Women's logic. Everything you wanted to know about how to touch a girl A guy starts pawing his girlfriend

One corridor, the second, turn left, then right ... She obediently swam where she was directed, she was still immensely happy. Her idol was leading her somewhere, he was saying something in her ear, he was joking, he was hugging her, he was so close! One could only dream of this.

He said something to her, but she did not catch it and only nodded, because it was stupid to ask again. She gazed into his eyes with admiration.

From somewhere, another bottle of champagne appeared in his hands (it seems they grabbed it as they passed another bar), and, continuing to walk, they now took turns kissing the neck, trying not to pour themselves and laugh. She was already completely stupefied from all this, she had an absolutely crazy look. And Kumir, it seems, was completely delighted with her, he whispered in her ear, taking out the keys to the door when they finally arrived.

- Oh, how many cosmetics you have! she stared admiringly at the mirror shelf densely packed with vials and jars when they entered the dressing room. - Can I see it?

- Of course you can! and he put his arm around her waist from behind as she looked at his collection. “And you smell delicious,” he brought his lips closer to her neck.

- "Hipnotic ... poison" ... "Dior", - it suddenly became difficult for her to speak.

- I feel like "Hipnotic", - he began to feel her breasts, pressing from behind.

- I ... just ... an autograph ...

- Why is there "only an autograph"! - one of his hands reached under her T-shirt, and the second began to lift up her skirt. - You can leave something better as a keepsake.

“But… I…” She felt the hardened bump of his pants rubbing against her ass, and it was getting hard for her to breathe.

- Oh, what an elastic ass you have! - meanwhile, he began to pull down her panties, while squeezing her chest and not paying attention to her mumbling. “Where are my prezis?” he reached for the box on the shelf, unbuttoning his fly.

– E… I… just… an autograph….

“And you’ll get an autograph, too,” he tilted her, trying on from behind. - You will definitely get it. Bend your back a little... That's it, well done... - For some reason, she could not disobey him. - Stick out your ass a little more. Fine…

… She saw in the mirror her own dilated pupils and the reflection of Kumir's face, swaying to the beat of his pushes, and the photograph that slipped out of her hand, smeared with some kind of cream, fell into the sink of the sink.

Well, nothing, they promised to give her a personalized poster.

59. Insolent dad

She had been a teacher for ten years, but this was the first time she had encountered this. It would have been hard to imagine a greater insolence. Not only did he squeeze the girls at every opportunity, but in Lately began pawing her too. It can be seen that the hormones completely hit him in the head, removing the last brakes. It was time to call the parents, the guy blossomed completely.

And in the evening, after the end of the lessons, she was waiting for his dad, sitting in classroom and reviewing the results of the last test. He was clearly delayed, and it began to annoy. Time passed, the school had been empty for a long time, and it was time for her to get ready to go home. Finally, the door creaked, and a late parent appeared on the threshold.

“Do you know what time you are coming here?” she chuckled, not deeming it necessary to stand on ceremony. “By the way, I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour.”

“I didn’t calculate,” his eyes were as insolent as his son’s.

“One field of berries,” she thought, “well, both of you will wait at my place!”

“Sit down,” she pointed out to him on the desk bench, and she sat down on the top of the teacher's table. Sounds like you should have been more confident with him.

“As you say,” he narrowed his eyes, glancing through the slit of her blouse, and, opening his son’s diary, sat down at the desk.

"Wow! Yes, dad, it seems, he himself is still that macho, - she noticed his look, - this is clearly hereditary.

Did your son tell you why I called you? - she reached out to fasten the top button of her blouse, but suddenly realized that by doing so she would show her weakness, and lowered her hand. With this insolent it was necessary to fight with his own weapons.

“Yes, you wrote notes here for bad behavior,” dad casually pointed his finger at the diary.

What does "written" mean? You don't like it, do you? she was indignant.

“So what did he do?” The guy.

- And what of the fact that "guy"? You can now dissolve your hands, do you think?

- Normal sexuality in the boy is formed. He's not trying to squeeze guys. We should rejoice in our time.

- Well, you give! Do you know that he is trying to paw me too?

- What does "slap" mean?

“To paw” means “to paw.” In the truest sense of the word. No need to be silly! she couldn't resist.

“And he told me that he accidentally touched your leg,” dad grunted as if nothing had happened, he was clearly not embarrassed by anything in his son’s behavior.

- Accidentally?! Yes, you know how it was? His attitude was beginning to irritate her.

- Tell me.

- We talked with him in the same way as now with you. I tell him about the girls' complaints, and he grabs my leg.

– Yes you that?! Dad was surprised. - So, "grab"? Like this?

- Yes, he takes it and brazenly strokes my leg with his hand. Now I’ll show you “how,” she got angry, and, taking her father’s hand, ran it over her knee.

- Is that all? He didn't blink an eye. “He just struck like that, and that’s all?”

- Yes, he didn’t strike, but stroked. Obviously stroked. Like this, - and she once again ran her father's hand over her leg. - Do you understand? - Indignation appeared in her voice, but dad remained imperturbable.

- Well, is it "patted"? "He stroked" - if only like this - and he, slightly squeezing her leg, slid his palm from the knee up to the very edge of the stocking. His eyes clearly lit up.

- Yes, it looks like you are teaching him this! She shudderedly pushed his hand away.

- What should I teach him? Everything you want to learn can be learned on the Internet… And that's it?

- You THIS is not enough?! She rolled her eyes indignantly.

- Well, little things. Pampering, - dad grunted once again, not paying attention to her ardor.

- Wow "pampering"! She continued to turn on. - Do you know how he squeezed Masha ?!

- Is that how you "squeezed"? He probably touched it too, that's all.

- I tell you - squeezed! I went into the locker room of the gym and let's grab her by the chest.

- And he says, only touched. They argued with the boys that he would do it. "Squeezing" is something else in my understanding.

- And what then "squeeze", in your opinion? She sighed, barely able to contain herself.

- Squeeze, it's like that, - and dad suddenly grabbed her chest, and then began to knead her. She was taken aback by his outburst. - You see, - he was clearly carried away, pawing her with undisguised pleasure. - I'm squeezing you.

- Yes, you! .. Yes, you! .. Insolent! - She slapped him hard on the arms, already choking with indignation from such impudence.

- Well, we analyze the behavior of the son. Pure pedagogy,” he removed his hands with obvious reluctance. - Was there anything else?

“More ... He also grabbed Katya by the ass,” she took a breath, blushing and clearly not expecting such a turn of events. Dad just shocked her. The second button on her blouse was unbuttoned, and her bra slid down a little, revealing the top of a completely appetizing chest. She herself, agitated, did not notice this, and her glasses moved down on her nose.

- Yes, he says, he pinched jokingly, and that's it.

– Is it called “joking” by lifting up her skirt?! Do you take this as a joke? She nearly spat out her saliva.

“But all the same, he pinched everything,” dad, just not licking his lips, looked askance at her peeping breasts. It seems that he did not at all condemn the unbelted son, and his thoughts were directed in the same direction.

- Yes, she said in tears that she grabbed with both hands! Grabbed and groped! Do you understand this?! - She insisted that she was right, but, catching his eye, she could not stand it and turned away in embarrassment, buttoning her blouse and straightening her bra. All the same, she could not be imperturbable with this insolent.

“Look what it means to feel,” taking advantage of the moment, he began to knead her buttocks from behind.

- Hey! she cried, trying to fasten the button with one hand, and with the other to push the impudent impudent away. – What do you allow yourself?!

- And what, you also climbed under your skirt like that, you say? Right here and climbed? meanwhile, he lifted up her skirt, continuing to be free with might and main and not paying attention to her resistance. - That's how he lifted and groped?

This frank rudeness of his was so shocking that it was as if they hit her on the head with a butt. She had never experienced anything like it in her life.

“Y…yes…w…are you…what are you…doing here?” she uttered with difficulty, stuttering and dumbfounded with confusion.

- Well, not the same? Isn't that how he did it? Yes? Not this way? - clasping her with one arm from behind, with the second he was crushing her buttocks with might and main, which, by the way, were her weak point. It hit her in the head from such pressure.

The way you touch a girl for seduction directly affects the outcome of ALL your efforts. Even if you did everything right, and she began to be interested in you, the wrong touches can cross out all your efforts.

But what should be the "correct" touch - we'll talk in this article.

When can I start touching her?

Perhaps this is the most main question all guys.

Some say that girls should be touched immediately on the first date or even when they meet. Others - that touching a girl "without loss" is possible only on a second date.

Some guys start touching already on the first date. For others, the opposite effect occurs.

What is the reason for the different reactions of girls?

In fact, this can be easily explained. In the case when she does not have a strong interest in you, your touches when meeting or on a first date can be perceived with disgust. At this moment, she immediately has thoughts in the style: “ What does he allow himself? I didn't even know if I should go on a date with him.", and your chances are drastically reduced. And this is not surprising - after all, for her, you are just another guy who wants to slap her on (at the same time, not at all interested in her).

Therefore, in the case of weak interest (or lack thereof), the ideal time for touching is.

In what cases can (and should) start “early” touching?

If you saw her when you met strong interest in you, it is important to start touching her at the first meeting. So you greatly increase your chances of seducing her already on the first (or at least on the second) date. If you don’t start touching on the first one, you will reduce the chance that she will come to the second.

Guys usually think it's wrong to start touching a girl early. And if these touches do not follow, then she understands that the guy is a “brake”. Naturally, she no longer wants to put herself in a stupid position by giving you signs of attention.

Pay attention: when it comes to a busy young lady (and you are 100% sure that she is busy with someone), then these rules do not apply to her. In this case, on the contrary, it is better to take a little time to increase the sexual tension between you.

Where to start, or why not right off the bat

Let's say you realized that she is a little interested in you (but not so much that you can immediately paw her). Then remember the main rule: touches should start smoothly.

First the ends of the hair, the earrings (with an "accidental" touch on the neck), the arms, the elbows. Then, you can take on the shoulders. Then briefly touch the waist and almost immediately remove the hand. And only after a while start touching her more intensely.

Why not immediately start with hugs around the shoulders or waist?

There are 3 reasons for this:

  1. This will cause a lot of tension, and she will want to interrupt your touch.
  2. Even if she herself wanted you to start touching her, she will be more aroused by “accidental” and short-term touching.
  3. When you start abruptly and intensely, it is difficult to assess the degree of her interest (you can only find out about this if you touch a little).

Confidence at the touch

It may also be that when you start touching a girl, at that moment she can look sharply at you.

Many guys at this point think that she didn't like it, or that it's too early. And they remove their hand, or openly show fear of her possible reaction (looking into her eyes).

How to touch a girl correctly, and what should be your reaction at this moment?

If suddenly she turned her head sharply, then do not be afraid. First, take as an axiom the fact that if you start touching it, then it is a priori not too early (but very much on time). And pretend you didn't notice her reaction at all.

For example, if before the moment of touch you told interesting story, then continue to tell it at the same speed and with the same mood. In the case when she removes your hand, pretend that you did not notice this at all, and continue.

If you are afraid of her anger, and your mood changes, consider that you he himself stole a certain percentage of the chance to seduce her.

"Closer-farther" at the level of kinesthetics

When a girl gives you a "green light" - you should not drive under 200 km / h.

Even if she doesn't mind being touched, it's not recommended to touch her during the entire date.

Because it can quickly get boring.

She should feel a slight hunger for your touch - so her desire will only intensify.

For example, holding her hand on a date and leaning towards her can remove your hand and lean back (for a while). And being with her at your house, do not always be there - when she is clearly not against your touch, move to the other end of the room.

And finally, if you are embarrassed to touch a girl, then it's not because you don't know how to do it. Most likely, you are simply hindered by your limitations. And the only way to overcome them is to go one step further each time in your touches than your inner critic allows you to.

I know that you came to this blog for knowledge and experience. The fact that you are developing is worthy of respect. But information from one article is often not enough, right?

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Many guys do not have a clear understanding of exactly how it is possible and necessary to touch a girl on a first date correctly in order to speed up the process of seduction as much as possible.

There are a few good technicians, which allows you to remain a Bad Boy to the end, it's very cool to have kinesthetics (touches) on a first date that goes beyond socially acceptable.

And now I want to talk about 5 ways to do kinesthetics in a playful frame

Method #1: Spank her

First, the kinesthetic in the playful frame is when we spank a girl. At what point can you do this? In fact, this can be done at any time. A lot of the girls I date I slap them on the butt right away. That is, he met and said “you were late” and on her ass. And look at the reaction of the girl, this is a great example of how it can be calibrated for her readiness for a quick seduction.

If you met a girl, said hello to her, took her by the hand, slapped her ass and said you were 15 minutes late, then the girl will certainly be outraged. But if you see that the girl starts laughing and shoving from it - she is yours. Here's your first criterion for how to calibrate it.

Try it on your next date, which will be a fast food date, and see how she reacts.

If suddenly somehow the girl reacted to your act, she will definitely watch how you react further. Your task is to remain in a state of total lack of seriousness as long as possible.

The best option is when, in addition to kinesthetics in a playful frame during Friday fast, if you work especially in the image of Bad Boy, turn off seriousness altogether. Do not give the girl the opportunity to understand when you are serious and when you are not.

What to do if she says "I'm leaving now, what do you allow yourself?"

If, let's say you met a girl and gave her a pop, let's say she bounced off - the girl bounced back with bulging eyes and said, "Do it again, I'll go home," then you just look into her eyes and say, "Oh cool, I'll go with you ".

She must see that nothing can break through you. And no matter how seriously she reacts to you, no matter how seriously she tries to talk to you, your reaction is a lot of fun for you and everything is fun for you. And here you are all so cheerful and vulgar and you absolutely do not care what she will say next - this is exactly what will work!

It happens that girls begin to express their dissatisfaction on a date, you touch her, for example, and the girl says “stop, what are you doing? , I'm not comfortable, I'm not pleased, you are now invading my personal zone.

What should be said? Someone will say, "Well, listen, I want to touch you, it just seems to me that you are ready."

How to properly respond to this: “Listen, but you don’t invade my personal zone, I’m tired of waiting for this to happen, so I do it. I like it, very cool. You'd rather be upset that I wouldn't want to do this. It often happens to me that some girls come and I don’t even want to touch them. And you're cool, I want to touch you. And you are still indignant, you would be glad that the guys are nice to touch you.

When else and why can you spank a girl? For any reason, you can come up with it in half a second!

For a long time trying to make an order to the waiter - slapped on the pope. Didn't answer your question, got slapped on the ass. You asked what time it is, she didn't tell you. You said to spoon feed you, she didn't feed you.

Method number 2: let her spank you!

The second way to use kinesthetics in a playful frame is to get the girl to spank you. Everything is very simple, if the mountain does not go to Magomed - Magomed goes to the mountain.

How can this be done? You just take the girl's hand, it works especially great if she also turns on her seriousness. Because girls know that seriousness is their very cool weapon that works flawlessly.

If suddenly this weapon doesn’t work on you, the girl gets lost and doesn’t know how to behave with you and understands that standard techniques don’t work with you and starts to become interested in you even deeper. Seduction is accelerating.

Accordingly, if a girl reproaches you for something very serious, for example: you are terribly frivolous, you constantly touch me. (this happens when you went on the attack, hurried up, you see that the girl is not ready yet).

In this case, the girl makes a stern face, says, “I’ll get up and leave now, how do you behave in general, what do you allow yourself?”

Then you make a very sad face and say “Damn, you know you’re right. I’m very bad…” and immediately grab her hand in the wrist area and start – if you’re sitting next to me – start hitting your thigh with her palm and say “ Punish me, I'm a bad boy, please punish me.” Make her spank you - spank me, I'm a bad boy!

Method number 3: make yourself feel!

If you see that a girl does not move well, If it’s hard for you to touch her, what can be done in this situation?

If we are talking about kinesthetics in a playful frame - take it and make yourself paw it, everything is simple. Again, if she does not allow herself to be touched, make her touch you, herself. A lot of girls, it's very turns on.

Let's say you are sitting with a girl, and you are trying to touch her for some part of the body, she does not give. You try to touch her knee, you put your hand on her thigh, she removed your hand. You say "OK, then you touch me, then you hold my knee"

Take her hand and put it on your knee and that's it. Here you took the initiative and the girl does not know what to do. Another option is when you are just sitting with a girl talking and she is fiddling with something in her hands, for example, it happens that a girl sits and constantly turns her phone or some other object in her hands - she drinks coffee, takes a spoon and twists it in her hands, gets distracted and you noticed it.

Tell her, “Listen, stop fiddling with the spoon,” take the phone from her hands and put it aside and say: “That’s it, switch off the phone, start touching me already.” Take it in the same way by the wrist and put your hand on your thigh, on your knee, anywhere. That is, any part of the body.

Method number 4: listen to the heartbeat

What does it mean? You look at a girl and say "You're so cool" no matter how she reacts to your touch. If a positive reaction, she likes to listen to "You're so cool."

If there is a negative reaction to your actions, you say, “Listen, you are so beautiful when you are angry, it’s simply unrealistic, I can’t take my eyes off you. I look at you and directly admire you, I just can’t contain my emotions. »

Take her hand by the wrist and place it on your chest. And squeeze her hand so that she grabs you strongly right by the chest. Accordingly, as soon as she starts to touch you, the kinetic effect immediately works, she begins to perceive you as a sexual partner.

The girl will also react very positively to this. And any of her reactions - she jerked her hand away or, on the contrary, held her hand on you - can be properly used to develop communication. You can become a little more serious and say, “Listen, is your heart beating? Maybe it stopped, from the fact that I fall in love with you, I am speechless, just from an excess of feelings, from the fact that you are near.

Let her really try to listen to your pulse. For her, this will be a break in the pattern, usually guys don’t behave like that. If on a date a guy with a girl invites her to listen to his heartbeat, even if you do it in a joking manner, she will appreciate it, she most likely has never had anything like this on a date.

Method number 5: Now let me listen to you!

Once this all happened, if the girl listened to your heart, what is your next reaction? So she achieved the fact that she found your heartbeat, counted the number of beats per second, measured the pulse.

And you immediately begin to simply brazenly paw her breasts!

The girl at this moment can react in completely different ways, she can give you a slap in the face, you will say "Oh class, I liked it so much, come on only now on the other cheek and stronger, because somehow you put a bad blow".

She can laugh. How often do I do it myself: I grab the girl by the chest when I say “let me listen to you now”, at this moment the girl’s instinctive desire is to protect herself from such impudence. And it begins to close in order to block access to the chest for your hand, rounds the back and takes the diaphragm back - it's all like a boxing stance, they collect the shoulders forward and up.

Girls begin to instinctively do the same. What am I doing at this moment? Let's say the girl is sitting to my right. I grab her chest with my left hand, the girl instinctively groups up and at that moment I right hand I intercept her from above by the shoulder, because at such a moment it is easy to hug her. Here she is all ready, I take her by the shoulders, press her to me and begin to hug her, and left hand I remove it from my chest, pressing even harder to myself. A girl at such moments experiences simply unreal emotions, absolutely all girls really like it when you hug them like that.

After that, she will most likely allow you to continue hugging her like that, she will relax and snuggle up to you a little. Try it, it will work very cool.

The mind-blowing technique of provocation

You also take the girl’s hand by the wrist and say: “Listen, I look at you and understand that you are so cool!” This is an option if she reacts well to you.Tell her: "You make me dizzy", etc.

If she reacts badly, you also benefit from this reaction, say "Listen, you are so angry, but so sexy, I'm already turned on!"

After that, take your hand and try to put it in your pants so that she touches your cock. When you take the girl's hand and say, well, listen, don't let me touch you, then you touch me. And put her hand on your chest. If you see that a girl is being led, she likes it, she touches your breasts, she says, for example: “Oh cool, athletic breasts!”, Lead her hand so that she strokes your stomach, then a little lower and further you start sharply pull your hand in the direction of the pants to the penis.
Many girls get frostbitten, but they are terribly turned on by this. There are girls who, if it suddenly turned out that you are sitting in a sufficiently secluded place, where there are no prying eyes and the girl is not shy, then she will grab you by the dick. And if the girl did it, then that's it, you seduced her. After that, you can just get up and leave with her to have sex.

By the way, if you want to really QUICKLY and EASILY get super high results in dating and seducing girls on the Internet, then the first thing you need to do is use the secret techniques that I talk about in my book. "Dating on Autopilot"

Harassment has become the most annoying word of the outgoing year. But not with us, but there, across the ocean. Harassment destroys destinies and ends careers. For him, men are removed from high positions and deprived of high fees. Yesterday he was still a prince, but tomorrow he flew back into the mud. Producers, comedians, journalists - every week another upset celebrity appears in the news bulletin and their name is legion.

Harassment, to put it simply, is humiliation or harassment, usually of a sexual nature. Although not necessary. It may simply be the insulting attitude of the strong to the weak, or of the more titled member of society to the defenseless. This is a purposeful, conscious humiliation or persecution of someone who is weaker.

As a rule, this happens at work and most often between men and women. And the victims were women. In America, they rebelled for their rights. Almost launched another wave of the feminist revolution. But, as in any revolution, if the first heads fly off for a cause, then the second ones are already for the company, and the third-fourth-hundredths simply fall on a long conveyor crawling to the guillotine.

However, what happens across the ocean stays across the ocean. Their feminist wave did not reach the Russian shores even with a weak splash. We can boldly say this: our society is special, different and unique. Place signs here - plus or minus - at your own discretion. And our society is silent. I had a hard time finding those girls who would want to tell their story of harassment, our Russian history. They were not easy to persuade. And they all asked to hide their appearance.

These are girls from different walks of life, from different walks of life. However, after reading their stories, it becomes clear that Russian society is permeated from top to bottom with this silence, bashful, frightened, downtrodden. And most importantly, those girls who are so fond of being called the fair sex and solemnly dragging them a bouquet of carnations to work feel completely powerless in our vast country. It's really creepy.

Svetlana. zoo employee

What's happened?

I was 24 or 25, I came from a small town. Our people are more polite, after all, everyone knows each other and there has never been such a thing that someone pestered. I didn't even know what it was. I arrived alone, I didn’t have a boyfriend, my dad wasn’t here. That is, such a small, thin, absolutely sonorous, thin, such a whole girl.

And we have a man at work, he is very physically strong and quite authoritative. He is not a director there, no one, but maybe in the zoo physical strength is the main authority.

And it began, once, I feel, I touched it in the ass. The first time I didn't understand at all. The second time you start to resent - what is it, don't touch me! He laughed, turned around and left. Then further: by the ass, by the tit, between the legs, put your hand in the order of things. And it turns out that he walks like this and sticks to almost all the women there. Some women take this as an absolute compliment: they giggle, wag their asses and move on.

He touches my ass, he can pinch me in the corner and start touching. And at the same time, he’s really, really, very strong and it makes no sense to hit him or what’s just scary, there’s no point in screaming. He is immediately like: okay, what are you, - with such antics.

I don't know if a person considers himself sexy to hell or what, although it's scary, like a nightmare. Well, when I spent the night with the animals at the zoo, I fed the monkey, he comes in and starts to lock the door with a key. I was afraid that he would catch me now and rape me somewhere. I turned around, I'm shaking, I have tears in my eyes. Well, everything, I think, kryndets. And so he looked, turned around and left. The man himself has two daughters.

In short, how did it end? You seem to be growing up. He approached me again, and with all my might I kicked him in the leg with my boot, so heavy. He scolded me and left. And the second time after that too. I kicked him in the leg. Well, that's all. And then she moved on to another job.

But he got all the girls and some girls cried and are still crying because of him, but some giggle or meet him. I think that maybe some women take it as a compliment and start to show off with it: oh, they noticed me, yes, I'm so attractive, since they touched me in the ass.

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What's happened?

For the first time it was at the university, in the first year. It was New Year's Eve. I came all dressed up, as it should be for a seventeen-year-old freshman. And some grown man starts making small talk with you from afar. And I'm still such a little fool, I hung my ears. Then this man begins to take you by the hand, stroking you in every way, and it already becomes unpleasant.

It was the dean of the faculty, but, thank God, not mine. He was very upset that it was not mine. He's like, umm, well, maybe you'll transfer to us, I'd give you all kinds of support. With exams there. Well, that is, you are initially already offered. He let me climb and touch, and I ran away. But for sure there were those at his faculty with whom he held hands and not only. How did they act in this situation? After all, these people are looking, as a rule, for those who are weaker. And I think they do.

And then you can blame the girls for not being able to say no. But we are brought up that girls should be nice. Now I'm already an adult and would say who he is and what he is. And then I just after school. You come at that age, look - oh, this is an adult! And somehow the idea of ​​telling him that he's an asshole doesn't come to mind. And you start to think: it's probably my fault, probably the dress was short.

And at work I have - already in a different form. My boss thought he was giving compliments: to compliment the figure, the legs, the rest of the body. But these are not compliments. For some reason, it is believed that women like it, maybe someone smiles and giggles, but I don’t think anyone likes it when a person who has some kind of power over him does it.

Or here we were at the script reading. There are about twenty people in the room, and the director can say: "No, you know, I generally think that women ... Why are you even climbing somewhere? The main thing for you is to learn how to suck!" And everyone sits like that, lay-la-le, well, what do you say, like. This is the norm in cinema. They often say so.

On the other hand, when a man is molested. We had a real case when a gay director molested a male actor, he complained to the producer, frightened. And there was already, they say, a poor boy, but how is it, they stuck to you, well, we'll figure it out. That is, they will go towards him. And if a woman - then everyone thinks that she herself likes it and, in general, she herself is glad.

hey, ass, chick, chicken" - that's all. And if someone complains or says that they are pestering him, they will laugh at him and that's it.

And I don’t know anyone from the film industry who would rise very much through the bed. Even among actresses. That is, the bed as a social elevator does not work much. And those girls who made it through, they plow in, they just need to be a head taller than men, otherwise they won't be noticed.

There was a case when the director of editing, a man, completely ignored all my instructions. He said: no, I won’t listen to you, you sit there, cook borscht. And he said directly: sit down, fool! He needed to insult several women like that, and one of them very powerful, in order to get him fired.

But if you turn, then where to turn, to whom? If there was some kind of labor commission that would follow. And so there are no structures where you can complain. And it's impossible to prove it. The only option is to change jobs, leave yourself. And I can't imagine what would have to happen for the leadership in the Russian television and film industry to intervene. Except rape.

Have you compared Russia and the USA?

In America, anyone can be blamed now. This should all be checked. And so they said something about a man and threw a shadow. This is reminiscent of the Caucasian countries, only the other way around: they said gossip about a woman - and they already look askance at her. But I myself lived in the States and I can say that no one bothers at work, does not allow dubious compliments.

Even on the street. States - the only place where I allowed myself to walk in shorts. Here, in Russia, I never walk down the street in shorts in the summer. Because you'll hear a lot of that and you'll regret wearing them at all. In the States, too, of course, not everything is smooth, but better. Although men are very careful, there are special places where a young man can compliment and not be afraid, such as a nightclub. And so they are afraid, but maybe they just keep their distance. Their law prohibits, but we do not.

When I worked with the Americans at the Olympics, I realized that they had a working relationship. They sent me a thick desktop book, where everything was in general: what to say to whom, what questions to ask. Do not ask about age, about religion and politics, about personal life. There are very, very many.

Even gestures are indicated that cannot be used, because they can offend other people. So everything is clear in the business line. At least outwardly. Of course, I may be an optimist, but it seems to me that we are slowly developing following the example of all other countries. Even if you try to conserve it, it is unlikely to freeze completely. I hope that little by little we will get better.

Evgenia, manager

Why are you taking pictures of me outside of our working relationship? This is not normal, this is not healthy! ”He can just as well answer:“ You are driving, it seemed to you, ”and make you look like a fool. Therefore, all this is slippery, unhealthy and abnormal all the time.

Apparently, a woman should be just happy that a man paid attention to her. But this does not particularly bother anyone, because we have a deeply traumatized country. All this falls into the abyss, and you will not receive much support.

There are many such cases. I have friends in both trade and banking in various positions. It's easy on every level. But in fairness, it must be said that such behavior is inadequate not only from men to women, but also in the opposite direction.

Take at least all these crazy corporate parties. When drunk female accountants all want to sit on their laps. Accountants are a conditional example. I'm fine with accountants.

My friend, she worked in a bank, had a manager who really dressed like a stripper. She went to work in latex shorts and was very fond of making lovers among her subordinates. She walked straight and looked for the victim. And at all sorts of corporate parties, she lured dudes or jumped on a security guard in the middle of the dance floor, almost sat on his head. This is super trash, but this is the reality that surrounds us.

But it's definitely harder for women. And no matter what position they are in. Here in the leading spheres, it seems, there are educated, smart people, but everything is the same. All these jokes are compliments about the chest, the priests, how someone dressed. Dressed, of course, only to attract compliments.

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Have you compared Russia and the USA?

I think it's very difficult in the States to avoid going overboard at times like this. Because it took a very long time to accumulate everything. This is the history of feminism. All this violence has been going on for so many years, and that's why it's the way it is now. But it is a big and important process. But we, of course, with our mentality are still a long time before that: and go, and go, and plow, and plow.

It is very difficult for a man, when he is simply in a stronger physically or more powerful position, to imagine that the jokes and remarks that he makes in passing can be extremely uncomfortable for a woman.

It doesn’t even occur to him that if, for example, he is in this place, he comes to work five days a week and five days a week some bull who is bigger and stronger than him will come up to him and will tell jokes about his priests, about his smile and everything else, then he will very quickly begin to feel lousy.


What to do?" And the problem is that there is no unequivocal answer to it. After all, legally harassment is not a crime. In the criminal code there is only "compulsion to sexual actions." And then there must be blackmail or the use of one's official position. sex in the workplace - without love and under duress.And these are not strokes and dubious compliments.

Three years ago, the State Duma wanted to pass a law on harassment, where the perpetrators were fined from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. But in the end, the project was cut down, summarizing that the definition of harassment was painfully vague. You can sue for sexual harassment if they forced the girl to quit her job. Since this is already discrimination, for which, according to Labor Code, should be punished. In practice, there are only a few such cases, while there are thousands of cases of real harassment.

It’s just that everyone is silent about it, because they don’t know where to go. There is no clear and transparent scheme. There are no high-profile cases and serious punishments for misconduct. It turns out that everything is almost allowed. If it's quiet. After all, no matter where you turn, no matter how much effort you spend in the end, the criminal will not be punished. Hence the apathy, and silence, and unwillingness to get involved - a vicious circle.

You can get out of it only by starting to talk about what is happening, probably.

Summer. My wife and daughter in the country, I'm on duty in Moscow. The hour of the night.
Call. Concerned voice of the wife:
- Wow, what to do? Tanka (girlfriend) got a huge butterfly in her ear and it won't come out!
I advise you to find tweezers in your cosmetic bag and use them. A minute later I receive an SMS with gratitude. This is backstory.
From the testimonies of eyewitnesses, it was possible to establish the following: After midnight, after putting the children to bed, two girlfriends sit on the porch to drink honey and gossip about this and that. At this time, on a low-level flight, a healthy night butterfly crashes into the ear of one and crawls inside, after which it begins futile attempts to get out. Trying to free itself, the animal furiously scrapes its paws against the eardrum. It turns out that it is very painful. It also becomes obvious that the female ear is deep enough to accommodate a fairly large insect, and it is not possible to extract it with your fingers.
At the Extraordinary Council, a decision was made not to summon Shoigu for the time being, but to make do with improvised means. For example, a toothpick. After several sensitive injections in the ass, the poked creature decides to leave the sadists through the brain, but the female eardrum is strong enough and the escape attempt fails.
Further, the Council decides to drown the arthropod, and get rid of the body with a strong jet of water. The victim moves to the shower. Flushing brings some results in the form of a cessation of squirming, after which the experts conclude that death due to drowning has occurred. However, it is not possible to extract the corpse with the pressure of water.
An attempt should be made to replace water with air. A powerful Delonghi vacuum cleaner with a removable dust container comes into play. A visual inspection of the container shows no butterfly in it, a visual inspection of the ear confirms the disappointing conclusions of experts - drowning led to bloating of the body, which prevented suction.
The High Council makes a brilliant decision. Since ear blocking during takeoff can be eliminated by swallowing, experts come to the conclusion that the ears are connected with the nasopharynx, and therefore with each other. A pump for inflating balloons is taken into the light of God.
Attention! Under the drum roll, the pump, of course, is inserted into the ear opposite the affected one. However, the failure of the experiment proves the erroneousness of theoretical calculations.
Finally, the Council decides to give up the futile struggle, the help of the hall and 50/50. A call to a friend is selected. Further you know.
P.S. The extracted insect immediately rose into the air and, swearing softly, flew to the nearest lamp to complain.
