English Eccles Cake «Eccles Cakes. Machine Molded Products New Year Treats in Ireland

Complex food supplement

LAXA-cake 200

(CJSC "Company MILORD", Russia)

Complex food supplement LAXA-cake 200 used to improve the rheological properties of dough in the production of frozen semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, chebureks, pizza, etc.) and dough for national bakery products (lavash, pita, etc.)

Main cast

Starch, soy flour, bleaching agent and antioxidant (E223).

Benefits of using "LAXA-cake 200"

  1. Increases the plasticity of the dough;
  2. Contributes to obtaining dough with optimal rheological characteristics, providing ease of dough processing and product molding;
  3. Prevents the formation of microcracks on the test shell and the disclosure of products during freezing;
  4. Provides the necessary cooking properties for finished products (the transition of dry substances from dough to water is reduced, products retain their shape);
  5. Improves the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product (color, taste and consistency of the dough);
  6. Does not require changes in the technological process of production adopted at the enterprise;
  7. Does not contain components from genetically modified sources (GMI).

IDK - 55-75 units. device (it should be noted that the higher the IDK, the lower the dosage of "LAXA-cake 200" should be).

For other characteristics of the flour, it is necessary to contact the specialists of CJSC "Company" Milord "to adjust the recipe.

1. Preparing the dough

The complex food additive LAXA-cake 200 is added in dry form to the flour and mixed well. Then the remaining components are added, according to the recipe adopted at the enterprise.

Name of ingredients

Recipe, kg

machine molding of products

manual molding of products

LAXA-cake 200

Premium flour



3. Product molding

Carried out in accordance with the technological instructions adopted at this enterprise.

Storage conditions and shelf life

LAXA-cake 200 stored in a cool dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20º C and relative air humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life - no more than 12 months from the date of production.

Quality assurance

Complex food supplement LAXA-cake 200 passed the hygiene assessment.

This is a fabulous apple pie! We can say about him that he is good for all occasions, at any time of the year. Quick and easy, ideal for beginner cooks. Any kind of apple is suitable for him. In short, not a pie, but a fairy tale!

Begin. First, you need to knead the dough. It mixes easily, in three steps. Combine eggs with sugar, lightly rub with cottage cheese and pour in melted butter or vegetable oil.

Add baking powder.

Add flour and knead the dough.

Roll the dough into a ball, put in a bowl, cover with a towel or lid. For now, let's get on with the apples.

Cut apples into thin slices.

Add date syrup and sugar. If date syrup is not available, use any other fruity, dark syrup.

Cover the baking dish with baking paper. Lay apples on top.

Roll out the dough, cut out the shape and close the apples.

Bake in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

Allow the cake to cool, invert onto a plate, carefully remove the paper. You will get a pie with apples on top.

Serve with syrup for tea!

Ireland is considered one of the most mysterious and interesting countries in the world, which attracts thousands of tourists every year. If you want to meet New Year in an unusual setting, it is worth going to. New Year traditions in this country are harmoniously intertwined with Christmas, complementing each other and creating an amazing festive world.

Preparation for the holiday

Every Irishman considers it his duty to start preparing for the celebration in advance. Already in the twentieth of December, the streets and central squares are transformed: original illuminated compositions appear in the windows, fir trees decorated with multi-colored garlands are installed, and numerous lanterns are lit.

Special attention deserves Christmas markets, which open at the end of December. The fair for the Irish is a great opportunity to buy souvenirs made in traditional techniques, as well as buy gifts for relatives and friends.

As for personal space, the locals pay special attention to its cleaning. The fact is that, according to folk legend, only in a clean room the new year will “enter” with pleasure and bring health and prosperity. The apartments are carefully tidy, and all old things are thrown away. Clean tablecloths are laid on the tables, a New Year's beauty is placed in the living room, and a wreath made of needles and cones is hung on the front door.

How the holiday is celebrated

The meeting of the New Year is associated in the minds of the Irish not only with a family celebration, but also with a sense of joy and noise. Therefore, on the night of December 31 to January 1, a crowd of people gathers on the main streets of large cities, which actively takes part in mass processions and events. On the central square, a bewitching action is unfolding, which is a theatrical show program with the participation of the best creative teams of the city. By midnight, fireworks of amazing beauty can be seen in the sky, which as a result turn into a festive fireworks display.

Some Irish prefer to celebrate the New Year at home, gathering for family table. At the same time, local residents believe that during the New Year's Eve one should not swear or offend anyone. Often the owners open the doors of the houses so that anyone can go to the light and take part in the celebration. Such hospitality, according to local residents, will provide financial well-being for the whole next year.

Festive table

Irish cuisine combines simple ingredients with exquisite taste. Among the favorite foods of the Irish, a separate place is occupied by potatoes, meat, cabbage and other fresh vegetables. On the New Year's table must be present:

  • lamb stew;
  • colcannon (mashed potatoes with herbs and cabbage);
  • boxy (potato pancakes);
  • coddle (stew of sausage, vegetables and potatoes);
  • dessert Goody;
  • various puddings;
  • crubins (stew of pork feet);
  • stewed lamb.

Locally produced beer and whiskey are used as alcoholic drinks for the New Year. An integral New Year's dish in Ireland is a seed cake, which is a fragrant bread with the addition of caraway seeds. Tasting a piece of seed cake is an obligatory ritual that brings success in business.

New Year traditions

New Year celebration imbued with ancient customs that have survived to the present day. Many of the rituals have pagan roots and are aimed at attracting good luck next year. Among the most significant traditions for the Irish are:

  • fortune-telling on the betrothed, which consists in the fact that the girls in new year's eve put sprigs of mistletoe or lavender under the pillow in the hope of seeing a future spouse in a dream;
  • before the onset of the New Year, the Irish ring bells to scare away the evil forest spirit and bring peace and tranquility to the house;
  • treating strangers and neighbors with a variety of sweets on the eve of the holiday.
  • arranging firewood is an important element of the celebration, as this ritual is designed to bring comfort and spiritual atmosphere to the house.

Also for the Irish, festivities are of great importance, during which a kind of purification from bad thoughts takes place. The noise made by a crowd of people, according to legend, can ward off misfortune from a person in the coming year.

Irish Santa Claus

As in other countries of the world, Ireland has its own New Year's storyteller. Since ancient times, he was called Daid-na-nolag, and outwardly this mythical character resembles an old man with a long white beard. He wears a red cloak adorned with white stars. In the hands of the Irish Santa Claus instead of a staff, a bag and a magic wand with a star-shaped tip.

Modern Santa Claus looks almost the same, but as time goes on, he becomes more and more like Santa Claus.

Daid-na-nolag puts gifts for obedient children either under the Christmas tree or in shoes placed near the fireplace. If the child behaved badly all year, then he will be punished in the form of deprivation of a gift. Irish children two weeks before the New Year begin to write letters to the main storyteller of the country and look forward to his arrival on New Year's Eve.

Where to celebrate

Today, companies focused on tourists from different countries, offer a lot of options for celebrating the New Year in Ireland. Firstly, it can be either the capital or any small town. In Dublin, you will have the chance to see with your own eyes a three-day New Year's festival, taking place from December 30 to January 2. In addition, if you wish, you can walk along the cozy streets, look into local pubs, listen to pleasant music and explore historical sights.

Secondly, lovers of thrills and picturesque landscapes should go to Achill Island, where dawn is greeted on New Year's Eve. This is a bewitching spectacle, which is accompanied by applause and shouts. On the first of January, a swim in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean is organized for the daredevils.

Of all literature, JRR Tolkein's Middle Earth tales, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings , top the list for enrapturing my entire family. From my little girls to my older-than-me husband, we Fishers all love the hobbit folk and their funny ways.

Sometime this month, we're going to head to the movie theater to watch the first installment of The Hobbit . But, before we do, we're testing out a number of hobbit-like recipes.

A few weeks ago, I posted my beloved . Over on the Mushroom Channel this week, I shared a breakfast to tempt any of the Shirefolk . Today, I present authentic seed cakes, worthy of any dwarf.

Seed cakes figure prominently in the Unexpected Party that Bilbo hosts for the band of dwarves that come knocking at his door. I did a fair amount of research about the cake before I made one. I was surprised to find out that the seed involved was caraway! Nowadays we associate the caraway seed with rye bread, but in olden days it was standard in a cake, much like a pound cake.

I took a seed cake recipe from Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management, 1861, and updated it for modern times. The result was quite interesting. Here's the original recipe:

A VERY GOOD SEED-CAKE.1776. INGREDIENTS - 1 lb. of butter, 6 eggs, 3/4 lb. of sifted sugar, pounded mace and grated nutmeg to taste, 1 lb. of flour, 3/4 oz. of caraway seeds, 1 wineglassful of brandy. mode .-Beat the butter to a cream; dredge in the flour; add the sugar, mace, nutmeg, and caraway seeds, and mix these ingredients well together. Whisk the eggs, stir to them the brandy, and beat the cake again for 10 minutes. Put it into a tin lined with buttered paper, and bake it from 1–1/2 to 2 hours. This cake would be equally nice made with currants, and omitting the caraway seeds.

Time .-1–1/2 to 2 hours.

Average cost , 2s. 6d.

seasonable at any time.

My kids love rye bread with caraway seed, so it was hard to get over that savory association. You can certainly make the cake without caraway or substitute poppy seeds, something we might try next time. Or as Mrs. Beeton suggests, use raisins instead of seeds.

But this is a more authentic “seed cake,” similar (I hope) to what the dwarves might have been expecting as they sat in Bilbo’s parlor.

Print This Recipe

Recipe: Bilbo's Seed Cakes


  • 2 sticks butter, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon caraway seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon each nutmeg and cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 4 teaspoons demerara sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 300°. Grease four 4 1/2-inch springform pans.
  2. In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs, one at a time, scraping the bowl in between additions.
  4. In a second bowl, whisk together the flour, caraway seeds, and spices.
  5. Add half the flour mixture to the butter mixture, stirring well.
  6. Add the brandy and combine.
  7. Add the remaining flour mixture, being sure not to overmix.
  8. Spoon batter into prepared pans. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon demerara sugar over the top of each cake.
  9. Bake for 35 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Cool on wire racks.
  10. For freezing: Wrap cooled cakes in plastic wrap and place in a ziptop freezer bag. freeze. To serve, thaw cakes, wrapped, at room temperature.

Preparation time: 10 minute(s)

Cooking time: 35 minute(s)

Number of servings (yield): 12

So, 1793. On the corner of Vicarage Road in Eccles (Eccles, Lancashire, England) in the shop of James Birch, small flat puffs with berries and spices appear on sale. They sell out instantly. Let's go back 24 years earlier, to 1769. Mrs. Elizabeth Ruffald, housekeeper and confectioner at Arley Hall, Cheshire, wrote the culinary bestseller The Experienced English Housewife, in which she included the recipe for what is today Eccles cake. It is not known where Birch got the recipe from, but it was he who first began selling such pies in his store in the city of Eccles at the intersection of Vicarage Road and St. Mary's Road (now Church Street), thanks to this dessert he became famous all over the world. Just imagine that as early as 1818, pies began to be sold not only in all markets and fairs in the area, but they were already being exported to America. The Eccles puff issue is even being debated in Parliament in order to protect the brand outside of Britain (can you call pies Eccles cakes if they are not made in Eccles). The history goes back to the depths of centuries. It is impossible to build a connection between Birch and Mrs. Ruffald, who died 4 years before Birch's store opened. It is strange that Birch's company was founded in 1796, when there is good reason to believe that he began selling Eccles in 1785. Despite this, throughout history, the Ackles family keeps the recipe secret and does not give out secrets. One of Ackles' favorite expressions is "The mystery dies with me." Confectioners had to literally guess the ingredients and try to prepare this miracle dessert. The authors of the books were forced to write recipes, so to speak, "to their own taste." They bought Eccles in different stores and came up with recipes to taste. Recipes of the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries have a significant difference. But Mrs. Ruffald's original recipe was found. And I want to open this veil before you friends! The composition of the pies included: a mixture of meat (minced meat), as well as apples, oranges, nutmeg, egg yolk, currants and French brandy wrapped in a good layer of puff pastry, which was either baked or fried. The fact that the Eccles were exported in 1818 also suggests a very good preservation, as the puff pastry may contain ingredients such as cognac and rum. Birch's recipe was a little different. But the essence of this dessert is in tender puff pastry and always with currant filling! I already really want summer, fresh berries, but for now we do without them. Everything has its time. I suggest you try the recipe closest to the original, in my opinion, with homemade puff pastry! Recipe from a British pastry chef. Help yourself!
