Logical and entertaining tasks (300 tasks). Funny riddles with a catch in the education and development of children Riddles from 10 to 12

At the age of seven, the child, as a rule, already attends school. Therefore, the task of parents is to teach the child to perceive the lessons as something interesting, exciting and entertaining. To achieve this goal, you can do lessons in game form. Of course, not with all subjects it will be possible to implement such a trick, but in mathematics, logic and similar topics, this scheme is completely suitable. Riddles for a child of 7 years old should be varied, bright and interesting.

Why does a child need to guess riddles

Solving logic chains and riddles is not an easy task. Therefore, it is worth carefully preparing for the process. The child needs such games due to the fact that:

  • Riddles for a child of 7 years old help develop imagination.
  • They open up the opportunity for the child to turn on logical thinking.
  • Also, such riddles contribute to the expansion of horizons.
  • They are informative and provide an opportunity to learn something new.

How to turn an activity into a game

You can easily captivate a child with activities by inventing some kind of motivation. For example, give an award if all puzzles are solved. You can also come up with a cumulative reward system. Create a poster and give out stickers for correct answers. At the end of the week, if the predetermined number of stickers has been collected, buy the desired toy.

Riddles for a child of 7 years old about nature

Of course, a child at this age already knows a lot of plants, flowers, natural phenomena, so such tasks are quite within his power. Riddles for children 7 years old are interesting and give an impetus to think. Answers will not be a problem. Riddles will open up the opportunity to test the knowledge and imagination of the child.

As soon as it came out from behind the clouds, everything was immediately lit up.

What is this? Who will answer? Rays are sending me in the face.

All around darkened, drops fall on the meadow,

Clouds are moving across the sky, a strong wind is picking up.

What is it, who will answer, we think rather, children.

With the advent of spring, everything around is covered with yellow.

And then it suddenly turns into snow.

What kind of flower is this, answer me, my friend?


It worries, makes noise, you love to swim in it.

Ships go there, and the land is not visible from them.

Guess: almost a river, but the banks are not visible.

Wonderful patterns float in the sky:

Dogs, horses, white and mischievous.

They are fun to look at in the sky during the day.

And at night you can hardly see them afterwards.

Like an artist, he draws in the windows,

He covers forests and fields with ice.

And the snow does not melt because of him,

So we can ride later.

You can also take into account the riddles for children 7 years old are short and easily perceived.

White patterns on the blue sky. (Clouds)

It blows, howls and sweeps, your hair trembles. (Wind)

After the rain, nature draws in the sky clear, colorful and beautiful. (Rainbow)

Complex and for children 7 years old

Children, as a rule, think outside the box and not like adults. Therefore, they will definitely like logic puzzles for children of 7 years old.

If a white scarf is lowered into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet)

How to find a black cat in a dark room? (To turn on the light)

You have ice cream, cake, candies and cookies in your refrigerator that you want to treat your guests to. What will you open first? (Fridge)

On the thermometer in the room, the thermometer shows a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. If you hang another thermometer, what temperature will it be? (25 degrees Celsius)

What will happen to the horse after it is five years old? (Will be six years old)

Mom wanted to make an omelet. I broke the eggs and was surprised that the yolk was not white. Why did it happen? (The yolk is not white)

There were five apples on the tree. Of these, four were yellow and one was green. A month later, the green apple also turned yellow, how many apples are on the tree after that? (Five)

You can amuse the baby and ask funny riddles for children 7 years old. Mostly they are tricky, so the child will have to listen to you carefully in order to give the correct answer.

There are five pears on a birch and four on a pine. How many pears are on the trees? (None, these trees don't grow pears)

How many seeds are in an empty glass. (There are no seeds in an empty glass)

What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)

Children played snowballs. After that, six gloves dried on the radiator at the school. How many children took part in the game? (Three)

Five swans floated on the lake. Two of them dived to catch a fish. How many swans are left in the lake? (Five)

Eight dog paws are visible from under the fence. How many dogs are behind the fence? (two)

What weighs more? One kilogram of nails or one kilogram of cotton wool? (They weigh the same)

The boy in the sieve carried the water, how did he do it? (He froze her)

Such riddles for children 7 years old with answers that are sometimes not easy to find will appeal to both boys and girls of this age.

Riddles about animals

Very interesting riddles for children 7 years old about animals.

He eats the leaves from the top of the tree,

He has two ears sticking out.

He himself is spotty

Who is this sunshine?

Jumping like a squirrel

Only on the ground.

She has a bag

For your children

Strong paws.

Who is it guys?


He wakes everyone up in the morning

He won't let us sleep.

He sings so loudly

That all the people will wake up.

Colorful feathers, yellow paws,

The chicken is his wife, and the children are chickens.

Everyone is watching the shiny

Then it flies, it is enough.

Where does she keep it?

So far no one has known.

Sly, fluffy, loves to profit.

Believes such a cheat and gingerbread man, and a bird.

A red-haired beauty, a cheat flaunts in the forest.

She cackles a little

Her babies are chickens.

Delicious eggs

Lives with our neighbour.

What a miracle bird, she can't sit in a nest,

He walks the streets and swallows seeds.

They walk in the park, and they are also postal.

In the park, the redhead walks, runs from tree to tree.

Gnaws nuts, hides berries and seeds in a hollow.

This is a bird of the sea, flying over the waves with expanse.

In the evenings I can always meet her on the shore.

Riddles for a child of 7 years old are fascinating and interesting, especially if they are about animals. Be sure to use them when playing games.

Riddles about professions

Of course, riddles for a child of 7 years old should be varied and multifaceted. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to include in game program puzzles about different professions of people.

He skillfully wields a syringe,

He knows everything about pills.

Helps cure bronchitis

Protects from any disease.

Scissors and a comb are his best friends.

Mom, dad, and also you and me go there.

He embodies different hairstyles in reality,

And he knows very well how to do it.


He knows a lot, studies history.

In a museum, in a park, in a castle, legends are being told to us.

Will tell you how old the trees are,

when the house was built.

All the exhibits know

Without it, we will deal with difficulty.


A man stands guard.

Dressed in a uniform and puts a ban.

If extra people could get into the house,

He can deal with them.

Keen hearing, eagle eye,

He will protect any of us.

(Police officer)

He checks numbers, books and notebooks every day.

Loves children, teaches them

Asks the class to be quiet.


Riddles about vegetables and fruits

Children really like puzzles about vegetables and fruits, especially if they are composed correctly, brightly and thoughtfully.

Full of vitamins

She is orange.

And her hair is green.

She sits in the ground

And keeps the scythe under the sun.


They grow on trees, everyone knows them very well.

One by one, two by two grow,

There are red, yellow, orange.

Inside they have a bone that is removed.


Round orange sun.

Only not in the sky, but on the table.

Children usually love them

Because they remind me of winter.


It is shaped like a lamp,

But juicy and very tasty.

From a cold they eat this berry,

Even though she is very bitter.

Therefore, grandmother with sugar for the winter

Always closes it.

She has a thousand clothes, she is green

It is eaten raw, stewed and sometimes salted.

Grows in my grandmother's garden

Whoever says what it is will get pancakes.


Riddles about toys

This is probably the most favorite subject of every child. Therefore, you can turn on fantasy about your favorite toys.

He is soft, fluffy and cute brother,

Everyone calls him ... (teddy bear)

I dress her like my own daughter

And I do her hair, I walk, I feed her.

I have a lot of them, or rather, do not count,

You probably have a toy too.

Tin, wood and plastic can be.

I line them up in a row to protect the fortress of cubes.


Play with children, let the lessons be a long-awaited event for them, and not a heavy burden.

Yesterday everyone called me tomorrow
And tomorrow will be called yesterday.
That's my whole riddle
It's time to call me.
Answer: Day
Yurkova Svetlana, Bratsk

There is only one in heaven, she is not on earth, her grandmother has two, but her grandfather does not.
Answer: letter B

The white cat climbs into the window.
Answer: Light

What do you get when you cross a chicken with a guitar?
Answer: You will get a chicken that makes musical sounds when it is plucked.

many dresses,
Lots of crunch.
What is her name?
Answer: cabbage

What kind of guys on stumps
Crowded in a tight bunch?
And they hold umbrellas in their hands,
Caught in a cloud?
Answer: Honey mushrooms

Just touch -
And lift your hand:
Burns the grass
Like fire.
Answer: Nettle

With a bird's name - not a bird,
Helps everyone get drunk.
Answer: well crane

A red-hot arrow knocked down an oak near the village.
Answer: Lightning

After the rain girlfriend
Settled on the edge.
Multicolored hats -
The most notable.
Answer: Russula

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small.
Answer: snowdrop

summer resident meadow
Met in a fur hat.
Answer: Dandelion

iron sister
Toothy and sharp:
The maple is afraid of her,
Poplar and pine...
And even oak
Get on the tooth
Answer: Saw

What is visible if nothing is visible?
Answer: Steam
Lapina Alinochka, Pospelovka

She does not live in the forest,
She is alone in the river
Doesn't fit in barn
And there are two in the wallet!
Answer: letter K

Three friends lived in the forest: Deaf, Mute, and Blind. All was good. But somehow the Deaf One died. How now will the Mute tell the Blind that their Deaf friend is dead?
Answer: The mute does not need to be explained that the Deaf One is dead. The blind man did not see him and did not talk to him.

A boy and a girl were walking along the cliff.
Her: Do you love me?
He: yes!
She: could you jump down for me?
What two words did he say if they went on safe and sound?
Answer: Push me
Nikitina Anastasia, Chelyabinsk

It’s not fast on itself
Own house...
Answer: snail

On the nose the beast wears a horn
And it's called...
Answer: Rhino

Like a whirlwind flies to escape
From the enemy shy ...
Answer: Hare

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
IN White color dressed garden,
The bees are the first to fly
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?
Answer: May

Warm, long, long day.
At noon - a tiny shadow.
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
Ripe strawberries.
What month is it, please?
Answer: June

What is at the center of the earth?
Answer: letter M
Blabanova Kira, Volzhsky

Two young Cossacks, both dashing riders, often fought among themselves about a bet who would overtake whom. More than once one or the other was the winner. Finally, they got tired of it. Gregory said: “Let's argue the other way around. Let the pledge go to the one whose horse comes to the appointed place second, and not first. "OK!" Mikhail answered. The Cossacks rode their horses into the steppe. A lot of spectators gathered: everyone wanted to look at such a curiosity. One old Cossack began to count, clapping his hands: “One! Two! Three!..” Disputants, of course, are out of place. The spectators began to laugh, judge and argue, and decided that such a dispute was impossible and that the debaters would stand still, as they say, until the end of the century. Then a gray-haired old man approached the crowd, having seen in his lifetime different types: "What's the matter?" He was told to. The old man answered: “Hey! Now I’ll tell them such a word that they will jump like scalded ones. ” And indeed, the old man approached the Cossacks, said something to them, and in half a minute the Cossacks were already rushing across the steppe at full speed, trying without fail to overtake each other. But the bet was still won by the one whose horse came second. What did the old man say?
Answer: The old man whispered to the Cossacks: each sit on the enemy's horse
Adianova Tanya

There was a grandmother with dough, fell in a soft place. What do you think?
Answer: head
Shinkareva Elena, Orenburg

Small, gray, he opens any door with himself.
Answer: Bruce Lee
Sidorenko Irina

Square, green, striped?
Answer: Watermelon (square, so as not to roll away)
Smit Boris

Little, white, crawling on the table?
Answer: Fly (white, because she is getting ready for bed, put on her pajamas)
Smit Boris, Stavropol

Little meat, a lot of firewood.
Answer: A fly on a birch
Sleep Nastya

Not enough firewood, a lot of meat.
Answer: A thorn in the pope

They knock, they knock
Don't be bored.
They go, they go
And everything is right here.
Answer: Watch

I have a tight rod, my end sticks in, I tremble in movement.
Answer: Arrow

They buried a prostitute, they wrote on the tombstone: "Now they will always be together." Who are they?
Answer: Legs

A prisoner was kept on the island. He was kept in a concrete cell with no doors or windows, only a small gap into which they put dry bread. A few weeks later, a mountain of bones appeared in the cell. Where did she come from?
Answer: He was given bread with fish soup

There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room. The owner entered the room with a dog. How many legs are in the room?
Answer: Two, animals have paws

All men have it, some are longer, some are shorter. A man gives this to his wife after marriage.
Answer: Surname

Do horses go to the ball?
Answer: Yes, they walk on the balcony

The man lived. He came to work and slept there every night. He turned on the light, but that night he forgot. In the morning he looked out the window and hanged himself. What was he doing and why did he hang himself?
Answer: He worked at the lighthouse, but hanged himself because he did not turn on the light at the lighthouse and all the ships crashed
people, Krasnodar

There lived a rich gentleman. One morning he was to leave on a journey. But before leaving, the watchman ran up to him and started shouting that the master should not go anywhere, because he dreamed that the master would have an accident. But the master took him and fired him. For what?
Answer: Caretaker sleeping at work

A merchant rode in a train, ate a pickle. He ate one half and gave the other to whom?
Answer: Alyona (salty ~ with Alyona)
Dasha, Ivanovo

From the dialogue in the shop:
- How much is two?
- Thirty rubles.
What about thirty-nine?
- Sixty rubles.
- Give me two hundred and thirty nine!
- Ninety rubles from you.
Question: what was sold and how much does one cost?
Answer: Numbers on the door of apartments, one number costs 30 rubles
Zhiglina Alena, Kazan

What never lies?
Answer: Mirror
petrova nastya

What is it: flies and shines?
Answer: Gold tooth mosquito
Bocharova Polina, Tomsk

If it does, it will reach the sky.
Answer: rainbow
Gurinenko Marina, Novokuznets

There are two stakes.
On the stakes of a barrel,
There is a bump on the barrel,
On a hummock, a dense forest,
And two sticks stick out of the barrel.
Answer: Man
Shvetsova Sonya, Moscow

2 o'clock in the morning, the light is on, Igor lies in bed and leafs through a book. Suddenly he sees that thieves are climbing through the window. They broke into the room and stole all the jewels. In the morning the police came, but Igor could not tell them what happened at night. Igor is not deaf, not dumb, and not blind. Why couldn't he tell?
Answer: Baby
anonymous, birch

A collection of puzzles for fun and cognitive activities with kids. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the main attention in children's riddles is given to some unique property object or its resemblance to another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of the wisdom and ingenuity of fairy-tale heroes. In almost every fairy tale, questions were asked that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, the solution of which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your baby. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for kids are answered so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the clue. Play guessing games with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's puzzles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are currently doing and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went to pick mushrooms in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your baby saw a fish. And if you prepared in advance and took riddles about fish with you? Success to you in the game of guessing on the water and nautical theme secured.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".

Riddles for children from 4 to 7 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for grandchildren,

Tell an old tale

With honey will give pancakes? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Pointy nose, steel eye,

In the ear - a thread-girlfriend.

Helped to sew new clothes

Our grandmother... (needle)

Like herons - long-nosed,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters ... (spokes)

Tell me quickly

What is a ball of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

Long ponytail... (clew)

A close relative of the broom

Sweep corners in the house.

He is certainly not a bum.

Litter will help to remove ... (broom)

There was a fat man once in vogue

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam

Tea was made... (samovar)

In the garden we carry by the handle

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This... (watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers

The Miracle House has opened the doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts

Waiting for a glass house - ... (greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground

They poured clean water.

Time flew by -

sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile labors -

Get water in it.

Just pour it, you look - spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This... (sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric with a needle quickly scribbles.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

Sewing their sewing ... (machine)

He is in the kitchen or in the dining room,

The tablecloth is covered with a new one.

Feet rested on the floor.

Guessed? This... (table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies sit side by side.

Bake them very cleverly

The oven named... (oven)

What a miracle, who will tell me?

Waving wings on the field

And the flour is grinding ...

What is this? (Mill )

Who could drive through it

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy hill!

Guessed? This... (grater)

He saw a lot of boots

He lived his life at the threshold.

On the soles of dirt and rubbish -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandpa's riddles

Wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody

Our favorite... (grandfather)

Two lenses, frame, temples

Ears hooked.

Not newbies on the nose -

They sit well... (glasses)

Can you wear flowers in it?

Both nuts and mushrooms.

Try a little -

Weave from the vine... (basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see many lines there.

In the lines - the news of the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this? (Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

For you to sit down and rest

We have in our apartment... (chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (automobile)

We will tie a thread to the pipe,

Let's catch a fish.

Thread and tube

What is this? (Fishing rod)

During the day he does not mind taking a nap,

But it stays on all night.

And today, as in the old days,

Illuminates the yard... (flashlight)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And stuffed all over?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our road... (suitcase)

She worked well

And buzzed and twirled.

The oak fell down near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk on the plank -

Rings fall down.

Took off all the shavings early

From every board... (plane)

In the morning only the dawn will dawn,

And she's cutting grass.

There is still dew on the flowers

Mows them in the meadows... (scythe)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he'll hit the wall... (nails)

Who with an iron head

Will he chop firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roaring throughout the yard -

This is working... (axe)



Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for grandchildren,

Tell an old tale

With honey will give pancakes? -

This is our ... (grandmother)

Pointy nose, steel eye,

In the ear - a thread-girlfriend.

Helped to sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like herons - long-nosed,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters ...(spokes)

Tell me quickly

What is a ball of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

Long ponytail...(clew)

A close relative of the broom

Sweep corners in the house.

He is certainly not a bum.

Litter will help to remove ...(broom)

There was a fat man once in vogue

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam

Tea was preparing ... (samovar)

In the garden we carry by the handle

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This...(watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers

The Miracle House has opened the doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts

Waiting for a glass house - ...(greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground

They poured clean water.

Time flew by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile labors -

Get water in it.

Just pour it, you look - spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This...(sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric with a needle quickly scribbles.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

Sewing their sewing ...(machine)

He is in the kitchen or in the dining room,

The tablecloth is covered with a new one.

Feet rested on the floor.

Guessed? This...(table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies sit side by side.

Bake them very cleverly

The oven named...(oven)

What a miracle, who will tell me?

Waving wings on the field

And the flour is grinding ...

What is this? (Mill)

Who could drive through it

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy hill!

Guessed? This...(grater)

He saw a lot of boots

He lived his life at the threshold.

On the soles of dirt and rubbish -

Wipe your feet on ... (carpet)

Grandpa's riddles

Wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody

Our beloved ... (grandfather)

Two lenses, frame, temples

Ears hooked.

Not newbies on the nose -

They fit well ... (glasses)

Can you wear flowers in it?

Both nuts and mushrooms.

Try a little -

Weave from the vine...(basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see many lines there.

In the lines - the news of the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this?(Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

For you to sit down and rest

We have in our apartment...(chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is driving ... (car)

We will tie a thread to the pipe,

Let's catch a fish.

Thread and tube

What is this? (Fishing rod)

During the day he does not mind taking a nap,

But it stays on all night.

And today, as in the old days,

Illuminates the yard ... (lantern)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And stuffed all over?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our travel ... (suitcase)

She worked well

And buzzed and twirled.

The oak fell down near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk on the plank -

Rings fall down.

Took off all the shavings early

From every board...(plane)

In the morning only the dawn will dawn,

And she's cutting grass.

There is still dew on the flowers

Mows them in the meadows...(scythe)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he'll hit the wall...(nails)

Who with an iron head

Will he chop firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roaring throughout the yard -

It's working... (axe)

And at 10 years old, a son or daughter is still a child. Therefore, parents periodically need to show their attention to the child. Riddles for a child of 10 years old will help to have fun and plunge headlong into the game. The most important thing is to find suitable tasks so that they are diverse and on different topics.

Riddles for a child of 10 years old about objects in the house

Children of ten are not quite small anymore, but they have not yet grown up, so questions should be asked in a fun, rhythmic and inspiring way. There are a lot of things in the house that you can make riddles for a child of 10 years old, so you should use your imagination and start entertainment program prepared in advance. For example, you can take the following options:

It consists of two halves

If the wind blows, our things will be saved.

And if we forget to fasten it,

Clothes from the balcony will take off, do not return.


These shreds hide the lights at night,

To keep us from sleeping.

In the morning they don't let the sun in

They worry about you.

There are multi-colored

What are they called?

It tells us how to dress.

It got warmer - the column began to rise upward,

And when it's cold, he crawled down from the cold.

And he knows exactly which of us gets sick.


Some are wooden, some are plastic

Their colors are also different, everyone chooses for himself.

They are wearing a jacket and a dress, and a blouse, and pants,

There are a lot of them in the closet.

What are they called, tell me?


A piece of wood is a piece of wood, but we need it on the farm.

It is covered with natural fabric.

If the dress and pants are wrinkled,

Everyone is turning to her for help.

What do you call it?

(Ironing board)

From this spout you wash your face, brush your teeth, and bathe.

In the kitchen, the spout also serves faithfully, we will wash the dishes from it,

We'll clean up, cook dinner.

There are numbers on it - do not count,

But it's good that we have it.

After all, without him, we will lose count of the days,

And with him we know for sure all the weekend.


Its window is a porthole,

As big as a plate.

Washes our clothes

Will give purity and aroma to things.

(Washing machine)

Both boys and girls will definitely like such riddles for a child of 10 years old. Therefore, moms, dads, grandparents should definitely take them into account.

Riddles for children 10 years old with answers about products

Puzzles about food can be solved by both adults and kids. Of course, riddles for a child of 10 years old should not be too easy. It is also worth making sure that the daughter or son can understand what the essence of the matter is. For example, you can take into account the following riddles:

They are eaten with cheese and ketchup too,

They look like raw long sticks.

Children usually love them

Of course, this is…


crispy greens,

White-white inside.

In the country you collect

You enjoy drinking.

What kind of vegetable is this, answer me, my friend?

Pot-bellied, red, juicy,

Useful, very tasty.

It grows in the garden

It will definitely fit in a salad.


From this berry jam is very tasty,

Yes, and it is also very raw.

Pink, for colds for children

And it helps adults, what is the name of the berry?

It is necessary to include in the program with questions that the child must answer funny riddles for children 10 years old. After all, fun will only add the desire to create and solve, so parents should pay attention to this fact.

Riddles for children about toys and technology

At the age of ten, the child is still playing with his favorite toys, and also, he is fluent in technology. Therefore, riddles about these items will be interesting and inspiring. Examples include the following ideas:

What a box, it has a lot of wires,

I turned it on with the remote control - and I'm ready for the cartoon.


It has many different functions

There are also countless games in the open spaces.

Letters can fly through them to friends.

Sometimes you sit with him for a long time,

This makes mom and dad a little angry.

And how do you put it on charge -

Finally, look at your notebook.

(Mobile phone)

We collect it with the whole family,

The game is very interesting

Made up of small details

Then the assembled figurine stands for a long time.


Such riddles are interesting and within the power of a child of ten years.

How to lure a child

Of course, the best motivation is the promise of the fulfillment of what the child has long dreamed of. For example, going to an amusement park. Only the promise must be kept so that the daughter or son knows that parents can
