is Victory Day. Therefore, all poems, songs, dances and competitions must correspond to the theme of the holiday. What can a matinee script include?

  • It is better if the children are dressed in costumes close to the form of the 40s. You need to use at least homemade caps, caps and toy rifles. For girls, you can create nurses' clothes.
  • Children should enter the hall to the music of the war years. It is better if it is a well-known march or waltz, for example, "Farewell of the Slav".
  • In the solemn part of the holiday, you can show slides, talk about the importance of Victory Day. Children can read short poems or act out a small skit.
  • For a matinee in kindergarten you need entertainment in the spirit of the holiday. It can be competitions, sports, a quiz or war games.
  • The song "Victory Day" is necessarily performed, and the children give the guests gifts made by themselves. It is advisable to invite grandparents to the holiday, many of whom remember the difficult years of post-war childhood.
  • It is desirable to end the holiday on a joyful, bright note. Show the children how important Victory is to save the world. You can perform the songs "Solar Circle", "Stork on the Roof", "Children of the Earth" and others.
  • It’s good if porridge is prepared for lunch according to a front-line recipe, so that the children join the everyday life of fighters and feel like heroes.

Interesting ideas for Victory Day in kindergarten

  1. Theatrical performance about the heroism of Russian soldiers based on fairy tales. Children are close and understandable. Using the example of the struggle of the heroes with the Nightingale the Robber or the Serpent Gorynych, it is easier for them to convey the idea of ​​the importance of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the performance, a song about peace or a happy childhood is performed.
  2. Several boys can act out the song “We will serve in the army”, the poem “On the border” or “We are military”.
  3. Even congratulating a veteran and giving him a gift can be beaten. For this, a sports competition "Package" is held. Children of two teams overcome various obstacles: they climb into a hoop, jump over a stick, walk along a bench, etc. The winning team presents a package with a gift to the veteran.
  4. In the program of the matinee, you can include the game "Salute". For her, children need to distribute bundles of ribbons. Each child has salutiki of the same color: red, yellow, green or blue. There are as many adults in the game as there are colors of ribbons. They become in different places hall, raising their hands with ribbons. To the music, the children move around the room. At the signal of the leader “Salute, light up!”, They gather around an adult, in whose hands are ribbons of the same color as theirs. Everyone raises salutiki up and shouts: "Hurrah!".
  5. With children of older groups, before the holiday, you can recreate a military photo chronicle. Using hand tools, homemade costumes and toys, children represent participants in the war. The teacher takes pictures of them, and then a collage is created from the pictures. What photo subjects can be used? The nurse drags the wounded, the girl says goodbye to the soldier, the soldiers at rest and others.
  6. It is good to use outdoor games on military theme. They can be included in the program of the matinee or make a sports competition. These are the games "Help the wounded", "Hit the target", "Line up", "Transfer cartridges" and others.
  7. The music director must prepare a dance with the children to military music. Boys can dance "Apple", a sailor dance, girls can depict a salute in the form of a dance with ribbons.

Educators should understand the importance of preserving the memory of the war years. It is necessary to raise children as true patriots who are proud of the history of their Motherland and respect the heroism of their ancestors. Such a feeling does not arise by itself. Patriotism must be nurtured from childhood. How adults tell children about Victory Day depends on how they will perceive this holiday in the future.

Maya. Mayan. Bakulina. Bakulin.

Scenario of the holiday "MAY 9 - Victory Day" in kindergarten (Senior group.)


to form in children of senior preschool age patriotic feelings, respect for the defenders of the Fatherland on the basis of certain historical facts; spectacular impressions., causing emotional unrest, with the help of the musical and literary heritage of the times of the Great Patriotic War.



Continue to acquaint children with the concepts: “The Great Patriotic War,“ War Veteran ”,“ War Participant ”, Hero of the Great Patriotic War.” To deepen children with knowledge of the history of their native country.


-Develop the child's intellectual abilities, attention, curiosity.

Develop the communicative function of speech.

To deepen the knowledge of older preschool children about the army, symbols, military ranks, military awards.


- To instill in children pride in their country, to honor the memory of the soldiers who died for the freedom of the Fatherland.

-To instill in children the desire to receive vivid impressions from the works of the literary and musical heritage of the Great Patriotic War.

Music material:

Song: Victory Day, music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. V. V. Kharitonov.

March: "Farewell of the Slavyanka" mus. V. Agapkin.

Song: Eternal Flame A. Filipenko, sl. A. Sverdlov.

"Song of the World" music. A. Filipenko, sl. T. Volgina.

Song "Cranes" music. Ya. Frenkel, sl. R. Gazmatova.

"Metronome" - A moment of silence

Song: "Do not forget the formidable years" muses. And Pakhmutova, sl. M. Lvov.

"Heirs of Victory" music.

The course of the holiday.


Dear children, dear guests! Congratulations

The Great Patriotic War. The path to victory was difficult and heroic.


Today is Victory Day

Happy, bright day of spring.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And ringing songs are heard.


It was the Great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandparents remember Victory Day

Every one of the guys knows.


We are talking about the first day of victory

We love listening to our story

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.


We are celebrating Victory Day! We celebrate liberation

Our Motherland from fascist invaders. But this victory was not easy. Many did not return home because they died heroically fighting for their homeland. They are alive in our hearts.

In memory of them is lit and will always burn "Eternal flame"


Get up early this morning

Get out into the city and have a look.

How Veterans Walk

With orders on the chest.


For the native country people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Fallen in valiant combat.

Child: A fire is burning at the obelisk,

Birches stand in silence.

And we bowed low, low

Here an unknown soldier sleeps. (Song "Eternal Flame")


With pain in our souls, we mourn those who did not return from the battlefield.

We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live.

Let us rise and bow our heads before their memory.

(MINUTE OF SILENCE.) They sit on chairs.


People will never forget this day. For what we are now

together with you we rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we are obliged

our grandparents who defended the world in fierce battles. Thus, let us with gratitude protect this world, in which

we are living.


Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home

For the world we live in.


We need a colorful world

And we will all be happy.

When they disappear from the earth

All bullets and shells.


Sailors, gunners,

Border guards, signalmen,

To all who protect our world

And guards the borders

For great things


(song about Peace.)


Our fighters were distinguished not only by heroism, intelligence, but by dashing and cheerful disposition. And how will their future generations grow up? Now we will check.

There are entertainment games.

Forward to the flag: Two teams: Objective: run between the pins, playing the ball, pass the ball to the next, the finisher raises the flag.

(The group that raises the flag first wins.)

And what brave medical nurses were, they carried the crippled wounded right from the battlefield when bullets whistled over their heads.

and now the girls will demonstrate how to overcome difficulties.

- "Helping the wounded" Purpose: bandage the injured and move from point "A" to point "B"

Attraction for attention: Three flags: 1 - green, marching.

2- blue, stand still. 3- red, shout Hooray!


The war ended with victory, these years are behind us.

Burning medals, many orders on their chests.


Above the doves take off, on a May morning at dawn.

They take off in blue, wish everyone happiness, peace on earth.


Glory! Glory to the veterans, glory to the native Army.

Develop a three-digit flag over the Motherland.


Let the fireworks of Victory rumble! This light warms the world.

Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge hello to them!


Victory Day - Glory! Glory! Glory!



Veterans - Glory! Glory! Glory!

How to solemnly and informatively spend Victory Day in kindergarten. This scenario of the holiday dedicated to May 9 will help educators and organizers of holidays to spend interesting holiday in kindergarten.

The hall is festively decorated. Children enter the hall, sit on chairs.

Leading. The ninth of May is the Day of our glorious Victory over Nazi Germany! The whole country rejoices these days! Every year people celebrate this day as a joyful holiday. Many years have passed, but everyone remembers this significant date and solemnly celebrates it. Congratulations to you all!

The song "This is Victory Day" (music by F. Popatenko, lyrics by V. Viktorov).

1st child.

Remember our grandfathers

About old times

Put on in honor of the Victory

Military orders.

Get up early this morning

Come out to the city - look

How Veterans Walk

With orders on the chest.

2nd child.

Defended our grandfathers

Labor and happiness on earth,

Shine brighter in honor of the Victory

The stars of the world on the Kremlin.

For the native country people

They gave their lives

We will never forget

Fallen in valiant combat.

The song "Eternal Flame" (music by A. Filippenko).

Staged "On the Border"

The sentry walks at the border post, then stops and says the words.


At the very border in secret

I carry out vigilant service,

For every hillock in the answer,

For every tree in the forest.

border post,

Cedars, hills, silence.

Time after midnight.

The barracks has long been immersed in sleep.


Hurry up, skip it, sentry

I need a boss. Let me go, I'm mine!

Boss. What's happened?


I saw a dog disappear into the forest

From somewhere far away they whistled to the dog,

A heavy collar is worn around the neck.

The dog is not ours - we don't have one.

Boss. By horses!

They jump around the hall. Stop.

Hourly. Mission accomplished!

Boy. Secret documents were sewn into the collar.


Border guard, you're in charge

For the people, for peaceful labor,

Let them grow up happy

Children in towns and villages...

3rd child.

Honors the great Victory Day

The whole huge country.

On Victory Day, our grandfathers

They put on orders.

We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love to listen to their story -

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us!

The host offers to listen to a story about the first Victory Day. Speaker one of the guests - a veteran.

Song-staging "We will serve in the Army" (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

3rd child.

We are the children of a happy and peaceful country.

Our great people do not want war.

Neither children nor adults need war.

Let it disappear from our planet!

4th child.

In the big world, all children are friends!

The children of the planet are our family!

We see each other only in the movies,

But the sun still shines for us in the sky alone.

5th child.

May there be peace throughout the earth

May there always be peace

So that we grow for glorious deeds,

For happiness and work.

7th child.

The sun is shining, it smells like bread,

The forest is noisy, the river, the grass...

Well under a peaceful sky

Hear kind words

Good in winter and summer

On an autumn and spring day

Enjoy bright light

Ringing, peaceful silence.

"Song of the World" (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

exercise with balloons(music by M. Karminsky).

8th child.

Everything is different today

Not like always.

Everyone goes out into the street

Everyone then shouts "Hurrah!"

Everywhere is noisy, interesting,

Everywhere fun and crowded,

The drums are beating loudly

Everywhere they dance and sing.

Dance "Cheerful children".

9th child.

Although not real, but brave sailors,

We will show you now our sailor dance!

Dance "Apple".

Game-attraction "Be attentive".

Leading (shows the children four flags: blue, blue, green, red). Guys, be careful. If I raise a blue flag, you will swim, if blue - fly, if green - jump, if red - shout "Hurrah!"

The host hides behind his back and quickly raises the flags. Children imitate the movements of sailors, pilots, cavalrymen, shout "Hurrah!" Flags are raised in a different sequence. You can play 2-3 times.

Relay "Package".

Two teams of 5-7 people. Each overcomes obstacles: climb into the hoop, walk along the bench, crawl under the arc, jump over the gymnastic stick, etc. The last child delivers the package to the veteran (congratulations in it). The team that delivers the package to the guest faster than the other wins.

The children lined up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Children ( in turn).

When fireworks thundered from end to end,

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm fire

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you come home with a victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever,

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Song "Solar Circle" (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

The recording of the song "Victory Day" sounds (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). Guests give children commemorative badges or postcards dedicated to Victory Day. Children to guests - flowers, drawings, postcards.

Victory Day. May 9 holiday script for preschool educational institution

Scenario of a thematic lesson dedicated to Victory Day for children of the senior group of kindergarten

Children enter the hall to the solemn music "Heroes of Stalingrad", music. S. Chernetsky.

presenter. On May 9, all our people celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Many years have passed since the German troops attacked Russian soil. Our people, young and old, men and women, even children, began to defend our Motherland from the enemy.

Get up people!

Hearing the call of the earth

The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front.

The soldiers bravely marched into battle

For every city and for you and me!

Wanted to take revenge

For the elderly, for women, for children!

The phonogram of the song "Holy War" sounds, music. A. Alexandrova.

Leading."Get up, the country is huge ...". This music, these words were familiar to every person during the war. This song was a call to battle, to fight against the enemy.

Listen with children to one verse of the song.

Leading. Shells burst with a roar, machine guns fired, tanks rushed into battle, crushing everything around. The earth was on fire.

For the native country people

They gave their lives

We will never forget

Fallen in valiant combat.

The musical director performs the song "Cranes", music. Ya. Frenkel, sl. R. Gamzatova.

presenter. And now let's all stand up and honor with a minute of silence all the heroes who fell for peace and happiness on Earth. Thanks to our valiant soldiers for winning that cruel war. And now the day of May 9 is proclaimed World Victory Day!


On Victory Day, early in the morning

Come out to the city, take a look:

Veterans walk down the street

With orders on the chest.

Both tankers and artillerymen,

And rocket launchers

Both infantrymen and sailors.

Come on, sailors, get out quick,

Yes, dance the dance more fun!

Children perform "Sailor's Dance".


The sun is shining brightly,

Shines on all of us in the sky.

Thank you Russian soldier!

Let the kids have a good life!

And our children are growing up

And in funny Games are playing!

Games are being played. 1. Pull the Rope. 2. "Carry the cartridges" (4 hoops, 10 oval wooden cubes). 3. “Line up” (to the music, perform various movements in all directions. On a signal, line up in one column). 4. "Bandage a wounded soldier." 5. “Who will pull the connection faster” (cord, two sticks at the ends. Who will twist the cord faster?).


Let our children grow up

And they only play war games!

May there be peace throughout the earth:

"Yes" - let's say to the world! "No!" - war!


Let the Victory salute thunder

To all the people of the earth

Helm huge hello!


This festive day

Let's sing a song about the world!

Performed "Song of Peace", or "Sun of Victory", music. A. Filippenko. The phonogram of D. Tukhmanov's song "Victory Day" sounds. The children are walking around the room.
